Thursday, April 03, 2014

Ascension Whisps: Interconnected Planetary System

The people of the planet may “think” they are separate life forms from the planet but that is an illusion as nothing is actually separated from anything.

The people of the planet ARE the ones who are creating the planet as the planet and all “matter bodies” are a hologram made of conscious light and sound.

The planet is made of the conscious, living energy of Source and it is very much alive, thinks, feels and has emotions just like all living things do. Think about just the plants on the planet for a moment. It is a known fact that plant life respond to energy, thoughts and sound and they thrive within an environment that offers balance and love and wilt and die in an environment that offers the opposite. Life forms do not exist on food and water alone and either thrive within balance or deteriorate within imbalance. How much plant life exists within the Earth reality field?

Every life form of the planet is plugged into the planet and just like the roots of a tree expand the life forces out to feed the tree so do all life forms of the planet and the planet do the same. Just like the expansion of life force through the root system of the trees allow all trees to be in constant communication with each other, so do all vegetation life forms as well as the animals and people of the planet.

This understanding should make it quite easy to understand how the “emotions” held within the life forms on the planet effects the balance or imbalance of the entire system. If you were to take a potted plant and place it within a war zone or within an environment where masses of people are held in a state of fear would that plant thrive and grow or would it wilt and die?

What do things like missile explosions, sonic booms, blasts of energy waves and sound waves do to the planetary environment? How do such things effect a potted plant? We can think of the effects on the planet increased immensely as a reaction to what the life forms on the planet are doing.

We may think of ourselves as being separate life forms from the planet, we may think our actions, words, emotions and thoughts have no impact on the planetary environment but we would be lying to ourselves to allow ourselves to believe such.

Scientific testing has proven that the conscious thoughts of groups of people on one side of the planet have an effect on the conscious thoughts of groups of people on the other side of the planet. (The Morphogenetic Universe). But not only do they effect the thoughts they also effect the emotions and they may do so consciously unaware to the people.

How might the thoughts and emotions of the people living in areas where war has become a part of their every day living process, where control is to such extremes they cannot even choose what to believe, where suffering is so vast that death seems the better alternative -  effect the entire planetary environment and population?

How are the people across the planet emotionally effected when regions experience mass population suffering either through war and violence or through the planet shifting to heal?

Perhaps you have seen the videos of water experiments that prove how water can be coded with and effected by thought patterns, words and music. (One You Tube Video Here). 71% of the surface of the planet is covered in water and there are oceans within the planet that science has yet to discover. What are the thoughts, words and emotions of the population coding into the water of the planet?

Imagine your life being one in which you are told negative things daily, that you are controlled and go to bed each night fearful of what might occur or perhaps go to sleep hungry wondering if you will survive to see another day. What kind of emotions and thoughts might such a person hold? What kind of coding are those emotions and thoughts seeding into the water and planetary environment?

Shifting into higher conscious awareness means becoming “more aware of Self”, becoming more aware of all of creation and within that awareness is an opportunity to “shift into personal responsibility for the reality field”.

Why do the birds sing their song so much louder as the dawn of the new day unfolds? Why do sea creatures send their sounds vibrating through the ocean of the planet? Why do toads sing so loudly within the rivers and ponds? Why do the creatures of the planet go about their daily lives emitting their sound tones unto the environment? They do so because they are playing their role of assisting to maintain as much balance as possible within the hologram as they can via singing their soul song lullabies unto the planet. Unlike the people of Earth, the animal kingdom has not forgotten Planetary Stewardship.

When our physical body is riddle with disease and imbalance what do we desire to do? We desire to restore balance quickly so that we can feel better and go about our life experience. The planet is riddled with disease and suffering and it is a result of the imbalanced people she is carrying through space and time. She has chosen to heal herself regardless if those riding on her desire to heal or not but she is a loving, caring, kind expression of Source so she is healing herself as gently as she can while still supporting the life forms who pay her no attention or are sleep walking and know not what they are doing.

What does it feel like when you are constipated or have a terrible stomach ache? Imagine the planet dealing with such feelings of distortion, what might it feel like for her to have a terrible stomach ache? What might it feel like when she belches and releases the gas that is making her stomach ache? Perhaps a volcano erupting or an earth quake that creates a tsunami?

Can the people of the planet assist the planet to heal from the disease that racks her body? If the thoughts, actions, words, emotions and deeds can make the planet sick then they can also heal the planet, just like they can code patterns into the waters or make a potted plant thrive.

How can the people of the planet assist the planet to heal in a much more balanced way to allow the environment to retain some state of balance as she heals herself? By focusing on healing their self and regaining control of their thoughts, emotions, words, actions and deeds.

Perhaps you are now experiencing the rapid purging that is occurring within your emotional body, perhaps you are experiencing moments where your life feels it is falling apart at the seems and you have no conscious clue why? Guess what? The planet is dealing with the same level of purging but in much larger extremes. What do you desire – to feel better within yourself? Balance? So does the planet.

As you work to heal yourself you can also assist the planet by sending her loving thoughts and emotions and not blaming her for any distress that is expressing as she heals herself and by singing unto her your personal soul song of love and beauty. Hold her gently within your mind, body and heart and send her all of the loving emotions that you desire yourself.

Planetary Stewardship does not require much physical labor, it simply requires love.

Loving Joy,


Monday, March 31, 2014

The Galactic Terra-Polarian Network: After the Solstice and the beginning of the full divison of APINs

True Earth Associations
Prelude to level three. I did not fully know how to share the information that grew out of the severe division that happened during the solstrice (19-25 March 2014) but here it is: 

Monday, 31 March 2014

After the Solstice and the beginning of the full divison of APINs

My Taran faction – the main force behind my work- has informed me of this: If we belong to one of the three seedings (being an original Taran) under the guidance e of the Priesthood of Mu and Ur – and we want to return to Tara – then we only got until 2025 to take the first initiation; i.e. leaving the dark network by our own free will and gain control over the personality matrix.

If we belong to other factions of the Palaidorians, e.g. the Pleiadian or the Sirian section – as in originate from those systems – the terms will be different. Please notice the difference in action, help and guidance in between the members of the Palaidorians.

The 1-3D Shambhala factions are still present as always in Inner Earth and will be until the day Inner Earth retracts to the living light areas of the Multiverses. Thus the Bailey material is valid to use to take the first initiation. Do only use the books, not anything else – create your own understanding; do not rely on the understanding of others or thought forms on the Internet; not even the schools that has grown out of this material. As soon as the speaker or writer of higher information is no longer present energetically, the thought forms start to decay. Thus we have to recreate the original thought forms in our personal energy work evolving intuition along the Path.

The 4D Priesthood of Mu (the teachers on the Path) will only be working through the network of living light, through the Four Faces of Man APIN. This communication system will release the knowledge we need to have when working our way through the next initiations. The Four Faces of Man indicates the full path of Christ – the four initiations – and releases the energy (manasic light DNA) needed to take the initiations, after we have taken the first one ourselves, even though the teachers themselves do not interact directly before after we have gained full access to the network of light; i.e. taken the first three initiations. The second initiation – releasing the Seal of Palaidor and taking the Solar Heart Activation, i.e. opening the true heart chakra – will connect us to the four faces of Man APIN which is per se “the Path”. The fourth initiation – the transfiguration or full ascension – will not be necessary, but the first three will be, to be able to leave the fourth world and regain access to the receiving stations on Tara (unless we apply to leave as a mind-field, cf. the Panergeia Project).

The 5D Great White Lion APIN is under the Priesthood of Ur and it will provide the information and energy we need to work with the leylines and the energy being infused here during the SAC. The original plan to let the SAC energies run in all of the networks as well as the natural leylines have been abandoned, and the energies of the SAC, which we need to release the Seal of the Palaidor and take the Solar Heart Activation to be able to build the three triangles in the head (regaining the 12 chakra structure), are only flowing in the Great White Lion APIN. We will be guided to the correct spots in our surroundings, when we are ready and from here integrate the energy needed to take the second initiation. This is called “the Way”.
Thus the second initiation connects us to the APINs we need to be connected to in order to evolve further.

Note the difference between the Path and the Way; the first indicating the four initiations we have to take by will and the use of living consciousness and the latter indicating the energy work we have to do by connecting to the living 4-6D cosmic forces in the leylines.

The Great White Lion, along with the Four Faces of Man, have to be used in the correct combination to be able to take the third initiation, working our way through the 4D and 5D of Earth – within the outer layers of the network of light – while we cleanse out the digressed mental energies back into the manasic light DNA of the second and third worlds. The third initiation opens up to the Sirian or 6D level in us.

We are literally working our way back through living energy and living consciousness rebuilding our original structure to be able to regain full citizenship of the Living Light Worlds. For some the path of following the original energy structure will be sufficient, making the last transitions into present day Tara within the receiving areas, and others are already now starting to work with the energies and consciousness from the fifth living light world as we will see in the next generations of children incarnating in human earth form, but are entirely enveloped in network of living light, preparing for the full division of the Earth chain in 2055-2147.

Between 2025 and 2037 we are able to release the Seal of Palaidor and take the Solar Heart Activation, i.e. the second initiation as we please (it is only possible if we have taken the first initiation) and start the process of the third initiation which will lead us to the active network of living light on Earth or the receiving areas on Tara after the transformation of the personality matrix and its matter form, infusing it with living light and consciousness from the spiritual triad. If we progress rapidly, taking all three initiations and starting the fourth, in this lifetime, we will be reborn into the living light fifth world of the Earth chain.

Hereafter the doors to the network of living light will close as the energies of the SAC fades out and the division of the frozen light communities and the network of living light will divide in full.

The original mission as partaking in the remaining cycle of the fourth world of Earth under the stronghold of the frozen light communities will only be as part of the living light network, which means that the helpers are in this world, but they do not intervene or partake actively or energetically. They are here to supervise, the ones still being present in human form, but they are not present as healers, grid-workers or similar missions. This has been given over to the humans taking the first and second initiations as a part of their energy transformation.

I know this information contradicts other information on the Internet, especially the ones indication that all of Earth has become an ascension planet, but this is the information I have got and I rely on this simply because it stems from the original sources I belong to on Tara.

The fifth and sixth world of the Earth chain will take place but within the network of living light. The fusion of the solar system with the Taran system is still going to happen, but only the ones that have taken the three initiations will become a part of this. The ones choosing the frozen light communities will follow their version of the fifth world as the overall division of Earth continues to unfold.
Again this is information for the ones still being present here on Earth stemming from the first three seedings. The rescue missions as orchestrated from the original Palaidorians follow this timetable. If you do not feel in agreement with this, you might belong to other factions and should find their timetables for the events that are bound to take place after the SAC fades out in 2017-2022.

I know of one Pleiadian who is still functioning within the dark network due to a sort of energy sphere around her, making her able to work within the quickly growing frozen light communities. This will protect her even though the energies of the SAC are retracting into the Great White Lion, since she is directly connected to her group, positioned in a secure location, i.e. Inner Earth, through her sphere. The Pleiadians will therefore continue to interact within the frozen light communities and their fifth world scenario; at least until the full division of Earth in 2147.

The lower digressive races are still leaving, i.e. the ones not partaking in the frozen light transformations, and the APINs belonging to those races have been taken over by the 5D and 6D forces of the former dark network – now called the frozen light communities (actually they already have different fancy names, but I will leave it at this).

As I have always said, the new world leaders of the frozen light communities are highly civilized and use highly evolved spiritual technology to fuse the digressive manasic light with crystalline energy; all in all creating eternal frozen light souls (built out of the remaining 4-6D spiritual triad fragments) being able to take on different types of artificial body structures created out of tissue etc. Science will therefore experience some major breakthroughs over the next 20-50 years on how to prolong the life expectancy of the physical body.

This is happening all over the Multiverses and in the future – where I come from – the Multiverses are divided into the free living light worlds and the frozen light worlds. This has not changed since all that is happening now led to this destiny and the timelines to this are still unfolding. The only thing that has changed since the first run through is the many rescue missions getting so many more out, before the division happens.

I know I took a little detour to reconnect with the Bailey material in the 1-4D, and I enjoyed the happiness this gave me talking about light beings and devas, but as mentioned in the second article in the link below, this is just one way of handing over the teachings to us while we work with the personality matrix. The reality is still what it is in 4-6D, or the reality of the spiritual triad, Tara and the HU-2 levels of the Multiverses and the information in this blog article stems from this level.

Read my material supporting this article here…..  The Path of Initiation (2)


Translated version DK->ENG = below:

Is knowledge of what a star human being in general is important to us?

+ Art, balance and integration

Friday, March 28, 2014

Lisa Renee: Disengaging from Battles

~Blog Update~

Disengaging from Battles

The Galactic Center is the Heart of all Universal creation, where birth, death, resurrection and transformation happen at the end of each evolution cycle known as the Ascension. During the In-breath cycle of Creation, the Ascension timeline, our true God parent returns to claim us. The Father God principle, is merging us to align with the Mother’s heart-womb to benevolently force our inner and outer transformation to complete our personal great work, the birth of the inner Christos-Sophia.  This transformation is another push towards congruence between the inner spiritual essence and unique energies of which we are all interconnected and a part. We must learn how to be in harmony with the Universe, in harmony with our true selves, as then we become in harmony with all things. As we live in greater harmony with our real self, the abundant feeling of being ultimately connected to a benevolent and loving Universe is assured. 

The Planetary Transharmonic Pillar (Mother Arc’s 13th gate) which is the direct portal into the Universal Heart and into the Cores of multiple Universes. This pillar moves into the Universal core and connects through the Mother’s Quintessence, the Cosmic Aether. The Quintessence of the Universal Mother God principle is the Cosmic Aether element of which sparks and animates the terrestrial matter of elemental life alchemically. The deep core of this Universal heart space which holds the Holy Mother quintessence is the womb or “Creatrix” field. The Mother’s heart “quintessence” becomes propelled and infused within those beings that naturally recognize and accept to merge with her during this time. The application of heart quintessence to the DNA of physical matter is the potential sacred marriage and alchemical rising of the inner Christos-Sophia. This infers that there will be tangible externalizations as the result of this element being introduced to the planetary energy body, which has not been introduced before. This gradual merge with the Heart of God will bathe Mother’s quintessence to flow into Pillars between the planetary body and the personal body. Some of us will hold, transmit or be the transfer agent of the Cosmic Aether to the planet, as not everyone is ready to embody this frequency. 

The Cosmic Aether is the legendary “philosopher stone” that has been referred to in ancient alchemy practices. Many have tried to replicate it as an elixir of life in order to achieve immortality. However, in truth the Quintessence of Mothers Universal heart cannot be replicated. The ultimate in sacred alchemy and personal enlightenment is the great potential of this upcoming alignment. For those awakening it will be realized as the great milestone at the end of an era, the end of time as we have known it. 

Those who are recognized as in alignment with the Oneness field of Unity architecture will be activated in their personal shields to be a local Transharmonic Pillar in the macrocosm. These personal pillars connect to the 13th circuitry gateways that fully lead out of this Universal system. Some of us will be accessing them to support the human soul transits that will occur during these end times. This is the gateway of the ascending hub networks and ascending future timelines. To merge with the Oneness field is not a mental process; it is a BE-ing process. One cannot think themselves into the Oneness, one must clear their mind and nervous system in order to be relaxed enough to truly just authentically BE. 

BE-ing is the Doorway that opens Consciousness. 

For these reasons, during this time cycle especially, it is important to stop “pushing” from your mental body and learn how to have no agenda, no needs and no fears, just allowing what IS in order to BE. Disengage from any inner and outer mental or emotional battles with any person, place or thing that may be sucking your life force dry. 

Be with these times, feel in the moment to moment, observe and resolve inner negative thoughts, be as present as possible to every activity or non-activity. This is the practice of total “mindfulness”, being aware of thoughts passing through in the now moment. Be willing to allow the shedding of the skin of painful behaviors fueled by negative thoughts and emotions. Pushing battles from the mind will be met with incredible resistance. Do your best to have an accepting attitude towards life changes as being appropriate consciousness evolution steps. Otherwise, they may cause pain and suffering from mental confusion or emotional attachments. 

We are presently entering the end of an extremely dark and dualistic cycle of time on this planet. Currently, the world of forces of which we are all exposed and the polarity extremes of those forces may appear to be much more amplified in physical matter. This amplification of forces creates an extreme pressure on our minds and bodies when we have resonance to their polarity pattern. This pushes personal alchemical and inner transformation that when met with a positive and accepting attitude, can shift the intense internal pressure. Internal pressure felt when polarity forces meet in the body is a part of the alchemical shift that can be utilized positively for consciousness growth. If one is willing to accept personal responsibility and accountability to shift destructive thoughts and their emotional states, internal pressure and the discordant pattern is released. The bar has been raised again significantly and it requires quick and spontaneous adjustments to match rapidly changing, intense frequency patterns. 

The Armageddon Effect 

The challenges humanity has living upon an Ascending planet is that we experience an extreme paradox of amplified duality in our life experience, while we are actually co-existing the closest to the non-duality essence of the source presence. This is due to the phenomena of polarity amplification; the forces of duality amplify considerably when exposed to variations of higher frequencies. When a force intrinsically exists within non-duality and it is presented or exposed to a dual presence, explosions and implosions between these forces are inevitable. The bifurcation of reality timelines is a consequence of this pulling apart of forces during the current frequency split.  Most of these eruptions are the level of schism existing between the dual nature of the thinking mind and the non-dual nature of intelligent consciousness

When there is a schism, this produces an internal and external Armageddon effect between the intelligent spiritual-energetic consciousness and the lower mental principle (ego) in the physical body. 

This experience is at the personal level and global level, where one may sense a “battle” between these amplified extremes and their world of forces are raging, in the body, or in the environment. Some people and groups on the earth are already living in such a Armageddon scenario type of world.  Such are these chaotic times many of us are witnessing as we undergo the Ascension cycle on this transforming planet.

For those reasons, to maintain inner balance and sanity,  we must disengage from any “mental battle” on the inner or outer realms, and learn to refocus ourselves to find the stillness within to contact higher spiritual intelligence of our inner Christos. 

This timeline is very important as the choice to accept personal sovereignty is very real and available. Personal harmony and greater balance is experienced as a tremendous blessing in our lives, when we have made it past mental obsessions or mind control. Conversely, if that choice is not made or upheld, the energetic consequence returns to be enslaved to the forces of mind control that inflicts suffering. This is the time to walk the talk and step into personal responsibility for all emotions and thoughts that have been controlling our actions or directing our lifestyle. 

There will be those people on the descending spiral of mental confusion and inner pain, attempting to control others and the environment through manipulation schemes, emotional entanglement and forms of mind control. This is the opposing forces which are engaging and entangling themselves into mental and emotional battles which will become like a quicksand pit that no one can never get free of.

Therefore, the necessity to create healthy boundaries is everyone’s right to maintain sanity and peace. This is an important time to take care of oneself and to note that this controlling and manipulating phenomena will increase in the environment due to fear, insecurity and confusion in the masses. Many people are having emotional traumas and tantrums as they revert into childlike behavior, pulling them down further into the quicksand of dark forces. The dark forces take advantage of that vulnerability in people whom have not made an effort to understand and clear their negative ego. These people are prime motivation for dark force manipulation. Remember that all levels of spinning into confusion amplifies and feeds the forces of chaos at every level. Finding inner clarity, stillness and developing an accurate assessment of our world in a spiritual context, will equal the amount of inner harmony and peace one experiences. 

(Source: Quintessence: December 2012 Newsletter)

Monday, March 24, 2014

12D Clearing & Protection Meditation + Note + addon

Crystalai (2013)
(Teachings of the Cosmic Mystery School of the Omniverse) 

Image by: FutureAgeSage


This meditation should be done at least 2 times a day once when you first get up before you do anything else and right before you go to sleep at night. Do this continuously and you notice things getting better in almost every way.

Here is some background about the elements within the Meditation.

The 12th Dimensional Self is your Christ Self- your true immortal self hood.
You can bring this 12D star into your Consciousness for complete protection from the 3D world. First see the star inside of your head. Feel the Christ Energy in the Star. Ask to feel the Christ Energy in the Star.
Next, take the star down to the center of the Earth and ask it to collect the 13th dimensional energy of the Earth's Core. Bring the Star up to about one foot below the Earth's Crust. This is the place where the Christ Grid and Christ 12D frequencies are in the earth. Feel the star grow under you at this point. Feel this star of Christ energy grow under your feet.

Next, bring the star up over your head, about one foot above the head. See a shield of Christ Energy and protection ENVELOPE your body. Place your body in this seal every morning when you wake up. And do it over and over again until you feel your self locked in this seal completely safe from anything in the 3D world.

This is a gift from Christ. It is your divine right to have this protective seal and to use it. There is no reason to live anywhere except in the Christ Consciousness Energy Seal.

The 6 pointed star is the geometric symbol of the 12th dimension and it carries the frequencies of that dimension (it is in the same shape as the Star of David, but it isn't the Star of David).

White is the color of the 12th dimensional light and white light carries the frequencies of the 12th Dimension. Using this symbol and light in meditation, you bring these frequencies in and it carries the codes to reset your Divine Blueprint of your perfect self that is free of all things that are unlike Source.

The 12th Dimensional frequencies creates a strong and clear energy around you where lower frequencies that come next to these frequencies are transmuted to the higher 12th dimensional frequencies (the Law of Vibration) which gives you a strong, clear and free passage through all of the Spheres.
Image Used For Educational/Non Profit FAIR USE! 
A & A Deane, All Rights Reserved;
 Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series

The 12th Dimension is the dimension of the Christ frequencies. The (your) 12th Chakra is located about 12 inches below your feet. Your 12th Chakra contains the frequencies of the 12th Dimension (Christ Frequencies) and connects you directly to the 12th Dimension. Your 13th Chakra is at the core of the Earth and has 13th Dimensional energy. All of the Chakras work this way and connect you to the specific dimension of the Chakra. This is why the 4th Chakra is now the new base chakra for the 2nd Sphere - the New Earth and all of your chakras of 4 - 21 are wide open. The 1-3 chakras are now becoming like placeholders for all of the good things from them are moving up or have already moved up into the 4th and 5th chakras, and all of the other things from chakras 1-3 need to be demanifested so they are put to rest.
The meditation contains making a flame hologram around you that comes out from the 12th Chakra that is 12 inches below your feet that goes up to Source and that goes down to the core of the Earth.

The key to staying out of the confusing low frequencies of "the world" is to place your body within the flame that holds the frequencies of your Christ Self and to keep yourself emersed in the highest frequencies day and night.

This hologram to place your body in is created by activating eight six pointed stars and infusing them 12th Dimensional frequencies then placing all 8 of the stars together into one star that becomes a sparkly white in color and then bringing that combined star into your Pineal Gland at the 6th Chakra at the center of your head and letting the energies flow through your entire body, bringing that star down to the core of the Earth to absorb the 13th Dimensional frequencies from your 13th Chakra and also absorbing all of the Earth's healing frequencies of love, then to bring it up to your 12th Chakra 12 inches below your feet, and then create a flame around your body that goes all the way up to Source and all the way down to the core of the Earth.

If you find that the energy is a little too much for you using all 8 stars at once, you can make one six-pointed star and infuse it with 12th Dim. energy and do the meditiation. Once comfortable with that, you could keep increasing the amount of stars until 8 stars is comfortable enough to work with.

When you finish this Meditation you will feel your body encased in this flame - this Crystal garment around your body and thoughout your body that locks this frequency into and through you. When you start feeling "out of focus" do the meditation again.

This is the beginning point of activating frequencies. The Real power - the real frequencies that raise us beyond this 3D Form are in the Earth and in the Universes beyond the Earth, which are also contained within you, once known. The Kingdom of Heaven is within.

NOTE: I think of Breath as the Will of Spirit. My breath is what draws or moves divine energy/frequencies. My inhale generally draws energy. My exhale generally moves the energy. So, I generally inhale to draw frequencies and I exhale to move these specific frequencies to other places. Also, in meditation, I breathe in between doing thing and INHALE and EXHALE to move frequencies.

NOTE: If my body starts to tense up when running frequencies, which it sometimes does because consciousness goes way faster than your body - the body is playing catch-up with the hightened frequencies and sometimes it's tendency is to tense up - it's normal. So, if that happens, just say, "My body is relaxed, Now" or/and "My chest is relaxed, Now" or/and "My throat is relaxed, Now." We are gods and are masters.

NOTE: We are gods and we have the power to make things happen as we say, so we can easily say, "12th Dimensional frequencies, Now" and 12th Dimensional frequencies will start running through our body. That's the way it is. So be that.

Cosmic Mystery School of the Omniverse

Visit Cosmic Dolphin Magic at:
Crystalai @2011  

6 8 12 24 48 Star/Petals can be used.  same as Hu4 Merkaba is not same as a Hu1 Merkaba....
& re Nodes in Template: 10/11 and color see notes/comment

How to build your personal 12D Shield:

Co-Create your body shield, your personal energy field. The 12th dimensional shield is a practice that fortifies & strengthens our Aura by reconnecting us to our 12th Dimensional blue print or Kryst/Krystal Body. As we shield ourselves, we learn energetic boundaries of our Aura. And then we can learn to boundary test our Aura to discordant energies that are uninvited.

The shield also helps us to re-imprint our body to physical energy sustainability, & health achieved by bringing balance to the body. It also allows communication to be restored with our spiritual forces & star family. It also empowers our body, ourselves to re-awaken the wisdom of our true origins which may mean we start to decode light language or start to understand more about the hidden history of our planet & race.

So as we work with the 12D shield, we use the six-pointed star, which is two triangles of Merkabah that is representative of our Merkabah Body. The 12th Dimensional Light Shield is an excellent way to build the integrity of your lightbody while repelling negative or dense energies from sticking to your energetic body/Aura.

(Source: Lisa Renee - Energetic Synthesis)

or use the Eckasha Rha for this technique :)  

  (12D +15D External+Internal flow)

by: Sequoia Arayas~ futureagesage
“ Core Manifestation Template; Original Tree of Life
by: Sequoia Arayas~ futureagesage
Core Manifestation Template; Original Tree of Life

a note.for this one... as its indeed incomplete and also lacking current time.. NowTime status/condition colors for dimensions in question~

Otto Jakobson: Metatronic colors....

Otto Jakobson: Missing central line (horizontal)

RaKa Isha: well those are the normal colors they use from 1st charka upwards... , same as older KS worksop i re-saw last week, holy grail quest ha year2000,. incl a trip up with innerchild. and indigoBlu does have traces a violet of the next..layer so its kinda ok shadewise.. (just all darkertinted) / / , what central line,. you mean the one in distorted
grid had.. at 8 @middle.... pss comeon.. if you mean between 6/7
doesnt require one.. as corridor. but jeah could be there., / / top
colors fine also, blackblue and blackgrey/silver , so tell us than what
are METATRONIC colors. since you point at it. so tell... (i guess
one means the connecting lines-coloring.. between NodePoints

Otto Jakobson: In KS they use a lot of metatronic colors.

Otto Jakobson: 10d blue-black is artificial, and 11d silver-black, also artificial.

Otto Jakobson: Nonartificial
10d - blue-violet, and blue-green for more macrocosmic accretion
levels. 11d organic - pale aquamarine blue, and macrocosmic - bright
pale silver. 12d - organic - white-gold liquid light with trinity

Otto Jakobson: The top and bottom parts of that tree are too elongated. They should be 90 degrees.

Otto Jakobson: The central corridr is required for the connection between 6d and 7d.

Otto Jakobson: Red-to-violet for 1-7 is often used by metatronic sciences, somehow it made it into KS.

Otto Jakobson: A very good color for the node points is golden-silver-white.

RaKa Isha: jeah
, B/T enlongated i noticed also haha not properly scaled. and middle
yep. (im not sure they know how to colormix that it shows in the pale
neon shades for the 10/11 ones ha (and i guess less interaction on that level also so partly unaware also for NowTime // it made it into KS
cause thats the distortion were dealing with body&planetary in
seperation thus manifests , templatewise. just like chakra2 is still
an issue.

RaKa Isha: its
not his finest work of them all thats for sure haha (though some he
gets the colors better, but thats more the one he uses many shades
into1. )

Otto Jakobson: Dimension 1 sphere can be white too.

RaKa Isha: yep true,as below that is plasma again,..
22 hours ago

Otto Jakobson: Colors
that use black for dimensionalized, are not fully krystic. Black is the
color of the void, no dimension embodies that with the color black.

RaKa Isha: if
you have blackblue in a whitegoldish encasing. its not that black..
perceptionwise. its kinda sparkling antracietgreyblack and thus can
work with the issues that were in them layers. from a allconnected
pillar. i guess (beside indeed the voidness that was created long ago,
that got it into such state)

Otto Jakobson: Black shouldn't be part of 10, 11d. That was a mistake.

RaKa Isha: jeah i think we can agree on that one haha

Otto Jakobson: Blue-violet - good for 10d. Blue-green, macrocosmic 10d. 11d - microcosmic - aquamarine blue, 11d macrocosmic - pale silver

RaKa Isha: where does the greenishpart cme in than>howwise. the blu i get how downstep interrelatednesswise for 10. 11 i get.

Otto Jakobson: Those colors are independent of the red-to-violet colors. They correspond to energy matrix plasmas.

Otto Jakobson: Dimensions
in fully healed form take on plasma colors, the red-to-violet for 1-7d
are a layer that is not fully healed, exists in a dualistic state.

Otto Jakobson: https://sphotos-a-cdg.xx.fbcdn... The basic 12-d kathara tree of manifest light (12-dimensional manifestation template) (timeless plasma colors)
By: Otto Jakobson:

(direct link pic for ones not on FB.. @ him / or me)

Oracle Report: Monday, March 24, 2014

Monday, March 24, 2014
Third Quarter Moon Phase: revise, realign, responsibility
Moon in Capricorn

Focus, forgiveness, fellowship, and freedom are the themes today. Information, insight, and illumination comes our way to set us straight.


FOCUS - We keep an unwavering focus - the gaze of the wise owl - on matters. Look around at people, places, and things that are wavering. Have tenacity if something is trying to take you out of what you feel is right for you. Issues that developed over the weekend related to boundaries and setting limits gave clues about where we need to be in relation to others. Don't sway from your course. Envision yourself with the deep roots of an oak tree, firmly grounded with Gaia Sophia and let things take their course.

FORGIVENESS - Resolution of matters comes when we surrender the need to control a specific outcome. This action loosens situations so that they begin to move freely once again. It removes great burdens - emotional freight. When we let go, the pieces can come together in a natural way.

FELLOWSHIP - Natural world order (life in line with the principle of freedom - freedom of mind, body, and spirit; freedom of experience) comes about through clear aim that is unchallenged by indecisiveness. All of the good things in the world have come about from this, not through struggle and strife. It may appear that struggle and strife (as in the struggle and strife of the American Revolution) enabled things to happen, but this is not the case. Aim is what makes things happen. To prevent this, an agenda of "divide and conquer" is often set up. We see above and beyond that. Inclusivity is the keyword today. Include everyone you can.

FREEDOM - The mechanics of the stars are timed. If presented with an opportunity, the energy favors it. Changes are underway to bring a happier, more natural way of life. Freeing ourselves from what constricts us is part of this. If something is keeping you "down," look to what you need in the situation.

This is bold energy. Both Uranus and Jupiter will move to new degrees today, beginning energy that will be imprinted at the New Moon this Sunday. It's a transformative kind of day that is complex in what it produces, but simple in nature. It's really about a renewed dedication to spirit.

With the New Moon in Aries, the aim at the Oracle Report will be to provide a daily guide to maintaining focus on the sharpening of natural world order while the dissolution of the new world order - the archontic control matrix - occurs. Wise owls have work to do.

Friday, March 14, 2014

Ascension Whispers: Carbon Based Life

Understanding more of creation and your relationship to it.



Carbon Based Life

A quick reminder that the next time shift date is March 15, 2014 and as the quickening for this shift has approached I have become aware of a few more pieces of the puzzle.

PLEASE NOTE: This information is not intended to treat or diagnose any physical, mental or emotional illness and it is suggested to check with your medical person before adding any supplement to your diet.

This information is simply to bring awareness to thoughts to allow you to research and discover if it applies to you.

The human body has been a “carbon based biology” for a very long time but what does that mean? Carbon in its pure form (atomic element #6) expresses as diamond, graphite and coal. All “known life” on Earth is carbon based.

Follow This Link To Understand Carbon Based

I am now understanding a bit more pieces of what it means that the “recipe” of the “elements” were altered or mixed in a blender when the planets were blown apart and the false solar system was created and then later the planet dropped in 2/3 energy.

When we think of energy from a metaphysical level, we might think of airy fairy type waves of energy and most likely from thoughts we carry about the concepts of ghosts. Energy does exist in such states but energy exists in many states that we are not yet aware of.

This information is so vast within me that I am currently finding it challenging how to put these puzzle pieces together in words for you to consider. It all started with more understanding of the true purpose of the ancient structures such as pyramids and I will share what I know about that in the next video shares but that greater understanding is allowing me to understand more of what it means to be “Energy Beings” expressing on/within an “energy planet” and how the elements that compose the matter body play a role within all of it.
When Eternal Life forms incarnate into a planetary system they literally plug into the energy grids of the planetary system and via the matter body makeup walk the planet. Simply walking the planet creates a compression effect or tapping effect between the planet and the life forms of the planet. The compression effect creates a domino effect within the elements that compose the matter base.

Source does not simply create the “know elements” without reason and purpose. For instance, Source does not create natural metals such as gold, copper and silver within a planetary body so that the life forms will create an economic system upon them which spawns greed and distortion; they do have a purpose within the planetary body. All natural elements have a purpose within a planetary system and it is not to fuse elements together in ways Source did not fuse them together to make “man made matter forms”.

The truth about elements and how they work together to create effects has been hidden from the masses for 26,000 years and prior to that time, the people of Earth held knowledge of many of those truths. At this time, I only have this little bit of awareness to share with you but I feel it is pretty large and is why I am trying to find the words to share it in a post instead of waiting for a video share.

A carbon based biology occurs when the higher energy of Source is not available to allow for the elements to work the way that Source created them to work. At this time, the Eternal Life forms of Earth will remain a carbon based biology but when the Earth is able to shift back into her healed expression, the elemental biological form will “change” into a silica based biology which Earth Science will tell you is not possible in this reality field and they are correct. To understand more about that follow this link.

Follow this link to understand why a silica based biology is not possible at this time.

As you will read within that information for a biological life form to be base silica they would have to exist within a planetary system that would be extremely high in temperature as compared to the Earth system or else the breathing process would simply solidify the silica and turn it to sand. But in a high temperate environment, it would remain a liquid or vapor.

Glass, Sand and “Quartz Crystal” are made of silica. Silica makes up 90% of the Earth’s total mass. What does that mean? It means that we are walking on a planetary mass that is composed of 90% “Quartz Crystal” and that our biology also holds “Silica Quartz Crystal” within its elemental make up. What does that have to do with anything?

Quartz Crystal stores energy and is very easy to “code” via energy thoughts. It does not generate energy and can sometimes play a role as a semiconductor but it stores energy.

Natural metals within a planetary system “conduct energy” or move it along from one point to the next and guess what those natural metal conductors are; gold, silver and copper. Gold being the best resource because it does not corrode.

Electrical current can be created via PiezoElectrict through Quartz Crystal. Watch this video on youtube for a simple explanation of that process.

Because the matter body of the planet and the matter body of the life forms on the planet both hold the element of silica (Quartz Crystal) there is an energy exchange that occurs with every step every life form takes.
Within the crust and upper mantel of the planet there exists an abundance of silica or quartz crystal and the simple pressure of walking on the planet creates the piezoelectric effect which in fact generates energy via the energy stored within the quartz crystals.

Cave of the Crystals 2
Within the crust of the planet there are Huge Crystal Beds and veins of crystals throughout the planetary system that link together much like rivers and streams. No, carbon based biology could survive within that extreme heated environment for any length of time and the scientists that have explored the few that have been discovered experienced extreme difficulties doing so. If you have not heard about the crystal caves, just Google them and you will find more info.

And since I have managed to come this far I can simply state that many of the ancient pyramids and other ancient sites were specifically placed where they were to sit on top of crystal beds and veins; this is how the energy of the planet has been controlled from within the hologram and why key sites are heavily guarded. OK, more about that in a video as it will take to many words. :) Suffice to say at this time that control network is crumbling!

The matter base of this false system became 2/3 denser than it should be because the lack of the energy of Source has allowed the “Metals” to become the dominant matter base, literally making the matter biology of the planet and the Eternal Life forms “heavier” or “denser” than they should be because there has not been enough energy to create the sparks within the silica quartz crystals of the planet and the Eternal Life forms simply by walking the planet. No, jumping up and down will not fix the issue!

What can fix the issue and why does it even matter? The higher energy of Source is the only thing that can fix the issue; as the planetary crystal network runs and holds more of the higher energy of Source and the Eternal Life forms do the same then simply walking is like playing a piano of sparks of energy within the matter base. This is what is in the process of healing and why I am so excited to know more about this that I just could not wait for a video share to share it with you.

Guess what is stored within those quartz crystals in the planet and in your body? “Knowledge” and “Memory”!

Because our body is to higher in metal content and the higher energy of the silica quartz crystal has not been able to spark higher energy, the body has become to dense and guess what? As we age the body creates less and less silica. Imagine that!

The information via this link offers some great understanding of the role silica plays in the body but I am not suggesting that product listed there, that is a personal choice.

As you will read there, when we are young the body has more silica in it which creates collagen and as we age and accumulate more metal in our body and the depletion of the birth quantum of energy occurs, the body starts to wrinkle, the nails get brittle, the hair and skin become dry, bones break and joints ache. This is all a result of the lack of silica in the body.

This link offers info on heavy metals in the body and what the food systems call “normal”.

Silica also plays a role in removing aluminum from the body and after you read the above info you will discover the importance of that.

Imagine a planetary system in which your matter body is lighter than the matter body of the planet. I am not sure at this moment how all of this ties into the effects of gravity but I know that it does. When the body loses silica and the collagen weakens, the force of gravity makes all body parts drop or sag.

This is but a tiny drop of the major distortions that require healing but personally I am more than happy to take healing a drop at a time.

Of course this will not keep the matter body from dying at some point because there are other major factors involved in that process that will require the continued accretion of the higher energy of Source but we are headed in the right direction.

I will talk more about the control system within the planetary grids when the weather allows me to start the process of recording again but thought you might be interested in this information now. It is riding on the wave of higher energy that is opening with this time shift so maybe you can pick up on more of it than I currently am.

Personally, I am ordering this product simply because I have used this company for years and trust them but I have to say again, please check with your medical person before adding supplements to your diet.

Silica Complex

Loving Joy Abounds!


Copyright 2013 Ascension Whispers

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

ÉirePort: Deletion of Anti lines comes quickly and with great force

Deletion of Anti lines comes quickly and with great force

12 Mar
Deletion of Anti lines comes quickly and with great force.

Surging of all elementals proceeds swiftly as a result and continues at full pace.

Formidification of structural components of all elementals is in process.

Sensitives are to be avoided, and those in need of assistance are asked to ask.