Thursday, May 15, 2014

The Crystal Seals and The ARC-TORUS Relationship +ADDON

ALL Images "I" added
Re-Posted with permission



The Crystal Seals and The ARC-TORUS Relationship

Tue May 13, 2014 4:42 pm (PDT) . Posted by:


Here is one I know will ASSIST EVERYONE,

A lot of people look at the world and wonder whats happening? how to fix fix the problems? without realizing our mental attention is a piece of who you are. to be careless with your mental attention is to be careless with a piece of yourself. multiply that times the populous. Every issue in existence is a product of being careless of our mental attention.

i noticed my SPLIT! IS ignorance of and lack of knowledge of first creation TORUS/MERKABA, in relationship to OUR BIOLOGY/MENTAL ATTENTION and THE ARCS. ignorance being the intent to change original first creation from itself, whether being doubt related like i didn't visualize the color enough or the right size or location, and "lack of Knowledge" being what i am about to type. This is a tedious one but will expand the conscious merkaba/torus to BIOLOGICAL FIRST CREATION. This is where A'san would tell everyone all the things the technique/symbol will assist with. Then Ashayanna "THE JOURNEY" would follow with assist OF herself. I represent the Rainbow Sun Kryst-all Matrix.

Here goes without MY above stated ignorance.

When you look off into the night sky, and look at the moon. Blink strongly and while the eyes are closed notice the flash of leftover light you see with closed eyes. This is called Optical Pineal Induction to some, but for this purpose we pass the pineal and go to FIRST CAUSE LIGHT IN THE VISUAL CORTEX and where it came from. the flash of light you see where the moon was is FIRST CREATION/FIRST CAUSE LIGHT from the sun off the moon and again bouncing in the visual cortex. where you see this is where the MERKABA TORUS that connects THE upper merkaba of the earth to our LOWER merkaba the 15 th Door Deep Space below our feet. You must use the MOON 'Light' because its relationship with the earth and sun, which is our 12(earth center) and 15(deep space below our feet) use any other light will distort the first cause light of 15 and 12.... the rest will happen accordingly.

Get a sense of spin. Start by standing and turning to the left specifically for the first cause moon light, not a matter of preference. Spin 2 or 3 circles with closed eyes and stop. Notice the spin to the left for a moment or 2. that is the movement of moon merkaba. just by intending to feel as though your spinning like that, while standing still will allow you to use the MOON to amplify the merkaba. actually spinning and stopping will effect the speed of the spin. the stronger the spin the more inertia.

because we are standing on the earth this next part also helps.

while standing on the ground tilt the head at a 45 degree angle and slightly cross the eyes up as if to look at deep space directly above the head. now while holding your eyes and attention, notice the lower peripheral just out of reach. THIS LOWER PERIPHERAL CONNECT TO DEEP SPACE BELOW THE FEET AND IS THE TOP OF THE 15 DOOR. by bouncing this FIRST CAUSE MOON LIGHT OFF OF THIS PERIPHERAL and allowing the spin to "SET THE LIGHT" deep into the DEEPEST Brightest DREAM will connect the 15 door to the BIOLOGICAL TORUS thru the Visual Cortex with Induction OF First Cause Moon Light and use of these specific PERIPHERALS.

My ignorance was shown by Ashtar, in a moment where he was forced to look at the word, Distortion, drawn in frequency of light, and asked to explain. His response was, as he looked at the word "my IGNORANCE" and he pulled his mental attention back into HIS attention on first cause MOON light.

Even if your not using techniques FIRST CAUSE/CREATION MOON light comes from the 15 Door. and is everyone's right to know about how it interacts the the realms of ETERNITY and the CREATION. you dont have to have to see the moon to use this one, just remembering the last time you saw it in its fullest original brightness will reset this 15 - 1 torus. Or if you remember being a child 5-10 years old looking at the moon(this distance from the present symbolizes depth) into the "eye". the stronger you open the eye, the stronger the torus will be. ONE being your vision of the moon, your sense of smell, taste, hunger, the sound of yunisun waves, heartbeat, and 15 being the sun in deep space below your feet just beyond that peripheral explained above.

THE ARC-TORUS is a way to move your mind in your body to generate an electrical charge like an electric eel then use the sun moon torus to align with the arc. The sun of Arcturus constellation is no different than ours and has moons it is relevant to. they create a galactic torus of there own for there people. as do the SUNS AND MOONS of other dimensions some of us have experienced as well. if the original symbol codes were created under a different moon, then this moon would almost be a requirement in this torus of the eye to illuminate and activate. why would you not want this moon in there anyway, its what helped form the original first creation part of the nervous system before the umbilical cord was formed and attached by the fetus. unless you have memories of another moon.
Rehost - Image.bayimg

There are many ARCS within the structure of our FIRST CREATION ANATOMY before the fetus attaches the umbilical cord. According to Science the entirety of our nervous system is completely formed before the fetus attaches the umbilical cord, which means EVERYTHING UR already exists. Put aside for a moment that they came from MOTHER AND FATHER and realize that THIS PART OF THE NEUROLOGY IS EVERYTHING YOU ARE. THE body its self is a product of THE WAVES OF THE NEUROLOGICAL ARCS. Some are planetary arcs some are galactic arcs some are electrical some are magnetic some are both. These arcs are the face of our true form. The waves of the neurological arcs all begin with the 15-1 torus. 15 in the lower peripheral just out of reach and the 1 being the depth and vividness of the inner EYE and the neurological ARC(s) you choose to fire with the TORUS.


this statement will become understood by the end of this message.

I would like to give you an introduction to being THE ARC. But first I would like you to become aware of all the neurons and wave peaks that we can actively use on command even if our intent is not strong enough to fire the neuron. To do this I will write a name and a description , for example, adrenaline - the initial sensation of the release and the sensation that lingers in the nervous system, you will intend on both at the same time even if your intent is not strong enough to create the actual adrenaline release, by keeping your attention on this you are still firing the neuron . While reading this list you may have or use other words for some things. Please keep this list free from changes even if you are used to another word or phrase. It will be as specific as I can get with out being face to face.

THE LIST - thru out this list i will use the word neuron, but am intending on the word WAVE for some of these neurons. you will notice the ones i speak of conbining these neurons and waves creates THE ARC.

Sleep Paralysis - There is a sensation, a wave and an auditory sound that accompanies sleep paralysis. The sound is that of the waves or wind in your head, you may have heard it just as you were falling asleep or waking up, it is actually the muscles surrounding certain blood vessels that flow next to the clair auditory nerve, as the muscle relaxes the blood vessel dilates and blood rushes past the nerve...the claire auditory nerve is also connected to the sense of smell and sense of taste.( if you can hear it, you can taste it, smell it, you can feel it, and with the right training you can even see it) the sensation/feeling can be created two ways or sensed in two different octaves, if you empty the lungs and hold , by the time you get to 30 or 45 seconds you will feel a sensation flash over your body. This is sleep paralysis during alpha with out paralysis. The body only becomes paralyzed if the delta or theta brainwaves become dominant, which brings me to the second way to feel or sense sleep paralysis which is thru the paralysis. You need a partner or timer that can go off every 5 minutes. Start with 4 second in breath and 4 second out breath for 5 minutes, and every five minutes add on 1 second to the in breath and out breath. For example after 15 minutes you will be at 7 second in breath and 7 second out breath. After 30 minutes you will be at 10 second in breath and 10 second out breath, keep this going until you become paralyzed....haha The first few times it may take up to 90 minutes.

Heart Beat - this one is self explanatory, you just keep your mind on the BEATS of the heart muscle. Not the contractions of the muscle.

Smell and Taste - focus on smelling tasting the Beat of the heart thru the SOUND of sleep paralysis then...follow The sound into paralysis itself

Hunger - if you have ever fasted before this one will be easy. Just intend on being VERY hungry. Even on a full belly you can stimulate HUNGER with intent.

Yawn - this one comes easy to some as well, just intent on yawning, if you touch the neuron you will get the urge to yawn weather it be a small tease of a yawn or a massive 10 second yawn, once again the goal is just to touch the neuron.

Full Bladder - if you have ever had to pee very bad this will come easy as well. Just intend on the bladder being full. You will notice that there is a sensation in your head and sometimes a sensation over the body that accompanies a VERY full bladder. It can be described as the sensation you feel when you chug a full glass of water on a hot day after a small jog or sport. You head and body gets a full, refreshed feeling.

Tears - crying is easy for some and difficult for others. Practice tearing up even if they don't roll down your cheeks, just touching the neuron is the goal. This one goes along with the full bladder.

Draining the Bladder - this neuron can be used with out actually draining the bladder, but first you have to get a sense of DRAINING the bladder, all it takes is waiting till you have to pee very badly, and before you pee close your eyes and start going, as you go notice the muscle controlling the speed of urination dilating, it will get wider, then wider again, then wider again, follow that muscle up into the sensation of sleep paralysis, from there you can hit the neuron with out peeing next time. There is also a sensation in your head associated with draining the bladder. It is similar to the one of the full bladder/ full head. Draining bladder/ draining head.

Swallowing - self explanatory, if you swallow while holding the sensation of sleep paralysis you can hit the neuron with out using the muscle. You have probably asked why a few times. When you use a muscle accompanied by the neuron you are exerting twice as much energy in which case raises the dominant brainwave to more than necessary for ARC. We are not the muscular body, we are the neurological body that is controlling muscular body. Our neurological body is a WAVE in its true form, by becoming the neurological body only with our mental attention, we shed the muscular body(the attachment) in which case allows for easier OBE's and ARCS. During the formation of the Fetus, "when did the mental attention form?":) this is a trick question. But to realizes that you must have knowledge of molecular formation not DNA formation, your head is in the wrong spot. Look up the standard heat of formation for the elements, which is our muscular body's true form. The standard heat of formation of calcium is 0. This is a trick as well. Standard heat of formations convert directly into Hz. Which in turn means that for calcium to for in the body 0 Hz is required. Before we take our first breath of air 0 hz is dominant brainwave. To have an oscillating brainwave fluctuating levels of hydrogen are required with breath. The umbilical cord does not form for weeks after the entire neurological body has formed. Because the sperm had no breath it was 0 hz. Feeding on the egg/making it a home at the same time. As the neurons formed the 0 hz brainwave began to run out , no energy left the umbilical cord formed, connects the placenta to the heart and the liver not the digestion tract. Which means the blood circulation triggered pH fluctuations and gave that little guy more energy for his 0 Hz brainwave to build calcium with. I am well aware that the fetus puts off other brainwaves but that's after the umbilical cord forms. This same idea is true for all molecules formed before the umbilical cord. They all have a standard heat of formation, which is = to is number in Hz brainwaves before the breath and blood trigger oscillating pH fluctuations. Standard heat of formation of Adrenaline is 439.17 Hz ... Its the highest BETA wave we can hit naturally while in the body. For ARC purposes we can become anything between the WAVE OF 0 Hz and 439.17 Hz while being only our neurological body. There are others in the body higher but that requires merging OBE.... Back to the list....:)

Adrenaline - this is a hard neuron for a lot of people to touch. The initial sensation of the release and the sensation that lingers in the nervous system, you will intend on both at the same time even if your intent is not strong enough to create the actual adrenaline release, by keeping your attention on this you are still firing the neuron.

The Sensation of Hyperventilation - to understand this one you have to know what is happening when you pick up your breathing rate. You are speeding up the exchange of carbon dioxide, and others between the muscular system and the blood stream. With hyperventilation comes a vibrating sensation of continued for several minutes. Your teeth, your face your hands and feet will all vibrate. "oscillate". This oscillation doesn't start until we take our first breath of air, although some of the exchanges are happening in the fetus due to pH fluctuations. Our first ARC was creating that neurological structure before the umbilical cord formed. WE(our mental attention) was taken out of the neurological body and into the Muscular body with the first breath, witch requires mental attention to operate. Back to the first trick question, when did mental attention form? You just learned. "WE" as(oscillating mental attention) AS A WAVE BEING- WAS ARCED INTO EXISTENCE BECAUSE OUR FORMING BREATHLESS BODY DID NOT HAVE ENOUGH RATIO OF WAVES TO FORM AND OSCILLATING WAVES TO OPERATE WHEN GRAVITY AND OUR FIRST BREATH REQUIRED MORE ENERGY" SO WE ARCED AGAIN. we gained the ability to ARC into waves to gain the energy we need to survive. Death is not a reality for those of the ARCS, we become waves, as we were before our breath. keeping your mental attention on the oscillations of hyperventilation even when your not hyperventilating will allow those exchanges to begin as they were before the breath and umbilical cord. Accompanied by a strong out breath and strong adrenaline release will generate a large electrical charge.

Upchuck - to get a sense of this neuron , just stick your finger down your throat and wiggle it. Ha. You will feel up chuck, your mouth will water, this is digestive enzyme, if you do it 3 or 4 times and swallow the saliva you will become extremely hungry in about 45 minutes or an hr. The digestive enzymes interact with stomach acid and create accelerated digestion. Which in turn creates extreme hunger.

Pooping - I have asked a few different people about this one, the next time you poop, notice the relaxation of the muscle and the sensation over your head and body. Just my moving your attention to the sensation over your head and body you are triggering this wave/neuron.

Orgasm/ Butterflies in your stomach - these two are associated with each other like 2 octaves of the same note. Mental intention can trigger both but usually only triggers the butterflies in out stomach. Tough to hit these neurons on command but possible. I like to like of someone sexy, then follow the sensation to the neuron.

Breath - in and out . Then intend on in and out while breathless to become aware of the neuron. breath plays a big role in the arcs and torus.

Voice - the neuron to the voice is PRE SOUND, you can reach this one by intending on speaking and pause just before the first vibration of sound is emitted from the vocal cords.
Equilibrium - stand and turn to the left 2 or 3 times then stop with closed eyes notice the field of unlimited potential spin. turn to the right and do the same. Equilibrium plays a big part in the ARCS of the TORUS

Sight - not eyes but sight its self you could compare to the SPERM seeing the EGG by sensing the torus and expanding INTO A FETUS as equal to the the way we see the MOON WITH CLOSED EYES and expanding THE IMAGE into the EYE with DEPTH AND DISTANCE.

Radio, Infrared, Ultra Violet, Gamma, X-ray, can all be seen WITH THE TORUS And are naturally emitted by humans with there There neurology, and are connected with the earth and sun EM fields using the spark I mentioned in the beginning and the TORUS AND ARC

By: FutureAgeSage

Formation of the Fetus - from Conception

Formation of the Neurological System
Hands and Feet (not fingers and toes)
Wrist and Ankles
Fingers and Toes and Body Expand

If you notice the brainwaves do not form until later. and the neurology the puts off the waves comes first :)

You could almost make yogic movements out of this list

Hit these neurons in order and you will know the first sentence of this section on THE ARCS.

start with empty lungs, begin a slow in breath, swallow, Sleep paralysis, hold the neuron while smelling and tasting the beat of the heart into the sound of sleep paralysis, swallow with a full bladder and full head, cry, , while holding these neurons begin the forceful out breath with adrenaline, sensation of hyperventilation poop neuron and upchuck , repeat this immediately, for better stronger results keep your head on your neurons. ONE THE ARCS
that is a small taste of our true potential. i mean no harm by my next sentence. instead of looking into the universe for SOLUTIONS, realize our true form is a wave bigger than the earth and sun... and the only thing that need FIXING is where we place our MENTAL ATTENTION ...first creation light and sound is always the strongest.

AZURITE PRESS LAYED OUT ALL THE SPIN RATES AND SYMBOL CODES AND TECHNIQUES. PUT IT TOGETHER. the rest of the world is not our concern, we were given the whole 15 dimensional multiverse to build ourselves. those that choose to follow choose to follow.

With BeeewD in mind,


[Excerpt: Sliders 10-1] Copyright © 2011 A & A Deane, All rights reserved;

Brother Jonathan,

I totally resonate with your suppositions. Back in 2008 I had a conscious cognition with a massive group of Arcturians that elected to embark in a Samurai style mass suicide in order to allow for our Ascension. Whether my experience was with the actual D7 Arcturians of our Star-Gate or with the Jehovian Phantom Arcturus that I don't know.

I believe THE KEY to whether or not the Ascension will pan out the way the Guardian Alliance envisions, the way the Alpha-Omega Templars envisions, a hybrid of both, and/or that which is unknown except to God-Source itself is THE ASCENSION OF THE CHILDREN ON THIS PLANET. A four year old is not going to be able to practice the ascension techniques of the MCEO. And if indeed the Type-1/Type-2 Indigo's children will automatically ascend out of the Earth drama, what about the rest of the roughly 3 BILLION CHILDREN that aren't born to the Type-1/Type-2 Indigos? There must be a Divine Plan in store for them as well.

All is in Divine Order in accordance with Divine Timing. We'll see how it pans out when the time comes. But before that moment happens, the Melchizedek Collective MUST resolve our duality.

With divine intenT,

-Chung Way Lao
+ quick addon on a comment re: Barbe:
You're very welcome. I have studied the KS/MCEO teachings sporadically on my own here and there since 2008 by looking up the concepts on I tried the path of the Emerald Order but its techniques did not have an impact on me. I have ADHD which is typical of a Type-3 Indigo so I find it hard to continuously read the initial starters kit material from On top of that I began my awakening process as a nimrod of the Alpha-Omega Metatronic Templar Melchizedeks (namely "The Revelatorium") as well as falling victim to the "false" New Age movement. As a disclaimer, via my own intuition, I feel that there is some truth behind the Metatronic agenda and to this day I integrate both factions in my personal discourse on what formulates the truth behind the New Age movement. Based on my own suppositions, I've determined that the KS/MCEO focuses on the frequencies of Inner Creation and the Alpha-Omega Metatronic Templar Melchizedeks the frequencies of Outer Creation. The KS/MCEO focuses on the ASCENSION PROCESS across the dimensional densities and the Alpha-Omega Metatronic Templar Melchizedeks focuses on the INSCENSION/DESCENSION/FALL across the dimensional densities. This is the main reason behind the incoherent perspectives on the "correct" mechanics behind the functionality of the Merkabah. In conclusion, you can very well consider me an "outsider" of the MCEO. "I am that I am." And I'm making you aware of this so that you can decide whether or not to accept me for my beliefs and who I choose to be as an individual given the deterministic choices that are presented to us as incarnates here on Earth.

There are 3 main obstacles that I've encountered with the KS/MCEO teachings:

1. Just like the 3D notions that currently exist within mass consciousness of Earth's population (such as our religions, prophecies, secret societies, etc.), the account, presentation, and tone of language used by the MCEO on the agenda of the Alpha-Omega Metatronic Templar Melchizedeks were initially riddled with FEAR-BASED premonitions, interpretations, and descriptions, namely that from The Voyagers Series. It wasn't until later that the Speakers decide to make note of the fact that the supporters of the "FINITE LIFE FREE WILL PATH" have every right in choosing such a path via their own sovereign self free will. The Metatronic agenda as presented by the MCEO is based on the historical patterns of the past as opposed to ultimate Divine Intervention as we've been led to believe via Earth's folklore. The point I'm trying to make is that the speakers should've known better than to "use fire to fight fire". But of course, everything has a Divine Purpose and until the day of the Zero-Point Interrupt, duality will remain amongst the Melchizedek factions.

2. The path of Ascension laid out by the MCEO excludes the majority of the population... as you very well noticed namely our children. The MCEO is very well aware that there is a "Light Side" and a "Dark Side" to the entire makeup of the higher self of the Angelic Humans but I haven't encountered ANY discourse from the MCEO regarding how their Ascension will take place. The "scariest" part is in having to give in to the MCEO's belief in the prominence of the path of Bhardoah Ascension given that the majority of humanity, even the Ascending Masters themselves, may still be afraid of physical death contingent on when/how their DNA activation takes place. The way I see it, based on the MCEO's perspective, your life as a human being is doomed regardless if you decide to choose the Metatronic Ascension Path or be subject to the Bhardoah Ascension Path. The only thing preventing us from doing so is our faith in the MCEO teachings that infinite life is indeed possible only if we choose the Ascension path of the MCEO. This is where I believe "The Dark Side of the Force" (so to speak) accounts for the Ascension of the rest of the population that the MCEO hasn't accounted for. Bear in mind that there are still 3 other primal Melchizedek Cloisters (Gold, Ruby, and Amethyst) that have yet to reveal their discourse to humanity to date. Via my own intuition, I became aware that personally I belong namely to the Gold and Ruby Orders without being able to complete the MCEO Krystal River awakening techniques.

3. In all seriousness... where is the SUBSTANCE OF SCIENCE behind Keylontic Science as presented by the MCEO to date? Is it hidden somewhere and only revealed to the higher echelon students? Or do even the Speakers themselves aren't aware of it in its full entirety? From monitoring this forum, I've realized that we've discovered more if it amongst ourselves than we've been taught.

Anyways... I really hope that the agenda of the Fallen Angelics as presented by the MCEO will bear little to no truth to it at all. There just has to be a reasoning behind it all. So all in all, I decide for myself that "In God I Trust".

With divine intenT,

-Chung Way Lao

#1  ________________________________________ 
 & ill refrain from commenting on the comments ill just leave it as it is. for folks to"get"the other parts(info) on their own speed and progression of level of awareness and conciousnes of the person 

  Same as i(EG)  noted/added to a post myself this a long while ago and looked it up again with google:

The pituitary and pineal glands are opened fully and work together to create the ‘Arc of the Covenant’, a rainbow light that arcs over the top of the head to the third eye that is a decoding mechanism for higher dimensional language. (from an old post +ADDON  )

 #2 ________________________________________ 

likewise it reminded me of a recent read re Mont-Segur,. and  a "Power-Spot" Sitting position(reminded me also of that one in Peru... ) , and  Lotus ARC;s also that came from the person/being. and  also the nr of degrees.  and grid-links in that specific case. 

The fact this seat of power was not at a main crossing of cosmo-telluric lines, that its angle of open space was limited by the hill at its back and its side (while mountain peaks with a 360° angle abound in this region of the Pyrénées mountains) – all this points to a grid that had been artificially created for a specific purpose: to sustain the communication with other northern Indo-European high initiates. But moreover, the type of ray being used there doesn’t resemble the one of the Sacred Network. The energy lines coming out of crucial nodes in churches or religious buildings are arcs of whitish light and rather thick. In contrast, the lines converging on that precise Seat were sharply delineated straight rays, thinner than a pencil, fanning out at about the height of somebody sitting. There is a quality of light in the sacred lines above churches, an alive and vibrant luminosity, which was lacking in the Montségur rays. The latter were more like tiny laser waves piercing space (just as some of the connecting rays we saw). Of course, there could be other seats of power around Montségur, which would cover other fans of sacred sites, to the west toward the Americas and the Pacific, to the south toward the Middle-East, Egypt and North Africa, Black Africa, and all the Muslim countries. (Remember the lines are curved over such distance and that you need to use a globe to visualize them.) What if there were three fans of 120° angle?

If the link with other Indo-European sacred sites was the purpose of the Montségur Seat of power, then it would imply that each of the high places connected had its own Seat of power in the vicinity of the main temple (or node). And just with the fan I found, we are talking about more than a site for one ray, since each line crosses through a few sacred places while espousing the curvature of Earth.

The Montségur-Nasik line, for example, connects (among other sites situated along the curved ray) Rome, Mount Athos (and Thessalonica, northern Greece), then Ispahan (a sacred site in ancient Persia and modern Iran) before reaching Ellora and Nasik (two very near sites in the proximity of Bombay) and, after exiting India around Madras, it jumps toward Australia.

The fan between Brittany and India in fact covers all the Nordic and eastern countries. The line that, from Montségur, reaches the holiest mountain in Tibet – the Kailash, abode of the gods – goes through Angkor, the magnificent jewel of the Khmer civilization, before reaching the Mounts Arnhem in Australia and then New Zealand. Furthermore, great sites are often the meeting place of several religions. For example, three religions have their temples side by side in the magnificent mountain cirque of Ellora – Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism – and all consider it an extremely holy site. This may be the reason why the Seat of power in Montségur is not situated within the sacred building of a specific faith like the Cathars’ one. The southwest of France, once called the pays d’Oc (with its own language called langue d’Oc) is where the Visigoths (a Teutonic people that came from Central Europe) had settled, whom the Cathars claimed as their spiritual ancestors.
There you also have your link to the Solar(Sun) Salutation and Lunar(Moon) Salutation for setting/maintaining: correct "Krystic" Spin in Merkabah-mechanics ( as* some that was noted/reported on this blog here also once again in recent times. as its all connected <3 )

Add to that the ARC-Cluster-Hub Maps and you get a decent picture also for angle of Degrees the ARCHE's go and waht geometry you than get in accordance with krystic flow.  

now add an APIN to the Picture and one gets an Overview. if done properly... <3

Rehost - Lh5.googleusercontent

I did "see" lemme call it, she did post 1 video.. that indirectly directly related to some info i was checking out also. as info came to me :re: me in another... life-time but recent enough...   but video was Enya - Aldebaran. and other note ill leave out a it for now. unless asked..

Plasma Movments (tai chi) 


PS: The last "affirmationss" are: Exhale "Engage", Inhale "Entrain", Exhale "Embody"....

Here I show a demonstration of Plasma Movments "running the plasma's of eternal-internal creation", for personal self exploration only! It's a form of "tai-chi" but not only running chi-energy, but also Ki, Rey, Phrana, Mana etc + conscious plasmas.
The depth of info and further details is to be found in the:
Tan-Tri-AhUra - The Path of Bio-Spiritual Artistry®

i may or may not addonto the current version of post. if so ill add an #UPDATE tagg and time of most recent update vs post-date


Ra Ka Isha

Saturday, May 10, 2014

Adventures into reality: Veronica Keen and Andrew Bartzis, the Galactic Historian

Galactic Historian Andrew Bartzis and Veronica Keen first round on deep subjects about our past, present and future.

Galactic Historian Andrew Bartzis and Veronica Keen continue in this amazing exponsé of the current situation and their call to action this Summer.

Part 3

Galactic Historian Andrew Bartzis and Veronica Keen continue in this amazing exponsé of the current situation and their call to action this Summer.

(@end3 re france Question was mine)

The content below proceeds from recent conversations of Andrew with Linda Mc Callum a.k.a. Cosmos.
Below you can listen to the next set of recordings that I’ve created for you.  Simply select a player and hit play to start.

Content Batch 1

1 Degree of Seperation
Future Predicting
Free Self of Karma
Money Grid
New Earth 

Content Batch 2

1986 Reset
Divine Feminine* good one
Akashic Record
Cycle of Experience
Holding Unity Consciouness
Path to Enlightenment


Friday, May 09, 2014

Ascension Whispers: What is the Significance of the Time Shifts Every 30 Days?
was posted 4 May 2014


Time is an illusion which is created by the energy of Source stepping down in quantum from higher to lower accretion levels and the process of experiencing the illusion of time is the process of re-accreting the energy of Source from lower to higher levels of accretion.

As long as an individuated face of Source is imbued within the polarized frequency bands of a time matrix they will experience the illusion of time as the process of experiencing from one moment to the next.
When an individual plugs into a planet to have a life experience the incarnate expression adopts the time cycle of the planet. The point of physical body location upon the planet and the condition of the personal energy system sets the internal biological clock or the personal rate of energy accretion. The rate of accretion of the planet sets the speed at which a planet spins or rotates on its axis which determines how many minutes and hours are in a day for that planet; a full rotation of the planet on its axis equals one day.

The spin speed of a planet per the rate of energy accretion is determined by the spin speed of the units of light which compose the planet. The holographic image of a planet is made of light – sound particles of Source energy.

The spin speed of a planet and the spin speed of the units of light the planet is composed of determines the “denseness” of the matter body light particles as a faster spin speed means the light particles hold more energy and are hotter than light particles that hold less energy which are considered more frozen.
The denseness of a planet sets the mass gravity and the mass gravity sets the rate of orbiting the solar sun. The rate a planets orbits the solar sun determines the length of a year or the time it takes the planet to make a complete orbit around the solar sun.

A healed planet does not have a tilt to its vertical axis and so does not experience seasons as is experienced on Earth. A planets vertical axis should be in vertical alignment with the vertical axis of the solar sun. If Earth’s vertical axis was currently in vertical alignment with the solar sun the planetary environment would become too hot to support the current biological life forms of Earth but as the planets spin speed increases and the planet increasingly becomes less dense the planetary environment will continue to creates peaks of change and then balance periods. Weather patterns will continue to change in cycles as the planet continues to accrete the higher energy of Source.

Earth is experiencing the same inner matter body temperature fluctuations that the eternal life forms on the planet are but to much larger degrees per the mass size of the planet. Each 30 day time shift occurs as the planet is able to receive another infusion of the higher energy of Source which gradually speeds up the spin rate of the light units the matter base of the system is composed of and which increases the spin rate of all previously mentioned.

The spin speed and angle of the vertical axis is crucial as it determines “what the manifest hologram will express as”, be it one of balance or imbalance. Each 30 day time shift slightly changes the inner biological clock of the eternal life forms on the planet as well the light particles that compose the matter base spinning faster and faster per accretion of higher energy. The physical body responds uniquely with each individual as the internal biological clock continues to “shift”. We could compare some of those physical body symptoms as something similar to “jet lag”.

When you move your physical body into a different time zone (energy accretion zone) around the planet quickly, as in travel by air plane, you are rapidly stepping into a slightly different accretion rate. The distance the physical body travels determines the severity of jet lag symptoms an individual may encounter. International travelers may experience the largest degree of physical body symptoms that can effect things such as the digestive system and the process of the body ridding itself of waste.

When the physical body is rapidly moved across many time zones (accretion zones) the spin speed of the light units that compose the physical body is rapidly increased to the new time zone which can take a couple of days to adjust to and for the feeling of jet lag to wear off. Such does not occur when traveling on the ground at a slower speed as the physical body adjusts much easier to the time zone shift which occurs much slower.

When quickly traveling by air to a slower time zone the physical body’s biological clock can be effected with a feeling of being hyper or feeling like you have more energy which can create a feeling of jet lag but it is the opposite effect in which the body’s spin rate remains the same while the spin rate of the time zone catches up to match the body and then balance returns. Both types of jet lag make the physical body tired because it is dealing with energy spinning at a different speed than the current speed of the internal biological clock.
Some people may become aware of physical body reactions to the next 30 day time shift before the actual date of the higher infusion of energy as there is a “quickening cycle” that begins approximately 12 days before each infusion date. The quickening cycle is a gradual spin speed increase leading into the infusion time shift date, similar to the process of water slowly heating until it reaches the boiling point.

The higher energy of Source spirals into the planet from the Solar Suns non polarized vertical star gates of 12, 9, 6 & 3 held at the core of the sun and into the non polarized planetary star gates 12, 9, 6 & 3 held within the core of the planet.

The higher energy wave then steps down and circulates through the polarized plane “layers” of the planet from the inside of the planet outward following the Eternal Spiral Divine Trinity step down.The speed at which the infusion of higher energy circulates through the planet is determined by the contraction / expansion rate of the Divine Trinity which is an encrypted rate based on the condition of the planetary system and how quickly the planet is able to receive and integrate energy.

This process is extremely intricate and specifically timed per the encryption of Source original intent and ensures the system does not receive more energy than it can hold or faster than it can receive it which ensures the system is not blown up from receiving too much energy to quickly. The cycling rate of the Divine Trinity of Earth increases with an infusion of higher energy every 30 days as the system expands to be able to hold another infusion at the next 30 day time shift infusion.

This is an example of the expansion and contraction phase of the Divine Trinity numbered from the 12 point only of the Eternal Life Grid as it would take hours for me to do this for the entire grid but each non polarized vertical pillar point does the exact same thing, expanding and contracting from its step down point seat and then back into that seat and then ALL of it contracts back into the 12 pt seat and back out again. Each time the polarized points expand back out they hold 3 times as much energy as they did when they went in per the Divine Trinity quantum building process. (Please see Level 1 of the videos on the AW youtube channel for further understanding of the Divine Trinity quantum building process).

The phasing cycle of the Divine Trinity is what allows for “Eternal Life”; it IS “the fountain of youth” or the “holy grail”. The long sought after holy grail has been a search by finite life forms on planet to re-discover the exact center point location on the matter body expression of the planet that sits directly on top of the planetary core Divine Trinity.


The ancient continent of Atlantis was positioned at this point during that time period and is why it was the location that held a “crystal generator” keyed to the cycling rate of the planetary core Divine Trinity. It is what allowed for a free energy system for the people of that time period. The technology of the Atlantian time period was ran by “crystals” that were keyed to the crystal generator on the continent of Atlantis.
When the fallen ET races blew up the Atlantian crystal generator the blast instantly went directly into the planetary core and is what blew the grid connection on the planetary Eternal Life Grid at the 11.5 frequency band level disconnecting the grid from planetary star gate 12 and creating the 2/3 fall grid. A slight pole shift occurred which increased the planets axis tilt to the 23.5 axis tilt (it was already slightly tilted from previous attacks on the planet).

Of course sinking of Atlantis, islands and other land masses instantly occurred. Massive amounts of chemical toxins were released into the atmosphere and an ice age ensued. The planetary environment quickly radiated and any life forms that did not escape to the underground cave cities (Inner Earth) instantly died.
The pole shift that occurred shifted the center point of the planet on the mantel and placed that location in alignment with what became the Great Pyramid of Giza Egypt. The Great Pyramid of Giza and the Giza Pyramid Complex were built by fallen ET races exactly where it is located because it sat on top of the “holy grail” of the planetary Divine Trinity.

When the planet re-stabilized to support surface biological life the underground inner city people gradually made their way back to surface Earth to encounter the fallen ET godlets who came to Earth to take control but without memory of anything. The rapid fall of energy that occurred within the planetary system meant loss of energy for the embodied life forms and loss of energy means memory loss.

The ET godlets quickly went to work to create the pyramid network around the planet and key all of them to the Great Pyramid of Egypt which is built upon the mathematical program of the “flower of life”, later name the Fibonacci Spiral.

Each of the smaller pyramids around the planet were positioned to fill out the flower of life symbol pattern and each were keyed to suck energy that remained within the planetary grids and direct it to the Great Pyramid where it was used by the fallen ET godlets to control the masses via fear and to beam it off planet to feed the reversed, finite black hole of metatron.

There were and are different factions of competing ET godlets who came to Earth to take control, fighting over the energy stored within the planetary grids. Each faction claimed specific regions of the planet and taught the people in those locations what they wanted them to believe as truth. It was not hard to do since they had the magical power of energy that portrayed them as gods and the people were terrified of everything.

They quickly believed the godlets and all of their lies of safety and protection as well as providing the “mystical” things they required to be able to have food and survive. Control the food system and you control the planet!

The godlets fed the people all kinds of lies via fear and torture and is why the people offered sacrificial offerings to the godlets to appease the godlets least they rain down fire, destruction and death upon them.
But the ET godlets could not remain on planet for any length of time as the 1/3 energy of Source still held within the planetary core made them sick and would kill there matter form if they stayed too long. The giants reported in ancient history and of which many skeletons have been discovered around the world but quickly hidden by the controlling factions never to be spoken of again, were fallen ET life forms sent to Earth to control the planet when the ET godlets were not around.

The mission of the fallen ET giants was to do genetic manipulation via laboratory experiments to create a mutated matter body form that could support the virus consumed finite ET godlets to allow them to incarnate into the Earth hologram. It took the fallen ET life forms some time to create a mutated gene code and DNA structure that would allow the virus to live within it.

There were many experiments done with the human DNA gene code and animals alive on planet at that time. There were many strange creatures created that were either different parts of animals or part animal and part human DNA gene code. But of course the powers of today desire us to believe all of those stories were simply myths and those creatures did not really exist.

The reported lineage of the human population being said to be via the ape is a result of previous DNA genetic manipulation of trying to create a mutated matter form they could exist within on planet. The Eternal life form already existed prior to the genetically created ape / human gene code. The Eternal life forms of Earth did not evolve through ape ancestry but did live along side of them for awhile on planet. The millions of years of genetic manipulation that has been carried out on planet Earth is the result of the modern day human DNA gene code.

Well, they are doing the same thing again today in their laboratories, combining the DNA of different species of animals as well as combining the human DNA with different species of animals but the little bit that the public is allowed to hear about falls under the heading of “medical research”. Those mutated creatures quickly died out as the matter body could not survive within an environment that still held 1/3 of Source energy. Female humans from different tribes were captured and taken into the ET labs for genetic experiments and gene code manipulation until they finally created a mutated gene code that would allow for a matter body form to house both the distorted human gene code and the virus. Failed experiments meant immediate death for the females involved but to them death was a blessing.

The male population were used as slave laborers and forced to work in mines to harvest minerals from the planet that the fallen ET races wanted to take unto their fallen systems. Once a mutated DNA sequence was accomplished, artificial insemination began on the female population with many females still dying because they could not carry for any length of term the distorted fetus.

Continued genetic manipulation was performed until a sequence was perfected that the human female body would carry for a long enough term to grow the mutated matter body form. The female could not naturally give birth to these first mutated life forms and the fetus was removed from the body before full term was reached which of course the females then died.

The mutated human – ET hybrid life form is the leviathan race and when there became males that could bread naturally with the female Earth population the command from the godlets was to “go forth and multiply”. It was not a matter of wooing the human females, they had no choice in the situation but over time the controlled hybrid race was instilled into all tribes on the planet and is why there is no pure Eternal Life DNA gene code sequence existing on planet at this time.

But the DNA gene code sequence for the Eternal Life Form is held in what science calls junk DNA and it is indeed being re-activated now that the higher energy of Source is once again able to come back into the planetary system. However, the current mutated DNA gene code “cannot” be healed or activated to run the higher energy of Source. It is a process of turning on more of the higher energy of Source and “trans-mutating” the mutated DNA gene code and the only thing that can do that is the higher energy of Source.
The “Chosen Ones” of the leviathan races were appointed kings and rulers over the planet and the people of Earth and were given hidden, sacred reversed knowledge from their ET creators to support their mission of controlling Earth.

ALL structures of this false reality field; math, science, astrology, medicine, religion, language, writing, economics and politics are built upon the flower of life – Fibonacci spiral which is reversed – distorted technology designed to suck the energy out of the system.

The kings and later queens have always known these truths as well as the roman catholic church and is why there is a strict creed to “keep the race line pure” even if it means incest to do so because they know that to continue to receive the “riches of Earth” and the promise of immortality they must do as their ET godlets decree which they are fine with because they thrive on power and control.

The “chosen ones” know the planet is heating up and they know why and they are fighting a race against time to create a new mutated biology that will continue to host them as the Eternal Human biology is quickly transmuting back to its Divine Expression. They also know the planet is not going to support them very much longer and is why there is a race to find another Earth like planet. Remember, they are all of the conscious collective of the virus metatron and a virus cannot exist unless it has a biological host.

The flower of life is an encrypted reversed code that begins with a phase locked Divine Trinity symbol; it is phase locked because it is disconnected from the energy of Source via the Unified Field – Consciousness Highway and will never be an Eternal expression.

The beginning point of the flower of life symbol shows us at which point in the phasing cycle of the Divine Trinity it was disconnected from the Eternal Life Grid (#3 in above sequence). This is the point in the phasing cycle the Divine Trinity was at when the Atlantian attack occurred.

The flower of life grows one sphere of energy at a time and not via energy quantum building of the Divine Trinity; it grows via sucking and eating energy from the planet. Well it did, it can no longer do that now.
The “re-legion” belief system surrounding this symbol says it represents the days it took God to create all of creation and that creation story was written differently when it was meshed into the roman catholic church but all re-legions around the planet hold a similar creation story all coded to the phased locked flower of life.

1 eats 1 to become 2
2 eats 1 to become 3
3 eats 2 to become 5
5 eats 3 to become 8
  8 eats 5 to become 13
   13 eats 8 to become 21
      21 eats 13 to become 34

And then of course we are at day 7 when god rested. Source does not rest, Source does not need to rest, Source is eternal, the phasing sequence of the Divine Trinity is eternal and could be thought of as the heart beat and lungs of Source.

The metatron spiral continued eating energy from the planet as fast as it could over the last 26,000 years with a goal to be reached by the time December 21, 2012 rolled around.

Of course at the same time the Eternal faces of Source continued to incarnate into the planetary system bringing the birth quantum of energy they could into the planet so it has been a battle for energy and who was going to be the strongest in energy when the 2012 date rolled around.

The fast pace eating of the metatron spiral translated into this. 100% – 34% = 66% eaten which equals the 2/3 drop of energy and 2/3 energy loss translates as this 2 ÷ 3 = .666 which of course is the mark of the beast but there is much more to know about that and will require a future video share to explain it.

The Atlantian attack and rapid loss of energy created “stale mate” as the virus could not consume the planet because it still held to much of Source energy within it and it would take 26,000 years of Eternal faces of Source incarnating into the system and bringing the energy of Source to reach a point where the Eternal Spiral was strong enough to stop the eating spiral.

The goal of the virus was to eat the next sequence of energy to reach the 55 point which would be over half,  34 eats 21 to become 55. This is why this spiral can be found “within nature” because it was implanted into the planetary system to drain the planet of its energy and since it has “always been there” it is thought to be organic. It is not organic and the only way it can continue to expand is if it has energy to feed off of as that is what a virus requires to continue to exist.

But it is not the only reversed mathematical symbol program that has been implanted into the planetary system. That is what the crop circles are about, different factions of fallen ET life forms fighting over and claiming control of different regions.

The people of those “ancient times” believed in the fallen ET godlets and they believed the lies that the godlets came down to Earth from heaven. They believed their kings and queens who told them the way to become immortal gods was via the secret divine power of the pyramids and the many ancient sites that still exist above and below the mantel of the planet were created to worship the godlets via sacrifices and many other offerings to try to ensure a safe spot in heaven among the gods.

As the energy of Source continued to accrete within the planetary system, grain of sand by grain of sand of the Eternal life forms incarnating and bringing it back unto the planet, the people began to “think” and wonder more about their environment and rebel against the godlet kings and queens. They began to become harder to control and via the roman control and the teachings of the one called Jesus offered a means of creating an easier method of control.

As the many different re-legion belief systems fought it out over whose god was the true god the roman empire decided to mesh all of the different beliefs together, keeping what suited their purpose of creating a belief system that would control. Of course this did not sit well with the population so it became necessary to use force, fear, torture and brain washing of the “fear of god” to get the people to come to their senses and play along as they were told.

The historical religious wars speak for their self but they have never stopped, it is just that many people have been led to believe they have stopped via the controlling factions “allowing” them more liberties.
As stated at the beginning of this article, the accretion of energy or the amount of energy a planet holds determines its spin speed. Completely being able to reverse the spin direction of a planet, creating pole shift and snapping the planetary axis in half first requires slowing the spin speed to a low enough level and then blasting the planet with a high enough blast of energy to force it to spin in the opposite direction.

Dueling Spirals

The fallen life forms truly believed they would be able to suck the energy from the planet to reach the 55 point by December 21, 2012 and if they had their long prophesied screams of the End Time Drama would have occurred. But, they do not have the ability to know the power of Source as they are not connected to the Eternal Life Grid.

It is because there were enough Eternal faces of Source incarnate on planet that they were not successful in their end time drama plans. The Eternal faces of Source incarnate on planet in May of 2012 collectively held enough of the energy of Source to hold the Eternal Spiral and this point in time was a point called the “Dueling Spirals”; a point when the fallens were doing everything they could think of to get to that 55 point, even trying to use people of Earth to work with them unaware via body snatching, possession, channeling and reversed energy exercises to assist sucking the energy from the planet.

The “New Age Movement” was created specifically to be in place for this time period for that exact reason. It did not work!!! Source always wins!!! There is no energy stronger than the energy of Source but finite life forms cannot know that.

The Eternal Spiral held and quickly passed the accretion level of the distorted spiral by December 21, 2012. At this time the planet was able to receive the inter-stellar higher burst of Source energy through the 13th Pillar, which just happens to be the 6, 6, 6 connection because the incarnate Eternal faces of Source were able to receive and anchor the 13th Pillar ray of energy into the planetary system.
This instantly spread out through the planetary grids creating the “new, higher planetary shield”. (More will be presented at a later time in a video about pillars and shields). This began a process of rapid accretion into the new 13th Pillar shield and by December 12, 2013 the Eternal Life Grid was able to be plugged back into planetary star gate 12. The rest is history in the making!

The planet and her Eternal life forms are rapidly re-accreting the 2/3 (34) amount of energy it lost and the finite life forms are rapidly dropping in energy which can make them go insane if they live long enough. But the planet and her life forms are not just re-accreting the energy of the planetary system in the next 86 years before the planet shifts back into her healed expression; they are re-accreting the energy of the “entire solar system” which will require a later video to explain.

So, what are the 30 day time shifts about? How is the Eternal Life Grid different from the flower of life grid, the 2/3 fall grid and the tree of life grid? Hopefully you have a greater understanding now to be able to answer that question for yourself. Of course, more bits of information will continue to be offered over “time” that explain more details.

The spin speed of the units of light that compose a matter from determine the Ray of light or flow of energy those units of light can merge with. The increasing spin speed of the planet is what will allow her to “shift” back into her healed expression. It can be helpful to remember the Joy of this destination as our mutated physical body form continues to deal with the effects of “jet lag”.

When the matter body form has reached its limit we will step out of it and finally be released from the distortion. The time shifts that will continue to gradually but rapidly speed up the spin speed of the units of light of this hologram will allow for “time travel” of shifting into a higher energy time cycle where the healed expression of the solar system exists.

It exists right here in this very same space but is spinning at a much faster rate of speed and the incarnate life forms that ride the adventure with the planet will continue to increase in light unit spin speed as well.

It is not something that can be visibly noticed at this time although many of us are feeling the effects of it on the physical body but there will come a point when the day and night time cycles will show the increased spin effect. How is the planet going to heal itself of the virus? By becoming hotter and spinning much faster.
The first 30 years of time shifts every 30 days will decrease the current 60 minutes in an hour to 52 minutes in an hour.

The next 30 years of time shifts every 30 days will decrease the current 60 minutes in a hour to 48 minutes in a hour.

The next 30 years of time shifts every 30 days will decrease the current 60 minutes in an hour to 36 minutes in an hour.

The last 10 years of time shifts every 30 days will decrease the current 60 minutes in an hour to 30 minutes in an hour.

Of course this is based on the way that we currently perceive the passage of time which is based on the spin speed of the planet and how long it takes for one day to be accreted

There are some very interesting things you can discover from this formula if you desire to do the math. Not my strong point anyway you look at it but I will note this; IF my calculations are correct and they could very well NOT be, that means the Earth that is now spinning at roughly 1000 miles per hour will be spinning at 1030 miles per hour when the shift occurs.

Wow! I bet you did not even know you were time traveling right now.

The next time shift date is May 16, 2014. Have fun and hold onto your knickers! You can see the animations for the Eternal Life Grid within the AW facebook group. All are welcome to come join us and play and I offer answers to questions time allowing and if I know the answer.

Loving Joy Blessings,



Time Shift Dates


Sunday, May 04, 2014

OffPlanetRadio: Carlos Angel - Messages from Future Self


OffPlanet Radio - 05-03-2014 with Randy Maugans with Carlos del Angel

Carlos del Angel of the Shiny Demise Project: a Spanish language paranormal/UFO/exopolitics/spirituality broadcast that reaches out to Latin America; joins us for a far-reaching talk about his own inner journey. It begins with Carlos going through his own darkness---as he explains---and the understandings given to him by an entity he calls his "Future Self" about the monumental challenge to humanity in the next 15 years:
While Carlos says he is not a "prophet"---he does believe we can all know what is coming.

Crystalai on Cosmicopia Cafe - the Eternal Life Album - May 4 2014 #UPDATED

Crystalai (2014)
(Teachings of the Cosmic Mystery School of the Omniverse) 

Kelly has invited you to the event 'Interview Crystalai on the Eternal Life Album' on Cosmic Dolphin Magic!

Dear Members,

This is your chance to ask questions about the Eternal Life Album, and the entire process of the creation and guidance by the Cosmic Councils.

Please send your questions to me ahead of time, so I can include the answers in my talk.

Interview Crystalai on the Eternal Life Album Time: May 4, 2014 from 9am to 11am
PST Location:  ~ BlogTalk Radio ~ see link provided
Organized By: Kelly

Event Description:

Dr. Angela Barnett (Crystalai) on a discussion about Eternal Life. The Eternal Life Album is actually created for two purposes.

The first purpose is to make sure demons can never enter in through the primary neuronet again. The second purpose is to magnetize the body into the Eiron Flow where the secondary neuronet is directly streaming c
onsciousness from the Mind of God or Source Frequencies.

This is also the first step in manifestation. Manifestation is not going to begin until our primary neuronet is cleared and our secondary neuronet is completely functional.

Dr. Angela Barnett shares about these things and how working on demonic possession issues opened her own comprehension on why she and her Cosmic Tantric Twin partner had been prepared to raise their frequencies, combine their frequencies, to create music that would create the plasma frequencies to activate in our bodies before the demon attack.

Join us as Crystalai returns to share about Eternal Life, demonic possession, and an ellaborate plan that was made by the Oraphim Raceline to remove a large anti christ shield from the Earth Matrix that would have been able to take out billions of people.

~ Cosmic Flames; Dove & Adeo

If you would like to have your questions answered at the radio show tomorrow, please keep the questions centered on the subject of the Eternal Life Album, the removal of the 15 degree misalignment, and any question that comes to mind after readying this pdf and article.

Send questions to Kelly or to

previous show


 ill add the/this show "embedded"onsite also once it has Aired. for people seeing post lateron. 
 i woke up just in time.. from my 2nd prolonged Nap. 18:30 NL TIME

i tried my best to formulate it as i was on air.   to compact it into that was said.  

and in same manner its kinda a bridge that connects between the 2, from how im getting it. and experienced.  on both sides. but i might be wrong also , as im also trying to figure it out. how what fits where and relates to what , and there isnt a negative aspect  to it as some other folks experiences out there to it. so im not so quick to judge..    but in 1 case where 2 tried to connect. both had that feel. but that might be re it. and not us/ thus.. not all is as it feels or we thinks it relates to.  as i been going through many what-if-how's on myself ( & if its the opposite (vs my thoughts) than that is it.. and she can as krystalai did. and rest me donoo  )

( or it could be a total different things and just a mis-association in trying to understand.  so there are no absolutes in this matter.*** well it seems its not as krystalai had, this ima dealing kinda with is differently related in the bigger context of todaytime. some info a randi green was helpfull once again.  and other stuff is for me to work on. self-responsibility. and at same time i do ask for help/assistence

see also:  Lisa Renee: What are Fallen Angels? + Strong Moral Character

Controlling Fractions list:

vs the 24 bases list:

Saturday, May 03, 2014

Energy Synthesis: Deconstruction of the Cross #Lisa Renee

April & May 2014

Deconstruction of the Cross

Lisa Renee

Dear Ascending Family,

Those moving onto the ascending timeline will experience a more intensely amplified awakening experience as they directly connect into the new phases of the Galactic Zodiac, a 13 constellation Universal Time calendar. Time and space is being reorganized as these alchemical principles activate and transmit their stellar intelligence from the Galactic and Universal planes into the planetary body. This resets the planetary clock shield networks to synchronize to the consciousness blueprint of the Cosmic Clock or Universal Time Calendar. Consciousness evolution throughout Time and Space is organized through Universal quantum mechanics which obey multiple instruction sets (morphogenetic fields). These instructional fields are an architecture which is made upon the many frequency waves of dimensional layers that exist within the holographic blueprint matrices. The instruction sets can be inserted artificially in a person or object to bend the laws of time and space, or remain in the original template design. An artificial design to bend the law would be the example of an alien implant that changes the instruction set. The original instruction set (blueprint) of our DNA is a lattice of pure liquid crystal, an ideal transmitter and receiver of energetic resonance, inter-communication and perceiving a variety of levels of consciousness. The original instruction set is what connects our consciousness to experience the God Source levels of our Personal Christ Consciousness.

What identity we experience as self-consciousness, is a spiritual blueprint that contains intelligent spectrums of frequency which are located at a fixed point in time and space. That position in the field is governed by the laws of the body-form we inhabit, and where our consciousness is capable in that moment to self-realize and awaken to that part of our existence. As we awaken into higher consciousness and access more increments of our spiritual-energetic blueprint, we continually move our frequency location forward through time. We have many different identities located in many different stations of time simultaneously. Every person on earth exists at a different frequency location in time, and their location shifts while integrating their ascending consciousness. These group identities in time and their locations could be called the Families of the Soul, Monad and the Personal Christ selves.

At this time our planet and group identities stationed in time are undergoing stages of the Deconstruction of the Cross in our physical body, spiritual bodies and other matter life forms that have been impacted by planetary crucifixion. This is effectively the Great Remembering, thus the release and erasure of the memories of death through blood sacrifice and spiritual vampirism from the past, present and future timelines. This event is synchronistic to the pinnacle time that the Cardinal Grand Cross is aligning in our cosmos in the third week of April. This third week began with a lunar eclipse and ends on Easter Sunday which commences the first of the alchemical principles of Aries being transmitted to the planet and humanity.  The first stage of Aries spiritual ascension and alchemical theme is the purification and calcination through the element of fire, which is related to awakening kundalini fire.

Revelation of the Cardinal Grand Cross
The Cardinal Grand Cross is an astrological event that describes four planets that square up at exactly 90 degree angles to one another, hence forming a Grand Cross in our celestial skies. When this occurs, the planets are opposing each other, which push the world of forces into massive transformation, opening access for soul transits and exiting, as well as surfaces the previously invisible realms into greater visibility.  This event heralds a great revelation for the planet, which greatly amplifies the frequency split in the bifurcation of timelines. The bifurcation is also pivotal in the great Procession of Souls, those that have been in the earth planes that are being moved into their next stages of growth or healing.

In this Grand Cross alignment Pluto is in Capricorn at thirteen degrees, Mars is in Libra at 13 degrees, Jupiter is in Cancer at thirteen degrees, and Uranus is in Aries at thirteen degrees. All are at thirteen degrees of separation which prepare our planet for the 13 stages of the Galactic Zodiac and begins the Deconstruction of the Cross architecture on the planet. This is the sequential alignment of the 13:13 spin ratio of the Cosmic Monad to the Universal Time Calendar, which is the opening access code to the Mother Arc Gateways. This opens the gateway to reveal that the Mother of God returns to reclaim her Children on earth, and that our creation is truly built upon the foundation of love and a deep reverence for all of life.  This is the time to transcend the cultural, political, religious and patriarchal framework that is built upon fear, the spiritual oppression kept in place through the Cross theology.

The primary crisis in our world however, is not the cultural, political, or religious framework used to enforce spiritual oppression. The crisis we are facing in ourselves, humanity and the planet is the crisis of consciousness. The lack of self-awareness combined with the utter lack of consciousness results in an inability to directly experience our true essential nature as spiritual beings. As long as we cannot recognize the true essential divine nature existing inside ourselves, we are unable to recognize the same essential nature inside everyone that is inherent in all things.

This is the purpose of this exercise, to have an in depth comprehension of the Cross theology and how it has suppressed our consciousness. When we can understand what it is, we can fully participate with the Deconstruction of the Cross within ourselves, thus, ending our own experience of consciousness crucifixion.

Artificial Cross Architecture
The purpose of the artificial cross architecture designed to uphold Cross theology is to enslave humanity through the crucifixion and promote blood sacrifice of their inner spiritual being or Personal Christ self. Religion was created by the Negative Alien Agenda (NAA) to keep these cross implants and their religious belief systems of mind control in place, so that, humanity would live in fear of the retribution from his False Father Alien God. This Archontic Deception and its controller mechanism are to keep humanity subservient to the continual feeding of their False God Vampires. One of the most prolific ways to feed the bloodthirsty vampires is mass killing in wars, and to especially kill other human beings in the name of God or religion. This is blood sacrifice which in all cases is Satanic Ritual Killing, which feeds Satanism as a world value system, while spreading satanic forces to aggressively inhabit bodies on the earth. The NAA extra-dimensional entities are in the majority a satanic force, so this ideology of blood sacrifice is aligned to their warring and killing predator mentality.

Thus, this is the time of the Deconstruction of the Cross, as remembering the history of how humanity was crucified on the Cross in the past, is exactly how we can take ourselves off of it.

Friday, May 02, 2014

Ascension Whispers: Animated Eternal Life Grid
Just an FYI that I am sharing animated images of the Eternal Life Grid on the Ascension Whispers facebook group if you would like to see them. They will be included in an upcoming video to show the operation of the Eternal Life Grid and how that compares to the 2/3 fall grid and the flower of life grid.

All are welcome to join the Ascension Whispers facebook group which you can do by going to AW facebook page and looking for the group teddy bear icon.

Loving Joy,