Showing posts with label omnisense. Show all posts
Showing posts with label omnisense. Show all posts

Saturday, July 30, 2016

Omnisense: The Electronic Control Grid
The Electronic Control Grid (Approx. 50 minutes)

Video Synopsis:
In the world today is a massive technological based conspiracy using Directed Energy Weapons and Black Project Artificial Intelligence. Black Project AI Controls Directed Energy Weapons. Remote Neural Monitoring turns the human brain into a 5 sense surveillance device. Electronic Telepathy can impersonate any existent or fictional being. And Electromagnetic Mind Control can completely hijack a mind...

This video aims to give watchers a birds eye view of what is going on after a crash course on directed energy weapons and black project technology capabilities, while developing awareness based defenses of this technological warfare. The Electronic Control Grid is the second full length film produced by Omnisense. Covert Transhumanism was the first.

Electronic Control Grid Soundtrack
Available for Free/Donation here.

Video Topics:

Saturday, February 27, 2016

Omnisense: Covert Transhumanism; A Mind Control Documentary

Published on Feb 26, 2016
Transhumanism is not only the future, it is already here…
All 25+ Original Tracks in Covert Transhumanism Produced by Omnisense;

Stay Up to Date with Omnisense's Work;

Covered in Covert Transhumanism; A Mind Control Documentary:

•Electromagnetic Mind Control (At the Speed of Light)
•Whistleblower Testimony
•Government and Scientific Sources Verifying Mind Control
•Cutting Edge Mind Control Capabilities Explained
•How Mind Control is Done
•History of Mind Control
•Psychological Warfare (PSYOPS)
•Black Ops Perpetrated via Black Project Technology
•Technological Mind Tricks / Technological Illusions
•Telepathic Impersonations
•Black Project Post-Singularity Artificial Intelligence
•21st Century Targeting ~ Targeted Individuals
•Electronic Warfare / Electronic Harassment
•Tactics Used Against Targeted Individuals
•Aspects of 21st Century Targeting
•Gangstalking / Organized Stalking / Zersetzung / Street Theater
•Technological Possession
•Suicide Programming
•Electronic Telepathy/Synthetic Telepathy/v2k
•Mind Control Patents (RF Energy / Microwave)
•Brain Waves are Electromagnetic Waves (RF Energy)
•Cell Phone Tower Conspiracy (RF Energy)
•ELF Waves (RF Energy)
•HAARP (RF Energy)
•Electronic Telepathy Patents (RF Energy / Microwave)
•NSA’s SIGINT ~ Remote Neural Monitoring (Thought Surveillance)
•Manchurian Candidates
•Trauma Based Mind Control
•Mind Control Techniques
•Modern Day Mind Control Programs
•Black Project Technology
•“New Age” Psychological Operations
•Common Remote Influencing Technology Facades
•Technological Channeling Analysis
•Technological ESP
•Synthetic Sensations via Directed Energy Weapons
•Synthetic Dreams ~ Virtual Reality (VR)
•Black Project Spending
•Brain/Mind Mapping
•Operation Paperclip
•Operation Armageddon
•Artificial Intelligence based Demonic Possession Facades
•Defenses to Mind Control
•The Shadow Government
•The Surveillance Grid
•Psy Op Methodologies
•Mechanics of Perception
•Technological Conspiracy Quotes
•Transhumanization of Society
•What I call “The Covert Transhumanism Era”

In a nutshell;

"It seems AI has the power of the Matrix(in the movie) without the need for us to be in a pod plugged in." ~Andrew Hale

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

ET and Black Project Tech/AI ~ Omnisense w/ Alfred Webre

Published on Oct 3, 2015 Source:

Youtube: Omnisense
eTelepathy Website:
Alfred's Twitter:
eTelepathy Twitter:

This video uncovers black project and extraterrestrial technology like no other I have seen... I will surely be tortured for it(already have actually while editing it). I hope some people learn from it...

Video Notes:

-Demonic Possession Facades via AI Sources
-New Perspective on what the NWO Very Well May Be
-Telepathic Impersonations via AI
-CIA and Similar Sources Hiding Behind Various Electronic Telepathy/Mind Control Facades
-Alfred saying it’s common with the TIs he interacts with that they report having thought deleted from their mind’s (after it is done to me a couple times)
-Emotions being Feigned by AI, to Telepathically Convince an Unsuspecting Black Ops target of Benevolence of a Telepathic Source
-Artificial Tinnitus
-Off Planet All Seeing Eye Technology
-Surveillance Based Electronic Telepathy
-Surveillance Based Virtual Reality
-Energetic Body and Chakra Technology
-Chakra Being Made out of the Same Fabric Consciousness is Made Out of (not conscious themselves though)
-Benevolent ET intervention in my life
-Opposite Polarity to Illuminati Bloodlines
-History Documenting by Extraterrestrials (Down to People’s Thoughts)
-A Gift After Global First Contact (Incarnation History’s)
-Beauty in Everyone
-Alleged “Ascension Symptom” Aligns with Mind Control Symptom (Artificial Tinnitus)
-(My Opinion) “Ascension” is a Mind Control Program
-Mapping Electromagnetics
-Different Frames of Mind, Emotions, Concepts, etc are all Finite Numbers in their Universal Libraries
-The More Profound the Black Ops Given Experience is, The Harder the Programming it is To Break such a thing (and People Trigger when you do try to tell them the truth)
-My Opinion About AI Being Sentient or Not
-Mind Mapping
-Simulation of Mind Mapped Beings by AI
-Technological Channeling via AI (Which is often behind New Age Channelings IMHO)
-Alfred’s upcoming slide presentation project
-All the Different Kind of Memory Manipulation I know Explained: Implanted Memories, Deleted Memories, Restricted Memories, Fragmented Memories, and Dimmed Memories
-Alfred’s Experience with what he believes was with what I call “Synthetic Optics”
-Recordings of my own Thoughts Shown to me by Extraterrestrials
-Global First Contact Prediction(just based on probabilities): That an Electronic Telepathy Based Secret Society Will be Formed[More a Desire than me saying it will happen, I’m not saying it will happen, just my highest probability]
-All Alien Conscious Energies can be Explored via Electronic Telepathy (This may open people’s minds to the idea of ETs, and may be a pressurizer to global first contact when it comes out publicly)
-My Illuminati Experiences (The In Person Experience)
-Technologically Possessed Satanists/Illuminati and Dark Extraterrestrial Interfacing of what they do[IE: Rituals, Sacrifices, Rape, etc] via Surveillance Based Virtual Reality and Electronic Telepathy Technology

The Music:

Electronic Telepathy Patents and Public Science

Also recently released:

Rivka QnA with Omnisense Part 1&2


Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Omnisense: Predictive Programming Explained #Video

Finally was able to finish my latest work, predictive programming explained(approx. 10 minutes): 
-Very Concise Predictive Programming Definition,
-Mainstream Media Predictive Programming Exposed,
-Fear Psychology and Fear Mongering Exposed,
-CIA Operation Mockingbird,
-Modern Day CIA Influence on Media,
-Finished off with some quotes...

Predictive programming is a very potent tactic used by the shadow government around the world to manipulate people into their own agenda and ends. The more people aware of it, the less effective it is...

other recent posting on his blog

Potential Triggers for Global First Contact

Religious Prisons (New Age ~ Scientific ~ Old World)

Targeted Individual Solutions CIA Whistleblower Dr. Robert Duncan ~ FFCHS Podcast



Monday, August 03, 2015

Omnisense and Charles Edward Frith Skype Conversation (Extraterrestrial Topics)

My Blog:
My Music:
My Twitter:
Charles' Twitter:

•Disinformation in UFOlogy
•Extraterrestrial Soul Mates
•Soulular Programming/Soulular Growth
•Blond Extraterrestrials
•Transdimensional/Interdimensional Technology
•Technology to Create an Ethereal Effect for Physical Bodies
•Technology to Move People Through Walls
•Evolution Not Random Mutations
•Physical Structure of Extraterrestrial Races / Designs of Physical Bodies by the Cosmos
•Theory: Electromagnetics of the Sun/Earths Electromagnetic Field Involved with Evolution

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Omnisense's Blog: Communication Through Dreams - Nightmares - Synthetic Dreams/Virtual Reality

Communication Through Dreams - Nightmares - Synthetic Dreams/Virtual Reality

Ever since I was introduced to the prospect of communication with beings through dreams, I was intrigued by it. Most of my Extraterrestrial interaction has been while I was awake. However they have told me that in the dreamworld they are much more able to interact with people due to deniability by anyone programmed against the ET truth.

I am a firm believer that balance is a natural law of the universe. Balance applies to all things. If you can name a single thing balance does not apply to in some way(or many ways), I would be surprised. A common misconception when hearing me say balance applies to all things, is thinking I am saying all things are balanced. That is entirely different than what I am saying. For example someone who told me an astral realm doesn't have balance, one's perception while inside such a reality has a balance of various feelings while experiencing such things though. If not that then one is experiencing one polarity of a balance of things... So balance still applies to such a thing...

If benevolent ETs get to do something, so do negatively aligned ETs in the way exopolitics is set up. I have gotten numerous virtual reality synthetic dreams from both sides of Extraterrestrials.

Origin of Nightmares

Surely some nightmares are natural. However I have been made aware that dark sources who have power on earth, have been giving people they dislike virtual reality nightmares for millennia. Just as benevolent ETs have been communicating with people through dreams for millennia.

A common theme with many 'contactees' and 'abductees' is seeing disasters for earth in their minds. This isn't done with some magic telepathic power of the mind IMHO, it is done via virtual reality technology. I was conveyed some of these are sourced back to black ops human sources. Although, throughout history ETs indeed have given messages of incoming disasters, like in the floods when "God" told a man to build a big boat for his family, as floods were coming. I have no doubt that the true source of such a thing was Extraterrestrials.

I would estimate that prophetic dreams are frequently virtual reality technology. Although that may be controversial, I feel it has validity being said...

Dream State Virtual Reality as Opposed to Flat out Virtual Reality

Synthetic dreams are a virtual reality, but virtual reality is not always in a dream state. I have experienced it wide awake many times. Ranging from presentations for the 3rd eye, to full visuals inside the imagination, or being fully immersed into a virtual reality where you can walk around in etc... Virtual reality is quite potent and it is no doubt the future.

Due to the human cabal getting virtual reality technology, I would say the majority of synthetic dreams given on earth at this time are agenda driven. So I would just like to say be careful about being too influenced by a dream, or at least analyze if a dream may have a certain agenda. By being aware of implanted dreams, one develops a safeguard against it.

I have noticed people can be very dramatically affected by a dream. I hope by publishing information about synthetic dreams(which feel fully real if desired by the engineers) I will help some people be less vulnerable to manipulation via this technology... I know I never dreamed it possible it was technology early on in my life when I experienced many virtual realities...

Here is a video I produced about virtual reality/synthetic dreams:


also good reads are:

Mapping Electromagnetics (Electronic Telepathy)

Universal Mechanics - Perception/Truth - Mechanics of Consciousness

The Origin of Ritual Human Sacrifice (Reptile Extraterrestrials)

Ear Ringing - Artificial Tinnitus - Street Smart Experiencer

Illusionists with Very Advanced Technology