Saturday, March 18, 2017

Offplanet Radio: Duncan O'Finioan: Supernatural Eruption - Feb 20, 2017

Duncan OFinioan: Supernatural Eruption

Duncan O'Finioan: Supernatural Eruption


Emily Moyer & Randy Maugans with Robert Duncan O’Finioan

Duncan O’Finioan returns for an update on the climate in the dark realms. Working with survivors of Satanic Ritual Abuse (SRA) and others, beset with supernatural entity interference, he discusses the process as the rifts open on the Earth realm. The hidden wars, time stream manipulation, DWave computer and the Many Worlds theories of Hugh Everett; parallel universes; quantum computer “alien gods” and hyper-dimensional crystals; Atlantis as a future event that folds over into our past-present-future state; Duncan shows some of the tools of the trade; the CERN effect on reverberation of time warps; “Missing 411” connected to dimensional rifts open up in the natural earth portals; “three days of darkness” will be the complete tearing of the dimensional veil; “it’s about to get worse”; politcal turmoil distractions; a separation of worlds; spiritual warfare in the trenches; 2017 is the year of polarity, the year of distraction; SRA healing and soul retrieval; entities as software programs running in the background; the conclusion is: You need to tune out the noise, and get tuned in to the inner realms.

Monday, March 06, 2017

FutureAgeSage: The Krystal Star With 12D Inner Arc System and The generation of the Holographic Self

 #multidimensional #krystalstar #ascension mission #christos realignment #starseed #guardian races #unity #oneness #love #consciousness code #spiritual identity #energetic self-mastery #awareness #consciousness

Sunday, March 05, 2017

FutureAgeSage: Energetic Balance; New Heart-Brain Harmonic
 Energetic Balance; New Heart-Brain Harmonic

 #multidimensional #sacred geometry #pineal #anahata #spiritual identity #starseed #unity #ascension #oneness #love #visionary #cosmic #galactic #indigo #christ #energy healing


 Lightseal; Avatar Identity Coalescence

Energetic Synthesis: Parasites

Parasitism is a non-mutual symbiotic relationship between species, where one species, the parasite, benefits at the expense of the other, the host. Parasites can be visible organisms or macroparasites (typically protozoa and helminths). Unlike predators, parasites do not kill their host, are generally much smaller than their host, and will often live in or on their host for an extended period. They survive through Consumptive Modeling, which is essentially the energetic siphoning from a host body. Consumptive Modeling is the taking, stealing, superimposing or using of another's energetic resources or life force for one's personal use, personal gain or to build upon in the Law of Structure which is enforced by the False King of Tyranny or False Gods. Usually this process of taking or stealing the energetic or other resources is hidden in deception, lies and manipulation through Mind Control. This is the model used by the Negative Aliens that has been inherited into the current culture, basically these entities are parasitic in nature, and because of their influence on the earth there is a direct impact made to our bodies. As a result of these energetic imbalances, many humans will have parasitic related problems that impact the immune system and the overall health and functioning of the body. Energetic parasitism creates physical parasites in the human body.

Energetic parasites can be from the result of energy blockages in areas of the etheric double or ka battery body. Eventually if energetic blockages are not cleared, the result is energetic parasites which manifest into physical representation of infection and infestation. All outward disease patterns in the physical body are at the core causation level a malfunction of energy flow in its blueprint or an injurious blockage to the areas of impact. This can happen physically, energetically, emotionally, mentally or spiritually.