Tuesday, January 08, 2013

Here's The Pinkprint: Follow This 1 ~ C.M.C.

44 = H+T+P = H.T.P. = Here's The Pinkprint
 27 = F+T+1 = F.T.1 = Follow This 1
19 = C+M+C 
C.M.C. = Cyclical Mayan Calendar:
 ... & 19 = RA

... &
The Black Bear Calculation
160+7+1+2+0+1+3 = 100+Lucifer = 100+Jesus = 100+74

44+27+19 = 90 = Yunasai
Graham Hancock 
and the 
Sacred Vine 
~ London Real  ~
  ... & Graham Hancock wrote a few days ago:
"... the new year, a time for resolutions, a time for hope, a time to turn over a fresh page. Since the Mayan calendar is cyclical, it's appropriate to remember that 21 December 2012 marked the end of a great cycle of the human story -- in the Mayan view of things -- and that we are now embarked upon a new cycle or epoch. The last 13 Baktuns of the Long Count began in 3114 BC, which is 5126 years ago. It is interesting that these five millennia have seen the rise of the big centralised hierarchical state, big, centralised, hierarchical religions and gigantic global corporations. I think everyone is aware that the system based on those institutions is broken and that these vast, impersonal bureaucracies have had their day -- so in a way the Mayan calendar is right. Something new will have to emerge, something more human, something with more respect for individual sovereignty, something -- hopefully -- that will be built on love rather than on hatred, fear and suspicion. With individual sovereignty comes individual responsibility so I guess what we make of our world in the next 5126 years is very much up to us. Happy New Year!" ~ Graham Hancock
Graham Hancock's 
youTube channel 
& homepage:  


Establishment of New Protocols has been Completed

8 Jan - http://gaiaportal.wordpress.com
Establishment of new protocols for transmission of Higher D Energies into the New Gaia has been completed. Further adjustments will be made as Gaia projects forward via the finalized timeline.

Some will call this period that of “homeward bound”. That is correct. The home has been prepared appropriately by the New Gaia, and each of her Hue-man inhabitants. Short period of adjustment will be necessary for those unaware of their presence on this timeline. All has been accounted for during transition.

Fellow travelers meet energetically first, follow by “in the body” illusion. As Inner Beings connect, planetary uplift occurs in an instant.

Waiting is over.

Time to begin… Anew…

//update// addon post

New post on GaiaPortal

Solar Light has Seeded Fully the Light Body of Gaia

by ÉirePort
Solar (Soul-ar) Light has seeded fully the Light Body of Gaia. All beings upon Gaia are now fully potential-ized for completion of Soul (Soul-ar; Solar) contracts. Time frame for completion is individually configured, yet Hue-manity arises from established Higher Group Consciousness.
"Many are called... and (now) many listen. And hear the Higher Solar (Soul-ar) message."

Monday, January 07, 2013

Sunday, January 06, 2013

Elementals have Inspired the Clear Higher Dimensional Air

  Elementals have inspired the clear Higher Dimensional air.

There comes now an inbreath of all Hue-manity (and humanity general) of this Elemental-clarified air. The Essence of the new Gaia.

 As this Essence is embodied generally, planet wide, Gaia total, including all humanity, animality, plants, elementals, express the Higher D vibrations.

 Energetic landmarks have been attained. Up-steps continue, at a pace suited for each. "humanity" continues to develop to "Hue-manity". Rainbow Humanity.

Signs are present everywhere one looks with Higher Eyes. Be aware of those signs, and follow their Guidance, and all proceeds.

January 6, 2013 at 20:52 | URL: http://wp.me/p2sFUY-5X

Owl Wisdom — #6

colored owl
Compassion opens the door
to our hearts. Remember how
easily it could be you.

Kryst Spiral vs. Fibonacci Spiral ~ Spirit Science

Kryst Spiral
Fibonacci Spiral  
~ Spirit Science:
This info is backed by KaThaRa teachings and
 can be found in any books (Voyagers I & II & etc.
that document KaThaRa work.

A Little Summary:
Our entire matrix reflects the Phi ratio and the Fibonacci spiral, because those are ratios that feed off the last 2 numbers to maintain growth and are no longer connected to their center (they vampire off themselves), thus no longer plugged into source - thus they maintain their existance by vampiring off other living systems:

0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144...

As you can see each progression does not reflect a connection back to 0 or Source.
This is why everything observable in our universe, including plants and buildings in antiquity reflect this number. However it is not natural for our system to be this way. Our matrix should reflect the kryst spiral, which is a spiral that is always connected to its center and not only receives energy from source, but also gives back to it. It does not vampire form other living systems because it does not have to. It has a continuous transmitting and receiving energy exchange from source keeping it and all within it growing to a point of eternal life and eventual return to source. In a natural system the Kathara Grid has the 12 on top and an open spinning rod with Yan-Yun flows to communicate energy. In the “Bloom of Doom” the rod does not spin anymore, and instead of natural flows looking like a butterfly, a “Poison Apple” magnetic grid is formed by unnatural Yin-Yang flows. Yan-Yun flows are natural electromagnetic flows through Light Body and Spirit Body systems. 
Now observe the next pattern:
0, 1, 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256...

It's the same system binary is on, the entire internet - the conduit which allowed for the freedom of the human race from:
I.) the lies of modern society and then 
II.) the deception of the ancient world to show what existed even before that.

It is one reasons the ancients referred to living eternally as "immortality" - immortality requires a constant energy drainage from living beings to prolongue ones own life - Thoth and many Annunaki used this method to further their lives.

We engage in vampiric energy draining every day through eating plants and animals and drinking water - if our DNA was 100% activated we would not have to sleep, as our bodies would produce all the chemicals needed to sustain us eternally and we would produce these through converting Kryst energy from the sun into these compounds.

We would also not need to sleep, as sleep is needed because our spinning conduit of energy is slowing down and it needs to be  respun. It is also one reason why Yin-Yang is not natural. It is not natural to reuse our energy. What is supposed to happen is a steady stream of fresh energy is supposed to come in the top of our Merkaba and our depleted source energy is supposed to flow out of our bottom Merkaba back to source to renew.

When you constantly recycle your energy you deplete it faster and faster. This is why we age, and our cells become less and less efficient copies of each other. It is because with each division the body has less and less source/quantum/zero-point field energy to use, because it is simply recycling the finite amount of source energy it was born with.

Thus it is a self-sustaining deception - one cannot prove the existance of the kryst spiral in nature because everyhing is distorted. Binary is the only non-distortion, because mankind artifically made it. You would have to go outside of this matrix to an actual living matrix to see it.

This is also one reason why both Drunvalo's work & Ashayana dean's work must be observed - Drunvalo's first, Ashayana's second, as Drunvalo's explain how the world is now and what laws it currently runs on (or did run on), and Ashayana's work explains how living systems work.

Our matrix has not been a living matrix for many many aeons, but has tried to be over and over, with each attempt being a failure. This is why egypt is entirely built on the Phi ratio. It was the only system on planet Earth that actually worked.

In the year 2000 though the Kryst frequencies were anchored once again into the planet (D12) which is when the Keylontic Sciences were once again attempted to be retranslated. They have been all throughout history, Jesus/Yeshua being on example of a translator in the past, but the history and the attempts have been systematically eradicated and altered by those in power at the time:
Egyptians (Annunaki & their Hybrid Bloodlines)
Romans/Greeks (Annunaki  & their Hybrid Bloodlines)
Atlanteans (eventually controlled by the Annunaki in the end)
Thus a choice was made. Does humanity follow the Kryst spiral of evolution back to atonement with source, or do they follow the current phi ratio and continue to persist in this reality that is basically on life support and fall prey to other fall scenarios. The choice is ultimately up to the individual, but no matter the info the 2012 choice is always the same - salvation through freedom of thought or damnation through collective sleep-thought.

More info @ Keylontic Dictionary

or for example:

Voyagers II: 

Secrets of Amenti 

Ashayana Deane (Author)

 Book Description

October 1, 2001 
Voyagers II: Secrets of AmentiThe most authoritative text available on the purposes, processes and mechanics of human evolution, preparation for the monumental events that will occur between 2000-2017, humanity’s true origins and evolutionary destiny and the hidden purposes for the New Age Movement. Detailed information on Keylontic Morphogenetic Science, time mechanics, interdimensional planetary evolution, the science of Dimensional Ascension, integration of multi-dimensional identity, DNA mechanics and accelerated biological and spiritual evolution. Introduces a comprehensive model of 15-dimensional universal physics and the corresponding 15 Primary Chakra System and 12-strand DNA Silicate Matrix gene code. Discover the secrets of humanity’s evolutionary destiny that have been hidden within our ancient, traditional and New Age sacred mystical and religious teachings.

Posted by
Dado Ra
Scrubbed.... Images Recovered: for #EG !

Friday, January 04, 2013

Aspects of Higher Dimensional life implanted in DNA have been activated

3 Jan 2012

Aspects of Higher Dimensional life implanted into DNA during the past 5 millennia have been activated, and are now being en-fulled [Eireport note: this apparently means, "brought into fullness" or "brought into full expression"]. Real-ization (Real-I AM-ation) occurs now.

Vortices on and within Gaia meld to become a UNITY Galaxy-Gate. Individual vortices/portals lose their “distinction” as separate entities. This correlates with 100th monkey level of Hue-manity being attained as of the 12-12-12 to 12-21-12 window.

Hue-manity rejoices in this Unity.

As do Hue-monkeys. And all in the animal expression.

Return to humanity full consciousness approaches.

Prepare your Houses appropriately.