Tuesday, November 01, 2016

EnergeticSynthesis: Bio-Neurology - Newsletter - Oktober 2016

synthesis120October 2016

Lisa Renee

Dear Ascending Family,

When we look at the larger Galactic picture of consciousness enslavement, we see the NAA's many pronged agenda to target the brain, CNS and thought forms of every person on earth.  Through the agenda of Transhumanism, we see the promotion of hybridization and synthetic integration with artificial neural networks for control over the CNS and brain.  What is starting to surface with more clarity is that our human neurobiology is wired for empathy, which connects us to higher consciousness and has a spiritual function.  The NAA and their minions of soulless AI infected synthetic beings do not have the bio-circuitry for empathy.  We are in essence, in a struggle between human EMPATHS, and alien hybridized humans and extra-dimensional aliens that are NON-EMPATHS. This month we will look more deeply at Bio-Neurology, and the bio-circuitry of empathy for another layer of reveal.  How chemical agents and ELF are used to target the CNS, and are actually destroying the human capacity for empathy.  To understand how the stages of Ascension and bio-neurological expansion increase the capacity for empathy, aligning us to be of Service to Others and Planetary Gridworkers.

Neurobiology and Neuroscience are used interchangeably to refer to the branches of biology that focuses on the structure and function of the nervous system and brain. The field of Neurobiology includes the study of biological neural networks, in order to replicate their functions in the production of artificial neural networks.  An artificial neural network is an artificial intelligence network that mimics the functions of the Central Nervous System (CNS) and brain of living things, like people and animals. The discoveries in the field of Neurobiology have lead to the massive expansion and demand for mass consumer products, manufactured in both of the flourishing multiple billion-dollar industries of Biotechnology and Pharmaceuticals. Biotechnology is the use of living systems and organisms to develop or make products, especially with the focus upon the genetic manipulation of microorganisms and their chemical reactions. Currently, the means of gaining technological or pharmaceutical control over neural networks, brain mapping, genetic modification and the exploitation of biological systems, is an enormous commodity that is being merchandised on and off planet. The quest to gain total control over the Bio-Neurology of life is a very big business, hiding a very dark secret. During the current bifurcation phase, the extremely heated debate around disclosure of the covert technological methods used for bio-neurological enslavement are being fought over in the public arena, argued over behind closed doors, and are rippling throughout the Solar System.
Without experiencing feelings of empathy for humanity that give rise to holding reverence for the sentient consciousness within all life, we can more easily see how those put into power are capable of committing grave harm to others without remorse. When a huge segment of the population is disconnected from life and devoid of empathy, we can better observe how these destructive thoughtforms are more easily shaped into material possession and ownership. The escalation of corruption, bribery and technological abuse that are being forced upon us by the controlled powers of the corporatocracy are very difficult to observe. We are inundated with deceptive marketing campaigns and the clever use of intimidation to force submission into the larger agendas of bio-neurological control tied into mass consumerism. People are being intimidated to make their own babies and children experimental guinea pigs, for developing the future generation of disconnected bio-tech and drug consumers. We are living in a transitional time, which means we will have to face the hard decisions about what we can do to remove ourselves from feeding into the vast global system of consciousness enslavement and mind control. It is worthwhile to do the research, and look at the skyrocketing statistics for bio-neurological diseases, and consider who and what wants to gain complete control over human and animal Bio-Neurology. What are the many unethical methods being used to gain bio-neurological control over people that is making them sick? If we are willing to open our mind to see the clear picture of corporate interests hiding a much larger global agenda of bio-neurological control, then we can take some steps to empower ourselves. We can take back our consciousness power through informed consent, and stay present and aware of larger agendas in order to protect our nervous system and brain.

There is little to no information available to help people understand that our bio-neurological functions are directly responsible for interconnection with our spiritual bodies, and that if our Bio-Neurology is hacked we are effectively disconnected from our emotions, heart and Soul. Therefore, there is little knowledge given to the public about the nervous system’s critical role in experiencing the energetic interconnection with life, including feeling empathy, spiritual awakening, cellular telepathy and developing all forms of higher sensory perception. A brain being controlled by the thought impulses sent from artificial neural networks, does not feel empathy or connected with life. The health and functioning of the CNS and brain are the most critical components in properly transmitting the DNA’s electromagnetic signals and frequency impulses, which also communicate directly with the etheric neural networks that exist within our Soul-Spirit bodies. During the Ascension Cycle, for those awakening as well as the new generations being born, some humans are experiencing a positive range of genetic mutations that are impacting nervous system development and brain processing. As the countermeasure, many in the medical community are pressured to heavily medicate all people that fit under diagnostic labels for spiritual crisis, or under umbrella terms used for neurodevelopmental disorders, such as ADHD and the Autism spectrum.

If our Bio-Neurology is continually assaulted, implanted, drugged, and overloaded with cocktails of energetic and chemical toxins, not only does this negatively impact immunity and health it easily blocks messaging between the body, brain and the higher consciousness bodies. When the human body is inundated with many low frequency electrical signals combined with specific chemical toxins, they produce unique etheric implants that block the higher frequency messaging between the nervous system and brain. As an example, it has been observed that the type of electrical emission patterns and/or Chemtrail substances sprayed into an area are commonly matched with certain manufactured lots of flu shots that are made available in the same location. Electrical emissions into the local environment combined with chemicals and/or injections produce a range of bio-chemical effects, including bio-neurological and consciousness effects, on the public. When methods are used to block neural impulses in the CNS, this impairs the brain’s ability to process reality and recall memory. Further this blocks the brain from receiving communication signals at higher frequencies, that exist above the lower frequency scale of material reality. This combination is commonly used as a type of localized electro-chemical induced frequency fence for the human Bio-Neurology. Therefore, the frequency fence blocks higher consciousness development as it impairs the bio-spiritual evolution and the ascension process for that individual. In order to remove the frequency fence from suppressing our consciousness, we first have to see that it exists.

CNS Redirection via Electronic Harassment
When the body and brain are being blocked with some method or form of bio-neurological harassment, it redirects the nervous system and brain to be more accessible to receiving thought transmissions generated from external sources of electromagnetic pulses, such as artificial neural networks. Artificial networks continually send out electromagnetic pulses of information through the mass media to keep people fixated on meaningless dramas, 3D narratives and negative emotions. The current role of mass media is to keep the CNS redirected towards a range of negative thoughts, and to fixate or obsess on external physical stimulus or material things. In many forms of mass media and marketing, there are electronic hacking attempts on the biological neural networks that signal messaging into the brain. In the media, whether through movies, internet or any recreational medium, when focusing the person’s attention on a series of light and sound images, these images transmit holographic information, sometimes transmitting frequency implants into the CNS and brain. The most popular form of mass media is the propaganda used by the cabals for directing mind control, which is used to shape the person’s brain activity and mental map. The content for mass consumption is produced and controlled to reflect light and sound holographic images that form what people believe is the nature of their reality.

There are a variety of external transmissions both in sound and light waves (audio and visual), emanating from the ranges of the electromagnetic spectrum of frequencies. Some of these transmissions are more natural and human, while others are designed for artificial mind control and are non-human. The physical human body emits electromagnetic waves and the signals used to control most brain and bodily functions exist in the extremely low frequency scale. Extremely low frequencies can be easily sent out through a variety of technologies and are used as a method of electronic harassment, targeted towards many human beings. These electromagnetic signals are directed into the planetary body and earth surface in order to control the neurological system and brain, of individuals and groups of people. Implants and mind control technology are real, it is an established, certifiable fact that the media will not tell you about. The technology exists, the hardware is in place, the patents are on record and the agencies that run and control it are in place and have been operating these technologies for a long time.

Mind Control is used to form socially acceptable belief systems and shape anti-human value systems, which direct thoughts that are in contradiction to each other, like war and killing for peace. As long as the planet is at war with itself, and humanity thinks we are at war with each other, we feed into the mind control system of the NAA, which allows them to continue the vampirism of planetary resources. Mind control frequencies and forms of electronic harassment generate bio-neurological impairment in the human body, which reverse and confuse brain signals.  The satanic agenda is to reverse human neurological functioning by conditioning the person to create and feel pain in order to activate their pleasure centers. The cycle of interconnection made between pain and pleasure centers is reinforced and conditioned into the bio-neurology non-stop, which escalates into harmful addictions or deviant behaviors. When we pay attention and we care about what is happening to the planet and people, we will begin to clearly see an agenda designed to assault and damage the human nervous system. If we are more aware of how the neurological functions in our body are related to our mental and emotional states, then we are equipped to take control over the direction of our thoughts and emotions. Then we can open and train our neural pathways to receive direct messages from our higher consciousness bodies, the Soul-Spirit Self, overriding the messaging from the three layers of ego that are the main frequency spectrums used in electronic harassment and mind control.

Bio-Neurological Impairment
Bio-Neurological impairment is used to describe many types of mental illnesses that are defined as emotional and behavioral disorders, such as Autism. It is also used to describe a range of neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s, Schizophrenia and Parkinson’s. As statistics for bio-neurological diseases and mental illness have skyrocketed over the last 40 years, questions need to be asked about what is changing and damaging the Bio-Neurology of the human being? These are facts that cannot be disputed in the scientific and medical community. Currently, one in 42 boys are diagnosed with Autism spectrum, classified as a bio-neurological disease. One in 3 seniors die with Alzheimer’s, while one in 9 people over 65 are diagnosed with Alzheimer’s, a bio-neurological disease. According to the National Alliance on Mental Illness, one in 25 adults in the U.S. experience serious mental illness that impairs daily functioning, making them dependent on psychoactive drugs. While one in 4 people suffer from general unspecified mental health disorders. That’s a tremendous amount of psychoactive drugs being prescribed to the world population, at every age, in which these drugs act to take control over the functions of the CNS and brain.

Anything that takes control over the functions of the nervous system and brain can potentially impair or damage the self-awareness and consciousness state of that individual.

What are the long-term effects of the consistent consumption of combined drugs that act to control the nervous system and brain?  Does this break down immunity and eventually generate a host of diseases, like Alzheimer’s later on? Common sense tells us that if we become childhood consumers of an array of medical products, we will grow into adulthood dependent on even more medical products, having spent a lifetime of dependency on the medical system, at a cost of hundreds of thousands of dollars per person. Many people have gone bankrupt trying to pay for the outrageous costs of family medical expenses.  Some of us realize that western medical care is not health care. It is a consumer product marketed to the masses in order to be immensely profitable for corporations, and is not designed to heal people. These multinational corporations have far reach that extends to non-human oversight and control over their management operations that ultimately serve off planet agendas. These agendas include mass introduction to methods of bio-neurological impairment, in order to gain full control over the human species and all of life.

The result of bio-neurological impairment is that many people become mentally fixated on the external and overwhelmed by the assault of artificial electromagnetic stimulus, so they shut down. They are unable to access inner emotional feelings, empathy or compassion, or sense the quality of energies around them.  Bio-neurological impairment gradually produces soul disconnection and mental fragmentation. When a person is disconnected from their inner self via bio-neurological impairment, they are unable to discern the difference from their own inner thoughts, and those they pick up from the external sources. They are unable to discern mind control transmissions that are pulsed into the environment. This is the general profile of many 3D people that are being controlled through their automatic bio-neurological functions, via drugs, mind control, implants, addictions, sexuality and consistent marketing messages to buy more consumer goods. We live in a society that equates our worth as people with the consumer goods we purchase. Thus, for most 3D people playing this material game, they are not aware of how this external control over their nervous system and brain is taking place within excessive consumerism, marketing and materialism.  People without self-awareness and knowledge about their bio-neurology and consciousness functions are being regressed into disconnected mind controlled robots. The people on the earth are undergoing a methodical procedure of controlled de-humanization through dissociation. To dehumanize people, the NAA employ trauma based mind control methods, treat people and nature without empathy, dignity or respect, and intentionally disconnect people from accessing their higher intelligence and consciousness functions. This is easy to accomplish if the entities gain access to the human body through controlling the CNS impulses and the thoughts transmitted to the brain receiver. 

When we become more aware of how our nervous system and brain work to transmit impulses and receive electromagnetic signals to interpret and operate all of the functions of our body, we realize this is a critical function of our consciousness. As it impacts our consciousness, it is important to focus on determining the energetic quality of the signals we are processing through our nervous system and brain. The health of our CNS and its ability to send out high frequency energy signals, form critical functions that communicate directly with our intelligent Soul-Spirit energies. High frequency energy signals like love, compassion, empathy and spiritual connection help to repair our nervous system and help us to reconnect with our Soul-Spirit intelligence messaging. Artificial signals and low frequency energy signals like fear, hatred, violence or jealousy damage our nervous system and disconnect us from our Soul-Spirit.

Nadial Structure is the CNS Blueprint
The human lightbody or aura is comprised of multiple interconnected layers of electromagnetic fields of energy that extend all around the physical body like an energy shield covering and protecting all of the bodies. When we are meditating and practicing our 12D shielding, we are placing our attention on our lightbody to help strengthen, protect and grow our personal consciousness body. The lightbody is the structure, which is required to house the electromagnetic energies of the Soul-Spirit bodies in order to connect them with the physical layer of the human body. Electrical impulses are generated from the lightbody via the Nadial Structure, which is a spiritual body part. It is made up of a webbing of energetic receivers and energetic transmitters that are intrinsic to the interconnected messaging functions in the human Soul-Spirit consciousness layers.

Monday, October 17, 2016

ul7ra: Monadic Dreams / Ultra plasmic - #Meditation 1/2

Monadic Dreams

Visualization Exploration of Consciousness, specifically highlighting the Monadic body D7, D8, D9 to bring about peace and morphogenetic template restoration

see also:
Milky Way Tuning 
third meditation attunement

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

The Living Comedy On Planet Earth #2016

Life is comedy, when you dont partake in the drama.
Though there are also psychopathic actors ofc,
that make the comedy kinda sad... at times..
But hahaha
Better laugh than cry or lie  ~EG

Monday, September 26, 2016

Energetic Synthesis: Passing by Black Hole Systems - #TSB

Time Shift Blog

Passing by Black Hole Systems

Dear Ascending Family,

Given the absolute chaos and energetic intensity during the last weeks that have been accumulating pressure in the planetary fields as a result of the Magnetic Peak cycle, I felt to share recent personal experiences from my heart, as it has been a very challenging time for so many people. For some of us on the spiritual awakening path, especially for Gridworkers, this time has been filled with 360 degree rounds of psychotronic aggression, blank slating, psychic warfare, black magic, kill codes, dark projection of AI holograms, 3D controller structure entrapment scenarios, everything and the kitchen sink that the regressive entities and dark forces use as weaponry to target and harm Starseeded or Indigo people. I feel so sorry that this incredible darkness and pain is being directed into and surfaced into the human realm and masses without any tools or proper context being given about Ascension, as the contents of the buried unconsciousness bubbles up like a sewage pipe of energetic vomit spilling into so many directions. I can feel the panic inside people that are desperate for some kind of relief from the confusion and pain they feel from this magnetic field pressure coming in from all sides, also occurring as a result of traveling so close to the phantom realms. Since the Magnetic Peak, my guidance has informed me to become very still, and to stay low and down, going inward and keeping my focus on my work responsibilities and upon the internal sensations of my inner spirit. When this guidance comes in to stay low, it is the same as when an animal is being hunted for food by predators, in many cases the animal being hunted gets very still and conserves energy. In my self-imposed stillness, I have been traveling to view the Phoenix Grid in Egypt, and the portals of Black hole systems that lead to Wesedrak, looking for where there are vulnerabilities in the earth where these black hole systems and reversal portals have been connected into the damaged areas of the earth body. As a result, it can be tracked to agendas playing out on the surface, seeing how these extremely dark creatures from the black hole systems are conjuring SRA (black magic) to become more active in the earth people that are weak or asleep. As an example, the misguided belief that blood sacrifice clears the sins of the people, the ignorant actions that conjure demonic forces into the lives of people that believe these are Angels or Light beings, as the result of these practices. Certain areas are being filled with People that are possessed and parasitized, as these black forces are elbow to elbow with many of those with low fear vibrations in the human population. Many of these forces are going for the children and teenagers, especially in the impoverished areas because they are vulnerable. These forces have told the Satanic Church to go and open black portals in these areas in order to get the Black hole systems opened directly in certain demographic areas. The Satanists believe they are building black houses and opening the gates of hell for Satan, and if they know Satan is a Negative Alien, then they are well informed. The same black forces leading back to the parallel black hole system, is feeding barrages of misinformation to the light workers or vulnerable people that are fear based, generally to attack others, or to breed extreme confusion and paranoia at every level. It is very hard for many people to place their trust anywhere at this time, as the distortions and deceptions are very heavy with an agenda to spin misinformation and chaos, so people cannot tell what is black or white, what is up or down, what is real or false. It is a gaslighting manipulation technique to destroy the inner spiritual compass, or the heart guidance of the people.

During this year’s Magnetic Peak, with gravitational anomalies contributing to the black hole system vulnerability on the earth, this time has been taken advantage by these Black Hole creatures to direct as much black substance to light bearers, Star people, to attempt to slow them down, discourage them, stimulate persecution, victimization, hopelessness, despair, suicidal thoughts and beliefs that we are all going to be trapped here. When we remember that the agenda to suck the earth down into the black hole systems has been a long standing threat of intimidation from these NAA invaders and Satanic creatures, it is obvious they are still pounding on that drum trying to trick us and subvert our real selves for activating our highest potentials. Stay strong and do not let these creatures get you down, they are desperate and clawing for any way to make an inroad. We are slowly separating from these black hole systems, and thus the Guardian Teams have also been working on installing many Override Pillar Gates to handle transits at the death exit cycle, and to stabilize the earth grids while this is happening. We are progressing, but we are in a deeply disturbing evolution phase because the mass unconsciousness of human pain surfaces, it can feel like a massive wave of blackness, and black voids ( these are these black holes) and it can feel overwhelming to witness by the emotional body of empathic and sensitive humans.

The majority of people on this planet do not have access to the knowledge we have about planetary ascension, many of us have had direct consciousness experiences or contact as a result of our spiritual ascension process that help us to better navigate the dark, while the majority of the humans have no idea what is even happening to them, and they are traumatized in pain and fear, herded like sheep to be slaughtered by the cruel and inhumane tactics of the NAA. Yet, I know that for us to make it through this phase into the best possible position of helping the majority of the earth population, keeping the ascension timelines and the ascension knowledge alive in human consciousness, we have to walk through the most extreme and depraved levels of unconsciousness and shadows to bring the light of God into the most diseased and damaged areas. As those awakened with inner light, the true light warriors for God, we undergo the decension into the hell realms to fearlessly face the dark experiences, and during travel into the hell realms, we are exposed to some brutal energies in so that we can hold these experiences into compassionate witnessing. We are recollecting the time records and recording what really has happened here. This can be exhausting, but it is important to keep focused on why we are here on this earth, to help liberate her, to help liberate earth humans from their alien oppressors, even when they are so traumatized they cannot recognize who the real oppressors are. Humans suffer from Stockholm syndrome, and fight to enforce their enslavement into the alien structures that have stolen their consciousness away and filled them with darkness.

In this phase of bifurcation, as we travel the span of realms that opened into the black hole system, it’s a rough time, these forces are gathering every kind of leverage they can to wield attacks against the general earth population. At this time we have very few people on the earth that are truly walking the path of ascension, and it’s clear we really need more people to wake up and start walking their talk. This leads me to a painful issue which is the constant bewilderment that there are still spiritual communities that choose to attack each other, attack other spiritual communities they do not agree with, over ridiculous pettiness, misinformation, promoting confusion and negative ego power grabs, rather than waking up to remember why we are here in the first place. To build a consciousness platform for unity intelligence, we must accept unity is diverse, and we must bridge these gaps with unconditional love and compassion, which is the role for most awakened people as polarity integrators.

On 9/9, another spiritual community filed a DMCA claim of copyright infringement to take this ES website down, and the Ascension Glossary website down. I would like to pose the question for all of us to ponder and reflect in the spiritual community, or those on the awakening path, how this is helpful for anyone, and who is to gain from this action? The earth has very little information available about Ascension, and it is absolutely bewildering to me that I get as many attacks from people who call themselves spiritual people as I do from the Negative Aliens. What in the heck is wrong with this picture? What is it going to take for people in spiritual communities to practice unconditional love, compassion, unity to find acceptance for each other’s experiences, and stop magnifying every detail out of proportion, spreading malicious gossip, trying to stop others from expressing their experiences about the Ascension process? Or strangling others from being able to function well, when the planet is under siege from invaders. Who do you choose, the invaders or humanity? There is nothing productive about the Vicitmizer archetypes that use violence and attacking towards any human, this feeds into the divide and conquer strategies that the NAA use against all of us to keep us chasing our tails, promoting division and wasting precious energy. Those in the families of Krystal Star choose harmlessness, towards all people, we can only deflect and defend, not attack.

I have had a baffling spiritual awakening experience since 2000, in that there is a person on this earth that placed copyright on consciousness experiences and communications that I had before I knew she existed. Somehow this person teaches advanced ascension mechanics, yet does not realize that all consciousness code can be picked up in the multidimensional time field of earth in the instruction sets, and therefore has catalogued and represented me as fraudulent, a plagiarist of her material to other people. I have had direct Guardian contact at the time of walk in. Apparenlty, she says that cannot happen. As this website is a direct evolution of my own direct consciousness experiences, it has been confusing to have another person show up to say they own the experiences that I have had directly, and that I am infringing on her right to own human body parts, and human lightbody structure. I do not understand a person that can place copyright ownership on the human beings core manifestation body. This has been the latest claim to take the websites down. Further, it has been very challenging to understand that what I see in my own inner vision has been placed in the legal ownership of another human person. That has put a crippling effect on my ability to express my own consciousness experiences, and I believe hampers my ability to be of service to the people that need the help the most. This earth needs coherent, sane, humanitarian, selfless and loving people that want to be of service to others, and serve the purpose of helping others re-educate themselves to the changes that are happening on the earth. This planetary shift effects every fabric of our lives, along with the personal and collective state of consciousness. And with that personal commitment, I continue to persevere through bizarre claims and attacking, being labeled a plagiarist, in so that the planet and humanity will have access to Ascension material that is not under 3D legal copyright ownership control. That all people can access what they need to in regards to Ascension, as their right to help themselves and others, and they do not have to dodge bullets and be running away from legal complaints being served upon them. Many times, I feel a day late and dollar short, but the obstacles placed on Ascension material is very heavy, it is a serious topic embroiled in larger global conflicts for public disclosure. Thus, it is hard to penetrate the resistance that is directed to stop people like myself.

This is why I would like to request those in the spiritual communities take a moment to find some kindness in your heart to stop criticizing every last word you think you understand better, stop berating people that are more public than yourself. Start to have some human kindness in your heart for the absolute shit storm many Ascension speakers, presenters, and stewards undergo, to even make it this far. Please stop criticizing and pointing fingers to blame others and get busy on working on your own spiritual pieces and actualizing your mission. Believe me this is not a glamorous job, and it takes all of one’s devotion, dedication and strength. Being slightly public, people constantly project deceptions, images, lies and pure crap on what I should or should not be doing. If you cannot place your life on the line and place 100% dedication at this moment to serve the Ascension timelines, because you have other obligations in your life, like marriages and children, etc., then start introducing the practices of the Law of One in every area of your life. Start to apply behaviors that are genuinely Loving and Kind to everyone and everything that is possible, and be a productive and positive cause in this world to do good works and be of service. We need simple human kindness more than anything right now.  I appeal to the spiritual community to stop bickering and complaining and get to the real spiritual work of being a truly loving and kind human being. Nothing will change on this planet if you are feeding into the divide and conquer tactics and victimizer programs by blaming and accusing others, feeling miserable and allowing yourself to sink into the mire and become a black hearted human being. The purity of heart is what protects us in every way, while the shadows of your mind will haunt you and invite the demonic forces to take control over your body. Choose wisely and know that you have friends in ES community working very hard here to help in the ways we can be of service to support the Ascension. Thank you for reading about my recent personal experiences, while enduring a phase of dark aggression. Bless you and may peace be with your heart at this time.

Thank you for being here and thank you for being of service on behalf of all of us.

With love and appreciation,

