Showing posts with label spiritual. Show all posts
Showing posts with label spiritual. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Lisa Renee – Planet Emancipation Wk7


Lisa Renee – Planet Emancipation Wk7

This week we have met the halfway point in our community grid project and needless to say that the process has been incredibly intense. Whenever we are deeply engaged with this kind of planetary service or energy clearings, it stirs up a lot of controversy and intensity in our life circumstances, as well as surfaces many strange and surreal experiences. We have encountered technology glitches with these weekly blog postings, and so I want to acknowledge that and thank you for your patience with the strange and bizarre glitches we encounter. This was the first time I was allowed to bring this type of grid project into a small public sharing, of which previously this was not allowed as a safety measure and precaution for our grid teams. To be able to post these projects in public viewing also tells me that the core processes of earth are changing, where those of us who are involved in the changing of the planet architecture, can be more transparent in the process, without being taken out for their efforts. 

In our community we have experienced a mounting pressure, and some of us are better in neutralizing that pressure than others. The point is this Planet Emancipation project has applied intensity across the board, and like a triathlete running over the hurdles, the process tests our resolve, character, dedication and devotion to something that is much larger than ourselves. Many of us realize that we are forever changed when we contribute to the planetary healing, as when we heal the planet, we heal ourselves and vice versa. We are intricately interwoven into the planetary body and its consciousness layers, and being alive on planet earth means we are an intimate part of planet earth, there is no way to stop the process of evolution or negate our role from being incarnated on the planet during her Ascension Cycle.

With this in our heart and mind we begin the week into work for the logos and brain of our planet, Week 7. So now we begin with this weeks project information:
Our ES community has been asked to begin group collaboration for grid work and transits on Twelve (12) weekly assigned planetary networks in partnership with Krystal Host. We have been asked to invite the public that finds resonance with these words to offer another consciousness ring of heartfelt prayers to support the Krystal Host Planetary Emancipation Gridwork (PEG) Project. These “prayers for emancipation and peace” assignments can be completed within the seven (7) day period which is dedicated to a specific key area that has been directed for support from off planet Krystal Star (Christ Consciousness) families connecting with the earthly family at this timeline. This will be published for the public in the weekly Timeshift Blog here, which is every Tuesday to Tuesday.

Week SEVEN Planet Gridwork: Inner Gate of Ionian Islands (Albanian and Greek Coastline of Ionian Sea), and its underground linkup into the Lake Titicaca, Andes in Bolivia , for the period of Tuesday June 18th to Tuesday, June 25th.
Week SEVEN Intention: Set up Prayer or Meditation Session space that is dedicated to the Purposes of the Krystal Star Host communication networks for Stargate 7 Inner Gate . Building the architecture required for Krystal Hosting for Planetary Soul and Humanity Tribe 7. Ways to Help Support the weekly PEG Project: 
  1. Dedicate your 12D shield practice at the end to send love, peace and liberation to the area of the planet assigned within that weekly period. Visualize that area of the Earth, clean, peaceful, abundant and loving for all humans and earthly creatures. Send your love and peace offered in brotherhood/sisterhood towards all humankind. Here is the 12D Video.
  2. Command your personal space as God-Sovereign-Free being and Meditate on your own as it feels resonant, imagine peace and freedom available to all on the Earth, and specifically at the area of assignment.
  3. Read outloud your favorite prayer for peace on the Earth and dedicate that prayer to the assigned area.
As we move forward with this project, there is not expectation or attachment, learn to relax and be in the flow. We will have a varying degrees of involvement and approach , so allow what is feels good for you to surface. Some of us will be contacted, and when this occurs, there is no ignoring your responsibility. Others may have much more subtle or gentle approaches, in dream state, or sudden animation of intense “feeling”, emotions or intuitions – directed at a particular part of the earth, or her creatures, or human beings. There is no way this is wrong or right, all there is – is what is perfect for you in the now moment when it happens. Allow your heart to lead the way and feel your inner resonances, organically.

May all of us together as one heart, hold the highest expression for all involved and support the strength, endurance and truth of our planet project together in Unity!
I thank you so much for your kind support and prayers in upholding the integrity, love, peace and truth within our group project and community. May all of us be blessed and protected though the divine grace of the eternal light, and all of the Christos families surround and be as our brothers and sisters in peace and love.
  •  These water gates are portals that link into several different ” Island Chains” that are important in relationship to hidden artifacts buried in the earth that are a part of our galactic history. These Island chains have a part of the protected areas of the Krystal Star networks that are supporting the planet logos at 7D. This week PEG areas are also related to Basque Country, on the coast of Spain ( where RH negative blood was last traced to on planet), northeast New Zealand area and south pacific island chains (where most all islands were formed from volcanic explosions) link into the Ionian chains.
  • Logos program of Christianity and its crucifixion implants are sourced 7D. NAA went to the Ionian Sea to begin the program of religious heresy or the crusades to reinforce the mutations. Biblical Revelations verses for Armageddon sofware was brought through in this location.
  • Memories of NAA invasion and the painful knowledge of entering the dark ages or the Iron age cycle. These concepts of the evolution cycles were discussed at length by the Greeks:
Love in all ways, Lisa

Monday, November 14, 2011

Utah Monetary Declaration

Utah Monetary Declaration

November 10, 2011

WHEREAS, the unalienable rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness require for their full enjoyment the indispensable right to honorably acquire, use, hold and transfer property;

WHEREAS, money, a fundamental form of property, serving as a medium of exchange, a unit of measure, and a store of value, enables individuals to freely and collectively exercise their inherent rights within society;

WHEREAS, natural money, most commonly precious metal coin, by virtue of its intrinsic qualities of uniformity, divisibility, durability, portability, and scarcity, reliably retains its value over time, irrespective of any governmental declaration to require or prohibit its use;

WHEREAS, sound money, in whatever form, benefits society by maintaining stable purchasing power and circulating on a voluntary and unencumbered basis, thereby promoting prosperity and unity within any community upholding it;

WHEREAS, history attests that monopolistic monetary systems tend toward manipulation of the supply, composition and nature of money, resulting in lost purchasing power, inequitable wealth redistributions, misallocation of productive resources and chronic unemployment, thus impairing and potentially destroying life, liberty, property and happiness;

WHEREAS, for the equal protection and general welfare of all people, the open and unrestricted circulation of complementary and competing currencies establishes an effective check and balance against monopolistic monetary manipulations; and

WHEREAS, the right to choose constitutes the chief cornerstone of a free market and of a unified, prosperous and free society;

NOW THEREFORE, we the undersigned hereby declare and affirm that:

  1. As an essential element of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness in a free society, all people necessarily enjoy the inherent and unalienable right to lawfully and honorably acquire, use, hold and exchange whatever form or forms of money they may prefer, including especially gold and silver coin.

  2. All free and sovereign states bear the moral, political and legal obligation to maintain, insofar as possible, reliably stable currencies, to afford redress for fraud, counterfeiting, embezzlement, theft or neglect in financial transactions, and to require transparency and accountability of all financial institutions.

  3. No government should erect barriers to the unfettered circulation of monies issued under the authority of its sovereign trading partners, including the national government of The United States of America which has no power to demonetize through disparate tax treatment, discriminatory regulation, the threat of suppression and seizure, or otherwise, gold and silver coin monetized by any constituent state pursuant to its constitutionally reserved monetary powers.

  4. No tax liability nor any regulatory scheme promoting one form of money over another should apply to: (a) the holding of any form of money, in a financial institution or otherwise; (b) the exchange of one form of money for any other; or (c) the actual or imputed increase in the purchasing power of one form of money as compared to another.

  5. Governmental authority should never be used to compel payment of any obligation, contract or debt in any specific form of money inconsistent with the parties’ agreement, except with respect to amounts due and directly payable to government itself.

  6. Invalidating agreed monetary provisions, such as the application of a discount or surcharge dependent upon the particular medium of exchange or method of payment employed, constitutes an impermissible impairment of contractual obligations.

  7. The extent and composition of a person’s monetary holdings, including those on deposit with any financial institution, should never be subject to disclosure, search or seizure except upon adherence to due process safeguards such as requiring an adequate showing of probable cause to support the issuance, by a court of competent jurisdiction, of a lawful warrant or writ executed by legally authorized law enforcement officers.

We hereby urge business leaders, educators, members of the media, legislators, government officials, judicial and law enforcement officers as well as the public at large to use their best combined efforts to reinstate and promote the legal and commercial framework necessary to establish and maintain well-functioning, sound monetary systems featuring choice in currency.


The citizens of not only Utah, but all of America, owe a debt of gratitude to Larry Hilton and his team for their tireless efforts in promoting SOUND MONEY concepts.

Why is this?

Friends, the world debt system is simply unsustainable.   It is a massive fraud.   “Occupy Wall Street” protestors are PURPOSEFULLY NOT FOCUSING ON THE TRUE ISSUES!  It is NOT the capitalist free-market system that is to blame!  It is NOT the creation of wealth through HONEST LABOR that is the problem.  No, it is the manipulations of the House of Rothschild for centuries, and Khazarian SPIDERS like George Schwartz (aka Soros).  Consider these most important STATISTICS:

1.  All “too-big-to-fail” U.S. banks, ALL have inaccurate, falsified and highly falsified balance sheets (ignoring GAAP principles) along with $250 trillion in high-risk OTC derivatives contracts;

2.  The entire world’s financial  “central banking” system, characterized by unworkable levels of sovereign debt and private debt and by over $600 trillion in OTC derivatives liabilities;

3.  The excessive levels of federal government debt and unfunded liabilities combined with falling federal tax revenues prior to the start of the double-dip recession that began in the second half of 2011;

4.  The radically inflationary monetary policies of the federal government and of the Federal Reserve, which promise high inflation or hyperinflation in the future;

5.  The worsening condition of the real U.S. economy outside of large banks, multinational corporations, and Wall Street firms, where federal government bailouts and Federal Reserve monetary easing (money printing) transfer wealth from proverbial Main Street to literal Wall Street;

6.  The rapidly escalating polarization of the distribution of wealth, which threatens not only the economic stability of the United States but also its social and political stability; and

7.  The current, highly inflationary monetary system is plainly unfair and fundamentally immoral.


Folks, we the people have little options left to us.  The first step is to print, copy and distribute this “Declaration” to all your friends and family.  Get their signatures on a petition.  Get your state reps to sponsor similar declarations.


Thursday, October 13, 2011

Message From the Arcturians: The Dark Ones Are Defeated. Ascension NextMonth. Inner Earth Comes on the Surface!

Posted on October 12, 2011 by Jean

by Suzille | Stankov’s Universal Law Press
October 12 2011

Note from Gillian — I can only find this report on Stankov’s site though it is written by Suzanne Carroll (Multidimensions). As it is currently making the rounds I thought it prudent to publish it here.  As always, your discernment is advised.

Special Report

Dear Arcturians,

Please help me to understand my visions upon awakening this morning.

First I saw a huge Portal, which I will try to explain now. The middle of the Portal had a bright pink opening, with some energy coming out of it. The portal was a perfect circle with many colors radiating around the outside.

Then I hear something like, “It has begun, the war is over or IT is over.”

Then I saw people coming out of the top of something. It had a lid like the opening to a submarine and they had some kind of space suits or deep-sea diving suits on. I saw the first people of whom I knew would be many, and they had huge smiles on their faces and were all extremely happy.

My first impression upon seeing this image was that the ones, who were in the underground cities that the Illuminati created and had disappeared when the caves were destroyed were now coming to the surface for the first time in decades. I sensed that these people were coming up from deep underground and seeing the natural light of day for the first time in ages.

I feel like the “war” that is over is one that most people didn’t even know was being fought.

Dearest Suzille,

Yes, we did send you a message this morning for you to release to your readers and to put at the end of your next newsletter. The “cleaning up” of the dark’s ones errors is nearly complete and will be finished in time for the myriad Portal openings on 11.11.11.

These Portal openings will, of course, only be perceived by those who have volunteered to “see” them, and will perceived by each person according to their personal inclination. Because of the vast variety of inhabitants on Earth, it must always be this way. Furthermore, the cetaceans will be very instrumental in the Portal opening over the great oceans and vast waterways.

The opening of these Portals will not be frightening in the least for they resonate to the mid-fourth dimension and travel into the fifth. Therefore, only those who have recovered their multidimensional perceptions will even know they are there. We send this message to you so that you can dispense it via your communication systems. We know that you will do your best to replicate the vision of the Portal that you saw this morning.

Your impression about the people coming up from the ground was partially correct in that a large group of those who were once living in the dark ones’ underground caves/cities have recently escaped. It was a huge covert mission that everyone has been working on for quite some time now. Once, these people feel safe enough, and once enough people can tolerate the information that they will share, they will tell their story. This will likely be after the opening of the many Portals, as the flash of extremely high frequency light and love coming IN through these Portal will serve to awaken many who still sleep.

These Portals could not be opened before because their high frequency will immensely amplify the thoughts, emotions and multidimensional abilities of those who are able to perceive them. On the other hand, they will also amplify the fear and anger of those who do not want to give up a reality in which they could have power and control over others. It is for this later reason that we have delayed the opening of these Portals until next month. Finally, there is enough Light and Love to balance the fear that has been projected by the dark ones and accepted by the lost ones.

Some of our Lightworkers and members of the Planetary Ascension Team will be able to perceive and travel the inward movement of the opened Portals. On the other hand, those who are not, yet, prepared for that experience will gain the benefit of the expanded frequency of light and love streaming OUT from the opened Portals. Of course, many of this group will now even know what is happening, but that is “business as usual” for them. Those who cling tightly to the old ways of reality will soon be jarred from their complacency, but this will only happen in a loving manner. Conversely, many will be instantly activated into a higher frequency expression of themselves and not even know why.

As you have now assumed, those coming up form the bowels of the earth are not just the ones in the caves. Either after the Portals have opened and closed, or during the opening, many of the members of Inner Earth have volunteered to leave the safety of their higher fourth to fifth dimensional reality and lower their resonance in order to visit the surface of Gaia. If you tune in, you will feel their preparation now. They are to be the forerunners of our Disclosure and Landing, as they are Earth members just like the “top-siders.” You can see in your vision how happy they will be to meet their human family again. You thought of deep-sea divers because they will have to gradually adjust to your environment and will likely have to wear special suits until they have adapted.

As you are hearing now, these events will symbolize the splitting of the worlds between those who are ready to perceive the Truth and those are not. These perceptions are all at a frequency rate of the mid to upper fourth dimension and even onto the threshold of the fifth dimensions. It is for this reason, that we have asked you to take as many as possible through the process of going through our Arcturian Corridor.

As we have said, for most of the members of your reality, the Portals will open out into your physical reality to share their gift of multidimensional light and unconditional love. In order to travel into and through the Portals, you will need to totally surrender to your Multidimensional SELF who can easily find the inward passage and remember the fine art of Portal travel. One of the many secrets that has been kept from the masses is that your military has been using Stargates, human made Portals, for decades. Furthermore, one of the many patents that will soon be released is the small Transportation Portals that will end the burden of travel and make every destination just a few minutes away.

Some that may read this information will view it all impossible. Fortunately, those ones will not be frightened by these events as their attachment to the old and their fear of the new will restrain their consciousness to a level in which they will not be able to perceive these events. We remind you all that the fifth dimension is not some “place” far away or high above. Fifth dimensional New Earth is right HERE—NOW but it resonates to a frequency that cannot by perceived by third dimensional perceptions. We urge you all to trust your “imagination” and believe in the messages from your “dreams” for dreams are your fourth dimensional experiences and your imagination is your fifth dimensional thought.

As you awaken to and travel through the many Portals, allow yourself to remember everything that you have learned through out the process of your awakening and listen with your High Heart. Allow the information to come in through your Crown, perceive it with your opened Third Eye and understand the meaning of your perceptions within your High Heart. In this manner, you are protected from any phenomena, which may frighten you and lower your resonance. Within the safety of this protection, you can “stay the course” of your experience with unconditional love and blissful joy.