Tuesday, February 02, 2016

Avalon Sol: Human Weakness. The Massive Lie.


You might think because I am teaching ascension mechanics training here, that I am a new-age spiritualist. I’m not. In fact, I have absolutely nothing to do with new age spiritualism, nothing to do with taking drugs for hallucinogenic brushes with the astral plains, nothing to do with christianity (with a lower case c, since that entire paradigm is based on a nearly flawless lie), Buddhism, or any other religion or faith. I am here with one message, that of the Law of ONE. The teachings handed to the Angelic Human species by their creators, the Guardian Alliance, originally known as the Guardians of Tara, since that is where you were originally seeded. You are no longer on Tara, and before you mistake the names of planets as “their names”, let me dispel that myth as well, the “names” of planets are the names of their office within their 15 Level Time Matrix, not “their name” at all. Once a planet that has previously hosted such office of position falls from that place, it takes on a new name that represents its current planetary status. Mars wasn’t always mars. Mars used to be a piece of Tara. Just as Jupiter and Pluto, and earth and all the rest of the actual planets in this star system used to be “Tara”. The position of office this once incredibly large planet used to be before it was torn into many different pieces during the war of the Fall Of Man, 550 million years ago. “He” (that’s factually correct, your planet is NOT a “she”, his parallel planet Phantom Earth is a “she”, try not to get hung up on this “new” fact) has been healing ever since. And just because those planets are no longer connected physically, doesn’t mean that collectively they are no long actually connected, which they are through quantum entanglement as the very same being, even though they appear to “separate” which they are not. I will give you a few minutes to wrap your head around that ½ billion-year-old history before we begin our second paragraph. I do not expect you to just “get it” the first time you read these articles. This is covering hundreds of millions of years of ground in only a few minutes.

What does all that have to do with humans and their weakness? Unless you can understand where you came from, how long you have been here, how you “fell”, and what REALLY happened, you will never be able to assimilate what it is you actually are here for, and just how much effort has gone into your creation. This is NOT a religion, I am NOT a guru, or a shaman, or an intuitive empath. I am a being who is here from very similar historic genesis as the Human species as a Wayshower for the soul-group seeded to this planet when your Grand Experiment began, and now, you, the hybrid offspring of an incredibly important experiment that has had an incredibly difficult road to walk, to finally ascend. Do not look to me to know all about your Indian guru’s teachings, about the messages of Buddha, or talk about the fully fictionalized “Jesus” who never actually existed as “that being”, or bring you 40 years of spiritual training. I was activated for my journey less than 3 years ago, I was given 1 billion years’ worth of your history all at once, and then turned out into your masses so that you would have some idea of what the Law of ONE really is, and why you will be required to know it, believe it and live it, or you don’t actually get to move forward. There is no use for any of the programs of brainwashing and entraining of what your “spiritual” leaders here have used to confuse you so that when this precise 10 year window opened, you would be unable to see the actual truth. Hate me now for saying they were duped into their teachings so you can get over it by the next paragraph.

HUMANS ARE WEAK. FRAIL. STUPID. NOT TO BE TRUSTED TO LEAD THEMSELVES. Okay, then stop lying to them about literally every single thing they were ever taught, and let’s see for ourselves if this is true. Because before the invader races fell on this species here, they lived in perfect harmony and joy without war or conflict for 10 million years. Read that again. 10 million years in paradise. A place factually named E-Den. If 10 million years of being able to lead themselves isn’t enough time to prove to anyone that the Angelic Human Krystos wasn’t truly able to be trusted to wipe their own noses, then I don’t know what is. But you have zero way of knowing this about your ancestors, (which were you in earlier lifetimes), because your captors have wiped every single written text of this history off of your planet and blank-slated your memories so you would have no way of connecting back to who you really were. And who that is, is something that is spoken of in the interstellar communities throughout the cosmayas in hushed and reverent tones. No, this is not a joke or pandering. You can believe this message or not, and it will not make any difference to the fulfillment of our contracts here.

We, Indigo, have zero use for anything now that isn’t actual fact. What I am telling you, just so happens to be true, and was not crafted to make you feel special. It was crafted to inform you of the raw data surrounding your existence. Who you were, why you came here, what is it about the Angelic Human that sets this one species apart from the millions of Angelic species within the cosmayas. “Angelic” is a term, it is not in reference to “all the beings in higher dimension”, as “angels”, Angelic is a DNA TEMPLATE feature, a term carried forward from trillions of different species down through hundreds of trillions of years of creating new types of beings. “Angelic” happened to be a really sought-after feature in a DNA template, that is why there are so many of them out there today. Human doesn’t mean just this one species on this one planet. There are trillions of “human” species out there, it denotes certain physical aspects of a biological Avatar, and it is only one of the many different aspects of the Angelic Human Krystos super-race. What Angelic Humans HERE have that they DON’T have all across the cosmos, is the KRYSTOS feature. That one feature is the REASON you have been enslaved, tortured, bioformed and murdered for 550 million years. We will get into that in a few minutes in the next paragraph. Yes, I am giving you a little while to catch your breath first.

Lots of new-age spiritual “guides” like to tell you that “humans are of immense power”. And then, that’s it. They literally leave the message with no period after it. No explanation as to why you are of “immense power” and you are “divine”. They just sense it. They just somehow know it. And while they are right, and the message of this power did likely come down to them from their higher self, the explanation is missing. And it has been missing for over 10,000 years now, save the very few tiny periods of time that the Law of ONE was being disseminated among the human element through voices such as Thoth before he defected and returned to the Luciferian Treaty, and Jeshewua Ahumbra Melchizedek before he too returned to the Luciferian Treaty, and Jesheua Sananda Melchizedek (whom you call “Jesus”), who in fact was representative of YOUR actual species. The stories of how all of these played out is exhaustive and not part of this article. But suffice it to say, that NO ONE here is going to tell you why you are as powerful as you truly are, because they simply aren’t allowed to, and if they try to tell you, then those who are not under contract here complete with protection, have always been assassinated immediately. This voice has that protection and you are going to hear about it now.

Saturday, January 30, 2016

Friday, January 22, 2016

The Lemurian & Atlantian Legacies (DVD 5/5)

The First in the Series - The Lemurian & Atlantian Legacies...the Secrets of the Arthurian "Round Tables." Lecture and two full day workshops filmed in NYC, Easter 2001. Introduces and explains the Great Atlantean conspiracy, the Grail Quest Wars, the Luciferian Covenant, the continuing battles to control Gate 11, the meaning of the Arthurian Legend and the Maji (Indigo/Eieyani) Grail Lines, the genealogy of the Human Angelic Race Line, the significance, meaning and purpose of the Flamekeepers, the 12 Tribes and the contracts they are called to serve now. The workshop reveals the significance and detail of the "Cycles of the Rounds," the contents of the major, suppressed, "Books of Maps & Keys, the secret of the Tribal Shield Rainbow Round Table and relationship to the Angelic Human's original Sacred Mission as well as the nature, composition and interface with the Earth's Planetary Divine Blueprint. The 12 Cycles, simultaneous incarnation and relationship to human DNA is detailed, and the relationship to accelerated, personal, spiritual actualization is explained. Techniques for fastest activation of the personal 12 strand DNA are given, including: Tribal Shield Activation, Emerald & Amethyst Awakenings, the Crystal Temple meditation, Cue Zone creation (safe zone/interdimensional interface) together with the original Anuhazi language Tribal Keys (Psonns) - the sound programs used to correctly activate the DNA and Primal Life Force Currents. The materials from this workshop (and extended further in Kauai May 2001) form the foundations for full understanding and involvement with the Christos Re-alignment Mission occurring on all dimensions at this "time." This is the first detailed briefing and action plan for the awake Angelic Human released by the Guardian alliance - massively emphasizing the significance of our participation in divine Right Action and how it must be achieved!
The Beloveds recommend that everyone using MCEO techniques to complete this guided journey(1stone) at least ONCE before engaging any new techniques, or before continuing practice of any older techniques:

 once upon a time available on Azuritepress.com 
but today NOT anywhere legit...available..          
so we the peoples share... 
share = care... 
also available via Torrents-> KAT/TBP 
so best download the parts with a Browser-ADDON (Youtube downloader) 
as one never knows how long they remain online before taken dow....