Friday, September 09, 2016

FutureAgeSage: Elemental Union in the the Crystal Body Container

Elemental Union in the the Crystal Body Container


ultra: Dust Dreams it’s Last

Sequoia Adashi Lotus Arayas[tales of infinity]
Many days have past and the past versions of the now and the past have undergone change so rapidly and extensively in fact that the original narrative I was writing has already been declassified since more material and better comprehension is now currently accessible. Part of the reason for this is all of you, and individually for me, I have lived through a few time cycles, experienced a couple crucifixions, went to a bunch of alternate reality fields, got trapped, escaped, got trapped again and escaped again, saved the world, possibly destroyed another, then came back to this time matrix and into a bodily expression to begin again the telling of the tales of infinity.
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I was suddenly seized and found myself walking through a desert, lifeless even as deserts go, this was the place the final resting place of an alien god’s body. I knew immediately because this place was not a place anymore it was a lost section of time sealed away and kept hidden under keys of time that just now released. I could sense the gravity of the space-time warping around the skeletal remains I knew this god was not quite dead and yet it was also already beyond any act like salvation. As I approached the elongated skull of the Eshpheni alien I was impacted energetically, the resonant impact carried with it a knowing of the being’s last breath. I saw that it had joined all of it’s awareness into a unified point and then it had launched outward like a living tornado whose streams were made of insects and all of these little points of awareness spread to the outside fields of time and mind and light and space and sound to create a last dream for this alien no longer had a form to continue living within. [Shout out to stargate and the mummy as this information is encoded in these two stories]

This dream took shape as an alien green colored frequency wave that then expanded into the size of a world or an atom, since size is difficult to assess when traveling in spirit body. The alien green dream was superimposed upon the planet earth and upon it’s inhabitants, the first wave of humanity. The dream had know name but I could see it in the portals of my mind, I knew this dream was no dream at all it, not to man kind, to them this dream was a nightmare called The Fall. A portal window opened in my hand as I began to see how it came to be made manifest. At first the portal was inundated with wormholes as this alien consciousness had truly mastered timetravel. Portions of this alien god’s consciousness travelled back and forth threading itself into the woof and warp of the fabric of time, through all tracks then deemed dreamable or potential avenues of expression.
Then it decided to begin more actively engaging the creator’s involved in maintaining and building this great dream called the morphogenesis man. The alien’s first form was a biotechnological mosquito. It emerged from the time fields and descended upon the first man. Man’s reaction was fear, some frightening shadow had entered into man’s awareness and then disappeared. It had energetically surrounded the first man and on the external it manifested as the first mosquito who then drew man’s blood within it’s elongated mouth sucking nourishment into it’s tiny body. Immediately it began rebuilding chemical bonds and assembling DNA within itself. It spread into man as a first parasite and so began to influence man’s choice to further separate the original dream of heaven to the convoluted dream of decay that would allow this alien consciousness to continue living as a ghost within the system of mankind’s burgeoning consciousness.

From a higher dimensional perspective the pyramidal ships of the Eshpheni arrived in a time prior to the Egyptian holocaust over 20,0000 years ago but did not achieve control of the dream until roughly 12,576 BC. This group called themselves the Corteum, as a collective, but they were made up of several species of transtime incarnate beings, The Drakon, The Anunnanki, the Jehovians, The Pleiadian, Nefedim, Nephilim, Belial Sons, and Marduk-Anu Zeta Rigelian And Zephelium amoung others. The seed intent to take over the reality fields of the time matrix began many millions of years ago and yet manifested fully in form as this an event, the dying breath of an alien god torn to shreds by misuse of sacred geometry and the cycles of starfire.

It was this God’s dream that seized the heart of man with it’s false green. This dream was ushered into embodiment by Raven magic and further found footholds due to the use of black magic in grids especially those made in egyptian times by thoth and more recently reinforced by Aleister Crowley and associates and also by the actions of the so-called satanists. Know that the demonic is a lower way of saying negative extreterrstrial influence.

WE who know walk the straight and narrow. There is no need to fight a dead dream. Thus walk in the light and be not afraid, darkness cannot cultivate in the eye whose attention is fixed on the Source, Force, God or all the many fruits of Love that Unity has made.

Tuesday, September 06, 2016

ultra: Hub
Sequoia Adashi Lotus Arayas

A Hub is an field and shield center of energy-identity that acts as a gatekeeper and a galactic pub of sorts. This web presence is one such hub, holding the coding for the Krystal Star Ascension Mission serving in this way to anchor and activate and help balance the unfolding starseed, indigo, & crystal identities to transit into and out of higher levels of dimensional expression. This means that your cellular awakening and DNA strand braid potentials are activated by and through your participation with this hub.
This is your choice. You are here to remember, to turn to cycle of evolution to a higher state and so I and we acknowledge and support you by offering this project as a support for your freedom. Each step you take here is hosted by a menagerie of Ascension teams that you may choose to get to know more clearly as your HD (Higher dimensional) potentials come online through practice and intent. Hold on to your seat because you are currently participating in advanced cellular clearing and genetic reprogramming everytime you are connecting to these frequencies, my artistry, and wording as these are all manifestations of my dialogue with and to higher dimensional consciousness.

ultra: Note From The Beyond


Note From The Beyond
Sequoia Adashi Lotus Arayas

From within matter the first stage separation of consciousness from illusory identification requires a significant internal dialogue adjustment. The mental continuum is locked into the reality grid system of the planetary body and is indirectly linked to the mass consciousness container system. Both of these connections involve copious thoughtforms and patterns of identity that both serve to shield and ground the incarnate being but also act to limited and possess the body container and energy-identity of the eternal spark that animates the body.

This cannot accurately be called you although it is a stable energy-identity from the point of view of a higher dimensional sense of reality which is to say when viewed absent it’s energetic holding containers. These holding containers are beliefs that combine to create a map of the self. This self is multidimensional and contains instructions for expansion and contraction as well as rules for types of connections as well as their intensity or character. Of all of these sets of relationships the most important arena or area of invitation is the egoic self, it is the most utilized program/software in fallen reality fields. How this manifests is not certain. Even from a higher dimensional perspective it is unknown why and how a false apprehension or clinging to identifying containers can and does create and/or allow infiltration or frequency disharmony. The point here is to note that knowing is not necessary to create solid state conversions or movements of consciousness to higher forms of unity expression at a stable level which is called being. What we are involved in is refining and expanding the power of intention and holding this intention within the godseed higher heart container to then move into an allowance or letting go within the trust-faith which is a belief, intention, pattern, frequency, architecture etc that coalesces into matter the highest outcome of our energy-intention.
When you are besieged remember to Be, that is simple way to say, “I trust that there is a part of me or of creation that will light the way.”           Sequoia Adashi Lotus Arayas
Many times the outcome can seem ineffectual, this is because we have identification with a wide range of activities behaviors thoughts that we maintain unknowing that they are not who we are, they are not the eternally liberated sovereign spirit of creation. Although we conceptually know this our ability to allow, let go of, and observe this is not exactly graceful. The level of grace we establish is formed by multiple vectors of belief or spokes of the wheel that is our karma at a higher level.At an embodied level these spokes of the miniwheel can be thought-statements such as, “I am god but not because I don’t realize x, y, and/or z” Many times our thoughts have an alternate expression and manifest as an energy drain to our overall aspiration. Therefore we are required to learn which is to energetically synthesize the perceptual avenues of our beliefs to then create a harmonic wave expression which can shapeshift and or transform at will that belief and many of those correlated spokes therefore every act we do can and does impact the totality of our awareness.
 The sum total of all our awareness is known as a lightbody quotient and contains the active potential of the embodied being to express it’s higher state. Thus consistency and attention to every little detail is the way any master teacher will instruct you toward because only the egoic mind is in a hurry, the higher mind knows itself as unity. So my encouragement is to let things fall away from you that would otherwise provoke fear or strain as releasing tension stored at multiple levels is an expression of the ultimate goal for an incarnate identity. Be chill, cool, be patient, and most of all move toward from your heart expression. Let the crystal of that godseed guide you and return to it whenever you are feeling lost or overwhelmed, you have all the comfort of home with you within these inner crystal halls of divine light, love, and harmony.

Sequoia Adashi Lotus Arayas