Thursday, January 29, 2015

Offplanet Radio: Randy Maugans & Guests:Jeanice Barcelo & Dr. Rebecca Carley - White Coats, Black Medicine

Jeanice Barcelo & Dr. Rebecca Carley: White Coats, Black Medicine


OffPlanet Radio LIVE – 01-23-2015 – Randy Maugans with Jeanice Barcelo and Dr. Rebecca Carley, MD

Jeanice Barcelo –

Dr. Rebecca Carley, MD –

We welcome two of the leading edge researchers/practitioners in the field of alternate healing practices, and outspoken critics of the medical profession, to discuss the trauma-based practices in child birthing; ne0natal care; about the violent paradigms of intrusive technology deployed against natural, healthy physical, emotional, and psychological development of children; including: formula bottle-feeding, 
Circumcision (male)
Cord Clamping
, Epidurals, Female genital mutilation
, In vitro fertilisation, Oxytocin (synthetic)  (trade names: Pitocin and Syntocinon), Vaccinations during pregnancy, Ultrasound

We also cover the subjects of “Frozen Angels”, the Israeli practices of harvesting eggs and sperm from dead subjects and the creation of “gollum” (soul-less human-like entities); how Israeli Jews have been caught in the lucrative illegal trade of human organ harvesting in Kosova, India, Haiti, Chad, Belarus, Nicaragua, Peru, Nicaragua, Philippines, Turkey, Ukraine, China, Palestine and other countries; the spectrum of psychopathy of human conception and life trauma.

The book, Birth Trauma and the Dark Side of Modern Medicine

The Hidden Tyranny (of The Jews) –




Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Omnisense's Blog: Communication Through Dreams - Nightmares - Synthetic Dreams/Virtual Reality

Communication Through Dreams - Nightmares - Synthetic Dreams/Virtual Reality

Ever since I was introduced to the prospect of communication with beings through dreams, I was intrigued by it. Most of my Extraterrestrial interaction has been while I was awake. However they have told me that in the dreamworld they are much more able to interact with people due to deniability by anyone programmed against the ET truth.

I am a firm believer that balance is a natural law of the universe. Balance applies to all things. If you can name a single thing balance does not apply to in some way(or many ways), I would be surprised. A common misconception when hearing me say balance applies to all things, is thinking I am saying all things are balanced. That is entirely different than what I am saying. For example someone who told me an astral realm doesn't have balance, one's perception while inside such a reality has a balance of various feelings while experiencing such things though. If not that then one is experiencing one polarity of a balance of things... So balance still applies to such a thing...

If benevolent ETs get to do something, so do negatively aligned ETs in the way exopolitics is set up. I have gotten numerous virtual reality synthetic dreams from both sides of Extraterrestrials.

Origin of Nightmares

Surely some nightmares are natural. However I have been made aware that dark sources who have power on earth, have been giving people they dislike virtual reality nightmares for millennia. Just as benevolent ETs have been communicating with people through dreams for millennia.

A common theme with many 'contactees' and 'abductees' is seeing disasters for earth in their minds. This isn't done with some magic telepathic power of the mind IMHO, it is done via virtual reality technology. I was conveyed some of these are sourced back to black ops human sources. Although, throughout history ETs indeed have given messages of incoming disasters, like in the floods when "God" told a man to build a big boat for his family, as floods were coming. I have no doubt that the true source of such a thing was Extraterrestrials.

I would estimate that prophetic dreams are frequently virtual reality technology. Although that may be controversial, I feel it has validity being said...

Dream State Virtual Reality as Opposed to Flat out Virtual Reality

Synthetic dreams are a virtual reality, but virtual reality is not always in a dream state. I have experienced it wide awake many times. Ranging from presentations for the 3rd eye, to full visuals inside the imagination, or being fully immersed into a virtual reality where you can walk around in etc... Virtual reality is quite potent and it is no doubt the future.

Due to the human cabal getting virtual reality technology, I would say the majority of synthetic dreams given on earth at this time are agenda driven. So I would just like to say be careful about being too influenced by a dream, or at least analyze if a dream may have a certain agenda. By being aware of implanted dreams, one develops a safeguard against it.

I have noticed people can be very dramatically affected by a dream. I hope by publishing information about synthetic dreams(which feel fully real if desired by the engineers) I will help some people be less vulnerable to manipulation via this technology... I know I never dreamed it possible it was technology early on in my life when I experienced many virtual realities...

Here is a video I produced about virtual reality/synthetic dreams:


also good reads are:

Mapping Electromagnetics (Electronic Telepathy)

Universal Mechanics - Perception/Truth - Mechanics of Consciousness

The Origin of Ritual Human Sacrifice (Reptile Extraterrestrials)

Ear Ringing - Artificial Tinnitus - Street Smart Experiencer

Illusionists with Very Advanced Technology





Tuesday, January 27, 2015

This one Goes out the tha Arhayas-Productions groupies that only repeat others.. and cannot theirself.... yet... yep...


We've removed or disabled access to the following content that you posted on Facebook because we received a notice from a third party that the content infringes their copyright(s):
Photo from album: "Fotos da Linha do Tempo", "i think a claim them will get for say 50K $ is a good number. for mass repeat DMCA abusers & legal character/Impersonation...



We've removed or disabled access to the following content that you posted on Facebook because we received a notice from a third party that the content infringes their copyright(s):
Photo from Album: "Timeline Photos", "so now Arhayas* thinks  they can claim my Eckasha Rha Symbol.  ok now that is what i call a mistake.  and ill have it re-instated. and the claime will get challanged .. and will get a counter-claim for false DMCA abuse. and me know legals... and stuff very well. so good. fine thats how ya wanna role. lets role.  *for that seems to match other take-down events.... so assume its same folks..  #Timing..", uploaded on January 5th, 8:22am PST

For reference, this content was removed due to Report #1573952816149765.


We've removed or disabled access to the following content that you posted on Facebook because we received a notice from a third party that the content infringes their copyright(s):

Photo from album: "Emerald Guardians Original Official Codes CC Artworks", "Reuche Light

By: Emerald Guardians

CC", uploaded on 23 January 16:32 PST

For reference, this content was removed due to Report #312164532306906.


We've removed or disabled access to the following content that you posted on Facebook because we received a notice from a third party that the content infringes their copyright(s):

Photo from album: "Emerald Guardians Original Official Codes CC Artworks", "Eckasha Rha [Photocopy Edition] Self-coloring

CC", uploaded on 23 January 16:24 PST


We've removed or disabled access to the following content that you posted on Facebook because we received a notice from a third party that the content infringes their copyright(s):

Photo from album: "Emerald Guardians Original Official Codes CC Artworks", "Transformation Flower

 #Base12 #CoreTemplate #Mechanics #Reuche

By: Emerald Guardians

CC", uploaded on 23 January 16:26 PST


#Arhayas_Productions #Groupies  #KHY #FAILSAFE #SANANDA


And than i will request for full release of claimees information , to be used IN court case that will sue you....  yep.   (could but shouldnt be needed...  if we all work for the betterment.. )


Lyla i hope you and your new B-friend have a good time. oh that reminds me does that appollo guy still infiltrate your biofield. as your compromised....    if you want a quote of you lemme know ill add your words to it.

all claims have been counternotified. and others recent 3days ago claims will get the same.....


ARI RhAyas K'Asha Aha-yana Rak'Ayhea S'anada


Emerald Guardians

The One .... Host Core Blue/White Shield Holder...

Saturday, January 24, 2015

Bogus DMCA Takedowns

Here more of their illigal activities aka DMCA Abuse...   #update

and that way delete the EG Facebook-page.. 
that now is back and more features added...  

Example of other peoples material finding/experiencing  same....   issue
 with some a these Arhyas-groupies/trolls.

Amenti Star-Gates, Planetary Arc of the Covenant Hub Gates and Cue Sites Locations List.pdf
i wonder why folks now claiming (Copyright/Ownership) of self-compiled info into a PDF
so that still is DMCA-Abuse..... and has nothing todo but.. a bogus/false claim.. which is punishable by law.. as offense. even more for repeat offenders that use DMCA to erase info from the web and availability and eventually cost folks time thus money.. ( as the saying is time is money haha )

- This content was removed at the request of Arhayas Productions -
screenshot taken from

Why thanks you'all. integrity seems slacking at some fronts. 
not just talking about A&R's or Virtue's
Seems some still need to clean out own inner-group.was and still is.. the case. time shows.…/amenti-star-gates-planetary-arc-o…

or download that pdf here: