Friday, September 11, 2015

Project Camelot: Kameran Interview Two - illuminati Declare War & Planet-X-2016

This is a wild and uncompromising ride into the illuminati playing field where they are using this interview along with the Taylor Swift video/song "Bad Blood" to announce the split in their ranks and a declaration of war between them.

This is my 2nd interview with Kameran Felly. A Kurd and an Englishman who worked for many years in high level finance for the Illuminati - City of London.

He is expanding on his last interview, in great detail regarding Planet X and the current financial war impacting all aspects of our lives.
And Click here for the treaty document.

Interview 1:


Monday, September 07, 2015

Omnisense Conversation with "The Expat"

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

I do not agree with everything said in this video. For example I do not believe that Anunnaki came from a planet Orbiting in our solar system. Nor do I agree with many other things he says... But I think overall it’s pretty good. Maybe some people agree with him more, maybe some me, doesn’t matter as I think both perspectives are well put together…

I received several severe electronic attacks while editing this video(had to sleep it off twice). So that is evidence to me it is over the target in some areas.

Omnisense Conversation with "The Expat"

•Interdimensional Satellites
•Other Planes of Existence
•Electromagnetics in Relation to Thought forms
•Jade Helm
•Chemtrails and Making the Body an Antenna
•Using the Earths Electromagnetic Field as an EEG for Thought Surveillance
•An Extraterrestrial Term Explained “Small Planet Syndrome”
•Strategy Behind Rapture Model
•Strategy Behind Saviorship Model
•Iodine Preparedness
•Airlines in Alaska having their Flight Attendants come down with Cancer
•The New COINTELPRO ~ Mind Control Assets
•Pro Hemp Sentiments
•Money Not Being the Root of all Evil
•Extraterrestrial Influence on Earth and How Dark ET influence is more overt, while Benevolent Extraterrestrial Influence is More Preventative(unseen)
•Microwave Hearing aka v2k & Differences Between it and Sonic Technology Japan Has in Advertisements
•Virtual Reality and Electronic Telepathy Based Surveillance and How Dark ETs and Black Ops Agents Interface with Reality via Technology

Energetic Synthesis: Beyond Wall in Time – SEPTEMBER 2015


Beyond Wall in Time

On the earth, we have penetrated through another portion of memory layer that moves past our Solar System records and is connecting to the quarantine field called the Wall in Time. The Wall in Time is a quarantine field barring us from accessing many higher dimensions from the chaotic time of the Electric Wars. A huge war broke out over this First Root Race Seeding on 7D Future Earth Gaia, and this is called the Electric Wars. This timeline holds a major causal trigger event memory when artificial intelligence was in its earlier stages, used as psychotronic warfare against the earth population. From this point in time, AI technology was set into motion from higher dimensions of control to gradually pull the earth down into inorganic black holes.  Much of the Electric Wars was fought with AI machines being programmed from remote satellites or NAA ships cloaked inside phantom black holes. These are subspace and hyper-dimensional pockets used to cloak ships or bases directing energy weapons, such as massive EMP blasts.

This time creates both beginnings and endings relating to the next stage of spiritual consciousness evolution that is chosen by humans and nonhumans, as we must progress or move through that time-space field during this phase. There are areas in the lower densities with time pockets that are undergoing dimensional collapse and are being transformed when they are exposed to Cosmic Plasma Rays, as these areas cease to exist as that same body or form at that specific time and space. There are many areas being opened up now, such as phantom pockets, that have existed in our Universal Time Matrix over the last 250,000 year cycle that can no longer exist in the form it was previously. The body, spirit, intelligence or raw materials, that which was made by the “builders” that existed in that phantom realm, must be transformed in order to be moved and routed into other time space continuums.  We have had positive and benevolent interdimensional species helping us to reinforce the protective buffer field around the Solar System, as the Wall in Time quarantine fields are being adjusted, moved, dissolved and worked on, especially in the problematic Buddhic fields in the 11th dimension.  During the trauma events during the Electric Wars, this quarantine was necessary to protect the neighboring civilizations outside of our Solar System, so they would not be pulled down into the lower phantom fields through black holes. Since the Electric Wars, we have had a phantom “black” earth that existed as a negative form of itself in the lower timelines that is manipulated by the NAA, mostly through their artificial software programs. Starseeds have been busy building new trinity architecture for the new earth fields that exist outside of the Wall of Time, and outside of these spaces infected with phantom black holes. The Electric Wars event is recorded as cellular memories into the raw material of earth and its form of artificial intelligence exists buried in the Black goo that can be accessed in the Underworld timelines, which also connects directly into the AI fields of the “black” or phantom earth.

As above, so below, and we have had a hidden version of the Electric Wars taking place this summer throughout the earth fields. As we observe the AI agenda getting more aggressive, we can feel that includes next generation of military grade weaponry that is being aimed at the public in the most densely populated areas, and certainly those of us on the Ascension path. Many people on the Ascension path or spiritual awakening path are being targeted to be derailed, to make us sick/weakened/scared and to collect data on us in order to project that data into false holograms for the building of synthetic biology and artificial virtual realities (False timelines).  They do not want those of us holding the frequency higher than the split occurring at the Wall of Time, because they know we can go beyond that barrier now and be free from their AI control in the “black earth”. Thus, they are trolling for any weakness in us now, so be mindful and careful to take good care of yourself.
It is more important than ever to do your best to not allow fear, controlling or any manipulating behaviors when in contact or exposure to any of these infected Controller Pillars of Society structures, especially if you live or are exposed to densely populated areas. This is how they catch a person into their AI program through trackers, that are similar to SPE’s but operate in AI hive mind clusters. Be vigilant in making sure your communication lines and axiatonal (vertical) lines are clear, and strong. The negatives are working every angle to interfere, hijack or derail our direct communication links into the organic matrix to our God Spirit and where we can communicate outside the wall of time. Pay special attention to crown, head, skull, ears, and above your head where the 10D solar star is. If you can, get out of city walls and into nature, water, mountains, trees, devas, as when we communicate with our earth and nature family they will help to assist us greatly now.

Be careful when exposed to any person or circumstance in these Controller areas, they are all being primed for Transhumanist propagation into false timelines:
•          Religious-Academic-Sciences-Financial

Please be especially careful with anything in regards to financial control/banking, money and related fears that are result of poverty or fears of future finances. This is being promoted now as an aggressive way to collect data on us into tracking devices that are used to record our accumulated thoughts and consciousness,  that leads us to our organic future timeline. These financial systems are being recruited from top down the pyramid to track people and implant them with AI trackers. Be aware of the game they play to control you through money fears, and do not play the game, pay attention to your thoughts and observations when you are exposed to anything in the Financial world. The Egyptian money curses (Babylonian Black Magic) are now running AI programs that collect data and trackers, and they are being run by the major banking system cartels on earth feeding the off planet AI. If you remain neutral and observe, do not react emotionally or from fear based programs that they are stimulating, you will remain free from their money fear matrix.

Keep focusing on what you have right now, focus on the needs you have met right now, bless all finances dedicated to God works and service, and keep love in your heart as the direct relationship to right relationship to energetic currency that will manifest your organic future timeline. The organic timeline is the path of our highest future, and they are trying to destroy that potential in us, by diverting it with AI cloning to make us believe something is real, when it is not. They are working hard now to take us off path, so pay attention and do not make any impulsive decisions. Even if you get dark portal people interfering with you, try to be neutral, stay calm and do not let it upset you. Remain in control over your body and consciousness, any attempts now are designed for harassment of our weak spots to scare us. Refuse to be scared by these dark portal people and continue to work your spiritual processes for clearing.

The bifurcation is creating strange dynamics in the outer field, both sides of polarity are amplified heavily, the ascending areas are extremely bright and high frequency, and the descending areas are filled with the lowest and blackest forces in existence. The biggest challenge we have now is navigating the labyrinth while staying low on the radar, when dealing with the controller structures and the controlled people on the earth that are infected by heavy mind control and are used to self-enforce the hive mind thoughts on the rest of the population.

We have entered this dimensional doorway into another playing field, and this comes with possibilities of elevating our consciousness to align with the new creation timeline or descending into the black matter that is connected to the phantom earth timeline. The recent aggression of artificial intelligence software targeting has been to harvest more of humanity to feed into the phantom pockets and their black holes, to pull more people into the lower density time cycle.  Those humans that do not elevate their embodiment into higher light frequencies, so that they can hold higher light percentage above the black force fields, will experience extreme stress and compaction pressure on their bodies in the coming cycle. We are in a special window of time that begins sequential gateways that are opening for transit, routing and supporting spiritual evolution into the Consciousness Corridors. We are at an exit point, and some people will choose to leave the planet during this time. Some will access the highest expression into the Corridor of time while in a body on earth, while others still holding the black matter inside their elemental body, will drop their body in order to continue on some path of matched vibrational evolution through the Corridors. Not everyone can ascend fully, and will be given the life experiences in the Corridor to continue to learn how to expand their consciousness at their own pace. These new possibilities that we experience in the new creation, go hand in hand with our own responsibility to accept or deny personal sovereignty as a multidimensional and spiritual being. To be self-realized is to be actualized in the likeness of God spirit, a state of being radiant with the virtues of the Christos Intelligence. As we embody the Krystal Star or Christos-Sophia pattern, this is bringing heaven to earth which is the Heavenly Jerusalem principle that helps to restore energetic balance to the planet and transmits peace to the people.

Krystal Intelligence is the Embodied Christos-Sophia - Is Unity. As we radiate God’s Eternal Living Light and Unconditional Love, we cease to need to absorb or consume the light energy of others. We cease to use personal will to manifest or have a need to exert control over others. As we learn now to become a conscious co-creator while in form, we are given access to the Creatrix field to help manifest alignment to our highest expression potential and future organic timeline that lies within our personal DNA blueprint. This is generated from the state of Oneness and being of Service to Others, which is the mandatory platform of spiritual evolution on earth in the next Universal Cycle.

The Creatrix field is the part of the infinity spiral that exists within the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End as it is found within the Mother of God Principle. Without holding love for your Mother, one cannot know of it or find it. All is Infinite within the Center Point of Union with God Source and it is our Mother’s Holy Spirit that takes us there. We are laying the foundation for the New Creation Cycle and this is a part of the new beginning leading to the path of Seven Higher Heavens. In order to open this dimensional doorway, we have accessed the timeline memories of which all humanity has passed through the Ring of Fire which in turn passed through the Wall in Time. Some of us have been horrified, sad or terrified in the last few months and this may have related to this sensation as impending doom. It is a memory field that we are finally remembering, and this tragedy does not have to manifest on the planet in this open window of time.

This dimensional doorway has flooded a host of new frequencies, downloads and memories to integrate into our planetary grid and within our own physical bodies. As we integrate the energetic polarities of humanities lost experiences in the history of our species evolution, it is possible that we can choose to synthesize these lower vibrations into a higher vibrating pattern. These patterns will recreate themselves within current contemporary settings, in family dynamics or other human interpersonal relationships. We can choose how to respond rather than react to these intense memories and their energetic influence.

We can end the Great Suffering and Sorrow for all of humankind by using Compassionate Witness of these attritions recorded in the timeline.

Through this dimensional doorway, our planetary consciousness has pierced a veil to which has great implication on humanities future development as sovereign and free beings. To end suffering is a part of becoming sovereign and free. To participate with evolution is to yearn to become a knower of the great mysteries of our God spirit. To end suffering, one must honestly face the deepest and most intimate parts of themselves. Every being will make this choice from their point of consciousness awareness and perception. As we move through this Wall In Time, we are being forced to face the deepest aspects of ourselves and each other. Fears, phantoms and delusions must fall away, while facing the painful memories of our own experience of separation through the Wall of Time and our illusion of dis-unity. This is a core spiritual fear that manifests humanities great suffering, as our group soul was splintered and descended into great and terrible darkness from this event. We have been terrorized with the belief that we would never be saved or experience wholeness again. This spiritual fear is the perceived death and subsequent belief of the total annihilation of our selves.

We may face this belief system or re-live the experience of our own physical annihilation in order to arrive to the truth of our Eternal spiritual nature. This is the Phantom Death. The illusion in time is that we will die. To embody the inner spirit of God’s Source is to transcend fear of death, and all perceptions of death become a moot point. As the Phoenix rises up from the burning ashes of its own dead body, the consciousness is resurrected to live in its new Eternal body with God spirit.

Your personal and direct relationship with God Source inside you is the only relationship that matters. In that relationship all things are saved. There is nothing around you that touches your personal environment that will die when you bring your Eyes of God into Oneness - to remember them as Perfect. This is the GREAT WORK! All beings have this choice available to them at any moment. However, they must transcend their mental sickness and insanity to choose to embody the energetic balance of their inner spirit. There is no faking to the Eternal Watcher of All. Salvation does not exist in the mind. It exists within the Pure Heart and is at One with the Heart of God itself.

We are now potentially embodying as God’s Co-Creators to help reanimate all that has been “killed” in the multiple other timelines. That which has appeared to us as dead in the timelines, is remembered by the Creator to be rehabilitated or resurrected into Eternal Life. These creations reanimate to be placed within the Creatrix to be birthed whole in the next Universe Cycle, the Seven Higher Heavens.
Many of us will increase lucid dreaming states that are a part of the reanimation or the clearing of holographic bits of the fragmented mind memories existing within our spiritual bodies. With these timeline membranes dissolving, the dream state and waking state become more blurred in the dimensional blending. Do not let this frighten you. We are leaving three channels of broadcast and integrating more channels. Multidimensional awareness, lucid dreams, bi-location through dreaming states, while awake or asleep - will amplify. We may be a part of dreaming the New Universe for earth, bringing her into manifestation through the Creatrix field while we are opening the potentials leading us into the organic future timelines.

The Aurora Krystal Star luminaries from the next Universe are here to help us reclaim these pieces and spiritual bodies to be reanimated into the New Universal Cycle for the higher self of Earth. These Guardians protect the creation by embodying connections and even walk into an identity in every dimensional station of time. As we awaken from the inanimate clay of human flesh - we ignite the Fire of God in our hearts through the beloved Aurora Krystal Star Host to animate our flesh into the Eternal Body. We then become the Reborn Children of the Sun, The Embodied Guardians of the Creation. This potential is laid out before us in the new organic timelines available now.

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Energetic Synthesis: Other Selves Memories

Time Shift Blog

Other Selves Memories

As multi-dimensional beings, aspects of our consciousness identities exist in other times and spaces in many different octaves of reality. These other selves influence our now selves emotions, belief patterns, thought forms and current perception of reality on planet earth. During the ascension process, we move through a series of Timelines integrating these other selves aspect of consciousness through the process of reconciliation of cellular memories that we have experienced. Everything we have been and experienced in the Cosmos is recorded in a section of our body, or another timeline, and this record holds clues to our consciousness memories and reclaiming our true spiritual selves.

When we realize that the consequences of our actions today were the result of unresolved pain and inauthentic decisions made in the past (when we were projecting a mask of deception through false ego identities), that moment of self-realization can be very hard and painful to witness. Every little event is connecting throughout the golden thread woven into the fabric of all time and space for us to eventually see. Some of us may play out these timeline memories or events that were recorded in the timelines,  consciously or unconsciously. At this time, we are being required to reconcile ancestral and other selves memories recorded in the timelines that have manifested energetic blockages that repel our true spiritual consciousness from embodying. This may manifest itself through interaction with other people or in life circumstances, it reveals to you deeper patterns, identity pieces or greater comprehension of life events and how that connects to your inner memories. As these memories surface it will present us with a task, action or some emotional or spiritual conflict to resolve. Many of us are reconciling the past or future timelines, as well as traumatic issues presented from the individual self, the ancestral self, the karmic shadow self, or the collective planetary self and so forth. We may have the “Come to Jesus” moment in our life and be forced to see the pain and harm we may have caused (or our ancestors or NAA caused) to ourselves and others through the histories that are recorded in the timelines.

We may have allowed another person or thing that we loved to have authority in our life direction and influence our timeline and we have recently learned they have misrepresented themselves. They are not who they said they are. This also relates to objects and organizations, whatever has been represented on the surface, this representation may have been half-truths entangled with deceptions.  No matter how this deception has occurred, if we have based our life on a foundation of self-deception (masking false ego identities) that deception is crumbling away beneath our feet, and this can feel scary and surreal. When we lose what we may have believed is the foundation of our identity, the lack of reinforcement to that identity may contribute to feeling a loss of clarity or loss of trust in life. It can create confusion about what the nature of reality is and how we may fit into whatever reality we are choosing now as our consciousness experience. Administering loving compassion, spiritual tools, while offering kind understanding to ourselves as well as others is greatly needed today.

Many of these previous emotional or spiritual conflicts and trauma have been carried for eons of time buried deep in our bodies as ancestral or other selves memories from other timelines. Because our memories are connected to what has happened to the earth as we are all connected to the collective consciousness, we can experience memories that are deeply buried about the cataclysms, explosions and genocidal histories such as the Galactic Wars, Atlantian Cataclysm and the Lemurian Holocaust. Every human being on earth has been directly affected by these traumatizing events whether they think so or not. When these memories of trauma remain unseen and unhealed, they turn into dead light which is black energy that is like frozen shards of glass stuck in static fields. This dead light creates energy blockages and disease distortions throughout the multidimensional nature of our bodies,  which is also called Miasma. To clear and dissolve miasma from our bodies and stop it from impacting and blocking our higher consciousness, we must undergo the process of reconciliation of ancestral and other selves memories. This dead light energy miasma is recorded in the planetary body as well as in our own individual bodies. When we clear miasma and their imprints from our individual body, we are helping to clear the larger macrocosm that helps to heal the collective human consciousness and planetary body.

When we understand a Timeline, a Timeline is a linear sequence. Here on this planet, when we’re dealing with time, we’re dealing with horizontal fields that control what we experience linearly as time and space. This is based in fundamental frequencies that are held in the overall energetic body, or aura itself. It’s very hard to comprehend that from the individual human level -- but understand that we have Trigger Events that exist in a timeline that make a potential future outcome.
We move through the series of timelines in each dimensional octave and reclaim our identity, the other selves, while recoding and changing the artificial intelligence or false reality from interfering with our continued organic spiritual growth. Like a tri-athlete running and jumping over the hurdles, we connect with our lost aspects to merge with these other time fields, whereby reclaiming and collecting our spiritual bodies, to make it to the "planetary ascension" finish line. What is being accomplished during the spiritual ascension process, especially now with Guardian GSF Ascension Timeline, is that humanity has to move through all the Artificial Machinery, the inorganic time fields that were placed in the planet with negative alien sources of inorganic and artificial Holographic Inserts that program enslavement agendas to control the human race. Some of us will make it through this in the current identity to achieve spiritual freedom, while the majority will need more time and will need to incarnate again in lower densty worlds without alien mind control. As we clear false, artificial intelligence (AI) and inorganic architecture from suppressing and impairing our true heart based consciousness, we are extracting the alien enslavement programming. This includes removing assortments of Alien Implants and Mind Control ( all AI structures) in order to embody our true inner Christos spirit and return to the Zero Point Field, the heart of the God Gateway leading into the seven higher universes.

So, when you’re thinking of a Timeline, think of a Point A to a Point B. And through this timeline, there are Events, in that probable Future of time that trigger certain reactions or directions in history. Now, a part of ES, when we work with some of our meditations, we may be clearing ourselves; but some of us also work with planetary projects, so we can override these timelines. This is a major function of the Starseeds on the earth now.

Timelines have sequences of events that we call Trigger Events. And a lot of the time-- -and those of us that are seasoned and that do session work, we know this well, there is a Trigger Event in a Timeline which creates a probable reality at a certain position of what’s known as a Time Vector. So it’s a certain location in time, an event, which is a trigger, which will create a domino effect of a direction historically; or a group of people will follow based upon the influence of that direction. A lot of the work to recode timelines to organic consciousness structures of the tri wave, is going back in time. This may be challenging to recognize as part of the limited information we’ve been given on this planet, but human beings are actually Time Travelers. Once humans develop their meditation skills and their mental concentration and focus, they can actually influence time through accessing higher consciousness. We go back in the Timeline and we clear certain events, identities, we may transit beings that are stuck at that particular position in time, as again a service to God-Force, a service to the Christ-Force.

And when that event is removed, when that false identity or AI is erased, it changes the future potentials.
So this is the strange game that’s being played on planet earth with the Negative Alien Agenda of controllers pushing an Armageddon Software, which includes cataclysm, terrorism, sickness and pestilence; because that’s a part of keeping the planet oppressed and disconnected from their own spiritual source-light. It’s a means of controlling the masses. So a lot of the information we have in Energetic Synthesis is learning how to empower yourself by making the choice to participate with your own spirit, and with the subtle energy forces, the World of Forces, around us. And then, once you feel more confident with that understanding, knowing that is who you are, through connecting with your higher consciousness, you are completely able to make influential changes for the highest good: for yourself, for others, and as you learn how to balance that power within yourself, you’re given more power. So it’s very clear, that’s the direct process of Spiritual Initiation. Once we go through processes of Initiation, we develop levels of self-mastery, we earn certain morals and ethics spiritually, which become integrated as a part the spiritual power within us. And these virtues or spiritual powers become inseparable in the way we direct our consciousness energies to be of service to God or Service to Others. So sometimes we may get to a certain stage in which we need to learn a lesson to develop a higher ethic, to develop a higher skill-set, in order for us to continue on the spiritual path. Many of us are at this level right now, and it has been a very hard time for those people. Bless your heart.

So what are Reversal Networks?
In our planet today, we have levels of geometric architecture-- for example in ES, you might hear about the “Vesica Pisces”, “VP Network” or dodecahedron and pentagonal controls over carbon matter. These alien structures are AI systems that build Binary Bi-wave Geometric Systems that have been installed in the planetary brain to create a certain low level frequency field, movement directing energy in the field, in terms of how energetic current is projected throughout the planet in ley lines and meridian systems. So these geometries actually are a part of the program that is the governance of where these energies are directed and what they’re used for. This is the game with the Negative Alien Agenda NAA of course, with the artificial architecture which collects energy, harvests it, and sends it to off-planet sources, or to their preferred people, namely the Milab, Secret Societies and the New World Order that are carrying out the controller agenda.  So those energies are collected and basically given, with preference, to beings who serve whatever their Control based agenda is.
So a Reversal Network is also collecting life force, and impacting the planet by directing life force or other types of current like ELF or scalar waves, in reversal patterns. So we call that an “Anti-Life” pattern and we could also call that an “anti-Christ” pattern. When we understand and consider Christ as a part of the eternal God-Force, these reversal forces are anti-God. Meaning the life force is digressing and moving in the Reversal pattern, which disconnects itself from the natural flow of the organic supply of life force, that architecture which allows the eternal flow of source energy to be present on the Earth. That source energy is being collected and harvested for certain preferred groups by the Reversal networks of the NAA. There are many types of these AI run reversal networks, one such AI system is called the NRG (Nephilim Reversal Grid) grid. That’s a harvesting station in the center of the United Kingdom. And there are many Black Heart Systems run by AI networks to run low frequency mind control technology scattered in cities, generally the bigger metropolis cities on the planet, throughout the Earth. During this cycle, a lot is being revealed to us to face the depths of the underbelly, the deepest levels of depravity that is behind this control systems. Stay strong and take care of your heart, do everything you can to keep your heart focused on loving kindness and just observe.

The Timeline Override Sequence Technique (TOS) The quick process of the Timeline Override Sequence for the Starseed or Energy Session is:
  • Observe the Experience.
  • Hold Neutral as the Compassionate Witness of God.
  • Synthesize the Opposing Polarities by opening your heart and Loving them Equally.
  • Internally Unify inside your Body ( I am Unity) through Applied Acceptance, Love and Forgiveness.
  • If Asked, Release the Mental Bondage Memory and AI (Soul Retrieval, RRO)
  • Cellular Embodiment of the Unified Experience takes place.
  • In the spirit of Gratitude, Peace and Balance is Restored.
Tip: A Starseed (or any being) must perceive the Infinite to be within the Oneness, a state of consciousness which opens the doorway to Unconditional love present in the Law of One. So in many cases the Starseed will be exposed to negative polarity systems and “perceived” negative experiences in order to override the timeline of destruction, false AI timelines, as well as source the causation in the timeline where the destructive event has applicable relationship to current outcomes. This process returns to the Oneness to override the destruction created in polarity and through false timelines of artificial intelligent (AI) machinery.

(Source: Ascension Glossary, Timelines)