Monday, September 05, 2011

Suzan Caroll: Multidimensional News Sept 2011

Multidimensional News

September 5, 2011  ARCTURIAN CORRIDOR  Your Multidimensional Reality II

By Dr. Suzan Caroll

September 5, 2011


Your Multidimensional Reality II

Inter-dimensional Travel

Greetings from the Arcturians, we see that many of you, our grounded expressions of SELF, are now awakening, and are fully awakened, to your multidimensional consciousness. Consequently, we come to you to assist you in better understanding your expanded abilities. Just as you may need to adapt to the expanded abilities of a new computer, you are now in the process of adapting to the expanded abilities of your multidimensional consciousness. In our last meeting: ( we assisted you with your expanding ability of inter-dimensional communication. We meet with you now to assist you to better understand your ability of inter-dimensional travel. It is these multidimensional abilities that will assist you in being a vanguard of Personal and Planetary Ascension.

The process of inter-dimensional travel is actually a form of reality jumping. In order to jump realities you must know and totally believe that it is possible. Doubt comes from fear, and fear lowers your consciousness to a frequency that is too low to jump realities. In fact, you jump realities many times a day with the wavering of your consciousness. For example, imagine that you were going to one of your grocery stores.

Let us say that you awoke from bed early enough to meditate and align your consciousness with the reality filled with joy and love. With peace and happiness you set off in your automobile to get your groceries. However, you are so enjoying your bliss that your focus drifts from the road and into the beautiful sky, which causes you to drive directly through a stop sign.

You do not realize this mistake as you are watching a lovely bird flying just above you. Then you hear a short tone of the siren and see flashing lights behind you. You look in your rearview mirror to see a police car. Instantly, your consciousness drops and you are in a lower resonance of reality. You feel fear activate your adrenaline, which rushes through your body. Your thinking moves to how you will afford this ticket and wonder what you did wrong. You are no longer happy, and you no longer notice that the sky is beautiful and clear.

How do you get back to the reality in which you began your day? The answer is that you meditate. In the same manner as you began your lovely day gone wrong you can return to your higher state of consciousness. If you can remember to put aside your thoughts of fear and worry and to safely park your car, you can take another long moment to look into the sky, and then close your eyes. You can breathe deeply and return to your higher state of consciousness. In this manner, you will know that the problem of getting a ticket was a reminder that while doing certain Earth activities you must remember to stay fully grounded.

It is through “mistakes” such as this example that you remember to expand your consciousness, not only into the higher dimensions but deeply into the body of Gaia. As members of the Planetary Ascension Team you have volunteered to retain an earth vessel until Gaia has completed Her process of Planetary Ascension. We are here to remind you that the frequency of your collective consciousness is rising with your every breath. Consequently, it is vital that you remember to repeatedly integrate your expanded consciousness into your daily life. Since energy travels in circles, the higher you go into the Spirit Realm, the deeper you must go into the physical world to fully ground your expanding energies.

We see that many of our grounded ones are chafing at the bit to experience the grand finale of ascension. And a wonderful finale it shall be, but there may or may not be a fanfare or definitive moment of ascension, YOU are the authors of your new reality. We are here to assist you, but this is YOUR ascension. YOU are creating it. However, KNOW that your ascension is a process, which you have already begun. We cannot tell exactly how you will experience ascension, as your version of reality is determined by your perception.

Your beliefs determine your state of consciousness. Your state of consciousness determines your expectation. Your expectation determines your perception, and your perception determines your reality. The reality that you perceive is the reality that you experience. This last sentence is the key to inter-dimensional travel. Hence to travel inter-dimensionally, you must:

  • Believe that you are capable of inter-dimensional travel

  • This belief in your SELF expands your consciousness

  • With expanded consciousness you expect to perceive higher dimensions

  • Since expectation guides your perceptions, you will begin to perceive higher dimensions of reality

You may wish to document your journey in some manner so that you can better remember it. It is often difficult for your human computer/brain to remember these journeys if you have not documented them. Furthermore, once documented you can share your experience with others. Sharing your experience will assist you to ground it into your daily beliefs, consciousness, expectations and perceptions. Also, if our grounded ones find the courage to share their experiences, they greatly influence the beliefs, consciousness, expectations and perceptions of the collective reality. Eventually, inter-dimensional travel will become “normal,” and a component of the Collective and Planetary Consciousness.


Emotions are the fuel for your inter-dimensional travel, and the steering mechanism is your thoughts. Your emotions and thoughts combined make up your consciousness. Your inter-dimensional journey lasts as long as your are in a state of multidimensional consciousness, and your multidimensional consciousness continues as long as your emotions are in the range of unconditional love and your thoughts are focused on your inter-dimensional journey. As soon as any level of fear enters your thoughts or emotions, your consciousness will drop and your journey will end.

On the other hand, sometimes your journey ends because of time constraints, or because you can no longer maintain that higher state of consciousness. You, our brave grounded ones, are more accustomed to third dimensional consciousness. Therefore, your brains are still calibrated to that frequency. With practice, the Multidimensional Operating System of your computer/brain will come fully online, making the perception of higher and higher dimensions of reality a “normal” experience.

At that point, the third dimension will become the grounding point for your Multidimensional SELF, as well as Gaia’s physical earth body. Since you and Gaia are both in the process of ascension, you are realizing that your third dimensional expression of reality is coming to a close. This awareness can have a great influence on your emotions. Therefore, it is important that you honor each emotion, for the Mastery of your emotions is one of the biggest challenges you have had in your earthly incarnations.

Preparing for Ascension 4 - THE POWER OF EMOTION

When you are traveling in your consciousness, you will “run out of fuel” if you allow any fear-based emotions to invade you which will cause your consciousness to plummet into the third dimension, or worse, into the Lower Astral Plane. Therefore, if you begin to experience fear, call to your Inner Guides and/or a higher dimensional expression of your SELF. If you feel you cannot do that, then just open your eyes. Once you see the physical world around you, you will return to the habit of being third dimensional.

The frequency of unconditional love provides you with the smoothest ride into the higher worlds. Unconditional love instantly connects you with your Celestial and Galactic Family who will protect and assist you on your journey. This guidance and protection will facilitate the maintenance of your expanded consciousness. It is through the power of your expanded consciousness that you are able to experience your other realities. You can travel from one reality to another by changing the state of your consciousness and remembering that your imagination is actually the power of your fifth dimensional thought.

Most importantly, your power lies in your Knowing and Believing that YOU are a great Multidimensional BEING! This belief will give you the power to become the Master of your thoughts. If you can master your thoughts in your daily life, you will automatically be the Master of your thoughts throughout your inter-dimensional journeys. Remember that there are many versions of your Multidimensional SELF, so the dimension to which you will travel will be determined by the version of your SELF that is doing the steering/thinking. Because of this, it is best to begin your journey with the primary thought of surrendering to the highest expression of your SELF to whom you can surrender within that moment.

Your experience of your “self” is determined by your belief, consciousness, expectation and perception within any given time. When you travel inter-dimensionally, you experience your “self” in higher frequencies of reality. As you progressively experience higher and higher frequencies of reality, your sense of SELF expands. Each time you have an inter-dimensional journey, you will gain more confidence in the process. Thus, you will be able to surrender to higher and higher frequencies of your SELF, who can guide you into higher and higher frequencies of reality.

What is important for you to remember is that YOU are your consciousness, and your physical body is the form you consciousness holds in order to physically experience the third/fourth dimensions. YOU are your consciousness and your body merely contains YOU. However, YOU, your true Multidimensional SELF, is infinitely everywhere, in every reality, in every dimension, in every frequency because you are a component of the ONE. Since everything that you perceive is a component of the ONE, everything that you perceive is a component of YOU!


Inter-dimensional travel is a process of maintaining fifth dimensional consciousness for enough of your Earth time to free your mind of the third dimensional influences of limitation, separation and fear. Since separation creates the limitation, it is best to attune your consciousness to the Unity Consciousness of the ONE. As long as your consciousness, and, hence, your expectations and perceptions, resonate to the ONE, you are free of the third and fourth dimensional space/time barrier. This freedom allows you to travel inter-dimensionally.

Many newly incarnated ones on Earth have not yet taken on the burden of third dimensional programming and can easily travel into the higher dimensions. In fact, they often do so, but this process is not perceptible to others, such as their parents, because they blink out of third dimensional space/time. Hence, to the vision of others they are just closing their eyes for a moment. Many of you did this as a child. However, if you told adults of your experiences their response was often, “It is just your imagination.” Hence, you began to doubt your excursions into other worlds or you kept them a secret.

It was this doubt and secrecy that created the fear of being different or crazy or that you were doing something wrong, which caused you to forget your innate skill of inter-dimensional travel. For this reason, it is important that you share your inter-dimensional experiences with others. Your courage to break free of your third dimensional programing will give others the courage to do the same. This will allow more and more of you to remember your innate, multidimensional perceptions and abilities.

Your ability to travel inter-dimensionally, along with all the rest of your myriad multidimensional skills, is stored in the 97% of your DNA known as “junk DNA”. Therefore, you do not have to learn anything. You only have to unzip these DNA files with the multidimensional light and unconditional love that you are constantly downloading. We are always available to assist you with this download process. All you need do is ask. As you download these higher frequencies of energy, your Junk DNA will automatically be activated, and the Multidimensional Operating System stored in the 97% of your previously unused DNA will come online. In fact, this process is occurring more and more each day.

Once you have regained your multidimensional consciousness, there will no longer be the illusion of separation, and you will experience your self as ONE with ascending Earth. Critical mass has already been reached within your current expression of third dimensional Earth. Because of this, Ascension into the fifth dimensional reality of your choice, is alive and well within Gaia’s Unity Consciousness of the NOW.


You, our Lightworkers who have volunteered to “stay with the ship” of ascending Earth, are continuing to maintain your current earth vessel in order to contribute your force of Personal Ascension to that of Gaia’s Planetary Ascension. At the time of Gaia’s ascension, all of our Lightworkers will flash into Light as ONE Planetary Being. After that, a fourth dimensional reality will be maintained as long as possible to allow those “on the fence” to continue the illusion of the time that they need to embrace their own fifth dimensional consciousness. This illusion of physical Earth will stay intact only while there is more light than there is darkness.

This fourth dimensional reality is much like an afterglow that can only be maintained while there is a greater percentage of light than dark. Once the light of the afterglow ascends into the fifth dimension, the fourth dimensional glow will return to its fifth dimensional source, and the illusion of third dimensional Earth will disappear. There are as many versions of ascension as there are those who ascend. This differentiation of experience is the reason why the Force of the ONE copied itself into many expressions of form on countless experiences of reality.

When you want to take a form during your inter-dimensional travels, you can find an expression of your SELF who is holding a form in that realty and merge with that frequency of your SELF. On the other hand, you can create a form of light that resonates to that frequency. Either way, the form will need to match the frequency of your consciousness. Hence, taking a form is similar to a radio wave signal signaling one of your radios. That signal can only enter the “channel” that resonates to the same frequency of that radio wave.

When you take a form you will experience the dimension of the reality. However, whenever you slightly change the frequency of your consciousness, your form will begin to resonate to a different frequency of reality. As we said before, your change of focus is primarily achieved by changing your state of consciousness. It is your frequency of a consciousness that aligns you with the resonance of any given reality, as well as with any form that you create or inhabit within that realty. Hence, whenever you change your consciousness, you will also change the version of reality that you are experiencing.

Every form in every reality is actually a point of awareness through which the Force of the ONE perceives life. The fragment of your Multidimensional SELF that holds a form in the lower worlds of separation, usually does not remember that YOU are a portal through which the ONE perceives life. Instead, you believe that you are a separate being that is limited to your form. YOU are not your form. YOU are the component of the ONE that inhabits that form. In other words, WE all are ONE Being with myriad different versions of experience.


As a rehearsal for your Personal and Planetary Ascension, you will travel the Multidimensional Universe while you, also, remain grounded in your physical earth vessel. In this manner, you will be able to stay grounded when necessary without having to sacrifice the joy of inter-dimensional travel and communication. You will also practice living in more than one reality, because your fifth dimensional SELF can experience many realities at once. Thus, there are several of your fifth dimensional realities to which you can travel. Just as you might visit an area to which you are moving, you can inter-dimensionally travel to the different realities that you will inhabit once you ascend.

One of these realities may be aboard one of the Starships in which many of Earth’s grounded ones have a higher expression of SELF. Many of us on the Starships that surround your planet have also taken an earth vessel in your “time” to be able to assist from above, as well as from the planet’s surface. Another reality that our grounded ones can easily visit is on New Earth in which Earth has become a member of the Galactic Federation. Many of you greatly enjoy that reality. You love the instant transportation via the Portals. Of course, there is no movement involved with the Portals because you instantly arrive at your destination. Therefore, you may choose to travel in one of the swift, gravity free automobiles. From these vehicles, you can see your reality while you travel through your new world.

You also enjoy the instant manifestation of any item you need via the replication machines, and all of you love the complete freedom from financial worries. There is no money on any fifth dimensional reality and healing is light years ahead of your present dimension. Because of this, there are no diseases, and the few injuries that do occur can be instantly be healed. Most of all, you enjoy the freedom from fear. Fear does not resonate to this frequency, so it is non-existent. In fact, fear is non-existent in any reality that resonates to the fifth dimension and beyond. Fear is the result of separation from Spirit, from your SELF, from others and from your planet. Thus, there is no fear within the unity of New Earth.

Many newly ascended ones need to rest on New Earth, which resonates at the threshold of the fifth dimension. This rest is usually required to heal your thoughts and emotions from the fear and pain of your multiple incarnations in a dualistic reality. New Earth is much like the third dimension without the concepts of separation and the fear that results from it. Also, New Earth has the advanced technology that has been hidden from you by the rulers of your present version of Earth.

If you still are attached to a human body, human homes, some form of education and jobs, you may wish to enjoy New Earth where you live in houses and are primarily planet bound. However, in this borderland reality you can experience Star Cruises, which are much like ocean cruises or airplane trips to a faraway location. On New Earth, you have the opportunity to gradually awaken to your Multidimensional SELF without the burden of financial issues and health problems. Therefore, you can continue to live a life similar to the one you are living now, but without the challenges of duality.

New Earth resonates to Unity Consciousness. Hence, all fear is instantly transmuted into love on New Earth because there is no sense of separation. You do not need to work hard to attain survival needs, as there is no money. “Another person” can no longer rule you, as you are all ONE Being who works as a unit to create a New World. It is the creation of this new reality that draws our ascending ones to live on New Earth. After myriad incarnations in a third dimensional Earth, it is such a great adventure to be among the ones laying down the foundation of a new reality.

By staying in New Earth at the borderland of the fifth dimension, you can enjoy the process of remembering how to manifest with your thoughts and emotions. Once you are completely comfortable with your power of manifestation, many of you will move into the mid-fifth dimension where instead of society instantly providing you with your needs, YOU become the power of your manifestations. On the other hand, some of you will choose to return to your Homeworld to visit your Galactic Family or go directly into the realms of pure light to return to your Angelic or Elohim expressions of the ONE. In the meantime, you can visit your options for ascension via your inter-dimensional travel.


Fasten your seatbelts, for we will now guide you on an inter-dimensional journey. Before we begin, we wish to remind you that the Universe is very fluid and travels inter-dimensionally. Your planet, in fact your entire Solar System and Galaxy is now entering the area (actually it is a frequency) of space that has been spoken of in prophesy for millennia. Among other names, it has been called the Photon Belt because there are so many highly charged photons in this area. This energy field of charged protons is actually resonating from the Galactic Center. You will fully enter this field by 11-11-11. The words “frequency” and “area” are used interchangeably in this message because this field is a frequency rather than an area.

To begin our journey, please release your attachment to the limitations of space/time, so that you can travel within the NOW. Step into your inner Arcturian Corridor to activate your fifth dimensional consciousness and align your inner and outer perceptions to the ONE of the NOW. Even though you are aware of your physical vessel, trust that your experiences are the perceptions of a higher frequency of our Multidimensional SELF. In this manner, you can accept that your earth vessel is grounded in Gaia, who is serving as your anchor, as well as your protector.

You have been indoctrinated for many third dimensional lifetimes to believe that your inner vision is not real and that only your vision of the physical word is real. You are now breaking free of that illusion and living the truth of your great powers of inter-dimensional communication and travel. With your increasing freedom from third dimensional illusions, you can experience realities far beyond your former limitations. Trusting your inner perceptions is an important key to ascension. Thus, rather than perceiving your self as a human looking OUT into third dimensional Earth, think of your self as a Multidimensional Being looking IN to your multidimensional world. It is through these inner perceptions that you can free yourself from the illusions of the physical world.

Furthermore, please remember that just as different temperatures of water intermingle in your oceans, different frequencies of reality intermingle in Cosmic Space. Allow your power of imagination to perceive this Cosmic Space around you. This frequency of reality resonates to the fifth dimension. Therefore, remember the Mastery of your thoughts and emotions, as they will be greatly amplified and instantly manifested in this “frequency pool” of the Cosmic Ocean. Also, since this area is fifth dimensional, the energy that you emanate will instantly return to you.

Take a moment to use your power of emotion to FEEL the multidimensional light and unconditional love of this area. Surround your essence with this energy field to maintain your connection with your Multidimensional SELF. You can raise your consciousness to these peaks of emotional perception, which few planetary societies have been able to attain, because you have been brave enough to live in a reality with a huge density of fear and have still awakened. It is your expanded light and love that allows you to enter this frequency of Cosmic Space.

FEEL the light and love of the glorious colors of the surrounding inner/outer space, and focus your thoughts on your collective journey. This frequency of reality is beyond your third dimensional perceptions, but you can merge with our Arcturian energy, and the collective energy of those with whom you share this journey, to assist you in maintaining your multidimensional consciousness. Because you have allowed your consciousness to perceive the fear-based events on Earth and have blessed them with your unconditional love, you are now able to perceive this frequency of reality.

As you travel into this frequency of reality, you feel the Kundalini rising in your body. Your Lightbody wants to shine beyond the limitations of your physical skin, so you take a moment to firmly ground your self in the body of Gaia and experience your self as a planetary Being. Once you have done so, you can continue your trek through this area of space with the physical form of Gaia serving as a grounding anchor. In fact you are so connected to Gaia that you and the planet are ONE. All of you who are volunteers of the Planetary Ascension Team will be having wonderful inter-dimensional journeys, but you will be urged to wait to transmute into Lightbody until Gaia is ready to come with you.

You are like the stone in a slingshot. The rubber band that holds the slingshot is pulling back further and further, so that even in your daily life, you are feeling the immense tension of this potential acceleration building up within you. It is this building of potential energy that determines how far into the higher dimensional realties you can go when the rubber band is let loose and the stone accelerated into its path of trajectory. To remain in complete control of this type of situation you need to calibrate your release point into the highest expressions of Planetary Ascension and make sure you have aimed your intention into the signature frequency of New Earth that is in alignment with your multidimensional mission. You also need to be the Master of your Emotions and choose unconditional love again and again.

Within this frequency, your thoughts get clearer and you remember why you have experienced “bad things” in your life. Something fear-based was developing because your ego was in control and was moving you in a direction that was out of alignment with your highest purpose. At that point, your Soul took control of the helm and drove you into a “ditch” to give you some time to think more deeply about how you wanted to create your life. When you surrender your thoughts into the Flow of this expanding frequency, you easily understand how your challenges were only places in your life in which you were getting out of alignment with your Soul Path.

These experiences were much like driving on the freeway while you were so tired that you were falling asleep and gliding into another lane. If it were not for the bumpers between the lanes, you could have gone into another lane. It was these difficult moments that actually signaled that your emotions had become fearful and your thoughts were not in alignment with your Path. Therefore, your problems were signals to find your Center again, for from this Center, you were ONE with your SELF.

As the visions begin to dim, you see the Galactics who have been assisting Earth’s return to Her Center Path. You experience these Galactics as many energy fields, some are encased in Starships and others, who are beyond the need for a flying vessel, are traveling as pure consciousness. As you commune with these higher-dimensional Beings, a great calm flows through you and pulls your energy deeply into your core.

Those who can visit and commune with this frequency/area, have a consciousness that resonates to the fifth dimension 51% of the time. In fact, those who are aware of this area of space are actually those who have ascended within their consciousness, yet still hold a physical form to assist with Planetary Ascension. Therefore, they are Ascended Masters who are still maintaining their earth vessels. Your energy is now returning to your earth vessel and your eyes are opening. You can hear the traffic noises and feel your earth vessel around you. You are back on ascending Earth and fully contained within your earth vessel.


Dear Grounded Ones, in closing we wish to tell you that It has begun!
The shift is taking place right now. However, this change cannot be observed by your third dimensional perceptions. You will need to call primarily upon your High Heart to FEEL how the energies have changed. Then, you will need to believe in these feelings more than you believe in the illusions of your crumbling 3D Matrix. This Matrix is not meant to enter this area/frequency of space, and it will not. Therefore, those who resonate to the old paradigm of “power over others” and “service to self,” will not enjoy the speed at which their own thoughts and emotions return to them.

Your higher dimensional expressions of your Multidimensional SELF are cheering you on as you approach the “finish line.” Please do not be concerned with the amount of “time” necessary to prepare for your new adventure, as YOU are the creator of your life NOW. The expanding frequency of light and love entering your body will activate your fifth dimensional abilities of manifestation and expanded perceptions. Furthermore, your biological computer/brain is learning to function multidimensionally. Your Multidimensional Operating System will gradually and safely activate your unused DNA, as well as the 90% of your brain that has been unused while your earth vessel resonated to the third/fourth dimension.

We remind you that you don’t have to “do” anything and Know that you have an inner breaking system. Therefore, if you begin to feel overwhelmed, please call to us, the Arcturians, or to whatever Guides you are working with and ask for a rest. During this rest take as much time as you need to integrate what you have downloaded. The best way to facilitate your integration process is to remain calm, be in Nature, enjoy your loved ones (this opens your High Heart more), take naps, get enough sleep, eat carefully and according to your body’s needs and drink enough water.

All of our grounded ones are familiar with what they need to do in order to afford their physical form the “time” to fully integrate the expanding frequencies of light and octaves of unconditional love that are now being downloaded. Yes, unconditional love has octaves. With every increase in frequency, your High Heart can attune to higher and higher dimensions of reality, which allows you to feel more expanded versions of unconditional love.

As your High Heart continues to open, your Three Fold Flame glows brighter and brighter to regulate and calm your process of transmuting into Lightbody. Furthermore, your original “first eight cells” within the ATMA of your Three Fold Flame will gradually release your genetic memory of all your incarnations on Earth, as well as your myriad expressions of SELF throughout the Cosmos. Please stay tuned to our energy, as we will continually send more information regarding your process of ascension.

The Arcturians, the Galactic Federation and the Celestial Protectors of Earth


Saturday, September 03, 2011

The Lord of Arcturus Golden Skin Technology By Dr Joshua David Stone

The Lord of Arcturus Golden Skin Technology By Dr Joshua David Stone

Posted by indianinthemachine on August 31, 2011 @

The Lord of Arcturus Golden Skin Technology

By Dr Joshua David Stone

The Lord of Arcturus and the Arcturians have the ability to use their Advanced Light Computers to place a golden layer of light skin around your entire body! It is better than the best facial or treatment on earth you can do for your skin! The golden Christ Energy melds into our third dimensional skin and pours giving it a radiance and health unsurpassed in this world! It is all there for asking! However, the law of free choice states that Spiritual being and Christed extraterrestrial terrestrials cannot give forth their gifts unless they are requested! So I say again, ask and pray for their help in this specific capacity and you will see you will love it! So let it be written! So let it be done! Amen!

Subject: Using The Technology Of Arcturus On Your Skin Meditation!
The Lord of Arcturus Golden Skin Technology!
By Dr Joshua David Stone

The Lord of Arcturus and the Arcturians have the ability to use their
Advanced Light Computers to place a golden layer of light skin around
your entire body! It is better than the best facial or treatment on
earth you can do for your skin! The golden Christ Energy melds into our
third dimensional skin and pours giving it a radiance and health
unsurpassed in this world! It is all there for asking! However, the law
of free choice states that Spiritual being and Christed extraterrestrial
terrestrials cannot give forth their gifts unless they are requested! So
I say again, ask and pray for their help in this specific capacity and
you will see you will love it! So let it be written! So let it be done!

In my discussions with the Lord of Arcturus he told me about a
particularly rather interesting Light Technology which is done through
their Light Computers! It is called the Arcturian Light Infusion
Technology! The way it works is if you have any place in your physical
body that needs healing, you can call to the Lord of Arcturus and
request this specific "Light Infusion Technology" for that place in your
physical body or for your entire physical body if you prefer, and
Arcturian advanced light computers will very precisely infuse that
particular and specific area of the physical body you request with
light! It really works and is an invaluable tool in your healing tool
kit! Try it, you will like it! So let it be written! So let it be done!
Amen! Copyright © 2004 Dr Joshua David Stone. All Rights Reserved.


Tuesday, August 23, 2011

ARCTURIAN CORRIDOR - Your Multidimensional Reality - Inter-dimensionalCommunication

ARCTURIAN CORRIDOR - Your Multidimensional Reality - Inter-dimensional Communication

Channeler: Suzan Caroll Ph.D

August, 2011
Arcturian CORRIDOR
Your Multidimensional Reality

Inter-dimensional Communication

Blessings to our grounded ones,

We meet once again inside our Arcturian Corridor. As a result of our many inter-dimensional meetings, you have learned to incorporate our Corridor into your consciousness. Consequently, you no longer imagine our Corridor as being far away or high above. Instead, you KNOW that it is a component of your ever-expanding multidimensional consciousness. Because of this, we wish to instruct you regarding the many qualities of your Multidimensional Consciousness. First, we will tell you about your innate ability to communicate inter-dimensionally.

In preparation for this instruction, we are providing you with a map of the many dimensions of reality. Remember that you are ALL Multidimensional Beings who simultaneously exist on many frequencies of experience. Furthermore, all your many expressions of your SELF exist within the NOW of the ONE. It is only in the third and fourth dimensions and threshold to the fifth dimensions, that you perceive yourself as holding a form that appears to be separate from others. From the mid-fifth dimensions and up, you remember that all of life is connected, like individual drops in a Cosmic Sea, and you can easily observe the molecules of life that connect you.


As you begin to consciously communicate with and travel to the higher dimensional realities, it important to have an overview of the many frequencies of reality:


The twelfth and eleventh dimensions are the Stellar, Galactic and Universal Elohim.
The tenth and ninth dimensions are the Solar Elohim.
The eighth dimension is the Planetary Logos.
The seventh dimension is the Oversoul.
The sixth dimension is the Divine Matrix for the lower worlds.
The fifth dimension represents the return to Multidimensional Consciousness.
The fourth dimension represents physical Earth’s Aura/Dream-world.
The first through third dimensions represent the Physical World.


Since your consciousness has been within our Arcturian Corridor, you can more easily understand the presence of realities vastly different from your physical world. The concept of individuality, strongest on the third dimension, diminishes somewhat in the fourth dimension, and is a choice in the lower fifth dimension. By the mid-octaves of the fifth dimension, individuality exists within the unity Multidimensional Consciousness, and separate individuality is known only as the lives you live in the lower worlds. The sixth dimension is the matrix for all possible realities, whereas the seventh dimensional Oversoul oversees the many Souls and Soul Groups that have chosen to take myriad forms in the realities of the third through fifth dimensions. By the eighth through tenth dimensions, forms are expressed as planets, solar systems and galaxies.


You on Earth first began as twelfth dimensional Stellar Elohim who were, and still are, ONE with the Source. Elohim are the holders of form in the Multiverse, and the Stellar Elohim is likened to a Great, Great, Great Grandparent. This Elohim “Grandfather” wished to expand its family, so it sent many portions of itself out into the multiverse to experience life in the myriad lower worlds and dimensions. This process of fragmentation is much like a Star spinning out planets to encircle it. Since there is no separation, from the perception of the twelfth dimension every experience that each fragment of SELF has is a portion of the Elohim’s experience.


Gaia, a Being who has evolved to such an expanded consciousness that only a planet could contain it, shares ALL its experience with Sol, the Sun.
The Sun, a being with such an expanded consciousness that only a star could hold it, shares all its experience with the Great Central Sun.
The Great Central Sun, a being with such an expanded consciousness that only a galaxy can hold it, shares all its experience with the Stellar Elohim who is the “grandfather” of that Galaxy.
The Stellar Elohim, however, is actually more than a star. It is the generator of stars, galaxies and universes. Therefore, instead of spinning out planets, it spins out stars, galaxies and universes.
The Stellar Elohim, who is the Grandparent of our Galaxy, shares all its experience with the Stellar Elohim of the Local Universe.
The Stellar Elohim of the Local Universe shares all its experience with Source.
All of these Elohim represent the merging of Spirit into matter to create the illusion of physical form. Elohim, as “holders of form,” are the matrix through which the “un-manifest” can become “manifest.” Your Bible says, “In the beginning was the Word”; the Elohim are “the Word,” or the matrix of sound that traps cosmic light into manifestation.
The Stellar Elohim spins out Star systems and the core of each star system is the Solar Elohim.
The Solar Elohim vibrates to the ninth dimension and spins out planets to be overseen by the eighth dimensional Planetary Logos.
The Planetary Logos works directly with the seventh dimensional Oversouls to oversee the beings who will eventually take on form within the Planets.
The Oversoul is the Soul’s Soul, and it is responsible for all its Souls that inhabit all of the lower dimensional worlds, realities and planets. Once the Oversoul spins off Souls, it acts as a guide to these Souls.
The Souls, in turn, act as guides to their incarnated ones. Just as every Stellar Elohim has many galaxies, and the Solar Elohim has many solar systems, the Oversoul has many Souls and the Souls have many realities incarnated in the fifth through third dimension.
The fifth dimension functions in terms of incarnated beings.
The sixth dimension functions in terms of possible realities.
The seventh dimensional Oversoul functions in terms of Souls.
The eighth through tenth dimensions function in terms of solar systems.
And the eleventh and twelfth, also combined, function in terms of galaxies.


Just as the Oversoul assists in raising the awareness of its many Souls, it also raises its own awareness by downloading portions of its SELF from dimensions above the seventh. When an Oversoul decides that it is ready to expand its consciousness, it calls its Multidimensional SELF and asks for an emissary from the planes higher than the seventh to assist it in its ascension process. Thus, Solar and Stellar Elohim respond to the calls of their Oversouls on the seventh dimension. The Oversoul for the beings of Earth has made that call because, along with its Souls in the lower worlds, it is ascending to a higher frequency.
The Arcturian Stellar and Solar Elohim are very receptive to this call, as it is their Mission to maintain the Arcturian Inter-dimensional Corridor into and out of the third/fourth dimension. Stellar and Solar Elohim from Sirius and the Pleiades also respond to calls from Gaia and Her Oversoul, as they were especially active in the original “star seeding” of Earth. These Elohim spun portions of their being into their Oversouls. From the seventh dimension, the Oversouls then sent portions of their Being into the fifth dimension where they were prepared to be lowered into the fourth dimension, to await entrance onto third dimensional Earth.
Remember that separation from the ONE is an illusion. This illusion only exists in the lower worlds of the third and fourth dimension. It is the belief in this separation that holds the matrix of the physical hologram in place. When the belief in separation is released, you fully remember your true, Multidimensional SELF who is infinitely connected with the ONE. It is through this connection that you can regain your innate ability of inter-dimensional travel and communication.


We of the Galactic Federation are the higher dimensional expressions of your Multidimensional SELF. Hence, we are your Galactic SELF and your Galactic Family. Long before your written history we lived and/or visited on planet Earth. Hence, in many ways we are your ancestors. There are some on Earth now who are not in our evolution, but they, too, shall return to their source Homeworld at the time of Planetary Ascension. Those who still serve the old ways of Service-to-Self will be returned to the timelines on their Homeworld where the frequency of Service-to-Self still exists. However, this old pattern of selfish separatism will not be able to join the increasingly higher frequency expression of the Milky Way Galaxy. All of us, our entire Galaxy, are moving into a higher octave of expression.

In other words, the third and fourth dimensions are becoming the fifth dimension. The fifth dimensional worlds are becoming sixth dimensional, and the sixth dimensional worlds are returning to their Oversouls in the seventh dimension. The seventh dimensional Oversouls are releasing their need for form and moving into the next octave of the eighth through tenth dimensions. Furthermore those of the eighth through tenth dimensions are returning to the Source of the eleventh and twelfth dimensions. In the dimensions beyond the seventh, form is unnecessary and the dimensions intermingle like the molecules of your air.

We see that many of you have ventured your consciousness into the sixth dimension to assist Gaia and her inhabitants by healing weakened areas of the sixth dimensional Divine Matrix. We also see how you have integrated your service to Planetary Ascension into your daily life. Do you see what spectacular Beings of multidimensional light and unconditional love you are? We wish to applaud you all for your contributions to the process of personal and planetary ascension. As Gaia ascends, those who can match Her resonance will ascend along with Her to experience the rare phenomena of unified, personal and planetary, ascension.

In preparation for your great moment of ascension, which approaches quickly with the glory of hope, the bliss of love and the power of light, we would like to talk more merging with the higher dimensional expressions of your great, Multidimensional SELF. Via this merging, you will be able to meet your primary Galactic expressions of SELF with whom you will share your process of ascension. We say “primary expression,” for you have many higher dimensional expressions of your SELF on myriad planets, galaxies and dimensions. Many of us in the Federation have sent a spark of our Light into a physical form to assist with the planetary ascension. As we can connect with our grounded expressions, we can assist that version of our SELF, as well as have a personal experience of the momentous event of Planetary Ascension.

Preparing for Ascension 3
Merging With Your SELF


Greetings, we, the Arcturians, wish to assist you to return to the seventh dimension. Once you resonate to that frequency, you can connect and merge with your Galactic SELF who has volunteered to be your primary guide during the process of Planetary Ascension. To begin, we ask you to visualize the Arcturian Corridor around and within you.
Feel how the Corridor vibrates to the fifth dimension as you merge with the consciousness of all those who share the Unity of our Corridor.

As you allow the unconditional love of our Corridor, you gradually merge your consciousness with the sixth dimensional Divine Matrix of Earth. Take a moment to share your unconditional love and multidimensional light with this Matrix.
The power of unconditional love initiates your entrance into your seventh dimensional Oversoul.
Feel how the frequency of the Corridor has expanded. Gradually, your perceptions adapt to this vibration enough for you to meet with the member of the Galactic Federation with whom you shall merge your consciousness.
Take a moment to listen with your clairaudience, see with your clairvoyance and sense with your clairsentience to better commune with your Galactic Star Family.

Allow the specific Galactic Being who has volunteered to be your personal ascension guide to merge with your consciousness.
This Being is a higher expression of your Multidimensional SELF.
Relax into the calm of unconditional love as this Galactic Being opens and enters your High Heart, infusing your consciousness with unconditional light.

Accept the radiance of this Being’s multidimensional light as it enters your opened Crown and Third Eye.
Messages from the higher dimensions enter your Opened Third Eye (your Crown and Brow Chakras working as ONE), but the meaning of that message is perceived through your High Heart. It is through your High Heart that you and your higher expressions of SELF can bond into ONE. As a result of your bonding, you can receive messages of light and love.
The reason why your High Heart is the translator for your inter-dimensional messages is because it holds your ATMA, your Threefold Flame of Wisdom, Power and Love.

The inner Flame of Wisdom assists you in recognizing the expressions of your Multidimensional SELF.
The inner Flame of Power allows you in accepting the extremely high-frequency transmission.
And your inner Flame of Love allows you to merge with and accept your own Wisdom and Power.
The unconditional love of the higher worlds is the bonding force of the universe, which creates a deeper and deeper bond between you and your higher-frequency expressions of SELF. This inter-dimensional bond allows your higher expressions of SELF to view your inner vocabulary. In this manner, your Higher SELF can choose words that will assist you in better understanding their inter-dimensional communications. This understanding is still a challenge, as higher dimensional communication from beyond time and space come in all at once in a single moment. It then becomes your challenge to connect with the Light Language of these messages and then to translate them into your third dimensional language.


Before we continue, we wish to take a moment to tell you more abut Light Language. Light Language is the product of light and sound resonating to a correlate frequency spectrum. We say “spectrum” because light and sound are measured differently on your world. However, in our world there is no sound as you know it. We are all telepathic and empathic, so words are not important. However, we deeply enjoy art forms created by the interplay of light and sound. In fact, wonderful art forms are fashioned by the inter-play of light and sound. Basically, light does not have a form. “In the beginning was the Word,” means that sound is the key to create a form to enclose and surround light. One of these forms is Light Language. The air that you exhale also has no form. However, as you exhale and change the articulators of your mouth (tongue, palate, mouth, etc.), a sound is created. When you were a baby, these sounds had no form, as you could not yet control your articulators. Then, as you were maturing you observed your parents to learn how to create words with the “raw material” of sound and the way you moved your articulators. We will return at a later date to tell you more about the creation of form via sound. For now, we wish to stay focused on our brief discussion of Light Language. If you were to place sand on a copper plate and put a tuning fork underneath and touching that plate, the sand would form an image that looks much like a Sanskrit image. This image is the result of the combination of the creative powers of sound creating form. Light Language looks much like the forms that are created in the sand by the tone of the tuning fork. This light then drifts into your High Heart, which carries the memories of all the Wisdom, Power and Love of your Multidimensional SELF. Your Multidimensional SELF can easily communicate via telepathy and empathy and receives the message as an “inner knowing.” If you are to translate this message into your spoken/written language, you will need to send the inner knowing back into the language area of your brain, but it must be the language areas of both the right and left hemispheres. The message is understood in your High Heart as an emotion, which is your right hemisphere. Therefore, in order to put this emotion into words, you will need to share these emotions with the language area of your left hemisphere. Through this whole brain thinking you can express the feeling you have received in the correlate words. On the other hand, it takes great practice to translate complicated light messages into words. In fact, many of you will not. Instead, you will translate our messages into beautiful pictures, music, dance, actions and many forms of creative projects. It is only those who are to be the teachers that need to complete many years of study to be able to translate our messages into words. Fortunately, the energies of Earth are much higher now and this type of training is no longer necessary. You are now all regaining your multidimensional skills of telepathy, empathy, clairvoyance, clairaudience, and other expanded perceptions. Thus, when you commune with us, the members of the higher dimensions, you do not need to understand us via your outdated earth language, as you can use your expanded perceptions. We wish to say that we, the members of the Galactic Federation, are ready to communicate directly with our grounded ones. Therefore, we visit you now to assist you to consciously communicate with us. We say “consciously” because we have many conversations with your dream body that you forget once you wake up. It is the remembering of your innate ability to commune with the higher frequency expressions of your Multidimensional SELF that signals your readiness for ascension. Therefore, we ask you, our grounded ones, to believe that you have the ability to receive and translate the messages that we are sending you via the multidimensional light and unconditional love that is constantly entering your reality. Let us now review and expand upon what we have said by giving you this exercise:

Using your imagination, which is your fifth dimensional thought, see our symbols of Light Language as they enter your Crown and opened Third Eye.

Observe these symbols as they float into your High Heart.
Feel the sudden burst of unconditional love as you do so.
Surrender to that feeling in order to create our empathic link.
Feel our unconditional love, so that you can open your mind and heart to our messages.
Relax now and trust. Trust yourself. Trust the experience. Trust the process.
This trust may be more difficult than you think. We have found that many of our grounded ones with whom we try to communicate cannot trust our process of communication or their ability to hear us. Often they have thoughts such as, “This is crazy.” “I am just imagining this.” “I cannot imagine why any ascended being would ever want to talk to me,” These fear-based thoughts represent the remnants of myriad lifetimes of third dimensional indoctrination finally being released into your conscious mind. Furthermore, for millennia Earth has resonated to a very low frequency, which allowed the implementation of many rules of domination. It was common practice to judge a channel of our Galactic Voice as being crazy, being a fake, or in some way demeaning the channel so that he or she would not be believed. The leaders of Earth did not want to be challenged by a higher power and stopped anyone who dared to speak a truth outside of their limited doctrines and perspectives. Therefore, those who heard our voice learned to be very selective with whomever they shared our message.


Regaining your own power of multidimensional communication breaks through this mental domination. However, first, your emotional discomfort must be released, as it is a great distraction and lowers your consciousness. Brainwashing and all forms of mental domination can only work if there is fear. Love creates a sense of equality and self-worth that disallows the fear and doubt that is vital for mental domination to be effective. Furthermore, love activates your multidimensional consciousness, which can instantly connect you to your higher expressions of SELF. From that higher perspective, you have far more wisdom, power and love than anyone who would have the low-frequency desire to dominate another being in any way. Now, with our preamble completed, we ask you again to see the Light Language entering your opened third Eye. Feel the light and illumination of this message, as well as the love, as this message drifts down into your High Heart. It is now vital that you trust your Multidimensional SELF and trust that this experience is real. In fact, this experience of communing with the higher dimensions is more real than any and all components of your third dimensional reality. You have always had the ability to communicate with us, but your many incarnations of third dimensional brainwashing have made you forget that fact. Fortunately as the resonance of Earth is rising, more and more humans are remembering this latent ability. As people engage in inter-dimensional communication and share their experiences with others, it will become normal. Of course, the term normal is changing every day because all that was once normal is becoming obsolete, and all that was labeled as crazy is becoming normal. We will now repeat this process step by step without explanation so that you can receive an exercise to assist you in your personal practice.

Remember, inorder to receive a message from a higher dimensional expression of your SELF, you need to take a moment of meditation and expand your consciousness to embrace the fifth dimension and beyond.
As you enter this higher consciousness, allow your self to experience the light and love of the expressions of your Multidimensional SELF that greets you. Feel the power of unconditional love creating a bonding between you and your higher expression of SELF.
Take a moment and allow yourself to remember other times in your life in which you have experienced this deep inner love. As you review these moments, remember to validate these experiences and know that they were real.
When you feel comfortable enough to commune with the higher dimensions, relax and allow your mind to go blank. Discipline your mind to be free of thoughts of your physical world, so that you can better embrace the experience of being in a higher dimensional reality with a member of your Multidimensional SELF.

As you surrender to this experience, you may feel heat, a sense of love, and a glow as the multidimensional energy transfers from your Higher SELF into your earth vessel.
You may even then perceive illumined forms of Light Language as they float into your awareness. Allow this flow of information to travel into your Crown and opened Third Eye and float down into your High Heart, which is between your Heart Chakra and your Throat Chakra.

Take a long moment to feel the bonding of your third dimensional self with your higher Galactic or Celestial SELF. Initially, you may wish to keep your eyes closed and type on a computer or write with your eyes half-opened. Allow yourself to trust whatever message comes into your mind. If your thoughts are different from what your hands are writing, follow the information coming from your hands. Your mind is used to lying, but your hands express the energy coming from your heart.
When you receive the information, do not be concerned about spelling, grammar, or format. Initially, allow yourself to just receive the information. It is best that you follow the flow of the information and go back later to edit it.
We have given this information to you, our grounded ones, so that you can better communicate with your higher dimensional expressions of SELF. These higher expressions of your third dimensional self are members of your Galactic and Celestial family. We have always been able to communicate with the grounded expressions of our multidimensional being. However, upon entering the 3D Game, most of our grounded expressions forget their natural abilities. You likely remembered some of your ability when you were a child, but “adults” told you that your experiences were not real and you should grow up and be “normal.” We want you to realize that your ability to communicate with all the expressions of your Multidimensional SELF is completely normal. In fact, it is a sign that you have “grown up” enough to remember your SELF. In closing, we wish to tell you that you are entering into a momentous time of transformation in which all of your multidimensional reality will be easily available for you to experience. Just as you may call a friend who lives in an area that you would like to visit, you can call us, your Galactic Family, before you take an inter-dimensional vacation. We will tell you all the best places to visit and the most wonderful things to do. We keep a line open for you always. We are never “too busy” to respond. We are multidimensional and are available for infinite experiences within the NOW of the ONE. Your Galactic Family

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August, 2011

Greeting, I AM El Morya,

I speak to you again of being an Ascended Master with a physical form. All of the Ascended Masters throughout the ages have had the ability to maintain an earth vessel for varying amounts of time. St. Germaine was known to have an earth vessel for centuries. He is an example of the power of transmutation because he serves on the Seventh Ray of Transmutation and Ascension.

Transmutation and ascension are the same because the transmutation of the frequency of physical matter into the frequency of spiritual energy is the core of ascension. When you decided to incarnate on Earth, you inserted your multidimensional energy field into a physical encasement. Unfortunately, you usually forgot that YOU were the essence and NOT the encasement. Fortunately, many of you are now remembering that you are the essence, the spirit, and the energy of the ONE that enlivens your form. When you are done driving and you leave your car, the car does not disappear, nor do you. However, when you are in your car, you and the car appear to be ONE.

During sleep and meditation, many of you step out of your vehicle. However, it is important that the vehicle is parked before you leave it. Would you leave your car while it was moving? In the same manner, you would not like to step out of your earth vessel while you are walking down the street. Just as a moving car could crash if you left it, your body would fall if you left it while you were moving. For this reason, Ascended Masters learn to be fully conscious of how much of their Essence is inside their physical form. As an Ascended Master you will learn that when you visit the higher worlds, you make sure you park your vehicle where it is safe. Then, you can return to it when you are needed in the third dimension.

Fortunately, your inter-dimensional travels are out of time. Therefore, what appears to you to be a substantial journey, appears to others as only the blink of your eyes. However, this eye blink must occur only when the body is safe. The physical form is quite delicate and difficult to maintain at optimum health in the lower frequency of the third dimensional world. As you know, molecules of life decay over time in the physical world and are susceptible to injury and illness. This fact is especially true when your essence/spirit is visiting other realities.

When you visit the higher frequency worlds, you can merge with one of your many higher dimensional expressions of your SELF, or you can choose to visit these worlds in a formless state of pure consciousness. On the other hand, you may want to create a higher dimensional form to represent your visiting consciousness. These forms are created with multidimensional light and unconditional love. Hence, they are infinite and indestructible, and they automatically disarticulate and return to the ONE when you are no longer using them.

An advantage of being an Ascended Master is that your multidimensional consciousness has marvelous healing powers, which can be used on your physical vessels. However, the high frequency that heals your earth vessel also creates a sense of great exhaustion for beginners. To have a consciousness that is resonating to a much higher frequency than its container is very tiring for the container. Hence, frequent naps, meditation and excursions into Nature are important while residing within your earth vessel. Walking in Nature is important so that you can more fully ground yourself into the body of Mother Earth.

Once grounded, it is easier for you to accept Gaia’s assistance. The form for the Planetary Consciousness of Gaia, planet Earth, allows your body to have a break from the burden of holding a form of a much lower frequency than your consciousness. Eventually, as well as during Planetary Ascension, your higher consciousness within your carbon vessel will transmute (raise the frequency of) every cell and atom of that vessel into its fifth dimensional counterpart of Lightbody. In the meantime, your Ascended Master consciousness will remind you how to use your multidimensional healing powers to heal and maintain your third dimensional vessel. Then, you can more easily continue to use your clay vessel until your Personal and Planetary Ascension has been completed.

In the meantime, your ascended consciousness will upgrade your vessel from the inside out by activating your “junk” DNA. This 97% of your DNA, which has been labeled as “junk DNA” by your scientists, is actually the hard drive for your transmutation into Lightbody. Therefore, it expedites your ability to experience the transmutation process into Lightbody, while your consciousness still inhabits your clay form. As this transmutation continues, your expanded perceptions will increasingly come online and your clairvoyance, clairaudience etc. will assist you to consciously perceive the multidimensional energies entering and integrating into your third dimensional world.

These perceptions are the best antidote for the 3D fear virus, which can be very disruptive to your ever-changing physical vehicle. Once you can consciously perceive the higher dimensional energy fields as they flow into and merge with your personal vessel and your planetary vessel, you will KNOW beyond any doubt that you ARE ascending. When you first begin to perceive these molecules it is helpful to close your physical eyes and observe your reality with your opened Third Eye. Your third Eye allows you to perceive these energies, whereas your High Heart assists you to merge into, communicate with and understand the message of these energies.

To try out these multidimensional perceptions:

  • Take a moment to look around your present surroundings through your Third Eye.

  • Release all thoughts.

  • Center your emotions into a neutral place.

  • Calm your body and sit with a straight spine to align and open your chakras.

  • Expand your consciousness by modulating your breathing so that your exhale is twice as long as your inhale.

  • LET GO!

Take a moment to process your experience with your expanded consciousness.

Before you go about your day, make sure that your consciousness is fully integrated into your earth vessel before you move it. In other words, before you move your vehicle:

  • Fasten the seat belt.

  • Adjust the mirrors, especially the rearview mirror.

  • Check the fuel level.

  • Start the engine.

  • Check out your surroundings.

  • Then, move your vehicle.

When you are done using your vehicle, park it in a safe place, lock it so that no one else can use it and surround it with light. Don’t forget to clean your vehicle, check the oil and make sure it has enough fuel. Do NOT drive your vehicle unless your primary attention is in the third dimension. It took you a long “time” to awaken this vehicle to its true nature. It is much easier to maintain it than it would be to get a new one. You have waited, studied and incarnated in myriad timelines in preparation for this opportunity to hold a physical form during this time of Personal and Planetary Ascension. Therefore, YOU are the treasure of your Multidimensional SELF.

Your Ascended Master SELF perceives the energy that embodies the third dimensional form. However, your human self sees the form without full realization of the energy that created it, fuels it and gives it life in the third dimensional world. Therefore, when your earth vessel is parked and safe, practice your Ascended Master perceptions by perceiving the energy that creates, enlivens, sustains and connects all life.

At first, you may only be able to perceive the molecules of life while in a meditative state of higher consciousness, as the volume of that sensory data will overwhelm your mundane consciousness. However, as your multidimensional consciousness comes fully online, it will become increasingly natural to see energy and form simultaneously. In the meantime, I invite you to call upon me for assistance. I will be honored to answer your call. My Brother in the Light, St. Germain, will now address you.

I AM El Morya


Beloved Grounded Ones, I AM St. Germain,

I wish contribute to my dear friend El Morya’s message about keeping a physical form while being an Ascended Master. I see that you, dear grounded masters, tire of the hardship of the third dimension and wish to expedite your return Home to your true vibration. Most of you have served the cause of ascension for myriad lifetimes, and wish only to bask in the glory of multidimensional light and unconditional love. I can joyfully tell you now that you are, indeed, coming to that moment.

However, as you have learned in your many incarnations, the last 3/9ths of any project is the most difficult. First of all, you are exhausted with the process. And, second, everything that you put off until “later” because it was too difficult is now in front of you. Please know that you were correct in putting off certain tasks, as they required your Ascended Master consciousness to address and successfully complete them. Furthermore, the frequency of Earth was too low for many of your higher actions to be understood and appreciated by the collective consciousness of that era. Hence, many brave moments fell into the oblivion of the mass amnesia.

Auspiciously, now that you are standing at the very threshold of Planetary Ascension, the frequency of Earth is higher than it has been since the fall of Atlantis. Therefore, be patient. Many of the problems of your darker times will be automatically released because the frequency of fear and duality can no longer tolerate the resonance of planet Earth. Hence, the transmutation of physical matter into spiritual energies will be greatly facilitated.

As Ascended Masters holding a physical form, you have volunteered to participate in the final transmutation of darkness into light and duality into unity. Initially, you may experience this transmutation with sadness, for indeed, your old world is dying. It is appropriate to feel sorrow at the end of an era. Even though it was an era of great challenge, many of you who took forms found great love, victory and even enlightenment in the midst of the separation and limitation of the last 12,000 years.

You have had some lives of great victory and others of horrible suffering. We also know that fear and anger were constant threats during your many physical incarnations. However, you were brave enough to return, again and again, to serve in trying to stem the ever-increasing energetic downfall of Gaia’s body. We Ascended Masters know how difficult incarnations on Earth can be, but we also know the joys and victories that are possible. Hence, we understand that there is a reason to morn. We wish to tell you all that NOW you can allow yourselves to relax into the joy of your return Home to your true frequency of expression.

Therefore, your final act before ascension is to clear your physical form, which is truly a component of Gaia’s form, of the many fear-based emotions, thoughts and memories. You have been brave warriors far beyond your knowing. In fact, please take a moment to recognize how brave you have been to return again and again to a planet in which you had a greater possibility of feeling fear and sorrow than love and joy. But, return you did, lifetime-after-lifetime.

At first, you could not remember your many incarnations and came into each incarnation as if it were your first. Worse yet, you could not remember the glorious returns Home into the higher worlds that you experienced after incarnations of spiritual expansion. On the other hand, in some incarnations you became so lost in the ever-present darkness that it took many lives and returns to the lower realms of the fourth dimension before you could remember your true SELF.

Blessings, dear grounded ones, for in this incarnation you have remembered your true, Multidimensional SELF while still holding a physical form. In fact, you have remembered that you are NOW and have ALWAYS been an Ascended Master. Therefore, do not be fooled by the crumbling 3-D Game as it degrades around you. Release that which is leaving with unconditional love and joy of completion. At the same time, embrace whatever fills your being with the love and light of your true SELF.

I remind you to fully acknowledge that YOU are an Ascended Master who is still logged into the third dimensional Matrix of Earth. With the detached compassion of an Ascended Master, calmly observe how the third dimensional structures of limitation and separation are degrading more and more each day. In response to this observation, first transmute your every fear-based thought or emotion into unconditional love. Then, project that unconditional love into each and every situation that comes into your awareness.

Whenever a fear-based thought, emotion or situation enters your awareness you may call upon me for assistance by using my most powerful Mantra of:

Blaze, Blaze, Blaze

The Violet Fire
Transmuting ALL Shadow Into

Light, Light, Light

Repeat this Mantra three times to transmute darkness/fear into light/love.

Just as ultraviolet is the highest frequency of the third-dimensional light spectrum, a higher octave of Violet Light resonates as the highest frequency of every octave of light. In fact, there is a Violet Temple of Transmutation leading to the threshold of every dimension of reality to assist the cosmic traveler to adapt to that expression of reality. When you call upon the Violet Fire, you are pulling in the energy of these many Violet Temples, as well as the force of transmutation.

The force of transmutation, which can change a lower frequency of form into its higher frequency counterpart, has been at the core of all creation since Gaia first took Her planetary form. Transmutation has the power to raise a person, place thing or even thoughts and emotions into a higher frequency of expression. As you now take your higher form of Lightbody, it is the Violet Light that will ease your transition from matter into spirit.

Please call me and I will answer. It is my Mission and my privilege to assist you with your personal and planetary transmutation.
St. Germain

Calling The Violet Fire





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Friday, August 19, 2011

Denise LeFay: The Work Before the Separation of Worlds

Denise LeFay: The Work Before the Separation of Worlds

By Denise Le Fay, August 18th

A few months back I mentioned my great relief and joy over the fact that the Cosmic Cavalry as I called them, was on their way to physical Earth. Let me explain a bit better about who the Cosmic Cavalry are. As best as I can perceive today they are Great Beings that exist very close to Source. From my current perspective, they’re massive Light Energies with little personality or other features we could relate to as individuals. Lisa Renee referred to these particular beings as the “Luminous Ones” in her August 2011 article which you can read in the link below. Dark Ones…Luminous Ones.

I’ve also mentioned about how I’ve been clairvoyantly seeing new other-dimensional ET beings over the past three months or so now, suddenly popping into my awareness as head shots of them looking at me in this dimension…as if for the very first time. Lisa also mentions these beings in the first sentence of her article. More of us have recently been seeing these new beings as a couple of my readers have shared in their recent Comments.

That’s how high and vast the Cosmic Cavalry/“Luminous Ones” are, and I was tremendously relieved a few months ago when I perceived that we Starseeds/Lightworkers/Prototypers had succeeded in our Work on physical Earth to the degree that direct help from HOME was coming down here to assist with the completion phase and all that goes along with it—and the long-awaited Separation of Worlds. I’m going to be talking a lot more about the approaching Separation of Worlds and what it means to us today, what’s required to to be in the world that’s pulling apart from the dark patriarchal Earth world if that’s what you want, etc.

I’ve sensed for many years that there would have to be something massive like this coming directly from Source (something not needing to energetically reduce itself much or physically incarnate to vibrationally match the current physical Earth world frequency) to hand deliver some of the completion stage tasks. A few months ago when I first sensed these “Luminous Ones” I’ve never perceived in this way before heading towards this physical dimension, I was so relieved and have watched for more signs of their energetic arrival into this dimension. I’ve also talked about how things, events happen (from our current perspective in this dimension I mean) in the non-physical higher dimensions first and work their way down vibrationally into increasing density until, finally, it manifests within this physical dimension. I’ll come back to this in a moment.

One of the many signs about all of this that I’ve been watching for came through Lisa Renee and her profoundly helpful August 2011 article, “Liquid Light is Freedom”. I suggest you read it if you haven’t already, to help you better understand what’s currently happening internally and externally now and why.

Some other signs of this arrival and activation are how my body and mind has felt and functioned since the start of July 2011. Before I go any further let me backtrack briefly.

Prior to the start of the Ninth Wave on March 9, 2011, I wondered what Ascension-related changes this final phase would activate in my body, brain, consciousness and being. Because the Ascension Process was activated in my physical body with the start of the Eighth Wave on January 5, 1999 (actually it began for me on Feb. 1, 1999), I figured we’d enter another intense physical phase and energetic level—internally and externally—with the start of the Ninth Wave and we certainly did. Just do a quick, honest inventory of everything that’s happened and changed internally within you and externally in the world since March 9, 2011…it’s incredible and we’re not done yet!

In December 2010 I perceived that each month of 2011 would be about traveling up and through sequential numerical 11-11 portals which are literal Energy Stair Steps leading up to the November triple 11-11-11 cutoff and Separation of Worlds portal. And as the weeks and months of 2011 have passed at light-speed, like many of you I’ve been acutely aware of the building pressures and friction (insanity and miserableness) between the old patriarchal world, its people, consciousness and energies in contrast to the people who are transmuting and evolving/ascending. Now midway through August 2011, the profound polarization between these two radically different levels of humans is nearly unbearable for many of us. We’re at what feels like the absolute breaking point which brings us back to today and the arrival of the Cosmic Cavalry, or as Lisa Renee much more beautifully calls it, “The Dead Light and Liquid Light Meet” or the “Dual Spiral Event”.

Another of these easily recognized signs was the money stock market bi-polar BS; the violent riots in the UK; the scripted, academy award-winning BS from all parties (there’s really only one—the patriarchy/Dark Ones) of the American government supposedly over the debt; the escalating murders and suicides; the starving escapees in Africa; the Middle East trying to break free from their Dark Ones/patriarchal controllers; the increased violence and mental and emotional instability of people everywhere and on and on.

Well the Cosmic Cavalry (the “Dual Spiral Event” or arrival of the “Luminous Ones”) has arrived all the way down into physicality, and because of this things are changing quickly and massively. What we all must remember is that what’s happening in our Physical body, Mental body, and Emotional body is directly related to what’s happening in the external physical world. And because we’ve now reached the phase where the Dark Ones—all the way down into this physical world and dimension—are acutely aware that their time and control is over so they’re using every stunt, trick and tool they’ve got to prevent you, me, us, humanity from increasing and/or continuing to increase our frequency and escape them and their Dark world and reality permanently.


July was a month of severe solar plexus organ pains, muscle spasms and pains in my back/spine near the solar plexus area. These solar plexus pains are directly connected to the massive clearing work of negative Mental body distortions (the many consciousness frequency fences) created by the Dark Ones and put upon humanity that we’ve been transmuting. Remember that these energy situations/transformations are not conscious or ego-centered or ego-driven on our parts but are triggered Ascension related energetic phases that unfold and manifest into this dimension through our physical and energetic bodies. WE are manifesting the NEW blueprints, the NEW crystalline Light “architecture” through OUR multiple and physical bodies.

Other July symptoms were intense head pains and pressures which are not at all like regular “headaches” and digestion difficulties, diarrhea or elimination difficulties and pains. August for me has been primarily intense sudden onset of head pains, pressures, pains that move to different sections of my head and skull; eye pain and pressure and continued Ascension Kundalini-related hot flashes.

These head pains have been so intense in August that it caused me to demand help from my Ascension Assistants the other day! It takes a lot to cause me to second-guess my “prototyping” Ascension symptoms as possible physical-only problems (the severe pains in my head), or to cave emotionally under new severe physical pains and cry and/or demand help from my Ascension Assistants. But once I reached this point a few days ago because I thought the back of my skull might explode, I demanded help from my Ascension Assistants and, amazingly, in about a half hour the pains in my head reduced enough so I can cope with that lower level of pain. Thank you, Ascension Assistants, and I’ll certainly remember to ask for help more often!


I’ve talked about the Rewiring process of our Body and Brain in other articles so this will only be a short recap.

Around 2002 I became aware of an inner electrical-like vibration happening inside my body. I’ve felt it primarily moving slowly around in my trunk or torso over the years. A couple of years ago it finally entered my head, however what’s happening in my head as of July and August 2011 makes everything that came before seem small and easy. As I’m writing this I’m having tremendous pain and pressures in my head—at this exact moment through my left temple directly into the center of my brain. There’s also now a mild numbness and humming sound in my inner hearing…like a transformational energy explosion just happened inside my head, which is probably close to the truth!

I also just had a visual image and understanding dropped into my awareness about this. It was to let me/us know that what’s currently happening in different areas of our heads and brains is exactly the same Ascension related process that’s happening to different continents and tectonic plates around Earth. I just clairvoyantly saw our brains/heads sectioned off into different areas much like the different continents around Earth. As Earth vomits up hot lava, quakes, shivers and shakes herself back into wholeness, alignment and unity, so too do we in our physical bodies, our multiple energy bodies and our brains. These two internal/external processes are NOT separated from one another; we and Earth are “One” and we both are simultaneously transforming ourselves AND feeling each other much more than we ever have before in these lives and bodies. This ability is another aspect of our growing Unity or High Heart Consciousness.

This image I just saw of my/our human brain and head with different energetic sections in it (that are hurting due to these changes) that resemble different physical continents on Earth, told me that what’s been broken apart, dismantled, unplugged and made separate from all other aspects of Itself is now in an intense accelerated phase of transformation and return to being whole, aligned, and unified individually.

Back to the inner body Rewiring process.

It feels like a vibration or mild shaking deep inside ones body and is easily perceived when one is slowly coming awake and is in that nice, comfy in between state. I’d maintain this awareness for as long as I could to observe this inner vibrating energy. When this Rewiring process began years ago it would buzz ON or vibrate for about three seconds ON followed by two seconds OFF. Three seconds of inner body vibration ON followed by two seconds OFF. This ON/OFF pattern lasted for many years as this Rewiring worked its way throughout my body.

Last month as I was waking up from an afternoon coma-nap I felt this inner energy roaring inside my head and brain again. The big difference this time was that I timed it running for one minute ON followed by one second OFF. One minute ON followed by one second OFF. What this told me was that the current pains and pressures in our heads/brains are directly related to everything I’ve mentioned above and more. We’re transmuting and overriding everything the Dark Ones have (and are still trying) to do to the human physical and energy bodies and consciousness via our “prototyping”—transmuting it all from within our bodies and brains first. And every time we transmute another chunk of the Dark Ones horrific distortions and perversions, we literally vibrate faster and shine brighter. Guess what happens when there’s no more Dark anything for us to transmute? The Separation of Worlds which I sense will arrive fully via the 11-11-11 portal on November 11, 2011.


Another long-term Ascension related symptom I’ve had since 1994 is clairaudiently hearing non-physical sounds that resemble super fast electronic sounding Morse Code clicking in my left ear. These 5D Pleiadian transmissions (sounds) have basically remained the same since they started for me in 1994. But, like the recent changes to my inner body vibration pattern, this too has changed and is letting me know that everything is very near changing into something so much more wonderful.

Typically this Morse Code-like clicking sounded like very fast clicks and dashes with short breaks in between them. Some transmissions would be short one-liners while other transmissions clicked on for twenty, thirty minutes or more. After seventeen years of listening to this I’ve gotten very familiar with how they sound so when they suddenly changed last year I noticed! What these Morse Code-like clicking sounds have done a few times over the past year and a half is completely different from what they’ve always done. They now occasionally start in my inner left ear as single clicks (dit dit dit dit) with no spaces or pauses and they increase in speed and tone so fast and so high that the sounds eventually exit the frequency range I’m able to clairaudiently hear. What this transmission is telling me is, End of Transmissions! In other words, what’s been transmitted for many years to any and all who could perceive it from the 5D Pleiadians in this way, is now coming to an end because we’re coming up on the Expiration Date—the end of the Mayan calendar in late Oct. 2011 and the 11-11-11 Separation of Worlds.

This End of Transmissions transmission is also telling me/us that, like this sound, we too are speeding up vibrationally and will soon move beyond the energetic range of everything and everyone from the old lower Earth world and reality. (The sudden disappearance of the Mayans long ago was due to them intentionally increasing their frequency or vibrational spin rate to the point that they vanished from the third dimensional frequency range.) To many non-ascending people we will vanish the way these End of Transmissions sounds are, going faster and higher in frequency to the point that we literally disappear from that old lower frequency range and its matching world and reality.

We entered Night Five today, Aug. 18th which runs through Sept. 4, 2011. Release, release, release and then let go of even more of whatever it is that’s left within you that must go now. Stay focused on what YOU want to be focused on and not what the Dark Ones and their human puppets what you to focus on! We must be Conscious of our Consciousness and honestly know what we’re focused on or what we’ve been sidetracked, manipulated into, derailed or hung-up on thanks to the relentless stunts of the Dark Ones. You want to reach the Promise Land, then we each must escape the Dark Ones traps and tricks and maintain the higher frequency within our bodies and consciousness. Like Karen Bishop used to correctly say, “Higher and lower energies cannot coexist in the same space.” The Separation of Worlds that’s coming is about the Higher and Lower finally and completely separating from each other because they cannot coexist in the same space. We’ll be seeing and feeling these building pressures internally in our bodies and brains as we transmute this, and externally in the world as the Higher “Luminous Ones” and Lower Dark Ones battle now in this physical dimension too. Don’t get sidetracked or spellbound but be mindful of your consciousness and focus and redirect it to where YOU want it to be every moment you/me/we need to.


Copyright © 2011-2012 Denise Le Fay. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way and the content remains complete, credit is given to the author, and you include this copyright notice and link.

Friday, August 12, 2011

James Horak On The Hundredth Monkey

James Horak On The Hundredth Monkey

James Horak on The Hundredth Monkey Radio Aug 7th 2011 part 1

James Horak on The Hundredth Monkey Radio Aug 7th 2011 part 2

@ bbsradio