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We, the Arcturians, welcome you again to our Corridor. We see that you are making progress in being fifth dimensional. It is glorious, indeed, to see your consciousness expand in such a manner that you are releasing your old bondage to third dimensional illusions and limitations.
We perceive your confusion, as your collective minds ask, “What reality are we in now? Are we actually fifth dimensional, or are we only fifth dimensional in our consciousness.” Our response to that question is that “only in your consciousness” is REAL, for ALL reality is a state of consciousness.” We understand that inter-dimensional travel can be very tricky. One minute you may be happily experiencing a lovely fifth dimensional day. Then, in the next moment you are stuck in traffic in a third-dimensional city. However, one thing you have learned is that being somewhat out-of-control in your inter-dimensional travel is much better than being trapped in the limitations of your physical world.
Fortunately, the third dimension is becoming more comfortable, as you have learned the laws of attraction and gained more mastery over your thoughts and emotions. Hence, you are gaining more control over your physical life and are no longer choosing to be victimized by the lies of the dark forces. You know that there will be many changes, but you are not exactly sure what will change or how. Nevertheless, you are increasingly ready to move onto the next level of your
3D Virtual Realty Game in which you return to your higher dimensional realities.
Despite the many ensuing changes, you KNOW that you are ONE with that which you love. The forces of Darkness in this 3D Game of polarity have made love so scarce and surrounded by fear that you have learned to unconditionally cherish what you love. In fact, you feel confident that the people, places, activities and even things that you love are staying with you throughout your transition into the “unknown” of your planetary ascension. Furthermore, you realize that on the fifth dimension you can easily manifest any “thing” that you have loved in your sojourn into the physical world.
The instant manifestation of the fifth dimension, which you are beginning to experience, may seem like a roller coaster ride to you. You think of what you want, then—instantly— it manifests. On the other hand, one second of doubt, fear and anger and—instantly— your manifestation disappears. Fortunately, you are realizing that it is all about your state of consciousness, especially raising your resonant frequency.
If your resonant frequency is third dimensional, then even fourth dimensional consciousness can be difficult to maintain, and fifth dimensional consciousness is out of the question. Of course, Earth has largely been fourth dimensional since the turn of the millennium.
The problem has been that whenever you, person and planet, enter the fourth dimension you, have to create your “tunnel of Light” through its Lower Astral Plane of the fourth dimension. The fact that the Darkness is losing most of its power over others now, indicates that you, people and planet, are putting the final touches on your tunnels of light. And you are just in time, for now you can use that Light to reveal the Truth that has been hiding behind all the third dimensional illusions. One of those truths is that darkness cannot attack light; it can only expand your own inner darkness. Hence, once you rise beyond your own darkness, which is some form of fear, you are beyond the reach of external darkness.
The main illusion that you are releasing is the illusion of separation. You now realize you are NOT separate Beings. You are all ONE, no matter how you look, what you do and how, or where, you live. Most importantly, your cooperative effort with others, or with Gaia, to create your tunnels of light has changed your Consciousness from Personal to Collective to Planetary. As you become increasingly fifth dimensional, your consciousness will easily expand into Galactic Consciousness. Then, when we enter the sixth dimension, your consciousness will expand into Cosmic Consciousness.
On the other hand, your expanding consciousness also contributes to your confusion about “What reality is this?” The best way to determine your reality is by trusting your emotions. In the third and lower fourth dimensions, you need to be separate as a means to protect yourself from all the darkness and fear that you suffered—and have BEEN—in your many physical incarnations. However, when you get a taste of fifth dimensional reality, you feel such peace, calm and unconditional love that you have NO desire to be separate. You want to merge with the love, peace and calm, as well as with the people, plants, animals, places and things that emanate these fifth dimensional qualities.
You are discovering that certain objects, which you have formerly labeled as “things,” serve as capacitors to hold fifth dimensional energy. These objects have become enlivened by your creation or use of these objects during your strongest creative and healing moments of unconditional love. Therefore, crystals, art objects, homes, bridges, chairs seem to take on a life of their own. You have also found that if you diminish your intention and attention towards these objects, they return to being “just things” or they get “lost.”
Actually, these things are not getting lost. Instead, they are returning to a lower resonance/dimension , which matches the frequency of that matter. In other words, they become matter without consciousness. It is helpful to know this fact about objects, for it also holds true for your earth vessel. When you hold the intention of peace, calm and unconditional love, the resonance of your earth vessel rises into the fifth dimension to match the frequency of your consciousness.
What will happen next remains to be seen, for your ascension process is a “create as you go” endeavor. Eventually, you will transmute into Lightbody. You have all read many physiological, scientific and metaphysical version of how this transmutation will take place. However, this Planetary Ascension is YOUR creation. Earth has always been a planet of myriad forms of life and people. Hence, owners of different earth vessels may become Lightbody in different manners. Likely, the first ones for each form of transmutation will assist others who are drawn to make their transition in the same fashion.
Either way, you, people and planet, have myriad adventures ahead as you move into your year of 2010. We, the Arcturians, as well as the many members of your Galactic Family, lovingly observe you and are eager to assist whenever you call. In fact, it is now time to heed your call to be taken into the sixth dimension.
The sixth dimension holds the Divine Matrix, which is projected into the lower worlds of third/fourth dimensional realities. It is in the sixth dimension that you can write, or re-write, the blueprints for your third and fourth dimensional holograms. The fifth dimension is not a hologram. Holographic realities are places for learning, schoolrooms, in the lower worlds of the third and fourth dimensions. Conversely, the fifth dimension is a reality where you integrate all that you learned in these lower worlds, as well as a format from which your SELF can assist your grounded, earth vessels.
Once you allow your Kundalini to rise into your Crown Chakra and download and integrate your Multidimensional SELF into your grounded earth vessel, your Personal Consciousness regains its expanded perceptions. As you experience reality through the multidimensional perception of your Soul/SELF, your “family” expands beyond the third dimension and into the fourth and fifth dimensions, to include your Galactic Family.
We are now accelerating our Corridor to the resonance the sixth dimension, so that you may merge with your sixth dimensional SELF. Yes, YOU have a component of your SELF on every dimension, but in the sixth dimension you will only contain your consciousness in a form for certain purposes. In the sixth dimension, you may choose to “put on your form,” as you would “put on a jacket” in your material world.
When Gaia first enters the fifth dimension, you will likely wear your form/body at all times as a means of comfort. Comfort often comes from what is familiar, such as wearing a form. In fact, you will likely choose to wear a form of gender, as that is also familiar. However, you will remain on the fifth dimensional threshold until you have recognized and united with your Divine Complement. Your Divine Complement, also known as your Twin Flame, is the completion of your SELF that split into a gender when you first took form in the third and fourth dimensions.
Since you are united with all life on the fifth dimension, there will be no effort in connecting with your Complement. Because there is no time or space in the fifth dimension, all you will need to “do” is to put out the call for your Twin Flame, and instantly, you will be united. You will know that this union has occurred because you will feel complete bliss and total unity. Many of you are already in contact with your Twin Flame/Divine Complement in your grounded reality, but you may not know it, as your Complement may be a child, a best friend, or a parent.
In fact, throughout your many third dimensional incarnations, you and your Complement have met in many differing forms of relationships. (see
Reconstructing Reality by Suzan Caroll) Fortunately, the instant manifestation of your thoughts in the fifth dimension will allow you to instantly perceive your Complement. On the other hand, if your thoughts and emotions become fearful, your resulting lowered consciousness will immediately return you to the lower dimensional realities.
This return to the lower realities is in no way a punishment. It is simply a matter of resonance. Your reality is a result of your state of consciousness. In order to maintain a state of consciousness that resonates to the fifth dimension, your thoughts and emotions must be based on unconditional love, unconditional acceptance and unconditional forgiveness. We know that your grounded self may find unconditional love to be impossible to maintain. However, once in the fifth dimension, unconditional love fills the ethers, and you feel totally safe and united with all life. With more frequent experiences of the fifth dimension, it will become easier to maintain that state of consciousness.
Your Multidimensional SELF is preparing you now for this shift by showing you how quickly your thoughts and emotions create your reality. You are also being shown any remnants of your ego attachment and service to self. You are brave spiritual warriors to confront your ego and fears again and again, so that you may regain your full Mastery of Energy (thoughts and emotions). It is because you are becoming a Master of Energy that you are able to navigate from one reality to another.
The “fuel” for your inter-dimensional travel is unconditional love. Unconditional love raises the frequency of all it touches and is the force that will expand the Corridor to encompass the sixth dimension and beyond. As the force of your collective, unconditional love touches the perimeters of the Corridor, its resonance will escalate the frequency of the Corridor into the next dimension. In this case, it will extend the resonance of the Corridor into the sixth dimension. Do you see how we are having you participate in your journey now? We no longer need to guide you, for you are fully awakening. Hence, we now give you the tools and allow you to experiment with your expanding perceptions and powers.
Remember that the fifth dimension and beyond is free of time and space. Therefore, it takes no time, nor do you travel across space to enter the sixth dimension. Instead, as the frequency of the Corridor oscillates, it raises its inhabitants into a higher dimension. Because of the tremendous force of unconditional love emanating from the many different ones who are now united in this Corridor, we can easily make our transition into the sixth dimension. Remember, since there is no time or space in the Corridor, it does not matter “when” people tune into this experience or “where” they are located.
The force of unconditional love oscillates us up and down the different frequencies/ densities via the “elevator” of vertical reality, where we can open the “elevator door” to enter the “floor” of the horizontal realities on each density. The constant oscillation of Flow of unconditional love up and down the different dimensions greatly increases its power. Therefore, we ask you to oscillate your energy/consciousnes s from the third dimension to the fourth dimension and back to the third dimension.
Then, oscillate your consciousness from the fourth dimension into the fifth dimension, then back to the fourth. In this manner, you will gather momentum to expand your resonance/conscious ness from the fifth dimension into the sixth. After you have practiced moving your consciousness up and down the vertical realities, “fuel up your consciousness” with unconditional love. Now, again oscillate your consciousness up and down the vertical reality, but FEEL how unconditional love is the force that drives you. You are creating a huge engine of unconditional love, which is the Cosmic Force needed to promote a higher state of consciousness, thinking, expectation, and perception.
Every possible reality is always with you in its own resonant frequency. In order to experience each reality, you must raise your consciousness up the vertical realities to match your resonant frequency to that horizontal reality. You will remain in that reality as long as you can maintain that resonance. Since there is no separation in the fifth dimension and beyond, you are always in all the realities all the time. However, the remaining attachments you have to the third and fourth dimensions make it difficult for you to experience more than one reality at a “time.”
Your multidimensional SELF is able to connect with and experience all your realities in the NOW of the ONE. When you are perfectly aligned with your Multidimensional SELF, you, too, can have this experience. However, you will need to release your attachments to your physical body, as well as your ego’s beliefs, illusions and expectations. Most important, you will need to release your attachment to fear. You may think that releasing fear would be easy, but it has been your companion for many third and lower fourth dimensional lives.

As you progress into the sixth dimension and beyond, you will repeatedly return to the fifth dimension to ground your primary consciousness, not in the third dimension, but in fifth dimensional Earth. Fifth dimensional Earth shall be your Space Station (Home) for all your inter-dimensional travels. It is the frequency of unconditional love that will allow you to remain HOME in the fifth dimension.
You may ask, “How is unconditional love a frequency?” To answer your question we remind you that All That Is vibrates to a frequency. As a famous earth scientist, Albert Einstein, said, “Even matter is a frequency, but it is vibrating at a very slow rate.” Conversely, unconditional love is vibrating at what you would call an “infinite frequency,” for it is a frequency beyond measure. How can you calculate something that is beyond time and space? Unconditional love is assessed like all love, according to its manifestations. Since unconditional love manifests virtually everything, it is certainly “beyond measure.”
Not only does unconditional love create all life, it transmutes all life. Of course, since everything already exists, creation IS transmutation. For example, a great art piece transmutes light placed onto a canvas with paints into an art form and music transmutes sounds into music via breath and or manipulation of instruments. However, the art was not created. Instead, elements of a lower frequency were blended together along with the unconditionally loving intention of the artist to transmute these elements into a higher resonance.
Yes, everything always IS in some frequency. In the same manner, you are not creating the sixth dimensional portal of the Corridor. You are using the great force of your unconditional love to transmute the Corridor into its sixth dimensional expression. Actually, we, Arcturians and humans, are using unconditional love to call forth that which has always existed in a higher frequency.
When unconditional love is used to heal, it calls forth the perfect health that already exists in a higher frequency. Since your thoughts and emotions create your reality, negative thoughts and fear call forth/create illness and discord. However, when unconditional love governs your body, you bring down the energy pattern of your perfected body that already exists in the Divine Matrix of the sixth dimension.
In the same manner, you will use the power of unconditional love to call your Lightbody into manifestation. Of course, since your Lightbody resonates to the fifth dimension and beyond, the Lightbody, which you call down to your frequency, will simultaneously lift you up into the fifth dimension, which is the resonant frequency of your Lightbody.
When we say, “lift you up,” we do not mean the YOU of your earth vessel. We mean the YOU of your multidimensional consciousness that already exists in every dimension. In other words, much like you now decide to “change your clothes,” you will decide to “change your form/body.” Your clothes cover and protect your body, whereas your body covers and protects your consciousness. With the proper clothes you can go out into a hostile environment and survive. In the same manner, with a proper body you can go into the hostile environment of the third dimension with a better ability to survive.
Just as you call down your Lightbody to take you Home into the fifth dimension, you will call down the sixth dimensional Corridor, and it will lift you up into the sixth dimension. Remember, dear ones that up and down are third dimensional space terms. In our multidimensional reality, “down” means a lower frequency dimension and “up” means a higher frequency dimension. Ever since our journey has taken us into the fifth dimension, we have been beyond time and space, and ALL is HERE NOW. Hence, we don’t go “up” to create; instead, we transmute form into a different resonance.
Unconditional love is the creative force of all life. All life is light, and all light is consciousness. Unconditional love is the Light Language that is innately within your multidimensional consciousness. Third dimensional light is polarized into light and dark, whereas third dimensional love is conditional and programmed to adapt to a polarized, light and dark reality. On the other hand, unconditional love is a zero point energy field and designed for the none-polarized fifth dimensional light. Unconditional love is a great force that serves as your “fuel” for inter-dimensional travel, whereas Light Language is your “steering system.”
While in the sixth dimensional Divine Matrix, your force of unconditional love will assist you to use your Light Language to program the release of all your perceptions of illusions of separation, limitation and polarity. Without these illusions, your ability to perceive the fifth dimensional reality in which you
already exist will be greatly enhanced. All around you are moments, feelings and visions that resonate to the frequency of the fifth dimension, but you cannot see them through the veil of illusion. Once that veil is gone, you will be able to see the many ways that you are already fifth dimensional.
Take a moment now to merge with your Multidimensional SELF…
Using your innate Light Language, commune with and communicate with your SELF to feel the unconditional love that forever emanates from that expression of your SELF…
As you commune with your SELF, you receive the Light Language symbol of Unconditional Love…
Place this symbol in your Third Eye and High Heart and extend that force of Unconditional Love out from your Third Eye and High Heart to meet in an arch over your Throat Chakra…
Breathe the Light Symbols of unconditional love into your High Heart to “start the engine” of your Merkaba…
FEEL how your Merkaba amplifies your energy and extends your unconditional love into our Corridor to escalate its resonance into the sixth dimension…
Share your unconditional love with every consciousness in the Corridor to raise the resonant frequency of the Corridor…
Extend this Collective Consciousness down to third dimensional Gaia, so that She may ground and participate in your journey…
Feel your consciousness expand to Planetary Consciousness, as Gaia joins you in the Corridor…
Focus your Personal, Collective and Planetary Consciousness to expect to perceive the sixth dimension…
Gradually, you begin to perceive the sixth dimensional quality of the Corridor…
Light Ribbons of Possibility dance about the Corridor and beckon you to follow them.
See the Light of each Ribbon moving into and through the Corridor. Hear the Cosmic Choir emanating from each Ribbon of Light.
Touch them, as gently as you would touch a butterfly’s wing.
Take long breaths to expand your consciousness to embrace both the highest frequency of your Multidimensional SELF, as well as the smallest particles of your quantum reality…
Allow the sixth dimensional light and unconditional love to enter into every cell and atom of your being. Planetary ascension begins with the complete and total infusion of Spirit-into- Matter, Light-into-darkness , on every atomic, cellular, etheric and spiritual level.
FEEL the Ribbons of Possibility enter your form, which no longer appears to be human. The vessel that houses your consciousness has become a body of light with light projections of unconditional love emanating from the back of your heart that appear almost like wings. Above your heart is your Third Eye encased in a force field of pure intention.
Your arms are also projections of light emanating from your heart that change form depending on their purpose. From below your heart, your body flows down into two trails of light like the trains on a wedding gown. You have no feet at this point, as you do not need to walk. Instead, you float or you are simply “there.” If for some reason you desire to walk, emanations of light will appears to be legs and feet.
As you look at you hands, you see that your fingers also appear to be offshoots of light. There are no joints or fingernails. Your body is liquid light, and it can morph into any shape that you desire. Upon discovering this phenomenon, you experiment with this form.
First, you so expand your form that you become the Corridor. Then you compress your form into a spec of light so minute that you are pure consciousness. Finally, you become pure unconditional love. You have no head and no limbs. You are a pulsing portal of light. You ARE the Arcturian Corridor! Simultaneously, you are Earth.

INTO THE SIXTH DIMENSIONThe Corridor has opened to the sixth dimension. You are now ready to experience the threshold into the sixth dimension. Feel the Corridor around you, opening into a strange, new world. As you set your intention to stand upon this threshold, you again see myriad Ribbons of Light. Each Ribbon represents a different parallel reality that YOU created. When you stand upon this threshold, every thought and feeling that lingers in your consciousness will dictate the reality to which you will be attached.
You see that there are, in fact, millions of realities, as well as billions of possible realities. Your resonance will attract the reality that you enter, at the same time that it simultaneously creates it. It may be difficult to project this concept into your third dimensional brain, but spiritual growth is based on experience first and understanding second. It is the experience that allows you the wisdom of understanding. Experience is precisely why you decided to live in the third and fourth dimensional realities.
Feel the unconditional love of the Corridor push your towards the very edge of the sixth dimensional threshold. But, wait. Hold back a moment, and allow your resistance to build the oscillating force of unconditional love as it pulls your back into the Corridor, then pushes you out onto the threshold…
Again and again, you move back and forth, as your momentum grows stronger and stronger…
Feel yourself becoming the Corridor, becoming the threshold, becoming a new dimension, a new reality…
Now let go. Let go!Yes, you are there now. You are a being of pure light floating in a reality that looks somewhat like a lightning storm, only without the rain or thunder. Through the flashes of light, you see worlds, planets, stars and galaxies.
Suddenly, you are pulled into one of these flashes of light. Feel yourself traveling through a long corridor that is more like a glass matrix. You can see each “possible reality” as it extends off from your tunnel, but you stay on a steady course.
Over, under, around and through you, realities co-exist in harmony and peace. However, you do not stop. You have set your intention for the reality in which your consciousness is currently grounded on third dimensional, ascending Earth.
You will choose any given reality with the power of your attention and intention. Hence, you view your many alternative worlds with detached compassion to remind you that no distraction will interfere with your journey.
Ah, here you are. You have arrived at the “programming station” for your current grounded reality. This life is very important, as it is the one in which you chose to participate in the planetary ascension. You realize that many of the lives that you have passed on your journey to this “station” have been preparations for this planetary ascension life.
Feel yourself now without form. When you entered the sixth dimension, you become pure consciousness, and pure light. Send your Great Light and Love into the matrix of light of this reality so that you may login to your sixth dimensional SELF.
Within this matrix you feel your awareness flowing through many shapes and channels. You realize that there is a hub, or a heart, but you start at the periphery and flow inwards following the lay lines, the spiritual, electrical circuit board of the matrix for this reality.
You have entered a huge puzzle of light, traveling from all directions inward towards your center. Your pure Light and Love, the essence of your Creator SELF, is gradually merging inwards until it has filled each lay line of the Divine Matrix.
NOW, you have entered the Great Central Hub,
the heart, the core, the center, the ONE!
The All in ALL!
All the worlds, planets, stars, and galaxies, which you passed on your journey greet you in the NOW. Once you are in the NOW, you are EVERY-WHERE and EVERY-WHEN.
You ARE the Universe that you observe
You ARE the Galaxy that you observe
You ARE the Planet that you observe
You ARE the Person that you observe
You ARE your SELF, silently observing your self!
Thank you for joining in the Arcturian Corridor.
If you are new to our journey please find the previous steps as a free download at
http://www.multidim TheVision/ books.htmlStep 14 on are in the archived newsletters, starting with July 2009 at:
http://www.multidim TheVision/ integration_ newsletters. htmlMultidimensional News by Suzan Caroll