Sunday, April 10, 2016

Simon Parkes Connecting Consciousness show 2016-04-03

Notes (from/ via:

Please listen to the 1:56-hour Q&A here at Studio9Jam. I have some notes but they are not comprehensive; comments in ochre are my own.
  • Certain elements of Elite families called for extraordinary Council meeting in May, to be held in Britain, to push for some dramatic action this year
  • Governor of Bank of England says this year "the boomerang will return", referring to boomerang recession; they are intending to engineer crash in housing market in Western world in order to buy up properties ie. real wealth
  • 10/12 and 4/10 dates covertly hidden in TV shows and movies ~ do they have anything to do with Passover 2017? Yes, just like Olympics logo spelt “Zion” (2012)
  • Does the double 7 symmetery in Simon's email mean anything? That's Simon's birthdate (7 September) but from Reptilian perspective, 6 is number for“gods”, 7 is for “male” and 8 is for “female”; September is “septem” which is 7 in Latin; also “Simon” adds up to 7, “Parkes” adds up to 7
  • Reptilians have incarnated here in an effort to change their direction; what each Soul does in his or her lifetime energetically influences other realms
  • Is it possible to contact Star Family to mentor us? Mentoring is good idea since they are millions of years ahead of us, but you need to ask your own Soul if the “mentor” is positive for you as well as Humanity, without being subservient or giving Sovereignty away.
  • Can pure 100% essential oils actually heal and not just treat symptoms? It's not the oils themselves, it's the practitioner behind them that heal; the energies of the practitioner manipulates the energies of the oils and opens up the connection; commercial oils not suitable. Since we are in 3D Planet, many people need a “bridge” such as oils, crystals, sound etc between physical body and healing energy
  • Symptoms for jinn possession and depression are same. How to tell the difference? It depends on how much the conscious mind is aware of the situation; they will know something is wrong but can't quite identify the reason; Simon will take them through list of questions to determine the situation ~ he won't be able to assist with clinical depression. Some of these demons can be chameleon-like and alter their frequency to mimic their host's, to prevent detection
  • Significance of 33?  3 + 3 = 6, this has to do with the way Planet spins/tilts. They look at the energy behind numbers, therefore leylines and certain geographical locations become key places eg. Bank of England built on important energy leyline to corrupt the energy for financial gains. Any coordinates that add up to significant numbers are of interest to elite ~ they understand energy
  • Simon quotes Russian oligarch's (Dr Alexander Golod?) experiments with Pyramids as example of how energy science works ~ hardened prisoners who ingested salt placed in the Pyramids exhibited greatly reduced negative behaviour (see this for more details); this is just one example of healing energies being suppressed but are being used by elites.
@ 38:50-minute mark
  • Questioner observed three yellow orbs, how to determine which Star Race they come from? Simon answered, "Look at the Star Family that you are from" as a possibility. The orbs are automated inspection drones/sensors which are usually in infrared light spectrum. If they are visible, then it's likely they wish to be seen. Simon thinks they could be either Pleiadian or Reptilian but he requires more information to be certain
  • Books, movies, TV such as Jupiter Ascending, Stargate, Star Trek, Ascension, Contact, Extant ~ do they have good or bad intent? Not all directors/producers are corrupt but many are "briefed". This should not stop them from inserting their own elements into the production as a wake-up call, while still following given parameters. Stanley Kubrick was given carte blanche in "2001" but when revealed too much in "Eyes Wide Shut", he was subsequently murdered and the film modified
  • Jehovah Witness, Mormons and other sects ~ you need to understand what happened in order to successfully deprogram; intention and free will not enough to protect you. Top 2 - 3% of Jehovah Witness understand Jehovah to be non-human Reptilian god. Their recruiters have piercing, hypnotic eyes for a reason
  • Is Jehovah Yahweh, Anu? Is he Archon or Reptilian? Simon thinks it's one of the sons, but isn't 100% certain. For those who escaped such sects, think of it as an important personal journey and learning process, they are the stronger for it.
@55:25-minute mark
  • When will truth about cancer cure be revealed? When all the rest of hidden truths are revealed, when elite structure falls. Simon hoping 2016-2017
  • Questioner has long question, which includes "growling" in heart ~ Simon requests that questioner contacts him because "growling" is sure sign of possession
  • 3 days of darkness ~ Simon doesn't subscribe to this, he believes there will be an energy wave on its way and that Light Forces are working their socks off to protect the Planet
  • Jonathan Reed case of 1996 ~ Simon has no information on this
  • What triggered the collapse of Mar's magnetic field? It didn't just lose its magnetic field, it lost its oceans as well,which got caught in Earth's gravity. One part of Earth's crust is a quarter of the average, this is where it took the anti-matter nuclear blast; also Earth has more water than land, it was originally 50-50. A Pleiadian/Lyran task force had to neutralise very nasty nest of Reptilians who were using Maldek (which was close to Mars) as staging point for potential attacks, which would have swung the battle in Reptilians' favour. This occurred millions of years ago. Win Keech (who was on the recent Roundtable with Simon and others) has waking memories of this. Many innocents perished as well, that's why many Pleiadians carry this huge karma; the movie Ender's Game, where the whole Planet was destroyed, is reminiscent of this trauma
  • Psychic energy is released upon death, which is why the dark harnesses it for negative purposes. 
  • Red Sea ~ occurred about a hundred thousand years ago; this small body of water was unable to repair itself from effects of warfare as it's not connected to a bigger water source to replenish it; it didn't get to heal and still holds that energy from that time
  • Sleep ~ what happens when we sleep? Do we need sleep? Will we need less if we raise our vibrations? When we sleep, we connect to Source, replay what's occurred and reaffirm what's to come, we receive codes of information. If we don't sleep and therefore don't receive the encoding for the following day, we will feel the adverse effects both spiritually and physically. That's why the dark attack people during sleep to hack into this channel and release false information or memories. Soul craves connection to Source therefore we need to shut down daily
  • Questioner asks significance of dream about Ascension, which included seeing auras and a scruffy biker who had Soul of gold. People who form groups or clubs with alternative lifestyle, as well as those who go off-grid, have separated themselves from soceity's controls and are awake. Questioner could be on verge of breaking free, and may meet someone who will help her on this path. Seeing auras mean becoming psychic. Also look at people who are in your circle to determine who's holding you back and who's taking you forward. 
  • Man-made craft that go out into Space have alien back-engineered magnetic field/shield that repel small meteorites/debris
  • Becoming Intergalactic Coach? Think back to childhood to determine if such experience has occurred, or get in touch with Contactees like Simon. Also can intend, without greed or fear, to be bridge between two types of energy (waning/growing) and to allow that which is changing to merge with that of the future; if it's meant to be then it's meant to be. Some people, when in non-awake states, already do such things without their conscious knowledge. Simon relates account of lady who gave hybrids driving lessons at 2 or 3am, and she wasn't aware of this experience
  • Many people have such experiences (whether in this dimension or another) without being aware of them; a clue would be when one wakes up from sleep but feels like they've climbed Mt Everest. 
  • Simon relates the relevance of protocols when interacting with other Races. He doesn't think any current leader, apart from Putin, who is qualified to represent the Human Race. That's one reason why we've yet to have open Contact; the Higher Beings would not be able to directly assist Humanity if representative has selfish intentions (case in point being Valiant Thor's failed attempts)
  • Simon has been in politics, so he knows how it doesn't. JKF's assassination is an example of what happens to a leader who tries to work outside the system.  System needs to be fundamentally changed before Contact can be made.
 @ 1:40:50-hour
  • Nature vs. AI ~ Pleiadians via Barbara Marciniak described a group of people, incarnated on Earth, who are willing to incorporate AI into their bodies ~ is this a specific Soul group or are they more susceptible to such programming? How do we retain our organic nature? Simon makes very detailed and impassioned plea to beware of the Transhumanism/AI agenda (please listen for details, which includes programming Humanity to consider AI/robotics in our bodies as a positive thing)
  • Greatest threat to Humanity isn't Reptilians, it's Archonic AI; Reptilians are just as manipulated as we are
  • 75% of genuine channellers have their information hacked
  • Does Simon remember any other past-life apart from Adam? Yes, one as a Hybrid during the time of the Sphinx with "Mum, one with "Dad", during Biblical times, and the most recent one in 1799.

Saturday, March 26, 2016

Adashi Order: Awake and aware

 Spirituality is not about meditation, cosmic knowledge, or enlightenment experiences, it is about being a living unity system. What I mean by that is pretty simple, it is reorienting your consciousness from an I first mentality to an equilibrium of Us. Having awareness and making changes in your life toward this equilibrium is grassroots spirituality. The fact of the matter is human life is incredibly out of balance and sitting in a room doing yoga and meditating for four hours a day may bring about a similar set of changes but those changes are created in an semi-artificial state one that is not reflective of the surrounding context, and as such those changes become impossible to maintain when there is connection to other reality fields or people.

Being spiritual is what we are all meant to be, it is our purpose to live from a place of rich connectivity. We are now in a world state that requires a progressive movement or return to our root/tribal self. What that means on an individual level is that we have the opportunity to reassess and choose again the world we want to create and that begins here. I am here with you so let’s begin again right now. Take a deep breath and relax. As an American my first feeling is that I don’t feel connected either to the land or to people. Part of this is internet based connectivity, we are quite good at connecting to each others superficial thoughts and emotions as a result of technology centered communication. The second part is that some part of our disconnection is that our culture was not born on this land and so the land itself is not impregnated with years upon years of our deeply rooted desire to survive and understand our existence, unfortunately Americans of the past destroyed the people who had this connection; those Americans were entirely ignorant of any kind of harmonious unity and they did not benefit from the wisdom of sustainable living. If we are to regain an authentic sense of self part of that journey involves recreating a better relationship with the land we live on.

Many movements seek to recreate these connections from shifting to simple living, going vegan, vegetarian, or doing your utmost to be fully sustainable. All of these choices will help to reorient you to a state that is spiritual and incredibly transformative. One of the reasons for it is that from an unconscious level human beings are aware that they are not benefiting the planet, that our society is taking and destroying rather than growing and nurturing the world. There is a sense of guilt and regret lurking beneath the surface of the mass consciousness identity as a result of this imbalance. You participate in this identity moreover there is both a lack of energy and the power of self-sovereignty connected to any being who is not living in oneness with the world. Spend twice as much time outside then inside just watching nature or walking in it and consider this place without the buildings and roads and feel what it is like to grow close to the world.

There is great beauty and a tangible power in being at one with nature. This simple act can help you create a step in the direction of becoming an embodied spiritual being and eventually move into a place where you do not consume animal products. This step has been a part of many buddhist and religious sects for a reason. That reason is that consuming animal products means you are contributing to an incredible range of resource abuses connecting to agricultural practices and processing. The psychospiritual element of this is that when you cease seeing animals as products you can learn and appreciate them in an entirely different light and you recognize them as sentient beings with just as much a right to space and life as you. Look into the products you consume and use and support local sources as well as companies that exist with as much similarity to your beliefs as you can find. All of the small acts will position your consciousness is a peak positive state you will know and feel that you are giving your best, that you are contributing to the planet and you can then begin to help others reach this same space by maintaining awareness and continuing to stay in balance with creation. When you enter your meditations from this place you bring to your practice all the power you have from being a source of creative light moving on its way to mastery like the giving flames of a sun. This is absolutely essential to being wholly embodied and absolutely exquisite to participate in any level of equal exchange with creation. Give back what you have received, know what you do receive and give again. Rinse wash and repeat, this task will never tire or bore you it will only uplift your spirit

Adashi Order: Meditative Space

March 25, 2016

Setting your intent
Your mind is full, as is mine, so prior to beginning any meditative act you ought to prepare yourself.

Preparation for meditation is most traditions is quite ritualistic but the essence of the actions are quite effectual. Essentially you want to take a deep breath and say something like, “I am here to listen and to understand myself and the harmonious interconnectivity, the living unity of creation.” Then exhale.
On your next slow inhale concentrate your attention inside of your pineal gland and on the next slow exhale move down your central vertical column traveling within the silver cord all the way down to the earth core. You don’t have to try, just take as many breaths as you need to reach the center of the earth, when you arrive you will know, as you will feel the earth acknowledging you and sending you a subtle return frequency which will give you a sensation of stability, grounding, and connection.

Now fill the energy body or alternate sense of self that you are down in the earth by abiding in the peace of the internal planetary body. As you begin to create a stronger frequency interaction with the planetary body you may notice that your physical body goes through a range of shifting sensations as your connection lines are brought into alignment. Be there in the planet sharing in the kinship with the earth and all her creatures, plants, and minerals. Ask for an expansion of your energy frequency, consciousness stream, and lightbody. Allow the Earth to open the conduits of higher dimensionality and breath the honorable and pure intentions you have to share in this process to aid yourself individual and the planet collectively. When sufficient energy has been drawn into your energy body or “imagined sense of self” draw this concentrated quantum light back up the central vertical column into your physical body.

Continue draw in in the energy up your silver core and chakra column until your chakras have opened and their spin rates have been adjusted. When this occurs draw your attention to your feet and breathe in the earth energy and imagine or watch the pale gold blue magenta frequencies unfold beneath your feet activating and suffusing your 12th dimensional frequency shield. Once this frequency center has been invigorated and infused with life force then begin breathing that energy (mixed with the platinum white energy coming from the earth) drawing it upward through your chakra column up the ida and pingala current lines. Repeat this step until your kundalini currents have been saturated with the 3-fold living frequencies of higher consciousness. Then create a copy of your 12th dimensional frequency center and send it upward above your head a few feet. Establish a resonance between the upper and lower frequency shields by creating a swirling column of platinum infused energy.

Next draw your silver cord current of energy upward from the planet core and project it to Andromeda on a soft but forceful exhale(s) until you feel connection with the higher consciousness of your original system or universal home. This will often times be experienced as a scintillating platinum blue sapphire light stream or a white gold current of energy. When this energy has been contacted suffused your auric field and individuals chakras with it by drawing the inhale in to the chakra you are filling and then allowing your exhale to diffuse the frequency out of the front and back chakra cones.

Once that has been done you are ready to meditate. You are protected and infused with all the higher consciousness frequency you require to voyage or work on your personal body or the planetary body and beyond.

This example is one way to properly shield yourself and harmonize your mind for meditation or gridwork. The key to continuing a successful practice is partly about technique but more about generating clear intentions and abiding in the initial waveform of understanding that enlightened cosmic nature is inherent to all of existence. This recognition will immediately create a mind state of lightedness, a mixture of respect, love, joy, peace, clarity, & kindness.

more on his website posted

Chakra Depolarizing

In Meditation, Technique by admin
Chakra Depolarization infuse the 12d shield center 1 foot below you with your breath-energy & intend to fuse available elements of polarized embodied consciousness. casually join the energies you’ve chosen to work on in clear platinum space. Set a CCW spin spiral and breath your 12d platinum pillar into manifest reality. breathe a few times further connecting your energy intent …

Sun Fire. 8th dimensional chakra infusion.

In Meditation, Technique by admin
8D Chakra Infusion; Sun Fire Technique visualize a sphere of clockwise CW rotating platinum light between the third and fourth chakras within the center of the central vertical energy column CVC. on inhale enter the visualised spherical architecture & on the exhale add your awareness and breath-energy to the enhance the spin, speeding it up and concentrating energy within. next …