Sunday, July 17, 2016

DDiD: Dolly Howard with Guest: American Kabuki aka Terran

hour1/2/3 in audio-player:

On Saturday July 17th I did an interview with Dolly Howard of Wolf Spirit Radio, they asked me to stay for another show, and then another.  The interviews are pretty much contiguous, and it seemed to flow pretty well for at total 5 hours. That might be a new record for an interview, I don't know... LOL

I haven't done many radio shows, the last one I did was with Robert Potter in early 2015.  I had a real stage fright of radio back in 2012, and kind of depended on Brian Kelly for that sort of thing back then.

Much has transpired in the last 3 years, and I feel more comfortable doing interviews now.  I hope you enjoy these...  - Terran.
Saturday July 16, 2016
4-6 pm EST/1-3 pm PST

Tuesday, July 05, 2016

See ya at the end of 2017

 post restored after he, co-killer of max spiers , contacted/emailed my gf again  after long hiatus...

This one goes out to  "Jakub Gębala"  Especially... Specifically

ok. so us tried her way, that didn't work... out. now its my way you will have to deal.

Energetic Re-retribution,,, hasn't been... nor contribution. 

just i observe old habits rising again into now time....

so OK, you don't want to be authentic , real and able and be the change.... but/and continue to play and deceive and manipulate.

yet you wanna impregnate my GF (for coding) (didn't you ask/email her...)   and tell that your GF soon wife isn't able... to give.. yet she is.. so maybe problem is you... also... not her...  only.....

so next if you cannot comply to that that is asked than and assistance hereby stops in all the ways i have a say in.. and stand.

so if no change there will be , this is my Say.
there will be nothing between us and and co-op ends here. and will not change to the end of 2017 so it be.  i know the consequences it has for some "groups"whom mission time runs out end 2017, so OK. this effects the full 15D spectrum of your being/fam. and if that's the choice so be it.

So I've been kind enough and lenient... and patient long enough  hoping for better.... yet,.....

so think very well about your next actions... as they will effect your probabilities very majorly

so if you got anything to say: email me at and im sure your english is actually well enough... to converse in.

so we will see if you again become part of the problem or solution..

Signed RhA



Update 25-09-2016

more added here i will 2, re "barones"  as it connects...

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Energetic Synthesis: Soul Psychology - Newsletter - June 2016

June 2016
Soul Psychology

Lisa Renee
Dear Ascending Family,
“The soul becomes dyed with the colour of its thoughts.”
 ~ Marcus Aurelius, Meditations
The Controllers desperately want us to forget that we have Souls.  Even though we exist in a material world filled to the brim with many different kinds of Souls, Spirits and Consciousness, they would like us to forget our Soul. Tyrants cannot control our mind as easily, if we know how to connect with our Soul.

Without understanding the worldwide agenda of trauma based mind control, we cannot understand our participation in the constructs put in place to keep it going.  We become unknowing participants, in perpetuating these systems.  It is difficult to witness how many people on the spiritual path, and how many practitioners and session providers, have this blind spot, and are unable to see the pervasiveness of this agenda.  This newsletter will be a bit longer, in order to try and uncover this matrix of control, piece by piece, so we can no longer be fooled by it.

As an analogy, it is hard for those of us living today, to imagine a time when surgeons did not understand germs or wash their hands.  The first person to suggest a connection between invisible microbes and post-surgical infection was the laughing stock of his day.  Yet his patients did not end up with infections, and recovered much faster.  There is a connection between hidden forms of mind control, and the fact that so many humans are caught in pain traps and are being unknowingly manipulated by their sub-personalities.  When people become aware of this and can source manipulation, it ceases to have any control over them.  They also understand why it is crucial not to react to others out of anger or violence, which invites these dark forces in.  If we do not recognize and understand the dark forces, we cannot recognize and understand the light forces. 

The Border Guards, Monitoring the Matrix
We live during a time on the planet when the language used for public discourse, attempting to give some kind of expression to the existence, nature and experience of the Soul, Spirit or God, is twisted and manipulated in order to distort its true meaning.  When these consciousness experiences are described, anywhere in the mass media, they are immediately discredited, labeled as delusions in order to be discredited, or quickly defined and moved into the category of religion.  Those behind Global Mind Control do not want humanity to have the clarity, virtue, strength or peace that is gained from developing consciousness through exploring the inner spiritual relationship that comes with the Soul. They want to lull humanity into the great sleep of unconsciousness.

 The main Controller Pillars of Society expend tremendous amounts of resources to keep the human mind occupied on external and material things that keep us distracted and unable to look within. Distracting our mind with intense fears of survival, removes the creative potential for discovering our direct consciousness relationship with God, Soul and Spirit. To advance survival fears and poverty consciousness, the masses are brainwashed with very specific and limiting belief systems, which conveniently act as the self-enforcement policy for the consciousness enslavement of others. Humans in all cultures and walks of life, are mostly taught to victimize and ridicule people that want to explore ways to think for themselves.

The fields of Science and Medicine are aggressively monitored and regulated, as these mainstream world establishments are used to reinforce a variety of anti-Soul ideological beliefs into the public to help serve the NAA. The anti-Soul belief system requires terminating progress or credible evidence which could prove that states of consciousness or Soul exist. This includes the consistent elimination of the acquisition of any evidence-based knowledge that recognizes nature, animals and other life forms as fully sentient beings. There are many areas in scientific investigation that are not approved for public dissemination, and thus "white paper" research in these fields are heavily controlled and compartmentalized.

During and after the World Wars, aggressive social engineering agendas were put into place by the NAA Controller secret societies through the medical and scientific communities that had started to form the field of Psychology. Consequently, the academic and clinical disciplines of Psychology use the medical model and are therefore pathology oriented, which completely ignores the energetic reality of consciousness, and the nature of the Soul. During this Ascension cycle, we must help each other to understand the implication that this has upon humanity, and to redefine the nature and existence of the Soul inside Psychology. This begins by understanding the history and the intentions behind the field of Psychology that exists today.  The Soul is the essence of who we are, and it is that part of us which focuses upon the most authentic part of our true nature. For true healing to occur, the Soul is the part of us that is the most powerful in effecting mental shifts and behavioral changes, and can greatly improve our self-esteem and self-confidence.

Sunday, June 05, 2016


1 from the: 12 Twelve Attitudes And Twelve Responsibilities of Mastery


Our present society continually teaches us to "want more," "need more," "be more," "do more" etc. We are constantly influenced to perceive what is lacking in order to motivate us to buy more, work more, pay more taxes and be "good little consumer sheep." Very rarely do we stop to think about all that we DO have, beginning with the gift of Life and mental free will choice.

Through this disoriented perceptual filter we can cultivate a 'full-blown' mutation of mental consciousness. In this mutated consciousness, we begin to believe that "we are entitled," that "someone OWES-us" (GOD, the Universe, our parents, spouse, children, employer, government, etc....). Once we fall into this "You OWE me" mind trap, we set ourselves up for continuing self-created frustration, as we place unrealistic and untrue expectations upon life, others and ourselves. We can also often get mighty angry or hurt when we find the universe does not conform to our imagined "pictures." No one OWES us anything! If we feel we are "owed," then we are entertaining LACK CONSCIOUSNESS and a void within the Self is being recognized.

If we give to another in order to RECEIVE for ourselves (such as do banks, and often parents, spouses or lovers), and the other does not "pay back" what we expected to receive, we may feel cheated, "taken advantage of," or "owed." In fact, these situations often emerge in our lives as lessons to teach us that giving should be done for the GIVING ALONE, and not for the expected return.

If we give what we desire to give, for the joy of giving, we do not feel owed. If we live for the joy of living, without forcing our demands or expectations upon life, we will not feel that "life has short changed us!" It matters not what your neighbor possesses, because in comparing ourselves to each other to see how we "measure up" to each other, we are in effect, continually being distracted from seeing and utilizing the blessings that are our own. If we can work to cultivate the ability to APPRECIATE even the smallest of gifts, blessings and gestures, we will begin to create a life that is at least "half full" instead of "half empty." In terms of universal physics, what you focus your attention upon expands, what you resist persists and what you do not give the energy of Appreciation to will eventually de-manifest right out of your experience.

When you approach the world through the chosen filter of genuine GIVING, you are in effect, being an "electrical transmitter," sending energy out to the world around you. When you release electrical energy in this way, you become more "magnetic," as the sending out of energy creates magnetic vortices within the Diodic Grid of your Kathara anatomy.

The "magnetized" Diodic points then draw in more universal energy supply, at a higher frequency and quality than the expressed energy, to re-fill the energy void created by the "giving." When you
approach the world with the attitude of "getting," this natural physics process becomes inverted. The more you try to "pull" energy from the outside world, the more your energy becomes "stuck" in the Diodic Grid as miasms. The miasms progressively reduce the quantity and lower the frequency of the natural energies you can internally draw from the universal supply. Giving, even in its simplest form of giving Appreciation, keep the natural energy flow moving. Whatever you give out will return to you amplified. This also works in reverse, however, and giving out a bad attitude of ego, arrogance and "garbage" will cause more of the same to flow your way. Appreciate what you have. LOVE IT, find perspectives through which the joy of it can be known, and know that in the act of genuine Appreciation itself, you will set loose the powers o manifesting more of what you desire and less of the illusion of lack. The "Universe Owes Me" mind trip is one of the most powerful self-sabotage games in the world. Trade it in for consistent Appreciation and your world will progressively expand to hold the reality of the things you most desire. If you feel put upon by the world, and resentful for having your desires unmet, YOU OWE YOURSELF SOMETHING! You owe yourself a greater understanding of the nature of creation and better use of your personal power within the life creation game. SAY THANK YOU to the GOD-SOURCE more often help yourself remember what things you have to appreciate, and many more of the kind will be sent along your way.

©A'shayana & A'zahyana Deane. 2009, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MeED Freedom Teachings ® Series