Time Shift Blog
Controlled Chaos Strategy
Today too many good-hearted people in
the world give their corrupted leaders and policy makers the benefit of
the doubt, citing incompetence or pathological compassion when
attempting to explain away the rapidly increasing destruction and decay
of their western culture in major cities undergoing the agenda for Controlled Chaos.
The systematic and methodical destruction of natural resources and
civilized cultural settings, destroying or hiding beautiful masterpieces
of art and literature, and the intended decimation of artifacts and
antiquities highlighting previous ages of an enlightened human culture
is not an accident. Controlled Chaos is based on subjecting individuals to sophisticated methods of a global Psychological Manipulation designed to reform and suppress the mass consciousness, by Shaping False Narratives that destroy Unity and Empathy within
humanity. Divide and rule strategies encourage divisions, conflicts and
chaos among the opposing groups to prevent the formation of strong
alliances and unification that could challenge the power of the Controller or Ruler. This extends to the negative entities, such as the Luciferian or Satanic groups, that exert further control over their human representatives that have been socially engineered to carry out their divide and conquer agenda against the human race.
Comprehending the motivation of the
controlling power elite means understanding their spiritual and
ideological beliefs connected to using controlled chaos against their
opposition, which essentially is to continually incite chaos and
division in order to control the rest of earth’s inhabitants. Controlled Chaos is
understanding the role of chaos theory that is used in military based
decision making, when planning divide and conquer tactics being targeted
against any group, demographic or nation. Controlled Chaos is
used both as a spiritual warfare strategy on the metaphysical front by
non-physical dark forces, and as a propaganda-based disinformation tool
and weakening tactic aimed against the masses in the physical world.
This is a global strategy for full spectrum domination of earth carried
out by the NAA forces,
who use human controllers on the ground that have been handed access to
unlimited wealth and resources of the planet in order to manage the
rest of us in a Controlled Chaos.
By methodically destroying the cohesion
and unity that exists within any targeted group, organization, state, or
nation, the group is weakened by internal division and chaos, whereby
outside organized forces that use controlled chaos tactics can intercept
and easily impose control over the group’s resources. As a case study,
the intended destruction of a powerful state could be potentially
desired by multinational corporations, crime syndicates and institutions
that intend to gain aggressive control over the global financial,
military and information resources in that state. Strategies would
include saturating the death culture propaganda into the population by
reinforcing destructive behaviors; such as increasing destitution and
homelessness, handing out free heroin needles, pushing sexual misery to
reduce birth rates and increase death rates. When there is indifference
to the suffering, misery and destitution of others, people become
suicidal and lose their will to live. This acts as a general euthanasia
mechanism for facilitating a eugenic strategy or kill off in the
targeted culture.
Another case study for observing
controlled chaos strategies in action, such as using weather
modification to instigate chaos, is highlighted with the recent
Hurricane Florence activity on the eastern seaboard. Dane Wigington from
GeoengineeringWatch.org brought it into public attention with his recent article and video below.
Will Hurricane Florence inflict the level of catastrophic damage that is being forecasted? Will the "forecasted" stalling of Florence parallel the Hurricane Harvey scenario to some degree? Or will a last hour change of direction and weakening of the storm diminish some or much of the predicted impacts? In either case, climate engineering is the core part of the equation that is not being acknowledged by any official source. Though nature is increasingly spawning hurricanes / cyclones due to Earth's rapidly warming seas, massive global climate engineering operations (and associated technology) are increasingly able to manipulate and steer such storms. Early on forecasters somehow knew Hurricane Florence would follow a nearly straight line course to a specific region of the US East Coast. How did they know? Because they are reading a script that is passed down to them from up the ladder. A script that ultimately originates from climate engineering contractor Raytheon who does all the modeling for the National Weather Service (NWS) and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration NOAA (both government agencies have an illegal federal gag order on them).Weather warfare continues to be ramped up around the world, Hurricane Florence is only one example of hurricane / cyclone manipulation. Super Typhoon Mangkhut is predicted to possibly become the most powerful storm since record keeping began. Mangkhut will impact the Philippines and even Hong Kong. Will US mainstream media even cover this? How many other dire global news issues will be omitted due to the coverage of Hurricane Florence? Is that a part of the agenda being carried out? Though countless forms of human activity are decimating and derailing the climate system, geoengineering programs are single greatest climate disrupting factor. The continued mainstream media cover-up of illegal climate engineering operations makes them accessories to these crimes.
The 5 minute video report below provides input on Hurricane Florence and some of the potential agendas behind the manipulation of this storm.Hurricane Florence, Geoengineering Mass Destruction And Distraction (Dane Wigington)
Instigating and seeding continuous
chaos, particularly through natural disasters or emergency situations,
overwhelms the capacity for supporting sustainable living and disrupts
the stability and cohesion that is necessary to restore order to the
disorder. Uprooting people from their homes, creating refugees and mass
migrations are tools used for destabilization and psychological warfare,
by gaining control of these areas through inciting chaos while
destroying the local culture. When the natural environment and earth
beauty is being destroyed, such as trees, plants and animals, this
decimation produces a Dehumanization and
demoralization effect upon the people living there. Living in a barren,
desolate wasteland as a result of abject poverty, war and cataclysmic
events is not highly desirable to evolve consciousness and develop the
local culture, it produces primitive values and barbarism. Through
conditioning propaganda of continual controlled chaos as a way of life
being seeded as the global Death Culture, it achieves the aims of the Controllers in various ways.
- Living in the psychological warfare terrain of global controlled chaos strategies stunts the growth of human consciousness, exploits primitive negative emotions, and neutralizes the inner drive to create and further develop in positive ways that contribute to society, personally and professionally. (invoke fear, division to confusion).
- It destroys the development of communication links between people, increasing compartmentalization and disconnection from seeing the larger sum of moving parts, removing access to information that gives people and groups access to see the whole picture. (ignorance versus intelligence, division to confusion).
- It reduces the ability of the common people to influence events in the power and control structures, promoting barbaric and primitive values as acceptable, while shutting down independent and alternative media. (dehumanization and demoralization, ignorance versus intelligence).
- Increases bureaucracy, spreads gaslighting through false narratives, sows the delusional belief that more money is needed to solve everything, increases debt enslavement and promotes corruption and criminal behaviors. (overwhelm and wear down, demoralization).
- Destroys higher education progress and thwarts true scientific discovery, eliminates the ability to pursue avenues for increasing humanity’s higher development into free and open technologies that would eliminate war, fuel and disaster-based economies. (ignorance versus intelligence, division to confusion).
- Hides covert spiritual targeting and persecution that is directed to stunt expanding consciousness, bombarding us with negativity, while suppressing truth and Krystic attributes in Awakening people, as all media and control pillars in society are used to subdue us spiritually, 24/7. (invoke fear, division to confusion, demoralization).
Controlled Chaos strategies and intentionally inciting the forces of chaos in the world at large are also entwined with the overall Satanic Ideology and
its highest principles. Those individuals that are either moderate or
extreme occultists in their different branches of the satanic belief
system are also practicing the same divide and conquer strategies in
order to gain advantage and oppress the masses, through Lack of Empathy and
compassion for others plight. Satanism promotes the rise of master
manipulators and sociopathic personalities to exploit all human
psychological and emotional weakness for personal gain. For the Satanic
occultist, psychic attacking and Black Magic is
designed for siphoning soul energy for producing spiritual weakness
along with the premeditation of complex strategies that are designed to
destroy their opposition at any cost. Hence many Satanists are master
propogandists, using complex deceptions for psychological manipulation
in attempting to indoctrinate the public into various forms of moderate
to extreme Satanic Ideology throughout the controlled mainstream media.[1]
Source: https://energeticsynthesis.com/index.php/resource-tools/blog-timeline-shift/3357-controlled-chaos-military-strategy