Thursday, February 11, 2016

Avalon Sol: Manifest reality now

 Emerald Guardians Note I( Not all info below is correct in my eyes/view, and misses key newer-time/status info and thus makes wrong assumptions  and things that are not valid no more. )

(ADDON/UDDATE:   Avalon Sol   February 18 at 11:18pm 
New Information Coming In Now
I have some good news and some bad news regarding the ascension schedule that earth humans are going to be happy to hear, but that Parallel Earth humans wouldn't be so much. There is a lot of information to process to get it all straight, but the invisible war took another turn yet again. I will be back in a few days to update with all the up to the minute intel after dozens of hours of information I will have to sift through.
Hang in there, things just got better. All love,

MANIFEST REALITY NOW / Avalon Sol    -   at 10:43am · 
And what do I mean by that exactly? How does one change this Chimera reality field literally? According to new-age spirituality, it means ignoring the horrors of what actually happens on your city streets, ignoring the racism, the hatred and the deceit fed to you every moment of every single day of your lives, and vibrate in joy. 

That's it. Just act like it all doesn't exist, and viola', you are vibrating on a higher level of frequency, and you will surely ascend. You have to, because in your world there are no dangers to avoid, you simply take your fears, your worries about what has happened to you every day of your life, place them into the hands of your higher self, and like magic, you are a higher being. 

It is TIME that you have TRUTH instead of fantasy. If you haven't been told yet, the paradigms of religion and faith on this planet are PROGRAMS designed through countless hundreds of millions of hours of careful scripting, quantum-command programming to create an artificial reality field before you, and a nearly flawless process for you to follow that will ensure that your next day will be exactly like yesterday where your insurance bill comes due 2 hours after your transmission goes out in your car that allows you to make just enough money to scrape by until the next payday, and now you have no way to make your bills, your boyfriend cheats on you with your sister, you get mugged at the ATM when you cash your check, and the cycle repeats over and over and over. New-age Spirituality is NO LESS a perfected script to hypnotize you into believing that you can live right there where you always have and you can make everything suddenly "right", if you simply "let go" of your worries, and hand them off to your higher self. Here's a little secret, "higher self" is two words to spell the word GOD of your bible programs. And there is no difference whatsoever between the dead sea scrolls, the torah, the bible and the other thousands of other religious texts that claim to be "the way" to enlightenment. Every. Single. One. Is fake. 

And by what authority do I say such things? If you don't know where this voice came from by now, then you have more research to do. We are the Guardian Alliance and bring you the unedited history of your creation since trillions of years prior to your project ever even began. We can tell you where your creationary template came from originally, who decided to advance it, where it was advanced, what changes were made to it, and why. When we report to you that all of your faiths on this planet that have been created to supplant the original HANDBOOK of your creation, the Law of ONE teachings, are extremely complex Cymatic scalar-wave brain-washing technologies, we are not guessing. 

You are never going to "get there" to your "happy place" by ignoring reality around you. You are never going to get to bliss by pawning off your problems to "god", "higher self", "source" or even "satan". There is no one single thing I have been repeatedly informed of by higher dimension than the need for the Angelic Human evolution to take responsibility for themselves. Not one. And trust me, there are many issues surrounding the dire and slim possibilities that face the ascension of this evolution that are stark, and vast. If you refuse to take responsibility for your own manifest experience, then you will have no one, anywhere, who is going to help you here, including your higher self. Who's hands, by the way, are TIED when it comes to helping you find your way out of this prison that you have gotten yourselves into if you refuse to do so. 

When I say that, there are going to be many of you who are going to feel that as an indictment meaning you are all morons and deserve this punishment. But it is not meant in that light. What this means is this: You were captured. Your DNA was distorted, cutting off your awareness from your higher-self connection. You were handed an artificial body. That body was fitted with an artificial brain between your pineal gland TRUE viewing eye and your TRUE mind, your heart, which has every synaptic-nerve structure of your "brain". You were placed in a prison cell with invisible bars. Then you were subjected to something that had NEVER been part of your contract, DEATH every 70 years or so, ending up with your awareness in a new fetus, with your mind wiped clean of all your past life experiences.......

This terrifying reality happened. That part is over. Accept it. Now, from your prison cell, knowing you were INNOCENT from the outset, how are you going to find yourself free once again? Because here is the BIG SECRET, no one is coming to save you. 

And what you are thinking now is, then if no one is coming to save me, who the hell is the voice then? The voice is a WAYSHOWER ONLY, not a savior. Not god. Not salvation. The only thing we can do here is show those who are AWAKE where the door is and how to turn the knob. And this means that only those who have ACCEPTED their situation and decided to educate themselves on the hidden secrets of "reality", will have any chance to actually make this ascension. 

I have been holding numerous private counselings over the past week, and one thing I have found to be a common thought in people here (when I say "people", I mean humans. The Indigos who come to me already know differently.) is that somehow there is such a thing as "entitlement to ascension". That if you merely are a "good person", and don't "sin", then you WILL ascend at the end of this Stellar Activation Cycle, because after all, that's fair right?

Mortal manifestation is not some sort of carnival ride where you are guaranteed safe exit from the Scrambler cage at the end of your excursion, there are no such things as guarantees here that you will find your own Signature Spirit Essence Awareness in a state of "ascended master", just because you didn't "sin" and was a good boy. It doesn't work like that, and it certainly won't work like that now that you are not only inside of mortal manifest form, but you are also a prisoner who has had your DNA template you originally signed up for, nearly destroyed. If the DNA of your plasma body cannot resonate at a much higher vibration than the template that you have been handed here by 12/21/22, then there will be no such thing as your ever "moving forward". It is considered effectively impossible. Something I have been tip-toeing around now since my contract was activated because it was just so harsh, and brutal, I didn't want to talk about it. 

Now I am.
The Peak of your ascension cycle is 12/21/17. What does this really mean? It means that on that day, your parallel planet, Phantom Earth will complete its full process of phase-shifting into your reality field. If you don't know by now after the many proofs we have posted about the reality of such planet's existence, then you need to read down our wall here. And we would suggest, now. When that happens, your parallel self who is just as real on that planet as you are on this one, will phase-shift fully into your body and for a moment, the two of your very real selves will become one. Your parallel self was created so you could repair your DNA twice as fast than if you were simply "one person" in manifestation trying to assemble your next higher strand, allowing you to move out of this prison dimension, because that "phantom" self has been restoring the OVERTONES to your DNA strands in a higher frequency spectrum on antiparticle earth, while you have been restoring your UNDERTONES of your DNA here on particle earth. That means at that moment, your frequency will be the highest level by FAR than what it has ever been before, and vastly closer to actually making the ascent, which IS NOT a "birthright". 

When the full connection will be made between your "shadow" self and your "real" self (the one where half of your consciousness has been "here" all along), then both will be "one" at that moment, vibrating at a frequency you have never dreamed of before. IF that frequency is high enough, then you will have the opportunity to ascend. And it WILL BE the first time in more than 10,500 years where that will have been possible because the SEALS that have been placed on your ET-distorted DNA will drop off, the Seal of Amenti and the Seal of Palaidor. Seals placed there by your immediate founding fathers of the Oraphim Angelics and the leading arm of the Guardian Alliance, the Ra Confederacy who's only goal is to see that your ultra-powerful Grail Line DNA from the Elohim lineage never reaches the interstellar communities without first embodying the Law of ONE. Because if you brought the power of the command of the full standing energy fields of god-source to the cosmayas without being able to handle it with unconditional love for your fellow faces of god, it could lead to chaos that cannot be explained in this article. 

You have until then to repair your DNA. No one is going to come down here and force you to repair it. If you want to move forward, now is the time, and this is the last time you will ever be offered ascension. This is the LAST Stellar Activation Cycle for the Gaia Time Matrix that is now in fall. In less than 200 years from this date, this Time Matrix WILL IMPLODE. And no, this is NOT fear porn. This is the cold, hard facts regarding what you are actually facing right now. If you are NOT ready to ascend on that date, you will have another 5 years to embody the Law of ONE and assemble your higher strand of DNA up to at least 3 1/2, so you can be moved from here to either the Median Earth location of the 4th dimension, or to a 3 1/2 dimension safe zone for assisted repair of your next half-strand in Middle Earth, you have heard referred to as Agartha. 

The ascension mechanics training you need to get here is available in the teachings of E'Asha Ashayana Dean and down our wall or by one on one in a scheduled consultation being offered now with the voice in return for a very small donation for the sanctuary in order to simply keep the lights on. If you ignore this message and choose to believe you are entitled to ascend "just because" you didn't rape your neighbors, then you will find out soon that isn't true. You don't get a cookie just because you weren't a thug here. 

Your particle earth is currently being moved to the Aqueous Sun Time Matrix as host planet for dimensions 4,5 and 6. Your parallel earth will be moved on 12/21/22 to the Weasadex Phantom Matrix for perpetual enslavement of those who are unwilling to awake now and physically repair their DNA through learning and receiving the training needed to bring their frequencies up high enough to harmonize with the 4th dimension. And that stay there is virtually guaranteed to be a permanent one, as far as your Signature Frequency Essence "personality" is concerned. Because there is effectively no way your awareness as "you" will ever make it back to the Deity Planes with any of your past life memories called Soul Essence. And no, this is not a guess, I am not giving you my "theory" on how this works. I have one job here, and that is to flatly tell you the truth whether you like it or not. There will be no patty-cake here. This is last-second guerrilla warfare, and the time has long since past for tea and crumpets. 

When you spend hours a day putting on your makeup, messing around with the PTA, wasting time on the golf course, shopping for the latest fashion wear, and involving yourself in earth-level, day-to-day distractions, you are giving away the last minutes you have now to prepare your plasma body for something it is NOT ready for yet. This education process to repair DNA as distorted as that of the Angelic Human Krystos' takes a 100 YEARS typically to accomplish. And yes, we do have these numbers, since this is only one of TRILLIONS of evolutions that have taken place and it is NOT NEW to the cosmayas to have to repair bioformed DNA. It is new to YOU only. We have put in place many strategies in order to accelerate your evolution so you can make this final Activation Cycle on this date and are here EN MASS to educate you as quickly as possible, but without your ACTIVE participation in the repair process, you WILL NOT be moving forward. 

Not a very "new agy" peace-love-dove message, is it? Its time the gloves come off and we hand you only raw data now without the flowers and box of chocolates. 

And this all comes back to that one point, taking responsibility for your own ascension, your own life and your own actions. As long as you remain living in the big city designed as a rat trap where the rats have to eat each other in order to have enough room to survive, then you are not taking responsibility for your own personal frequency. If you have to flip off, honk at, and curse your fellow commuter in impossible traffic for an hour and a half every day just to get to work and back, your frequency WILL NEVER be high enough to pass from this dimension. Unless you place yourself in an environment where you can love others all day everyday because they aren't "in your way", blocking you from making enough money to pay the extortion fees of the IRS, corrupt cops, judges, attorneys, the DMV, insurance companies, etc. etc. as the Chimera Reality goes here, then you can consider the way of life you experience now, how it will be from here on out until your awareness leaves manifestation altogether and re-enters the Deity Planes as space dust, or the Standing Energy particles of god-source with no recollection of who you ever were before, because that is how god-source recycles itself anew. 

Everything is a cycle. Not some things. And your personality here is something that can be either salvaged from this prison, or it can cease to exist as you are now, and you can re-educate your collective "particle" of god-source as a brand new being later down the road after a thousand, million, billion or trillions of years from now in service to your captors in the Weasadex Time Matrix. Not fear-mongering, just fact-telling. I have avoided this subject largely because it is so dark when our work here is to bring the true light of your possible next move for your awareness. But now is the time, and you finally know. 

This is the call. You will either want to know what I have been given by your founders over the past 17,000 hours of education for this journey, or you won't. You will hear these words or you will be in complete denial about their authenticity. This is only one of billions of such extractions that have had to play out in the hundreds of trillions of evolutions of creations before you that have had to take place in the never-ending cycle of manifestation. It is not new. But you have been separated from every shred of such information before this time, making it nearly impossible for you to comprehend that it is all factually true. If you want to hear my detailed story about how I was contacted in person on this plain, how my contract was activated to do this work at the end of your long cycle, if you want to learn ascension mechanics, heal your plasma body or heal your physical Avatar and learn more about what is actually real inside of your Chimera existence, you might want to schedule a time to conference with me on Skype. The time is now. The long cycle is now over. The Stellar Activation Cycle began over 3 years ago. There will not be another one for your seedings. This is the very last attempt to bring the Turanuesiam Project Angelics to fruition for entry into the IAFW (Interdimensional Association of Free Worlds). It is not a joke and these claims are not theory. It is now up to you to either take responsibility for your manifest reality by learning the truth, or not. 

All love,
Avalon Sol

Emerald Guardians Note II:

Thanks also for the OVERTONES/Strands info , 
as i detected in my own template an issue in 3rd strand 7th overtone only. 
rest all.. good wink emoticon 
 (as i did find this in my KS/FT archive 

3rd DNA strand manifested without 7-12 basetones
 resulting in geneticmutation. 
These gaps in DNA caused memory loss between 
concious awarenessand astral awareness 
causing distortion/loss in dream re-call. (Frequency fence)

The ego (5 senses) and the higher-self (10-12 overtone frequency) were now split/seperated.]

1 to 12 check check 

Working with the Eckasha Rha 
will also  progressively clear/heal 
distortions in PCM/PKA template.

Signed Rha 

Energetic Synthesis: Discerning Energy Distribution

by Lisa Renee, Energetic Synthesis / Time Shift Blog

February 8, 2016

Our nervous system is entirely responsible for the functioning of whether or not we are capable to receive, transmit and decipher higher frequency impulses and intelligent energy communications. During the Ascension cycle, our planet and humanity is exposed to an entirely new set of frequencies, coding and consciousness that is being transmitted from the Sun, Stellar bodies, as well as, from higher consciousness bodies designed to awaken humanity.  Further, if we can access these energies we are capable to be of service to the whole by anchoring them within our Lightbody, which then allows us to ground them into access within the planetary body grid system. If these frequencies are carried into access points that can run these intelligent energies of Krystal coding through the planetary grid network, it allows other human beings anywhere on the globe to access them much easier. Humans may not realize that intelligent higher consciousness coding is spreading onto the planetary grid network, and this potentially can change the way a person thinks, behaves and perceives reality. An individual person in Australia undergoing spiritual awakening, may not realize that many awakened groups of people on the earth have actually been running that frequency into the planet in order to catalyze their awakening. Most people feel their awakening very intimately and do not realize it was stimulated by their interconnection to their fellow human beings holding points of light on the grid, that have awakened in prior ascension waves. When we are capable to hold higher frequency, we can potentially change the morphogenetic field of the collective consciousness on the earth, and this builds a gradual domino effect of global awakening. Nothing can change the truth that we are all interconnected and energetically impacted by the actions and choices of others, and this will be reflected as either choices for the greater good of all or for selfish motivations.

However, if our brain or nervous system is being used to run spiritually destructive behaviors, involving ourselves in petty emotional dramas, manipulations and fear based programs, we will not have the energy available to receive or conduct these higher frequencies. We can be blocked from receiving these higher frequencies even when we are directly exposed to them, from excessive distraction in materialism, or uncleared accumulated negativity. There is tremendous amount of chaotic forces being purposely spread in order to confuse, obfuscate, distract and trap the masses into very low frequency behaviors that continually drain their energies. Forces of chaos are used both to instigate energy distraction into feeding fear programming, but also to energetically harvest people to play out emotional theatrics and focus all their time on meaningless pursuits. Additionally, on planet earth we are exposed to an array of neurological toxins designed to impair the organic functioning of the autonomic nervous system and keep brain wave activity in high stress states. Pharmaceuticals, vaccinations, chemtrails, ELF, radio wave and wi-fi exposures, genetic modified foods, preservatives, aspartame and recreational drugs are all designed to impair or damage the nervous system over a period of time with continued exposure, dulling the higher sensory ability and suppressing consciousness of the human being. When we become aware of the potentially harmful effects hidden inside the push of mass consumerism, we can make better choices to protect ourselves and our energies from being unconsciously drained by these forces using consumptive modeling to push their products on us.

If our nervous system is intercepted or interfered with via extremely low frequencies (ELF) or radio waves that use blocking transmitter technology, auric harness or mind control programming frequencies, it jams up the energy receiver antennae of our nervous system. This means our brain picks up static noise and confusing states of racing thoughts from the collective consciousness programs that further scramble our multidimensional perception. Mind control technology is used to promote use of the negative ego in the public, so once a person masters the discipline over impulses and qualities of negative ego, they can avoid being controlled by these fear based thought programs being broadcasted. If our higher consciousness reception is scrambled from excessive fear based thinking, we lose coherence and this scrambles our brain processing and its ability to signal to our cells and DNA. This describes how humanity arrived at the current state of our disconnection on the planet, with most of our usable DNA scrambled and unplugged through blocking nerve synapses from firing in our brain and cultivating a society of destructive behaviors that lead to nerve damage. We are entering a time of support for nervous system regeneration on the planet, and we can participate with these increasing healing frequencies as we choose.

As a result, during the last months many of us have been sensing upgrades and repairs to the nadial complex areas located behind our heart chakra. The Nadial System refers to the entire Nadial Complex, Nadial Plexus, the Nadial Body and its Nadis Capsule. The Nadial System is the entire system of the etheric blueprint body of the soul matrix which is responsible for our physical bodies Central Nervous System functioning and its relationships to send messaging to the Brain. Nadial complex repair circumvents harmful messaging that sources from alien machinery that may be implanted  in the Nadial Complex, that is disrupting the life force energies existing in the atomic body. This body is located in the first dimension, which interfaces with the planetary body and earth core. The 1D Atomic Body layer also connects to the Soul Matrix parallel dimension, and this is an area of vulnerability to astral layer exploitation from dark forces. Atomic repair is also to remove transposition filters that steal life force or create drains at the unconscious mind or Root Chakra levels in a person’s lightbody. These harnesses or filters are generally located in the root areas of an individual lightbody, are designed to overtake the autonomic nervous system functions, and are implanted from the astral plane. When you observe people completely controlled by their unconscious impulses and have little to no self-awareness about any of the destructive behaviors or harmful actions they are externalizing, you can bet they have many kinds of mind control implants controlling their root chakra.

Ultimately, the planetary brain and its bio-neurological relationships that influence the main functioning of humanities autonomic nervous system, is being completely reconfigured at this time to begin to change the imbalances of energetic distribution on the planet. The Krystal Spiral transmissions support the clearing and release of artificial intelligence based instruction sets and implants that have been inorganically programmed into our brain, nervous system function and therefore into our physical body by the controller forces. When our planetary brain was invaded, human beings became bound to a false set of laws generated through artificial intelligence, made by non-human interests desiring to create a race of enslaved beings that would work for their energy harvesting systems.

Thus, at this time, it is important to be able to accurately discern the energetic source behind the powering of any system. We will need to ask where the energy source of a system is being generated and if there are excessive expenditures of energy being drained through energetic harvesting. As we progress in the new time cycle during the bifurcation, every detail of our existence will be under magnification, as we interact with any kind of energetic system. The clarity of where we direct personal energy and attention has been amplified, in order to plainly see where our energy is being directed and how it is being used. Upgrades to our nervous system functioning and nadial system, will help make this more obvious to discern.

In this new energy paradigm, all of our personal choices will be representative of where we discern the subtle energies present, along with our internal energies, and if those combined energies are effectively self-generating and self-organizing. We will naturally look for systems that are energetically balanced, sustainable, stable, transparent, clear and serving the greater whole with proper value exchanges. We must ask the deeper question of ourselves, are we feeding closed source, parasitic systems that are losing energy distribution? Or are we willing to transform ourselves in order to give our energy towards the greater cause of open source systems that are moving towards expanding and balancing energy distribution? Now, we are given the choice to figure this out for ourselves, based on our personal resonances and frequency level.

(Source: ES Newsletter, Diamond Heart Transmissions, February 2011)

Copyright Creative Commons  

This article originally posted HERE.

see also another recent post
The Cosmic Egg 

Monday, February 08, 2016

Simon Parkes: Connecting Consciousness - 07 February 2016

Simon answers questions from chat:
 Show is on the 1st Sunday of Every Month on WSR

Topics include the following:
(Summary info Via:
  • Who or what is Source?
  • Do beings like the ones in The Abyss exist?
  • Soul swap without consent (Walk-ins are with agreement)
  • Devolution of Soul to Rock Kingdom ~ "reboot" through foundational learning, returning to truest point to start anew.
  • Dyslexic, Autistic, ADHD kids ~ result of environmental poisoning / radiation / vaccines? Or are they from Source to facilitate change? How to protect them?
  • What energies can be expected in 2016, and how do we use them? Planet X? The closest it will come will be mid-March to April this year. Energy "hotspots" spikes in March-April, June-July, October-November
  • New energy-efficient CFL bulbs radioactive? Simon advises to stay away from vintage spiral tube lights. Microchips can be inserted into new lights to conduct wifi or other devious plans ~ this won't be a problem if consciousness has risen sufficiently
  • How can people who are predominantly Reptilian meditate successfully?
  • Will Planet X interfere with Earth's magnetics? No Pole Shift on this timeline, Planet will not pass close enough to cause catastrophe
  • Who is your favourite Star Wars character, and why? Pope Francis' meeting with Russian Orthodox Patriarch? It's to do with Putin and potential of big change coming, and Catholic Church's own survival and exit strategy; Russian Church is medium used to reach Putin
  • Draconians using weaponised parasites in battle? Parasites that attack humans are from AI, connected to 4D energies. Physical body and mental state of mind are key to protection
  • Dolores Cannon called forth "Creator" in her work, is this the "undying Creator"?
  • Booking with Simon? Simon is still technically on holiday, so no bookings or newsletters. Next 10 months as well as 3 - 6 months following year will be full-on so he's charging his battery now; he'll resume in March
  • Will there be danger from space debris (from Planet X)? We won't have an event that leads to catastrophe but we will have something that leads to greater understanding
  • When is Nibiru coming? Alex Collier said March ~ Simon had said earlier mid-March to mid-April, best to have emergency supplies ready
  • Energetic grid totally shut down as per Alex Collier (in his December webinar)? Not totally shut down but there are massive holes in it, therefore weakened; however Souls will still have some challenge from getting trapped
  • Chemtrails ~ black project budget no longer available so this has been reduced.
  • What are 1D and 2D like? Simon suggests not to focus on lower dimensions but to focus on 5D and higher instead; our "stay" in 4D will be transitory because 3D has been constructed from 4D values (control mechanisms etc). Dimensions (there are 12) have sub-dimensions
  • Hearing high-frequency "beeps" in ear? Could be implants, psychotronic attack or 4D shadow being showing up ~ which one it is depends on how the person feels 15 seconds before and after the noise
  • How to book Soul readings? Could recent deaths be due to weakened grid? Simon will announce details for readings through Connecting Consciousness show. Also talks about David Bowie
  • What is best method to reconnect DNA strands? Soul Retrieval not appropriate for DNA reconnections; everyone is different so there's no one best method. Simon's intention is to open healing centre and work with practitioners to assist others
  • Why are so many Souls incarnating in animals for slaughter? One rule on Planet is that if you eat something that's living, then you can also be eaten by others. So if Humans eat meat, then Reptilians can eat Humans. If all Humans stop eating meat, Reptilians will be placed in energetic vise and they will also have to stop eating Humans immediately. Humans have been tricked into eating meat so that Reptilians are allowed to feed on them. Simon's opinion ~ these Souls incarnate into animals so that they are able to tip the balance and stop meat-eating. Human Consciousness needs to evolve beyond this point ~ he adds that our teeth are evidence that we're not meant to be carnivorous.
  • What are examples of Dracos' genetic manipulations? They have used this skill for negative purposes. Humans were modified by them 5.5 - 6 million years ago; they tend to leave their mark on all Planets that they occupy, they believe they are ultimate Life-forms and superior to Mammals
  • Do you still see false-flag happening in US before end-March? Yes, still on the cards, related to Planet X
  • Colour of eyes represent lineage? Eve had green eyes and red hair ~ 220,000 y.a was when final major "model" took place. A Reptilian group wanted "identification marks" to enable lineage tracing, green eyes is one of them, and they consider this better than the rest, a "bloodline" that can be traced back with likely alien connection to 4D. Blue eyes may interact with own Soul family (eg. 5D) as well as receive interference from 4D to hold the individual back
  • What's behind 11:11 and Deja Vu phenomenon? Don't get hung up on numbers as they can be used to program people; they are messages but they form just one aspect of a multidimensional process
  • What is percentage breakdown of Starseed Souls Simon encounters in his readings? There are 25% of non-Earth Human Souls (not originally from Earth) which includes Reptilians. They cover the spectrum from just having 1% non-Earth Human DNA to full 100%
  • Meditation technique for questioner who is originally Pleiadean but chose later incarnations as Andromedan because the former were too rigid? Many Higher Human Souls choose to incarnate as Pleiadeans to understand the tough environment; Pleiadeans are only group (as far as Simon knows) to maintain its physical integrity from Reptilian attacks. Recommends meditation music with Dolphins or ocean sounds.

Thursday, February 04, 2016

Jeff Rense & Dr. Patrick Flanagan: How All Are Under Psychotronic Remote Mind Control + ADDON

NOTE: ALL is an absolute thus polarity... game. not ALL neither nothing... is... 

GSM Basestations

How All Are Under Psychotronic Remote Mind Control

Amerika, Big Brother, Black Goo, Conspiracy, Jesuit, mind control, Transhumanism January 26, 2016 Leave a comment

Jeff Rense interviews Dr. Patrick Flanagan. Topics discussed are The Lilly wave, mind control, social engineering, Smart Meters, microwave weapons, GWEN, electromagnetic wave pulses, cell phone radiation, and more.

In 1958, “Dr. Patrick Flanagan invented the Neurophone – an electronic nervous system excitation device that transmits sound through the skin directly to the brain. Flanagan received a patent for the device in 1968 – US Patent 3,393,279.

“It is an object of the present invention to provide a means of initiating controllable responses of the neuro senses without applying pressure waves or stress waves to the ears or bones. Another object of this invention is to provide a means of causing a person to receive an aural perception of the sound corresponding to the audio modulation of radio frequency electromagnetic waves that are coupled with the nervous system of the person. These and other objects of this invention will be understood from the following drawings and description of the invention, wherein:”

The invention of the Neurophone earned him a profile in Life magazine, which called him a “unique, mature and inquisitive scientist”. Flanagan has continued to develop the neurophone and it is currently being sold as an aid to speed learning.

At age eleven, Flanagan developed and sold a guided missile detector to the U.S. Military, aged seventeen gained his air pilot’s license and was employed by a Think Tank at The Pentagon, and later as a consultant to the NSA, CIA, NASA, Tufts University, the Office of Naval Research, and the Aberdeen Proving Grounds for the Department of Unconventional Weapons and Warfare.”  (More)
Read More at Dr. Flanagan’s PHISCIENCES website.

THE LILLY WAVE – Lilly’s Website on Electrical Stimulation of the Brain (Here)   (Here)…/how-all-are-under-psychotronic-remot…/

via David Lloyd to The BASES Project #FB


See  ^^^^  Lilly /below Lila = same....

EFFI-Project™ 1 - May 2012 DVD Workshop


The Cosmos IS Watching & Always Will Be:
The Dance of Lila, the Pillar of Peace & the Bridge Across Forever
May 25-28, 2012 - Sarasota, Florida

4 x DVDs No Handbook
Stand 3 - The Great Leap Shift Host Alignment
Anchoring the new Time wave BPR - 12, 12, 5, 3 – Mashayahana Fold-1.

May 2012 hailed a new step in Synocracy, focusing on how the Key element in
Synocracy is Transparency, which brings about Clarity, through which we can heal
to  eventually embody Impeccability.

This workshop also introduced us to the  AL-Hum-Bhra Magistracy Councils -
“Councils of 48”, also known as the “Law Keepers” - keepers of the “Krist Code”
Law. They are the highest level of the Mashayahana Councils that came “online”
August 8th 2011.

New information was given concerning the “Halls of Records”, CDT-Plates and the
AL-Hum-Bhra Crystal Disks, how they fit within the structures of the Cos-MA-yah,
and how they assist us to understand where the frequencies known as the AL-Hum-
Bhra are coming from. This workshop also marked the opening on earth of the
“Halls of Cosminyahas”, also known as the “Indelible Records”, meaning they
cannot be edited or altered. These records hold the entire Memory Matrix of the
events information of this Cos-Min-yahas Cluster.

What is the “Fail-Safe” (aka “Path of Mercy”) & why was it set in motion during the
Atlantian Period? Learn the new definitions of our  “Hidden 8th Line” (aka “Stealth
Line”), the “K+8” Factor; “F” Factor & “Dark Flower” afflicted FataLE, and how
we will benefit from the protection field given by the AL-Hum-Bhra Host.
Explanation is also given on the “Dynamics of the Shields”, the “Aurora Shield” &
what Zero Tolerance really means.

Come dance the “Dance of Lila” aka “Dance of Life” and learn how to move into
the “Eye of Lila” & the “Pillar of Peace” to transcend the storm that surrounds us.