Sunday, July 12, 2015

Inner Worlds, Outer Worlds (2012) WEB-DL 720p Parts 1/2/3/4

Inner Worlds, Outer Worlds (2012) Part 1/2/3/4
       Just to share..
IMDB: 2415372  PDF: download here

There is one vibratory source that connects all things. It has been called Akasha, the primordial OM, the music of the sphere, Indra's net of jewels, and a thousand other names throughout history. The ancient teachers taught Nada Brahma; the universe is vibration. The vibratory field is at the root of all true spiritual experience and scientific investigation. It is the same field of energy that yogis, mystics, saints, Buddhas, shamans and seers has observed by looking within themselves. Many of history's monumental thinkers such as Pythagoras, Tesla, Einstein, Kepler, and Leonardo DaVinci, have come to the threshold of this mystery. In today's society most of humanity has lost this ancient wisdom. We have strayed too far into the realm of thinking, and lost our connection to our inner worlds. This balance- what the Buddha called the middle way, what the Taoists called the balance of Yin and Yang, is the birthright of every human being. It is the common root of all sciences and all religions, and the link between our inner and outer worlds.

I am a practitioner and teacher of Archetypal Pattern Analysis, which links the patterns in nature (or patterns in form) to the patterns in our psyche, expressed through our behavior. We study how form comes into existence through patterns and repetition and then apply these principles to human systems. Both the individual and organizations. Inner Worlds, Outer Worlds is now being used in our trainings, as the first one half of this movie is an extraordinary explication of how the underlying structures of existence emerges into form through patterns. After having studied Dynamical Systems Theory, Chaos Theory, new biology, Complexity Theory and patterns in nature along with the philosophical systems of Buddhism and Hinduism since 1995, I can easily say that this film is an amazing synthesis of all these fields of study. The amount of research that has gone into this film must have been staggering and acquiring the photography must have taken years. All I can do is say "Hats Off to the film makers!", you have made my job of teaching so much easier!

In early February 2013 after its release, the film was nominated for the Award of Excellence at the Canada International Film Festival.[6] The film won the Peace Award of Excellence at the International Festival for Peace, Inspiration and Equality[7] in Indonesia, and also won the Merit Award of Awareness at the Awareness Festival in California. It was the winner of Award of Excellence for the International Film Festival for Spirituality, Religion and Vision in Indonesia, and winner for Best Feature Documentary in the DIY Film Festival, California. In the Moving Images Film Festival in Toronto it won best of the Future World showcase. Inner Worlds Outer Worlds was nominated for the Cosmic Angel Award at the Cosmic Cine Film Festival 2014 in Germany. It was the winner of an Eternal Flame Award Surge Film Festival, Texas. Inner Worlds was selected by a jury of film makers as the winner of the FILMMAKER ÔÇÖS CHOICE (Conscious Art) award in the Spirit Enlightened festival in June 2014.[8] Inner Worlds movie was an official selection in 19 film festivals worldwide.

total run time: 2 hours 2 minutes 9 seconds

-Inner Worlds, Outer Worlds - Part 1 - Akasha
-Inner Worlds, Outer Worlds - Part 2 - The Spiral  
-Inner Worlds, Outer Worlds - Part 3 - The Serpent and the Lotus  
-Inner Worlds, Outer Worlds - Part 4 - Beyond Thinking part 4
*** General Parameters ***- Name:  Inner Worlds, Outer Worlds - Part 1 - Akasha.mp4 - Container:  MP4 - QuickTime - Size:  376.44 MB - Duration:  31mn 0s - Bitrate:  1 619 Kbps *** Video Track Parameters ***- Format:  H.264/MPEG-4 AVC - Bitrate:  Max.: --- / Average: 1 489 Kbps / Min.: --- - Frame rate (fps):  Max.: --- / Average: 29.970 / Min.: --- - Encoding profile:  Main@L3.1 - Image size:  1280*720 - Pixel Aspect Ratio:  Undefined - Display Aspect Ratio:  16:9 - Interlacing:  Progressive *** First Audio Track Parameters ***- Format:  AAC - MPEG-4 audio - Bitrate:  126 Kbps - Resolution:  Undefined - Rate:  44.1 KHz - Channel(s):  2 (stereo) - Position:  Front: L R

from PDF:

6 Text and image sources, contributors, and licenses
6.1 Text
 Inner Worlds Outer Worlds Source: Contribu-
tors: Anders Feder, Tony1, NatGertler, R'n'B, Shawn in Montreal, Yobot, AnomieBOT, BattyBot and Spiritfilms

6.2 Images
File:Question_book-new.svg Source: License: Cc-by-sa-3.0
Created from scratch in Adobe Illustrator. Based on Image:Question book.png created by User:Equazcion Original artist:
6.3 Content license
 Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0

Wednesday, July 08, 2015

OffPlanet TV: Private Sessions with Duncan O'Finioan - "Omens of the Days Ahead" 5 July 2015

Recorded: July 5, 2015
Duncan sits down for a briefing on his recent travels; we discuss his staff and the "tools of the trade"; the ring around the sun on June 15, 2015 which signals the countdown of a 6 month "window" for TSHTF; we discuss CERN, JADE HELM 15, and the meltdown of the financial system---all to begin culminating towards December 15, 2015.
You listen. You decide. You ACT according to your discernment.

Monday, July 06, 2015

Open Your Mind (OYM) Radio – David Wilcock & Corey Goode – June 28th 2015

Blackops World, Roswell Really Happened, Craft Technology, ET’s looked Like Humans, Anti-Gravity Crafts, They Have Been Out In The Solar System, SSP, ICC, Major Military Defense Contractors, 900 Different ET’s, Trade Setup Between Them, Money Stolen From The People, Awakening Process, Blue Avian Race, Secret Space Program, illuminati Criminals, False Flags, Energetic Waves Coming In, High Vibration Hitting The Planet, End Times Madness, People Being Triggered, Things Will Get Worse Before They Get Better, Giant Spires Came Into Our Solar System, NASA Feed, 2012, Solar Warden, Financial System Collapse, Prime Directive, We Need To Create The Change.

MP3s (each part ~30 min., 16 MB)
Complete show (with upgraded audio) (2:18, 63 MB)*listen below~

Sphere Being Alliance (Twitter)

Sphere Being Alliance (YouTube)

Sphere Being Alliance (Blog)

Sphere Being Alliance (Home Page)

See also

Exopolitics: Computer hacking linked to extraterrestrial disclosure & future War Crimes trials

Exopolitics: Multiple Moon bases & U.S. Military Space Shuttles as cover programs

Exopolitics: Corporate bases on Mars and Nazi infiltration of US Secret Space Program

Exopolitics: The Secret Space Program - A Break Away Civiilization ( Video Presenatation ) + GoodETxSG

Exopolitics: Extraterrestrial alliance helps secret space program overcome opposition to full disclosure





Saturday, July 04, 2015

Exopolitic: Ambassador discloses bioweapons attack; Red Dragon family seeking positive paradigm change

NOTE: You access more context and information here as you watch the interview. Thank you. VIDEO: Ambassador discloses bioweapons attack: Red Dragon family seeking positive paradigm change
By Alfred Lambremont Webre

VANCOUVER, BC – In a rolling informal online interview that included a quick snack (and we trust only positive exchanges of energies), the Ambassador and representative from the Red Dragon families – – made a number of important disclosures about a recent possible bioweapons attack he may have suffered and about the ancient Chinese bloodline Red Dragon family and other bloodlines he represents seeking positive paradigm change.
Interview with the Ambassador
Topics covered in Interview by
Alfred Lambremont Webre
  1. Relations with Truth Movement – What is your relation with other truth movement workers such as Ben Fulford, COBRA, David Wilcock, Andrew Basiago, ?  Neil Keenan Committee of 300 meme? Red Dragon Families – What are they? Heart attack – Possible bioweapons attack?
  1. Hidden controllers – The hidden controller species (beyond Illuminati) may really set dystopian conditions on Earth – these are Homo Capensis (Big Brain Cone Heads); Giants; Ancient Vampires; Inner Earth people including Lemurians; Reptilians; Anunnaki; 4th Dimension Dracos & Orion Greys – How are you dealing with them? Jade Helm etc
  1. Shifting the Paradigm – War, disease, crime and poverty among surface dwelling homo sapiens to landing paradise on Earth. – Is this your definition?
  1. Stopping Predation – Stop ritual child sacrifice & pedophile networks – This is the “black magic” on which the current system works. What is your position on this?
  1. Open Treaty Conference for all Intelligent Species on Planet – Open Treaty Conference to agree to (1) safe and ecological mutually beneficial use of planet by all intelligent species for benefit of biosphere (2) End to war, disease, crime and poverty as means of regulating homo sapiens on surface; (3) Commitment to making Earth a paradise planet for all species (4) Safe International cities for ETs and Intraterrestrials – Jerusalem, Hong Kong, Vancouver
  1. UPDATE ON 800 No-Interest Loans/Grants for Projects Benefiting Humanity
  1. How do you accomplish the following goals:
  • True Vision of Peace will campaign to influence decision-makers in governments, multinational corporations, and global financial institutions to heal and preserve the land, sea, and air;
  • True Vision of Peace will strengthen personal and collective transformation of society through education of spiritual truths to call for divine intervention;
  • True Vision of Peace will repurpose investors, corporate executives, elected officials, and stakeholders to serve humanity;
  • True Vision of Peace will utilize websites, publications, media coverage, and films to expose and to eliminate deception, therefore, transforming the way that we see and relate to the world;
  • True Vision of Peace will create awareness and will promote green culture to foster a social change within key institutions and local communities;
  • True Vision of Peace will establish new paradigms to awaken humanity to the “true” reality, empowering us to move forward, beyond ignorance.

Recommended Reading
Positive Future = Positive Timeline + Unity Consciousness – An Editorial