Saturday, December 01, 2012

A Ruiyi – Arui Aspen – A Ru-Marne – Christo seed crystal atomic core trip #MCEO

A Ruiyi – Arui Aspen – A Ru-Marne – Christo seed crystal atomic core trip #MCEO

(2012-10-08 09:39:02)

Category: KS translation
A Ruiyi – Arui Aspen – A Ru-Marne – Christo seed crystal atomic core trip
JOURNEY to the ARI-ARhAYas AL-Uma-Un-Core of the Krystar Seed Atom

Translation: KS Chinese team

Reproduced Please keep the information is complete, do not add to or delete from the original texts,
Reference please indicate the source and author / translator retains the right to pursue tort liability.
Relax and meditate a few feet above the head with a translucent white disc, it belongs to the 8 sun looks like by the water plasma disc.

Relax, feel the plasma wave is emerging from the disc.
Inhale, in the suction at the same time, traction in a translucent white disc plasma wave.
Exhale, down incoming plasma wave is located in the core of the Earth’s aurora care field.
Repeat several times this inspiratory and expiratory incoming aurora care field, the plasma wave.
Inhale upward traction from Aurora care field plasma wave them into the heart chakra. Mind round at hold your breath for a moment. Then exhale, the position of your head above Christo (Krystar) of plasma wave incoming. Even if you do not know the precise location of Christo, only to be able to know it’s there, technology onset.

Repeated several times this inhale and exhale, from Aurora care field traction plasma wave into the heart chakra, hold your breath, then exhale, the plasma wave incoming the Christo position of the top of the head, in order to enhance momentum, so the ion wave touring flow together.
Normal breathing for a moment, feel the flow of plasma wave roving.
Now to receive plasma carrier, the frequency of fire and ice from A Ruita firstborn cells (AReuta) plasma frequency.

Aspirated, and the atmosphere above the incoming head of 18 inches at the 11th chakra. Hold your breath, try to feel correct before the ion wave of small began to fall to the premises. When you feel it, gently exhale, let the plasma wave with the breath has been dropped to the core of the Earth’s aurora care field.

Now, inhale, plasma waves up from Aurora care field inhaled 4th heart chakra.
Breath, exhaled, the plasma wave to the back of the heart chakra through and piercing pterion. Wing point in your back, between the shoulder blades, slightly higher than the thymus.
Next we from the mission of the ball inhale this mission the ball is a surrounded by enormous ball area of your body.

Inhale, breath from your mission ball inhaled wing points, so the atmosphere through the wing point and into the central vertical energy column.

Exhale, use the power of breath, above and below the central vertical column of energy at the same time to promote a plasma flash.

Relaxed breathing for a while and try to feel the translucent white frequency waves are fluctuations, slowly and gently dropped.

Try to feel the decline in the plasma wave to your crown chakra, it continues to moderate fluctuations, the downward diffuse through the head, followed by decline in diffuse through the neck. Try to feel it flowing like gentle waves. Its side before and after fluctuations, while vertical drop.
Fluctuations it before and after, please let your body along with it gently back and forth and try to feel the rhythm. Let your body with the molecular fluctuations follow it.

Feel it swept over the area of your body Pai lotus, the region is located in the vicinity of the external genitalia, and it continues to decline along the central vertical column of energy to Aurora care field, looks like a long vertical plasma waves throughout your body and connected to Aurora care field.
Try further to understand plasma wave flowing throughout your feelings.

It is a fluctuation, flat ribbon-like ion energy flow. Now imagine quantum plasma energy flow is expanding, both sides become more and more wide, flowing run through you and surrounds you.
Relaxed breathing and feel of the fluctuations in the plasma wave.

Visualize or imagine the plasma wave down from 18 inches above your head is separated into two, one close to the front of your another piece against your back.

Now we have to use the one that looks like big flash of light pink starburst energy from the internal bonding two pieces plasma wave, which is very much like to paper over plastic.
Inhale, breath upward inhalation chakra 11 of the 18 inches of the top of the head, and then hold your breath.

Breath, exhale while imagining teeth pale pink frequency energy ball dropped over the head of, and wrap.
Is covered with a restore normal breathing and try to feel your physical body and the plasma body is gossamer fluctuations plasma wave gently closed, and try to feel this real and feel your face like a extremely soft tulle.
Now, you have been阿尔汉博纳 (Al-Hum-Bhra) plasma wave sealed.
Relaxed breathing and visualize your own plasma physical eyes are open, but not with open eyes on the physical body. Try to feel you are truly open ion eyes, through your eyelids, with plasma eyes looking outwards.

Like a newborn, you can see the light and shadow, but you do not know what they saw, until your plasma eyes adapt to the center of the information so far.

Plasma wave tulle, try to feel it like a breeze in your face, a layer of very light very light veil.
Try to feel your correct field looking at the outside world through the white veil.
Now, meditate or imagined, is the guardian of a team is to support your field to come in the form of the energy ball of light, they are Tan Chu (Tan-Tri) to preside over the members of the parliament.
Care field, they are above making a large level of disc-shaped disc-like care field has 24 equal portions, each decile point two guardian, a total of 48 Guardian in nursing field.

They are the center of the nursing field to open a space, this space leads to the the main collar Parliament peripheral. They will guide you began travel channel through阿尔汉博纳into the A Ruita cells, and then into A Ruita cells core.

Meditation or imagine, you are still sealed, Kristol plasma wave is still spread throughout your. Guardian who sent wave frequency into the middle of the room, and then through the center, and has been dropped to the Aurora nursing field.

When frequency arrive aurora care field, Aurora care field will be upward bounce one frequency reflux, reflux like rising from the bottom of a quiver flash. When this flash lifted and through you, to continue to rise into the Christos, your plasma body will turn into a two-dimensional plane, as pushed flat.

The feeling frequency has arrived in Aurora protection field … and then inhale, quiver frequency of reflux flash from Aurora protection field upward suction wing point breath, so that the frequency of flash from the wing point rose to Christo care field.

Try to feel your the plasma body suddenly into the state of 2-dimensional plane, like someone ironed out. However, it is still in your physical body central.

Normal breathing for a while. Guardians are your room to create a large-scale the Ke of Ru Sensetiya (Cruxansatea) vacuum field, it is the magnetic part of the Star Gate Field visualize or imagine, looks like an inverted E Kasha teardrop shape, expansion in the room, and has been expanded to go beyond the scope of the room, it is now larger than the room up. This Ke the Ru Sensetiya Field of the dome has a circular mark, it looks like a circular energy threshold.

Try to feel your flat-screen plasma body was hauled up, like a translucent white chewing gum is pulled out from your head, when it is stripped to the body, as if accompanied by friction sound.
Try to feel the plasma wave body out of the physical body, and try at the same time to feel the presence of the body’s own physical body and flat-screen plasma. Feeling plasma fluctuations of the body with the air flow up, then, the body of the plasma as the petals then in flower core connected to the mark of the Ke the Ru Sensetiya the Dome.

Now, you will find things here look like set off by the sapphire-colored background. Your plasma body is still volatile, it looks a little transparent has water blue outline, tied with a blue band of light in freshwater.

Chewing gum-like plasma body at the bottom of the freshwater Blu-ray belt down through your crown chakra, access your physical body, and has access to the aurora care field, and will connect you up.

Meditation or imagine you above the inverted E Kasha like magnetic Ke the Ru Sensetiya dome, the dome on a circular imprint looks like energy closed doors. Guardians are now going to open it, the the plasma body up by the fan round the door.
Inhale, then hold your breath, then exhale, promote your plasma body up through the door with the power of breath. Try to feel the ion body through the door you are with.
When you pass through this door, the door also will be shut down, your body is vertical plasma stand above the door.

Please also plasma body and the physical body of the wing at the point of suction, followed by two wing points at the same time, the level of forward and backward breath, and feeling your ion body bounce with the physical body the same three-dimensional stereoscopic form.
Natural breathing, and feeling your plasma body is in a dim cave in the faint blue, this faint blue does not seem eerie, in fact, it is quite glistening.

Try to open the eyes of your plasma body, and use them to view the surroundings. Visualize or imagine, first of all, you see he was standing in a cave, which seemed to be the end of the cave. This is an interview rooms, it is the start of the阿尔汉博纳channel inlet.

Now, a wizard from Tan Chu preside over Parliament, is one about tennis ball-sized ball of light form natural vaulted cave at the entrance from the right come to your side. A dazzling flash, into a beam of light, and then went into a humanoid form light. He will lead you, so that you will not get lost.
Try to feel that he stood next to the body of your plasma, and projected his own part to the next, the mentors space on your right shoulder, he stood in the place of your right shoulder later, and his left hand on the wing point of your physical body and the body, the transmission frequency. Please try to feel itself is receiving Wizard transmission frequency. This will begin to activate the wing point.
Feel wizard also stood plasma the right side of the body later some position, doing the same moves with his plasma left hand for your plasma-wing point transmission frequency. The plasma body-wing point will also produce a slight beep, ready with open wings.

The wings by plasma feathers, it is very light, almost no weight. They look like a plasma physical as quite transparent and has a water blue outline, but they are not yet open.

Now, in the wing at the point forcefully inhale, then hold your breath, then exhale forcefully, using the power of the breath the ion body and the physical body on the wings open at the same time.
The natural breathing your plasma wings now have been activated, please try to feel that they are connected to the wing behind you point. Before and after the first try flapping your shoulder like them as wings. Forward flap, maintain, and then backwards, keeping …… a little movement for a shoulder, active wing point of the physical body.

Then stop the movement of the shoulders of the physical body, and try to do the same action, before and after flap your angel wings. You have not they extend to, just before and after fanning them. Try to feel that you are above the plasma body are at the same time doing the same action.
Suction at the wing point, then hold your breath, you hold your breath, slightly lift your shoulders and wings, ready wings stretched out.

Breath, shoulders down, and at the same time as his wings like birds or angels.
Please try to feel the wings, feeling the front end of the main wing feathers, it is long on the tip of the wing point of the large and long feathers. Transmission electron and ion energy run flow.
Let wings arch upward, looks a bit like a Harley trademark. Let wings expand, fold, and expand.
Now, try to move the wing tip, if you just fold the wing elbow, just moving the tip of the wings, and up vertically expand it, and then recovered it.

Then horizontally outward to expand them, slightly raised feathers, this is a bit like a scared bird ruffled feathers,
Your wingtips raised to a position higher than the top of the head is aligned with the central vertical column of energy, then let the wingtip gently slap each other three times, knocking out an electrical flash.

Inhale, and then hold your breath, so that electrical flash along the wings down to the wing point, continue to hold your breath for a moment at the wing point.
Forcefully exhale the electrical the flash upward incoming cave plasma body with the power of the breath.

Now bring your attention to all on cave plasma physical. The wizard being together with you, he also activated their wings. These wings look very large, it is amazing, fluctuations in the flow of energy, not the physical structure of the feathers can be compared.
The wizard is standing behind your guard you, like a guardian angel that. Please vertical raise your plasma wings, wingtip to gather over the head of the body of your plasma. Your guide will connect your wingtip, take you through阿尔汉博纳the room, to the the Küsters Ming Nasi (Cosminyahas) Hall.
Now ready, you will have to fly together with the Wizard.

Strongly aspirated aspirated Please visualize or imagine, the wizard is stuffed a large ball of light like the sun. This ball of light like the sun by the Fire and Ice constitute freshwater blue plasma.
Up forcefully exhale, imagine carrying your freshwater blue ball of light the sun vertically upward ejection angle slightly forward, you will enter the room.

Now call natural breathing and imagine carrying your ball of light the sun at an extremely fast speed flight across the Channel, your guide will take first 8 sun. Imagine sun light ball is aligned with the the 8 sun’s surface, and the surface of this layer is called the Küsters Ming Nasi – Arui Elias (ARhAyas) layer, the size of the sun.
Breath, and let your plasma body to restore the original shape, relaxed breathing, and then try to open plasma eyes, look around and see himself living in where. If you did not see anything, you can continue to try again to see for a while, wait for a while, feeling the energy or frequency of arrival.
Observe or imagine you are surrounded by large energy ball rotation, like a translucent white energy band.

Now, such as the maintenance of the control room video feeder, you can already see that.
But through this entrance, before entering Küsters Ming Nasi hall, also need to wait for a while. Need some time to prepare, and then will begin to pass through this entrance.

While waiting, you can be observed under the surrounding environment. You look like to live in a huge dome, but that is actually a large sphere, its central layer of the level of care field. You are standing guard field. Sphere at the top of your head like the dome, but it’s really very, very vast. Try to feel your plasma body now in this extremely vast dome, in order to harmonize with this space-time position. And it is compared to the plasma body like only a small ant like your阿尔汉博纳wizard than you only one foot high. You are waiting for the central hall of the transmission channel open.
Face down the hall at the center point, visualize or imagine the center point in the center of the nursing field is opening a hole that the 48 glide track down hole from the site you are in the nursing field. The hole in the top layer of film, so you can not go down yet.

Inhale, breath inhalation wing point, hold your breath and wing point. Then exhale, exhale while feeling your the plasma body slightly upward jump. Then let feet first touched a glide track your wizard will work with you to slide down. Try to feel that you are to slide down, taxiing, feeling a little damp, but not wet, and I feel like hydrolase. You have slipped a long way, this very long water slide.

Visualize or imagine you now “call out” to arrive at the bottom of the sliding track, plop about falling into a giant pool, plasma body to sink to the bottom, and then surfaced. This is like a pool of hydrolases, but the substance of the pool is the first plasma.

You are like floating in the plasma ocean like a buoy immersed in plasma in the head will not sink.
Central to stay back a little, to the pool space here will have the core cells arbitration boards in eight Küsters Ming Nasi – A Ruita members from emerge.

Now, try to feel deep underwater, are some of the voices sounded. You will see a Ke the Ru Sensetiya shape of a huge inverted E Kasha from underwater float, it rose slowly, like to be squeezed out of the water.

First slowly revealing its round bottom, then, its spire exposed and reversed 180 degrees. Now it’s spire facing up, floating on the water, you and your wizard is located next to it.
E Kasha Bubble the阿尔汉博纳Arbitration Council will expand outwards, to the wizard and your inclusion.

Inhale, and then hold your breath, meditate, or imagine E Kasha is阿尔汉博纳arbitration Parliament expand.

Breath, as you exhale, you suddenly left ionized water, not into this E Kasha, and through it in the middle, standing on the platform of its nursing field.

8 Küsters the Ming Nasi – 阿尔汉博纳arbitration boards eight representatives gallery is located in the central circular ring members of the nursing field, they substantially translucent white flame into basketball-sized ball of light form. They please your plasma body to face them sitting cross-legged lotus sitting position, your guide is still with you, he has been transformed into a fluctuating the vertical plasma wave is located in your behind.

The eight representatives of the central authorities was running vertical wave, they make an arc out of the front of the vertical wave the wizard behind you towards them to do so.
The vertical wave represented by eight Küsters Ming Nasi the vertical wave阿尔汉博纳Wizard connected arc formed in your head. They will be with you quickly into the A Ruita cells directly into the seed atoms. You will experience that your Kristol core ontology – A Ru the Marne (AL-Uma-Un).

Inhale the site of the 3rd chakra, where hemin capsule, the hemin intracapsular has hemin.
Please hold your breath for a while, then exhale. In the same breath imagine your plasma body is turning into a big ball of light, and then directly into the seed atoms.
Try to feel you are morphological awareness ball of light appeared in the seed atoms, and in your 3rd chakra hemin the intracapsular some minor beep or tremor sense.
The water blue plasma frequency and hemin combination form called flame vortex. You may think this vortex of flame is warm, it is also cool. Hard to describe this feeling, try to feel what it feels like on your physical body.

Inhaled the breath of the bag, and then hold your breath for a while.
Breath, the breath up incoming you are in the ball of light state plasma body.
Natural breathing and visualize or imagine your plasma body to restore the original three-dimensional form, but still translucent plasma morphology and aqua blue outline.
You are now in the original house in the seed, but not yet enter阿尔汉博纳core. You’re a very interesting place, it’s like a space but not the space, which is hard to describe all the things like in a the sapphire color background the darkroom, and has a dark aqua blue outline and transparent. It is also similar to a large sphere, but care field platform in the middle, so you’re just floating here.
Now, eight representatives ready To give a crystal.

A Ru-Marne – Christo core body crystallization appears now, it is full of activity pale transparent flame, some like Eka Sha teardrop shape, but Biekasha more nearly spherical, a bit like the aircraft left the cloud wake effects E Kasha, we are from this the core ontology crystallization born.
You can truly feel the presence and awareness, it is the seed atoms spherical space center expansion, expansion enormous.

Please forward, into the flame, to accept eight single harmonic crystal. This flame A Ruiyi – Arui Elias – Küsters Ming Nasi Christo – 阿尔汉博纳the core body Christos consciousness based on direct cognitive way you pass.

You are invited to enter here to to accept 8阿尔汉博纳crystal gifts, kind of feeling like just got home.

This is actually plasma physical regeneration the K +8 factors, as to your crystal contains K1 to K8 factor, one.

Now inhale, then hold your breath, and then in the same breath, let your plasma body into the front of the flame space. When the plasma body into flames, trying to feel it. This huge flame in their own internal private small flame of an E Kasha shape created for you, it is surrounded by the private sector. You can engage in a personal communication, cognitive directly communicate with Christo, much like private communications, and other people do not know the contents of the communication.
The private areas of your plasma body is now in Christo core body flame extended plasma left hand, so that the palm facing up, your physical body can also do the same action.

Next, from Kristol private field will have a beam of light to come in contact with you. Create a form, the form of it in the palm of your hand like a simple symbol, it will not be too complicated. Try to get this symbol form, take a look at what it is like, or vertical or curved, it may be any shape.
If you can see the symbol on the palm of the physical body or the body, try to feel as if you are with your fingers to portray it in the palm of your hand.

If you can not see it, just to know where it is also just as effective. It will be your access key, so that you can instantly plasma body projected from the physical body into Christo core flame.
You can use it to Russia – Chu (A’TrA), posture, which is a Pago – Chu (Pa’TrA), body posture, it requires you to double palm posture of prayer combined ball from your mission inhale, then breath incoming wing point and forward incoming calls directly to the merger with the palm keys. This will first activate the symbol keys, key looks big circle, such as surrounded the hands of symbols gloves.
When this occurs, it will walk through and released into your body, then you can lift the Russian – Chu posture, just relax and meditate like you are in the private small flame in the of Christo core body. In the meantime, please try to feeling to feel communicate with.

Whenever you want to communicate with Christo, you can remember this method, without the need for a tour of the entire core technology will be able to quickly enter here to seek healing or assistance or any other thing, can also be thanked. That’s it.

Now you still with阿尔汉博纳arbitration parliament deputies to stay here and try to feel the eternal love from the divine origin and Kristol. That is not the use of the control of the love of the people. That is pure, unqualified love, tender love, if necessary, also may be tough love. That is the most perfect and most gentle force in the universe, but also the strength of the most powerful and the most determined Christo. It’s firm like Bear parents protect their pups, if anyone want to hurt the Cubs. It is a sacred, perfect, warm love.

You are supported by this love, protect, and you are loved. Of all is love, including love those who act out of control so that to hurt his being. Good parents would not let the children continue to do so, it will take corrective measures to help children learn to do better, because it will not only hurt others, will destroy the child itself. Kristol love. But in gentle parenting loves, parents make their love child understand that he is safe, in order to facilitate training, healing, companionship and learning.
Please try to feel real in your space. Now you will accept this final gift. Please lend a physical body and plasma body at the same time the right hand, palm facing up, and your right hand in a circle of eight crystal. They are all fire and ice, freshwater blue plasma color, looks like a small plasma gelatinous ball, when you take home, they will be solidified.
Now close your right palm, so that they bunch up in the palm of your hand.
Suction, suction forces they push palm chakra stored.

Well, now the wizard will take you back, your plasma body through a variety of bending, travel and morphology of conversion, but the connection between the physical body and plasma body line still exists, you will pass this cable directly return to the physical body.

In the right hand of your physical body and the plasma body, each with eight crystal part. When you return through the cable, the two sets of crystal will combine begins to activate the first part.
Then you have to be activated in the body the joint energy flow.

Now in the physical body of the wing at the point of suction, so the atmosphere along the cable has been increased to Christo core plasma body. Plasma body at hold your breath for a moment. Then exhale down, the expiratory forces led plasma body has been declining, through your crown chakra, back to the physical body.

Try to feel weak beep when two groups of plasma crystals merge your right palm.
Now going to open your plasma body and the physical body energy flow of fire and ice.
Please holding the eight crystals groups right palm covering the 3rd chakra.
Inhale, when the crystals are still palm. Then exhale breath fell to the right palm and to promote crystal into hemin sac.

You can then let go of the hand, and gently breathe for a while.
In order to activate the flow of energy, the need to prepare for a time of about 15 minutes to half an hour. During this period, the Guardians are activated, they will be together in this preparation time, you can try to feel these, and at the same time in the inspiratory breath inhalation wing point breath, then exhale let down to 3 clock round hemin bag.
Breathing in this way for a while, you can take a break and try to feel that they are activation loop. Hemin when they are activated, will begin to be carried in the blood of those core energy flow, which makes your blood atoms and subatomic particles actually feeling will be similar to the “puff, puff, puff”. Try to feel, you may feel strange effects, such as the forehead pressure sense, or in other parts of the. These are normal, you have to do is continue to breathe gently, allowing the body to adapt to the start of the joint energy flow. Do not worry, just to feel the impact of the the Christos energy flow in your blood. Continue after such a long period of time will no longer need to activate another group.
We hope you like the trip of Christo core.
You can choose one in the following two links to download the English audio, and save it in your computer: to the ARI-ARhAYas AL-Uma-Un-Core of the Krystar Seed Atom.mp3

Personalized The Moda AdhurA – 24 Master Key Codes of the Moda-AdhurA [Freedom Teachings ®]

Personalized The Moda AdhurA – 24 Master Key Codes of the Moda-AdhurA [Freedom Teachings ®]

  (2012-10-08 09:15:17)

Personalized The Moda AdhurA 

24 Master Key Codes of the Moda-AdhurA

Universal Ecka Monadic Template Master Key Code

Personalized Moda A Dehu code *
Personalizing The Moda AdhurA Codes *

 Translation: KS Chinese team
[reproduced Please keep complete information, do not add or delete the original]

When you complete this exercise, keep your code, in 2003 years 12 months 21 days. They are also related to the future will be the development of various types of astral projection exercises.
Stage 1: Connecting with the Codes and building a ‘Colour Library’
Description of stage 1: In this process you will build a very personal connection with each code. By the end of this process you will be capable of nominating between 3 to 6 colors that have a personal association with the codes.
Relax and breathe easy.
Focus on the first sheet of codes and do a few simple 6 pointed lotus breaths to charge your fields.
Allow yourself a good few minutes to focus on the codes and build a connection with them. You can do this by being drawn to one particular code on the sheet or by staring at the whole lot at once or by staring at one and skipping through the rest. Simply move your attention through the codes as you feel inclined.

Gently break from your visual focus on the codes and close your eyes. Stay relaxed and allow a color to emerge in the Rajhna center. You may or may not see the color directly, you may get its name or feeling or smell. Make a note of the color using a colored pencil or write its name.
Once you have made a note of the first color, renew your connection with the first sheet of codes by looking at them again for a few moments and then return your attention to the Rajhna center and see if there is another color. If only one color emerges that is completely fine. Repeat this process until you feel complete with the first sheet of codes.
Now look at the second sheet of codes and repeat steps 1 to 5. Remember, there is no need to bring through more than 6 colors in total. You now have your own personal color ‘reference library’ ready for the next stage.
Stage 2: Coloring the Codes
Description of stage 2: In this process you and the code together are going to determine how much of your color reference library is relevant to it, and you, on a code by code basis.
Note on coloring:
Do not put color in areas that already contain symbol codes or script (i.e. not inside the three smaller circles or within the ‘candle flame’ shape). You may put color anywhere else in each code. Here are examples to show you what areas can be colored.

Focus now on each code one by one. Determine which of your little library of colors goes into each code. Some codes will have one color some more than one color. There is no limit on the number of colors in each code but it is highly unlikely that one code would have six colors. You can do bands of color or cross- patches of color, swirls, ellipses….color the codes in whatever way you are moved to do remembering to avoid the areas already containing symbol codes or script.
Stage 3: Pulling your own personal codes and personalizing the Moda AhurA Master Key Codes
Description of Stage 3: This purpose of this final stage is to find the remainder of your personal shield harmonics that complete the personalization of these Moda AdhurA Master Key Codes.
Charge your fields by completing the ManU Lotus Breathing Technique.
Breathe easy and call to mind just one of the colors from your personal color ‘reference library’. Note: You can reach the color by remembering an object you know that carries that color. In this way, gently impress the color into the Rajhna center.
Inhale one long, slow 6- pointed breath into the AzurA and as you approach completion of this breath, draw the breath into the color band at the Rajhna, embracing the color band in a Heliotallic ball.
Forcibly exhale the color coded Heliotallic ball from the Rajhna into the AzurA and rapidly down the ‘passive arm’ (i.e. the arm that you do not normally use in everyday life) into the passive hand.
Gently repeat steps 3 and 4 at least 3 times, that is breathing the Heliotallic energy with the color coded frequency in it form the Rajhna, into the AzurA and into your passive arm and hand.
Take your pen or pencil in your passive hand over a piece of paper, relax and literally doodle or scribble. You might like to remind the hand that you are asking it to reveal its truth in a symbol code. You can close your eyes. Your symbol could look like a letter or a number or a shape…it will not make sense to your conscious mind. You’ll look at the code and you will simply know that it is complete. You will feel it is ‘right’.
You now have a code associated with a particular color and are ready to personalize the Moda AdhurA codes that contain this particular color. Now, using the hand you normally write with, draw the symbol on an area, within each of the Moda AdhurA codes, that contains this color. You only need write your personal code once in each of the Moda AdhurA codes that contain this color.
Repeat steps 1 to 7 for each of the colors from your reference library. You now have a complete set of personalized Moda AdhurA codes.
Stage 4: Cutting out the codes
Write the number of each code on a front side corner of each one before cutting them out.
Copyright © 1999-2011 A & A Deane, All rights reserved ;
MCEO freedom Teaching ®
: Tammy Hollenbaugh

The Universal Ecka Monadic Template Master Key Code
and the
Pairings of the 24 Master Key Codes of the Moda-AdhurA*

Follows below, is the detail for pairing (fixing/ gluing back to back) PCM, PKA and Ecka Key Codes as was intended to be given during Dublin, 11/ 03 Workshop. At some time in the future, specific instructions will be given about the positioning, applications and use of these Code pairs. For the time being, any personal use and/ or amplification of the Template Master Key Code can be obtained by:
1) placing all paired Codes as pack or stack in the center of the Template (packed or stacked in any sequence, for now) before lying atop the whole, and      2) lying over the Template and placing individually paired Codes over body parts as “intuitively directed”. The Template, for the present time, is placed at the rear of the AzurA before lying over / atop the Template with your head pointing to the position 293.5 deg’s. CW from Magnetic North. (Here is a low resolution image that can be used for aligning your axis.)
Key Codes of the Moda-AdhurA should be paired as follows:
PCM Code No. (Inner Ring of Codes) PKA Code No. (Middle Ring of Codes) Relationship **
10 16 M
13 3 M
14 4 Inv.
  1 7 M
  2 8 M
5 11 M
  6 12 Inv.
  9 15 Inv.
Ecka Code Pairs (Outer Ring Codes
19     &     21  (12 and 6 o’clock) Inv
23     &     17  (3 and 9 o’clock) Inv
20     &     22  (1 and 7 o’clock) M
18     &     24  (10 and 5 o’clock) Inv
M = Mirror Position (The “Cup” and “Shaft” of each Code pair aligned over each other, back to back);
Inv. = Inverted (one Code rotated 180deg. v it’s pair, or one cup pointing down with the other, the cup pointing up, back to back).
PCM & PKA Code pairs as listed above start at 12 o’clock (10 & 16), rotating Clockwise in sequence; 13/ 3; 14/ 4; 1/ 7; 2/ 8 etc.
Click Here To View High Resolution Image of this Code - 9891k

The 24 Master Key Codes of the Moda-AdhurA (Groups 1-3 of 6)*

The 24 Master Key Codes of the Moda-AdhurA (Groups 4-6 of 6)*

Friday, November 30, 2012

Monthly Archives: November 2012

Monthly Archives: November 2012 


The Madness of Love #poem #Paris #Timing #France #Notes #realtime Ra 1 2 thing thing

Perfect timing to run across this one*.  Labyrinth paris link line. thing thing. while doing my own backtracking stuff and reconnecting dots. and technique;s past present and future into1 and resolve that that was is has been., to be in the now the i am.

*(being the poem below..)

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

The Madness of Love
(Rose Window dedicated to Mary, circa 1235, at Chartres Cathedral, located about 50 miles south of Paris; the medieval cathedral was built in the High Gothic style mainly between 1194 and 1260)
We now conclude our look at Agape, the final part of the study of love we began in June.
In our work we were inspired by C. S. Lewis, who wrote about the four kinds of love, using the Greek names: “Charity means love. It is called Agape in the New Testament to distinguish it from Eros (sexual love), Storge (family affection) and Philia (friendship).”
The poem below was written by Hadewijch of Antwerp, a 13th-century poet and mystic. She was a member of the Beguines, one of the many medieval Catholic communities of lay women in the Low Countries, including Belgium, Holland, and Luxembourg. The women devoted their lives to their faith and their work with the poor.
The madness of love
Is a blessed fate;
And if we understood this
We would seek no other;
It brings into unity
What was divided,
And this is the truth:
Bitterness it makes sweet,
It makes the stranger a neighbor,
And what was lowly it raises on high.

Theresa Talea – Critique about the Law of One Belief #BOOK

Critique about the Law of One Belief

As I introduced in my 3-part video series (see below at the end), entities in the Melchizedek Cloister Emerald Order (MCEO) who have worked with author Ashayana Deane state that we comprise 144 components in our current dimensional make-up. In my book, I interchanged the group name Guardian Alliance (GA) with the MCEO because the GA is their ground crew, and some of the GA tailored the message to their respective dimensional statuses. I will now aim to better clarify between the groups, because a group within the overall MCEO at the 13th dimension had started the Law of One belief, and the GA more so work within the lower dimensions, although some GA members are also in the 13th dimension.
It appears that the Fibonacci-based number 144 is frequent in the MCEO material. One such instance in Sliders-1 essentially states that the Periodic Table of Elements chart in high school chemistry class that goes up to 118 elements could potentially grow to 144 elements if scientists discover more; this information by the MCEO seems plausible to me. However, when put into their Law of One belief that involves probability mathematics of a gestalt, which implies “One” being or atom that steps itself down as parts into future mathematical grids for creation, then this mathematical model needs to be addressed. This is important because the so-called elements can represent a number of identities, including the complex identity structure of a person.
Continue reading


Ra’s ADD:
as ha said. XIX my main Card: some grabs of the XIX beside 1 deck i asked (*Tracey /@WSR ask dave if he wants rakmeister banned there by Worfpoe;s actions. DECEPTION… Yep same Old Same )

39544448862572041756.jpg 79925300371224442669.jpg 79378410107957334916.jpg
66022841330254848075.jpg 11660177566194012337.jpg 58001951085329849557.jpg
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35198041509610652441.jpg 33928714726352443754.jpg 81156103422499637214.jpg
and some more RE XIX see source named/@linked 1st & 2nd main title

The Sun


Arcanum 19

Key Observations
  • The male and female characters represent the unity of these two powerful forces. Conscious, creative energy and unconscious intuitive energy. “When the veiling process was accomplished, to the male polarity was attracted the Matrix of the Mind and to the female, the Potentiator of the Mind, to the male the Potentiator of the Body, to the female the Matrix of the Body.”-Ra session 87  ; “…that which reaches may be seen as a male principle. That which awaits the reaching may be seen as a female principle.”-Ra Session 92
  • The sun radiates light on every being unconditionally. So to the being can either radiate love and light or it can absorb it for itself. “You have seen the prism which shows all colors stemming from the sunlight. This is a simplistic example of unity.”-Ra Session 1
  • The circle: “Picture, if you will, a circle of being. We know the alpha and omega as infinite intelligence. The circle never ceases. It is present. The densities we have traversed at various points in the circle correspond to the characteristics of cycles: first, the cycle of awareness; second, the cycle of growth; third, the cycle of self-awareness; fourth, the cycle of love or understanding; fifth, the cycle of light or wisdom; sixth, the cycle of light/love, love/light or unity; seventh, the gateway cycle; eighth, the octave which moves into a mystery we do not plumb. “ – Ra Session 16
An Excerpt from Session 80
80.16 Questioner: I guess the nineteenth archetype of the spirit would be the Significator of the Spirit. Is that correct?
Ra: I am Ra. This is correct.
80.17 Questioner: How would you describe the Significator of the Spirit?
Ra: I am Ra. In answer to the previous query we set about doing just this. The Significator of the Spirit is that living entity which either radiates or absorbs the love and the light of the One Infinite Creator, radiates it to others or absorbs it for the self.
80.18 Questioner: Then would this process of radiation or absorption, since we have what I would call a flux or flux rate, be the measure of the adept?
Ra: I am Ra. This may be seen to be a reasonably adequate statement.
This is a query which is not easily answered in your language, for the sun has various aspects in relation to intelligent infinity, to intelligent energy, and to each density of each planet, as you call these spheres. Moreover, these differences extend into the metaphysical or time/space part of your creation.In relationship to intelligent infinity, the sun body is, equally with all parts of the infinite creation, part of that infinity.In relation to the potentiated intelligent infinity which makes use of intelligent energy, it is the offspring, shall we say, of the Logos for a much larger number of sub-Logoi. The relationship is hierarchical in that the sub-Logos uses the intelligent energy in ways set forth by the Logos and uses its free will to co-create the, shall we say, full nuances of your densities as you experience them.In relationship to the densities, the sun body may physically, as you would say, be seen to be a large body of gaseous elements undergoing the processes of fusion and radiating heat and light.Metaphysically, the sun achieves a meaning to fourth through seventh density according to the growing abilities of entities in these densities to grasp the living creation and co-entity, or other-self, nature of this sun body. Thus by the sixth density the sun may be visited and inhabited by those dwelling in time/space and may even be partially created from moment to moment by the processes of sixth density entities in their evolution.
Modern key words for the sun:
Optimism—Expansion—Being radiant—Positive feelings
Assurance—Energy—Personal power—Happiness
Splendor—Brilliance—Joy —Enthusiasm

Arcanum XIX: The Sun

The Sun - Tarot
This is the Sun. Also called the Beaming Light

This is the Sun. Also called the Beaming Light in the Egyptian version of the Tarot. The Law of One teachings describe the Sun as the Significator of the Spirit.

After passing the Experience of the Moon, where we can absorb or radiate light depending of the polarity we choose to get from those experiences, we now reach the Sun, which only radiates.
There is a stage in this journey that simply cannot be reached by those walking the negative path. There is a stage where even the negative entities can only advance switching to the positive path. That stage is when we finally came to the conclusion that service to self is actually self destructive and we are now alone. After realizing this, the only way out is to switch sides. This is represented by the previous archetype the Moon, where we cannot absorb light without radiate some light too.
Now, in the Sun archetype we radiate to others the light that we have within. We do not want to keep the light to ourselves so our natural option is to share. But like a candle can lighten up a thousand other candles without any harm to it´s own light, when we begin to radiate it only makes our journey clearer.

Being the Significator of the Spirit, the Sun is the spirit itself. And the spirit is creation, and creation is light. We finally ignited the Christ consciousness within ourselves and we began to shine.

So, the Sun is actually the Spirit, just as the other significators are the Body and the Mind (The Hanged Man, the Hierophant). The Sun is then connected to archetypes XII and V, in this wonderful system of sevens that the Tarot teaches us.

This is the stage where we merge with ourselves and have the balanced chakras. We became one. That is why many times the Sun is interpreted as a blissfully marriage, good union, friendship, etc.
This is the stage of pure joy and happiness, as we finally fulfill ourselves and our journey.
The Sun above the figure has 21 rays, symbol of the activation of the 3 sevens, mind, body and spirit.

This happiness is everything but material, as the two figures demonstrate by their simple clothing.
note.. < was Y’s card…..  if its X&Y haha Its.all.connected RaRaRa

Current Skype Verse of this Day 1.1

ℛa ℛℎa ℛa XIX (sun) The Circle  “Split the heart of the atom and within it you will find a Sun” ✴Tik Tak Tik Tak TimeWaveRa ✴ ℨ/6/9/12✿´¯`*•. Smoke Sensi connect.. X i puffpuffpass.•*´ Meister…Connect…. X
ℛa ℛℎa ℛa XIX (sun) The Circle  “Split the heart of the atom and within it you will find a Sun” ✴Tik Tak Tik Tak TimeWaveRa ✴ ℨ/6/9/12✿´¯`*•. Smoke Sensi puff puff pass.•*´ to the left…
SOURCE PDF (free download): by:
MORE XIX aka moi..
TAROT & ARCHETYPAL MIND XIX: Ra Material Compilation,2-6-12,
HEALING & BALANCE XIX: Ra Material Compilation, 9-20-10
(youtube)  TWSMandelker

Ra Material – Searcheable 1.1 MB (click to goto download) (Powered by

removed images directly linked also…. np JustRox
RE:comment : sure lemme add yours link/source just for you. guess full link in note wasnt enough. as refrence. so lemme list all a them @end for ego;s sake. for Estetics sake. for Corrections sake.   and pingback sake…. and for times sake. as some say timing is everything. so here time to edit just for ya. and add some MORE.
SOURCES URL: all a them 1 by 1:

♥ Weekly Activation ♥ 11-9-12 #Repost + #Addon #Correction ~RA2012~

Love Vs Fear…….
The paradox of love and especially unconditional love in this human life is that it brings up archangel michael
(nor do you need ^’s help Nope AAM .. | 
RA says/…. he can keep his blueflamingsword… and put it up his ass for all i care. yep)

the deepest strongest fears. The more you open up to your heart and deeper love, the more the mind fights to hold on to its fears. The way to overcome this is to realize that it is just a process. A process your mind wants to fight and your heart longs to complete. An understanding of different parts of oneself helps immensely while going through this. When you step back and watch yourself with awareness that you are going through it will allow you to release the fears, which are there only temporarily waiting for you to let them go. Be the human and the spirit watching the human going through this process at the same time. Sit down and listen to your mind, watch your deepest fears rise to the surface and offer them to the light. Do not fear or ignore the fear. Sit with it, watch it, listen to it and let it go. When you go through this, you will understand that it is unconditional love
that is the sword and the shield of Archangel Michael that protects and fights for youby burning any obstacles like fire.

RA’s ADD: !!! Violet Flame …..   Transmute Clear Cleanse

Reconnect with Your other parts…..

As within So Without.

As Above So Below..

Grounded & Balanced..


Every week and month I write activations to help you connect with energies of that month. These symbols are there to connect you to different angels that will guide you and work with you during that month. Also, they work on a deep subconscious and cellular level to further activate your DNA and light body. Spend some time looking at this image to get full benefit. You can also play the music below to help you connect more with it.

as i said it…   #RR
09:28  +RAKMEiSTER      • Conditional love (your rules) Lightlove //// Unconditional love NOT you MIDDLE SPECTRUM( All light ~balance~ //// Fear , cause of other sides conditions, fear of fake love. . conditional..
  [ "Conditional" love //// Unconditional love (Divine) ////  "Fear" Love ]     
conditions create the fear.. polarity game. WAKE UP. END
There is no Light vs Darkness. aka GOOD VS BAD…. 
light will shine Darkness can redeem……
all are in a human body & Have The Oppertunity….

RA verse ✴ #ONE #HEAL ✴ #1 UR #3 DO #6 UM #9 Ke #12 Rha – #TIME NOW 22-11-2012

-´¯`*•.Art f Poetry.•*´¯`-

- Ra Verse’s –

-/+\- 3/6/9/12 ´¯`*•. Choose2 Remember OneSelf , Remember Thyself LoveOnself, Remember! Remember Remember! Walk as one shines on the path.. towards..your Dreams..•*´…

Horses – There is a Dream

Forgiveness Heals Time…..”   Ra Material.
Restitution, Renunciation, Energ
Also see Children Of the SUN. Rites Of Passage..
1. Isutu-Esheau 1. I sU’ too E’ shoo   UR
3. Amekasan-Etur 3. a ME’ ka sun  e too’r  DO
6.Ramyana-Shridveta 6. rah ma yah na shrid vE’ Da  UM
9. Yun Zu-Xen 9. Yu-Un Zoo-Zen  Ke
12. A-reah-Azurta 12. a-RI-a-Zoor-ta-  Rha

Tribal Shield-Cue Zones Activation* +double noteX2

Posted on November 20, 2012

Its.all.connected , Differentiation is Key. Middle world to Innerworld all is inside..  your heart has the key Flame ON! end #funnote ~Ra2012~

and more “notes”..  TOOLS to BE…       Only you Can Heal You When You Choose For you…..
The Lemurian & Atlantian Legacies (download torrent) – TPB

Ben jij al besmet met “The Lovebug”?/Did you already catch “The Lovebug”?he

Ben jij al besmet met “The Lovebug”? / Did you already catch “The Lovebug”? he

    Een gids naar Huis voor de Gouden Engelen

~door Marthe Verwijst

Waar je ook bent, wie je ook bent en wat je ook doet: IK HOU VAN JOU!!! Wetende dat ALLES precies zo is als het moet zijn.
Ik wens je Vrede in je Hart en dat Liefde jou naar Huis mag brengen.
Zo IS het en zo zal het zijn!
In Liefde en Dienstbaarheid,

©Marthe Verwijst 19-12-2012
 Did you already catch “The Lovebug”?
Where ever you are, who ever you are I LOVE YOU!!! Knowing that EVERYTHING is in Perfect and Divine Order.
May Peace be with you and Love guide your way Home.
So IT is and so IT will be!
In Love and Service,

© Marthe Verwijst 19-12-2012

~Ra~ verse ✴ 2.0 20-11-2012 ✴ #Path of Songs Life Open…flow 1song your song ~Ra2012~


“Where are ALL THE PEOPLE” Die Antwoord $O$ Ten$ion|Fly #ResponseAble  Planetary Service Unfold TimewaveRa Divine Mission the Decree Monkey Dragon Giaiportal “popping” Toko
“Umshini Wam” Die Antwoord Harmony Korine (HD) Haha Water |#ResponseAble  Planetary Service Unfold TimewaveRa Divine Mission the Decree Monkey Dragon Giaiportal “popping” Toko

 ”Umshini Wam” Die Antwoord Harmony Korine (Official, HD)
PS. Canada EQ qs 10KM depthmark Signature… HAARP… yep. yep they cannot force a Atmosphericionicdischarge…
Ra Ka Isha

Tribal Shield-Cue Zones Activation* +double noteX2 [Freedom Teachings ]

Its.all.connected , Differentiation is Key. Middle world to Innerworld all is inside..  your heart has the key Flame ON! 

Tribal Shield-Cue Zones Activation*

Cue Zones
Cue Zones” are locations on Earth where a small portion of Earth’s D-12 Shield of Aramatena Christos Divine Blueprint has been re-set within Earth’s Planetary Shields. During Stellar Activations Cycles, Cue Zones can be manually set by individuals or groups by running the D-12 Maharata Current, activating the Tribal Shield to draw in the Khundaray Primal Sound frequencies, then singing the 12-Tribes Master Psonns Suffixes, one can then allow the “Song of the Christos Soul“, the tones of the personal D-12 Maharic Shield (the “Elohei-Elohim Within”) to run into the Planetary Shields. The personal Soul Song will create a “Back Song” transmission of frequency from Earth’s Planetary Shields, as set of healing frequencies sent back to you in response to activating your Soul Song in Earth’s Planetary Shields. Once set, Cue Zones will remain for a period of 3½ to 5 years, depending on strength of energy original set. They can be recharged using the same “setting” procedure to last indefinitely.

 Cue Zones are “safe zone” areas on the Planet that are protected from interdimensional interference. They can be used to amplify effects of energy healing applications, to “charge objects and substances with sub-harmonics of D-12 Christos frequency and when used with the personal Eckasha Maharic Seal, to get clear, protected “meditation space” free from interdimensional interference. Cue Zones are “keyed” to Earth’s Planetary TemplarCue Sites“, the activation sites for Earth’s 12 Primary Star Gates, which exist on regions of Earth that correspond to the 12 Primary Star Gates of Inner Earth. They can be used as “connection portals” to the portals of Inner Earth territories to establish telepathic rapport with Inner Earth Guardian Races and in case of global crisis, they can be used as unencumbered “pick up points” for portal evacuation to Inner Earth.

Creating a Cue Zone

1. Choose location and activate a personal “Eckasha Maharic Seal” to run the D-12 Maharata Current in your body.
2. Once you can feel sensation of Maharata Current running (or if not yet “feeling” but have activated your Maharic Seal, will be sufficient), sing-tone 12-Tribes Master Psonns for Tribe-12 and Tribe-1 to activate Tribal Shields Flame Codes in your DNA Template to run the “Rainbow Ray”. Direct Pale Silver Maharata Current and Rainbow Ray pale color spectrum through body and out soles of feet into Earth’s Planetary Shields. Tone for a while to build critical mass of frequency. Begin toning soft and slow and increase the speed and volume to reach a peak critical mass point. Once critical mass is reached then start to bring the toning down. Slowing the speed and decreasing the volume.

3. Use a selected combination of 3 Master Psonns Suffixes and tone for a while, running sound through body and feet into Earth’s grids.

(Avoid the Suffix combination of Tribe 4-7-10 used in that sequence to avert present distortions in Earth’s grids that run on this mathematical coding.)

Begin toning soft and slow and increase the speed and volume to reach a peak critical mass point. Once critical mass is reached then start to bring the toning down. Slowing the speed and decreasing the volume.
4. Allow the Christos Soul Song to emerge from you “free style” and send the tones into Earth’s grids. This is what ever you feel like expressing in the way of tones. It may be one tone or it may be several. Just let if flow from you as you feel guided.

5. When complete, sit quietly for a while and listen for the Earth’s telepathically transmitted “Back Song”, drawing its gentle frequencies into your body for healing. You may physically hear tones, you may physically feel energy running into your body or you may not experience anything. What ever the result or non result of feeling is, the healing energy WILL be running through your body.

6. Close with singing several rounds of the 3 Master Psonns Suffixes that you opened with. Begin toning soft and slow and increase the speed and volume to reach a peak critical mass point. Once critical mass is reached then start to bring the toning down. Slowing the speed and decreasing the volume. The Cue Zone you have set will extend out from your position in a radius of about 5 yards and will last 3½ to 5 years depending on the strength of energy you used in setting the Cue Zone

7. To amplify the strength of the Cue Zone you can use the Sacred ManU Salutations Merkaba Spins.

The Real 12-Tribe Names
The 12 Sacred Master Psonns

for activating the 144 Fire Letters of the Tribal Shield Flame Codes in
the 12-Strand DNA Template

Plus Master Tone Activation Suffix
Please Note* you can download wave files that are an example of creating a Cue Zone from the files section of the Yahoo Keylontic Science Egroup, once you become a member of this group. You can hear the complete sequence of this Cue Zone on the Mechanics of Manifestation Workshop MM/12CD or MM/6DVD on the product list. ,

Correct Spelling English Tone Translation and Suffix
12. A-reah-Azurta 12. a-RI-a-Zoor-ta-  Rha
11. Zephar-Duun-Atur 11. ze-far-Doon a-Tur-   Dha
10. Ma’ah-hu-ta 10. Ma-a hoo ta-  Khu
9. Yun Zu-Xen 9. Yu-Un Zoo-Zen  Ke
8. Chia Zhun Zan La-Yung 8. ChE’ ah-Zoon Yan LA-Yoong’   OM
7.Mahata-Agrah 7.ME hah’ ta a’g-ra  OE
6.Ramyana-Shridveta 6. rah ma yah na shrid vE’ Da  UM
5.Ionatu-Etillah 5. I O’ Na too et il’ a  EU
4.Nuagu Hali 4. Noo ah’ goo ha’ LE  Ka
3. Amekasan-Etur 3. a ME’ ka sun  e too’r  DO
2. Ma a ha’ LE – BrU’ A  EL 2. Ma a ha’ LE – BrU’ A  EL
1. Isutu-Esheau 1. I sU’ too E’ shoo   UR

Revelations of Ra: The Pillar of Power and the Nadradon Awakening *Eyes of Ra** Flame of Ra * [Freedom Teachings]

Item Order Code
Revelations of Ra: The Pillar of Power and the Nadradon Awakening
(Introduction to Kathara Level 4) Recorded live in Mexico, August 2004. 

This workshop contains the introductory techniques and background information to Kathara Level 4 in a planetary healing/ Grid Masters program context and is only recommended for those who have studied Kathara Level 1, 2 & 3. 

These previous levels of Kathara are an essential prerequisite as they contain information and techniques that provide the necessary understanding and activations that Kathara Level 4 is built upon. In Kathara Level 2 & 3 specific activations were performed to prepare the personal scalar shield, the personal Kathara grid, the DNA template, the merkaba field and the radial body for re-awakening the Organic Crystal Body and Base Shield Bonding through activation of the Ra Center. 

These activations allow initiation of the POWER-KEY technologies including the Opening the Eyes of Ra technique in Level 3, Technique 4B which utilizes the Flame of Ra Ecka-Heliotalic Primal Life Source currents and which is the FOUNDATION  technology and minimum personal shield activation upon which all subsequent Levels of Kathara are built. In Level 4 Kathara, we begin to use Transcendent Eckasha-Heliotalic Currents to initiate activation of the ETHERIC BLUEPRINT, the PILLAR OF POWER and the CHARIOT OF FIRE. This will begin the process of restoring our own AND the planetary Crystal Body alignment so that damaged portions of ours and Earth’s shields can be restored to their FIRST CREATION IMPRINT.  

The information in this workshop covers the anatomy of the ETHERIC BODY, including the KA (Light) ETHOS of the Lotum and the Tha (Sound) EIROS of the Lotum and the MATRADON 1st Ecka-LotA cell that they are contained within. Information on the ETHERIC-ATOMIC interface and the interaction between our own and our anti-particle Ethos and Eiros Etheric templates also begins our understanding of Ti-LE-a` breathing, a process where by the Ethos, then the Eiros templates of the Etheric Body engage upon and move with the density Kathara template. 

When the Etheric and Density templates interface with each other, Spark Generation and Etheric-Atomic Atmos Current Regeneration occur, firing the 180-charge AdOR-A Flames. The anatomy of the Nadradon, Zendradon, Kethradon and Ethradon Cells are introduced, along with the Lotosphere, Logosphere, Photosphere, Ovosphere and the Hovosphere.

Level 4 Techniques involve the Til-LE-a` Nadradon Complex Electrical Activation and include Firing of the Rods, Cycling the Petals, Completing the Ancient 3rd 1/3rd Inhale, Pulling the Poison Pin and Transmutation of the D-1.75 Heart of Anubis Implant, the Gold-metallic Pin and the dense Gold-metallic Bucky-Ball C-60 Radiation Harness. Workshop recording includes preparation for, and explanation of, a Reuche Roundtable, something that has not been performed on Earth for at least 5.5 million years. This Round Table was crucial in releasing the 90-subharmonic Charge Spark, allowing the Earth to complete its ancient Christiac Exhale/Inhale sequence for the first time in 5.5 million years. Finally the first set of Lo-GA Frequency Breathing Movements (FBM’s) are introduced for accelerated Crystal Body alignment via stimulation, clearing and charging of the Axiom-Meridian, Radis and Nadis Lines, DNA Template, Signets, embodied Chakras and Crystal Body Lotus Points.
Includes 22 page Pillar of Power Handbook – including 12 Logas Frequency Breathing Movements routines, Plus the
Le-AdOR-A-UN-Esta-YUn-Ha-drA Meditation Card.
Azurite Press
Revelations of Ra:
Revelations of Ra_Disc 1 / DVD2 /DVD3 /  DVD4 /  DVD5/
Revelations of Ra Technique CD:
01 9 Phase 24 Step 4 Spheres of Ra Etheric Body Activation.mp3
02 (Phase 1) Ti-LE-a Nadradon Complex Electrical Activation.mp3
(Phase 2*)(Phase 3*)(Phase 4*)(Phase 5*)

Ra Ka Isha

* Crystal Seals * Star Crystal Seals * Fire Crystals * Seed Crystal Seals * [Freedom Teachings]

Sun, February 25, 2007 – 3:33 AM
Crystal Seals
The Crystal Seals (components of the Level-2 Kathara Grid) are groups of 3-Dimensinal Partiki scalar wave composites that regulate the rate of Partiki Phasing to create the base structures upon which dimensionalization is formed.
The flow of frequency between dimensional bands and Harmonic Universes, the fixed expansion and contraction/fission and fusion rates of Partiki, the Vibration-Oscillation Rates of Partiki and the Angular Rotation of Particle Spin (ARPS) are all regulated by the Crystal Seals.
There are two types of Crystal Seals: Star Crystal Seals & Seed Crystal Seals
Star Crystal Seals are positioned between the Chakra Centers along the Central Body Current, and Seed Crystal Seals are positioned between them, and serve as the point of composite frequency out of which the 15 Primary Chakra Center Vortices emerge.
The Seed Crystal Seals control the speed at which the fourth-dimensional Merkaba Fields will rotate, and so direct the pulsation rhythm of particles within each dimension.
Whereas the 15 Seed Crystal Seals set the morphogenetic field into the center of each dimension, the 15 Star Crystal Seals are placed between dimensional bands and serve to regulate the functions of the Seed Crystal Seals.
The operation of the Seed Crystal Seals is controlled by the Star Crystal Seals and can release the Seed Crystal Seals, allowing the dimensionally separated portions of the morphogenetic field to merge with each other.
There is an intimate relationship between the Seed Crystal Seeds the Star Crystal Seeds and the Human DNA. Each Seed Crystal Seal corresponds directly to and controls the basic functions of one strand of DNA.
The process of assembling DNA strands by working with the higher chakras is the process of bringing frequency form the Stellar Spirals into the Star Crystal Seals.
(The Kathara Bio-Spiritual Healing System Course– Page 65)
Seed Crystal Seal (Morphogenetic Seed Crystal)
Each planet and person is connected to each of the seven lower dimensional fields by a minute crystalline pattern of frequency that represents one dimensional level of the personal or planetary morphogenetic field.
This minute crystalline structure is called a Morphogenetic Seed Crystal or Seed Crystal Seal.
There are 15 Morphogenetic Seed Crystals within the morphogenetic structure of a planet or person, one corresponding to each of the 15 dimensions.
The Seed Crystal serve as seals that keep the morphogenetic field separated and locked into each dimensional band; thus we refer to them as Seed Crystal Seals.
The Seed Crystal Seals control the speed at which the fourth-dimensional Merkaba Fields will rotate, and so direct the pulsation rhythm of particles within each dimension.
Along with the Seed Crystal Seals there are 15 more minute patterns of crystallized morphogenetic frequency that exist within the bio-energetic structure of a person or planet. The Star Crystal Seals.
Whereas the 15 Seed Crystal Seals set the morphogenetic field into the center of each dimension, the 15 Star Crystal Seals are placed between dimensional bands and serve to regulate the functions of the Seed Crystal Seals.
The operation of the Seed Crystal Seals is controlled by the Star Crystal Seals and can release the Seed Crystal Seals, allowing the dimensionally separated portions of the morphogenetic field to merge with each other.
(Voyagers II – Page 474)
* D-2 Orange-Gold Flame of Earth’s morphogenetic field.
* D-5 Blue Flame of Tara’s morphogenetic field.
* D-7 Violet Flame of Gaia’s morphogenetic field.
Represent 3 of the 15 of the planetary morphogenetic Seed Crystal Seals which connects the planet to its 15-dimensional morphogenetic field.
(Voyagers II – Page 475)
Seed Crystals Seals of the human body are located at the center of the 15 primary chakra centers, nine of which are located within the physical body structure.
(Voyagers II – Page 476)
There is an intimate relationship between the Seed Crystal Seeds the Star Crystal Seeds and the Human DNA. Each Seed Crystal corresponds directly to and controls the basic functions of one strand of DNA.
The process of assembling DNA strands by working with the higher chakras is the process of bringing frequency form the Stellar Spirals into the Star Crystal Seals.
(Voyagers II – Page 477)
Star Crystal Seal (Fire Crystals)
Along with the Seed Crystal Seals there are 15 more minute patterns of crystallized morphogenetic frequency that exist within the bio-energetic structure of a person or planet.
The Star Crystal Seals or Fire Crystals.
The Star Crystal Seals control the the operation of the Seed Crystal Seals in each dimension and can release the Seed Crystal Seals, allowing the dimensionally separated portions of the morphogenetic field to merge with each other.

Whereas the Seed Crystal Seals set the morphogenetic field into the center of each dimension the Star Crystal Seals are placed between dimensional bands.

The Star Crystal Seals control the angle at which the Dimensional and Harmonic Merkaba Fields will rotate, thus they direct the angular rotation of particle spin (ARPS) between the dimensional bands of a form particle construction.

The Star Crystal Seals control the the operation of the Seed Crystal Seals in each dimension and can release the Seed Crystal Seals, allowing the dimensionally separated portions of the morphogenetic field to merge with each other.
(Voyagers II – Page 474)

Planetary Star Crystal Seals regulate the evolution of planets and stars over extensive periods of time, through directing the orbital patterns of planets, stars and galaxies.
The Planetary and Galactic Star Crystal Seals direct the angle of rotation of the Universal Merkaba Fields, which allows the Dimensional Merkaba Fields of Star Systems to come into direct alignment at certain times to for a Stellar Spiral Bridge, such as the one Earth is now approaching.
(Voyagers II – Page 475)

The Star Crystal Seals of the human body are presently in a dormant state, which keeps the Seed Crystal Seals of the chakra system closed. the body’s particle base and consciousness separated and the personal Dimensional Merkaba Fields locked into their respective dimensional frequency bands.
These conditions keep the human locked within the space-time coordinates of Earth’s present time cycle.

The human bio-energetic field also contains 15 Star Crystal Seals which control the function of the Seed Crystal Seals and the angle of rotation of the personal Dimensional and Harmonic Merkaba Fields.

When the Star Crystal Seals activate, as a result of infusion of energy frequency due to Stellar Wave Infusions and Stellar activations, each progressively opens various Seed Crystal Seals with the chakras.

Through this process, the HU-1 incarnate’s Merkaba Fields open into and merge with the HU-2 Soul Matrix Merkaba Fields, allowing the human body and consciousness to progressively transfer its particle content out of HU-1 into HU-2, then from HU-2 into the Oversoul Matrix of HU-3.
(Voyagers II – Page 476)

There is an intimate relationship between the Seed Crystal Seeds the Star Crystal Seeds and the Human DNA. Each Seed Crystal corresponds directly to and controls the basic functions of one strand of DNA.

The process of assembling DNA strands by working with the higher chakras is the process of bringing frequency form the Stellar Spirals into the Star Crystal Seals.

Each Star Crystal Seal is composed of half of the frequency patterns of the dimension above it and half of those from the dimension below.

Of the 15 Seed Crystal Seals within the bio-energetic body of the human, 12 Seed Crystal Seals governs the functions of the DNA Seed Codes within the 12-Strand DNA imprint; one Seed Crystal Seed directs the Seed Code of one strand of DNA.
(Voyagers II – Page 477)

3/6/9 its.all.connected S12 SCS12 CS12 A12 L12 ADR111222 Ra Ka Isha~

November 10, 2012

Kee-ra-shA / Kundalini / Khundaray [ Freedom Teachings ]


(Kundalini Energy – Pillar of Light – Silver Cord – Um Shaddai Ur)The 3 Primal Creation Frequencies – Primary Light Fields - or Currents: the Kee-ra-shA.When ALL of the frequencies within the 3 embodied Kundalini Currents activate, the 4th Kundalini Current - The Kee-ra-shA is activated.Activation of the Kee-ra-shA anchors the 12th Dimensional HYDROPLASMIC BEAM within the body, initiating the process of Cellular Transmutation and intentional de-manifestation and Dimensional Ascension of the human biological form.The Kee-ra-shA 3 Primal Light Fields are often called the Um Shaddai Ur (Pillar of First Cause Light), from which the 12 Rays of the Universal Kundalini Life Force Currents emerge.

(Planetary Shields Clinic Field Guide – Page 16, 17)Primary Light Fields (Life Force Current) of Density-5: dimensions 13, 14 and 15 of our Time Matrix.



Pale Yellow

Magenta Pink

(Voyager I – Page 161)The Kee-ra-shA is the life-force energy that creates and maintains the physical body and consciousness while in manifestation.It is a complex system of inter-dimensional energy structures and conduits through which the energy and consciousness of Source perpetually flows through the identity and its manifest parts.The Kee-ra-shA energies represents a continual pulse of energetic substance that moves form the God-seed into the scalar grids of the 8 Hova Bodies, through which identities in time are sustained.All biological organisms have a form of Kee-ra-shA energies that are structured in ways characteristic to the morphogenetic order of the form.In humans part of the Kee-ra-shA energies manifest as a “tube (pillar) of light” that runs down the center of the body and bio-energetic field from the Soul Matrix and higher identity levels and into Earth’s core where the race morphogenetic field is stored.The human Kee-ra-shA begins at conception with the building of the Kundalini and the “Silver Cord”, bridges of inter-dimensional frequency that connects the fetus to the Soul Matrix and through which fetal integration of the soul essence occurs.When the conception occurs part of the incoming soul essence first enters the original 8 cells at the base of the spine that will grow to become the fetus, establishing an energetic link, often called the Kundalini Energies, between the embryo and the incoming soul essence.As the Kundalini Spirals are being set at the base of the spine within the fetal pattern, another bridge of frequency is set into the body in the regions of the Navel, (E-umbi) Heart and Crown Chakras and with the Pineal, Thyroid and Thymus glands.This part of the Kee-ra-shA energies creates a bridge of 9-dimensional frequency, a “Silver Cord”, that opens the Crown chakra vortex for full fetal integration and connects the body form at the navel and several other regions of the body, to the sustaining energies of the Soul Matrix and Nada Hova Body.The Kundalini energies at the base of the spine connects to the Silver Cord frequency bridge forming a “main vertical current of energy” running through the fetus and the morphogenetic field, through which the body and consciousness will progressively raise in vibration and expand as physical growth and soul essence integration continues over time.In most contemporary humans the Kundalini Spirals usually remain dormant throughout the lifetime, following their original placement at conception.The Kundalini Spirals are connected to the Silver Cord and to the Pineal Gland at the brain center, and only become activated when the Pineal Gland receives enough stimulation of higher dimensional frequency as the Soul Integration and DNA activation process proceeds.In the contemporary human, only a small portion of the Kundalini is used, the Hara Line, and not the full activation of the Pillar of Light.(The Tangible Structure of the Soul – Page 28,29)

Khundaray: (Khun-da-rAy, Rainbow Ray)

The 3 Primary Sound Fields (Life Force Currents – from beyond the 15-dimensional Time Matrix) are collectively referred as the Energy Matrix or Khundaray Fields or Rainbow Ray.(Voyagers I, Page 159)Activation of DNA Strand Template 30-48 allows a being to fully embody the frequencies and consciousness of the Khundaray Primal Sound Fields from the Energy Matrix beyond the Time Matrix.When a being activates the Khundaray within its body and consciousness it becomes what is known as a Khundara or “Yani,” a fully embodied Yanas, which is the legitimate use of the term “Ascended Master.”(Voyagers I, Page 173)

The Khundaray is the PRE-lUMINAL vibration, or STANDING WAVE OF INTERNAL SOUND emitted from ONE-sOURCE-gOD, that corresponds to the Combined original Sound Currents from which the Kee-ra-shA Primal Life-Force Currents emerge.(Planetary Shields Clinic Field Guide – Page 16)

The Primal Sound Fields are vast fields of Conscious Living Energy that form the first expression of Source/God into manifestation (Energy Matrix).These Sound Fields form the Conscious energy that is “stepped down” into the next expression of God in the Primal Light Fields.In the process of God/Source stepping down Living Units of Consciousness into matter, Sound energy or frequency is “stepped down” into Living Light Energy or frequency.

(See: Stair Step Creation)The Light Fields are made of a more “dense” frequency than the Sound Fields since they are the next step “down” in the creation of solid matter. One could think of the Primal Sound Fields as the Inside Song of Creation.Everything in manifestation has its core song, and every matter form has a core song or “frequency” which is ‘unique to it, as an expression of God/Source.These Conscious Living Sound Fields, are also known as the Ascended Master collectives .

Humans were an angelic race.They were not created as a fallen sinful race. They are a race of angels that was put here to guard this planet and to protect its shields and to help restore and heal them because they had been damaged by races that we refer to as the fallen angelic races.Right now, what we are dealing with is the situation that for many thousands of years this planet has been under siege. There has been a deadline to that siege. There has been a time that was waited for and the bible told us about this time. It was the time when the planetary star gates would open, the portions of the planetary scalar template that open between this space time place and other space time places in the higher heavens. This is that time!” (Dance For Love 2002, Greece)

Perfect timing to run across this one*. Labyrinth... + Poem - The Madness of Love

Perfect timing to run across this one*.  Labyrinth paris link line. thing thing. while doing my own backtracking stuff and reconnecting dots. and technique;s past present and future into1 and resolve that that was is has been., to be in the now the i am.

*(being the poem below..)

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

The Madness of Love

(Rose Window dedicated to Mary, circa 1235, at Chartres Cathedral, located about 50 miles south of Paris; the medieval cathedral was built in the High Gothic style mainly between 1194 and 1260)
We now conclude our look at Agape, the final part of the study of love we began in June.
In our work we were inspired by C. S. Lewis, who wrote about the four kinds of love, using the Greek names: “Charity means love. It is called Agape in the New Testament to distinguish it from Eros (sexual love), Storge (family affection) and Philia (friendship).”
The poem below was written by Hadewijch of Antwerp, a 13th-century poet and mystic. She was a member of the Beguines, one of the many medieval Catholic communities of lay women in the Low Countries, including Belgium, Holland, and Luxembourg. The women devoted their lives to their faith and their work with the poor.

The madness of love
Is a blessed fate;
And if we understood this
We would seek no other;
It brings into unity
What was divided,
And this is the truth:
Bitterness it makes sweet,
It makes the stranger a neighbor,
And what was lowly it raises on high.

 Source -