Monday, December 15, 2014

Coast to Coast - Akashic Record Access (2014-12-13)

Coast to Coast - Akashic Record Access (2014-12-13) 

Accessing the Akashic Record

Date: 12-13-14
Host: Richard Syrett
Guests: Douglas James Cottrell, Magda Havas, Douglas Cottrell Jr. 
Host Richard Syrett welcomed remote viewer, medical intuitive and healer, Dr. Douglas James Cottrell, who detailed how he uses a deep meditative trance to access the Akashic Record and how, in this state, he develops a 'soul voice' which has dictated a number of books to his son, Doulas Jr., who also joined the conversation to discuss this process.

"Mediumship is a connection between myself or my mind and someone else who is another consciousness who is discarnate," he revealed, adding that during his process the conscious personality mind is subdued to allow the 'soul mind' or higher self to communicate. This allows Cottrell to locate and examine someone at a distance, connect with the Akashic Record, and receive specific remedies to help that person. It has a tendency to be highly accurate, he noted.

In the second hour, Doulas Jr. guided a discussion between Richard and Cottrell, who had entered a deep meditative state through which his higher self was able to speak and access information. Richard asked Cottrell about the likelihood of a major EMP event in North America within the next few years. "As to the possibility of a totality as to the effect of electronic equipment resetting and disrupting, this is highly probable," Cottrell revealed in a voice slightly different than his conscious way of speaking.

Richard also inquired about the probability of an eruption of the Yellowstone caldera. "Very likely, this is indeed going to happen. You will find that there will be a wall of lava, there will be volcanic ash, there will be choking and suffocating those that would be in an easterly direction from this location," Cottrell's 'soul mind' responded. He also confirmed life on Mars, the UFO/ET reality, and shift of world power from the west to the east.

Musical Plants

In the first hour, Associate Professor of Environmental & Resource Studies at Trent University, Magda Havas, talked about her research into electromagnetic pollution and notion that plants can respond to their external environment. Havas described an experiment in which a lie detector was used to measure how various electronic devices caused physiological stress in people. Plants hooked up in a similar way reacted to environmental stimuli with changes in conductivity as well, she explained.
A MIDI interface designed to convert this change in electrical conductivity into sound allowed the plants to produce music, Havas continued. "We had these plants hooked up in my lab... and suddenly they would start playing," she said, noting how it felt like they were conscious, almost sentient beings. Havas played audio from a YouTube video of Robert Connolly conducting his plant band with a quartz crystal singing bowl.

Monday, October 27, 2014



The Reuche, the Eternal Life Krist Cross, at the Eckasha’s center the
Heart of the God Seed 
is the most powerful of all Geomancies/ Ascension 
Star Gate Navigation Tools
recently returned
to humanity…


Reuche Light on Starry Sky



