Monday, March 04, 2013

Newsletter from Kiesha Crowther -- Wisdom Keeper "Little Grandmother":March 3, 2013

Newsletter from Little Grandmother:
March 3, 2013


My beautiful Tribe of Many Colors,
It’s so good to be able to write to you all again and express my deepest apologies for being away for so long. As we step into the New Year, I think we all realize that life is showing us all of the ups and downs that happen during this great time of change. It is true, as the elders have said, in the time of the great energy shift our lives will show us what changes need to be made so that we can live in our truest form. We are no longer able to hang onto those things or people in our lives that do not bring us the highest good. So many of us are having great struggles and changes accruing in our personal, emotional and our work lives. The important thing to remember is that these changes and hardships are for the greater good. We cannot hang onto the old ways of being if we want to live in a different world. We must be able to let go of the things that bring us down or do not feed our higher purpose in life. As our jobs change, our relationships take different forms and we struggle with day-to-day things as do our perspectives. Let us remember that as we go through these great shifts that there is a promise that has been given. If we let go of the things that do not feed our greater good, they will be replaced with what our Great I Am has in store for us, the best of the best! I too have been going through a lot in my personal life, as many of you know I have now moved to Holland where I am trying to settle into a peaceful new rhythm. I also have struggled a lot with my health the last few months and have been recovering, now that I’m feeling much better I am ready to once again begin teaching and doing workshops around the world.

Many people have been writing in asking why nothing happened on December 21st. Remember that the 21 of December was simply the end of one calendar cycle in the Mayan calendar and the beginning of a new one. This date was not the day of the magnetic pole shift. Many people were confused by thinking that these two events were one in the same, but they are not. As I have said many times no one can predict a date in which something will happen here on earth. One reason is because Earth's time is very different from the time on the other side, therefore, no one can be told a specific date for a large event. Secondly, we must remember that we are beings with free will and choice, every time we make a decision it changes the outlook of our tomorrow.

Thus, depending on how loving or how egotistical we are today will make a different tomorrow. Thirdly we cannot go by calendars when it comes to the spiritual realm. Calendars are man-made and do not in any way symbolize time on the other side. The magnetic pole shift and the end and new beginning of the Mayan calendar are two very different things. The poles are shifting, it has begun and it will continue until they find their new locations. It is happening so rapidly now that even the scientists who have been watching this shift are astounded at how rapidly it is taking place. Did you know that the last few years the poles have been moving around 4 miles a year and this year it has jumped over 800 percent! In the last year the poles have moved over 40 miles! The magnetic poles are shifting much faster now than ever before and it continues to speed up. Several airports have had to close to create new landing strips because they are so far off of due north now. Even migrating birds are not only getting lost on their paths, and now several species known to migrate to the Arctic are flying south instead of north. Many birds, fish, whales and other mammals are getting lost on their migrations all over the world. The poles are moving at a very rapid pace! As this happens we literally have an opening where in the energies on our planet sky rocket, giving us the opportunity to change our way of living.

All things are energy and the highest energy always wins. As we are given this great gift of the energies rising we are able to shift ego consciousness into love consciousness! This is the time, and there is no time greater than now! I have been speaking for years now on the subjects of "remember who you are", and "we are the ones we have been waiting for," spreading the message of how we must change the consciousness of our planet. We are in the middle of one of the greatest changes on our planet if not the greatest change ever to occur in history but many of us watched December 21, 2012 come and go thinking that this was the big day and when nothing happened as people became disappointed and laid back. We cannot just dismiss what is really happening in the world. As we look around we see so many things we would like to change, knowing we can change them, that we are the strongest of the strong and we are greater than we once ever thought possible--now we must do something about it. We must stay strong, we must join together, we must keep the inspiration and willingness to change ego into love. We can do it!
We are in the middle of the storm now. It is not time to give up but become stronger. I hope you join me this year as we celebrate this new wonderful year together, the year we join our strengths and begin to change the world for the better. So many exciting things are happening on our planet and I’m so excited to be able to share these things with you. I am moved to share much of what I have been taught with the world, therefore, I will be teaching smaller groups of people, very intense workshops this year. I want to teach the lessons nature has given to me while I was a young girl, such as how to speak with nature and Mother Earth, how to see the world in a new way, threw energy and all the senses. I will be teaching in depth courses on how to see without using the eyes and how to manipulate energy to heal the body and the spirit. I am also planning to give a teachers course, gathering together those people who already know how to work with energy and teach them to go much deeper, how to open the window to the Great I Am.

I will be putting up the new and upcoming events up on the website very soon. I hope that I can see you there. We are family--we are the tribe of many colors, those prophesied to come and to pave the way for a new world on planet earth, we are the ones who will change an ego ruled consciousness into a love ruled world...a new day is dawning and I’m so proud to be here with you to see it

Love, Little granthmother

Newsletter February:

cheers @Rob Koote for bringing this to my attention


Lezing Keisha Growther in Utrecht, 30 maart #Netherlands

Friday, March 01, 2013

The Oracle Report - Friday, March 1, 2013


Disseminating Moon Phase - Moon in Libra/Scorpio

Let’s see if I can untangle the nest of brambles that is today’s energy.  Let’s take them one by one:

  • Fight or Flight:  Today brings circumstances or events where we will need to choose between fighting (directly engaging something/ someone head on) and fleeing (mentally retreating to reason or think things out).  Circumstances and events may be taking us out of our comfort zone or range of experience/expertise.  There’s “battle energy” in play, so don’t go about unguarded.  Use the technique of visualizing the shaft of light surrounding you, moving with you.  We will need to stalk this energy or it will stalk us.  Be aware.  Above all, don’t pretend to be more than you are.  Humility goes along way today because it is stealthy.

  • Crazytown:  The crazy is likely to come out today and it involves religious/spiritual motifs.  “Religious ideation” and “messiah complexes” are present to varying degrees.  This runs the spectrum of people believing they have all the answers and are totally in control of matters to bizarre cult-like behavior.

  • Chiron Point Persists:  The Moon will oppose the Chiron Point (see yesterday’s post in the Archives) while Venus and Neptune continue close conjunction at the Chiron Point as the Sun and Chiron continue their close conjunction.  That’s about as “Chiron” as we could get.  Chiron energy is self-sabotaging, among other things (it has wonderful teaching and healing abilities as well).  But with the battle energy that is also present, we could do real damage to ourselves today.  In ancient mythology, Chiron was the teacher of great warriors like Hercules, Achilles, and other heroes.  So if we find ourselves in a theatre of battle (the theatre of the mind or the theatre of the world around us), we need to direct our efforts outward and not inward.  Chiron wounded his foot with a poison arrow he made for Achilles (the Achilles heel).  Wise owls here here at the Oracle Report are familiar with shooting arrows.  Shoot them where they belong and not at yourself.  Watch your step and hold the rail.  Neptune/Pisces rules the feet and we are under heavy influence by Neptune and Pisces.  (I could write a disseration on transiting Neptune conjunct the natal Sun in Pisces with Chiron Point ascendant.  I know of what I speak.)

Hidden within today’s nest of energy is a crowning jewel, so please don’t mistake this report to negate anything beautiful today.  The Venus-Neptune conjunction continues to bring out the highest forms of spirit and real-life manifestations of our inner world.  Find the beauty within the day.  Let’s not forget what is truly important: We are having a love affair with the goddess embodied as the planet and joining her on the grand stage of her creative experiment of humanity.

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The Oracle Report

Gaiaportal: Alignments with Gaia, Galactic, Cosmic Energetics

[caption id="attachment_21" align="alignleft" width="119"]gaia_energy1 28 Feb 2013[/caption]

Fortifications of purpose come to those aligning with Gaia energetics. Those of more Galactic essence find detachment from Gaia energetics may be necessary, as “humanity” transitions to “Hue-manity”.

Those aligned with Gaia-purpose have been intensified energetically, and given clear instruction via Deep Heart Guidance.

Judgement of any kind of any humanity or Hue-manity unit serves none but surface-ego, and only allows veil illusion to appear to continue.

Alignment with Gaia energetics…
Alignment with Galactic energetics…
Alignment with Cosmic energetics…

Each has its function. Each is to be honored.

via Alignments with Gaia, Galactic, Cosmic Energetics.

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Ascension Whispers: Understanding More Of Source - 2-25-13


Welcome To Ascension Whispers
Please take what assists you and leave what does not.


Understanding More Of Source:

As long as a spark of Source is experiencing individuation within Source, it will remain impossible to fully understand "Unlimited Source". There is no ending or beginning to Source. Source simply is, always has been and will Be eternally.

The finite physical body can only translate as much energy as it was created to translate just like the physical heart can only only pump a specific amount of blood in a specific amount of time. Individuated expressions within Source such as the heart and brain, hold their limitations of operation based on what they were created to accomplish.

The energetic systems of life forms experiencing in a reality field, such as the Earth reality field, will always encounter any limitations that exist as part of the reality field. As a planet expands its energy system to hold more of the energy of Source it allows more individuated sparks of Source (life forms, people) on the planet to hold more of Source energy open within themselves. This process also allows "Higher Levels of Consciousness" to incarnate on the planet when the planet can support more energy. If Higher Levels of Consciousness incarnated into the reality field before the reality field could support that energy, the planet would blow up.

It can be quite challenging for your physical brain to understand such truth unless you can imagine the reality field as energy, as everything actually is. What appears as dense matter to you or solid / manifest is simply energy that holds less quantum of Source energy than the level of yourself that is viewing or looking at the reality field. When you have once again expanded to hold open within yourself all of the energy in which matter density occurs, you will no longer experience matter density.

Regardless of the level of the manifest time matrix you are experiencing from within, you will not be able to remember the fullness of what it means to be One With Source or know yourself as ALL of Source at the same time until you have returned to full At-One-Ment with Source and removed your consciousness from the time matrix structure. Even though you will continue to expand more of Source energy open to your awareness and become aware of much more of what is held within creation, within Source. This means that as long as you are experiencing as a spark of Source within Source, you will also see the illusion of boundaries when the truth is, there are no boundaries anywhere within Source. The illusion of such allows for individuated experiences.

Because of the current limitations that exists within the Earth reality, it remains quite challenging to return higher understanding, concepts and truth to the life forms of Earth. There will always be more to know, understand, rediscover about Source, the structures of creation and your personal involvement within creation. It would be wise if you chose not to set limitations for your healing and continued evolution of expansion by limiting yourself to think that once you rediscover pieces of truth that assist you, that there is no need to continue to look for more pieces. By doing so you would be blocking yourself from continuing to rediscover more truth and therefore more healing. It has never been the intention that truth returned to the planet about any piece of creation be considered all there is to know about that piece. Limitation is only limited to the degree of the energy that the planet and the life forms on the planet are able to access and translate the information which flows within the energy of Source.

It is correct to say that that "Matter - Manifest Realms of Creation" exist within a time matrix that holds 15 frequency bands of energy and 4 "Densities of Manifestation" which are surrounded by Light and Sound Fields in which densification of matter does not occur. This is exactly how the truth of your current time matrix has been returned to planet Earth.

The frequency bands in which densification of matter occurs, group together in sets of 3 to create Harmonic Universes (HU) or Density Levels in which manifest matter can occur to allow for individuated experiences to occur.

HU 1 = The Incarnate Identity and is the most dense matter of expression - (Frequency Bands 1, 2, 3)

HU 2 = The Soul Identity and is less dense in matter but still matter manifest, ghost like matter - (Frequency Bands 4, 5, 6)

HU3 = The Over Soul Identity and is even less dense in matter but still matter manifest - (Frequency Bands 7, 8 9)

HU4 = The Christos Avatar Identity and is matter in the form of liquid light. This level of the time matrix is where densification of matter begins as the energy of Source begins the process of cooling enough to allow for such - (Frequency Bands 10, 11, 12)

Frequency Bands 13, 14 and 15 of the Light and Sound Fields do not hold densification of matter. These layers of a time matrix structure hold "Collective Consciousness" of Source energy who play a role to hold the coding for what will occur within the lower levels of the time matrix so these frequency bands are not considered "Density Levels". Your Identity in this level of the time matrix is called the Rishi Identity.

This is your "immediate" structure of your multi-dimensional family of consciousness that exists within the 15 frequency band structure you are currently experiencing within. This structure applies to all the time matrices within creation in which densification of matter occurs. There are an uncountable number of such systems.

Time Matrices are "alive" as well. They are not simply constructs of energy that hang out in space connected to something above them at one location point. Time Matrices in which densification of matter occurs also have their levels of identities based on the same structure of the systems in which densification of matter occur.

What has not been previously presented is that a 15 Frequency Band Time Matrix also holds levels of frequency bands that exist as "Inner Domains". Inner Domains consist of 3 more levels of 15 Frequency Band Structures as each set of 12 Frequency Bands is surrounded by a Light and Sound field to make up the full spectrum of 15 Frequency Bands. Densification of matter does not occur within the Inner Domains.

The first Domain consists of frequency bands 13 - 24 and its Light and Sound Fields for a 15 frequency band structure. This is called the "Outer Domain".

The next Domain consists of frequency bands 25 - 36 and its Light and Sound Fields and is called the Middle Domain.

And the last Domain consists of frequency bands 37 - 48 and its Light and Sound Fields and is called the Hub Domain.

All four levels of 15 Frequency Bands are surrounded by a vast Light and Sound field of Source energy that hold the space for all to occur within which also includes larger collectives of consciousness.

The time matrix system that you currently find yourself in is considered as the Incarnate Level of the full structure. The Outer Domain is considered as the Soul Level of the full structure. The Middle Domain is considered as the Over Soul level of the full structure and the Hub Domain is considered as the Christos Avatar Level of the full structure. The larger Light and Sound Field that all of it exists within is considered as the Rishi level of the full structure.

They are called Domains as they consist of "Collective Consciousness of Races" and matter densification does not occur within them. Therefore, they are not considered Density Levels. All of these levels exist in the same space, at the same time but to reach the Domain Levels one must continue to expand Inward and these are indeed "return paths" for consciousness that expanded form those levels into the manifestation levels.

There are different levels of individuated collective life expressions that exist in all frequency bands and they do so to play their role in holding the energy of Source to allow for all levels below their location to exist.

What might a Collective Consciousness be like? It can be challenging from your current limitations to imagine such but you can get a smaller concept by thinking of things on planet Earth that exist as a collective consciousness. The birds, the grass, the trees and similar things that you consider to be a species of life forms.

When you see a flock of birds on the ground and they all seem to take flight at about the same time for no apparent reason, you are seeing a collective consciousness in action. They are all operating on the same "wave length" and when one feels the need to take flight, the rest will follow suite along that same wave length. But different "races" of birds also carry their race line morphogenetic field and is why you do not see all such birds doing the exact thing thing at the exact same time in different locations around the planet. You think of them as flocks of birds and there is are reasons why they gather in flocks yet gather with like kind. This would involve more understanding of how Source energy steps down to create "Group Shields".

All trees around your planet are in constant communication with each other. All trees know what each tree experiences regardless of their physical location on the planet. Knowing this, it should be rather easy for you to understand why trees do not care to much about communicating with the people on the planet but some will if they are in the mood.

People on the planet are also part of collective consciousness and there are many different collective consciousness incarnate on planet Earth but all people are dealing with the same energetic body issues that currently do not allow them open memory of such truth.

There really is no separation of anything within Source. All things are connected together Eternally but the mechanics of creation allow for the illusion of separation to allow Source to experience everything that Source thinks.

If you could see the reality of the creation fields within Source you would see a Sea of Spheres of energy but only if you were seeing through a level of individuation, otherwise you would not see a Sea of Spheres as there would not be the illusion to see. Creation within Source creates Height, Depth and Width. Regardless from what point of perception you might be looking from within a point of individuation, you would see creation as height, depth and width.

This is why it continues to be very challenging to return bits and pieces of structures that occur within creation to the masses of planet Earth. Things like Up, Down, Left, Right, Middle, Inner, Outer and all degrees in between are only relevant depending on the point of perception you are viewing from.

Understanding can only be shared in bits and pieces and that means smaller images that would compute through your system must find analogies to compare with. Many "image analogies" have been returned to planet Earth to try to assist you into some understanding of pieces that exist within creation "as they become important for you to become aware of". There is always more to know about any bits and pieces that image analogies can share with you.

Life forms that are coded to the frequency bands of 13 - 24 frequency bands of energy exist within the Outer Domain of your full time matrix system. Life forms that are coded to the frequency bands of 25 - 36 exist in the Middle Domain and life forms that are coded to frequency bands 37 - 48 exist within the Hub Domain.

When the Higher Races of your Manifest Time Matrix combined their gene codes to co-create a "new race of Beings" within your time matrix, the pattern for that life form already existed in the Domain levels of your system and the Higher Races still held that pattern within their gene code to specific degrees. By combing their gene codes, they could co-create a similar life expression that would carry the coding for the full manifest time matrix in their gene code but could step down into the lower density levels where distortion had occurred and take that coding with them to assist with healing the distortion that had occurred within the lower density levels by taking into those levels more undistorted energy of Source. The Higher Races could not do this themselves as their energy would be too high for those lower levels.

Combining of their gene codes also allowed an energetic system that ALL life forms who had been co-created in the lower density levels could incarnate into and regain the codes they were missing to allow healing to occur and release them from being trapped within the density levels of space, time and matter. The 12 Strand life form was created as a "healing race" that could descend into the lower density races to allow healing to occur with the intention of healing all to a critical mass level which would then reset the entire structure to the Original Expression that it Source created it to be.

As structures, planets, life forms begin to heal it allows more Higher Energy to turn on within the 12 Strand pattern this allows more of Source energy to become available for healing. As planet Earth continues to heal to hold and support more of the higher energy of Source, this allows consciousness that holds higher energy to incarnate on the planet.

This is why there are now life forms incarnated on planet Earth called the Indigo Children who carry the coding for 12 - 48 frequency bands of energy within their energetic structure. As more energy can be supported within the system and IF the personal energetic structure will allow support, more higher energy coded life forms can descend into your reality field to bring more higher energy of Source for continued healing of the whole. Because the 12 Strand life form carries coding from the 12 - 48 frequency band levels, if the life form holds a contract of agreement and maintains an energetic structure that will allow, then they can be "Upgraded" to turn on more sub-harmonics of energy within their energetic system. The last such upgrade that occurred did so in May 2012 to prepare to assist planet Earth to receive the "Gift" of the Higher Shield on December 21, 2012. There are now more Indigo 2s or Indigos who hold the coding for up to 24 frequency bands of energy, incarnate on planet Earth than there has been since the planet had previously ascended before the fall from Tara occurred and this will now continue to increase as the planet continues to heal to support more higher energy. All Indigo Races incarnate on planet via the "Walk In" method as the energetic structure expands to allow them to come in. Some of this information has already been presented to the planet and a lot of it can be found within the material offered through Azurite Press Inc.

The human prototype can only turn on up to 12 frequency bands of energy within the energetic system but once that has occurred and release from that system has occurred, the higher levels of frequency bands can turn on as the life form can ascend into the Domain Levels of the time matrix if they hold coding for those systems.

Not all humans hold coding for the Domain Systems and is whey once they have merged to their original quantum spark of energy, they can choose to leave the time matrix structure and return to At-One-Ment with Source. Regardless of the coding a life form is created to hold, once they merge to reach their original point of quantum energy, they can then choose to return to At-One-Ment with Source.

As long as you are experiencing within the realms of space, time and matter you will continue to view "planes" within creation or continue to see an horizon point in some direction. This fact allows the perception of creation existing as flat but none of creation is flat. It is all spheres within spheres. Just like you view your current reality as flat and cannot see the sphere of planet Earth unless you are viewing from beyond the planet, so too will your experiences continue to present the illusion of a plane of expression.

Nothing is simply hanging out in what you call outer space and not connected to something else all around and within it. As more healing has been able to occur for planet Earth and its life forms, you will begin to experience more the concept of "miracles" appear in your hologram and YOU will be the ones creating those seemingly miracles. No matter your current belief system or held customs, if you could simply stand together as a "Collective" in harmonic love of Source, you will not only be able to move mountains but you will regain the ability to co-create them. But before such can occur, a critical mass of the population must remember they are Source Embodied and begin their inner process of healing.

Share your message far and wide to any who will listen to you even if they are only doing so out of politeness. Plant seeds everywhere you walk as you are the Source anti-virus to allow healing to occur.

When people gather together to share their love and understanding of Source, when they can put all of their differences aside and simply share the love of Source, that is when seemingly miracles occur. If you could see the increased energy of Source that is co-created in your reality field during such times then the thought of coming together with that one common goal would be something you could not hardly wait to do. This is where the concept of attending church originated from but of course that concept became distorted within the control program. You would not need to sing or chant or dance around, all you would need to do is stand together as one and Shine forth the love of Source that flows through you. One common goal of healing back into balance with Source. None of the rest of the drama of the play really matters at all and you have free will choice to make it happen or not.

2012 Entries ~ Meditation Exercises ~ E-Book Files ~ Ascension Whispers Chat Group

Holly Cole - Live in Nuremberg 11-24-2012 #Jazz #Music

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Ascension Whispers: Inner Sound Healing

Ascension Whispers

Welcome To Ascension Whispers
Please take what assists you and leave what does not.


Inner Sound Healing:

Just like your Loving Joy Songs will create sparks of higher radiation within your Emotional Body so too can you co-create sound healing with your Krystal Ring of Power.

All light holds a vibration and oscillation sequence and therefore creates sound. There are many sounds in creation which exist that you currently are not able to hear or be aware of. Once you have expanded your energetic structure more and open more receivers, you will become aware of many more sounds.

Because you are composed of light and sound, those are the tools used to speak to your energetic anatomy. Your thoughts are light and light holds a vibration / oscillation rate which generates sound. Each life form is keyed to many different sound tones but each life form holds their "unique harmonics" of sound tones they are coded to.

There are many on planet Earth who hold much knowledge of the effects of sound on life forms and the planetary environment. There are sounds that are inaudible to you that are used on the planet almost every day to create some kind of effect and not all of those effects are healthy for the environment, the planet or the life forms on the planet. Many are using sound technologies in ways that were never intended by Source and unfortunately, those who do such things will reap the results of their choices along their path. Not because Source is sitting in judgment of any of ItSelf but simply because of Divine Physics and what will automatically be drawn to experience for those who choose to work outside of the Natural Laws of creation.

There are sound waves that move through your air ways daily that can be detected if one has the receiver to detect them and if your internal receivers were working correctly, you would become aware of a lot of them but regardless if you can hear them or not, they still have an effect on you in some way.

Simply by turning on your radio or television you receive some of those sounds that are inaudible to your physical ears without the translation of that energy, by the receivers in your electronic devices. If you were able to hear inside of your physical body you would discover that it is quite noisy in there. The process of your physical body working to maintain operation makes a lot of noise. You can quickly hear some of those sounds in the food digestion process or of course your heart beating but there are many more inner sounds you do not hear.

Even when you sit in complete silence and do not hear anything with your ears, your physical / emotional body is hearing sounds all of the time and those sounds are giving it instructions. Some instructions would most likely not be to your desire if you were able to be aware of them. There will remain audible and inaudible sounds in your environment as long as the dual reality field is running on planet Earth and you will continue to be effected by them in some fashion but you can co-create immunity to many sounds that might be harmful to you.

Your physical / emotional body hears every sound you make but also every thought you think. To your physical / emotional body, there is no difference between the two. The sounds you make, the thoughts you have and the words you use give instructions to your physical / emotional body. Instructions that will be followed to allow you to experience those thoughts, ideas and sound tones.

Within your energetic structure is an anatomy composed of crystal. Just like in your watches, crystal holds and transmits energy signals and can be programmed to hold an energetic pattern of instructions. You may not currently be able to be aware of what is encoded in your crystal body anatomy but that does not stop it from operating.

You may be aware of people doing things like using very high pitched sounds to shatter something like a crystal glass or crystal bowl. That is a small example of the effects sound has on all of creation which of course includes your personal anatomy.

If you have chosen to work with your Loving Joy Songs, then you are aware how sounds that are keyed specifically to you can lift you up and allow you to feel better, lighter, more joyful and that feeling is a result of what occurs within your emotional body and releasing stored, lower vibrating thoughts patterns or chunks of coal, as the analogy had been presented.

Your Krystal Ring of Power generates sound tones as well. Everything within creation generates sound tones. Each crystal on your Krystal Ring of Power is keyed to specific frequency levels of the time matrix. You can request assistance with healing any part of your anatomy from your Krystal Ring of Power.

Because your Krystal Ring of Power is coded specifically to you, it will produce sound tones that are keyed specifically to you. Sound tones that you may or may not hear with your physical ears because the sound tones are generated inside of you.

Some are able to pick up on inner sounds that move through them but most will become aware of those sounds as a feeling of waves of energy moving through them. The ability to become aware of such things is dependent on personal receivers operating and allowing energy to translate through the physical levels of the physical body form. More often than not, the physical body will translate energy waves into "thought patterns" that you can then become aware of but if you are not focusing on your thoughts, the thought patterns can move through you so quickly that you might miss them or you may become aware of them and think it is nothing or wonder why you would be having thoughts about something particular.

The first step for any life form to co-create healing within themselves is to know, believe that such a thing is possible. If you do not believe such is possible or you hold doubts that such is possible then you become your own blockage in your desire for self healing. Truth is not something that comes simply because one desires to trust. When a life form cannot remember the truths of their self and cannot remember they are Source Embodied, then trust can seem like it does not exist. Regaining trust in your own abilities and your personal connection with Source is not something another can give to you. You must remember it yourself but if you desire to do so, you can begin the process of trusting through "faith". Krystic life forms trust ALL until they may discover they cannot trust something or someone even though personal fee will choice can allow for trust issues to unfold. Krystic life forms do not have thoughts of imbalance or disorder as Krystic life forms know that ALL hold the ability to to make higher choices that will support the whole. When choices are made that do not support the whole, then they are simply aware that is a result of something that requires healing and will work together as a collective to facilitate the necessary healing.

If you desire to allow yourself to become aware of the thoughts that move through you constantly and how to regain power over yourself through thought awareness, then you will quickly begin to regain trust in your own abilities and it will naturally occur that your trust in Source will continue to expand.

Sounds that you translate with your physical ears that occur outside of your physical body can assist your healing if they are sounds that your personal anatomy are coded to. Inner Sound that is coded to your personal healing can facilitate healing much faster as it does not loose quantum of energy as outer sound does by moving through the translation process of the physical body system. This is why you can co-create much deeper healing within your physical / emotional body by co-creating with your Krystal Ring of Power to self generate inner sounds that are coded to you.

If you remember from the information presented about your Loving Joy Songs, then you are aware that specific sounds tones that are keyed to you, create a "spark of higher energy radiation" within your emotional body. The sparks that are generated within your emotional body are a form of heat radiation and when they strike the lower, stored thought patterns or chunks of coal that are held in your emotional body, they release chunks of coal from the bed of coals stored there and transmute them into higher energy that might look like a vapor to you. They can then leave your personal anatomy and return to Source for healing instantly.
As you go about your busy life, you can listen to your Loving Joy Songs any time you are able and "feel better" from doing so but when you are able to sit in your "Source Space" and focus for the desire of co-creating healing for your emotional body you could choose to work with your Krystal Ring of Power to facilitate inner sound healing for your emotional body.

Krystal Ring of Power - Inner Sound Healing:

1. Prime your Vertical Pillar by sending a spark of your consciousness / mini self, into the God Space.

2. Breath Pure White God Source energy into your Krystal Ring of Power at your AzurA to strengthen the energy you can access for healing in the moment.

3. On next Inhale breathe into your Krystal Ring of Power, use the Exhale breath to move your Krystal Ring of Power down to your 2nd chakra, located just below the navel.

4. Inhale and Exhale into your Krystal Ring of Power at the 2nd chakra and notice that it begins to spin. It does not matter which direction it spins and the spin direction will most likely be different in each healing session as your Krystal Ring of Power is a "Live, Conscious" part of you and knows what it needs to do in each session you connect for healing and co-creation.

5. Notice or imagine that as your Krystal Ring of Power spins, in your 2nd chakra, sparks of light begin to shine forth and spread throughout the inside of your physical body. Each spark of light holds specific sound tones that are keyed to you.

6. Mentally connect with your Emotional Body (Inner Child) and speak / think as if you are speaking to a child with loving, caring thoughts. Tell your Inner Child that you are now going to heal your Inner Child with more healing.

7. Mentally request your Krystal Ring of Power to transmute the lower vibrating thought patterns that are stored within your emotional body.

8. Watch - Listen - Imagine - Pretend; as your Krystal Ring of Power spins see the sparks and tones transmute more stored chunks of coal and vaporize them to allow them to move out of your physical / emotional body.

9. Listen for responses from your Inner Child as your Inner Child may have things to let you know about this process. Always offer comforting, loving, reassuring thoughts to your Inner Child.

10. When you have reached the point of experiencing as much healing as you can in that session, your Krystal Ring of Power will slow down the spin process and come to a halt, waiting further instructions from you.

11. Thank your Inner Child for connecting with you to co-create more healing for your selves and offer assurance that you will continue more healing in the future.

12. You can either give instruction to you Krystal Ring of Power to return to home location in your AzurA or simply enjoy the soft, gentle moments and it will do so of its own accord. Always offer thanks and gratitude for the co-creation of healing. Be gentle and loving with yourself and allow your energetic body time to rebalance before moving about.

The Sound of Silence - Hearing your Vertical Messages:

The constant stress environment you are currently experiencing within can make it quite challenging for you to become aware of the messages you constantly receive from your Vertical Family of Consciousness.

As previously stated, even light carries sound with it which means that your emotional / physical body is constantly translating light and sound from your environment and this can keep your receivers in a constant state of stress of translating and filtering the distorted light and sounds that are currently a part of your environment. If you can allow yourself to regain some control over your thoughts and the effects they have on you, then you can begin to control your personal environment so that it is working more in balance with your desires for healing. Being able to regain some control over the inner environment is just as important as making sure your outer environment offers a relaxing, peaceful space for your healing sessions. It can be very hard if not impossible for you to become aware of your personal communication line if you allow yourself to be constantly trying to filter through light and noise pollution.

Creating a "safe, quite space" for yourself to be within, can assist you to great levels of becoming aware of your personal communication line. Just like someone cannot teach you to ride a bike or teach you to swim because you must "feel" for yourself what it feels like and then the body retains the memory of that feeling, so to can no one teach you what your personal communication line sounds like. The best that can be offered are analogies to try to assist your awareness in what type of thing to look for.

How do you explain to someone the sound of silence so that they can experience it for themselves? Listening to the sound of silence can be quite uncomfortable for many people. This is because of the light and sound pollution that the physical / emotional body is currently accustomed to and when silence is desired, the emotional body thoughts seem to become louder and try to run the show. You may notice that when you try to do something like meditate or shift your focused thought to one specific desire that the auto pilot thoughts turn up the volume and try to make you think or do anything else besides simply be quiet. This is not natural or organic to your original creation design. You should have control over your thoughts at all times. You should have control over ALL energy that flows through you at any time. It can take some longer than others to regain control over the auto pilot thoughts but with practice, it is quite possible to accomplish.

What does the sound of silence sound like? How can you become aware of your open communication line if you cannot remember what it sounds like or feels like?

The sound of an open communication line might be thought of as the way that you think of "dead space" or "dead air". It is not dead at all but you may hold some preconceived thought that it is simply because that thought is part of your current reality field.

With so many cellular phones in use today, it may be hard for you to remember what using a landline phone is like. Some younger people may never have used a landline phone, but most people have at some point. When you are having a conversation with someone using a landline phone and if they hang up their end of the phone but you still remain on the line for bit and simply "listen", you will become aware of something similar to an open communication line. It is as if you can hear air moving about but there is no noticeable sound coming into your physical ears.

It can be quite challenging to find a "space" for yourself to allow yourself to listen to the sound of silence. If you have experienced a time when there was a power outage and you sat alone in darkness, waiting for the electricity to come back on, you will be more aware of the sound of silence but even during such times, it requires being able to remove yourself from noise that comes from outside of your location as well.

Try to create a space for yourself in which there is not outside noise. Remove yourself from appliances, such as the refrigerator or clocks ticking. Even air conditioning or the fan from a furnace. As you work to co-create your quite space, listen closely to become aware of any noises that you take for granted and forget they are in the background. Try to eliminate all external noises.

Once you have created your quite space, focus your thoughts on "one thing". It does not matter what one thing you choose to focus on. A thought is much easier to bring back into focus when your mind wanders than something like an external image but choose whatever works best for you. If you choose a thought then make it simple such as one word that allows you to feel peaceful and calm. It might be the word color, love, joy, peace, balance or anything you like. You would not want to use a word to focus on that holds any type of negative feelings for you, anything that might hold fear, worry, stress, etc. It might be simply pretending you see the image of a favorite flower. Whatever it is you focus on, allow it to be something that you know of very well. This will assist you when your focus wonders and you need to come back into focus.

Whatever you choose as your focused thought, it will assist you in your desired process if you first send a spark of yourself (mini me) into the God Space. This will allow you to instantly access higher energy that will assist your desired goal.

When the auto pilot thoughts start to run and try to take over, simply become aware that is occurring and bring your focus back to your original focus point. Some may require more time in "retraining the brain" how to stay in focus but with practice, it becomes much easier and you can reach a point where you can simply focus on being quiet and accomplish that.

The "Art of Meditation" is simply being able to be quite enough to allow yourself to "hear" Source speak to you. Some believe that mediation must include some type of repeated toning or chanting and there is nothing wrong with that if it will allow one to focus on being quite and simply listening.

Once it becomes easier for you to simply be quiet and quiet the auto pilot thoughts, it will become much easier for you to hear your personal messages. When you feel like you are more in control over the process, then you may find you can reach your quiet state simply by focusing on the in and out sequence of your breathing rhythm. Once you are completely quiet, "listen". Listen for the sound of silence as in listening to the dead air on the landline telephone.

What will you hear?

The sound of an open communication line is a very soft, non-intrusive, slight ringing of blended sound tones to the physical ears. Some might relate it to the sound your ears hear when within a vacuum or perhaps holding your hands tightly over your ears. It is also similar to the ringing sound your ears hear when you fly in an airplane and your ears pop as they adjust to the pressure change. It is not a loud sound but may be compared to what your ears hear when submerged under water.

There is not a pressure change within the ear drums as the ear drums rebalance and turn on the filters to adjust to the higher energy waves that your open communication line is connected to and through. For many people, they hear the sound of silence constantly but are not aware that is what they are hearing. More people are becoming aware of their open communication line but are not aware that is what it is as they may hear constant slight ringing in their inner hearing.

With practice you "can" become aware of your open communication line and when you do, it will be much easier for you to translate the messages that are waiting for you. When you are in your quiet space, do not allow yourself to second guess your ability to receive your messages. This will block you from receiving them. Simply hear, feel, know what thoughts might come into your head and discern if that is something you want to keep or discard. This process will allow you to filter out auto pilot thoughts.

If you do not understand something you receive in the moment, state that you do not understand and need more information. It may come then or at a later time. When you become aware of your messages, it is suggested to keep a journal by your side for each session because when your filters adjust to receive, the messages will come rather quickly. When you first get the communication flowing, it will most likely feel like you are taking message from your answering machine and there could very well be many messages recorded there for you to pick up.

When you begin to hear your messages or simply become aware of them, it might feel like your communication line is really long and extends somewhere far above your head. The illusion of distance does not matter anymore than it matters how far above your head you feel like the God Space is located for you. The reality is that it is ALL occurring inside of you and as you expand your awareness to hold open more and more of Source energy, you will discover that the illusion of distance shortens.

The communication network is operating just fine, loud and clear. It is just waiting for you to pick up your end of the phone line. Your phone is ringing now. Can you hear it?


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Saturday, February 23, 2013

Gaiaportal: "Survival Paradigm" Has Dissolved

[caption id="attachment_21" align="alignleft" width="119"]gaia_energy1 23 Feb 2013[/caption]

The paradigm of “survival” has dissolved. Cosmic Light energies sufficiently permeating all levels of Gaia realms, including the 3D visible, have removed any remaining support structures for this paradigm.

3D human individual attempts to continue what was previously supported by “survival paradigm” will fall short.

Current Gaia Higher D grid structures support 5D “Thrive Paradigm” only.

via "Survival Paradigm" Has Dissolved.