Showing posts with label interviews. Show all posts
Showing posts with label interviews. Show all posts

Saturday, July 20, 2013

AMMACH: The Bases Project 28 Jeff Scott witness

Published on Jul 19, 2013
Bases Project Witness Jeff Scott goes into detail on his experiences, and being a Reptilian doesn't make one a bad person.
The Positive view and the Positive attidude.
The "Aliens" look just like us.
Jeff is a former Ammach project witness, from the on the sofa series, and he lectured at the Ammach Spring Conference 2013
Interview via Skype, with some audio issues

Uploader Comments (megawatts1066)

  • indigopilgrim
    wow miles you are really going to town on joanne. and its pretty sick that youre dragging people like jeff into it. if joanne is a reptilian dudes, she's a goodun. you don't see her ripping into you do you?
    jeff, please dude, don't go down the hate the player route. miles is being a proper cock and will get his kharma sooner or later.
    this drama is doing nobody any good.
  • megawatts1066
    30 mins edited out mate. The witnesses are talking, not me.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Bob Dean - Our Galactic Family - New Interview!

Bob Dean - Our Galactic Family - New Interview!

Bob Dean Has just given the interview we have all been waiting for - sharing his experiences with our Galatic Family!"Graham Dewyea interviews internationally known ufologist and retired US Army Command Sergeant Major Bob Dean.

Bob discusses his top secret clearance that inspired his work to raise awareness about the presence of extraterrestrials, UFO’s and the government cover up of the extraterrestrial presence and beings from other worlds.

He talks about how he has been aboard ships several times as a volunteer and that the ships are several miles across. He describes ET’s as looking very much like us, but taller, that they communicate telepathically, are able to time travel, and are much more spiritually advanced, and are able to manipulate matter and time.

He discusses his six week visit with them in 2003 when they showed him the Akashic history records of earth, and he was told that humans have a unique genome and come from several civilizations.

Bob shares how extraterrestrials are family, that they’ve been with us since the beginning, and they are here to help us transition into a new race. He shares that we are from the stars and will be joining other civilizations from the stars. He talks about the Galactic Federation, that it does exist, and is made up of advanced civilizations.

We discuss Disclosure and he shares his belief that first contact with extraterrestrials will occur very soon, and that the transition for earth and humans will be at the end of this year. Life as we know it is coming to an end followed by a new and glorious future for the human race.

He shares his belief that humans are spiritual beings, infinite and immortal, that there is a God, and love is the power of the universe."

Music: Rene Aubry, La Grande Cascade

cheers @Realeyes  #Avalon for spotting.

Wednesday, March 07, 2012

Human Origins, EMVs and E.T.-Life - Mark Snider interviews James Horakon Ohio Exopolitics Pt.2

Tuesday, 6 March 2012


Human Origins, EMVs and E.T.-Life - Mark Snider interviews James Horak on Ohio Exopolitics Pt.2

Mark Snider again is extracting tremendous amounts of information from James Horak about the human condition and our relation to the people in our solar system we have had in the past. James also explains what his position on earth is and how he found out what his task is. The importance and function of the EMVs in relation to the sun, earth and sentient life is explored and what is going on on Venus, Mars and Jupiter and its moons. The design of the universe is laid out by James and in recognizing it's beauty you may understand why it can't be any other way.

Monday, October 10, 2011

Miranda's Testimony with Duncan O'Finioan and Miranda Kelly-Part 1

Miranda's Testimony with Duncan O'Finioan and Miranda Kelly-Part 1

OffPlanet Radio Show Podcast-October 9, 2011-Randy Maugans with Duncan O'Finioan and Miranda Kelly

A Three-part audio interview

Following the Project Camelot "Awake and Aware" Conference, where Miranda Kelly stepped forward to give her testimony about her experiences in government black ops projects, we present the the first full-length interview since the event,with more new information from both Miranda and Duncan.

This interview ran over three hours, and includes candid questions and revealing answers, new details about the war that is being waged for the human soul...and a story of the triumph of human spirit and love over the mind control of grim secret government projects. Presented in three parts...listen to this...share it...the word needs to get out...Odin returns...THIS is the uprising!

For current news and information from Duncan and Miranda:

Part 1: Testimony- Miranda tells the story of her own discovery of a hidden past, and the person who triggers her memeories of a life she lived as another personality under a secret military program.

Download Part 1

Part 2: Reconnection-The story unfolds, as Duncan and Miranda meet---and so do the alternates. Memories resurface, and two souls begin the healing...and the battle of the ages begins.

Download Part 2

Part 3: Here and Now...Us and Them...You are Us-The summary of the interview, updated information on the battle of light and darkness...insights into the elites, Odin and the extra-dimensionals, witchcraft and technology, the end of the age, and the call to action.

Download Part 3

Saturday, June 25, 2011

OffPlanet Radio Show ~ Randy Maugans with Dr. Andrew Silverman - June 25, 2011


Radio Show and Podcast

Formerly, "Exotica" | 
"The day of the absolute is over, and we're in for the strange gods once more."
-David Herbert 

The Brightest Light with Dr. Andrew Silverman

Saturday, June 25, 2011 at 1:58PM

OffPlanet Radio Show Podcast-June 25, 2011-Randy Maugans with Dr. Andrew Silverman

The Brightest Light of All- The Shroud of Turin and the Light Within,Christ, The Transfiguration, and Consciousness

Download The Brightest Light with Dr. Andrew Silverman

Dr. Siverman's website:

"I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father." -The Gospel of John 14:12

Dr. Andrew Silverman joins us to discuss a remarkable view on the Shroud of Turin---the phenomena, and the consciousness of being; quantum theory and transcendence: enforced energy of the physical state being released into pure light...the unraveling of atoms. The shroud is not merely a flat object, but actually a matrix of distance coded information that when examined, presents a forensic 3-dimensional image of the being...a being who demonstrated a phenomenon of transfiguration from enforced atom structure into a brilliant light As it was being lifted up from the sepulchre's slab.

We cover topics from Rupert Sheldrake and the morphogenic field, consciousness vs. artificial intelligence, the singularity and man-machines; the uniqueness of consciousness in observational phenomena;

The Hindu/Buddhist "wheel of rebirth" broken by the Christ;The "ONE-ness"-"Love thy neighbor AS thyself"...because they ARE thyself; the paradox of limited being and the choice to merge back to the ONE by going beyond the restrictions of physical separation from God...the resurrection...the transfiguration

Dr. Andrew Silverman

Dr. Silverman is a medical doctor with a background in physiology and has been interested from an early age in the nature of what we are as human beings and what our potential is.

He has always been fascinated to know how the image on the Turin Shroud could have formed being mindful of the fact that it can not be replicated even with 21st Century technology.

Last year he presented a paper on the Turin Shroud at a conference at the atomic physics research centre ENEA in Frascati, Italy and he has been invited to give two more presentations in May 2011 at a conference at the University of Gdansk.

He has always been fascinated to know how the image on the Turin Shroud could have formed being mindful of the fact that it can not be replicated even with 21st Century technology.Last year he presented a paper on the Turin Shroud at a conference at the atomic physics research centre ENEA in Frascati, Italy and he has been invited to give two more presentations in May 2011 at a conference at the University of Gdansk.

Rupert Sheldrake
Nigel Kerner-Gray Aliens and the Harvesting of Souls

Dr. Silverman appeared on Exotica previously with Nigel Kerner and Prof. John Biggerstaff

The Brightest Light of All-Dr. Andrew Silverman-PDF- Paper from the Proceedings of the International Workshop on the Scientific Approach to the Acheiropoietos Images, ENEA Frascati, Italy, May 4-6. 2010 - Dr. Silverman's hypothesis of the Turin Shroud-evidence of a radiant burst of energy which caused the shroud image.  Keywords: sentience, radiance,human transfiguration.

Music on the show:
"Caught By The Light"-The Boxer Rebellion
"Spirals"-Thirteen Senses

The Brightest Light with Dr. Andrew Silverman

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

OffPlanet Video ~ James C. Horak - EMVs, ETs and the Future of Humanity - June 21, 2011

OffPlanet Video James C. Horak - EMVs, ETs and the Future of Humanity

Tuesday, June 21, 2011 at 11:51PM

OffPlanet Video James C. Horak -

EMVs, ETs and the Future of Humanity

This is the video production based on the JuneE 13, 2011 radio show interview with James Horak...stunning graphics! Courtesy of OmetaOne ("Shuny") and Patrice at Information Machine 
Thanks to: Torz Baron Copely at the EMVSInfo website

youTube Channel:

OffPlanet Video James C. Horak - EMVs, ETs and the Future of Humanity

Designers of the Solar System with James Horak

Monday, June 13, 2011 at 10:14PM

OffPlanet Radio Show Podcast-June 13, 2011-Randy Maugans with James C. Horak

Download Designers of the Solar System with James Horak

Researcher, contactee, enemy of the NWO, and expounder of the "EMVs - Designers of the Solar System"... James Horak joins us for an off planet romp into the unknown, and often unspoken realms of cosmology: EMVs, electromagnetic vehicles...seen in the corona of the sun and in the rings of Saturn.

Following the work of Dr. Norman Bergrun, a former Fellow of the Ames Space Center and the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics, and his book, "The Ringmakers of Saturn"; James Horath unfolds a story of the fantastic beings who "manage" the energy interchanges of the solar system and galaxies.

A childhood contactee by the greys, whom he terms as EBEs (extra-biological entities...essentially robotic "meat puppets" which are non-sentient creations of a long transcended civilization), James makes the distinctions between these entities and the numerous sentient, and peaceful, ETs who are in close contact and proximity to the Earth.

He discusses the suppressed scientific and spiritual nature of the universe, why humans on this planet have been deliberately lied to, subverted, and enslaved on every level by evil controllers whose only goal is to reduce the population of the planet and enslave totally...mind, body, and soul...this race who are creations of a Divine God. A creation with a spectacular destiny, and one that is emerging even now, against all odds...even in the face of annihilation. He warns of the impending "ET" deception to be foisted on the planetary peoples by this same corrupt power structure, and how it may be used to create the final stage takeover of Earth, its assets, and inhabitants. Controversial...decidely "against the grain", and steeped in the wisdom of one who has "been there"...listen and decide for yourself!

Related links:

The Ringmakers of Saturn-website of record for Dr. Norman Bergrun

OmetaOne's Channel at YouTube (James Horak videos are hosted there)


The music for this show is from Jimi Hendrix, a kindred spirit and traveler who "saw"...

"There are other people in the solar system, you know, and they have the same feelings too, not necessarily bad feelings, but see, it upsets their way of living for instance - and they are a whole lot heavier than we are. And it's no war games, because they all keep the same place. But like the solar system is going through a change soon and it's going to affect the Earth in about 30 years." -Jimi Hendrix,

Our thanks to: Patrice at Information Machine for arranging the interview, to Torz Baron Copely for the EMVSInfo website, and to OmetaOne ("Shuny") for the video production on James' behalf.

download/listen mp3:

Designers of the Solar System with James Horak