Tuesday, May 17, 2011

The Arcturians ~ 10 Phases of Ascension

10 Phases of Ascension

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Clearly, the initiation of which I have been speeking was one in which I would have to stay in my body. This was not an initiation in which I was able to leave, to fly off into another dimension or into my world of imagination. This initiation was about staying within my physical form, which is a component other physical form of our dear mother Gaia, even though staying with in this form was extremely uncomfortable.

Before my surgery, my Initiation, I had to merge with my fear. I had to become my fear until I could love it free. Then, after my surgery, Final Initiation, I had to merge with my pain. I had to allow the physical pain to reveal all the psychotically and emotional pain that I had felt through out this lifetime. There was a LOT of pain.

Within the 24 hours preceding my surgery, somehow I have learned to manage my fear. When I went into the preparation for the surgery I had no fear. When they rolled me down the hall to the surgery room I had no fear. When I entered the surgery room and was put onto the table I had no fear, and when anesthesiologist came into the room two first quote make me unconscious” I had no fear. I had no fear not because I meditated or because I was spiritual. I had no fear because I fully surrendered to the circumstances and refused to contemplate being afraid.

The management of my pain was an ongoing process of realizing the deep connection between physical and psychic pain. I also recognized how my persistent reactionary behaviors created psychic pain and fear. It was my need to control my environment in order to control my anxiety that came into my immediate attention. I could not control anything. I could do very little for myself and was dependent on others for almost everything.

Therefore, my need to control them interfered with my need to get their assistance. Of course, I am only talking about very close friends and family members, as they were the only people I saw. I found that, when I surrendered to the time schedules and choices of others, I could more easily surrender to my pain. I could not control my environment, but I could surrender to it. Through this process I could more easily surrender (relax into) my pain.

In the third day after the surgery, (when the pain was much less) I was drawn to go and pull some Runes. Runes are an ancient Celtic means of divination. The first Rune that I pulled was a Rune representing “Stand Still.” It said, “You may find yourself entangled in a situation in which you can only submit, surrender, even sacrifice some long cherished desire. This Rune represents “A gestation for rebirth.”

The next rune I pulled represented “Constraint, Necessity, and Pain.” This Rune said, "Identify your shadow areas where growth was stunted resulting in the weakness which we project onto others.” This Rune represents “The rectification that comes before progress.”

The third Rune I pulled represented “Signals.” This Rune said, “When you nourish and give to yourself, there is always enough to nourish others.” This Rune represents “Connection with the divine is at hand.”

These Runes had given me the exact information that I needed at that time to give me the courage to “stay the course.” I had not drawn Runes in a very long time, but because I listened to my inner guidance I received information that was vital for me to continue my journey. I say this to remind my self, as well as others, to listen to the voice within for it is the true voice of our SELF

After reading the Runes, it came into my awareness about:


1) Downloading the multidimensional light and unconditional love that is entering us through our Crown and settling in to our opened Third Eye and High Heart.

2) Loving that light and love so much that we can allow it to travel into the hidden darkness and fear of our deepest subconscious self.

3) Allowing the multidimensional light to reveal this fear to our conscious self and using the unconditional love to heal and set it free.

4) Through the process of revealing and healing our fear with light and love, we learn unconditional love and detached compassion for our physical body, reality, experiences and persistent reactionary patterns (behaviors) that we formerly identified as our self.

5) As we integrate the multidimensional light, unconditional love and detached compassion into our consciousness and our physical body, we begin the activation of our Lightbody.

6) With the activation of our Lightbody we began to emanate multidimensional light and unconditional love from the core of our self and out through our Third Eye and High Heart. It is the emanation of this higher expression of our SELF that begins the opening of our Ascension Portal. This portal acts much like a compass to guide us on our process of returning to the Multidimensional Being of light that we have always been. This open Portal allows us more intimate communication and communing with the higher frequencies of reality.

7) At this point we must SURRENDER to whatever happens. It is this surrender that allows us to begin our Final Initiation. With in this Final Initiation we will take one sweep into our deepest subconscious to love free any and every fearful thought, emotion, memory and behavior that has impeded our complete connection with our Multidimensional SELF.

8) We NOW Know that everything is Perfect.

9) With the acceptance that ALL is perfect, we can embrace the innocence and purity of our Divine Child, the part of us that has never forgotten our SELF. With in this purity and innocence, we can actively await the New Dawn with an Open Heart.

10) LET GO!



Monday, May 09, 2011

Jay Bland, M.A. ~ America the Everlasting Meadow - May 09 2011

America the Everlasting Meadow - May 09 2011



Channeled by Jay Bland, M.A.

America the Everlasting Meadow

(channeled title)

I am SeRenShitha of Sirius cluster. Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! It is pleasant to interact after this hiatus.

Much of your planet is shifting right before your eyes, as you know. The sheer number of souls coming into recognition of their higher energy bodies is truly making your Earth planet and concentric spheres glow like the sun! So, so many channelers and dream-souls coming to share with Us, learn from Us, simply visit Us and look from above. It is such a glorious and beautiful time for Gaia, for the souls of your Earth planet, souls entwisted into your Karmic Ethereality, and for the Divine purposes Itself. It is a wondrous sight to behold and a magnificent triumph for Light Being universally. I value this Ascention and Advancement so much and welcome all who hear this message into Gajun, happily!

There are significant and valuable conferences being held within what you know as Russia right now [picturing central Eastern Russia north/northwest of Tajikistan area; in a major city]. There are delegations from many countries opposing the Dark Ones and specifically America as a whole due to the ignorant following of said agenda. You will soon see many previously hidden contributors and Constitution-makers coming forward openly to call for the End of the United States of America. You will see the end of your American Dollar and there will be a short but severe hardship within the constrains of your borders. Heard. “Constrains” is chosen because your borders will be sealed during the time of upheaval. This is very much finished and solely a finishing-touch scenario at this point. Do not be surprised when numerous countries call upon the demise of your Federal Reserve, banking industry, and the forced dissolution of the loans in America’s name. Heard. You already know what to do. It has been mentioned in this very forum: stock up food, keep your peaceful self about you – most importantly, communicate with local sources and create bridges of community now before any loss of communication services, define meeting places for peacefulness and food-sharing. Envision a 5th dimensional world and your beloved America will truly be once again a trend-setting glorious force in the world! Your country of United States of America will be the first large block to fall, with obviously a chain effect throughout the planet. The workers of Light and adherents of Institutionalized connectedness of beings are using the ignorant follower mentality of Americans in their favour to create a buzz of flourishing community worldwide. The seeming horrific times of foodlessness and strife will be very short-lived, but as I said difficult to see the end while entrenched.

I am SeRenShitha and I will be meeting you All face-to-face as mentioned. This is variable in timing and is unpredictable from 12 to 12 [half-day to half-day?]. There will be signs but as yet I am unable to label them with any predictability for you. I wish that you stay cheerful that times will come and things in your world will change! It is not far off and a small variation to Us may show as a few months to each of you. Be positive! We are standing at your door and will soon knock loudly and clearly.

Much of the construct work in the Southern hemisphere is moving along in planned fashion. You have seen an earthquake in between Australia and Madagascar as mentioned, although smaller than expected. There will be a reasonably sized earthquake [6.6 came to mind] in the next few weeks off the shore of Madagascar but it will not bring much notice or issue; this is the sealing of the Western end of the cross beam construct between those two aforementioned locations. There are some who are against you, many who follow you with questions, and some who blindly follow you – as we have said many times we chose you for specific reasons and all is as planned. I will provide specifics for earthquakes which will cause much damage, otherwise this is not a circus and sharing beyond your blog is not necessary in some cases: such as the 6.6 just mentioned. You [Jay] were correct in waiting for the seas to clear.

I am pleased with your species’ ability to connect simply via your sharing of words. I have “Personally”, by name, had dozens of channelers and resultant channeling sessions with people who found me through our interactions. Many I have set to connect with other Gajun souls, some I have kept on to speak with directly. One of You will actually be meeting me live in person, directly, when I appear – you know who you are and of our deals made. This connection through all of you is pleasing to Us.

There was a question – shall I answer it now?

> Yes please – a question on whether there is an agenda to drastically lower Earth’s population and if so who is behind it.

I am SeRenShitha. There are many rumours of such an event but I know nothing of such an agenda. There are indeed tunnels in Northern countries and African countries and food and seed storage vents. There are indeed many locations to hold people as cattle. There are many signs which point to such an agenda but strive to look past the fear and possibilities to see there are alternative reasons such practices and locations could be needed. I do hear of Agenda 21 and the Georgia Guidestones and the theories of the Pyramids and Stonehenge and numerous rock formations – recognize that your human mind can create anything it desires. If you wish to see nature and mathematics in anything, literally anything at all, it can be found. Mathematics and your string theory ideas are true to the nature of Our Universes and can be breathed in as water to a fish. I recommend for those who have fear, turn that fear into rageful beneficience and start building your imagination, your eye in your mind, start taking action to building something better, something interconnected to one-another… what you dream will become. Take those seeds and plant the future. If you take your seeds of pain and strife and meditate on them you are hurting more than your own will to live – do not do it. It will be far easier in your very early future. Remember to be One! Selamat Gajun! And be One in happiness! Selamat ja!


Posted by ~ Jay Bland at 2:39 AM

Saturday, May 07, 2011

Mainstream Science Discovers the Crystalline Grid-press releasestates "Quartz is Key to Continent Shifts"

Mainstream Science Discovers the Crystalline Grid-press release states "Quartz is Key to Continent Shifts"

definition of: earth & inner planes grids

Unseen lines of earth energy form patterns on the geologic planet when interacting with human consciousness. These patterns come together in matrices of interaction to form "earth grids." Inner plane grids, while appearing in principle much the same as earth grids, are to be differentiated from the latter in that while inner planes grids interact with the current-time earth and have geo-physical points upon which they are anchored, the true location of these grids is in another dimensional magnetic zone of this planet's holistic nature as a living being.

The crystalline grid is an energy grid that surrounds and permeates the Earth and consists of 12 main nodal points of high energy, and 144 secondary nodal points. It is called crystalline, because the energy comes from crystals located inside the Earth; these crystals in turn take additional energy from the large crystal at the core of the Mother Earth which is the ” Central Sun” of the Earth.

This network gives and receives energies with all the “kingdoms” Organic and Inorganic.

These main Nodals or Points are located in Giza, Nepal, Hawaii, Mexico City, Venezuela, Peru, Mount Olympus, Persian Gulf, Japan, and Australia and in the Atlantic Ocean. Many of the ancient temples and monuments are built in around nodal points.

The crystalline grids are key elements of the ”Sacred Geometry”.
source: atlantis centre

more crystalline grid info following National Science Foundation article
This article, posted on the Astrobiology Magazine website is a press release of the discovery that expanding veins of quartz are behind the changes occuring on the planet.

Quartz is Key to Continent Shifts
Source: National Science Foundation press release

Summary: A new study shows that quartz plays a key role in initiating the chain events that cause Earth's surface to crack, wrinkle, fold and stretch. The findings could help geologists understand the movements of tectonic plates and their effects on the environment of Earth.

Quartz may play a major role in the movements of continents, known as plate tectonics. Credit: USGS

More than 40 years ago, pioneering tectonic geophysicist J. Tuzo Wilson published a paper in the journal Nature describing how ocean basins opened and closed along North America's eastern seaboard.

His observations, dubbed "The Wilson Tectonic Cycle," suggested the process occurred many times during Earth's long history, most recently causing the giant supercontinent Pangaea to split into today's seven continents.

Wilson's ideas were central to the so-called Plate Tectonic Revolution, the foundation of contemporary theories for processes underlying mountain-building and earthquakes.

Since his 1967 paper, additional studies have confirmed that large-scale deformation of continents repeatedly occurs in some regions but not others, though the reasons why remain poorly understood.

Now, new findings by Utah State University geophysicist Tony Lowry and colleague Marta Pérez-Gussinyé of Royal Holloway, University of London, shed surprising light on these restless rock cycles.

"It all begins with quartz," says Lowry, who published results of the team's recent study in the March 17 issue of Nature.

The scientists describe a new approach to measuring properties of the deep crust.

It reveals quartz's key role in initiating the churning chain of events that cause Earth's surface to crack, wrinkle, fold and stretch into mountains, plains and valleys.

"If you've ever traveled westward from the Midwest's Great Plains toward the Rocky Mountains, you may have wondered why the flat plains suddenly rise into steep peaks at a particular spot," Lowry says.

Plate tectonics revolutionized understanding of earthquake distributions (in red). Credit: Tony Lowry, Utah State University

"It turns out that the crust beneath the plains has almost no quartz in it, whereas the Rockies are very quartz-rich."

He thinks that those belts of quartz could be the catalyst that sets the mountain-building rock cycle in motion.

"Earthquakes, mountain-building and other expressions of continental tectonics depend on how rocks flow in response to stress," says Lowry.

"We know that tectonics is a response to the effects of gravity, but we know less about rock flow properties and how they change from one location to another."

Wilson's theories provide an important clue, Lowry says, as scientists have long observed that mountain belts and rift zones have formed again and again at the same locations over long periods of time.
But why?

"Over the last few decades, we've learned that high temperatures, water and abundant quartz are all critical factors in making rocks flow more easily," Lowry says. "Until now, we haven't had the tools to measure these factors and answer long-standing questions."

Since 2002, the National Science Foundation (NSF)-funded Earthscope Transportable Array of seismic stations across the western United States has provided remote sensing data about the continent's rock properties.

"We've combined Earthscope data with other geophysical measurements of gravity and surface heat flow in an entirely new way, one that allows us to separate the effects of temperature, water and quartz in the crust," Lowry says.

Earthscope measurements enabled the team to estimate the thickness, along with the seismic velocity ratio, of continental crust in the American West.

"This intriguing study provides new insights into the processes driving large-scale continental deformation and dynamics," says Greg Anderson, NSF program director for EarthScope. "These are key to understanding the assembly and evolution of continents."

New measurements of quartz abundance from EarthScope data show that mountains are quartz-rich (red-orange colors). The Great Plains, Columbia Basin and Great Valley have little or no quartz (blue-green colors). Credit: Lowry & Perez-Gussinye

Seismic velocity describes how quickly sound waves and shear waves travel through rock, offering clues to its temperature and composition.

"Seismic velocities are sensitive to both temperature and rock type," Lowry says.

"But if the velocities are combined as a ratio, the temperature dependence drops out. We found that the velocity ratio was especially sensitive to quartz abundance."

Even after separating out the effects of temperature, the scientists found that a low seismic velocity ratio, indicating weak, quartz-rich crust, systematically occurred in the same place as high lower-crustal temperatures modeled independently from surface heat flow.

"That was a surprise," he says. "We think this indicates a feedback cycle, where quartz starts the ball rolling."

If temperature and water are the same, Lowry says, rock flow will focus where the quartz is located because that's the only weak link.

Once the flow starts, the movement of rock carries heat with it and that efficient movement of heat raises temperature, resulting in weakening of crust.

"Rock, when it warms up, is forced to release water that's otherwise chemically bound in crystals," he says.

Water further weakens the crust, which increasingly focuses the deformation in a specific area.

Plate tectonics play an important role in the cycling of elements essential for life on Earth, such as Nitrogen and Carbon.



Channeled Information regarding the activation of Earth's Crystalline Grid has been forthcoming in greater detail as the years between 1987 and 2011 have passed. Crystal Skulls and Earthkeeper crystals have been revealing themselves, and Archangel Metatron has given us specific details through Tyberron at earth-keeper.com:

There is not one, but three grid templates surrounding our planet effecting human life. The three are separate, yet intricately related. The grids have separate functions relating individually to: (1) planetary gravitational field, (2) telluric electromagnetics, and (3) light consciousness. Any change or alteration to one, effects the others, in a proportional mathmatical ratio. The ascension grid is anchored into the earth with two axis points. Tremendous energy lines flow outward from the northern axis point and reeneter at the southern. These energetic lines are directly connected to every sacred sites of Gaia. There are thousands.

The grids reflect and to an extent regulate, parameters of the consciousness of both Gaia and spirit. The Gravity gridand Electromagnetic grid have been adjusted on several occasions since mans establishment on the earth plane 200,000 years ago. The light-consciousness grid has evolved with mans increased awareness.

Platonic Solids Geometry

Since our planets birth, the grid work around the earth has consisted of a sacred geometry matrix of one of the five Platonic solids. Plato believed that the earth's basic structure was in the process of evolving from simple geometric shapes into more complex ones. In order of complexity the five patterns theorized by Plato to be the building blocks of crystalline matrix, are the tetrahedron (4 faces), hexahedron (6 faces), octahedron (8 faces), dodecahedron (12 faces) and icosahedron (20 faces). Plato further theorized that the earth was evolving into an icosahedron grid.

Academics, including Dr Ivan Sanderson, Dr Hagens and Dr Becker, diagramed this shape in the 70's by connecting major electromagnetic fields on the map. The points formed a triangular pattern of pentagons…. an icosahedron. The icosahedron was in fact, the geometry of the planetary light grid for the past millenia, prior to the Harmonic Convergence. The 1987 Harmonic Convergence was a measurement of Earths vibratory level, a test. The Earth revealed a far greater measurement of 'light' than ever before. For the first time since the 'great fall', the planet carried more 'light' than 'dark'. As a result all three grids required 'upgrading'. The magnetic grid was adjusted to lessen the 'veil' separating humans from their duality. The telluric grid was adjusted to enable a greater vibratory rate at sacred sites. The light or ascension grid took on a new, higher geometric model, capable of regulating a far more sophistocated light code than the old iscosahedron.

As Joseph Jochmans writes in Earth: A Crystal Planet, "Beyond the Platonic series of Solids is another form being geometrically generated out of the old Icosa-Dodeca crystal. If you take an Icosahedron and join together with lines every other point inside the form, you create twelve pentacles or five-pointed stars. If you extend the outer edges of the Icosahedron and join these node points together, you create a second group of twelve pentacles or stars. This becomes the seed crystal that gives birth to a new crystalline form called a double penta- dodecahedron, composed of twelve double-pentacles equally spaced across the surface of the globe." The icosahedron is now being replaced by an ascension 'light'grid. A'seed-crystal' matrix, the double penta-docecahedron, is born. The evolved geometry is divinely fashioned to resonate a higher frequency for the new Earth.

Mainstream researchers are in fact noting that the node points and grid alignments earlier attributed to the Becker-Hagens grid map, no longer fit. Weather patterns are changing, climates are in major flux and migration routes of birds are altered. Whales and dolphins are beaching themselves far more often over the past 14 years since the harmonic convergence. The earth's geomagnetic field is changing, and changing fast. This all validates a change in the grid system and the work of the Kryon. The new ascension grid is increasing in frequency as the magnetic grid is lessened. The old crystal grid is fading, and a new crystal matrix is forming.

The above excerpt was taken from earth-keeper. in Febuary of 2009. More information can be found here: The Ascension & the 144 Crystal Grid (earth-keeper.com 2007)
More recent grid activation information can be found in the article Whats Really Going on in Arkansas?,

A google search yields crystalline grid information from a variety of sources.

majestic-quartz.com -Maori family in New Zealand who are the
Kaitiaki (guardians) of the Earth Keepers in their care-'Harmony" and "Mother".

spiritmythos.org, crystalline matrix

childrenofthesun.org-Planetary Grid Project

The Christ Grid-By Ronald L. Holt Director of Flower of Life Research

This is just a sample..

Tuesday, May 03, 2011

~ Arcturian Circle ~ How Can We Evaluate the Information Contained in the Arcturian Transmissions?

How Can We Evaluate the Information Contained in the Arcturian Transmissions?

May 3rd, 2011

Thank you so much for asking us this.  We appreciate the opportunity to provide a response to it.

There are many spiritual guides and messengers that come forth to bring information to your physical realm. Guides of all types and energetic frequencies exist in all dimensions. They can be of different levels of mastery and skill level and also at different levels in their own evolution. Where they exist or come from is really not as important as what their intent and purpose is for connecting with you. You can use the same guidance system that you use to decide if any type of information is good or not for you to determine whether the information in our transmissions will assist you or not. If it feels right and true and it expands you, then the information will most likely assist you. If you feel bad after reading a transmission or you are left feeling fearful or stressed, then it will be in your best interest to not follow our advice.

A true guide will never provide you with information or guidance that scares you or makes you feel bad. We are here to assist you and to support you. We want only the best for you, but it is up to you to choose how to proceed with your life. We may offer advice, but it is your choice to determine if it makes sense to you. A benevolent guide will never feed your ego but will be happy for you when you evolve, grow and expand. A less evolved guide may try to provide you with predictions of a disastrous future or advice on how to evolve or succeed very quickly. Their main purpose for connecting and providing you with this type of information is to feed your ego-based self. They thrive on eliciting heightened and fear-based emotion from you and leaving you with a sense of being powerless.

Each person inherently has an inner guidance system that will steer you to what is right and true for you. Many people call it a gut feeling. We encourage you to determine if our messages feel right and true to you. Ask yourself if the information helps you, if you are learning and expanding from it or if conversely it is limiting you in some way. We encourage you to use your own wisdom, intuition and your core truth with any guidance you receive.

Remember that true guidance comes from a place of unconditional love and the desire to help you expand and learn in the easiest and most loving way possible.

With love and light,

The Arcturian Circle.


Monday, May 02, 2011

~ Arcturian Circle ~The Impact of Connecting Our Heart Centers

The Impact of Connecting Our Heart Centers

May 2nd, 2011

Today is a very important day. We are sure that you can feel it at some level in your body, in your mind and in your heart center. We want you to know how happy we are to report this amazing and wonderful news. It is because of the vantage point from where we reside that we can see the big picture. Your physical being may be experiencing only a fragment or a portion of this huge heart opening, but at a higher level you also have this awareness.

Your planet and every being on the planet has been going through many accelerated changes, some of which can look and feel terrifying and even chaotic. But we can see the higher vision of all that is happening and want to assure you that everything is happening in perfect alignment, at the perfect time in the perfect order.

When you look around your planet you can see that so many events are taking place where people are coming together in very large groups. Some of these events are joyous and happy occasions like the royal wedding and the beatification in Rome. Other events are more dire, but nonetheless people are coming together to help one another (e.g. Japan earthquake, the tornadoes and other weather related events in the U.S.). We mention only a few events; there are so many happening in the world right now. One of the most common threads of energy that runs through all of these events is that many people are gathering together, sharing energy for a common purpose. When humans gather together in small or large groups and they share a common purpose, their heart centers link to each other and the energy is activated exponentially. This is a very natural occurrence, and it is essentially how you interact with others when you are in your non-physical, energetic state. You do not need to have intent or action for this linking of your collective heart centers. You simply must come together, physically, emotionally or mentally. It does not matter whether you are physically near each other or are joined by telephone, web cast or television. Your higher level programming knows to kick in when you are gathered together and are focused on a common purpose.

Imagine what this looks and feels like. Over a million people are gathered in person to witness a joyous occasion and even more people are linked to this joyous occasion through the Internet and television and many other means. It is a joy-filled and happy event, and the linking of your collective energies amplifies that energy greatly. The same thing happens even when a disastrous event takes places like the earthquakes or tornadoes. People all over the world want to help, they link their heart centers again and the energy amplifies. So many major events and experiences are happening at a rapid rate across your planet. You are relearning what it is like to connect your heart centers again and realizing that your energies when used together are extremely powerful. Once humanity’s heart is synchronized, you will continue to work together like this. You will understand that before action, inspired intent and joining of energies will literally help you move mountains. Remember that we explained previously that to understand the magnification process, you simply multiply the number of people who are joined together in focused intent physically or virtually by itself and then multiply that by 1000. Yes, that is correct. You can learn more about this process by reading one of our previous transmissions “Expansion and Connection to Source.”

As the heart center of your collective consciousness opens, you may have some physical experiences. We will name a few and let you know that it is perfectly normal. You may experience headaches and body aches, foot and knee pain, allergy symptoms and even a feeling of being light headed. You may need to sleep more or have trouble sleeping. These simply are usually associated with bringing more light into the body and allowing lower and denser vibrations to be released. Focus your heart on taking care of yourself and giving yourself what you need: more water, more rest or seeking the help of a medical professional. As the energies stabilize and balance, you will feel better.

Your Sun is a key energy in assisting with the shifting of the energies for all the beings on your planet and for Mother Earth herself. You can align yourself with the Sun’s energies for feeling very grateful to her for the life she brings to your planet. She will continue to bring life and light and will assist in the ascension of every living being on your planet. You can allow yourself to feel grateful for her help and simply set an intention that you will easily accept her shifting energies. How do you do this? It is very simple. Just be thankful for the energy she provides to you and appreciate her warmth and light. When you express gratitude and appreciate for the Sun, you will align your vibration to her shifting vibration. It is really that simple.

We are telling you this because we want you to see and feel the progress you are making. We want you to hear good news and to feel excited and joyous about it. We want you to move past hope into a knowing that you are making wonderful progress and are remembering what you came to remember. Please know that you can continue this progress by being together in groups of any size. Join your heart centers together and feel happiness and love. Imagine a perfect world, imagine what you want and let go of what you do not want. You can do this by yourself, with friends, acquaintances or loved ones. You can do this while in nature or while at work. It really does not matter how you do it or when you do it. Just do it!

We love and honor you.

Until next time.

The Arcturian Circle.


Saturday, April 30, 2011

Jay Bland, M.A. ~ Dark Agenda 30 April 11

Dark Agenda 30Apr11


30 April 2011

Channeled by Jay Bland, M.A.

Dark Agenda  (channeled title)

> Prologue: I’ve been unable to channel SeRenShitha for a few weeks or so. She’s been building what she refers to as a “transmission body” which is sort of like what we might do if we were going to astral travel (in separating and building up an energy body). Both are a medium for bridging the gap between dimensions. Think of hers like an avatar, from the movie of the same name.

> I don’t mean to be dramatic but I’ve been forced to deal with quite a number of various entities and things that are attempting to take energy, attempt confusion, disrupt my dreams, block channeling attempts, etc. This isn’t that uncommon for someone who’s a channeler or distance healer, among other things, but it is annoying and takes a bit of time and energy to keep clean (energetically) and capable. I nearly always avoid entities and such just by keeping my energy to myself and through a mindset of meditative awareness but lately the attacks have been unavoidable. I don’t know if it’s related to this blog or not but it won’t stop me from doing this. At worst I’ll repeat myself more often to ensure veracity and validity – I do not write anything unless I’m sure I’m getting it right from the source, to the best of my awareness. If I do stop often to verify expect some choppiness or lack of continuity.

One reason I wrote this is because I’m seeing what seems like a purposeful shield between SeRenShitha and my “self” for channeling.

I am SeRenShitha, Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja!

There is indeed a shield between us. It is purposeful but isn’t working very well, now eh? There are many things I wish to speak of and it has been quite some time. I do sense we are being discussed and which may cause an annihilation of our current channel. We shall continue as you are able.

I am SeRenShitha.

There are a great many lies going on in your world at this time – it seems more than ever before. This is to be expected and will only continue. It is appealing irony because as more and more lies are being told to hide the truth, more and more people begin listening to true sources, rather than the false ones of sort. You will eventually see a destruction of the internet but it is far, far off as all sides and purposes use this tool of communication for benefit. There are some things, such as what I told you of the internet that you should never concern yourself with. There will be rumours and false tales but they are irrelevant as they are so far off, and in close proximity to your advancement and peace.

A treaty was made behind the back of many people in power. It is another step in the bringing down of the various Dark Ones and a true embarrassment for many of them. That which I speak of is the delivery of a false birth certificate for your Obama of the United States. It is quite clear that any group member chosen to be President has great power and ability at his or her disposal and amongst their team. Compare the delivery of a false birth certificate to the typical story of a boxer throwing a fight so as to lose on purpose; although in this case it was unknown to Barack Obama that an obvious fake would be provided. It is the poisoning I have spoken of thrice.

We are in a reprieve from empowering the energy channels within Earth planet at this moment. The Japan earthquake was quite larger than what was expected due to various reasons and we do not wish to create such havoc by empowering Southern Hemisphere lines. We were not at fault for the Japan earthquake of March 2011 but earthquakes are a byproduct of what your earth Gaia is undergoing. There will still be continued regular earthquake activity including the predicted version for California coming soon. It will be large and efforts are being taken to ensure no parties can exacerbate the shift.

I am SeRenShitha. Your scientists have been finding many more civilizations throughout space and it will not be long before the perfect coordinates are attained by people who will no longer hide the facts of other civilizations. As many things it will begin small and will be mostly forgotten but do not worry, at a specific time in your not far future you will have an answer that is undeniable. I have said this many times and it is still the case. The Dark Ones have already lost.

In answer to a question with merit: The Dark Ones have a wisdom tradition of selfishness and greed. They have been on your earth planet for several millennia and were directly taught by some of the creators. Religion is under their control and has always been a tremendous guise for power. Their first and foremost goal is to keep the inhabitants of Earth planet ignorant to continuity and peaceful inseparation. A species of human beings who all know the truth of reality would immediately illegitimize that vary reality. As I say, individuism and selfishness are a mainstay for a dual separate culture so the Dark Ones have known no other way. As a learning situation for Us all, the Dark Ones evolved into something which none of Us expected would go so far and so long. Although an eventual end was planned from before the start, it was not known the Dark Ones would be able to control the vary pace of Divine Time-events. I assure you, all human beings of Earth planet have great ability to change such things. That which was unexpected was the duration of the events.

I can tell from your (Jay’s) response that this will bring religions into question as good or evil. This is a valid statement. The Dark Ones have created religions because it is a way to bring groups together and also empower the connected religion-leaders. Religion served its purpose for many, many generations and indeed centuries. The time is upon you that no one religion can answer the questions which have borne in your wisdom and they are in-fact causing more separation than is desirable for the development and Ascention of your planet. One of the single greatest resolves holding back our open contact is that of religion. If religious followers cannot understand that Ascention is your purpose and become angry and suicidal and rampant then our discovery by choice will have been a poor one. There is much, much politics in this arena and the powers of the Dark Ones are very capable in fooling a large proportion of humanity. We were pleased with a recent test that went almost unnoticed whereas in lesser times it would have caused the collapse of all to their knees. This is both bitter and good because people have come so indifferent and non-inquisitive it is difficult for them to advance, however it is good because they will not self-implode when We arrive en masse.

I am SeRenShitha and there is one more thing I wish to share. As the currencies and electronic counters lose value for such material things the trades will be made with tangible items of perceived value. It would be wise to collect said valuable items as a large change could happen at any time. America has reached its limit in many countries’ eyes and it is a short matter of passing events before the utter collapse of the world monetary systems. I wish this to not fall on fearful ears but to fall on a strong heart and strong will for better connection and Gajun! It can be a wonderful time of love and you will likely encounter fewer people starving that you did with your current systems; although these balances will take a matter of months so there indeed will be much strife from the events in the shorter duration.

We have watched Our birth into Ascention many times throughout the galaxies – it is always a beautiful site to be in. There are many brothers and sisters awaiting your further steps into the Dimensions of connection and pure understanding. As always it is your own choice, and some of you made a purposeful choice to stay behind in physicality when the changes occur. You will know your answer without doubt when your choice is to be made. I am SeRenShitha of Sirius Cluster. Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja!


Posted by ~ Jay Bland at 2:13 AM

Friday, April 29, 2011

The Arcturian Circle ~ How We Create Our Reality

The Arcturian Circle: How We Create Our Reality

2011 April 29

by chezanni

Channeler: Debbie | http://ourreturnhome.com/

The energy that surrounds you at any given time, is always, always a reflection of what you are thinking and feeling. We know that there is so much going on in the world today that it can be difficult for you to bring yourself back to your center and recognize that all that is around is a reflection of that which is within you. Now is the perfect time for us to remind you that you can go within to create peace around you.

Everything that you see, you experience, you feel in your external world is always a reflection of what you are feeling in your inside world. You can easily experience peace and tranquility around you if you choose to focus on peace and tranquility. The single and most important thing that you can do to help Mother Earth and the people and beings of your planet is to create peace, harmony and love there. As human beings who are having a very physical experience, you tend to react in seeing all that is around you and want to change it. The more you want it to be something different than what it is, the more it becomes an even larger display of what you do not want. We can tell you without doubt that you can change the world around you, but you cannot do so from the outside. You can only do this from the inside, from the inside of you.

To begin this important endeavor, we ask you to become acutely aware of what you see and feel around you. You must really see what is around you, and you must really feel what is around you. Become aware of your surroundings. Look and feel what is around you as if you are watching a play or a show. As you become aware of what is around you, what is really around you, you can then take the next step of accepting that you created all that surrounds you. This step is sometimes harder to accept and harder to comprehend. But we assure you that there is nothing that surrounds you that you did not vibrationally attract into your surroundings. All that surrounds you is there because it matches your vibration. Yes, this includes even those things that you do not like. We can actually hear you saying, “No, that cannot be right.” Oh, but it is. You are vibrational beings, living in a vibrational world, a magnetic world where those things that vibrate like each other are attracted to each other. Like attracts like, whether you like it or not (LOL).

The next step is what is truly meant by the words “conscious creator.” When you look around you and you choose to accept that all that surrounds you is there because you attracted it into your reality, you become aware. You become aware that you are consciously creating your reality. That is a big AH HA moment, and a really good one at that! Yeah! Hurray! Yippee! There are many more words that we could use to show our delight when one of our precious human friends become aware of their ability to create and they take responsibility for that which they have created. Because when you realize that you have created all that is around you, the next Ah HA moment is the one where you say, “Oh, I have created all that is around me without much effort at all. Imagine what I can do if I choose to focus my intent on what I’m creating.” This is where we say “Wooooooooooooooo Hooooooooooooooo!”

Now you are seeing your surroundings for what they are, and you are aware that anything and anyone in your surroundings is there because you choose it to be. What do you do next? You begin focusing on those people, those things, those circumstances in your surrounding that you like and love. The more you focus on what you love, the more you will see things to love. This is where you begin to become very aware of thinking and feeling and putting your attention on that which you love so it can be magnified. You have an awareness that you are choosing to focus on all that you love. When you do this for yourself and for your own reality, magnetically your reality begins to change. As your reality begins to change, so do other people’s realities.

Another way to look at this is to see each person, each object, each situation around you acting as mirrors or reflective devices. They are all reflecting back to you that which they see. So if a person comes into your life and they are angry, they are simply reflecting back to you something that is within you. A person cannot reflect anger back to you if none exists within you. The same is true for love. This is also the reason that your car breaks down or you get stuck in traffic when you are already in a bad mood. You cannot attract anything into your reality that does not already exist inside of you. That is why we suggest that you become very aware of what you see in your reality and become very selective in what you choose to magnify. When you see and feel what you love, we want you to be so aware of that so you can magnify it exponentially. You see, your emotions are the fuel that magnifies your creations. Be grateful and appreciate when you see what you love in your reality. Your gratitude and appreciation will magnify it and attract more of it into your experience.

Now we want you to imagine that more people are becoming aware of their own reality. They are working from the inside and are paying attention to what they are creating. What do you think will happen on your planet? It is not necessary for every being on the planet to practice creating consciously. It only takes a small portion of the beings on the planet to begin this process. We can tell you it is already happening and many, many beings are taking responsibility for the choices they make. They have become aware. Now is the time for you to choose to create your own reality. It is what you came here to experience. Create love and happiness in your own reality. Focus on it and allow it to expand!

We love and honor you.

Thank you for sharing this connection with us.

The Arcturian Circle.