Sunday, May 17, 2015

Arhayas: The war is over (REPOST)

The war is over

Updates to the published in 2009 introductory texts of MCEO Guardian Alliance:

1. Through the current and ongoing mechanics of the Krystal River Host FAIL-SAFE, our Aurora Earth is now a full-scale Ascension Planet, and its AL-Hum-Bhra Trans-Time Passages D-Span Gates are now, and will remain, permanently open for the next 900 years.

2. The Invisible Grid War/PlasmaWar that our Earth has been entangled within for eons, (and which reached its „0-Point Kryst Tolerance“ between 9/2000 and 8/2011 earth-time when the AL-Hum-Bhra Kryst Fail-Safe Intervention was called and progressively enacted), IS FINALLY OVER, and the Krystal River Al-Hum-Bhra Fail-Safe Host has prevailed.

3. The Planetary Templar and Gate Systems of our Aurora Ascension Earth are now under the full protectorate of the AMCC-MCEO Krystal River Fail-Safe Host, and the fallen Gate Systems of Alpha-Omega and FAtaLE are now permanently closed, blocking any further invasion from within or without by the FAtaLE and those choosing the Paths of Fall Return.

[AMCC: AL-Hum-Bhra Magistracy Councils of Cosminyahas, MCEO: Melchizedek Cloister Emerald Order]

4. Over the next 900 years Aurora Earth time, our Aurora Earth will become an Intergalactic Ascension Station for many lifeforms and forms of consciousness whom will be seeking Final Kryst Host for evacuation from Toral-Rift-Falling Galaxies, such as our Milky Way Galaxy, its many Falling Solar Systems, such as our own. Many Kryst-Hosting lifeforms and consciousness will beginn visiting and incarnating on our Aurora Ascension Earth, to progressively receive the Bio-Regenesis they will need to pass through the Al-Hum-Bhra Passages into the various D-Planes „Island Ascension Plattforms“ of the Krystal River Fail-Safe Host.

5. During this period of 900 years of Aurora Ascension Earth being an Intergalactic Ascension Station, our Aurora Earth will undergo many changes, both in „coming and going“ of its life and consciousness fields, to various slow-but-progressive geological adjustments the planetary body will engage as the still current 34-Reverse same-spin-set Deathstar Merkaba Field of the NET Earth aspect of Aurora Earth progressively heals and returns to an organic Krystic Merkaba counter-spin-set.

[NET: Nibiruan Electrostatic Transduction Net]

6. The Sun of our Solar System is still Bhardoah-Transition Engaged, a slow but inevitable process that will progressively generate various changes and need for adjustments on our Aurora Earth life field.

[Bhardoah-Transition: The physical body dies and the incarnated consciousness without leaving his material vessel its immediate perceptions platform (reality field / Dimension)]

7. Between 1/3/2012 und 2047 AD, our Aurora Ascension Earth will progressively transfigure another 1/3 of its elemental-atomic-matter-base, and its freqeuncy-corresponding Kryst Hosting life and consciousness fileds, into the Eternal Life elemental-atomic Plasmas of the DhA-Yah-Tei Planes.

8. Between 2047 AD and 2912 AD the remaining 1/3 of our Aurora Ascension Earth elemental-atomic-matter-base and life and consciousness fields will transfigure into the Eternal Life elemental-atomic Plasmas of the DhA-Yah-TEi Planes, as our Aurora Ascension Earth and M31-Ascension Urtha slowly and progressively engage their own cycle of Planetary Tan-Tri-A'jha Blend, to eventually fulfill their Krystar Adashi-3 Ascension via the AMCC-MCEO Krystal River Fail-Safe Host.

[Urtha: "Trans-harmonic" M31- "HOST" -Planet our earth who would have become in an undisturbed advancement cycle after Tara / Alcyone in harmonic universe 2. The Stargates to Tara, however, are "fallen"]

9. For now, our „Life After Earth“ begins where we are, here and now, and the Beloved Eternal Kryst Guardians of the AMCC-MCEO Krystal River Fail-Safe Host will progressiviely engage subtle contact with those choosing the Krystal River Host, so they may progressively share with us the Sacred „Tan-Tri-AhUra Teachings – The Path of Bio-Spiritual Artistry“, through which we can grow, expand and rediscover ourselves as Eternal Life Krystic beings entrusted with Custodianship over our Beloved Aurora Ascension Earth Planetary Templar, as we all move together through the 900 years of Aurora Ascension Earth's Krystal River Fail-Safe Host.

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

AD: Forbidden Earth's History

Forbidden Earth's History Part1

Forbidden Earth's History Part2

by Ashayana Deane

Monday, May 04, 2015

Livia Space: AMENTI PROJECT - Mother Codes in the DNA vs 6:6:6 seed atom and death-genes, Amsterdam (Class 10)

May 1 - Posted by
Kilka kolejnych wybranych fragmentow z materialu zaprezentowanego przez Ashayane na warsztacie w Amsterdamie (nov 2007), tym razem Class 10, w ktorym mowa miedzy innymi o tzw. Mother Codes in DNA, oraz jak sie ma do niego – 6:6:6 seed atom…

Which special codes are needed in the DNA that will allow, under certain conditions, the beginning of healing of this unnatural process?

(…)the process of activating the Mother Codes in the DNA, by activating the Jesheua Codes that are connected to the Codes of AquA’elle. AquA’elle was the name of Jesheua’s daughter in the 7th line, the one child of the 7th line. She was named after the matrix from which her Spirit came…

Livia Space: AMENTI PROJECT - Milky Way Mysteries, Amsterdam (Class 11)

Kontynuacja poprzedniej notki

AMENTI PROJECT, Legacy of the Lost, Amsterdam (Class 12)

tym razem kilka wybranych fragmentow z Amsterdam Class 11


Legacy of the Lost, Freedoms of the Found, the Milky Way Mysteries, Halls of Records  and the “Jesus Codes”

 Questions and Answers

1. What are Seeds of Suffering?

• Our partial Fall from another living matrix, the M31 Andromeda Galaxy. Distortions were created where the natural Krist Codes were bended.
• 350 BYA: The Fall of Procyus, Rajhna/Jhala Star in M31. The part that fell became Procyak and was named Abaddon. The separation of the Milky Way from Andromeda M31 started because of the attack by the Appolyon from the Wesadak Black Hole System.
• 250 BYA: The Fall of Lyra, Kathara Center 12 of M31. It became connected to the Milky Way.
• 150 BYA: The Fall of Metatron. The Host Mission of the Metatron Collective failed
and then the YHWH Matrix was formed and connected to Abaddon. Abaddon was plugged into the Arimathaea Wormhole (or Cube Matrix) that is eating our Milky Way and connected to the Appolyon Matrix in the Wesedak System.
• 9558 BC: The Fall of Atlantis. Right before the Fall the Hibernation Zones were formed by reversing the light fields; they were inhabited by FA to control Earth as a prison planet.

2. What are the Milky Way Mysteries?

There are distortions (“Daisy of Death”) in the solar plane of our Solar System, which are a reflection of the distortions (“Bloom of Doom”) that are in the Galactic Plane of our Milky Way System. We are in the middle of an unresolved mystery.
• Our Milky Way is the “Procyak Matrix” since the Fall of Procyus (M31 Andromeda). Procyus became Procyak, called Abaddon, which is in the center of the Milky Way.
• A piece of Procyak became Procyon in the Canis Minor System. Another part became Prolaris, which then got reversed in Polaris, our North Star, to plug us in the center of the Milky Way.
• In the center of the Milky Way scientists found Sagittarius A, which is the fallen part of ObeYon ( M31 Andromeda, Kathara Center 8), reversed into OberYon.

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3. What is the “Bloom of Doom”?