Thursday, November 18, 2021

Andrew's Insights: Disbeliever


- Andrew's Insights -



And we must learn to un-occupy the mind so we can enter the silence between the doorways of the two worlds. And what are the doorways between the worlds? The fact that our brain says, the belief system says you cannot speak to the infinite, ever after life, or you’re going to stay in this 3D world and continue on. The other side of that, it is real, and the mind can’t fully accept it because there’s belief system enhancement tools spread throughout the energy environment in our world that make other people power disbelievers.

There might be people that have a person around them that is a massive disbeliever, and as soon as you get away from that person the paranormal experiences will begin to happen and happen more as you allow your brain to settle into your heart, your root into your heart, and so on and so forth, and you begin this natural process of sovereignty from the heart. DNA sovereignty, it’s built into your DNA. It’s a knowingness of freedom.

“And we must learn to un-occupy the mind so we can enter the silence between the doorways of the two worlds.”

- Andrew Bartzis 

Copyright All Rights Reserved Galactic Historian LLC © 2014


Thursday, November 11, 2021

KS REALITY TALKS: 8-23-2021 Dr. Paul Theriault - Open Platform

KS REALITY TALKS: 8-23-2021 Dr. Paul Theriault - Open Platform ----------------------------------------------------- We have found the Keylontic Science teachings/information to be the most effective way to reawaken a deep connection through understanding the Truest Nature of Eternal Reality. The premise of this project is an effort to "fill in the gaps" for the generations of newcomers to come. I believe that frequency without a pillar does not stand, and it is the foundational MCEO Freedom Teachings® that will give us that structure to maintain and hold our pillars for the ongoing Keylontic™ Discourses for Daily Living- KDDL Course™ Series ( This is why it is essential that newcomers have all of the KS foundation readily available to them at this time. It is in the hopes that this platform will also provide a permanent resource for many newcomers to acknowledge and honor the efforts of our Beloved KS family during the early days of this work.


Please note that we are in no way associated with ARhAyas Productions ( E'Asha presents verbatim translations from New information has been given (8/2012 forward) concerning the CDT-Plates and the AL-Hum-Bhra Crystal Disks and how they fit within the structures of the Cos-MA-yah, and how they assist us to understand where the frequencies known as the AL-Hum-Bhra are coming from. These new translations are “Indelible Records”, meaning they cannot be edited or altered. These records hold the entire Memory Matrix of the events information of this Cos-Min-yahas Cluster. 

Dr. Joseph Farrell | Mars X-Elite Secret UFOS & Archaeology Wars! | + News and Views from the Nefarium |

Dr. Joseph Farrell Mars X-Elite Secret UFOS - Archaeology Wars | Nov. 6, 2021 from Information Machine on Vimeo.

Oxford Scholar Dr. Joseph Farrell returns to join Dark Journalist Daniel Liszt for a spellbinding look into the bizarre Space Push by the elites to colonize the Planet Mars and the occult implications of integrating the God of War into the human origin story.

He also describes how it is closely connected with the Archaeology Wars like the looting of the Baghdad Museum to find sacred power objects and ancient super weapons.

Special Topics: 

Archaeology Wars
Mars Obsession
HotZone Intrigue
Sacred Mythology
Exotic Technology
Mind Control


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Joseph Farrell | News and Views from the Nefarium | Nov. 4, 2021

Today is an usual departure from our normal practice of commenting on an article. Rather, I plan to simply read portions of a website, without commentary, and if you want to follow along, here's the website link:





see also

Dark Journalist & Dr. Joseph Farrell | HotZone Global Government & The UFO File! | Oct. 30, 2021



Andrew's Insights: Future?


- Andrew's Insights -



You want to know what it’s going to be like in the future? It’s about saving our culture. It’s about cleaning up our planet. You know, the financial system can be taken care of. It’s already been thought of, but to implement a new financial system means there has to be a time for us as a human species to let down, to sleep, to heal. Okay?

There was a time when human awakening began on another timeline, on another previous timeline genocide during the second paradox where we made it to 2004 and our species was told about UFOs and it was so harsh in the way that it came through, not that the media did it wrong and during their breakdown it was okay, our people, our self, were so confounded by the lies that many of them just stopped living, and the whole society and the whole structure fell apart, and that cannot happen. There cannot be a cultural breakdown. Something of our food has to survive. Something of the way we live has to survive. There was incredibly beautiful lifetimes here. It has not all been dark. It is just propaganda that has made it look that way.

“There was incredibly beautiful lifetimes here. It has not all been dark. It is just propaganda that has made it look that way.”

- Andrew Bartzis    |