Friday, January 15, 2016

KS Reality Talks: Stephen Redding Part 1+2 - 9 & 15 January 2016

KS Reality Talks 
 Christopher V Comstock 
An interview talk with  Stephen Redding 

Some of the subjects discussed:
KS and the Human Psyche
Organic KS vs GMO KS
'Building Earth' memories,
Different agendas within the Shield,
Other groups coming in and applying their political agendas to the planet .
E'ashas emotional issues and repeating patterns,
How KS doesn't focus much on dealing with and healing emotions.(really need to mention A&Rs, they touch VERY SLIGHTLY on it)
Being cut off from parts of the group for speaking things we feel.
Relating with others that follow different belief systems.
Healing ourselves, co creating healing with others
A bit on David Garza
Bonding and ETss
Jobs and staying true to our purpose
Easha copyrights
Getting ousted from groups, FatalE
A bookstore experience
The Norway Spiral event
Question about agendas -'Secret Book of John'
Detox and Diet

MUSIC 'Murmuring Mermaids'Artist: Lunz Album: Lunz Reinterpretations Released: 2002
Follow up - 2
MUSIC: General Fuzz - Comfort Zone 

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

KS Reality Talks: ' Rakmeister '( Rha / EG ) January 12 2016

KS Reality Talks
Christopher V Comstock
An interview talk with Rakmeister (RhA/EG)

Censorship with the FT's (Freedom Teachings) is discussed in great detail. Some discussion of what the 'Stealth Shield' is. Rakmeister shares how he has developed his own line of information from the FT's and the expansions he has experienced from this. We discuss the many different representations of the FT's and where the 'official' version of histories and agendas begins and ends.

Or listen/download via soundcloud Audio/only

Youtube channel:
 KS Reality Talks
Chris V Comstock
Rha S ananda (EG)

Soundcloud: (not working)


Energetic Synthesis: Genetic Mutations - Newsletter January 2016

World separation120

January 2016
Genetic Mutations
Lisa Renee

Dear Ascending Family,

Happy New Year! During the past few months, the planetary body is undergoing layers of subatomic shifting in the lower particle dimensions. As a result, many of us are experiencing dramatic changes happening in our physical body. If we can stay awake in the fields of chaos while these areas of dark matter are dissolving, we have the opportunity to create diamonds from out of these pressurized forces.

Those of us participating with our Ascension and evolutionary development are enduring a very complex process of consciousness embodiment and Lightbody changes, as we bring new DNA imprints into the physical world at this time. This means that what was previously an instruction set written into the unmanifest blueprint, which was held as a genetic imprint in our Lightbody, is translating itself into the manifest and becoming physical. The first Ascending groups, primarily the spiritual families of Starseed and Indigos that incarnated for this purpose, are enduring challenges that greatly impact the function and operation of their physical body for this reason. These new DNA configurations are specifically related to sections that code protein chains. Protein coding genes communicate messages that are sent to the body in order to control its functioning. The coding region of a gene, also known as the coding sequence, is made up of exons. Exons are coding sections of an RNA transcript, or the DNA encoding it, that is translated into proteins.

As humans embody more of their higher consciousness, this is re-stringing the DNA configurations.  As these new protein-coding sequences are recorded, they update morphogenetic imprints in the collective human race mind. This means new blueprints for protein coding are being translated into the collective consciousness field. To counter this, the NAA strategy is to flood known chemicals and toxins into the human population, in order to suppress human DNA from opening these new instruction sets. This Starseed mission is referred to as Ascension Genetic Pathcutter prototyping, whose purpose is to stimulate the clearing of ancestral miasma and heal DNA patterns in order to build new protein coding sequences that assemble DNA. This occurs through the process of consciousness expansion and is directly related to the energetic synthesis between the forces of polarity that exist within a spectrum of frequency. This spiritual alchemy is only possible while incarnated in an ascending human body. When we embody our higher spiritual bodies, it has an impact on our physical body’s metabolic pathways. Specifically, we experience changes in how the body synthesizes proteins and transfers energy into the mitochondria of the cell. (See Citric Acid Cycle or Krebs Cycle)

What is transpiring at the physical levels of human bodily evolution, is expanding into new human race DNA configurations or Genetic Mutations, during this timeline. The higher level of DNA becoming activated now through new protein coded genes is unprecedented on the earth plane. Proteins are assembled from amino acids using information encoded in genes. Proteins perform a vast array of functions within our body. This includes catalyzing metabolic reactions, DNA activation and replication, responding to stimuli, and transporting molecules from one location to another. This change impacts the planetary cellular record and further changes the configuration of particle matter composition and how that is arranged in the raw material of the human body. Proteins are the principal performers within the cell, and carry out the duties specified by the information encoded in the genes. Hence, many of us are undergoing drastic changes within our physical body functioning during this phase.

In a few short years, groups will study what is occurring to sections of the population now, with these genetic anomalies that are evolving into the human body. This will provide direct evidence for evolution of the human species, which will become an indisputable fact in the science and spiritual communities.  Essentially, what is occurring is the process of Genetic Mutation through protein coded chains which stimulate great evolutionary change over time. These changes impact human DNA which alter consciousness and this greatly impacts the future evolution of humanity.

Changing Context of Evolution