As we go about our daily lives of healing, remembering and desiring
to make a positive change in the world, we see many of the imbalances
right in our own backyard and these challenges can make it very hard to
look at other peoples’ challenges around the world.
Those blessed with more liberties than others still manage to find
things to complain about within the world control system. After a point
of dealing with and seeing the world control flashed in front of our
eyes every day of our life we become sensitized to it and quickly change
the channel. It is a natural coping skill to do so especially when
people are made to feel so helpless to be able to do anything about such
At least those who are allowed more liberties than others still
retain the right to complain where as many people around the world would
never dream of doing such a thing as the brain washing is so severe
they fear for their lives and soul and would never even think to have
one complaining thought for the fate life has presented them.
There are so many people spread around the planet that are forced to
go without the basic necessities of daily living and treated even worse
than the animal abuse those who have more liberties speak out against on
a daily basis.
What is the answer to all of this chaos and imbalance? From a
physical standpoint we can all step into the role of feeling helpless to
do anything about it and turn away to find something to make us forget
about the atrocities that are occurring around the planet. The
atrocities cannot be stopped by the common people via physical force
simply because those controlling have always maintained such large
armies. So, what can the common people do to bring about positive
Firstly, the common people must remember their personal power and
that is not likely to occur for those who are forced to live as
prisoners without the basic needs for survival as the emotional body of
such people is so emerged within darkness they most likely cannot find a
speck of light anywhere.
For those who still have the liberties to be able to think, they can
make a difference with their thoughts if they will only take the time to
do so. Instant healing may not show itself but healing will show itself
much faster if masses of people come together with the common goal of
Love and Balance for all life forms. After that point it is a matter of
releasing it All to Source to allow Source to heal ALL that can be
healed within balance.
If the masses who still hold the ability to “think” would simply
spend 30 minutes each day in meditation or prayer or whatever the belief
system allows for and think of the “same thing”, doing so CAN make a
Doing so must become a part of daily living to remain focused within
the same thought pattern of the goal for balance and healing. Why?
Because the controlling imbalanced energy is the critical mass energy
that is controlling the planet and it will require reaching a critical
mass of balanced energy for balance through love to begin to emerge.
How can you choose when the imbalance is spread out around the planet
in varying degrees? Where should you focus your desire for healing when
the entire planet requires it? Focus on the “entire planet”!
If you desire to assist, you can spend part of your daily routine of
inner focus to create a White Sphere of Source energy within yourself
(3rd Eye – 6th Chakra would be a very strong place to create the White
Sphere of energy) and exhale it out from your core through the entire
planet and then to surround the entire planet. It will not take long to
do so but it must be done daily. It is not a matter of thinking someone
else will take care of it, you ARE the someone else who needs to take
care of it.
If you desire to do so, you can create localized White Spheres to
permeate and surround specific regions but the entire planet and its’
life forms requires your assistance and they require it NOW and every
day thereafter. Whom will you be assisting the most? Yourself!