Wednesday, July 08, 2015

OffPlanet TV: Private Sessions with Duncan O'Finioan - "Omens of the Days Ahead" 5 July 2015

Recorded: July 5, 2015
Duncan sits down for a briefing on his recent travels; we discuss his staff and the "tools of the trade"; the ring around the sun on June 15, 2015 which signals the countdown of a 6 month "window" for TSHTF; we discuss CERN, JADE HELM 15, and the meltdown of the financial system---all to begin culminating towards December 15, 2015.
You listen. You decide. You ACT according to your discernment.

Monday, July 06, 2015

Open Your Mind (OYM) Radio – David Wilcock & Corey Goode – June 28th 2015

Blackops World, Roswell Really Happened, Craft Technology, ET’s looked Like Humans, Anti-Gravity Crafts, They Have Been Out In The Solar System, SSP, ICC, Major Military Defense Contractors, 900 Different ET’s, Trade Setup Between Them, Money Stolen From The People, Awakening Process, Blue Avian Race, Secret Space Program, illuminati Criminals, False Flags, Energetic Waves Coming In, High Vibration Hitting The Planet, End Times Madness, People Being Triggered, Things Will Get Worse Before They Get Better, Giant Spires Came Into Our Solar System, NASA Feed, 2012, Solar Warden, Financial System Collapse, Prime Directive, We Need To Create The Change.

MP3s (each part ~30 min., 16 MB)
Complete show (with upgraded audio) (2:18, 63 MB)*listen below~

Sphere Being Alliance (Twitter)

Sphere Being Alliance (YouTube)

Sphere Being Alliance (Blog)

Sphere Being Alliance (Home Page)

See also

Exopolitics: Computer hacking linked to extraterrestrial disclosure & future War Crimes trials

Exopolitics: Multiple Moon bases & U.S. Military Space Shuttles as cover programs

Exopolitics: Corporate bases on Mars and Nazi infiltration of US Secret Space Program

Exopolitics: The Secret Space Program - A Break Away Civiilization ( Video Presenatation ) + GoodETxSG

Exopolitics: Extraterrestrial alliance helps secret space program overcome opposition to full disclosure





Saturday, July 04, 2015

Exopolitic: Ambassador discloses bioweapons attack; Red Dragon family seeking positive paradigm change

NOTE: You access more context and information here as you watch the interview. Thank you. VIDEO: Ambassador discloses bioweapons attack: Red Dragon family seeking positive paradigm change
By Alfred Lambremont Webre

VANCOUVER, BC – In a rolling informal online interview that included a quick snack (and we trust only positive exchanges of energies), the Ambassador and representative from the Red Dragon families – – made a number of important disclosures about a recent possible bioweapons attack he may have suffered and about the ancient Chinese bloodline Red Dragon family and other bloodlines he represents seeking positive paradigm change.
Interview with the Ambassador
Topics covered in Interview by
Alfred Lambremont Webre
  1. Relations with Truth Movement – What is your relation with other truth movement workers such as Ben Fulford, COBRA, David Wilcock, Andrew Basiago, ?  Neil Keenan Committee of 300 meme? Red Dragon Families – What are they? Heart attack – Possible bioweapons attack?
  1. Hidden controllers – The hidden controller species (beyond Illuminati) may really set dystopian conditions on Earth – these are Homo Capensis (Big Brain Cone Heads); Giants; Ancient Vampires; Inner Earth people including Lemurians; Reptilians; Anunnaki; 4th Dimension Dracos & Orion Greys – How are you dealing with them? Jade Helm etc
  1. Shifting the Paradigm – War, disease, crime and poverty among surface dwelling homo sapiens to landing paradise on Earth. – Is this your definition?
  1. Stopping Predation – Stop ritual child sacrifice & pedophile networks – This is the “black magic” on which the current system works. What is your position on this?
  1. Open Treaty Conference for all Intelligent Species on Planet – Open Treaty Conference to agree to (1) safe and ecological mutually beneficial use of planet by all intelligent species for benefit of biosphere (2) End to war, disease, crime and poverty as means of regulating homo sapiens on surface; (3) Commitment to making Earth a paradise planet for all species (4) Safe International cities for ETs and Intraterrestrials – Jerusalem, Hong Kong, Vancouver
  1. UPDATE ON 800 No-Interest Loans/Grants for Projects Benefiting Humanity
  1. How do you accomplish the following goals:
  • True Vision of Peace will campaign to influence decision-makers in governments, multinational corporations, and global financial institutions to heal and preserve the land, sea, and air;
  • True Vision of Peace will strengthen personal and collective transformation of society through education of spiritual truths to call for divine intervention;
  • True Vision of Peace will repurpose investors, corporate executives, elected officials, and stakeholders to serve humanity;
  • True Vision of Peace will utilize websites, publications, media coverage, and films to expose and to eliminate deception, therefore, transforming the way that we see and relate to the world;
  • True Vision of Peace will create awareness and will promote green culture to foster a social change within key institutions and local communities;
  • True Vision of Peace will establish new paradigms to awaken humanity to the “true” reality, empowering us to move forward, beyond ignorance.

Recommended Reading
Positive Future = Positive Timeline + Unity Consciousness – An Editorial

Wednesday, July 01, 2015

TheRabbitHoleTransmissions :The Luciferian Rebellion and the hijacking of the Hall of Records

5/6/2015  Source:
GUARDIANS:            We would like to speak with you about the technology that has been the tool used by the NAA to eradicate and suppress the 3D mind from being able to access the data streams known on your world as memory, in order for humans to be able to remember (or access the particular data streams) that have been strategically erased or hidden from those who have become incarnate on your planet at this time.

Thank you for creating the time and sacred space within the integrity and solace of your platinum fortified 12-D Shield, to bring forth this information as a service to those who are upon and within your world who may in some way benefit from exposure to this. It is observed from our vantage point and perception (being that of the 12th Dimension 144th sub-harmonic) that those upon your world find it extremely difficult to digest and process the actual truth of what has transpired upon Earth throughout the last 13,000 years and especially in regards to that which transpired during the Luciferian Rebellion

This level of information appears to trigger within Earth's citizens, a series of inorganically induced receptor triggers which places the body and mind in a complete state of fear, paranoia and absolute panic. We have been able to pin-point the source of this fear and panic, and have been able to trace it back to the very Beings who are responsible for the Luciferian Rebellion that is the subject of which we have observed to trigger or induce this level of bio-spiritual-psychological response that the body and mind are subjected to. 

The reason we have requested to speak with you about this topic today, is in part due to the fact that we are now existing in a time and space intersection or corridor by which the Godhead or Source of that which birthed all of creation within this Universal Time Matrix, has decreed that all lifeforms be made aware of that which has impeded their full and total divine and sovereign expression to be expressed. Therefore, it is our paramount responsibility to uphold this level of service and ensure that those who have been withheld from their divine and sovereign expression, be offered and allowed to witness the truth of that which has transpired within their personal and collective holographic fields of reality. (please also refer to the prior Transmission (here) which serves to be a prerequisite in understanding the Holographic nature of this reality)

At this time upon the Earth plane and within the inorganic, hijacked system known to you as Earth’s Hologram, there is an ongoing agenda underway which is attempting to leverage from the intentionally designed blockage and suppression of that which which we will now refer to as the ‘Hall of Records’, which at one time held within it a database and recording of every single event that transpired upon and within the system now referred to as Earth. Therefore, what we are attempting to explain and reveal to those reading this now, is that at one time in Earth’s ancient history there existed a fully functioning, crystalline, living-light-encoded holographic recorder, if you will, that was able to track and record everything that transpired within and upon the system now known as Earth. At one time, this device known well among those within the cosmic and solar arenas, was referred to as the Hall of Records. 

The Hall of Records held within its chambers, if you will, a series of access keys or master codes, if you will, which for all intents and purposes, allowed those of the surface population who reached a certain level within their bio-spiritual consciousness, to be granted access to these chambers with the understanding and motivation being, that the information obtained as a result of this ‘one-time’ access, would be of benefit to ALL and would be in alignment with the tenets of the Law of One as decreed by the Godhead/Prime Creator/ Universal Source Light/ Point of Singularity (all equally synonymous).

The chaotic node, or point of extreme drama within the timeline and time vector codes, appeared when the forces known upon your world as the Annunaki made a collective decision to assist those known on your world as the Laviathan Races. In as much as we can summize for the purposes of this transmission, we will give brief, yet accurate, mention to the main ‘points of drama’ which pertain to the overall subject herein. Upon the decision made by the Annunaki to provide relief and personal respite to their cosmic allies (those known as the hybridized Leviathan Races), Earth’s Hologram or reality, was subjected to what is now known as the Luciferian Rebellion.

This Rebellion, became the quintessential point of drama or intersection in the timeline that effectively stripped Earth and the beings upon her, of their true personal, planetary and galactic histories. We speak with you about this now in an effort to reverse and repair much of the damage and influence this has been caused as a result of Beings who have been forced to function and exist within a reality construct that has been stripped of its true historical records. As you can imagine, the damage is immense and incomparable to anything we have come across throughout all Race and Territory Wars that have occurred throughout the greater Planetary and Cosmic arenas. This is no small task!!

Those who have taken it upon themselves to be the do’ers of this profound atrocity and unscrupulous violation have been notified of the effect that these actions have warranted upon them personally and collectively. In as much as the ordinances within the Cosmic Law of Cause and Effect proclaim, these Beings/entities responsible for this tragic manipulation of the timelines, will be dealt with accordingly. This degree of lies and manipulation is not taken lightly by those in a position to ascertain what the consequences of such action should be.

At this time, we would like to give a brief and accurate synopsis of certain events that sequentially transpired which together led to the hijacking and take-over of the once pure and authentic Hall of Records.

First, the Annunaki decide to invade the Earth Hologram to provide a place for their friends and allies (the Leviathans) to take refuge. Once the Earth was successfully invaded and those upon the surface of Earth were seen as hostile and undesirable for their overall agenda as it pertained to the conquering of space and territory, the Leviathans split off into two opposing factions (one in support of hostile take-over, and the other in support of deceptive ubiquitous takeover). Within the two opposing yet inclusive factions, was the birthing of a plan derived from the partnership and collaboration of those within the Annunaki Races and those within the Leviathan Races who wanted to dominate, control and effectively conquer the Earth, thereby ruling those who lay claim to Earth as their home.

In order to formulate this plan of attack, if you will, they used the technology available to them at the time, which was and still is known on your world as Looking Galss Technology. What this technology enabled them to do was peer into the probable future timelines of Earth in order to formulate an accurate depiction of how reality would be impacted as a result of actions taken in the NOW. Those with the access to this type of technology would have been those within the system of Earth who had been steadily and wholly committed to the expansion of Kryst Consciousness and working within the frequencies and fields for the Law Of One. However, during the Luciferian Rebellion, those with the keys and access codes as well as those with the tools and technologies granted to them by the higher Sirian councils, were targeted and stripped of these devices and evicted from their bodies in an effort to ensure that they would not be a threat to the agenda underway led by the Leviathan and Annunaki factions.

Therefore, we have (13,000 years ago) a warring faction of negatively polarized races who are using extreme force and measures to stake a permanent claim upon and within the entire holographic system and reality of Earth. These two warring and extremely hostile factions are well versed in the cosmic and solar arenas, therefore both of them know well that this type of control and takeover will not be successful without the annihilation and full eviction of those who posed a threat to their dominion.
At the time that this Rebellion was transpiring, there existed highly evolved and highly advanced psychic warriors and those who we will here refer to as Galactic Emissaries of Light that were living upon and within this planetary system. These advanced and spiritually attuned and activated souls, gathered in full force anchoring the full spectrum of Universally conducted Rays of creation available to them through their 5D Lightbodies in a combined effort to ground enough of the higher bandwidths of light and particle-wave-spectrums/frequencies so that the intended hijacking and take-over of Earth’s hologram would be prevented.

However, these forces of light and beings of higher intelligence and consciousness, where profoundly and quite unfortunately outnumbered in their efforts and therefore, were eventually detained, captured, mutilated and evicted from their bodies by those with an interest in maintaining Earth as their new proclaimed territory. Humans were seen as resources and used as leverage to gain what it was that they wanted for any given time and reason. During this time, there was and still remains a complete and total lack of respect for and adherence to the cosmic and natural laws set forth to be respected by all units of creation and consciousness existing within this and other multiverses.

Now that we have revealed a very condensed and compacted analysis of the sequence of events that transpired from the inception of the Luciferian Rebellion, we will now explain as is relevant to the subject of this transmission, how and why the Hall of Records was hijacked and exploited as a tool to effectively erase certain events and histories from the accessible memory complex of humans whom were able to be born upon this planet during and after the Luciferian Rebellion.

In as much as the Hall of Records was a living, oscillating, light-encoded structure—it was a part of the bio-spiritual anatomy and architecture of the planet itself. It was designed to be inherently connected to the planetary body and bodies of consciousness dwelling and existing as incarnates upon her. Therefore, those who chose or felt inclined to experience what life was like in a body upon the Earth, were inherently, organically and intrinsically connected to, and at all times, interfacing with the planetary Hall of Records located within the deep underground systems pre-dating the Egyptian Pyramids beneath the structure known today as the Sphinx— which was built and erected upon the surface of Earth approximately 50,000 years ago.
"Great White Lion is a consciousness network in the planetary body (of which the Sphinx is a part of) made in the image of the Leonine race which is a part of human genetics. Note that the Sphinx, which originally had a lion's head, was built as a tribute to the Feline and Leonine Founders. The resistance Nibiruan Annunaki defiled and altered it to destroy its function. The heart of the Great White Lion Planetary Grid Network is located at the 12-dimensional (12D Ray) energy center (node, Stargate portal) in the south of France and its wormhole connects into the island of Kauai. The Hawaiian Islands are what is left of the ancient Lemurian Continent."

It should be explained and understood that much of what exists within and a part of the Planetary Body, has a direct bio-spiritual impact that can be observed within the Human Body as well. Therefore, in order to illustrate this connectivity and relationship, we would describe it as saying “what happens on the Macro level, can be reflected and projected as a result in the Micro ..or vice versa” .........So in as much as the Earth has a Planetary Brain/Logos, so does the Human have a Brain and these two Brains function in essentially the same way by being the control board responsible for all of the functions that happen to the body. We say this to help those who read this conceptualize how it may be, that by manipulating or altering the function and integrity of one of the Planet’s key organs or Centers, this can have and does have a direct correlating impact on that exact organ and centre within the Human who has decided to incarnate within a body upon the surface and within the system of Earth.

For those who have continued to read this, we applaud you in your perseverance and motivation to understand this small yet critical piece of your historical truth. Please be patient with us as we attempt to formulate the most effective words in an effort to help our beloved human families and counterparts in understanding why it is that they have been unsuccessful in reclaiming their God-sovereignty as we approach the last and final stages of Planetary Ascension underway now.

When the Controller Forces (Annunaki/Leviathan) successfully ambushed and retrieved the Looking Glass technology, as well as the access and master codes/keys needed to enter the Hall of Records, they proceeded to formulate a ‘master plan’ which included the full domination and control of Earth and her resources be it human or non-human. It was at this critical juncture and intersection of the Earth timeline, that the Luciferian Rebellion overstepped all possible and anticipated boundaries and codes of conduct by taking it upon themselves (and their family of origin lines), to access the historical Hall of Records, and intentionally use the Looking Glass Technology available to them at the time, to assist them in effectively erasing, (or more accurately ‘withholding by disabling the information’), the true and accurate depiction of Earth’s history as had been neutrally and accurately recorded from the inception of that which is known as the Hall of Records.

Therefore, the Controller Forces who had forcefully and unscrupulously gained access to the Hall of Records, were now recreating the content within by using lies, deception and manipulation to effectively create a distorted version of the historical records in order for the truth to be suppressed, and in order for those with the capacity to incarnate upon Earth, to function within a state of bio-spiritual amnesia and illusion as from that moment on, human incarnates would be unable to know, remember or access any of the accurate information once held in the Hall of Records.

For those with the capacity to sense the implications of such action, it should be quite clear that this type of take-over and retractable manipulation of the timelines could have, and continues to have FAR REACHING impacts and influences on not only the consciousness fields of those within the system and hologram of Earth, but these influences stretch and extend out in all directions throughout the greater cosmic and galactic arenas, and create within them what is here referred to as Karmic Miasma. This Miasma has polluted the systems of entire neighbouring planets and even galaxies as it can be seen and felt throughout all of the timelines connected to Earth from that moment in time and forward.

For this transmission, we would like to limit the exposure to certain terms and concepts to a minimum as this will be already quite overwhelming for most to digest and process as it is. However, we would very much like to create a ‘part 2’ and expand upon this subject as we can explore the connections this subject has to Blank Slate TechnologyBlack  Hole Technology, the Annunaki-Nephillim wars, The NRG grids, the Reversal Grids and Reversal Architecture within the planetary body and human body and much more.

For now, we will prepare to close this transmission but before we do, we would like to explain how the arrival of the Starseed and Indigo Races have been an important asset and tool that those of us projecting our consciousness from the higher dimensions, have decided to use in order for Earth to be healed, restored and prepared for her planetary ascension which is available to Earth and all of her human and non-human incarnates.

The Starseeds and Indigos have been coming to Earth for the last century and have been arriving with enhanced 'instruction sets' embedded within their human architecture that has allowed them to have an edge when it comes to helping seed truth and god-sovereignty among the planet. If and when all of the suppressed and missing data is revealed to Earth’s citizens, then the importance, integrity and sacredness of each incarnate Starseed/Indigo will be understood. As it is these brave and courageous souls who have decided (faced with all types of opposition and all odds stacked against them) to descend into Earth’s hijacked and distorted hologram, knowing full and well that they would have no memory of who and what they are, and try to align themselves with the Light of Source so that they could infiltrate the system from within the system, and impart their influence on the hologram by being a Galactic Anchor and Emissary of Light during the time of Planetary and Universal Ascension. We honour each and every human who is a part of this journey and we hope that this transmission has been successful at its attempt to reveal to you the true reason why it is that you have no memory of Earth’s true history, and as such you have been stripped of your ability to live upon a world by which you should have been given accurate historical context from which to live and conduct your life by.

We have asked that our scribe please use her own discernment to highlight and reference certain terms and concepts to be linked to the ongoing project that is the Energetic Synthesis Ascension Glossary that has been a Guardian collaboration with Lisa Renee who can be found here at We thank you for your time and endured attention as you attempt to understand the concepts and story lines presented herein, and we hope that this information serves to assist you in your journey back into wholeness, pureness and divinity which will initiate you into the process of Ascension —thereby making it possible for you to be the knower of God and return to the eternal fields of Living Light and Oneness. Please only take what resonates and leave the rest for another time. We are your Founder Race Guardian Alliance and Krystal Star Consciousness Representatives, serving the Law of One, and hosting your planet for Ascension. At all times please know with every cell of your sacred Beingness that you are God Sovereign Free eternally consecrated and in the image and likeness of your One true Source, the Light and Love of God. So be it and So it is.

the tech is the BST in conduction wiith the looking glass tech. The looking glass tech gives on the ability to perceive future timelines as a result of a specific change in the targeted field. The BST allows one the ability to disable or erase data from the memory complex of both the planet and human effectively. prior to the BST being modified and reprogrammed to support the current status there was a time in which the original data from the hall of records was erased and reencrypted if you will. in order to be accurate in our description of the events that transpired, we would need to rewind and explain that the bST was introduced into earths hologram more recently and was not a part of the luciferien rebellion. during the rebellion it was the manipulation of the hall of records that effectively distorted the memory complex. however, due to ongoing advancements in off-planet technologies and artificial intelligence, the Beast was brought here to further the influence and effect this technology could have on the hijack and domination timeline.