Showing posts with label Universe. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Universe. Show all posts

Friday, March 02, 2012

Archangel Metatron: ENFORCEMENT OF TRUTH 777 Archangel Metatron:ENFORCEMENT OF TRUTH 777

26 February 2012

Channeler: Susan Elsa

Dear beloved Souls

I AM METATRON, and I bring you the Light of Peace of the Mind. I am Master over Thought and Action, for any Action stems first from the Thought. Indeed, some Souls on Earth say, God created the Planet by speaking his own Name. Well I would like to complete this theory a bit and let you know, that FIRST CAME THE THOUGHT- then the manifesting WORD.

When you ascend into the next Life Form, you will have mastered your Thoughts completely. What I am talking about here, is NOT anything that has to do with the Changes happening for 2012. Everyone right now, seems to be talking and thinking about this Date, and I would like to clarify, that the following is general and timeless:

Like an endless Ladder of different Worlds, God created not only the Life you know at the Moment, but also other Types and Forms of Life. In the Universe, which you can perceive with your physical Eyes, you are located in one Galaxy and didn’t even reach the Border of your own Galaxy- ever yet. But also, do you know, that there are MORE GALAXIES. You guess, is there Life, or is there not?

Something inside your Heart, always sensed and knew, that you are NOT ALONE. This does not mean, that “Aliens” like from your Art Movies you have on the Planet, exist like that. Most other Beings in different Galaxies, are very similar to you. And just like every individual Soul has their own Life Path’s (yes, multiple), every Planet in the physical Dimensions with “intelligent” Life on it, has it’s own individual Planet Path and Plan.

There will be NO VISIT from other Planets, in Form of Aliens, the way you know this word from Books and Movies on your Planet. It is strictly forbidden, especially when Earth is in such chaotic, healing Times, to have two different Life Forms/Galaxies, mix with each other and confuse everyone even more. Later, this step will take place, much, much later, when Humanity is ready, as well as the other Types of Humanity in the Universe.

As the Archangel of the Mind, I am here today, to remind all of you once again, to CALL ON ME, regularly if you wish, to CLEAR YOUR MIND/THOUGHTS. It is very important, for 2012. Let me explain something, and be attentive:

The Thoughts are at home inside the Mind. The Mind, is not much different than the Soul, you could say, it is the binding Mass between physical Brain and Soul’s Consciousness, like a Glu. All is connected, as long as you are alive inside your Body of Flesh, your Body connects to Soul, and the opposite.

When you call for my Assistance or a Healing Session with me, which you can do ANY TIME ANY PLACE NOW, I do heal the Mind and Consciousness of the Soul, and it does immediately manifest/reflect onto the physical Body you have.


It is also the Mind which has been abused in the Dark Times in the past, to “brainwash” Human Beings into thinking DIFFERENT. The human Mind, CAN BE PROGRAMMED, in a good, or in a bad way. When some dark minded People discovered this, they designed a whole System, that would not only confuse your Mind, but overstress it so much with dark food for thought, fear and injustice, that many Human Beings ignored their Mind/Soul for a long, long Time, till now. Through this Action, Human Beings lost much contact to their own Soul, and even today, as you are awakening, many of you prefer to “channel” and “focus” on another’s Spirit, instead of your own.

Over time, the Human could not function error-free like this.

The Body, Nature, Energies around your Dimensions, Mind, Soul, all of us Archangels and Angels, all was designed in HARMONY and absolute PERFECT BALANCE AND MEANING. This is why all IS ONE AND CONNECTED. This is also the logical Consequence: Souls who get “too sick and infected with Dark Matter”- MUST BE CLEANSED AWAY- because ALL IS ONE AND CONNECTED, and Life is ETERNAL, and the Heavens are everlasting green and healthy, even though Heaven, is always as well connected with you, and all other Life Forms and Worlds. In order for ALL OF THIS TO REMAIN THE WAY IT WAS MADE AND IS AND ALWAYS WILL BE – anything endangering with too much Darkness THE WHOLE MASSES OF SOULS- will have to go.

We do not speak harshly, to be injust. Every Soul has it’s own Opinions, Life Lessons and Thoughts/Feelings. YOU might consider it injust, if any Soul gets neutralized. But you think in human Ways, and it is a lovely Wish, to want all Souls to be healed and ascend, in fact, it is our and God’s Wish as well. We do all we do for Humanity for 2012, to try TO AVOID TOTAL DESTRUCTION OF ANY SOULS- but we CANNOT FORCE A DARK SOUL, NOT WILLING TO LEARN, INTO THE MIDDLE OF A GROUP OF OTHER SOULS- WHO DID WORK HARD AND GROW. You must learn, to be able to exist after Death. You are in very special Times, and NOW WE ARE APPROACHING A MASS ASCENSION OF SOULS INTO THE NEXT LIFE FORM- the will have completed their Cycle of Birth, Re-Incarnation, Death, and MASTERED this Life, to have the “EQUIPMENT” TO EXIST IN THE NEXT.

Human Beings cannot be, exist or even breathe on the Moon, let us say, except if they have the Equipment. We don’t ascend Souls against their Will, into a Life Form they can’t handle, so they suffer and FALL AGAIN. It would be cruel. It is better to master the first Step, then naturally go to the second Step and enjoy it.

God understands Creation and the Universe, more than anyone of you Human Beings. God made everything with purpose and the most high Intelligence. A Soul, which gets neutralized, suffers ZERO. It is peaceful, no one will be “hurt”, but rather like peacefully dissolved into Light Energy. It is in reality a relief, which will happen to some dark Souls, WHO WISH FOR IT BY FREE WILL and its ACTIONS/THOUGHTS. In the Dark Times, God did wait and wait, and send Love and Love, and it was kicked with feet. They did not accept it, no matter how long God kept sending them Love and Healing.

And I am not talking about Human Beings, inside the Body. I mean, the Souls of Human Beings who passed, but were too dark and heavy in Vibration, could not ascend naturally. God did not neutralize them, but sent us, the Archangels, for a MARATHON OF HELP AND HEALING. Many Souls, refused to go into the Light and remained stuck, for Years and Years. They refused to realize, that they died and stayed, in spirit Form, on Earth, pretending they are still physically alive, sucking on living Human Beings Energy to maintain their Survival, in this unnatural State.

Think about it, what is the better Option? To leave Souls behind, eternally suffering? No, that would be cruel, compared to peacefully putting their Soul “to sleep” and neutralize it. The energy of this Soul, will then go back into the WHOLE and become part, without individual Consciousness, of all others again. So, it is never lost, just changed.

Many Souls are wonderfully making all effort they can, to work on themselves, better themselves, grow, indeed, what has been always the ORIGINAL LIFE PLAN FOR THIS EARTH DIMENSION- but with Balance of Duality. We observed the Situation a very long Time, and waited until WE HAD TO HELP. We left as long as possible, ROOM FOR FREE WILL, our Hope was, that we could move and inspire Humanity to make a Change themselves. But a few extraordinary dark Souls, refuse to let the others live in Peace- and some INNOCENT Souls, have gotten stuck in the Past as well, in the 4th Dimension, because they were HURT TOO MUCH and TOO LONG.

NO INNOCENT SOUL WILL BE NEUTRALIZED- but healed, uplifted and helped. This Soul then, will get it’s energies balanced out, by neutralizing the dark party and like that, regenerating the Life Energy of the Innocent Soul again.

It is important, that we ALL TOGETHER try to help the dark Souls WAKE UP, before they sink too low. But of course, always keep in mind, HELP ONLY WITH A LIMIT- NEVER LET ANOTHER PULL YOU DOWN DURING ASCENSION. If they don’t want help or push you away, or even, attack you in angry ways or any such behavior, GET AWAY FROM THEM. Only the Ones, who are OPEN FOR CONNECTING AND HEALING AND LOVE EXCHANGE, you have a Chance to help.

Treat YOURSELF gently, and maintain your Balance by eating healthy and light, lessen Meats and increase Veggies and Fruits in your Diet. Relax. Enjoy with your full Heart and Soul, and Body, this Spring/Summer 2012, spend as much time as you can, in Nature, as I have explained in an earlier Message. KEEP UP THE LIGHT! Reserve one Day in the Week, and turn it into your SPA DAY- a nice smelling Bath, Care and Nurturing of your Body, an hour of Mediation outdoors with good vibrating Music, or even Drawing. Expressing your Soul in colors and paints, this is a great Training for your FANTASY and relaxes the Mind even further.

I will speak more in a later Message. Call on me, or ARCHANGEL MICHAEL, whenever you need to cleanse your Thoughts, or DIFFERENTIATE BETWEEN TRUTH AND LIE- Archangel Michael can help, together with me, to CUT the binding, attaching Energy, which is pulling you in, most of the time, these looks like Chords, attached to your Chakras. And always remember to focus on RUBY RED/GOLD/WHITE LIGHT, surrounding your Body, Soul and Mind (especially the Mind), when you call on me, ARCHANGEL METATRON, and relax and let me give you a Healing Session. When calling my dear Archangel Michael, you focus on BLUE/WHITE Light- Archangel Michael CARRIES NO SWORD- which CUTS any BODY- Archangel Michael’s “Sword” is made out of PURE LIGHT. Imagine it surrounding you, cooling you with a fresh Breeze, or like a Coat of Blue Light being put around your Shoulders, covering you gently in Comfort.

With all the Power of the Mind,

This Text can be shared and distributed with Credit to Susan Elsa, Archangel Metatron & Archangel Michael for the channeled Work.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

ARCTURIAN CORRIDOR - Your Multidimensional Reality - Inter-dimensionalCommunication

ARCTURIAN CORRIDOR - Your Multidimensional Reality - Inter-dimensional Communication

Channeler: Suzan Caroll Ph.D

August, 2011
Arcturian CORRIDOR
Your Multidimensional Reality

Inter-dimensional Communication

Blessings to our grounded ones,

We meet once again inside our Arcturian Corridor. As a result of our many inter-dimensional meetings, you have learned to incorporate our Corridor into your consciousness. Consequently, you no longer imagine our Corridor as being far away or high above. Instead, you KNOW that it is a component of your ever-expanding multidimensional consciousness. Because of this, we wish to instruct you regarding the many qualities of your Multidimensional Consciousness. First, we will tell you about your innate ability to communicate inter-dimensionally.

In preparation for this instruction, we are providing you with a map of the many dimensions of reality. Remember that you are ALL Multidimensional Beings who simultaneously exist on many frequencies of experience. Furthermore, all your many expressions of your SELF exist within the NOW of the ONE. It is only in the third and fourth dimensions and threshold to the fifth dimensions, that you perceive yourself as holding a form that appears to be separate from others. From the mid-fifth dimensions and up, you remember that all of life is connected, like individual drops in a Cosmic Sea, and you can easily observe the molecules of life that connect you.


As you begin to consciously communicate with and travel to the higher dimensional realities, it important to have an overview of the many frequencies of reality:


The twelfth and eleventh dimensions are the Stellar, Galactic and Universal Elohim.
The tenth and ninth dimensions are the Solar Elohim.
The eighth dimension is the Planetary Logos.
The seventh dimension is the Oversoul.
The sixth dimension is the Divine Matrix for the lower worlds.
The fifth dimension represents the return to Multidimensional Consciousness.
The fourth dimension represents physical Earth’s Aura/Dream-world.
The first through third dimensions represent the Physical World.


Since your consciousness has been within our Arcturian Corridor, you can more easily understand the presence of realities vastly different from your physical world. The concept of individuality, strongest on the third dimension, diminishes somewhat in the fourth dimension, and is a choice in the lower fifth dimension. By the mid-octaves of the fifth dimension, individuality exists within the unity Multidimensional Consciousness, and separate individuality is known only as the lives you live in the lower worlds. The sixth dimension is the matrix for all possible realities, whereas the seventh dimensional Oversoul oversees the many Souls and Soul Groups that have chosen to take myriad forms in the realities of the third through fifth dimensions. By the eighth through tenth dimensions, forms are expressed as planets, solar systems and galaxies.


You on Earth first began as twelfth dimensional Stellar Elohim who were, and still are, ONE with the Source. Elohim are the holders of form in the Multiverse, and the Stellar Elohim is likened to a Great, Great, Great Grandparent. This Elohim “Grandfather” wished to expand its family, so it sent many portions of itself out into the multiverse to experience life in the myriad lower worlds and dimensions. This process of fragmentation is much like a Star spinning out planets to encircle it. Since there is no separation, from the perception of the twelfth dimension every experience that each fragment of SELF has is a portion of the Elohim’s experience.


Gaia, a Being who has evolved to such an expanded consciousness that only a planet could contain it, shares ALL its experience with Sol, the Sun.
The Sun, a being with such an expanded consciousness that only a star could hold it, shares all its experience with the Great Central Sun.
The Great Central Sun, a being with such an expanded consciousness that only a galaxy can hold it, shares all its experience with the Stellar Elohim who is the “grandfather” of that Galaxy.
The Stellar Elohim, however, is actually more than a star. It is the generator of stars, galaxies and universes. Therefore, instead of spinning out planets, it spins out stars, galaxies and universes.
The Stellar Elohim, who is the Grandparent of our Galaxy, shares all its experience with the Stellar Elohim of the Local Universe.
The Stellar Elohim of the Local Universe shares all its experience with Source.
All of these Elohim represent the merging of Spirit into matter to create the illusion of physical form. Elohim, as “holders of form,” are the matrix through which the “un-manifest” can become “manifest.” Your Bible says, “In the beginning was the Word”; the Elohim are “the Word,” or the matrix of sound that traps cosmic light into manifestation.
The Stellar Elohim spins out Star systems and the core of each star system is the Solar Elohim.
The Solar Elohim vibrates to the ninth dimension and spins out planets to be overseen by the eighth dimensional Planetary Logos.
The Planetary Logos works directly with the seventh dimensional Oversouls to oversee the beings who will eventually take on form within the Planets.
The Oversoul is the Soul’s Soul, and it is responsible for all its Souls that inhabit all of the lower dimensional worlds, realities and planets. Once the Oversoul spins off Souls, it acts as a guide to these Souls.
The Souls, in turn, act as guides to their incarnated ones. Just as every Stellar Elohim has many galaxies, and the Solar Elohim has many solar systems, the Oversoul has many Souls and the Souls have many realities incarnated in the fifth through third dimension.
The fifth dimension functions in terms of incarnated beings.
The sixth dimension functions in terms of possible realities.
The seventh dimensional Oversoul functions in terms of Souls.
The eighth through tenth dimensions function in terms of solar systems.
And the eleventh and twelfth, also combined, function in terms of galaxies.


Just as the Oversoul assists in raising the awareness of its many Souls, it also raises its own awareness by downloading portions of its SELF from dimensions above the seventh. When an Oversoul decides that it is ready to expand its consciousness, it calls its Multidimensional SELF and asks for an emissary from the planes higher than the seventh to assist it in its ascension process. Thus, Solar and Stellar Elohim respond to the calls of their Oversouls on the seventh dimension. The Oversoul for the beings of Earth has made that call because, along with its Souls in the lower worlds, it is ascending to a higher frequency.
The Arcturian Stellar and Solar Elohim are very receptive to this call, as it is their Mission to maintain the Arcturian Inter-dimensional Corridor into and out of the third/fourth dimension. Stellar and Solar Elohim from Sirius and the Pleiades also respond to calls from Gaia and Her Oversoul, as they were especially active in the original “star seeding” of Earth. These Elohim spun portions of their being into their Oversouls. From the seventh dimension, the Oversouls then sent portions of their Being into the fifth dimension where they were prepared to be lowered into the fourth dimension, to await entrance onto third dimensional Earth.
Remember that separation from the ONE is an illusion. This illusion only exists in the lower worlds of the third and fourth dimension. It is the belief in this separation that holds the matrix of the physical hologram in place. When the belief in separation is released, you fully remember your true, Multidimensional SELF who is infinitely connected with the ONE. It is through this connection that you can regain your innate ability of inter-dimensional travel and communication.


We of the Galactic Federation are the higher dimensional expressions of your Multidimensional SELF. Hence, we are your Galactic SELF and your Galactic Family. Long before your written history we lived and/or visited on planet Earth. Hence, in many ways we are your ancestors. There are some on Earth now who are not in our evolution, but they, too, shall return to their source Homeworld at the time of Planetary Ascension. Those who still serve the old ways of Service-to-Self will be returned to the timelines on their Homeworld where the frequency of Service-to-Self still exists. However, this old pattern of selfish separatism will not be able to join the increasingly higher frequency expression of the Milky Way Galaxy. All of us, our entire Galaxy, are moving into a higher octave of expression.

In other words, the third and fourth dimensions are becoming the fifth dimension. The fifth dimensional worlds are becoming sixth dimensional, and the sixth dimensional worlds are returning to their Oversouls in the seventh dimension. The seventh dimensional Oversouls are releasing their need for form and moving into the next octave of the eighth through tenth dimensions. Furthermore those of the eighth through tenth dimensions are returning to the Source of the eleventh and twelfth dimensions. In the dimensions beyond the seventh, form is unnecessary and the dimensions intermingle like the molecules of your air.

We see that many of you have ventured your consciousness into the sixth dimension to assist Gaia and her inhabitants by healing weakened areas of the sixth dimensional Divine Matrix. We also see how you have integrated your service to Planetary Ascension into your daily life. Do you see what spectacular Beings of multidimensional light and unconditional love you are? We wish to applaud you all for your contributions to the process of personal and planetary ascension. As Gaia ascends, those who can match Her resonance will ascend along with Her to experience the rare phenomena of unified, personal and planetary, ascension.

In preparation for your great moment of ascension, which approaches quickly with the glory of hope, the bliss of love and the power of light, we would like to talk more merging with the higher dimensional expressions of your great, Multidimensional SELF. Via this merging, you will be able to meet your primary Galactic expressions of SELF with whom you will share your process of ascension. We say “primary expression,” for you have many higher dimensional expressions of your SELF on myriad planets, galaxies and dimensions. Many of us in the Federation have sent a spark of our Light into a physical form to assist with the planetary ascension. As we can connect with our grounded expressions, we can assist that version of our SELF, as well as have a personal experience of the momentous event of Planetary Ascension.

Preparing for Ascension 3
Merging With Your SELF


Greetings, we, the Arcturians, wish to assist you to return to the seventh dimension. Once you resonate to that frequency, you can connect and merge with your Galactic SELF who has volunteered to be your primary guide during the process of Planetary Ascension. To begin, we ask you to visualize the Arcturian Corridor around and within you.
Feel how the Corridor vibrates to the fifth dimension as you merge with the consciousness of all those who share the Unity of our Corridor.

As you allow the unconditional love of our Corridor, you gradually merge your consciousness with the sixth dimensional Divine Matrix of Earth. Take a moment to share your unconditional love and multidimensional light with this Matrix.
The power of unconditional love initiates your entrance into your seventh dimensional Oversoul.
Feel how the frequency of the Corridor has expanded. Gradually, your perceptions adapt to this vibration enough for you to meet with the member of the Galactic Federation with whom you shall merge your consciousness.
Take a moment to listen with your clairaudience, see with your clairvoyance and sense with your clairsentience to better commune with your Galactic Star Family.

Allow the specific Galactic Being who has volunteered to be your personal ascension guide to merge with your consciousness.
This Being is a higher expression of your Multidimensional SELF.
Relax into the calm of unconditional love as this Galactic Being opens and enters your High Heart, infusing your consciousness with unconditional light.

Accept the radiance of this Being’s multidimensional light as it enters your opened Crown and Third Eye.
Messages from the higher dimensions enter your Opened Third Eye (your Crown and Brow Chakras working as ONE), but the meaning of that message is perceived through your High Heart. It is through your High Heart that you and your higher expressions of SELF can bond into ONE. As a result of your bonding, you can receive messages of light and love.
The reason why your High Heart is the translator for your inter-dimensional messages is because it holds your ATMA, your Threefold Flame of Wisdom, Power and Love.

The inner Flame of Wisdom assists you in recognizing the expressions of your Multidimensional SELF.
The inner Flame of Power allows you in accepting the extremely high-frequency transmission.
And your inner Flame of Love allows you to merge with and accept your own Wisdom and Power.
The unconditional love of the higher worlds is the bonding force of the universe, which creates a deeper and deeper bond between you and your higher-frequency expressions of SELF. This inter-dimensional bond allows your higher expressions of SELF to view your inner vocabulary. In this manner, your Higher SELF can choose words that will assist you in better understanding their inter-dimensional communications. This understanding is still a challenge, as higher dimensional communication from beyond time and space come in all at once in a single moment. It then becomes your challenge to connect with the Light Language of these messages and then to translate them into your third dimensional language.


Before we continue, we wish to take a moment to tell you more abut Light Language. Light Language is the product of light and sound resonating to a correlate frequency spectrum. We say “spectrum” because light and sound are measured differently on your world. However, in our world there is no sound as you know it. We are all telepathic and empathic, so words are not important. However, we deeply enjoy art forms created by the interplay of light and sound. In fact, wonderful art forms are fashioned by the inter-play of light and sound. Basically, light does not have a form. “In the beginning was the Word,” means that sound is the key to create a form to enclose and surround light. One of these forms is Light Language. The air that you exhale also has no form. However, as you exhale and change the articulators of your mouth (tongue, palate, mouth, etc.), a sound is created. When you were a baby, these sounds had no form, as you could not yet control your articulators. Then, as you were maturing you observed your parents to learn how to create words with the “raw material” of sound and the way you moved your articulators. We will return at a later date to tell you more about the creation of form via sound. For now, we wish to stay focused on our brief discussion of Light Language. If you were to place sand on a copper plate and put a tuning fork underneath and touching that plate, the sand would form an image that looks much like a Sanskrit image. This image is the result of the combination of the creative powers of sound creating form. Light Language looks much like the forms that are created in the sand by the tone of the tuning fork. This light then drifts into your High Heart, which carries the memories of all the Wisdom, Power and Love of your Multidimensional SELF. Your Multidimensional SELF can easily communicate via telepathy and empathy and receives the message as an “inner knowing.” If you are to translate this message into your spoken/written language, you will need to send the inner knowing back into the language area of your brain, but it must be the language areas of both the right and left hemispheres. The message is understood in your High Heart as an emotion, which is your right hemisphere. Therefore, in order to put this emotion into words, you will need to share these emotions with the language area of your left hemisphere. Through this whole brain thinking you can express the feeling you have received in the correlate words. On the other hand, it takes great practice to translate complicated light messages into words. In fact, many of you will not. Instead, you will translate our messages into beautiful pictures, music, dance, actions and many forms of creative projects. It is only those who are to be the teachers that need to complete many years of study to be able to translate our messages into words. Fortunately, the energies of Earth are much higher now and this type of training is no longer necessary. You are now all regaining your multidimensional skills of telepathy, empathy, clairvoyance, clairaudience, and other expanded perceptions. Thus, when you commune with us, the members of the higher dimensions, you do not need to understand us via your outdated earth language, as you can use your expanded perceptions. We wish to say that we, the members of the Galactic Federation, are ready to communicate directly with our grounded ones. Therefore, we visit you now to assist you to consciously communicate with us. We say “consciously” because we have many conversations with your dream body that you forget once you wake up. It is the remembering of your innate ability to commune with the higher frequency expressions of your Multidimensional SELF that signals your readiness for ascension. Therefore, we ask you, our grounded ones, to believe that you have the ability to receive and translate the messages that we are sending you via the multidimensional light and unconditional love that is constantly entering your reality. Let us now review and expand upon what we have said by giving you this exercise:

Using your imagination, which is your fifth dimensional thought, see our symbols of Light Language as they enter your Crown and opened Third Eye.

Observe these symbols as they float into your High Heart.
Feel the sudden burst of unconditional love as you do so.
Surrender to that feeling in order to create our empathic link.
Feel our unconditional love, so that you can open your mind and heart to our messages.
Relax now and trust. Trust yourself. Trust the experience. Trust the process.
This trust may be more difficult than you think. We have found that many of our grounded ones with whom we try to communicate cannot trust our process of communication or their ability to hear us. Often they have thoughts such as, “This is crazy.” “I am just imagining this.” “I cannot imagine why any ascended being would ever want to talk to me,” These fear-based thoughts represent the remnants of myriad lifetimes of third dimensional indoctrination finally being released into your conscious mind. Furthermore, for millennia Earth has resonated to a very low frequency, which allowed the implementation of many rules of domination. It was common practice to judge a channel of our Galactic Voice as being crazy, being a fake, or in some way demeaning the channel so that he or she would not be believed. The leaders of Earth did not want to be challenged by a higher power and stopped anyone who dared to speak a truth outside of their limited doctrines and perspectives. Therefore, those who heard our voice learned to be very selective with whomever they shared our message.


Regaining your own power of multidimensional communication breaks through this mental domination. However, first, your emotional discomfort must be released, as it is a great distraction and lowers your consciousness. Brainwashing and all forms of mental domination can only work if there is fear. Love creates a sense of equality and self-worth that disallows the fear and doubt that is vital for mental domination to be effective. Furthermore, love activates your multidimensional consciousness, which can instantly connect you to your higher expressions of SELF. From that higher perspective, you have far more wisdom, power and love than anyone who would have the low-frequency desire to dominate another being in any way. Now, with our preamble completed, we ask you again to see the Light Language entering your opened third Eye. Feel the light and illumination of this message, as well as the love, as this message drifts down into your High Heart. It is now vital that you trust your Multidimensional SELF and trust that this experience is real. In fact, this experience of communing with the higher dimensions is more real than any and all components of your third dimensional reality. You have always had the ability to communicate with us, but your many incarnations of third dimensional brainwashing have made you forget that fact. Fortunately as the resonance of Earth is rising, more and more humans are remembering this latent ability. As people engage in inter-dimensional communication and share their experiences with others, it will become normal. Of course, the term normal is changing every day because all that was once normal is becoming obsolete, and all that was labeled as crazy is becoming normal. We will now repeat this process step by step without explanation so that you can receive an exercise to assist you in your personal practice.

Remember, inorder to receive a message from a higher dimensional expression of your SELF, you need to take a moment of meditation and expand your consciousness to embrace the fifth dimension and beyond.
As you enter this higher consciousness, allow your self to experience the light and love of the expressions of your Multidimensional SELF that greets you. Feel the power of unconditional love creating a bonding between you and your higher expression of SELF.
Take a moment and allow yourself to remember other times in your life in which you have experienced this deep inner love. As you review these moments, remember to validate these experiences and know that they were real.
When you feel comfortable enough to commune with the higher dimensions, relax and allow your mind to go blank. Discipline your mind to be free of thoughts of your physical world, so that you can better embrace the experience of being in a higher dimensional reality with a member of your Multidimensional SELF.

As you surrender to this experience, you may feel heat, a sense of love, and a glow as the multidimensional energy transfers from your Higher SELF into your earth vessel.
You may even then perceive illumined forms of Light Language as they float into your awareness. Allow this flow of information to travel into your Crown and opened Third Eye and float down into your High Heart, which is between your Heart Chakra and your Throat Chakra.

Take a long moment to feel the bonding of your third dimensional self with your higher Galactic or Celestial SELF. Initially, you may wish to keep your eyes closed and type on a computer or write with your eyes half-opened. Allow yourself to trust whatever message comes into your mind. If your thoughts are different from what your hands are writing, follow the information coming from your hands. Your mind is used to lying, but your hands express the energy coming from your heart.
When you receive the information, do not be concerned about spelling, grammar, or format. Initially, allow yourself to just receive the information. It is best that you follow the flow of the information and go back later to edit it.
We have given this information to you, our grounded ones, so that you can better communicate with your higher dimensional expressions of SELF. These higher expressions of your third dimensional self are members of your Galactic and Celestial family. We have always been able to communicate with the grounded expressions of our multidimensional being. However, upon entering the 3D Game, most of our grounded expressions forget their natural abilities. You likely remembered some of your ability when you were a child, but “adults” told you that your experiences were not real and you should grow up and be “normal.” We want you to realize that your ability to communicate with all the expressions of your Multidimensional SELF is completely normal. In fact, it is a sign that you have “grown up” enough to remember your SELF. In closing, we wish to tell you that you are entering into a momentous time of transformation in which all of your multidimensional reality will be easily available for you to experience. Just as you may call a friend who lives in an area that you would like to visit, you can call us, your Galactic Family, before you take an inter-dimensional vacation. We will tell you all the best places to visit and the most wonderful things to do. We keep a line open for you always. We are never “too busy” to respond. We are multidimensional and are available for infinite experiences within the NOW of the ONE. Your Galactic Family

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