Tuesday, August 04, 2015

Significant Events - 2015

There is quite a lot happening through the summer and early autumn of 2015.  This appears to be a very significant time period.  Some of this is described in the attached document, where the diagrams help to clarify the technicals.   

To summarise:

  • The original Fall in our universe was a grid event.  This arose when the dimension 12 level was attacked and the lower dimensional levels were severed at dimension 11.5 from their higher connections.  11 dimensions were largely isolated from key direct connections through D12 and the Primal Light Fields to higher levels in cosmic structure and to Source. 
  • The K Grid maps the original integrated and balanced arrangement of dimensions in our universe.  The Tree / Life (ToL) Grid maps the corresponding configuration of 11 dimensions after the Fall.  By comparing the ToL Grid with the original K Grid we can see where the damage was done and discern the processes involved in the Fall. 
  • The ToL Grid is missing dimensional centre 12 (K-12) and the AzurA central point from the original K Grid.  These are key connection points.  The original dimension 5 centre (K-5) is exalted as an outer Sun centre for the Tree / Life Grid.  The original dimension 8 centre (K-8) holds key inner connections to replace the lost higher connections.  This becomes a hidden or stealth centre that integrates and holds a lot of power in the modified grid. 
  • Working within the original 11 lower dimensions digressive forces had to generate artificial higher frequency currents to overpower the dimension 12 frequency and connections.  K-8 and K-5 are powerful centres that hold a lot of connection.  Their frequencies could be combined to create an artificial D13R reversed current to overpower D12.
  • The Krystal Spiral emerges into the K Grid through the K-5 centre.  Fibonacci structures can be used to tap the Krystal Spiral flows in K-5.  A current can be projected from K-8 to intercept portion of the Krystal Spiral flows in K-5 and merge with them creating an artificial D13 current.  Fibonacci geometry can be used to project this D13 current in a reversed Fibonacci Spiral from K-5 that targets K-12.  Fibonacci structures provide the structural framework for targeting dimension 12 based on the 5 – 8 – 13 number sequence. 
  • This number sequence is powerfully present in an alignment pattern between Earth and the planet Venus.  This is known as the Venus Pentagonal Alignment.  There is a cycle of 5 alignments between the planets that forms a pentacle pattern around the Sun.  Within this cycle Earth goes through 8 years and Venus 13 years.  Venus also goes through 12 of its days within this cycle. 
  • This Venus Pentagonal Alignment arose in early June 2012 close to the Hetharo Planetary Electrical Peak in late May.  It is now coming into alignment again in mid-August during the Planetary Magnetic Peak.  These event alignments provide powerful connections to the planetary fields.   They also provide key windows of opportunity for the Fibonacci influences carried by the Venus Pentagonal Alignment. 
  • Additionally the CERN LHC particle collider was operating through the May – December 2012 period at an energy level of 8TeV.  The powerful counter rotating loops of current being generated in this facility have the capacity to generate artificial dimensional Merkaba fields as a side effect.  This facility was enhanced and it restarted operations at an energy level of 13TeV in May 2015.  It is planned to run at this level through the rest of the year.  Here again we see the 8 – 13 numbers in play, representing a symbolic linkage with Fibonacci processes generally and particularly with these present in the Venus Pentagonal Alignment.   Furthermore these operations arise relatively close to the planetary SG12 grids in the south of France.
  • These events provide a major window of opportunity for multi-dimensional / digressive influences during these important times.  The particular planetary alignment pattern won’t recur for another 8 years.  Will the opportunity be availed of?  We don’t know, but it can make for an intense time over the next 3 months.

What Can We Do?

This isn’t a prediction nor a forecast.  What is described are opportunities and windows of potentiality where certain things could happen.  Whether they do or not is open ended and contingent on the evolution of events, including how we respond to them.  The intention is that nothing damaging or untoward should happen.  Success is getting through this period calmly, normally and peacefully.  Fore knowledge can help prepare for and avoid undesirable outcomes.  It can help increase the chances of a successful outcome.  It’s a bit like the alert we get in an airline flight when approaching turbulence.  We fasten our seat belts for a safer flight.  Also with a weather forecast we can prepare to deal with what is coming down the road.   

Two things are needed to damage the high level planetary grid connections:

  • The mechanics to accomplish the task.
  • Neglect.  Higher level connections from the Primal Light and D12 fields always have the capability to override lower frequency influences.  This requires vigilance on the part of those who know and can anchor such influences.  The second requirement then is to distract / divert those who can make a difference. 

There’s no point in worrying about what is outside our sphere of influence, things we don’t control.  The first of these items is largely outside our control, but the second isn’t.  We can strengthen our higher / Source connections as best we can and hold them as stably as possible through this period. 

Fear doesn’t help in this situation.  It is a low level frequency that gets in the way of an effective response.  It is something we may have to deal with and get around.  When we hold secure inner / Source connection there is little to fear.  Fear can reflect a lack of confidence in the strength of our connections and be a signal to work on these.  In particular fear of contamination can itself be a contamination.  We can learn to move our fear in the direction of respect for what certain influences can do and prudence in dealing with them.

Importantly also it is not a question of blame.  There isn’t time for that.  In any case most people are doing the best they know how.  It’s more a case of being wide awake, on the ball and on the job.  It’s also a case of taking responsibility. 

In practical terms holding higher connection implies securing our D12 connection, particularly the 12-11 link.  We can use what access we have to D12 / Maharic frequency for this.  D12 in turn holds connection to Primal Light and Sound fields and direct connection to Yunasai / Source.  In dealing with 13 level intrusion we also need to hold connection to the natural D13 and related Primal Light frequencies as best we can.  When this is held all lower level intrusion can be overridden.  In dealing with higher frequencies it is important to ground them and balance them effectively in our everyday lives.

It is important that we do what we can to help ourselves.  Help is available from higher levels of our own nature and associated positive race lines.  However what they can do is limited by free will considerations.  We need to empower ourselves to do our bit so that we empower them to do their bit.  The D12 frequencies and associated direct Source connections were restored to the planet in 2000.  If we lost them within 15 years would we really deserve to have them restored again any time soon?  

If we look on Source as aliveness what is the most alive thing in our life, in our world?  It is us individually and collectively.  We are the footprint of Source in our world.  The easiest and most direct way for Source to influence events is through us.  We are the cavalry.  We have a lot more power than we may imagine.  In every challenge there is opportunity, opportunity to learn, to raise our game, to step up to a higher level.  Challenge can focus and bring out the best in us. 

Sometimes the greatest thing we fear is our own power.  We can step up to spiritual adulthood and take increasing responsibility for ourselves and our world.  We don’t have to wait around to be told what to do.  We can claim / reclaim our power and use it confidently and responsibly to do what’s needed.  It’s not so much about grandiose aims as it is about dealing effectively with what is right in front of us, doing what we can as best we can.  It is for each of us to determine what that is.  The greatest power on Earth is an awakened humanity, a humanity increasingly alive to its potential, holding connection both vertically and horizontally and taking control of its destiny.

With so much diversity in creation each of us carries unique history and capabilities.  Each is capable of accomplishing things that nobody else can accomplish.  However great or small it’s important that we contribute our piece to the great jig saw puzzle.  This fills in a piece for others and the whole is enriched.  We are like links in a chain.  Every link is important for the chain to work and move the bicycle forward along the road.  
Holding D12 frequencies and associated connections stable through this period is like the foot in the doorway that keeps the door open on the planet.  When we do our bit we empower higher level influences to look after things outside our control.  As the saying goes – God helps those who help themselves.

The strength of our inner connection is reflected in our outer everyday connections.  Building open and healthy connection with the people in our normal lives is important.  We don’t have to agree on everything.  Differences can add spice to life.  These horizontal connections are important in consolidating the integrity of the human family so that there is an increasing strength to cope with challenge and adversity.  The human family has been weakened repeatedly down the ages by division, branding and shunning.  Many people are going through rough times with upheaval, illness and financial distress, where a bit of connection and support can make a difference.  We’re all on this planet and its journey together.

May we sail in calm waters!


Read the Full PDF here: Download : Significant Events - 2015.pdf


Also 4 (*+updates)  new notes* added on FB  #EG Page
Storms (Noel)
knock ,knock  (Gerald)

Monday, August 03, 2015

Omnisense and Charles Edward Frith Skype Conversation (Extraterrestrial Topics)

My Blog: http://www.omnisense.blogspot.com
My Music: http://www.omnisense.bandcamp.com
My Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/Omniverse101
Charles' Twitter: https://twitter.com/charlesfrith

•Disinformation in UFOlogy
•Extraterrestrial Soul Mates
•Soulular Programming/Soulular Growth
•Blond Extraterrestrials
•Transdimensional/Interdimensional Technology
•Technology to Create an Ethereal Effect for Physical Bodies
•Technology to Move People Through Walls
•Evolution Not Random Mutations
•Physical Structure of Extraterrestrial Races / Designs of Physical Bodies by the Cosmos
•Theory: Electromagnetics of the Sun/Earths Electromagnetic Field Involved with Evolution

Saturday, August 01, 2015

Energetic Synthesis: The Masculine Wound - Newsletter July 2015

The Masculine Wound

Through the natural and organic expansion of consciousness happening now, we are also met with attempts to use artificial and inorganic means to block it.  The 2012-2017 window offers unique possibilities to access multiple timelines simultaneously.  We have just come through a wave of transmissions, which have opened timelines ripe for Masculine Healing.  As many of us are aware, the Negative Alien Agenda (NAA) also tries to capitalize on these waves.  We will discuss current NAA efforts underway to attempt to further enslave masculine energies.  Some of the information on mind control and holographic inserts may sound daunting if you are new to this type of information. Please do not get into fear around this information.  Stay present and neutral, use the core tools and you will not get caught up in any of the drama.   

Recently our planet has received unprecedented levels of liquid plasmic light transmissions pulsing through the planetary grid network, which first enter our atmosphere through the Arctic and Antarctic regions. Several milestones have been reached in the Ascension timeline with the yield of charged particles and subsequent light emissions that result from the interaction between Cosmic Rays, Solar wind and magnetospheric plasma. The interactions between these cosmic forces have radically increased proton activity in the planetary atmosphere, which produce an incredible amount of potential energy and consciousness available to the planet and to humanity. The accelerated infusion of proton activity is reshaping the Earth's magnetosphere, creating fluctuations in the speed, density and direction of the magnetic field, which are strongly impacting the Earth's local space environment.
Magnetic shifts greatly amplify the polarization of forces and increase the energetic schism that exists between the spectrums of frequency that are in the environment. As the energetic schism increases, the extreme polarity of combined forces that coexist together within a collective energy field split apart. At the point of divergence within the splitting frequencies, communication links are opened into many simultaneous timelines where the instruction set and cellular memories can be accessed and read. This makes it possible to directly project consciousness into these areas for correction and intersect into many different reality timelines, traveling in the past, present and future all at once.

The recent Solstice transmission created a point of divergence in the planetary brain, which linked into the causal timelines that are connected to the Luciferian Rebellion, Aldebaran, Seraphim and Nephilim lines, as well as Galactic Wars over the Family of Michael. The areas of the planet that are the most impacted by the trauma memories surfacing now are the epicenters where the main geo-political think tanks are accelerating military agendas. These hidden trauma memories are used to soul capture and control the human males on planet earth to be the primary enforcers of the NAA through militarization and war programming. During the Luciferian Rebellion, the males on this planet were tortured and mind controlled to energize the False King of Tyranny architecture, in order to support the continuation of alien invasion and hybridization of human bloodlines in future timelines.

This causal event has contributed to the mental body fragmentation, which feeds the artificial machinery, and manifests the predator mind or negative ego constructs on planet earth. This is the seed of the Masculine Wound that we must heal on our planet. The subconscious pain of this Masculine Wound in our past is currently being used to fuel these aggressive hidden military agendas. We have raised our boys into men who are culturally forced to participate with the False King of Tyranny through psychotronic warfare.  They are subjected to the enslavement of gender expectations, of inner and outer violence, in order to maintain power and control. Males are rewarded materially and told they are successful when they are violent. They fight to protect us from enemies, fight to make money for their families, while they crawl over the dead bodies to make it to the top of the food chain. As the men and women of this earth we must unite to stop feeding this alien False King of Tyranny archetype. Together we must begin to heal the mental body fragmentation inherent in the Masculine Wound.  As a society, we must change how we give value to tyrannical power, to violent and controlling behaviors that produce alpha males, who further extend narcissistic and psychopathic wounding into human culture. The Masculine Wound separates the male principle from uniting fully with the female principle. We must come together to heal this wound, as the unification between the genders is the only pathway to wholeness and salvation.

Cosmic Energy Accelerates Consciousness
As Solar King transmissions over the Solstice returned the Diamond Sun DNA template of the Christ-Sophia Consciousness into the instruction sets of the earth grid, the False King of Tyranny mind control archetype is being threatened. To maintain the push of patriarchal domination and Archontic mind control over the people, the strategy most commonly implemented is to create as much trauma as possible through the Armageddon Software, or militarized war programming. There are sub agendas feeding the Armageddon software, enforced through the males enmeshed in the Military Industrial Complex and some of the Power Elite that want to install global fascist architecture.

Whenever our planet is the recipient of massive amounts of cosmic energy potential, that energy potential equals enhancement of consciousness evolution potential in the entire human population. To counteract and suppress the consciousness potential in humanity during this current energy expansion phase, direct military agendas are being implemented by the NAA and Power Elite, on and off planet to divert, siphon or quash this potential from manifesting in future timelines.

This effort at suppression defines the current phase of heightened frequency wars being waged over the newly arriving plasma light.  This is the focus of the heightened global NAA military strategy being implemented over these summer months, and culminating in September.

This September is the fourteenth anniversary of the 911 Agenda timeline. Next, the NAA want to connect the East Coast terrorist event at the World Trade Center in New York with a matched cataclysmic vibration on the West Coast of the United States, so these traumatic events function as a matched pair in the timelines. Thus, they are setting the stage to incite terror and fear in the masses, in order to push a terrorism agenda to manifest in the physical realm.

EnergeticSynthesis: Plasma Wave Activations

Time Shift Blog

As we have moved into another timeline shift this last weekend, there has been an incredible transmission of plasma waves that may have heightened ascension symptoms. This time is to prepare for the next stages of our spiritual awakening that are focusing our direction in the next cycle. The period of time between July 16- July 19th is an hidden date that is important in humanities history in Egypt and in relationship to the heliacal rising of Sirius.  During this cycle many timelines have been hijacked or interfered with in order to gain control over expanding consciousness, thus the electromagnetic power on the earth. We may note that many historical or tragic events happen or are instigated during this time cycle, and of course those events are not random. When we better understand the current military agenda underway, it also becomes clear as to why they would choose to engage in war games in many civilian areas in the United States during this cycle, to gain more consciousness power from the earth grid to harvest their 911-Armageddon timeline.

However, many people on earth do not have our consciousness perspective, and can easily step into energetic mine fields because they lack any kind of sensitivity or self-awareness. Mind control amplifies the artificial levels of the egoic mind, creates mind lock, and many people cannot tell that they are losing all sense of mental coherence or self-awareness. These increased plasma waves can overload a mind controlled or unprepared neurological system and brain, so it is possible we may observe some people losing their minds and having psychotic break. Thus, we need to be very self-aware and pay attention to the energies and people in our environment, and not be on auto pilot.

The Egyptian Sothic Calendar began during this period of time in July, and so this date has much relevance in reclaiming the consciousness records of our true extraterrestrial human history and resolving the traumatic events that happened during the Egyptian Timelines. The constellations containing stars that rise and set were incorporated into the ancient calendars or zodiacs. The ancient Egyptian calendar was based on the heliacal rising of Sirius. The heliacal rising of a star occurs annually when it first becomes visible above the eastern horizon for a brief moment just before sunrise, after a period of time when it had not been visible. This year the helical rising occurs approximately August 8th. The Sirius star in the Canis Major constellation is actually the focal point for the corporate body of Christ Consciousness. Our Sun acts as a transmitter to the earth similar as the chakra system circulates the newly arriving intergalactic plasma waves from within that Sirian body, and the Earth is influenced in either polarity depending on the consciousness that the individual and collective have accumulated.

Additionally, this week we shift into the Galactic Zodiac of Cancer which brings the dismantling phase of structures that were built upon weak foundations in the past. This can be an deeply emotional time as it can bear energetic weight to our relationships, organizations and even careers, as it forces transformation and change in order to bring healing and resolution to imbalanced situations.  When we endure dismantling phases it sends us into deep inquiry and places us in circumstances to face unresolved subconscious wounds. This can be challenging, but ultimately it is to restore energetic balance and to harmonize internal polarities.  
Stage 4 - CANCER - July 21 to August 9
Alchemical Theme: Dissolution, Dismantling 
Element: Water
This is the dismantling phase from unnecessary substances, energies or objects that have been shifted from the alchemical synthesis of the polarity integration of forces. There is a process of resolving emotional body issues or dissolving into parts or elements in the shifting field of the energetic consciousness. This phase can be deeply emotional, deeply buried in subconscious and bring the purging of deep soul wounds. In the spiritual ascension process this may manifest as the breaking of bonds, breaking up of relationships, the breaking up of an assembly or organization. Cancer has heavy ancestral genetic pattern components that greatly influence emotional miasma located in the body. This is a process of dismantling the unnecessary or unneeded primal forces and resolving emotional blocks in the shifting terrain of the energetic consciousness. This emotional purging with the required dismantling (removing subconscious blockages) happens in several stages throughout the ascension process.
The plasma wave initiation for the Double Diamond Sun Body transmission through Sirius have been really intense, with amplified kundalini activations that are filled with new plasma wave coding that come with heavier ascension symptoms. The quality of plasma waves are sourcing from the open Universal Gates, of which some of us are beginning to anchor intergalactic levels of this higher liquid plasmic frequency. The quality of the intergalactic plasma is divine fire water, it is icy-hot. The sensation may feel like ice-hot waves of energy pooling up in internal organs, moving through different areas of the body, and the palms of hands and feet feeling sunburned. As the plasma waves move though a detoxification process occurs at every level of the body physical, emotional, mental and spiritual. The accumulation of intergalactic plasma waves began transmission last December and is reaching its crescendo in the planetary body in mid to late September during the final tetrad of lunar eclipses. During this summer, there are incredible opportunities to heal old trauma wounds and align to the highest frequency available that elevates our choice to the peak expression of our personal ascension path while we are on this earth. This month many of us may sense we are being moved to another platform which is another future timeline that has increased harmony and alignment for our true being to express authentically. For those of us that are paying attention to these spiritual forces, we are blessed with the ability to consciously participate with our intention to change our thoughts, shift our beliefs and surrender to the plasma waves recoding our consciousness.

These Cosmic Forces represent restoring energetic balance in our life – bringing new qualities of dynamic equilibrium that integrate the higher spiritual identity with the lower earthly identity, merging and fusing those expressions into one. As this fusion of identities occur, we evolve into our DNA potential as a time traveler that can jump dimensions which help us to bring the pillars of heaven into the earth grid. As we join these internal pillars we are also reuniting our male and female aspects throughout time. Together, as we restore energetic balance, we anchor the pillars of the etheric blueprint of the Krystal temples that unite the higher heaven with the Earth. As we regain internal balance and energetic cohesion, it brings with it a sense of stability and centeredness even in the midst of great movement and change through fields of chaos.

With these activations, some of us are feeling changes on the horizon, and this may include trips, visits or relocations. It may be wise to wait until the end of July before making any definite decisions, as the timeline is in flux right now. When there is extreme magnetic flux in the field, it creates open holes in the time fields. There is vulnerability if we are not paying attention we may get caught up in the impersonal forces of chaos in the environment. The chaos is very high as we shift timelines, and this tends to create more freak accidents, exit points and strange or unusual events.  This stage we may sense movement coming on the horizon and yet, we must wait for the exact clarity to gather more information that we are waiting for that allows for an informed decision. This is not the time to be impulsive or take risks at any level. I feel it is important to say that - please do not sacrifice yourself for the greater good, because the mind control rhetoric is putting out the martyr, hero and savior vibration out to those good hearted Lightworkers with intentions to be of service, and potentially put those naïve people in the line of crossfire. There are certain places on the earth where a spiritual battle is playing out heavily to prevent the newly arriving plasma waves from fully embodying or anchoring in the planetary body. Think about military strategy and how they send the green privates out in front to be killed in order for the real war strategy to begin. Please be careful of your surroundings and not impulsive at this time, because the dark aggression is high. The dark forces are expert at military warrior strategy mixed in with some kernels of truth that are used as the dangling carrot to lure people into some dark cave alone. These are not forces to be trifled with, and one does not want to go traipsing in to battle zones thinking you can save the world singlehandedly, this is a very naïve perspective. We are most effective while in groups, not alone.

In many large cities it is wise to lay low, stay out of large crowds of people, and pay close attention to what you are feeling while listening to inner guidance. When you feel sick and really tired, do not put yourself in high risk situations, and amplify your GSF commands, rest and shield at home.

As this conflict over the timeline unravels, in the next few months, we allow it to be what it is, but with eyes wide open and staying fearless to what we are observing. When we are in the location we need to be, no matter where it is, in our shield, with open spiritual communication links, we are protected and secure. Keep your communication lines (12D shield) strong and pray, reaffirm those links every day to keep the spiritual links open. We find sometimes when there is heavy miasma backlash in the field or unusual Cosmic energies as there is now, those communication links get worn down or disconnected temporarily.

(Source: Forum Sirius Heliacal Rising Update)