Monday, January 13, 2014

Lisa Renee: The Solar Sacrum - Jan 2014

The Solar Sacrum

January 2014

The Solar Sacrum

Lisa Renee
Dear Ascending Family,
Since the bifurcation of timelines began, the Universal Cosmic Clock is undergoing a Zero Point recalibration throughout each of the planetary chains that are a part of our Solar System's evolution. The Solar System recalibration to Zero Point is changing the four main directions of the true North, South, East and West nodes as coordinate location points within the constellations. This is saying the constellations that are directly apart of the multiple millions of stellar bodies that interact with our planet are changing distance and moving position from what may be considered a gravitational "fixed point" in time. These constellation coordinate points are time vectors responsible for electromagnetic energy placement within spin points (counterclockwise, clockwise) and rotational axis. This controls the rate of spin of electrons, protons, neutrons that exist in both matter and anti-matter. The rate of spin and axis of rotation at microscopic scales are the quantum mechanics which govern the measurement of time and space in our harmonic universe. This year our planet will access sequential spirals of zero point consciousness sourcing from the corridors of the God Worlds, the Seven Higher Heaven Universes. The Universal Founder Source fields are opening to us in such way (omnidirectional) that we are able to freely access the Eternal Living Light which illuminates and brings to the surface where all shadow and falsity had remained hidden. This is a very big year in the evolutionary direction of Ascension for humanity and the planet. Many lives will be changed permanently.

During this cycle, the Founders are altering the holographic structure of the Universal Tree of Life, and that recalibration to Zero Point impacts our personal Tree of Life. Everything contained in the instruction set is recorded in our personal Tree of Life which is our spiritual consciousness blueprint. Those of us on the Ascension timeline have begun to experience deep alterations to our second internal layers, the areas of the sacral-sexual chakras and the 2nd dimensional blueprint of our personal Tree of Life. The Universal Founder Gold Ray (The Rishic Suns) is sequentially merging into the 2nd dimensional gates and timelines of the origin of the planetary consciousness field. The Universal Gold Ray is a Solar principle which is completely shifting these areas from the control of lunar based forces (Moon Chain lineages) into Solar based forces. As the quarantines are lifted beyond the Solar System "ring-pass-not" in the future time fields, those holding enough light quotient are undergoing a complete reconfiguration of their sacral energy centers from lunar influences to solar influences. This is the beginning stages of the birth of The Solar Sacrum for human beings on the earth.

2D Fiber Optic Upgrade
The process of synchronization with the ascending spiral of time is based upon this personal "Tree of Life" reconfiguration and its result of solar light upgrade in the sacral-sexual energy centers. During this year we will be facing the issues required to heal our lightbody in our sacral-sex center, which impacts our entire Hara complex and Krystal body. For our monadic body to hold the Avatar Christos liquid light within the seat of the hara complex, our sacral-sex centers must be healed into small plasmic solar suns. Many of us will experience direct spiritual sexual healing and rejuvenation to our sexual organs this year during the sleeping state. This is a part of the Aurora re-encryption of our elemental-emotional body which shifts our lower chakra centers from carbon density resonance to silica based resonance. Silica is formed as a crystalline structure which allows a higher resonating quality of light and frequency transference. Currently, most fiber optics that transmits telecommunication over extremely long distances is made from silica. This is similar to our elemental bodies getting a fiber optic "telecommunication" upgrade. As we undergo this reconfiguration, this has a direct implication to our relationships, marriages, sexual intimates and everything imaginable that is directly related to our sexual energies. This reconfiguration completely shifts our 2D elemental body and all of our "inner space" chakra centers. The elemental-emotional body is the part of the lightbody which opens into the inner quantum realms of our consciousness.

This may be a difficult time for those feeling pushed into inquiring on the nature of our deep sexual urges/energies and exploring how we feel about ourselves, our partners and others in this context. In our current society, we have been wounded terribly to feel ashamed, guilty or scared of our sexuality, especially in coming to terms with the true nature of its sacred purpose. There is a tremendous underbelly of dark sexual manipulation through designed secrecy programs which is promoted to keep humans sexually miserable and marriages emotionally unbearable.

This year we will be facing the "sexual misery" mind control programs and their influence upon us from the past in order to terminate their influence on us in the future.

Once we comprehend the sexual–spiritual basis that connects us directly with God, then we know we have the ethical responsibility to heal and take care of our bodies sacred sexual and creative energies. When we do not know how to lovingly care for our sexual organs and sexual energies, we may feel painfully confused about self-love and self-acceptance. This results in many sexual distortions as well as sexual transmitted diseases which impact our psycho-emotional state and wellbeing. As we move into the reconfiguration of our sexual energy center from lunar control intoThe Solar Sacrum, we must come face to face with our buried sexual fears and deepest "instinctual" motivations in raw transparency. This is happening for both genders, although males and females may have unique sexual issues to bring to the surface, this healing event will remove the walls of separation between the sexes. This is an incredible spiritual healing opportunity for those who consciously participate and desire truly loving sacred unions!

Shedding the Lunar Woman
Humanity has been in a dark cycle of separation which dedicated the female principle as made in the image of the Moon Goddess, as the stages of being a woman were matched to the shadowy reflections and phases of Lunar light. Being equated to the secondary reflection of the male solar light was the set up for descending the female image to be linked with monsters of darkness and hidden mystery, where the seeds of misogyny on earth began. The fear of the spiritual womb power inherent in females was robbed through rape, humiliation and menstrual disgrace. These fears feed the Dark Witch Female archetypes, such as for the Black Widow Mother promoted by the voodoo superstitions in the moon chain lineages. This hell spawn "Mother" would eat her young and decapitate her husband, if she was not put in her place, kept barefoot and pregnant and "commandeered" by her husband. The fear of menstruation as evil, dirty, or a punishment for sin, the fears of the female sexual organs swallowing up the male, is still being massively fueled by the dark ignorance promoted to subjugate women to the status of breeders or prostitutes. In many places in the world today, the only purpose in life women are told they are good for is as "brood mare" or for the whims of male pleasure.

With the solar sacrum upgrade, the female principle and instinctual-emotional body within us must learn to be illuminated from within the radiant light of solar forces. The moon represents the mirror which reflects the mysteries of God as well as the hidden shadow side of the solar light. The lunar force hides what we cannot see inside ourselves. Many times we refuse to face our inner shadow from the primal spiritual fear of falling into the watery abyss of dark nothingness. Now in this cycle, we will see what was buried as our Sacral Center is gradually filled with the radiance of solar light. This means many "moon" based rituals that are directly associated and implicated as a part of the female principle, are changing their "meaning" now. This may create confusion or pain in women as they come to the realization of the necessity to leave behind moon based rituals. The sense of the connection to the Moon Goddess and its mythos will begin to naturally fall away as one listens to the earth. Many women (and men) have been taught to feel empowered through the many ancient lunar teachings of cycles from the "moon lineages". As those who deeply connected with the moon as a source of ritual may begin to feel estranged from the past ceremonies which once had felt empowering and supportive.

It is time for the High Priestess to enter between the Pillars at the Temple of Solomon embodied with a full wedded garment of light, forever dissolving the crescent moon and shadows underneath her feet. For she is the Wife of the Lamb of God (Jesus Christ) and it is her destiny to build the holy architecture of the New Jerusalem on earth, in perfect love and sacred marriage with her husband.

We are leaving the lunar influence behind as these lineages have been inherently responsible for the gender separation and sexual schism which stole humanities right and ability to live in sacred spiritual marriage. The Moon Chain lineages history with the earth hold the hidden meaning behind the sexual misery programs and the main reason for extremely mismatched and unhappy marital relations promoted upon the human race. The Moon Chain lineages entered this planet through Asian gates, and as such the epicenter of these Moon Chain belief systems will be highly concentrated in the cultural beliefs observed in the Asian regions of the planet. (Asian Countries: China, India, Japan, Singapore, Thailand, Indonesia)

The following is a summation of the hidden historical reasons contributing to these sexual distortions and why the humanity must depart from the Lunar cycle and influence of the Moon Chain lines.

Moon Chain Beings
Moon Chain Beings are soulless entities, like the Greys and Zetas that have been engineered or cloned by the Annunaki, Draconian, Necromitons, whom have placed these beings as "workers" on various planets. Moon chain lineages are also cast offs from other cycles of evolution between multiple planets in our Solar System. These are beings that were not rehabilitated in past cycles when they lost their capacity to incarnate as a "human soul". The Annunaki have shaped this planet in the last 50,000 years as a type of prison for undesirables and allowed Orion groups to send their criminals (from other planets) to incarnate on the earth. For this reason, the earth became a type of "galactic way station" for wanderers. The moon chain lineages have been directly involved both karmically and technologically with purposely creating the "Sexual Misery" program in the human race during this Dark Age. One reason is that the human sexual energies (which connect into the soul body matrix) are far the easiest to manipulate and have a high yield of energy to harvest from. Soulless entities require an external energy source to exist for long periods of time and as such they harvest human and planetary life force energy. Some of these "soulless" entities became the housing for the collective spirit of Luciferian forces and for Satanic Forces. This is what it means when the term Luciferian Annunaki or Satanic Draconian is used as a descriptor. It defines a being that made a choice at some point from actions taken that allowed an agreement with the spiritual forces of those levels of consciousness to use or possess the body/entity.

These anti-life energies purposely distort through patriarchal domination mind control, which severely damages the natural energetic balance that exists between the male and female principle. This has emotionally devastated and spiritually stunted all human beings to some extent. Some of the most traumatizing events are those painful memories from distortions existing between men and women being forced to sexually abuse each other, over and over. These gender principle distortions have been used to propagate some of the deepest levels of spiritual abuse, sexual misery that could occur to a race of beings. For this reason there is a unconscious terror in accessing the heart center because the soul wound is so painful for so many on the earth.

Sexual Misery Programs
In order to separate humanity from accessing true sacred marriage during the course of natural spiritual development towards hierogamic divine union, the NRG Grids promote sexual misery mind control which is designed to influence spiritual disconnection through all means sexual. The NRG grids are supervised by the Annunaki whom also direct its energetic resources to the Moon Chains that are working for them.

The sexual misery program is to intentionally distort, manipulate and abuse the creative life force of the sexual energies, therefore abuse the spiritual body energies, in all human beings incarnated on this planet.

Upon hijack of these 2D-4D energy centers, false white light, false Christ consciousness grids were eventually used on planet from the astral plane to misguide and trap human beings spiritual energies. The damage promoted in these centers also resulted in emotional distortions and extreme aberrant accumulated energies in the lower bodily energy centers of the collective. This was taken advantage of by the negative aliens (anti-christ spirits) to splinter the collective soul energies, rather than integrate and heal them, by controlling and abusing humanities sexual energies. By promoting painful distortions around the sexual act (i.e. religion, judgment and misogyny), gender roles and corrupting our relationship to our mother and father parent, our race descended into sexual misery and marital incompatibility. This is known as the "sexual misery program" propagated and hierarchically distributed by the Moon Chain (lunar) lineages. These are lineages not indigenous to the earth but came to extra-dimensional control through the process of invasion, deception and parasitism. There are multiple layers of inorganic architecture and mind control that have been artificially created to control, deceive, separate, confuse, torture and steal human beings sexual life force, and it is a violation against the human soul. These violations wound the soul body, as the trauma level in events such as rape or sexual torture, fragment the soul into near destruction. When the soul fragments from any kind of intense trauma, it shuts down the soul connection, heart connection and systematically splinters the layers of the mental bodies. If this is not healed, the soul fragments are unable to embody at all, and exist in fragments strewn across the planetary consciousness grids. The physical result is a disconnected soul from its incarnated human body. (The soul is outside the physical self, may exist in fragments, rather than energetically integrated to be embodied.)

This spiritual disconnection is the result of most all human diseases, brain dysfunction and related psycho-emotional distortions, many that are clinical references to schizoid, narcissism, and psychopathy. Once a soul is fragmented the body is very easy to control through addiction and/or possess by reversal life forces, such as the Satanic forces. Obviously to feed the chain of hungry ghosts, to possess a human body in order to gain access into its energetic source, is desirable for them. One way to incite influences that will shape belief systems for possession is to use mind control on the human population. One main collective mind control archetype that is used to reverse the Christos female attributes was through the holographic insert use of the Princess Code.

The Princess Code or Reversal Mother Forces
To instigate the sexual misery mind control program, archetypal filters to control the minds of the collective were installed in the planetary consciousness. The Princess Code is a collective planetary archetype "filter" that was inserted technologically by the NAA into human consciousness to purposely distort the female principle and female gender roles. As a result this archetype can also be referred to as stemming from the "dark female" or "dark mother" forces that are manipulated by the Satanic and Luciferian spirits in their ritual alchemy to impose their timelines and future probabilities upon the current earth consciousness. The dark female archetype and reversal female forces can manifest within a male body and a female body, this is designed to distort the female spiritual principle in both men and women.

The unhealed cellular memories in the timelines that are used to feed this false female archetype on earth are related to the painful histories of Tiamat. This is a False Mother consciousness program designed to inflict pain and suffering upon the earth. When the NAA invaded the planet during the Atlantian cycle, the consciousness program installed in the Planetary Logos was designed to enslave the inhabitants of the planet based in Orion Patriarchal Domination through a persistent strategy of shaping mind control through Archontic Deception Behavior. This began the planet's dark age of misogyny. The Orion group was aware that to manifest creation they require both male and female "consciousness" counterparts to merge with each other. Just as the reversal electrons were manipulating the male "mind" principle into controlled tyrannical thoughts, the protons were manipulated at the subatomic level changing chemical elements to compact down the female "heart-feeling" principle energies into the underworld dimensions.

To keep the reversal mother energy and heart trapped in the lower dimensions, the Princess Code hologram was installed at the atomic level to be used by the NAA forces as the counterpart to the controllers for the False King of Tyranny. The False King of Tyranny archetype mates with the Princess Code (who grows into adulthood into the Ice Queen) archetype to maintain the control through the Power Elite, and their belief systems are promoted throughout media, society and as an inherent part of grooming both boys and girls to adopt this abusive behavior and belief system as adults. This dysfunction further promotes the sexual misery program and the Moloch related soul abuse in so that children will not grow into well balanced adults capable of creating truly loving, healthy, happy spiritual marriages. Sexual misery manifests genetic distortions which are generally known as "sexually transmitted diseases" and other genetic related abnormalities.

Princess Code Narcisstic Profile
This collective archetypal identity filter is used to manipulate both males and females in the instinctual 2D body. In its extreme ego dominating identity, this dark female archetype becomes a thoughtform possession used for satanic based manipulation. One may notice that in western culture, all the little girls are conditioned to react and adore pink "princess" related images, cartoons and toys. (Just try to get a girl toy that is not pink!) In the Asian cultures, girls are conditioned to westernized designer labels, sexualized cartoons, pigtails and stuffed toys. Generally, this teenage princess image is used to titillate white western men. This "princess" conditioning begins as early as possible even as a baby. Once the princess archetype is conditioned to the point of ego identification, the following beliefs and behaviors are reinforced in a child into adulthood.
  1. Astral fantasy that the Knight in Shining Armor will ride his white horse and will sweep her off her feet, saving her from doom, poverty, low status and unhappiness.
  2. Superior beliefs that she is a "Princess" and then deserving as a "Queen", thus, she makes demands of self-entitled treatment and expectations.
  3. Beliefs she has to manipulate the male target of her "Knight Fantasy" in order to marry her and then he will become the "King". Sexual manipulation, seduction and deception to get power or material goods are common.
  4. Generally feels that she is deserving of wealth, jewels or status symbols and will blame or use others to get these "designer" material goods.
  5. General disregard for others, even those she is close with, in the relentless pursuit of her storybook fantasies and personal goals.
  6. Cosmetic surgery or extreme manipulation methods to make her appear to be a beautiful "princess" to others.
  7. Spin doctors the reality (creates self-promotion stories) to suit her image of perfection, or image based on her reality bubble which is built upon delusion and deception.
  8. Narcissism through emotional fracturing and immaturity is masking her outward superiority complex and potentially, tantrums, hysterics and upheavals.
  9. Refuses to listen to accurate assessments or facts and may lash out when her delusion or reality bubble is being threatened.
  10. Key themes: manipulator, seducer, jezebel, femme fatale, fantasizer, Victim-Victimizer, lasher/slasher, guilt trip punisher, man-eater, strings attached, conditional.
These destructive ego behaviors are the basis of promoting severe addiction, sexual disconnection and narcissism which are disastrous emotional habits when desiring to create a happy, healthy marriage/relationship/family based on love and trust. When highly habitualized it is very difficult for the female to change her sense of identity without comprehending the emotional damage it is creating in her life and in others' lives. The inner addictive void creates a never ending cycle of emptiness of great longing and loneliness of which feeds into the mind control manipulation of the moon chain lines.

As an example, at this time the Asian grids are feeding "Princess Code" as well as "sexual robot" fantasies to disconnect men and women from intimacy and heart based relations. Anime and Manga violent porn cartoons (sexual robot) have extensive architecture powering into the NRG networks as a battery source. These items are being exploited into shaping trends or beliefs which create massive deviations that are imbalanced and unhealthy to the human being who is unaware they are being negatively manipulated through these mind control systems. During this time, many young Asian girls have decided to have radical cosmetic surgery on their features to appear like their favorite or adored anime or manga cartoon character. Affluent teenage girls are asking their parents for elective breast and vaginal surgeries while their sisters in Muslim countries are having their sexual organs forcibly mutilated from barbaric religious beliefs. Both of these destructive acts are designed for "sexual-genital mutilation" which distorts the natural vital energies from running harmoniously in the sexual organs and is influenced by the Princess Code.

Tiamat, the Wounded Goddess
The phantom energy generated from the exploded planet Tiamat is "used" to power up reversal female archetypes on our planet used by the moon chain forces, such as the Princess Code.

OffplanetRadio: Randy Maugans with Duncan O'Finioan & Miranda Kelly and guest John Stormm: Return of the Mage


OffPlanet Radio - Recorded 12/08/2013 - Randy Maugans with Duncan O'Finioan & Miranda Kelly and guest, John Stormm
John Stormm YouTube Channel 

This call that includes three generations of MKUltra survivors: John Stormm (Gen1), Duncan O'Finioan (Gen 2), and Miranda Kelly (Gen 3). John and Duncan first met when Duncan was a child abductee in CIA MKUltra Program. Over the course of nearly three hours you will learn fascinating details from one of the few living, publicly disclosing original Ultra subjects. More than that, you will hear the story of not only how these subjects were taken, abused, deployed, and discarded---but how they, in fact, survive and spiritually re-discover themselves. John, Duncan, and Miranda reveal aspects of the "magical" awakening...the literal return of the mage and the coming shaking of the kingdoms of darkness.

 John Stormm: Return of the Mage (Complete 2hr 43 m)
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 - Right click to download MP3 audio

Tuesday, January 07, 2014




I will be interviewing Keshe with regard to his recent statements and the Fukushima disaster clean up that he is working on today at 12 noon on the Camelot Livestream Channel. Physicist, Dr. Richard Alan Miller will also be joining us in this important discussion.  -KC

M T Keshe the Iranian Physicist based in Belgium has made an important and challenging statement on his website/forum calling for 2014 to be the year that new technologies will be released to the public.

This was a live event broadcast via livestream and now available here. We were joined by Physicist, Richard Alan Miller, Matthew Stein, author of When Technology Fails, and Mike Harris, talk show host with a background in science working for Motorola...

This covers key elements of Keshe's approach and his team effort to work with the Japanese and Tepco to clean up the radiation from this near Extinction Level Event.

Keshe wrote:

..."By the end of December we will make sure, that there are no grounds for disruption for space travels on regular bases from all the nations on this planet that all shall harvest the reaches of the universe collectively and equally.

Those who have doubts about our work, be ready to become soldiers of the peace and unity before the end of this year."

Keshe goes on to list how he and his foundation will end world hunger, provide clean water, free energy and his first order of business will be to repair the destruction created by the Fukushima disaster. This is a major statement of intent and no doubt a casting down of the guantlet to challenge the NWO that their rule has ended. I encourage you to watch my previous interviews with this fascinating scientist and courageous man.

M T Keshe

Project Camelot has interviewed MT Keshe twice:

Note: We need both of these important interviews transcribed asap. Please contact me if you are able to do so: Put the words "KESHE transcription" in the subject line.



Kerry Cassidy
Project Camelot

I AM - Linguistic Template Reprogramming (LTR) Grid

Image by "FutureAgeSage"

Attitudes of Mastery Linguistic Template Reprogramming (LTR) Grid

1. I AM Love. I Recognize I AM the Truth of the All-ONE-ness.

2. I AM Grace. I Allow the All-ONE-ness to Be what IT IS regardless of whether it suits me. I Live Perpetual Forgiveness.

3. I AM Gratitude. I Appreciate the All-ONE-ness. I Know my Aliveness.

4. I AM Reverent – Respect. I Acknowledge and Give to the All-ONE-ness.

5. I AM Responsibility. I Co-Create with, Serve and Respond to the All-ONE-ness.

6. I AM Trust. I Know the Power and Love of the All-ONE-ness.

7. I AM Accountability. I AM in a State of Truth with the All-ONE-ness.

8. I AM Impeccability. I Uphold and Protect the All-ONE-ness.

9. I AM Mindfulness. I love, Nurture, and AM Attentive to the All-ONE-ness.

10. I AM Fearlessness. I Recognize the Eternal Infinite Nature and and Unconditional Love of the All-ONE-ness.

11. I AM Engaged Detachment. I Permit the All-ONE-ness to BE without assigning Critique, Condemnation or Value Judgment; I Understand the IS-ness and I Validate the All-ONE-ness.

12. I AM Joy. I Choose to BE the Embodied All-ONE-ness.

Responsibilities of Mastery LTR Grid

1. I AM Free now from the Victim-Victimizer blame game.

2. I AM Free now from the need for Approval. I AM a manifestation of God-Spirit.

3. I AM a Kristiac Being. I now Direct all energies from my Inner Krist.

4. Responding from my Kristos, I now reclaim all errant energies.

5. I AM a Living Embodiment of Absolute Love.

6. I Choose now to act with Spiritual Integrity at ALL times.

7. I AM truly blessed. I give thanks now for all the gifts I receive daily.

8. I AM Divine Right Timing, Divine Right Balance & Divine Right Order.

9. I send Love and Respect now in honor of God-Source that lives in us ALL.

10. I Respect and Appreciate the God-Force energy in all of its expressions.

11. I AM a Master of the Spiritual Art of Cooperation. I Create Win-Win situations.

12. I Appropriately apply both Common/Uncommon Sense of Spiritual Knowing.

Saturday, January 04, 2014

Human/ Animal Communication and We Can All Learn to Do it !

Human/ Animal Communication and We Can All Learn to Do it ! :)

Reblogged from:
Laura: this is about human/ animal communication without the shadow of a doubt, and the good news is that we can all do it ! :). Thanks to Bonnie <3

I just want to share this message as much as possible without any commercial intent, personal benefit or whatsoever. All used materials and therefore copyrights do not belong to me. I hope you enjoy discovering and watching this story and skill as much as I did.

I found the source of this amazing documentary on the following neat cultural site:


What if you could talk to animals and have them talk back to you? Anna Breytenbach has dedicated her life to what she calls interspecies communication. She sends detailed messages to animals through pictures and thoughts. She then receives messages of remarkable clarity back from the animals. In this section, Anna transforms a deadly snarling leopard into a relaxed content cat.The amazing story of how leopard Diabolo became Spirit…

This is the first full length documentary film on the art of animal communication. Nominated for Best Long Documentary, Best Director of “Jade Kunlun” Awards of 2012 World Mountain Documentary Festival of Qinghai China.

Want to learn more about Anna and the science of animal communication? Buy her DVD at:

Director: Craig Foster | Producer: Vyv Simson | Narrator: Swati Thiyagarajan
Genre: Documentary | Produced In: 2012 | Story Teller’s Country: South Africa 

also reminded me of  Els Basten with Lilou

Finding her calling in healing animals - Els Basten, the Netherlands

Els Basten is a writer and has her own practice for Health and Personal Development in Venray, the Netherlands. She works with ...

Friday, January 03, 2014

EXOPOLITICS: Daughter of Edward VIII: WW2 manipulated by Illuminati Windsors, Hitler, Rothschilds, Anunnaki ETs?

Daughter of King Edward VIII: WW2 manipulated by Illuminati Windsors (including Windsor Adolph Hitler), Rothschilds & Anunnaki ETs?

VANCOUVER, BC -- In an interview with Alfred Lambremont Webre on ExopoliticsTV, research Emily E. Windsor-Cragg reveals the long-hidden story of how World War 2 was manipulated by the Illuminati Windsors, Rothschilds and the illegitimate Windsor, Adolph Hitler, great grandchild of Queen Victoria, as well as negative Anunnaki extraterrestrials. Ms. Windsor-Cragg, the author of a forthcoming book on the subject, also reveals her personal story as the possible daughter of King Edward VIII, the U.K. monarch who was forced from the UK Throne in 1936 so the Illuminati WW2 false flag operation could go forward after less than a year as the only non-Illuminati UK Monarch between Queen Victoria (Monarch 1837-1901) and Queen Elizabeth II (Monarch 1952-present).

NOTE: This interview contains unedited footage.

Reference -- Books by Emily E. Windsor-Cragg

Daughter of King Edward VIII: WW2 manipulated by Illuminati Windsors (including Windsor Adolph Hitler), Rothschilds & Anunnaki ETs?

Lisa Renee: Relationships under Construction +


Relationships under Construction

Relationships are for Spiritual Development

In Ascension context, the synthesizing of the pairs of energetic opposite into unity is also referred to as polarity integration, energetic synthesis or spiritual marriage. This also has the exact same meaning when applied to gender unification which is the energetic balance between the masculine principle and feminine principle. To biologically evolve spiritually the energetic balance between the masculine and feminine energies within the self must be unified.

Thus, every relationship we have is designed for spiritual development, and especially now at the time of ascension, humanity is extremely impacted by the changes that have occurred to the male-female dynamic as it connects to our personal growth.

Most people are unaware that many relationships on planet today are directly attracted by the spirit self in order to resolve past ancestral patterns, clear blockages, and integrate forces of polarity. All relationships are directly designed for personal growth and spiritual expansion. At this time relationships will collapse or destruct from the imbalances which apply pressure of ego needs, desires and expectations. Without this evolutionary context towards relationships, one is left confused and potentially manipulated by personal pain. That pain is manipulated by dark forces that keep fear as the primary wound used to keep the person disempowered in destructive relationship settings. In these new energies, many destructive relationships based on deception that the dark forces use to obstruct further spiritual expansion in one or both parties will terminate. Embrace these changes if they occur as they are divine interventions to protect your heart and soul to unite with your true spiritual purpose. This action is sourced in spiritual freedom.

Significant Impact to all Relationships

The same process of polarity integration is transpiring now in the blueprint of the planetary logos (brain). This changes the collective brain configuration thus potentially shifts the thought forms in those human beings that are open to receive those new instruction sets and frequencies. As a result, this new cycle begins intense, rapid and spontaneous changes that significantly impact the energetic balance (or energetic schism) existing between the male and female principles. This impact will be thematic for a long time that will catalyze momentous transformation in all things having to do with gender, the male and female roles defined through archetypes, marriage, relationships, intimates, partnerships, friendships, family and group dynamics. Many of us will be undergoing deep transformations, exploration and discovery in all permutations of relating in the world based on our gender, as a man or as a woman, both or androgynous.

True spiritual marriage is a deep alchemical process of spiritual ascension and therefore is a part of understanding the necessity of polarity integration between the gender principles. Without polarity integration there cannot be biological spiritual evolution or its byproduct, true spiritual marriage, which is the energetic unification between the gender principles.

Wound of Soul Abuse in Relationships

Consciousness is energetic intelligence which can be both undifferentiated units of qualities of energy or arranged in specific blueprints that direct or influence all matter forms. What is contained in the blueprint will govern the form (govern the body and thought-forms) and direct the intelligence and the energies associated with that blueprint. This extends to all gender principles of which are influential in all ways human beings believe is the nature of reality and the nature of male-female relationships. Those relationships have been defined by the negative alien influence of thought-forms, belief systems, identity archetypes and how those energies are directed and by whom.

These anti-life energies have been purposely distorted through patriarchal domination mind control, which has severely damaged the natural balance that exists between the male and female principle. This has emotionally devastated and spiritually stunted all human beings to some extent. Some of the most traumatizing events are those painful memories from distortions existing between men and women being forced to abuse each other, over and over. These gender principle distortions have been used to propagate some of the deepest levels of spiritual abuse, sexual misery and personal torture that could occur to a race of beings.
Many people feel this pain as soul crushing and there are reasons for that which is warranted from the cellular memories of hidden human history. True spiritual marriage as a part of natural biological spiritual ascension was stolen from humanity through the alien invasion, and the pain of that theft and emotional abuse has damaged many people’s hearts. The heart damage, both physical and energetic, has blocked the soul’s center of communication with the entire body. For this reason there is a unconscious terror in accessing the heart center because the soul wound is so painful for so many on the earth.

With this clarity it would make perfect sense that in order to change the body or heal the heart, one must first change or heal the energetic blueprint and/or spiritual plan. When we become aware of painful distortions we have the courageous power through applied consciousness to change our energetic blueprint. This example is well understood in the field of general construction; to add another bedroom, put recessed lighting in a kitchen, to re-wire the electrical outlets, one would hire a construction crew to draw up the plans and then remodel the existing home structure to reflect those plans. If the plans are drawn up shoddy, if the workers are careless about the quality of their work, and the supervisor is without knowledge to build to the specification in the plans, the final result of the new construction can be disastrous.
Humanity has experienced the same disastrous result to their home planet by following the energetic blueprint put in place by the alien controllers. This planet is our home and it’s guided by alien sociopaths using an energetic blueprint designed to harm and enslave the human race through behaviors that inflict soul damage and heart abuse. In order to change this structure we have to recognize the alien blueprint and how the controllers capitalize on the collective fear of humanity to keep it in place.

When we can recognize the fear program, we can refuse its control over our personal sovereignty as eternal soul beings. This gives us the personal power to replace the alien blueprint with a new healthy, balanced, life affirming, and humanitarian plan for our individual selves, relationships, our families, children, communities and eventually the entire planet.

(Source: Clarifying Gender Principles, April 2013)

Starseeds Reclaim Christos Mission 

Happy Holidays to ALL! During this end evolution cycle that leads into the current Ascension timeline, many different variations of soul-spirit consciousness from a vast array of planets, galaxies and universes have joined the reincarnation cycle on 3D planet earth. Some are biologically organic future humans while others are not; yet, all have come in order to experience the shifting consciousness fields on the 3D planet earth at this end cycle. These particular groups of soul-spirit beings that have incarnated in a 3D human body are referred to as Starseeds. Even though Starseeds hold more genetic memory from these future stations of identity, All is One and valued in its connection to the Eternal Source Creator. Starseeds have specific roles and a humanitarian spiritual mission to help free the planetary soul from spiritual and energetic oppression enforced by the NAA through the False Father God Religions. This is to elevate and change destructive timelines through genetic rehabilitation and erase negative alien mind control software programs. These software program “religions” were put in place by the patriarchal dominate negative aliens in order to be worshipped as Gods and easily enforce the enslavement of the planetary population.