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Thursday, January 21, 2016
Friday, January 15, 2016
KS Reality Talks: Stephen Redding Part 1+2 - 9 & 15 January 2016
KS Reality Talks
Christopher V Comstock
An interview talk with Stephen Redding
Some of the subjects discussed:
KS and the Human Psyche
Organic KS vs GMO KS
'Building Earth' memories,
Different agendas within the Shield,
Other groups coming in and applying their political agendas to the planet .
E'ashas emotional issues and repeating patterns,
How KS doesn't focus much on dealing with and healing emotions.(really need to mention A&Rs, they touch VERY SLIGHTLY on it)
Being cut off from parts of the group for speaking things we feel.
Relating with others that follow different belief systems.
Healing ourselves, co creating healing with others
A bit on David Garza
Bonding and ETss
Jobs and staying true to our purpose
Easha copyrights
Getting ousted from groups, FatalE
A bookstore experience
The Norway Spiral event
Question about agendas -'Secret Book of John'
Detox and Diet
MUSIC 'Murmuring Mermaids'Artist: Lunz Album: Lunz Reinterpretations Released: 2002
Follow up - 2
MUSIC: General Fuzz - Comfort Zone

Wednesday, January 13, 2016
KS Reality Talks: ' Rakmeister '( Rha / EG ) January 12 2016
KS Reality Talks
Christopher V Comstock
An interview talk with Rakmeister (RhA/EG)
Christopher V Comstock
An interview talk with Rakmeister (RhA/EG)
Censorship with the FT's (Freedom Teachings) is discussed in great detail. Some discussion of what the 'Stealth Shield' is. Rakmeister shares how he has developed his own line of information from the FT's and the expansions he has experienced from this. We discuss the many different representations of the FT's and where the 'official' version of histories and agendas begins and ends.
MUSIC: 'Spirit Of Life' by Blackmill
Links referenced:
Status Update Aurora-Earth Perspective -EG 2015
12 Stargates Que-sites, Ark Gates: Controlling fractions / Status #UPDATED 2015-RMT
Hand/Palm-lines part
Links referenced:
Status Update Aurora-Earth Perspective -EG 2015
12 Stargates Que-sites, Ark Gates: Controlling fractions / Status #UPDATED 2015-RMT
Hand/Palm-lines part
Or listen/download via soundcloud Audio/only
Soundcloud: (not working)

Energetic Synthesis: Genetic Mutations - Newsletter January 2016 |
January 2016
Genetic Mutations
Dear Ascending Family,
Happy New Year! During the past few
months, the planetary body is undergoing layers of subatomic shifting in
the lower particle dimensions. As a result, many of us are experiencing
dramatic changes happening in our physical body. If we can stay awake
in the fields of chaos while these areas of dark matter are dissolving,
we have the opportunity to create diamonds from out of these pressurized
Those of us participating with our
Ascension and evolutionary development are enduring a very complex
process of consciousness embodiment and Lightbody changes, as we bring
new DNA imprints into the physical world at this time. This means that
what was previously an instruction set written into the unmanifest
blueprint, which was held as a genetic imprint in our Lightbody, is
translating itself into the manifest and becoming physical. The first
Ascending groups, primarily the spiritual families of Starseed and
Indigos that incarnated for this purpose, are enduring challenges that
greatly impact the function and operation of their physical body for
this reason. These new DNA configurations are specifically related to
sections that code protein chains. Protein coding genes communicate
messages that are sent to the body in order to control its functioning.
The coding region of a gene, also known as the coding sequence, is made
up of exons. Exons are coding sections of an RNA transcript, or the DNA
encoding it, that is translated into proteins.
As humans embody more of their higher
consciousness, this is re-stringing the DNA configurations. As these
new protein-coding sequences are recorded, they update morphogenetic
imprints in the collective human race mind. This means new blueprints
for protein coding are being translated into the collective
consciousness field. To counter this, the NAA strategy is to flood known
chemicals and toxins into the human population, in order to suppress
human DNA from opening these new instruction sets. This Starseed mission
is referred to as Ascension Genetic Pathcutter prototyping, whose
purpose is to stimulate the clearing of ancestral miasma and heal DNA
patterns in order to build new protein coding sequences that assemble
DNA. This occurs through the process of consciousness expansion and is
directly related to the energetic synthesis between the forces of
polarity that exist within a spectrum of frequency. This spiritual
alchemy is only possible while incarnated in an ascending human body.
When we embody our higher spiritual bodies, it has an impact on our
physical body’s metabolic pathways. Specifically, we experience changes
in how the body synthesizes proteins and transfers energy into the
mitochondria of the cell. (See Citric Acid Cycle or Krebs Cycle)
What is transpiring at the physical levels of human bodily evolution, is expanding into new human race DNA configurations or Genetic Mutations,
during this timeline. The higher level of DNA becoming activated now
through new protein coded genes is unprecedented on the earth plane.
Proteins are assembled from amino acids using information encoded in
genes. Proteins perform a vast array of functions within our body. This
includes catalyzing metabolic reactions, DNA activation and replication,
responding to stimuli, and transporting molecules from one location to
another. This change impacts the planetary cellular record and further
changes the configuration of particle matter composition and how that is
arranged in the raw material of the human body. Proteins are the
principal performers within the cell, and carry out the duties specified
by the information encoded in the genes. Hence, many of us are
undergoing drastic changes within our physical body functioning during
this phase.
In a few short years, groups will study
what is occurring to sections of the population now, with these genetic
anomalies that are evolving into the human body. This will provide
direct evidence for evolution of the human species, which will become an
indisputable fact in the science and spiritual communities.
Essentially, what is occurring is the process of Genetic Mutation
through protein coded chains which stimulate great evolutionary change
over time. These changes impact human DNA which alter consciousness and
this greatly impacts the future evolution of humanity.
Changing Context of Evolution
Thursday, January 07, 2016
David Wilcock/Corey Goode Interview- Jan 2016 - Secret Space Program, ET Disclosure, Inner Earth
David Wilcock and Corey Goode discuss the Secret Space Program, ET
Disclosure, Inner Earth, Current Events, Middle East Conflict and more

Wednesday, January 06, 2016
Simon Parkes: Connecting Consciousness - 03 January 2016
Simon answers questions from chat:
His show is on the 1st Sunday of Every Month on @WSR
The books mentioned by Simon are:
"His Dark Materials" Trilogy by Philip Pullman.
"The Golden Compass" is one part of the trilogy.
( Note: @screen: the 6th Dec is a old image used for/to
attach to mp3 recording for making the video, date is 3 Jan 2016 )
You may post questions to our hosts here.
Please put the Host’s name in the Subject field below.
If you wish to to receive latest news, fill in the e-mail address.
Thank you for posting your question.
His show is on the 1st Sunday of Every Month on @WSR
The books mentioned by Simon are:
"His Dark Materials" Trilogy by Philip Pullman.
"The Golden Compass" is one part of the trilogy.
( Note: @screen: the 6th Dec is a old image used for/to
attach to mp3 recording for making the video, date is 3 Jan 2016 )
Ask Question
Please put the Host’s name in the Subject field below.
If you wish to to receive latest news, fill in the e-mail address.
Thank you for posting your question.
Via: Studio9jam
My links:

Ascension Whispers: Your Power to Create |
The body is a vehicle, or container, that allows our Source conscious mind to experience thoughts. That is the only purpose and role of the body. All of humanity are of the “same” Source conscious mind. The planetary, Source conscious mind is the “core of the planetary hologram”. The planetary hologram is created within the zero 12 point sphere of the planetary conscious mind, or the “planetary plane”. The planetary conscious mind is held within the “solar plane”. The solar plane is the zero 12 point sphere of the solar sun conscious mind.
Our planetary, Source conscious mind is a lower energy, replicated mind of our sun conscious mind. ONLY our planetary conscious mind should be in control of our body.
The part of yourself that you call “you” is the planetary conscious mind. The part of yourself that is “looking” and “experiencing” the holographic reality field, within your body, IS the planetary, Source conscious mind. All of humanity is Source embodied. All of humanity is of the same Source conscious mind.
When humanity became disconnected from the Source conscious mind, over 26,000 years ago, the energy of Source that “was embodied” created an inorganic sub-conscious mind. It is the sub-conscious mind that had been in charge of, controlling, the bodies of humanity. Now that humanity is once again connected to the planetary, Source conscious mind, the conscious mind is the only mind expression that should be in control of the body.
The largest percentage of humanity remain in a sleep walking state, not yet able to become aware of the thoughts, held within conscious mind. Their body continues to be controlled by the sub-conscious mind, while they continue to heal to become aware of conscious mind. Many will not become aware of conscious mind until they complete the earth life experience and step out of the human body form. They still require more healing to allow them to become aware of Source conscious mind and the beliefs they continue to hold onto can block that from occurring.
Such people are not able to think beyond the illusion of manifest matter. They are not able to consider an unseen force, other than perhaps a “hidden god”, who is creating all of creation. They are not yet able to consider the fact that they are Source embodied. They continue to experience and “play out” the imbalanced thoughts, held within the sub-conscious mind. This is why the earth hologram continues to express with so much imbalance. Those who remain in a sleep walking state continue to create the imbalance.
For those who are awake, it is quite easy to become aware of the higher energy of Source that humanity is now receiving. Such people can “feel” the increasing energy, within their body. Not all people have yet associated it with the higher energy of conscious mind. They may only be aware of the higher energy as creating uncomfortable body symptoms. It is simply a result that all of humanity are at different levels of healing. Some ARE becoming aware of the thoughts of Source conscious mind. All such thoughts speak of love, balance, healing and all thoughts we would consider as positive thoughts.
Because the largest percentage of humanity remain in a sleep walking state, experiencing and creating imbalanced thoughts, such thoughts are the “critical mass” thoughts, that are being projected as the planetary hologram. That is why we can look anywhere and see imbalance.
Thoughts are zero charged, held within the zero point sphere, and only exist as “potential thought experiences” until they are drawn into the body. As we have the life experience, see and experience the things we do, it is a process of drawing thoughts into our body. The planetary zero point sphere is also called the collective pool of thoughts. Our Source conscious mind “projects” thoughts into the collective thought pool and each, embodied expression of Source, draws thoughts into and through their body, to experience the thoughts of our Source conscious mind.
However, the imbalanced thoughts of the sub-conscious mind are also projected into the collective thought pool. That is why we can become aware of them, anywhere we look.
When we are looking at the hologram, seeing and experiencing the things we do, we are pulling thoughts into our body from the collective thought pool. When we become aware of “new thoughts” that speak differently than the accepted norm, we are becoming aware of thoughts held within conscious mind as they “step down through our body”, into the collective thought pool.
When we sit quietly, focusing within our self, we are focusing “within” our Source conscious mind. Sleep walkers are focusing within the sub-conscious mind. For example, when we focus to try to understand something, to try to find the answer to a question, we are focusing within mind. Because most remain focused within the sub-conscious mind, I simply say a “state of mind”.
We cannot discover the thoughts, held within conscious mind, by looking for them within the hologram, because they are held “within us”. We can look at the thoughts of conscious mind as they flow back through our body, from the collective thought pool. That is what you are looking at now. You are looking at the thoughts of conscious mind, projected into the collective thought pool, and being delivered to you through me. I AM a “thought” of conscious mind, as is all of humanity. You are reading the thoughts held within my thought expression. They are thoughts I have embodied, translated through my body system, and I am gifting them to you for your consideration.
As you read, or integrate, the thoughts I share with you, they create “sparks” within your own body. Sparking creates more sparks, which create new brain cells, and allows you to think about thoughts you may never knew existed to consider. That is my current role, as an embodied expression of Source. To share the thoughts of conscious mind to allow sparking to occur within the body of anyone who has reached a point of healing to allow them to consider such thoughts.
To state one more time, the part of you that is looking through, experiencing within, your body is a state of mind. Mind is what consciousness is. If your mind was not plugged into your body, the body would die. That is what allows the body to die, mind unplugging from the body.
When I become aware of “new thoughts”, from conscious mind, they seem to simply drop into my brain. Sometimes it is a very large data packet of information. I see them all at once. It is as if a map is laid out before me, to look at and read the map.
When we are becoming aware of thoughts flowing back through our body, from the collective thought pool, we become aware of them in linear sequence. The body takes in streams of thoughts and we experience them as if they unfold one after the next. You are becoming aware of these thoughts in linear sequence, as you read the symbol of the thoughts, which we call words, in this article.
It requires a whole lot more time to put the thoughts into word symbols than it does to simply see the entire data packet at once. That is because putting the thoughts into word symbols requires the operation of the whole body, whereas looking at thoughts that open within your brain only requires the operation of the brain. It is why the body grows tired from putting thoughts into word symbols, whereas simply having thoughts open in your brain does not tire the body as quickly. In fact, it makes the body feel like it is high wired, with higher energy. However, as you look at the data packet, and integrate the energy of the thoughts held within it, the body will reach a point where it feels absolutely exhausted, and you must allow it to sleep to readjust to the instant burst of higher energy.
That is why it takes me so long to share things with you. It is a nonstop process of new thoughts dropping into my head and my body crashes into sleep mode after integrating them. Add to that, the increased infusions of energy we are now receiving from the sun mind and my body feels like it is on a roller coaster. The body can only integrate so much energy in any give cycle. When it reaches its maximum amount for its cycle, it will force itself into sleep mode. That is why you may reach a point of integration of a data packet and not be able to see beyond that point. The body must be allowed the time it requires to integrate the higher energy.
Understanding the Role of the Body
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