Showing posts with label humanity. Show all posts
Showing posts with label humanity. Show all posts

Friday, December 14, 2012

21.12.2012 - The Return of Electric Consciousness

Monday, 10 December 2012

21.12.2012 - The Return of Electric Consciousness

In this conversation Torz and Shuny had with James, he revealed what will really happen on this long awaited day on 21st of December when the Sun and the Galactic Center, in Mayan language the HunabKu and in Asia is called the OM, align. Humanity will get a taste of Unified Consciousness for at least three days. We will receive an expansion of the human consciousness that will enable us to see through the artificial matrix that the powers that still are have created for us.

If more wake up to their deep senses, it will avalanche, hopefully its effects will go much further than a mere demonstration. No one is going to miss it and it won't be harmful.

For a while earth's gravity wave will be stable and some may be given mental prowess they didn't have before but some won't return from the dream state that is their unreality of their reality.

Welcome this new energy, its community-seeking and share with others your expectations and how you perceive it. The time given for the arrival of this cosmic wave is about 10 pm in any timezone in the night of the 21st to the 22nd of December.

"Soon you will see days in seconds, years in hours, eons in a lifetime. Endlessly in travel you cannot imagine. JCH"

Books referenced to in this conversation:
Mayan Shaman Ac Tah - "Night of the Last Katun"
Dr. Eben Alexander - "Proof of Heaven - A Neurosurgeon's Journey into the Afterlife"

21.12.2012 and Beyond - James Horak on OffPlanet Radio with RandyMaugans

Friday, 14 December 2012

James Horak is interviewed by Randy Maugans on OffPlanet Radio to expand further into what the 21st of December will bring for humanity. When Randy heard the talk with James on this blog his interest was peaked and when his confirmed guest could not appear, James was there to help out generously to our convenience.

Listen also to the previous talk with James on this blog if you have not yet.

The original interview is (not yet) on:

soon in archive @ also

Tuesday, June 07, 2011

Multidimensional Newsletter ~ June 7, 2011

Multidimensional Newsletter ~  June 7, 2011

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June 2011

Connecting with Your SELF

Greetings, I am Kepier,

I am an individual expression of the Arcturian Group Mind who has taken a fifth dimensional form. My body is a hybrid of human and Arcturian, as I have merged with my grounded expression on Earth. To me this unification occurred beyond time, but to my grounded one the merging is still in process. I wish to tell you that many of the grounded expressions of the Galactic Federation are merging with their higher expressions as a component of your Personal and Planetary Ascension.

Within your moment of time, I am holding form on the Starship Athena, and my human expression of self is in the United States. This merging of your grounded self and your Higher SELF is a natural process of your return to multidimensional consciousness. Within that state of consciousness you are able to consciously experience more than one reality within the ONE moment of the NOW.

The merging of me and my grounded one and my self began in the early 1990s, but it initiated a process of “lives review,” which sent my grounded one off into another direction of exploration. This review of alternate third and fourth dimensional realities is common during the closing of a long series of third-dimensional incarnations and is especially important during the completion of living in duality. The examination of experiences gained and lessons learned on a polarized reality, in this case Earth, assists our grounded ones to understand the “source reality” for their internal confusions and conflicts. Knowing the sources of conflict within themselves and with others is very helpful.

In fact, the concept of “others” as a “separate” life-stream is likely a primary source of discomfort for many of you. I, Kepier, am of a resonance in which all life-streams flow as ONE. Even if we appear to have individual forms, our hearts, minds and consciousness are in constant communication. This communication is much like earthly birds that fly and migrate as one being. They have what appears to be separate forms that mate and roost in separate trees at night and fly individually. However, there is a constant communication so that they can respond as one being with many forms.

This type of reality is much like the one you will experience when you return to the fifth dimension, especially in the lower octaves of that reality where you still hold a form. All realities, dimensions and densities have octaves of experience. Many of us who usually hold the resonance of the fifth dimension and beyond have taken forms in the third dimension in order to experience Gaia’s great moment of Planetary Ascension.

We enter these forms by sending our seed of consciousness into a physical vessel so that we can more intimately participate in Earth’s reality. Sometimes this occurs at birth of the earth body, and other times it occurs later. You may even think of this action as logging into a virtual reality game, which is exactly correct. The third dimension is indeed a virtual reality, which only appears to be “real” while you are in your earth vessel.


As you begin the process of consciously merging with your fifth dimensional SELF, you increasingly extend your consciousness into a higher dimensional expression of your Multidimensional SELF. It is this sharing that initiates your learning to live in two worlds at once. Due to the limitations of your awakening physical brain, heart and body, these two worlds are often your physical self and a lower octave of your fifth dimensional SELF. Once you have completed your transformation into Lightbody, you can more easily soar in your multidimensional reality, as you no longer carry your physical anchor.

Usually this process of merging with your Multidimensional SELF begins when you communicate with or “channel” a higher dimensional being. It is important to remember that your Multidimensional SELF can easily maintain many forms and many realities within that same moment. Also remember that, ALL grounded ones are actually Multidimensional Beings who hold forms on many planets, galaxies and dimensions. Unfortunately, this fact is usually forgotten when you take a third dimensional earth vessel.

Once your consciousness expands into the fourth dimension, you can often remember many of your myriad third and fourth dimensional realities. However, you must experience these realities one at a time, for you are still operating within a state of consciousness that is dualistic. It is only when you return to your fifth dimensional state of consciousness that you can simultaneously experience more than one reality.

When you fully integrate and activate the Multidimensional Operating System of your multidimensional consciousness, you will start remembering many of your fifth dimensional expressions of SELF. You will also remember your Purpose for volunteering to take an earth vessel during this process of Personal and Planetary Ascension. Many of you, our brave grounded ones, have chosen to maintain your third dimensional form throughout Gaia’s transformative process to assist Her as a “partner in ascension.”

Unfortunately, those who have chosen the polarity of darkness are completely cut off from their higher dimensional expressions of SELF. Darkness and fear are the absence of light and love. Hence, fear resides within their consciousness, which separates them from others, their planet and themselves. It is this complete separation that allows them to commit the atrocities that are abundant in your changing reality. It is always this way at the time of the ascension. The dark and the light become more and more polarized so that persons and planet can release their dark shells of fear and illusion to reveal their inner light and Truth.

Some brave souls have volunteered to leave their earthly form during the disasters to return to their form of light. In this manner, they may assist in the awakening of those still trapped in the denial and delusions of the third dimension. Also, many of those who survive the disasters are forever transformed by the courage, cooperation and spirituality that is necessary to recover from these situations. As the third dimensional illusions continue to collapse, more and more humans are awakening to their innate wisdom, power and love. Every day more of you are looking inside to find the comfort, Knowing, unity and unconditional love of your higher frequencies of reality.


As you continue to look within, you more completely align with the fifth dimensional expression of your SELF who has volunteered to be the one with whom you will merge before or at the time of your ascension. By merging with a fifth dimensional expression of your SELF, you can maintain a physical form while you simultaneously experience the fifth dimensional reality to which you will ascend. Through learning to live in these two realities at once, you greatly accelerate the expansion of your consciousness, as well as the process of personal and planetary transformation.

When you fully ascend into the fifth dimension, you may or may not choose that life as your primary reality. You began your physical life as a great Being of Light gradually remembering the way to function in the third dimensional reality. In the same manner, when you first return to the fifth dimension, you may again feel like an infant just remembering how to function in a fifth dimensional reality. Because of this, you may still need to have a primary reality and alternate realities until you can fully remember how to function in a multidimensional manner. You will be pleased and surprised when your primary and alternate realities all merge into ONE.

Meanwhile, your grounded expression is more intimately experiencing your fifth dimensional, alternate self, while your fifth dimensional SELF is personally experiencing ascending Earth. Your blending with your fifth dimensional SELF assists you in viewing reality, not from the perspective of the third dimension of separation and limitation but from the fifth dimensional perspective of unity and truth. From this multidimensional viewpoint, you will know that one tiny, clay form is too small to encompass your great light and love. In fact, you are not just an individual person. You are a part of the great being, Gaia, and Her body, Earth. You are within your personal, human body, as well as on your collective, planetary body to experience the great unification of Personal and Planetary Ascension.

Often, the first sign of your transformation into Lightbody is not through your Earth vessel, which is struggling to constantly adapt to the ever-rising frequencies of Earth, but through your thoughts and emotions. Gradually, you are gaining the ability to recognize and release fearful thoughts and emotions so that you can maintain a hopeful, loving, calm and peaceful state of mind. Because your mind is no longer your tormentor and your emotional body is finding your Core of Lightbody, you can maintain the resonance of unconditional love for longer periods.

Now that you are at the closing stages of your physical expression, you are discovering that you are learning to love your third dimensional life, and you are determined to protect this love. Consequently, any situations, places, people or things that threaten to lower this consciousness are released from your attention. Certain jobs are left. Some friends are blessed with your love and released from your life. Except for the purpose of healing Gaia’s energy field, there are, also, places that are avoided. Uncomfortable or confliction-based situations, which you now realize lower your resonance, are no longer interesting to you. There are even prized possessions that have become quite unimportant.

Peace and calm have become the primary motivation for your decision-making, and you try to make decisions only while you are in a loving state of consciousness. As your unity consciousness expands, you are beginning to see the world around you as elements of Gaia's body. Because of this, your process of Personal Ascension is becoming your process of Planetary Ascension. Also, as your power of manifestation expands, you are seeing how quickly you are creating your reality with your every thought and feeling.

You are also realizing that judgment in any form lowers your consciousness. Therefore, instead of judging those who may seek to harm you, you look into your inner self to find your own inner darkness and fear that has magnetized your attention into that direction. Since you are the creator of your life, you ask yourself “Why did I create this problem?” Perhaps your ascending self is reminding you to cooperate in Planetary Ascension by loving the unlovable. In this case, you are being reminded that darkness is merely the lack of light. Light and love is the true nature of reality. Darkness and fear are merely an aberration of a polarized reality in which it is possible to shut out light.

With this realization, you remember that in the beginning all Souls were filled with light. It is the extinguishing of that light with intolerable fear that has created the person who appears to be filled with darkness. From your multidimensional perspective you can see how these persons are not filled with darkness, but devoid of light. By projecting your multidimensional light in their direction you are also sending them unconditional love. Hence, that person has the choice to accept the love and light or to remain in the shadows to avoid it. You can also assist Gaia in the same manner by sending your love and light into the wounded areas of Her body. In fact, you can work directly with Gaia’s sixth dimensional Divine Matrix.

To view Ascending Earth youtube, please click:


Our dearest grounded ones,
We, the Arcturians wish to welcome you back to our Arcturian Corridor. If you remember, our journey left off in the sixth dimensional Divine Matrix of Gaia’s Earth. We were assisting you to heal the past by healing the NOW. Within the NOW we entered the Matrix to re-write the injury done to Earth at the time of the great destruction of Lemuria and Atlantis.

We wish to return with you to this sixth dimensional Matrix, which is the Matrix for Gaia, your Multidimensional SELF. This is your earth vessel, and for Gaia’s body, Earth. You are all ONE with the Matrix and ONE with all life within the sixth, fifth, fourth and third dimensional expressions of this Divine Matrix. You, our beloved, grounded ones, are portals into the third dimensional game of “Life on a Third Dimensional Planet.” This Game is now closing, as you and the planet are returning Home to your fifth dimensional expressions of SELF.

Take a moment to imagine the sixth dimensional Matrix before you. Can you now see how it is swirling around and within you? We request that you relax into the hum and glow of the Matrix, as you surrender to its beauty and wonder. From the perspective of unity with this sixth dimensional light observe the fifth dimension just below you in resonance. It may appear much differently from this perspective, for you are viewing the highest octaves of the fifth dimensional reality.

Now, like a leaf falling from a tree, allow your consciousness to float down from the sixth dimension and into the fifth. You can now clearly see the many Lightbodies. FEEL the unconditional love, acceptance and forgiveness that emanates from their forms of light. With the power of your intention, anchor the sixth dimensional Matrix into this octave of the fifth dimension. As you do so, you feel the expanding joy of the Lightbodies.

Continue to float down the spectrum of vibration until you move into the middle and lower octaves of fifth dimensional Earth, to which you will likely return at the time of your ascension. Again, anchor the sixth dimensional Matrix into this reality as well. This octave is more like your physical reality, except that it is only filled with light and love. As you explore this reality, look around the Matrix to locate the fifth dimensional expression for the third/fourth dimensional Earth in which your earth vessel is located. Now, anchor the sixth dimensional Light Matrix into this fifth dimensional area, as well.

As you continue your journey, float down into the fourth dimension. Do you recognize the expressions of emotion and lack of clarity that often occur within this frequency of Earth? We ask that you use the power of your intention to pull the sixth dimensional Matrix through the fifth dimension and anchor it into the fourth dimensional expression of Gaia. From there you can easily observe third dimensional Islands of Light, the glorious places on Earth, that have already begun their shift into the higher dimensions. We all rejoice and give thanks at the vision of these places, as it is through giving thanks that we amplify that for which we are grateful.

We ask you now to experience the Matrix as a “tail,” an extension of your great, multidimensional body of light, as you float into the third dimension. Find your personal earth vessel and anchor your “tail of light” onto your body and into the area in which you live and through which you travel. As you do so, feel the higher frequencies of beauty and hope guide you to amplify this wonder by grounding your great light wherever you walk on the land, swim or ride Her water and/or fly through Her air.

Now, focus your attention on the areas of Gaia’s Body that have suffered harm and neglect. Bless these places with your light and unconditional love as you deeply anchor the sixth dimensional Divine Matrix INTO these areas of Earth. Do you see how the light and love of the Matrix is healing the damage and destruction? Hold that vision in your High Heart to continue the healing.

In closing, experience your third dimensional earth vessel as ONE with your fourth dimensional aura, ONE with your fifth dimensional Lightbody and ONE with the six dimensional Divine Matrix. Since you are all ONE, anytime and in anyway that you release your own fears, heal your own suffering and transmute your own body, you do the same for the body of Gaia, and her inhabitants. In the same manner, anytime that Gaia heals Herself, She also heals you.


Dear Ones,
We speak to you from the Galactic Federation. Hence, we speak to you as the unified voice of the Arcturians, Pleidians, Sirians, Andromedans and many others. We are here to welcome you back into our Galactic Family. We come to you now to assist you in aligning your energies with your fifth dimensional expression of SELF, so that you can more easily receive and understand our communications. Your fifth dimensional expression of SELF is within your Core and resonates throughout your spinal chord and chakras. When you align with your Core, you merge with your Multidimensional SELF in which we are your family and dearest friends.

Do you now see and feel that ascending energy within your core? Follow that feeling within your core up into your High Heart and Third Eye. Visualize the shape of a pyramid with the base of the pyramid being on your physical body. We see that your third dimensional self feels a need to create the pyramid rising UP towards the higher worlds. However, we wish you to see how the pyramid is facing IN toward your inner world. See how the peak of the pyramid points to your Core. In this manner, you turn around inside your earth vessel to look, not out into the illusions of your external world, but instead into the truth of your inner reality.

As you look inside, you see the expression of your fifth dimensional SELF who has long awaited your conscious merging. This Being is androgynous, but may choose to wear a body of gender. This octave of your SELF, who has likely been your unseen guide throughout your entire life, serves as the step-down transformer to aid you in receiving and understanding the huge downloads of information that are constantly emanating from the higher dimensions. We, the Galactic Federation, come to you today to remind you that you are all receiving these downloads of multidimensional light and unconditional love.

It is important that you release your third dimensional cognition and rely entirely on your multidimensional consciousness to receive and integrate these downloads. Do not be concerned with trying to remember the process with your Third Dimensional Operating System of cognition. Instead, relax into the Knowing that your Multidimensional Operating System can open these files of information that we, the Galactic Federation, are projecting into your consciousness. When you are fully aware of your physical self and, simultaneously, aware of your fifth dimensional self, you will KNOW that which you have downloaded.

When you begin to receive our communications, they will often be in the form of images. You receive the information this way, as this is the manner in which the information was downloaded. We ask you to remember that your heart and mind must focus as ONE to “read” this material. Actually, it is your High Heart and opened Third Eye that must focus as ONE. Your opened Third Eye, which is your Crown and Brow united, that receives the Light Language and your High Heart that uses the power of unconditional love to recognize the meaning of each symbol and picture.


We are going into great detail to explain how to consciously download our transmissions because these instructions are necessary in order for you to clearly receive and understand our messages. Again, imagine the fifth dimensional SELF with whom you are merging as standing in front of you.

How do you perceive this octave of your SELF?
See your SELF as it moves towards you with open arms to embrace you.
Feel its hands touching yours to connect Lightbody-to-earth body.
Allow that touch to move up your arms and into your High Heart.
As you relax, this sensation rises up into your opened Third Eye.

Feel the download of information into your Crown and allow your fifth dimensional SELF to assist you in activating your Multidimensional Operating System to better understand the message. As you become intimately connected with this expression of your Multidimensional SELF, it can greatly facilitate this process. Therefore, we ask you now to use your breath, your life force, to merge with the life-breath of your fifth dimensional SELF.

Breathe into the image of your higher dimensional expression with the intentions of unconditional love and unity. With your next inhale, allow the breath of your fifth dimensional SELF to enter you. Contain that essence within your earth vessel. You are now ONE with your Lightbody. You are ONE with your Lightbody within your Core and ONE with your Lightbody in the fifth dimension.

Take a moment now to release your belief in time, space and separation to better embrace this experience. Relax and allow your High Heart to FEEL the messages that you have received. As you tune into your multidimensional light/consciousness, hear the tones and see the colors of these messages.

Feel and see how the cells of your body are drifting further apart and glistening with light. Imagine that your inner Lightbody is expanding beyond the illusion of your physical vessel and is emanating out from your Core in every direction.

As you feel your light shining out past the form of your earth vessel, feel the Light beaming into you from your fifth dimensional Lightbody SELF. Observe, as the two sources of light rays interlock in ONE.

These interlocking rays of light expand into the body of Gaia and into Her Core Lightbody. Feel the rays of Gaia’s fifth dimensional Lightbody interlocking with your fifth dimensional Lightbody.

You are now ready to understand our message.


Our dear grounded expressions of SELF, we are beaming our consciousness into your earth vessels. We ask you to accept the expanding light that is coming into your frequency of reality. If you, our grounded expressions, could see how many of you are opening to our frequency of reality, all your collective fears would be released. We of the Galactic Federation are communing with our family members, our beloved ones, to tell you we have always been within you.

The rules of the 3D Game of polarized Earth were that you could not look deeply WITHIN until you could look UP. In other words, until you could look UP into Spirit, you would not be able to look IN to find Spirit. It is the process of looking UP into a Higher SELF that assists you in releasing your attachment to your ego. Once you have deeply connected with this Higher Being, you are free enough of ego to look WITHIN. Then, when you look WITHIN you can remember that YOU and that Higher Being are ONE. Because you are connecting with your “Higher SELF,” you can more easily connect with us, your Galactic Family.

Can you now remember that you have taken a physical form so that you can awaken to our presence in this lifetime? We wish you to know that we are downloading into you all the tools you will need for your process of ascension. As you merge your consciousness with ours, we can bathe you in our multidimensional light and unconditional love. Our message will also help to activate your Multidimensional Activating System to remember what you once knew, but forgot. You forgot this Knowing because your mind became limited to the third dimensional thinking and your heart separated from the ONE.

To begin this process of remembering:
Feel how our Light, consciousness, is interlocked with your own.
Feel the unconditional love that is the medium through which that Light Flows.
Release all belief in the illusions of limitation and separation.
Place your awareness inside your High Heart and opened Third Eye.

Our blending with your Mind-to-Mind (opened Third Eye) and Heart-to-Heart (High Heart), allows us to completely intermingle our multidimensional consciousness with yours. From our perspective, WE are ONE. We of the Galactic Federation are ONE with our dear grounded ones, and our grounded ones are ONE with us. You are experiencing the closing of the Third Dimensional Matrix. As you perceive this closing with your Third Eye and High Heart, you can actually see how the energy field of that Matrix is beginning to short-circuit and transition into the Fourth Dimensional Matrix.

The transition of the Third Dimensional Matrix into the Fourth Dimensional Matrix will allow those who are not ready to fully awaken to their fifth dimensional reality to reside within the fourth dimension. The fourth dimension is superior to the physical world, but it is still a polarized, dualistic reality. The fact that there is the concept of above and below means that there is still an attachment to polarities. Therefore, turn around and look inside. “Turn your back,” so to speak, on the illusions of the third and fourth dimensions and seek the Truth within your fifth dimensional SELF.

Fortunately, there are many of our grounded ones who are interlocking their light with ours and merging with their Celestial and Galactic Families. Many of our grounded expressions are still holding their earth vessel so that they can align their transition with that of Gaia’s. In this manner, people and planet can return to Lightbody as ONE Being. Your Lightbody has always been within your Core, awaiting its birth. Just as the butterfly is always within the caterpillar, your Lightbody has always been within your earth vessel.

Dear grounded ones, we want you to KNOW how simple your transition will be. It is from within your Core that you can best turn away from that which is ending, and unite with that to which you are returning. You can no longer become lost, for the greater light and love are here to guide you Home to your SELF and your Family of Light. As you find your way home, you remember that you never left. You simply logged into an illusion and believed that it was real.

We conclude our transmission, with the reminder to:
Turn around inside your SELF.
Look inside to see your Core.
Step into your core to BE your Lightbody.


As we turn inside to see the ONE
We know our process has begun

The process of our great “Return”
The final lesson we will learn

And, as we learn to turn around
We’ll find a life where love abounds

How long has this love been inside?
How could it find a place to hide?

Where is that place where love was lost?
It must come back, at any cost!

Can we forget, and yes, forgive
To allow our inner love to live?

If love can live inside our Being,
Will that affect our outer seeing?

If we look upon our world with love
From both within and high above

What will be left for us to know?
What winds of change will start to blow?

And, is that change within or out?
Will it be a whimper, or a shout?

We want to know, we truly do,
For with this conflict, we are through!

What must we KNOW, who must we BE,
So everywhere, it’s LOVE we see?

Who can we ask, who is our Guide?
Is it high above, or deep inside?

Of yes, of course, it must be here
Inside the love we hold most dear

If we can find our inner love
We can connect with life above

And then the ONE is all around,
And we’ll live the life where love abounds!



Friday, May 20, 2011

~ The Arcturians ~ Fear May 20-11

Galactic Federation Of Light The Arcturians

May 20 2011


The Arcturians through Suzann Carroll

Dear ones,

We are the Arcturians, here to assist you. We know that the most difficult emotion to deal with is fear. Therefore, at Gaia’s request, we have come to you to assist you in learning how to DETACH from fear.

It is not easy, and often not wise, to ignore fear because it may be giving you a message important for your survival. At this point in your process, your ego/self may be greatly threatened and feeling a great deal of “fear for survival.” Your physical body responds to that fear, likely in the same manner that it has responded for much of your life. Hence, you now have a wonderful opportunity to see “fear in action.”

Perhaps, you have been overwhelmingly tired—tired of work, tired of worry, and tired of this slow vibration, as your ego and Soul jockey for position in your consciousness. With the download of the fifth and sixth dimensional vibrations and fragments of your higher SELF, it may feel as though there is not enough “room” in your earth vessel. You are like an overstuffed suitcase with your zipper about to break and release you from your confinement.

You are becoming tired of the reality your ego has created. When you are able to think from your Soul, you hold no ill will towards it, as it is a child. However, you are realizing that YOU are the adult who is entering into the child, and you are feeling the tension of this upgrade. Your mind feels like a computer that is strained by the addition of new software. Everything seems to be going too slowly, and you have difficulty operating within this new system. In fact, you may periodically “freeze up” and need to “shut down” and “re-boot.”

These are all symptoms of your having difficulty integrating the higher frequencies of light into your physical body. Whenever your physical form has difficulty with integration, fear will grip your consciousness. It is a common coping mechanism to then place your attention on some external drama, but you don’t want to follow that pattern now. You feel my Soul/SELF inside you now, but you also feel your ego/self.

You are two beings in one now. Your Soul gives you comfort and great encouragement, while your ego still “takes care of business.” Unfortunately, you may be having difficulty maintaining a constant awareness of your true SELF while performing your mundane tasks of life. Be patient with yourself as you are not yet complete with your integration process. In fact, you have just begun, but the first three chakras are the most resistant to the download of SELF, as they have always been within ego’s domain.

Again, be patient for you are in the process of transformation, and you are creating a new life. However, there is also a “you” who is tenaciously holding on to your old life. This battle between the old and the new activates your primal “fear for survival.” It is your ego that is having this fear, for your Soul is joyous for your expanding consciousness. In the midst of your struggle for ascension, Gaia has referred you to us, the Arcturians, whose galactic contribution over eons has been to assist people as they move through their Corridor, either into or out of the third/fourth dimension.

Allow us to remind you that we are ALWAYS here within your consciousness. Feel your physical body now. Feel every ache and pain. Feel your dizziness and your overall sense of disorientation. You are disoriented because you are in the process of shifting realities. A higher frequency of light has come into your earth vessel, as well as into your third dimensional reality. You have released the desire to live in illusion and have welcomed your own higher frequency SELF into your earth vessel. Because of this, your reality is shifting into a higher frequency of vibration.

In your third dimensional reality, birth is preceded by death. Therefore, as you begin your transition into Lightbody, you must first move through all the many deaths of your old reality—the reality that you are leaving. Do not attend to these deaths. Bless them free. They served you well while you lived in that vibration. However, now you can feel the burden of the low frequency envelope that you have wrapped around your higher frequency SELF.

You may well continue to feel dizzy and disoriented. While anxiety and depression nag at you, your ego/self tenaciously holds onto them for comfort. Yes, comfort! Anxiety and depression are comforting as they offer a reason for your dissatisfaction. They gave you something to hold onto rather than the many external dramas that are vying for your attention.

At least with anxiety and depression, you remained focused on your self and on your own inner world. That is an important lesson, as your inner world is where your outer world begins. Now that your frequency of vibration is rising, your focus of attention creates your reality more and more quickly. Be ever vigilant of what you think, and the emotions that accompany your thoughts, for you will be manifesting them almost immediately.

Your ego/self is emanating much fear now as it anticipates its demise. Immediately upon recognition of this fear, release it and bless it free from your aura.





This mantra will remind you that the fear is not from a drama/illusion “out there.” It feels like your deepest, most primal fear, fear of survival. And, indeed, it is! Your ego fears for its survival. Release this fear, and hold your ego in your heart while you chant the mantra three times. Your love will assure your ego/self that you are not rejecting it. Instead, you are transforming it to be the grounding cord for your Lightbody. Remind your ego that you will not leave it behind, and that you will absorb it into the Lightbody that you have always been.

In the past, we have assisted you by taking your third dimensional consciousness into the sixth dimension. Now we are here to assist you in bringing your sixth dimensional consciousness into your third dimensional matrix. We say “matrix” instead of mind, as your mind is no longer third dimensional. You still have the 3D channel so that you can operate your 3D earth Vessel. However, as you discipline your mind to operate more from the 5D/6D channel that you are currently downloading, your ego/self’s fear will no longer be a distraction.

Keep your “eye on the prize,” then you will bring the prize to you and save you the effort of going after it. Since Venus is now in Gaia’s aura until 2012 to amplify the feminine power of attraction, it is easier to bring life to you. The masculine power of pursuit is now balancing with the feminine power of attraction. All you need do is find your Center and stay there. From your Center you have access to your feminine power of attraction to magnetize your desires to you, as well as your masculine power, so you can act on them.

Most of all, remember that you are not alone. In fact, you are a Planet. Just as you are, EVERY life-form on Gaia is facing the same experience of “Death-into-Birth.” Take a moment to recognize the many deaths that are occurring as the higher dimensions download into Gaia to degrade the 3D Matrix. Let us name a few of these “deaths.”

Death of Worry

      What will your mind do now?

      Can you imagine a reality without the constant agitation of anxiety and/or depression?

    Can you imagine a reality free of ALL conflict?

Death of Money

      What will be the “answer” to your problems when “getting more money” is no longer available?

    Can you imagine a reality where your value system is not based on monetary wealth?

Death of Longing

      When you have everything, what will you long for?

    Can you imagine a reality where Home is no longer a distant place, but is, instead, inside of you?

Death of Separation

      When you live in Unity with All That Is, how will you relate?

    Can you imagine a reality where you “commune,” rather than communicate?

Death of Physical Encasement

      When you are Lightbody, what will reality be like?

      Can you imagine how you will create your Lightbody?

    Will it suddenly burst forth, or gradually reveal itself?

Death of Death

      How can there be life without death?

    Can you imagine a reality where there is NO beginning and NO ending?

Death of Fear

      When there is NO fear, how will you know love?

    Can you imagine a reality where there is NO fear?

Ah, yes, fear is the most difficult death. Fear has been such a constant condition of your third dimensional experience that it has invaded every thought, every emotion, every action and every cell of your body. However, remember, our one, fear was meant to protect you from a dangerous world where survival was your goal and happiness a vaguely possible side effect. Fear was placed into Gaia’s 3D frequency net, and into your consciousness, at the beginning of the 3D Game. Fear is the edge that makes the game different from the Cosmic Flow from which you came. But fear is no longer fun, is it?

At this time in your planetary transmutation, you can edit out fear from your 3D matrix. As Gaia’s people merge their consciousness into Planetary Consciousness, you will ALL have the ability to re-write the program of your 3D Game. Unfortunately, there are humans on your planet who still wish to play the 3D Game, and they do NOT wish to edit out fear. In fact, they are tenaciously adding as much fear to the Collective and Planetary Consciousness as they can. They know that the Moment of Awakening is here, and they wish to sabotage it. You can attach yourself to their version of the Game, OR you can “refuse to play.” How do you refuse to play? You refuse to allow fear to attach to you.

Observe fear, and feel the “feeling of fear” without comment. Then release it without discussion. Fear is the waste material of the third dimension. Fear simply IS, like garbage IS. Neither is bad, they are only “leftover,” no longer needed. As you focus on the fifth and sixth dimensional channels, the fear that once hid in your unconscious mind comes to the forefront of your awareness to be released. From the 5D and 6D channels, you can perceive fear that was too threatening for your lower “channels” to consciously perceive. Confront fear with a calm recognition. Excuse it from your Emotional Body. Push it through your Mental Body—before you have a chance to think about it. Allow your Causal Body to see the cause and effect of it, and your Spiritual Body to dissolve it with Unconditional Love.

Learn to identify FEAR simply by its “feel.” Do not “attach” it to anything external or internal. Learn to allow Fear to just BE, like a flea, a snake, or a sunset. FEAR JUST IS! If it doesn’t attach to anything, it will merely FLOW through you. When fear merely IS, and you do no attend to it, the energy field of fear begins to dissipate.

Fear is a highly charged thought-form that wishes to experience physical life by attaching to humans. A thought-form is a 3D thought that has taken life in the fourth dimension. All thoughts that are “charged” with emotion take on a life in the fourth dimension as “thought-forms.” If you feed a thought-form with your conscious, or unconscious, attention, it will attach itself to matter and take on a 3D life. This is why you must not feed your fear. This thought-form of fear is like the neighborhood cat that cries at your door. You know not to feed it, or it will begin to live at YOUR house.

Third dimensional thoughts are polarized in that the opposites are separated, i.e. good/bad, light/dark, and love/fear. In the fifth dimension and beyond, love and fear are ONE. We know that this concept is difficult for your grounded self to grasp. Therefore, just allow the idea to settle into the imagination of your fifth dimensional thinking, and you will eventually understand/remember it.

With the polarity of love vs. fear, the fear polarity is rushing towards DESENSION from a 4D thought-form into 3D matter. The polarity of love, on the other hand, is attracted to ASCENSION from a 4D, or 3D, thought-form to a 5D Lightbody. Fear is the force of “destruction” and love is the force of “construction.” Fear moves towards the constriction of form and the limitations of separation from spirit, whereas love moves towards expansion and the freedom of unity with spirit. Of course, by this we mean Divine Love, for too often human love is so laced with fear that it has lost its great “power of freedom.”

However, fear is not “bad.” It is merely doing its job; the job of DESTRUCTION. Destruction is necessary in the third dimension as death must always precede birth. Conception, gestation, birth, rise, peak, decline, and death, is the process that all life must undergo once it enters the 3D matrix. Love is the force of CONSTRUCTION because the energy field of love wishes to expand. Water/emotion/consciousness constricts into ice—fear; and it expands into steam—love. Water falls to the ground, and steam rises into the sky.

With your download of SELF, fear has been exceptionally repellent. It has wanted to attach to you more than ever, as it feels the polarity of love beginning to expand. Since 911, there have been more wandering fear molecules seeking matter than there have been for quite a while. The forces of destruction have been very successful in using that fear. However, with the download of your SELF, illusion is losing its power; hence, the power of fear has also diminished.

Until recently, fear has been the primary element in the Collective Consciousness. There has been so much Fear that is has actually taken on its own consciousness, the consciousness of an addict. If you have ever had a moment of addictiveness—to anything—you know how it “feels” to BE fear. If you were a vapor of 4D fears urging to attach to matter, you would feel like an addict urging to “use.” An addiction is anything you “do” or “take” so you don’t have to FEEL your emotions. When you give into an addiction, you are descending in vibration, as you are looking for answers outside your SELF, and outside of your personal instinct/feelings/emotions.

Anytime you seek into the outside what can only be found in the inside, your consciousness lowers, as you are moving toward illusion, separation, limitation, and thus, fear. Of course there are also good things “outside” of you. It is just that when you believe that ANTYTHING is OUTSIDE of you, you have chosen the 3D illusion of separation over 5D Unity with all Life. The best way to “stay out” of attachment is to realize/remember that the 3D reality is an experiment. When fear comes at you with its constricting force, EXPAND your BEINGNESS and allow the fear to FLOW through you.

Allow your consciousness to EXPAND so much that you can see the spaces between your particles of matter. Now, see the vapors of fear as they approach you. Observe them as they pass through your spaces. Do NOT attach to the fear. Simply allow it to FLOW through you. In fact, when you feel the fear, it is actually “passing through” NOT “attaching to” you.

Go through the day identifying the “feel” of FEAR.
    Identify it and LET IT GO!

Notice, did the fear bubble up from your unconscious self to be released?
    Identify it and LET IT GO!

Notice, did you have a thought that created the fear?
    Identify the thought and LET IT GO!

Eventually, fear will lose its “power-over” you.
    Fear will BE, but it will NOT Be YOU!

With the ever-raising frequency of Gaia, and of your self, your powers of creativity are greatly enhanced. Remember, fear is a creator just like love, but it is a creator of constriction, separation and limitation. Take a moment to remember some of your creations that were fueled by fear.

      Were they enjoyable?

    What was the drama that accompanied these creations?

Once you can consciously identify the “feel” of fear as a vibration, rather than a reality, you can better stay detached from it. This detachment is best maintained by neutral thinking, which is “thought without judgment.” Thought without judgment is accepting, compassionate, interested, detached. Pay close attention to your thoughts. Try to go one entire day without a single judgmental thought—positive or negative. Judgment is emotional and emotion is what maintains the 3D matrix.

On the other hand, you can have thoughts with emotions if they are not conditional, such as Unconditional Forgiveness, Unconditional Acceptance, and Unconditional Love. These thoughts are non-polarized and non-judgmental because they are fifth dimensional in nature and arise from Detached Compassion. Hence, these thoughts are filled with Divine Love and will greatly assist you in downloading the fifth dimension into the third dimension.

In order to have forgiveness, acceptance, and love—without condition—you will have to completely surrender to your Soul/SELF. This complete surrender will also allow you to stop playing the 3D Game. While living in the Flow of Surrender, you don’t want to play the game any longer. Instead, you want to create a reality where there are no games and no illusions, ONLY truth.

The TRUTH is:

      Fear is a 3D fact.

      You ARE multidimensional.

      The “you” playing the 3D Game is only one small fragment of your SELF.

    There are MANY other fragments of your SELF scattered throughout the Multiverse.

The TRUTH is:


As more and more illusion clears, your other fragments will come TO, and INTO, you…

We, the Arcturians, commend you on your great progress into the Light, and in allowing the Light into you. Your skies are filled with great Beings observing your planetary process. These Beings are continuously sending you love and encouragement. One of these Great Beings is your Future SELF, who wishes to share a message with you at this time. As we turn you over to your Future SELF, we surround each and every one of you with our Unconditional Acceptance, Unconditional Forgiveness and Unconditional Love.

We are,
The Arcturians

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

The Arcturians ~ 10 Phases of Ascension

10 Phases of Ascension

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Clearly, the initiation of which I have been speeking was one in which I would have to stay in my body. This was not an initiation in which I was able to leave, to fly off into another dimension or into my world of imagination. This initiation was about staying within my physical form, which is a component other physical form of our dear mother Gaia, even though staying with in this form was extremely uncomfortable.

Before my surgery, my Initiation, I had to merge with my fear. I had to become my fear until I could love it free. Then, after my surgery, Final Initiation, I had to merge with my pain. I had to allow the physical pain to reveal all the psychotically and emotional pain that I had felt through out this lifetime. There was a LOT of pain.

Within the 24 hours preceding my surgery, somehow I have learned to manage my fear. When I went into the preparation for the surgery I had no fear. When they rolled me down the hall to the surgery room I had no fear. When I entered the surgery room and was put onto the table I had no fear, and when anesthesiologist came into the room two first quote make me unconscious” I had no fear. I had no fear not because I meditated or because I was spiritual. I had no fear because I fully surrendered to the circumstances and refused to contemplate being afraid.

The management of my pain was an ongoing process of realizing the deep connection between physical and psychic pain. I also recognized how my persistent reactionary behaviors created psychic pain and fear. It was my need to control my environment in order to control my anxiety that came into my immediate attention. I could not control anything. I could do very little for myself and was dependent on others for almost everything.

Therefore, my need to control them interfered with my need to get their assistance. Of course, I am only talking about very close friends and family members, as they were the only people I saw. I found that, when I surrendered to the time schedules and choices of others, I could more easily surrender to my pain. I could not control my environment, but I could surrender to it. Through this process I could more easily surrender (relax into) my pain.

In the third day after the surgery, (when the pain was much less) I was drawn to go and pull some Runes. Runes are an ancient Celtic means of divination. The first Rune that I pulled was a Rune representing “Stand Still.” It said, “You may find yourself entangled in a situation in which you can only submit, surrender, even sacrifice some long cherished desire. This Rune represents “A gestation for rebirth.”

The next rune I pulled represented “Constraint, Necessity, and Pain.” This Rune said, "Identify your shadow areas where growth was stunted resulting in the weakness which we project onto others.” This Rune represents “The rectification that comes before progress.”

The third Rune I pulled represented “Signals.” This Rune said, “When you nourish and give to yourself, there is always enough to nourish others.” This Rune represents “Connection with the divine is at hand.”

These Runes had given me the exact information that I needed at that time to give me the courage to “stay the course.” I had not drawn Runes in a very long time, but because I listened to my inner guidance I received information that was vital for me to continue my journey. I say this to remind my self, as well as others, to listen to the voice within for it is the true voice of our SELF

After reading the Runes, it came into my awareness about:


1) Downloading the multidimensional light and unconditional love that is entering us through our Crown and settling in to our opened Third Eye and High Heart.

2) Loving that light and love so much that we can allow it to travel into the hidden darkness and fear of our deepest subconscious self.

3) Allowing the multidimensional light to reveal this fear to our conscious self and using the unconditional love to heal and set it free.

4) Through the process of revealing and healing our fear with light and love, we learn unconditional love and detached compassion for our physical body, reality, experiences and persistent reactionary patterns (behaviors) that we formerly identified as our self.

5) As we integrate the multidimensional light, unconditional love and detached compassion into our consciousness and our physical body, we begin the activation of our Lightbody.

6) With the activation of our Lightbody we began to emanate multidimensional light and unconditional love from the core of our self and out through our Third Eye and High Heart. It is the emanation of this higher expression of our SELF that begins the opening of our Ascension Portal. This portal acts much like a compass to guide us on our process of returning to the Multidimensional Being of light that we have always been. This open Portal allows us more intimate communication and communing with the higher frequencies of reality.

7) At this point we must SURRENDER to whatever happens. It is this surrender that allows us to begin our Final Initiation. With in this Final Initiation we will take one sweep into our deepest subconscious to love free any and every fearful thought, emotion, memory and behavior that has impeded our complete connection with our Multidimensional SELF.

8) We NOW Know that everything is Perfect.

9) With the acceptance that ALL is perfect, we can embrace the innocence and purity of our Divine Child, the part of us that has never forgotten our SELF. With in this purity and innocence, we can actively await the New Dawn with an Open Heart.

10) LET GO!

Tuesday, May 03, 2011

~ Arcturian Circle ~ How Can We Evaluate the Information Contained in the Arcturian Transmissions?

How Can We Evaluate the Information Contained in the Arcturian Transmissions?

May 3rd, 2011

Thank you so much for asking us this.  We appreciate the opportunity to provide a response to it.

There are many spiritual guides and messengers that come forth to bring information to your physical realm. Guides of all types and energetic frequencies exist in all dimensions. They can be of different levels of mastery and skill level and also at different levels in their own evolution. Where they exist or come from is really not as important as what their intent and purpose is for connecting with you. You can use the same guidance system that you use to decide if any type of information is good or not for you to determine whether the information in our transmissions will assist you or not. If it feels right and true and it expands you, then the information will most likely assist you. If you feel bad after reading a transmission or you are left feeling fearful or stressed, then it will be in your best interest to not follow our advice.

A true guide will never provide you with information or guidance that scares you or makes you feel bad. We are here to assist you and to support you. We want only the best for you, but it is up to you to choose how to proceed with your life. We may offer advice, but it is your choice to determine if it makes sense to you. A benevolent guide will never feed your ego but will be happy for you when you evolve, grow and expand. A less evolved guide may try to provide you with predictions of a disastrous future or advice on how to evolve or succeed very quickly. Their main purpose for connecting and providing you with this type of information is to feed your ego-based self. They thrive on eliciting heightened and fear-based emotion from you and leaving you with a sense of being powerless.

Each person inherently has an inner guidance system that will steer you to what is right and true for you. Many people call it a gut feeling. We encourage you to determine if our messages feel right and true to you. Ask yourself if the information helps you, if you are learning and expanding from it or if conversely it is limiting you in some way. We encourage you to use your own wisdom, intuition and your core truth with any guidance you receive.

Remember that true guidance comes from a place of unconditional love and the desire to help you expand and learn in the easiest and most loving way possible.

With love and light,

The Arcturian Circle.

Monday, May 02, 2011

~ Arcturian Circle ~The Impact of Connecting Our Heart Centers

The Impact of Connecting Our Heart Centers

May 2nd, 2011

Today is a very important day. We are sure that you can feel it at some level in your body, in your mind and in your heart center. We want you to know how happy we are to report this amazing and wonderful news. It is because of the vantage point from where we reside that we can see the big picture. Your physical being may be experiencing only a fragment or a portion of this huge heart opening, but at a higher level you also have this awareness.

Your planet and every being on the planet has been going through many accelerated changes, some of which can look and feel terrifying and even chaotic. But we can see the higher vision of all that is happening and want to assure you that everything is happening in perfect alignment, at the perfect time in the perfect order.

When you look around your planet you can see that so many events are taking place where people are coming together in very large groups. Some of these events are joyous and happy occasions like the royal wedding and the beatification in Rome. Other events are more dire, but nonetheless people are coming together to help one another (e.g. Japan earthquake, the tornadoes and other weather related events in the U.S.). We mention only a few events; there are so many happening in the world right now. One of the most common threads of energy that runs through all of these events is that many people are gathering together, sharing energy for a common purpose. When humans gather together in small or large groups and they share a common purpose, their heart centers link to each other and the energy is activated exponentially. This is a very natural occurrence, and it is essentially how you interact with others when you are in your non-physical, energetic state. You do not need to have intent or action for this linking of your collective heart centers. You simply must come together, physically, emotionally or mentally. It does not matter whether you are physically near each other or are joined by telephone, web cast or television. Your higher level programming knows to kick in when you are gathered together and are focused on a common purpose.

Imagine what this looks and feels like. Over a million people are gathered in person to witness a joyous occasion and even more people are linked to this joyous occasion through the Internet and television and many other means. It is a joy-filled and happy event, and the linking of your collective energies amplifies that energy greatly. The same thing happens even when a disastrous event takes places like the earthquakes or tornadoes. People all over the world want to help, they link their heart centers again and the energy amplifies. So many major events and experiences are happening at a rapid rate across your planet. You are relearning what it is like to connect your heart centers again and realizing that your energies when used together are extremely powerful. Once humanity’s heart is synchronized, you will continue to work together like this. You will understand that before action, inspired intent and joining of energies will literally help you move mountains. Remember that we explained previously that to understand the magnification process, you simply multiply the number of people who are joined together in focused intent physically or virtually by itself and then multiply that by 1000. Yes, that is correct. You can learn more about this process by reading one of our previous transmissions “Expansion and Connection to Source.”

As the heart center of your collective consciousness opens, you may have some physical experiences. We will name a few and let you know that it is perfectly normal. You may experience headaches and body aches, foot and knee pain, allergy symptoms and even a feeling of being light headed. You may need to sleep more or have trouble sleeping. These simply are usually associated with bringing more light into the body and allowing lower and denser vibrations to be released. Focus your heart on taking care of yourself and giving yourself what you need: more water, more rest or seeking the help of a medical professional. As the energies stabilize and balance, you will feel better.

Your Sun is a key energy in assisting with the shifting of the energies for all the beings on your planet and for Mother Earth herself. You can align yourself with the Sun’s energies for feeling very grateful to her for the life she brings to your planet. She will continue to bring life and light and will assist in the ascension of every living being on your planet. You can allow yourself to feel grateful for her help and simply set an intention that you will easily accept her shifting energies. How do you do this? It is very simple. Just be thankful for the energy she provides to you and appreciate her warmth and light. When you express gratitude and appreciate for the Sun, you will align your vibration to her shifting vibration. It is really that simple.

We are telling you this because we want you to see and feel the progress you are making. We want you to hear good news and to feel excited and joyous about it. We want you to move past hope into a knowing that you are making wonderful progress and are remembering what you came to remember. Please know that you can continue this progress by being together in groups of any size. Join your heart centers together and feel happiness and love. Imagine a perfect world, imagine what you want and let go of what you do not want. You can do this by yourself, with friends, acquaintances or loved ones. You can do this while in nature or while at work. It really does not matter how you do it or when you do it. Just do it!

We love and honor you.

Until next time.

The Arcturian Circle.

Friday, April 29, 2011

The Arcturian Circle ~ How We Create Our Reality

The Arcturian Circle: How We Create Our Reality

2011 April 29

by chezanni

Channeler: Debbie |

The energy that surrounds you at any given time, is always, always a reflection of what you are thinking and feeling. We know that there is so much going on in the world today that it can be difficult for you to bring yourself back to your center and recognize that all that is around is a reflection of that which is within you. Now is the perfect time for us to remind you that you can go within to create peace around you.

Everything that you see, you experience, you feel in your external world is always a reflection of what you are feeling in your inside world. You can easily experience peace and tranquility around you if you choose to focus on peace and tranquility. The single and most important thing that you can do to help Mother Earth and the people and beings of your planet is to create peace, harmony and love there. As human beings who are having a very physical experience, you tend to react in seeing all that is around you and want to change it. The more you want it to be something different than what it is, the more it becomes an even larger display of what you do not want. We can tell you without doubt that you can change the world around you, but you cannot do so from the outside. You can only do this from the inside, from the inside of you.

To begin this important endeavor, we ask you to become acutely aware of what you see and feel around you. You must really see what is around you, and you must really feel what is around you. Become aware of your surroundings. Look and feel what is around you as if you are watching a play or a show. As you become aware of what is around you, what is really around you, you can then take the next step of accepting that you created all that surrounds you. This step is sometimes harder to accept and harder to comprehend. But we assure you that there is nothing that surrounds you that you did not vibrationally attract into your surroundings. All that surrounds you is there because it matches your vibration. Yes, this includes even those things that you do not like. We can actually hear you saying, “No, that cannot be right.” Oh, but it is. You are vibrational beings, living in a vibrational world, a magnetic world where those things that vibrate like each other are attracted to each other. Like attracts like, whether you like it or not (LOL).

The next step is what is truly meant by the words “conscious creator.” When you look around you and you choose to accept that all that surrounds you is there because you attracted it into your reality, you become aware. You become aware that you are consciously creating your reality. That is a big AH HA moment, and a really good one at that! Yeah! Hurray! Yippee! There are many more words that we could use to show our delight when one of our precious human friends become aware of their ability to create and they take responsibility for that which they have created. Because when you realize that you have created all that is around you, the next Ah HA moment is the one where you say, “Oh, I have created all that is around me without much effort at all. Imagine what I can do if I choose to focus my intent on what I’m creating.” This is where we say “Wooooooooooooooo Hooooooooooooooo!”

Now you are seeing your surroundings for what they are, and you are aware that anything and anyone in your surroundings is there because you choose it to be. What do you do next? You begin focusing on those people, those things, those circumstances in your surrounding that you like and love. The more you focus on what you love, the more you will see things to love. This is where you begin to become very aware of thinking and feeling and putting your attention on that which you love so it can be magnified. You have an awareness that you are choosing to focus on all that you love. When you do this for yourself and for your own reality, magnetically your reality begins to change. As your reality begins to change, so do other people’s realities.

Another way to look at this is to see each person, each object, each situation around you acting as mirrors or reflective devices. They are all reflecting back to you that which they see. So if a person comes into your life and they are angry, they are simply reflecting back to you something that is within you. A person cannot reflect anger back to you if none exists within you. The same is true for love. This is also the reason that your car breaks down or you get stuck in traffic when you are already in a bad mood. You cannot attract anything into your reality that does not already exist inside of you. That is why we suggest that you become very aware of what you see in your reality and become very selective in what you choose to magnify. When you see and feel what you love, we want you to be so aware of that so you can magnify it exponentially. You see, your emotions are the fuel that magnifies your creations. Be grateful and appreciate when you see what you love in your reality. Your gratitude and appreciation will magnify it and attract more of it into your experience.

Now we want you to imagine that more people are becoming aware of their own reality. They are working from the inside and are paying attention to what they are creating. What do you think will happen on your planet? It is not necessary for every being on the planet to practice creating consciously. It only takes a small portion of the beings on the planet to begin this process. We can tell you it is already happening and many, many beings are taking responsibility for the choices they make. They have become aware. Now is the time for you to choose to create your own reality. It is what you came here to experience. Create love and happiness in your own reality. Focus on it and allow it to expand!

We love and honor you.

Thank you for sharing this connection with us.

The Arcturian Circle.

Monday, March 07, 2011

Multidimensional Newsletter ~ May, 2011

Multidimensional Newsletter ~ May, 2011

Thank you for showing interest in  If you wish to unsubscribe to this newsletter please do so at the bottom of the page.  On the other hand, if this email has been forwarded to you and you wish to subscribe, you may also subscribe at the bottom of the page or email me at and place SUBSCRIBE in the subject line.

MAY 2011

Arcturian Communications

Clearly I am not alone within the process of remembering, communicating and sharing the communications that I have had with the higher dimensions. As more and more of us awaken, and as the frequency of Earth continues to raise, conscious communication with our Galactic Family will become increasingly common, even “normal.” Some of us have emigrated from another country and became so distracted by adapting to our new home that we forgot to stay in contact with the family of our homeland.

In the same manner, incarnating on physical Earth has been so overwhelming that many of us have forgotten to communicate with our Galactic Family. Fortunately, as we awaken, we begin to remember glimmers of Home and to hear whispers from our higher frequency reality and higher expression of our Multidimensional SELF. My first documented communication with the Arcturians was in 1994.

Beloved Suzille,

We speak to you from Arcturus. We want to tell you that we are coming. Remember when you said that you would volunteer help? We heard and we are taking up your offer NOW.

There are many different sources, which are receiving many different messages. Yet each of these messages contains a portion of the Truth. Each of your realities upon Earth holds a portion of the truth, which will assist you to complete your process of moving beyond this (third dimensional) vibration. There are many different portion of your society, which holds a different piece of the whole to assure the successful process of Earth's evolution. You do not need to hear every message of all the realities of you planet receives in order to fully move into your personal understanding of the wonderful moment that is now commencing.

Remember, there are many options here for you to consider. One is that you and yours may not choose that reality for your experience. Another choice is that you can move through time and space to a reality where that experience has been completed. Another option is that you will take upon yourself OUR vibration, your true vibration, which is the vibration of Arcturus. In this way you will rise above the actual experience of "death" much as you did in your Atlantis life. Do you remember when we came to you then? Do you remember how you channeled our name when you had not heard of us in your 1994 intellect? We are here again, dear one. You are awakened enough so that you can work with us more deeply.

Shortly after this message I heard about the Arcturian Corridor from the Elohim of the Seventh Ray, Arcturus.


I AM ARCTURUS. I AM the ELOHIM of the Seventh Ray. I AM fifth dimensional and beyond. I have never had a physical form. You have worked in my temples in many, many realities. I have to assist you, as well as all those who find these words, in preparation for the “Great Change” that is occurring on your planet.

I, Arcturus, am especially active in the process of change as I AM of the Violet Fire of Transmutation. Therefore, transformation has always been my service. It is important that you realize that I am not an individual such as you experience individuality on the physical plane. On the fifth dimension, there is no separation and therefore no individuality as you experience it. Individuality involves separation from the others in the dimension in which you inhabit. In Arcturus ALL of us are connected to All That Is.

I, however, am the vortex of a specific purpose, and all who share that purpose become a portion of my vortex. I have come to you today to inform you that you are being called upon to share in this process. You have called upon the Violet Fire many, many times. Hence, you have aligned yourself to my energies. Of course, you have made these calls because you have held the memory of your other realities. In order to be of purest assistance to our cause of transformation, you must first complete your personal transformation - at least to the next level. The process of transformation is, of course, infinite, but there are levels of vibratory rates and thresholds. Yourself and the entire third dimension are crossing the threshold into a new vibratory level.

For today, please remember that I AM THE VIOLET FIRE! Hold this mantra in the joint energy of your heart and mind. This mantra is the key to opening our Arcturian Corridor.

Since then I have been communicating with the Arcturians, as well as Beings from other higher dimensional realities. During the deep initiation that I am now completing, I received messages about the process of ascension and will share all that I have learned with those who are interested.

I share this information to assist others in their ascension, as well as to “normalize” the process of communicating with our Galactic Family. The Galactics will eventually, and likely soon, come into our Earthly reality. In the meantime, they are coming into the consciousness of ALL those who are ready to listen.

In March of 2010 I received an invitations from Jefferson Viscardi to create a book about the Arcturian Teachings. He asked the questions, and I allowed the Arcturians to answer through me. Below is presented the beginning of our communications.

The rest of the Introduction and Chapters 1 through 3 where presented on the Blog. They are now available at: under the title of Arcturian Teachings. Below are Chapters 4 and 5, when Jefferson and I reconnected about nine months later.



Jefferson: Arcturians? Today Sue and myself, Jefferson, got together to speak to you and see what your thoughts are about the idea that I proposed for us to write a book together. Or, perhaps, a series of books in which we can give information to people who want to know the ideas that the Arcturians can share with us on Earth.

Arcturians: Our dear Jefferson?

Jefferson: Yes?

Arcturians: We are so happy to hear your voice!

Jefferson: Seriously? Me too!

Arcturians: We are so happy that you have connected with our Suzille. If you are not familiar, that is the name that we call the channel. We have called her Suzille, as it is her spirit name!

Jefferson: Oh, ok. Thank you for the clarification!

Arcturians: Yes! In response to your question…

Jefferson: Yes?

Arcturians: The answer is: of course!

Jefferson: (Laughter)

Arcturians: Of course we are greatly happy, honored and joyful to be able to communicate with two different countries at once! It is quite wonderful! We ask that each of you take a moment and see the huge triangle that has been developed energetically. One point of the triangle is in North America, in Los Angeles. The other point is around your dear beautiful Brazil (São Paulo), and the third point being beyond time, beyond space. Can you see the portal that you are opening by your communication?

Jefferson: Wow!

Arcturians: It is a beautiful portal. As we look down we see all the areas in between. We see the areas upon which the ancient beings of great repute lived. In fact, we see the land of which the Maya first initiated their Mayan calendar. Do you see how these areas are encompassed within your triangle portal? If you were to create a huge circle, which we encourage you both to do, it would move South from the Los Angeles point, then circle North from the Brazil point to find the base of your portal that extends into the third point of the triangle in the higher dimensions. Can you see our unconditional love fills this portal?

Jefferson: (Giggles). Wow!

Arcturians: We are ready for your questions! Do you mind if we address you via your spirit name?

Jefferson: By all means! Please!

Arcturians: Dear Jeffereys…Jeffrees…Jeffreys of the universe! Jef-free’s who is free! Free of all. You have grounded! We address you Jeffrees. Welcome! We welcome you into our vortex!

Jefferson: Thank you!

Arcturians: Thank you!

Jefferson: This is fascinating! So, the other day I had an impression. It was an energetic, multidimensional impression of the Arcturians inviting me for this project (through thought). Could you comment on that? How it happened, did it happen, how it went?

Arcturians: Our call is open to all who hear. We have an ongoing beacon, which is like an SOS beacon that is sent out in your world. However, our SOS is not a disaster call, it is an open invitation to communicate with us, your Arcturian family.

Jefferson: Yes.

Arcturians: This beacon constantly repeats itself?

Jefferson: I understand.

Arcturians: We have a beacon does NOT stand for impending disaster. Instead, our beacon does stands for an urgency of attention. The message of this beacon is, Dear Ones, yes, you, the ones who are able to hear and to listen. We say to you,

“Wake-up, Wake-up. The ascension is NOW!
We, the Arcturians are here to assist each and every one of you.“
That is what our beacon says!

The rest of the Introduction and Chapters 1 through 3 where presented on the Blog. They are now available at: under the title of Arcturian Teachings. Below are Chapters 4 and 5, when Jefferson and I reconnected about nine months later.

March 2011


Arcturians: Hello, Jefrees. Do you have a question for us?

Jefferson: Hi there. It is been so long for me. I was already missing our chats!

Arcturians: Yes, we have missed you as well.

Jefferson: Coincidentally today, the 18th of March, is my birthday, and this is a gift in and of itself. Thank you!

Arcturians: Happy Birthday. This is a power day for you; for it is the day your Soul chose to come into your present body.

Jefferson: There is so much I want to ask you, but let’s go a question at a time. This is the first idea I wish to discuss with you today.

Arcturians: Please continue.

Jefferson: All right! Thank you! How come it is the soul that chooses the day to be born?

Arcturians: It is the soul that determines that it is the proper moment of the NOW to log into the 3D Games. Your soul wanted you to be an adult at this moment of great planetary transition.

Jefferson: I see. Interesting!

Arcturians: It is so for all those who are adults at this time. The adults are meant to take leadership and to protect the new ones, children and babies, because they are of New Earth and will assist you all.

Jefferson: You also mentioned this is a power day for me. How is that power connected to the day of birth? What makes this day different as far as "power" goes to the other days?

Arcturians: The date, time and place of your birth are the exact energy pattern that your soul wishes to experience within a given reality. Some souls come in for a very long time (in your years) and other only come in for a quick visit.

Jefferson: Take leadership and protect the new ones? Can you expand on that? Leadership towards what activity and protect children from who? Do you mean to lead people to become self-honest and protect them from the cultural programming that makes us become superstitious and “good consumers”?

Arcturians: Yes, protecting them from the cultural programming and superstitions is a big part, but you will also have to protect them from all the many challenges that Gaia is facing in your present moment.

Jefferson: Energy patterns of a soul then have to do with the alignment of the planets at the time and day of one’s birthday?

Arcturians: Soul energy patterns also have to do with the place of your birth. In your other incarnations, you have all have empowering experiences with different plots of Gaia's land, sea or even sky. There are areas in which you have had power lives and have protected Gaia in the past. Therefore, you wish to protect and assist in raising the energy in that area again in this life. This is why you went back to your homeland. You had a long history there. Many are going back to their homeland now, or finding a deep love for the place in which they are now living. In this manner you can use your unconditional love to cooperate with all the multidimensional beings of that area, such as the third, second, first and even fourth dimensional creatures. The fourth dimension is ascending along with the third, for it is the aura of Gaia!

Jefferson: Could you expand on what you mean by: This is why you went back to your homeland? What is a homeland?

Arcturians: A Homeland is the Home of your Soul. It is the place on the body of Gaia in which you can remember your highest frequency of expression.

Jefferson: Do you mean to say there are E.T.s that are incarnated on Earth and “Earthlings” that incarnate on other planets to assist and support the group mind there by adding their positive support?

Arcturians: Absolutely! Many Galactics (we prefer that term over the term of “ETs”) from the fifth dimension and beyond have made the sacrifice of taking an Earth vessel at this time. They knew that Gaia would need the grounded energy of those who had ascended before. Then, as they awakened, they could remember the FEEL of ascension and assist others in their ascension, as well.

Jefferson: I see.

Arcturians: However, in other realities on Earth, ascension means leaving your physical form behind. This time you will transmute your physical form, as well as the physical form of Earth, back into its true vibration of the fifth dimension. Human, cetaceans and Gaia are partners in this endeavor!

Jefferson: About the home "land" being like a home for a soul in particular... How to understand that when the soul is non-physical and the idea of land proposes some physicality to it? Do you mean just to say that the soul is more powerful in the place it can call home no matter where, in the cosmos, it finds itself?

Arcturians: We mean that in parallel realities of incarnation on Gaia, they came into their power. Therefore, just as one may have many wonderful memories when they return to a favorite place from their childhood, newly grounded ones can have memories of their past, power lives when they incarnate in that area again. And for your last question, yes! You all have many Homelands on many planets, galaxies, suns and dimensions. Each of these realities of your full Multidimensional SELF has a certain FEELING of energy that attracts you. For instance, Suzille is very fond of beautiful Nature, especially oceans, tall trees and bodies of water.

Jefferson: I see. Thank you! Now, talking about the challenges Gaia is facing, I would like you to expand on that if you will. In the beginning you spoke about the great triangle connecting physical locations and while doing that you mentioned the place where the Mayans existed, the Southeastern Mexico and parts of Central America. Could you share more ideas about the Maya and the impact of their teaching in our present days?

Arcturians: The great triangle of which we initially spoke surrounds a power spot in Earth. A power spot is an area where the elements are able to co-mingle and co-operate with each other to set up a frequency of unity consciousness. This unity consciousness will then seep into the hearts and minds of the humans of that area. Unity is first step to power, transmutation, love and ascension. When the elements are able to unify, it facilitates the unity of the humans. The impact of the Mayan Teachings is that they got the attention of the world and “coerced” the world to unite to find out what they meant! The mention of "End of Times," got the attention of many who were sleeping. Unfortunately it got their attention because they were afraid, but often fear can “force” one to rally their inner resources into action.

Jefferson: Awesome!

Arcturians: This is what the Mayan Calendar has done! It has rallied the world consciousness into a form of action. Because Gaia is still polarized, these actions started first with the light coming into the awakening ones. This light then revealed the darkness that had been hidden for so long. Once the darkness could no longer work in secret, they became afraid--bullies are ALWAYS afraid. Then, the dark ones became sloppy with their actions and began to be visible to the consciousness of the ones who had fallen into their subjugation. This realization that they were being lied to and even harmed has served to awaken many of the sleeping ones.

Jefferson: I see.

Arcturians: Now the darkness is desperate, but the Light is tenacious! The brave ones who have suffered from the deeds of the dark ones deeds are rising above fear and uniting in unconditional love for everyone.

Jefferson: How so?

Arcturians: They no longer see color, creed, gender or appearance. They see fellow humans who are in the same process for survival AND ascension.

Jefferson: Oh. I hear you.

Arcturians: They know that they must unite into ONE being in order to survive, and so they do! It is world Unity Consciousness that is paving the way for the Planetary Ascension. In other words, the dark ones got caught in their own trap!

Jefferson: Thanks!

Arcturians: Do you have another question now?

Jefferson: I sure do! Since you spoke of ascension and parallel realities before, I would like to know how these parallel realities are relevant to our own reality?

Arcturians: Every time an important decision is made in a certain way, a parallel reality spits off to represent the other decision. In this manner, the multidimensional souls who are logged in to the “3D Game” can experience both choices at the same moment of the NOW. This is why there are so many versions of any event, such as the fall of Atlantis!

Jefferson: Oh lovely! Thank you for clarifying that! Now… You also said and I quote: “This time you will transmute your physical form, as well as the physical form of Earth, back into it true vibration of the fifth dimension.” Could you please expand on that because I “know” everybody is dying to know how that takes places and if you can give an approximate timeframe?

Arcturians: The versions that are made in love move toward construction of New Earth, and the version created by fear work against it.

Jefferson: I see.

Arcturians: Time is a third dimensional concept. From the perspective of the fifth dimension and beyond there is only NOW. Therefore, once you move your consciousness into the fifth dimension and beyond the time of ascension is NOW! Hence, Planetary Ascension is a state of consciousness, a frequency of reality. Once your consciousness resonates to the frequency of the fifth dimension, the Planetary Ascension is NOW.

Jefferson: All right! And when that happens, what changes will happen in our physical bodies?

Arcturians: We can tell you that your body will resonate to the same frequency as your consciousness. Hence, since the fifth dimension is the realm of light, your body will be comprised of light. However, the means by which the changes will occur in your physical body has many versions and perspectives. It is a subject that can, and has, filled many books. It is not an answer we can give in a few short sentences.

Jefferson: Oh.

Arcturians: Let it suffice to say that “Unity precedes Ascension.”

Jefferson: How so?

Arcturians: First you unite with your Multidimensional SELF. Then you will be able to unite with the fifth dimensional expression of that SELF with whom you have a pre-birth contract to assist you as you become fifth dimensional. Remember that you all have myriad versions of ALL your Multidimensional SELF, even your 3D self. Therefore, one who is newly returning one to the fifth dimension will need to have a Contact Person, a personal guide, who is actually one of their own fifth dimensional expressions of SELF.

Once they connect with that fifth dimensional expression, they create an energetic bridge between their grounded 3D self and planetary self with their light body 5D self in fifth dimensional earth. Once this connection is made, the two will return to ONE bringing all that they know with them. There are many, many light-workers who will do this. All of you are waiting for the GO sign. It is the united force of all of you all around the world returning to the fifth dimension at once that will give Gaia the assistance that She wishes. However, Earth/Gaia is becoming fifth dimensional whether or not all Her humans go with Her.

The energy of Unity Consciousness is growing more every day. We the Arcturians are so proud of our grounded ones. We observe that you are rising above the tentacles of fear and choosing to focus on Multidimensional Light and Unconditional Love. Furthermore, we see our awakening ones observing the fear and darkness, not just in their outer world, but also within themselves. They are then able to unconditionally love their own inner self, which transmutes that darkness into the love that creates and navigates their Lightbody. Since all Beings on Gaia are ONE, as our great awakening ones release their own fear, they assist to release fear for the entire planet.

Glory to our grounded ones, for they have found their true SELF deep within the illusions of the earthen container.
We Salute YOU!!
The Arcturians

April 21, 2011


We are the Arcturians. We are here to speak with our dear friend Jefferson.

Jefferson: It is lovely to speak to you again!

Arcturians: We are with you now to continue our discussions about personal and planetary ascension.

Jefferson: Awesome! Let's revisit some details of what we discussed last time, so that we can dive more into those subjects.

Arcturians: That is perfect with us!

Jefferson: You mentioned before that we are having an influx of special children being born because they want to experience life on New Earth. Do you mean to say that the generation of incoming souls will express through their level of consciousness, the new human that will adjust by choice, the current state of our ascending planet?

Arcturians: Yes, we speak of the children who are born awake to their Multidimensional SELF. Their full DNA is activated and their Whole Brain Thinking is returned. They have no need for third dimensional thinking, and function fully via multidimensional thinking. Many of them are having difficulty with their schooling because they are much more advanced than their teachers. Therefore, they are labeled as "problem children." Instead, it is your outdated educational system that is the problem. However, there are many brave parents and teachers who are working to rectify that issue.

Jefferson: When you spoke about the idea of multidimensional SELF, you suggested an upcoming unification reaching to fifth dimensional expression of our SELF. You also mentioned a pre-birth agreement or “contract.” Would you be so kind as to expand on these three aspects of your answer: 1) multidimensional Self 2) Unification 3) Pre-birth agreement.

Arcturians: You are all Multidimensional Beings. Your Multidimensional SELF is the collective of your life-stream that is fully conscious of your many expressions of SELF. These expressions take on form or live as pure consciousness in the many planets, galaxies and dimensions.

Among your new children, as well as with more and more adults, there is an ever-growing unification with your Multidimensional SELF. Many of you are especially aware of your fifth dimensional SELF. This awakening was agreed upon in your pre-birth contracts. Pre-birth contracts are agreements that your Souls made with the ONE before deciding to take on the form that you now perceive as your body. In other words, before you incarnated, you agreed that you would either be born with, or awaken to, the fifth dimensional frequency of your Multidimensional SELF.

Your Multidimensional SELF is the frequency of your SELF that is free of the limitations of separation of the physical world. This YOU is awake and aware on many planets, galaxies and dimensions, and is able to experience and communicate with all these parallel realities within the NOW of the ONE. However, “communication” is a third dimensional term. It implies that two or more separate people speak separate sounds that blend into words and sentences for the "other" people to read or hear.

In the fifth dimension and beyond, we are all ONE, and there are no separate words, sentences or people. Therefore, instead of communicating, we unite our consciousness within the UNITY of the ONE. In this manner, rather than asking a question, we simply align our consciousness with the ONE and instantly KNOW the answer.

Jefferson: I see. Another question…when you say their “Whole Brain thinking returns,” do you mean to say that the two parts of the brain are uniting to support holistic thinking?

Arcturians: Yes, that is indeed what we mean. When the two hemispheres (the masculine—logical, sequential left hemisphere and the feminine—holistic, creative right hemisphere) unite, they function as a united brain in a manner that far exceeds the capacity of third dimensional thinking. Whole Brain Thinking comes on line when you awaken to your multidimensional consciousness. This expanded consciousness also, activates more and more of the 97 percent of your DNA, which has been labeled as “junk DNA”, and allows your brain to operate at an expanded capacity.

With your expanded consciousness, third dimensional, sequential thinking is gradually replaced with multidimensional thinking. Your multidimensional thinking serves to activate your expanded perceptions (also called psychic abilities). These expanded perceptions allow you to perceive higher and higher frequencies of reality. With your expanded perceptions online, you will gradually begin to download your new Multidimensional Operation System. This is far superior to your Third Dimensional Operating System.

Comparing this new system of thought to third dimensional thought is like comparing the difference between DOS, and the quantum computers that are being created, but not shared with the masses. With the Multidimensional Operating System, you do not think in a straight line. Instead, your thinking and consciousness moves in circles.

Jefferson: When you speak of activation you imply that the operating system already exists in today's humans, but it is just not activated. Does that mean you don't have to be a newborn as much as you have to find a way to "activate" that new operating system to have different perceptions of life?

Arcturians: You are again correct. However, when you have functioned under the old operating system, you must learn to release the habit of thinking in a straight line with separate concepts. Children that are born that way do not need to release any habits. In fact, they maintain the "habit" of being multidimensional.

Jefferson: Do you have any quick formula to release the habit of linear thinking?

Arcturians: A good way to get started is to fill your life with creative endeavors. Creative endeavors require that you use whole brain thinking and are great fun. When you are having fun, you can more easily release old habits of limitation and drudgery. Then, you can easily segue into multidimensional thinking.

Jefferson: I am not sure what drudgery or segue into multidimensional thinking means, but I think I understand your point. However, I find it difficult to fathom that my soul can have a multidimensional experience and be in different places at the same time. Would you help me clarify these ideas?

Arcturians: The process of ascension is largely based on finding the freedom from separation thinking. When you think of each of your expressions of your Multidimensional SELF as separate, it is very difficult to imagine that you can experience more than one of them at a time.

Jefferson: I see.

Arcturians: When you release the habit of thinking in time and space and allow your thinking to move into the format of NOW and HERE, it is natural to imagine that each of your "selves" are much like the organs in your body. They appear to be separate, but none of your organs can live unless they are within your earth vessel. Just as your physical body monitors and communes with all of your organs, your Multidimensional SELF guides and unites your myriad expressions of SELF.

Jefferson: So these multidimensional selves are expressions of me incarnated and non-incarnated in physical worlds like Earth, or is this the end of the line in the sense that all my other selves are on higher dimensions?

Arcturians: Yes, your multidimensional selves are incarnated on many realities. We will now address your "end of the line" statement.

Jefferson: Please…

Arcturians: There is no concept of an ending or a beginning in the ONE as there is no time and space. There are only frequencies of experience. Many life forms, including Gaia Herself, now feel complete with the experience of holding form in the polarized, low frequencies of the third/fourth dimensions. Therefore, many souls will not return to this frequency of expression, as they would rather have the experience of a higher frequency expression of SELF.

Jefferson: Oh. Ok.

Arcturians: This experience of a higher frequency of expression of your Multidimensional SELF is what you are now calling ascension.

Jefferson: So ascension is an expression of unity through expanded awareness of my full self?

Arcturians: Yes. Personal ascension is an expression of unity with a higher frequency expression of your SELF. On the other hand, planetary ascension is an expression of unity with all life on Earth. In order to experience planetary ascension, you all need to realize that your SELF is not just your physical body, but includes ALL of the greater body of planet Earth.

As humans unite, as animals, cetaceans and plants have already united, they will remember that every ONE is an expression of Gaia's Earth. Our grounded ones are actually Multidimensional Beings who have entered into the great experiment of: "Can one maintain the Unity of their true SELF when they experience themselves as separate from the ONE?" The answer to this question is often, “NO.”

Jefferson: Oh.

Arcturians: However, what you are all finding out now is that when you finally return to your Unity Consciousness, you CAN remember the individuality that you gained during your third dimensional realities. At the time of ascension, this individuality is contributed to the ONE, thus allowing the Unity Consciousness to become much richer and more expanded.

Jefferson: I see now.

Arcturians: In other words, you have had to lose the memory of your Multidimensional SELF to find your individual self. Then, when you return to the ONE, you contribute your experiences of individuality to expand and enrich the Unity Consciousness of the ONE.

Jefferson: What you just said is beautiful! Thanks!

Arcturians: You are very welcome.

Jefferson: spoke of a personal guide, another expression of me that exists in the fifth dimension. You said that this guide would assist and support me in the ascension process. Can you expand on that? Who is my guide, and what are the main ways that it assists me with the delicate task of ascension?

Arcturians: We will answer the first question and then the second, as they are quite different. We would not say that there is "another" version of your self, for those are third dimensional words based on separation. What we would say is that the only part of your Multidimensional SELF that you can perceive is your earth vessel, which is only the lowest frequency expression of your SELF.

All frequencies of expressions of your Multidimensional SELF are infinitely there (as there is no beginning or ending within the NOW), but you cannot perceive them—yet. Since you cannot perceive them, you have forgotten that they exist and think of yourself as only being third dimensional. Fortunately, as you regain your Whole-Brain, Multidimensional Thinking, you will expand your consciousness. Once your consciousness expands, your perceptions will also expand to embrace the frequency of the fifth dimension, making it possible to perceive your fifth dimensional SELF and beyond.

Now to answer the question of who is your guide, and what are the main ways in which he will engage with you?

Jefferson: Please.

Arcturians: Your question is filled with third dimensional thinking, which complicates a full response. Therefore, we will take each third dimensional concept and expand it before we answer.

Jefferson: Oh lovely. I am sure that will help a lot. Thanks.

Arcturians: Who is your Guide? When our grounded ones cannot believe that they are great multidimensional beings, they look to guides that are "separate" and "above" them. That is fine for it begins a communication with the higher dimensions. However, as this communication proceeds, the grounded one begins to realize that, no matter who that guide is, it is themselves, for that Guide resonates to a reality that is of the ONE. The ONE resonates beyond the separation of time and space. Hence, there is no concept of separation. Because of this, the only real delicate part of the process is for your Higher Expression to bring you along slowly so that you don't get too frightened by your true power and shut down your process of awakening.

You would be surprised how often that occurs. In the third dimension, you have been brainwashed to believe that you are a lowly being, and that it is conceited or arrogant to think of your own self as being at ONE with Spirit. This concept is an old hangover from the Piscean Age, which your consciousness has surpassed.

Jefferson: Oh, I see. So that is the idea that the extraterrestrials I speak with share. They say many people cannot handle the truth.

Arcturians: Unfortunately, there are still many who are afraid to see reality in a different manner. It is fine though, as each one has the right to return to their true SELF when they choose to do so.

Jefferson: Oh. Sure. I see now.

Arcturians: It is through unconditionally loving these ones that our grounded ones can best serve them. To enter into a debate with them would only force them to hold more firmly onto the old concepts that have given them a sense of security throughout their life. There is a great deal of inner seeking, releasing of fear, self-introspection and personal sacrifice that is involved in ascension. It is not for everyone. Ascension is for those who have completed their third dimensional lessons and are ready to graduate into a higher frequency of reality.

Jefferson: Like letting the flowers bloom and giving them time to shape their body and colors. Yeah?

Arcturians: Yes, different flowers will bloom at different times. In fact, some flowers cannot bloom at all. Often this is because they do not have enough Light. Light is important for flowers to bloom and important for people to bloom, as well.

Jefferson: Sure. Light can also be interpreted as information and darkness lack of information. Right?

Arcturians: Yes that is correct. Also, Light creates love and darkness creates fear. However, remember that it is only in the third/fourth dimension that light and dark are separate. In reality, light is a spectrum from 100 percent light to zero percent light, which you may call dark.

Jefferson: When you said, “There are many "light workers who will ascend,” you implied that not all will. Just now you said that some flowers couldn’t bloom at all. Why is that?

Arcturians: You are thinking again from third dimensional, analytical, and even fearful thinking. We apologize if you did not understand what we were saying. We were trying to communicate that ALL the ones who wish to ascend will ascend. There is no failure in returning HOME to your SELF. There is only a failure in one’s ability to remember that they have a higher frequency Home and a higher frequency SELF. Once you remember who you are, how could you lose? Your hand is attached to your arm and you are attached to your higher frequency of SELF. If you could not believe that you had a hand, then you would not feel attached to it. You would not feel UNITED with it.

Jefferson: Oh I understand.

Arcturians: We said that some flowers would not bloom because they did not have enough light. But humans are not rooted into the ground, and they can move themselves to find the light and allow it into their consciousness. However, if their mind is stuck in the concept that they cannot get light, don't deserve light or, perhaps, don't want light, they will not move towards the light. Then they will remain in the darkness.

Jefferson: So within this context the lessons you speak about in which we have to learn before ascending, are based simply on the idea of remembering who we truly are.

Arcturians: You are great multidimensional beings who know all. You do not need to learn, you only need to remember who you truly are. You can stand outside the Library of Knowledge and say, “I can't find the truth.” On the other hand, you can turn around, go inside and KNOW that YOU are the Library of Knowledge. The truth is right there inside your SELF. You just have to remember to look!

Jefferson: Is it correct then to say that what we are thinking and feeling while we observe the world around us, is but an individual, limited interpretation of THAT bigger reality that we can’t yet fully understand with our 3D thinking and cultural programming?

Arcturians: It is correct to say that thinking and feeling creates the reality that you are observing. When you can raise the frequency of your thinking and feeling, which is done by determining to perceive reality through the lens of love, you will change your reality. Your thoughts and feelings are filters that influence your perceptions. If there were two people standing side-by-side, one filled with fear, anger and self-doubt, the other filled with love, hope and joy, they would both look upon the same reality and see it as very different.

Jefferson: I see. Dear Arcturians, thank you so very much for your presence and wisdom this day! I am truly grateful and inspired now. I can't wait to see what comes when third dimensional time allows our next visit. Much love!

Arcturians: Thank you dear Jefrees, and we send our unconditional love to you, as well. We also wish to tell everyone that you can call upon us, and we can assist you to choose love. By choosing to see reality through the lens of love, you will perceive the reality that you would LOVE to live.

We welcome your consciousness into our multidimensional realities.

Jefferson Viscardi

Jefferson Viscardi has a Ph.D. degree, Philosopher of Metaphysical Life Coaching, from the University of Metaphysical Sciences distance learning facility. He is certified by the International Association of Reiki Professionals as a Reiki healer, level III, in the Usui System of natural healing. He teaches on topics such as: extraterrestrials, our galactic family, and Christ consciousness.

Jefferson is a co-author of "Avatars of the Phoenix Lights UFO,” "Feline Humans,” and "The Circle of Light and The Philosopher." He is the author of "Insights with Adronis from Sirius." He also wrote, “Building an illuminated society,” and "The Apprentice of Metaphysics" in Portuguese. More info at: Jefferson currently lives in Brazil, São Paulo with his family.

RADIO SHOW FOR MAY 6, 2011 9:00 pm Pacific Time
Maria Falce talks about creating a fifth dimensional reality within our physical world. If you miss it, it will also be posted on at

Suzanne Lie, PhD