Showing posts with label Time shift Blog. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Time shift Blog. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Energetic Synthesis: Fearing Spiritual Knowledge

Fearing Spiritual Knowledge

Humanity was largely conditioned to accept violent religion and forms of brainwashing by corrupted religious and governmental authorities to prepare human beings to submit to alien false gods and dark forces. Through the use of enforcing bullying, threats and intimidation over many generations, humans came to accept violence and blood sacrifice as directed by Gods will. Humanity also accepted stupefying levels of persecution, degradation, and discrimination through being shamed, humiliated and beaten down, to believe they are not worthy of receiving spiritual knowledge or truth, and required an appointed holy intermediary. This appointed intermediary is the controlled by the alien false father god, which hijacked the direct relationship to the creative forces and elemental spirits of the earth, as well as interfered with the inner spirit and evolution of the human being.

This is why most all spiritual knowledge on this earth is demonized as the work of Satan, and is filled with rumors and malicious gossip in order to further manipulate fear and confusion in the masses. As long as humans are being terrorized by the concept of gaining spiritual knowledge and truth, they will continue to flee in fear from accessing that knowledge. Knowledge is power and is why the NAA prevents knowledge from being made available to all people. All levels of accessing open source information, knowledge and education in the global population is under direct attack to keep it suppressed or under control on the planet. This is the NAA directing this from their top-down chain of command into their human Power Elite representatives. This is why we must make an effort to educate ourselves about the larger control agendas playing out on the earth at this time.

Satanic forces have spread aggressively on the earth through the Archontic Deception Strategy and through this, they have commandeered control over many of the earthly material structures. This has happened largely because this agenda to suppress knowledge of what is happening remains hidden through many deceptions and lies, and humans are unaware that they have been allowing it to happen. It is important to remember that Satanic and Luciferian forces and their hierarchies are nothing more than parasites. They need this creation to exist and they exalt themselves in their parasitism with their attempts to control and possess humanity and the earth. These Imposters inherently hate humans and desire to spread agony and misery, as they feed on human pain. As we free our mind from fear based mind control and stop giving our power away to alien gods, we must remember this important point as a part of developing our spiritual strength and inner purity. As spiritually mature humans, we have to rise from the invaders terrorist ideology of human persecution and fear, to come to know that we are divine humans connected to eternal truth and eternal light through the God self within.

Humanity holds the power of that truth spirit of God inside each of us. Each person must claim this truth and never let it go or give it up to anything or anyone. The truth spirit has the power to liberate these Fallen Angelics, earthly forces, and Imposter forces from their bondage to the prison wardens, the Satanist and Luciferian forces. 

The earthly elements and their symbols have been demonized and abused as a part of the persecution of human beings, to live in terror of retribution from their false Alien Gods, who will torment them for accessing spiritual knowledge. This is a tactic to keep human beings terrorized to prevent them from accessing spiritual knowledge about their own spiritual bodies, which prevents people from expanding their consciousness and evolving. Well-meaning people start spouting judgments designed to self-enforce ignorance such as; this symbol is dark, this element is corrupt, this content is satanic, this person is evil. Many people have not the foggiest clue what they are actually speaking about and may be repeating something they heard without researching the facts. Some dark force has fed it into their ego mind to repeat verbatim, which is the alien religion script for mind control and keeping people in the cycle of dark ignorance.  The dark forces want to create as many martyrs and victims on the earth as possible. It's the mind slide that tells a human "you are not worthy to access this spiritual knowledge, you peon, so stay away from that spiritual information, you must submit to my tyranny of ignorance and authority without questioning."

We must dispel these grave inaccuracies and dispel the dark ignorance of fear that is spread by well meaning, yet spiritually uninformed or fear based egoic people. One will never assess wisdom and clarity with accuracy, until they are free of fear and fully committed to their spiritual truth, while allowing others at the same time to live in their spiritual truth. Spiritual Truth is ultimately fearless and harmless. One can always speak the truth without repercussion or harm, to a person who is really living in the truth.

Since late 2012, the human body is more vulnerable to being used as a potential dark portal, as the person becomes consubstantial to the collective human forces of negative ego, represented by the Satanic or dark forces of those hierarchies. Additionally, this is exacerbated from alterations in the magnetic and gravitational fields of the earth, which result in dissolution of certain dimensional membranes. Essentially, what used to be several separated fish tanks have consolidated into one vast fish tank, where all the contents are now shared and swimming together freely. This has both positive impacts and negative impacts to those unprepared to deal with the new varieties of subtle forces entering into their personal reality from the earth realms.

If a person fixates on certain qualities of the houses of ego and they succumb to the obsessions that feed into those negative forces, they are easily possessed by that primary thought form. Later on, the negative thought form may progress to the level of possession, specific to the fallen angelic or the spiritual hierarchy it represents. These are the main qualities of the Negative Ego that are used for dark portal possession by these Fallen Angelic and Dark Force Hierarchies:
  • Anger/Wrath
  • Pride/Entitlement
  • Envy/Jealousy/Covet
  • Liar/Corrupt
  • Greed/Avarice
  • Lust/Addiction
  • Gluttony/Waste
  • Laziness/Discouragement
Avoid playing out these negative emotions and behaviors, do whatever you can to clear and cure yourself of indulging in obsessing in any of these spiritually abusive behaviors. Fallen Angelics are a part of the Imposter Spirits that comprise these collective forces into its energetic theme. They may have been either human or non-human, can comprise those separated from their souls, or discarnate spirits which have never inhabited a human body. Demons may be regarded as material corporeal beings, as they are lower spirit beings, which are not inspirited by the breath of God, and cannot exist in the higher celestial realms. Humans and nonhumans can conjure these earthly spirits and then become possessed by them and their material or negative nature, especially if they are not mentally clear, emotionally balanced or coherent.  If these dark forces are not evicted or corrected for their access to manipulate your body, mind and consciousness, they eventually bring confusion, agony and misery to the human being.

Humans that have not developed strong impulse control and have not cleared negative ego automatic thoughts are at higher risk for being used as a dark portal, when they go unconscious. This can be remedied through consistent meditation, prayer and self-inquiry to remain in present time as the conscious observer or witness to events. As extensions of the Cosmic Christ spiritual hierarchy, we hope to emphasize clearly the vulnerabilities and weakness that exist in adults and children so we can help to inform others, when we are asked for help.

How do dark forces and fallen entities attach to or infiltrate the human body as a dark portal?
  • First, when we are reckless and careless with our body and indulge in the Houses of Ego (especially fear, guilt and shame) or engage with negative emotional theatrics continually, go unconscious and automatic reactions without disciplined self-awareness, we are a Stage One Risk.
  • Second, when we are in automaton states with obsessive mental looping, paranoia, angry or violent, hypnogogic, trance states (without 12D shielding), addicted to having cellphone or technology on our body and near our head 24/7, disrupting our electromagnetic field, we are a Stage Two Risk.
  • Third, when we indulge in addictive states, either with drugs, alcohol, cigarettes, gluttony, hospitalizations, or take any psychoactive or psychotropic drugs that change brain function, we are a Stage Three Risk.
  • Fourth, when we indulge in promiscuous sexual activity, have sexual addiction, sexual shame, play seduction games, and use regular forms of pornography, sex clubs, and prostitutes or engage in group sex, we are a Stage Four Risk.
  • Fifth, is the class of deviance and sexual perversion, which is completely controlled through possessing entities. Behaviors such as pedophilia, sadism, bizarre sexual fetishes, or any kind of agressive violence, where pleasure and pain receptors are reversed in the Soul Matrix. A person with reversed pleasure centers (receives pleasure from inflicting pain or violent actions) is under the control of satanic forces.
It is important to comprehend the stronger and more coherent one’s auric field and the more self-awareness that you have, the less exposure you will have to all of these vulnerabilities and risks to negative energy. The goal is to focus time and attention on developing your spiritual body and to work your meditation tools to build energy, strengthen your energy body, and stop energy leakages, with directed single-mindedness.

For purposes relating to taking back control over one's own mind, body and spiritual consciousness, from those humans and negative forces who have abused the Law of Structure on this planetary body, we are discussing the foundation of the Law of One to be of Service to Others, and it's critical importance for increasing spiritual strength and energetic protection in chaotic fields.

What we hold as our intention in our personal thoughts, is what we hold as our Consent towards that thought-form and its vibrational quality and force, as well as the energetic consequence of the thought-form substance we have created which impacts the self and others. What we think is what we create through our Intent, Consent and Structure. If we learn to reframe our thoughts to Service to Others and devote ourselves to developing Law of One behaviors and actions in our life, we will become aligned to the authority of Christ Consciousness, which will protect us from dark force infiltration. The Law of One is the Universal Truth that All Is One. Thus, one who practices this understanding of the Law of One acts and makes decisions based upon his or her awareness that every action has a consequence to the self and to others. Furthermore, one who exemplifies the Law of One understands that when one person suffers, all people suffer (whether they realize it or not). As the One Self-God Self, to be in “Compassion in Action” towards others is then to be in harmony and right relationship to Self, which is the ultimate spiritual strength as one holds peace with all things.
The Basic principles of Service to Others include:

• Individuals perceive the connection of love in all things and give unconditional love and compassion towards others,
• Individuals are dedicated to their spiritual Consciousness growth and to help others with their spiritual development,
• Individuals are dedicated to transforming Negative Ego thoughts through developing GSF Behavior modeling,
• Individuals share information and knowledge with others as open source in unified cooperation,
• Individuals have a complete lack of concern for satisfying their materialistic ego needs or satisfying drives of the houses of ego,
• Individuals acknowledge that every person is a spiritual being on their own personal path of spiritual growth and discovery,
• Individuals are committed to experiencing a shared positive reality of World Humanism with others on the Earth.

It is very clear to most of us that we are a part of something humongous happening on planet Earth. The Ascension impacts everyone and has personal implications that hold different meanings that are very intimate to each person. Connecting with your Soul, connecting with God Source is very personal. As a part of the human race we all know what it means to suffer horribly in pain and feel completely alone in the darkness. As we endure this Ascension Cycle, remember, it is about Kindness Above All. Honor where you are at in your growth process, take the time that you need, and allow yourself the space to heal and find the kindness for yourself. As you strengthen your core and can expand your sphere of influence, then practice random acts of kindness towards others. One second of criticism, sarcasm, belittling, or hateful words can mar and scar a child or any person for life. One second of kindness can elevate that child or person to accomplish greatness that allows them to find and connect with their soul. The Soul is Kind and Loving. God is Kind and Loving.

(Newsletter : Portals of Consciousness, Ascension Glossary: Law of One)

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Energetic Synthesis: Deep Multidimensional Healing

by Lisa Renee 15 Feb 2016  Energetic Synthesis / Time Shift Blog
There are higher spiritual intelligence bodies that are being returned to the planet and humanity during this entry into the galactic influences of the Aquarian phase, which is similar to a restoration cycle of Universal Laws. Restoration aligns to the seasonal return of the spring Equinox, and is related to the alchemical process of resurrection, where that auric layer which had been hidden in false light or wrapped in false identity, falls away and dissolves when the true light source shines upon it. That which we allow to fall away, we let go and surrender, will create the new space within us to bring more light and therefore, more energetic balance to our spiritual bodies. If we allow ourselves to obey the flow of movement in subtle forces, we can be renewed in the restoration cycle and become more transparent, more open hearted, feeling a cycle of new beginnings.  During restoration cycles, we may see things operating in our life that are not authentic to who we really are, things that were absorbed into our consciousness through people’s expectations placed upon us. These are the false things that are inorganic to our inner energetic signature, our true spiritual self. When we claim with all of our heart to be aligned with our highest expression and to build a direct connection with God, all that is inorganic and unnatural to us will start to fall away. This process is unique to every person, who will be left on their own to decide what was false, what was real, and this is determined through energetic discernment. Our feelings and sensory perceptions will lead us to make decisions based upon how we feel about what we are experiencing. In other words we are doing a lot of emotional processing at this time, we energetically and emotionally process our experiences throughout our time on earth, and how we arrived to this moment in now. We will be able to see even more of what had been hidden in the shadows and this will give us the opportunity to push past any fears and get ready for the changes ahead.

This is a cycle where miraculous healings are possible through being fully present and witnessing past histories, as these memories are recorded in the cells of our body. These memories can be emotionally conflicting and painful, so as we observe them with loving and compassionate neutrality, we have the power to strip them away in layers or to fully remove them from our body. Clearing deeply embedded emotional conflicts may take some time, as they may have multiple layers of interconnection that trigger us in many different areas of our lives and relationships. If we remember that we can transform these painful experiences into self-knowledge and deep wisdom about life, we can polish our pearls of truth and begin to enjoy the wisdom gained from our experiences, which help us to understand the trials and tribulations of our life’s journey. When we have not been taught how to think and direct the power of our mind properly, we misunderstand life experiences, and through this misunderstanding , we can create even more pain directed to ourselves, without realizing that we are also sabotaging our happiness. Our biggest problem lies in comparison and judgment, when we look to other people and appearances and make comparisons, that inflict judgments upon our progress in life. This is an extremely bad habit that we must apply some effort to cure ourselves of, as every person on this earth has a unique spiritual mission, blueprint and purpose. That spiritual purpose can never be determined by the external events or circumstances that is governed by other people. Many people refuse to take the time for inner reflection and meditation to truly know themselves, and instead project another person’s image upon themselves to adopt that other person’s energies or spiritual mission. When we do not know ourselves and really what makes us feel fulfilled, peaceful and happy, we will always feel unfulfilled or that something is wrong with us for not finding success. Our success is not measured by anything that is found in the material world, the only true success we have is finding peace and fulfillment with our lives, no matter what is happening in the external world.  

Through confusion and misunderstanding we tend to go to thoughts that we are not worthy, or lovable, and this directly erodes and harms our self-esteem.  When we feed an emotional pain trigger in our body, which happens from accumulated events we process as negative or painful during our life, we add more miasma to the same energetic blockage that was recorded at the original causal event of that pain. This is why so often we will find ourselves processing emotions from childhood, having to resolve our feelings with our mother and father and how they treated us as children. What we take away from our parents, and what we believe is the Mother and Father role, will be projected into all of our relationships with other people, most importantly, the romantic and intimate attachments we form bonds with. When we resolve those painful events, we can heal our relationships and form healthier intimate relations. Then we will be taken to other lifetime events, where we brought that seed of that original pain into this lifetime. We must prepare our mind to be able to look at whatever is hidden inside the pain memories of our body, because the pain is multidimensional, vibrational and interconnected to events in timelines we may have never heard of before. The 3D mind will tend to ignore or discount the truth of that pain memory, because it cannot process multidimensionality. Truth is stranger than fiction, and we have to be able to really allow ourselves to see how that pain was created inside us, without judging it. As we increase our strength in observer consciousness, we will have a greater threshold to see the truth, no matter how odd, or how strange it may seem to the accepted standards of 3D earth reality. This takes some spiritual and mental strength, because no person wants to be criticized, ostracized or victimized from what they may uncover in their search for truth.

As healers during the ascension cycle, this is a very sacred job, to hold the clear space for others to be able to heal multidimensionally, and thus to find their inner god connection, requires the spirits of purity. Healers must have pure hearts and intentions, and cast no judgment upon the events of pain or trauma, lest the circles of healing light be superimposed with negative ego layers that interfere with the healing process. Deep multidimensional healing requires states of fearlessness, letting go of the control of the mental body while in total surrender to the highest alignment of the Godhead. The Godhead is projected upon negatively with unresolved conflicts we may have from our parents, so until our parental roles are emotionally reconciled without fear, surrender to God is blocked by the lack of trust we have had in our parents, or God, who we cannot understand would allow us to be subjected to this kind of pain and suffering. This anti-God belief system has been placed in our earth by the NAA to control people’s unconscious mind, and until we discover the truth of this matter, many human beings unconsciously blame god for all the pain in the world. This is from not realizing that humanity is in many ways feeding into the beliefs that give consent to create this pain and suffering in the world, while refusing to take any responsibility to stop it from happening. Spiritual freedom is achieved through the understanding of personal responsibility and accountability to one’s own behaviors, thoughts, and actions, without putting blame upon others. We cannot feed any side of the victim or victimizer belief system without spreading more of the same on either side of this master and slave archetype.

Multidimensional healing and related clearing happens at nonlinear, nonverbal, and non-mental body levels. To be in a clear space for effective healing, one  must be present in now moment awareness, completely relaxed and feeling safe in the exchange, to find the inner access into personal consciousness power that comes directly from within our Inner Spirit. From the purely observer level, without judgment of what you may be witnessing, our consciousness power will neutralize, thereby clear the miasma distortion from our Light-body, therefore changing the future record by changing your consciousness vibration. What you may clear today, and not see the result of fully yet, will change your future. Therefore we must develop patience, forgiveness and diligence in our spiritual healing, all of which are qualities of virtue that give us spiritual powers in the longer term. As we clear pain and energy blocks from the past, we heal our future and this timeline of possibility becomes increasingly more positive for us, aligning us to a more perfected version of what we can achieve that is unique to our energetic signature and spiritual blueprint.  This is how false or negative timelines are overridden from manifesting in the future, and many Starseeds and Indigos are learning and practicing this experience in their lives now. Staying in the present moment, commanding our space as God-Sovereign-Free and not taking things as a personal insult or offense,  is a skill needed while gaining mastery in holding the witness consciousness.  

In these tumultuous times, our priority and discipline must be to serve our Inner Christ Light over our lower ego nature, and to not let the outer world corrupt our heart,  that is our sovereign path and divine right to embody God’s confirmation of our inner light. To be in direct communion with the Spirits of Christ and confirmed by God is the measurement of the frequency alignment of a pure and light heart carried within a loving and kind human being.  No man made or earthly based organization can control or measure that direct relationship with the inner spirit. Communion with God Spirit has nothing to do with I.Q. level, canon based religious law or paying money for our afterlife position or to promise the title of salvation. To be confirmed and protected by God Spirit, one must model and aspire to become more Christ-like, as this is the image of God spirit physically manifested. The choice is always ours without any judgment, however the consequence is the energetic imbalance and suffering created by ignoring the Natural Laws, which are represented in the Cosmic Sovereign Law of One.

Where a person directs their consciousness power is their responsibility at the level they interact with the Universal Law, as that person becomes more aware of the Law, they will receive stronger consequences when they violate the Law.

As you become more conscious and aware,  as you embody higher spiritual intelligences, the responsibility is ever greater, as the results of the Laws are considerably amplified within each higher octave of energetic intelligence that one travels through in the Universal Tree of Life. The Law in Action on planet earth is now undergoing many changes, this manifests consequences to those people who continually violate the laws, unknowingly or knowingly, that directly create deviant behaviors that are designed by the Imposter Spirits to harm consciousness. What has been hidden and buried deep in shadow, is being revealed at the surface through the changes in the Law. The protection supported by God’s Natural Laws, The Law of One is palpable, as you learn to free your mind from fear, you will begin to experience this feeling of spiritual protection as inner peace,  regardless of what is happening in any external source. Focus upon your pure and light heart as it is the precious jewel of which will protect you in all ways.

(ES Newsletter: Communion to Confirmation, May 2011)

Copyright Creative Commons  

This article originally posted HERE.

Thursday, February 11, 2016

Energetic Synthesis: Discerning Energy Distribution

by Lisa Renee, Energetic Synthesis / Time Shift Blog

February 8, 2016

Our nervous system is entirely responsible for the functioning of whether or not we are capable to receive, transmit and decipher higher frequency impulses and intelligent energy communications. During the Ascension cycle, our planet and humanity is exposed to an entirely new set of frequencies, coding and consciousness that is being transmitted from the Sun, Stellar bodies, as well as, from higher consciousness bodies designed to awaken humanity.  Further, if we can access these energies we are capable to be of service to the whole by anchoring them within our Lightbody, which then allows us to ground them into access within the planetary body grid system. If these frequencies are carried into access points that can run these intelligent energies of Krystal coding through the planetary grid network, it allows other human beings anywhere on the globe to access them much easier. Humans may not realize that intelligent higher consciousness coding is spreading onto the planetary grid network, and this potentially can change the way a person thinks, behaves and perceives reality. An individual person in Australia undergoing spiritual awakening, may not realize that many awakened groups of people on the earth have actually been running that frequency into the planet in order to catalyze their awakening. Most people feel their awakening very intimately and do not realize it was stimulated by their interconnection to their fellow human beings holding points of light on the grid, that have awakened in prior ascension waves. When we are capable to hold higher frequency, we can potentially change the morphogenetic field of the collective consciousness on the earth, and this builds a gradual domino effect of global awakening. Nothing can change the truth that we are all interconnected and energetically impacted by the actions and choices of others, and this will be reflected as either choices for the greater good of all or for selfish motivations.

However, if our brain or nervous system is being used to run spiritually destructive behaviors, involving ourselves in petty emotional dramas, manipulations and fear based programs, we will not have the energy available to receive or conduct these higher frequencies. We can be blocked from receiving these higher frequencies even when we are directly exposed to them, from excessive distraction in materialism, or uncleared accumulated negativity. There is tremendous amount of chaotic forces being purposely spread in order to confuse, obfuscate, distract and trap the masses into very low frequency behaviors that continually drain their energies. Forces of chaos are used both to instigate energy distraction into feeding fear programming, but also to energetically harvest people to play out emotional theatrics and focus all their time on meaningless pursuits. Additionally, on planet earth we are exposed to an array of neurological toxins designed to impair the organic functioning of the autonomic nervous system and keep brain wave activity in high stress states. Pharmaceuticals, vaccinations, chemtrails, ELF, radio wave and wi-fi exposures, genetic modified foods, preservatives, aspartame and recreational drugs are all designed to impair or damage the nervous system over a period of time with continued exposure, dulling the higher sensory ability and suppressing consciousness of the human being. When we become aware of the potentially harmful effects hidden inside the push of mass consumerism, we can make better choices to protect ourselves and our energies from being unconsciously drained by these forces using consumptive modeling to push their products on us.

If our nervous system is intercepted or interfered with via extremely low frequencies (ELF) or radio waves that use blocking transmitter technology, auric harness or mind control programming frequencies, it jams up the energy receiver antennae of our nervous system. This means our brain picks up static noise and confusing states of racing thoughts from the collective consciousness programs that further scramble our multidimensional perception. Mind control technology is used to promote use of the negative ego in the public, so once a person masters the discipline over impulses and qualities of negative ego, they can avoid being controlled by these fear based thought programs being broadcasted. If our higher consciousness reception is scrambled from excessive fear based thinking, we lose coherence and this scrambles our brain processing and its ability to signal to our cells and DNA. This describes how humanity arrived at the current state of our disconnection on the planet, with most of our usable DNA scrambled and unplugged through blocking nerve synapses from firing in our brain and cultivating a society of destructive behaviors that lead to nerve damage. We are entering a time of support for nervous system regeneration on the planet, and we can participate with these increasing healing frequencies as we choose.

As a result, during the last months many of us have been sensing upgrades and repairs to the nadial complex areas located behind our heart chakra. The Nadial System refers to the entire Nadial Complex, Nadial Plexus, the Nadial Body and its Nadis Capsule. The Nadial System is the entire system of the etheric blueprint body of the soul matrix which is responsible for our physical bodies Central Nervous System functioning and its relationships to send messaging to the Brain. Nadial complex repair circumvents harmful messaging that sources from alien machinery that may be implanted  in the Nadial Complex, that is disrupting the life force energies existing in the atomic body. This body is located in the first dimension, which interfaces with the planetary body and earth core. The 1D Atomic Body layer also connects to the Soul Matrix parallel dimension, and this is an area of vulnerability to astral layer exploitation from dark forces. Atomic repair is also to remove transposition filters that steal life force or create drains at the unconscious mind or Root Chakra levels in a person’s lightbody. These harnesses or filters are generally located in the root areas of an individual lightbody, are designed to overtake the autonomic nervous system functions, and are implanted from the astral plane. When you observe people completely controlled by their unconscious impulses and have little to no self-awareness about any of the destructive behaviors or harmful actions they are externalizing, you can bet they have many kinds of mind control implants controlling their root chakra.

Ultimately, the planetary brain and its bio-neurological relationships that influence the main functioning of humanities autonomic nervous system, is being completely reconfigured at this time to begin to change the imbalances of energetic distribution on the planet. The Krystal Spiral transmissions support the clearing and release of artificial intelligence based instruction sets and implants that have been inorganically programmed into our brain, nervous system function and therefore into our physical body by the controller forces. When our planetary brain was invaded, human beings became bound to a false set of laws generated through artificial intelligence, made by non-human interests desiring to create a race of enslaved beings that would work for their energy harvesting systems.

Thus, at this time, it is important to be able to accurately discern the energetic source behind the powering of any system. We will need to ask where the energy source of a system is being generated and if there are excessive expenditures of energy being drained through energetic harvesting. As we progress in the new time cycle during the bifurcation, every detail of our existence will be under magnification, as we interact with any kind of energetic system. The clarity of where we direct personal energy and attention has been amplified, in order to plainly see where our energy is being directed and how it is being used. Upgrades to our nervous system functioning and nadial system, will help make this more obvious to discern.

In this new energy paradigm, all of our personal choices will be representative of where we discern the subtle energies present, along with our internal energies, and if those combined energies are effectively self-generating and self-organizing. We will naturally look for systems that are energetically balanced, sustainable, stable, transparent, clear and serving the greater whole with proper value exchanges. We must ask the deeper question of ourselves, are we feeding closed source, parasitic systems that are losing energy distribution? Or are we willing to transform ourselves in order to give our energy towards the greater cause of open source systems that are moving towards expanding and balancing energy distribution? Now, we are given the choice to figure this out for ourselves, based on our personal resonances and frequency level.

(Source: ES Newsletter, Diamond Heart Transmissions, February 2011)

Copyright Creative Commons  

This article originally posted HERE.

see also another recent post
The Cosmic Egg 

Wednesday, January 06, 2016

Energetic Synthesis: Unconditional Love

Image By FutureAgeSage
Happy New Year! We resume our weekly blog after a three month absence. We have relocated to the east coast and are resettling into the new timeline, as described in our last newsletter, “Separation of Worlds”.  During the past few months, through what has been described as subatomic shifting in the lower particle dimensions, many of us on the Ascension path are experiencing levels of intensity of ascension symptoms that have manifested in much more physical ways.  If you were one of those people that did not really feel ascension symptoms drastically impact your body in the past, chances are that in the last few months, you have been experiencing changes happening in your physical body in dramatic ways. Our planet has been enduring sequences of the bifurcation that creates frequency splitting within the lower dimensions. As the frequency split in the spectrum of that particular dimension widens, it amplifies the spectrum of frequencies that exist in that space to be catalyzed forward into their movement in either of the opposing directions. This event also can be defined as a type of entity transiting, where people and lower spirits, both incarnate and disincarnate, must be moved out of that particular space time location. Certain space time locations or dimensions, are undergoing frequency split and thus, are rolling up into higher frequency dimensions. This creates moving energetic streams that run into many tributaries that feed into rivers, that then move to converge into larger bodies of water, like a lake or the ocean. Energy moves similarly to how water moves, depending on its viscosity and wave length. This planetary shifting impacts how energetic tributaries move in the ley lines of the earth body, and where these energies coalesce into larger energetic bodies, like vortices or Stargates. The horizontal network of energetic tributaries are moving vast streams of consciousness energy out of the 1st and 2nd dimensions, and this lower frequency is where many of the black force shadow forms and fallen reside. This catalyzes and forces these entities to move around in different patterns, enter new grid networks, and even attach to human bodies on the descending timelines. This change to the 1st and 2nd dimensional ley lines is impacting our physical body functioning dramatically,  as well as changing how these forces are interacting with and moving in the planetary body.

Many of us can witness this energetic movement in the environment and see it in the people around us. Some people are floating comfortably in the energetic flow moving upstream through following multiple synchronicities, while others are sinking and flailing about feeling lost, as they are being carried downstream. We can observe both energetic realities happening simultaneously. The descending reality is where people have not dealt with their trauma fears, phobias or destructive habits and do not understand the ascending process of consciousness evolution and their blueprint of required learning. They are getting worse as they wrestle their inner demons and addictions, lashing out in pain or withdrawing into depression. The lower dimensions surface the main areas of separation trauma that impacted the collective mind of humanity on the earth. These are the memories recorded in the unconscious mind of the people and the earth body itself. If the person has not delved into some clarity to understand the contents of their unconscious mind, the main areas of trauma become triggered in the surface of their personality. Mainly, this is processing timelines of abuse, trauma, shock and devastation from the point in time of our original separation with our God Source, and the subsequent splitting of our gender. The male and female principle that were originally unified, were split apart and this resulted in tremendous pain, ultimately creating distortions such as sexual misery programming. This means a lot of people on the earth are processing sensations of shock and trauma from the split (fall), and are unaware of the source causation of why they are grieving or feeling lost. When we are confused about the source of our inner pain, we usually blame it on something or someone else. After the blaming, we usually self medicate and escape with an addiction of some kind.

The ascending reality is where we observe the overview of the world of forces impacting us and we sense the unconditional love of the higher forces carrying us forward into a new timeline. The new timeline is moving us away from the impact of these demons and their destructive forces of chaos. The gridworkers are called to witness these Fallen as they surface into our view from the underworld, or lower dimension. Many of us are acting as transition teams, holding compassionate witnessing,  to move out these entities from phantom or dead areas, both human and non-human.  This has been sad for us when we can feel the pain existing in the lower dimension, or we are forced to leave certain people behind.  This process has required completion of the old timeline, through ancestral miasma clearing, cord cutting, and disconnection from certain people or things that are stuck in the miasma of the lower fields.

In some cases, we have been pushed to make these hidden fallen forces more transparent to others, by revealing their unethical behavior and/or covert agenda to surface within organizations, communities or other types of groups. This is a period of time which some organizations, that have been built upon unethical or inhumane standards, are being given their Come to Jesus moment. They have a choice to see their actions and choices clearly and apply unconditional love and forgiveness, while they step down from positions of authority and power over others. That which has been built on a house of cards, ego drives and weak moral character, is being revealed in smaller organizations and group situations, creating a ripple effect in the macrocosm field.  The upgrade to the 1st dimension ley lines impacts the red wave spectrum of survival and poverty consciousness, of which the victim-victimizer program is wielded by Archons who use the Controller archetype of the False King of Tyranny to manipulate dark forces. Many of us can see the False King of Tyranny operating in people that are power or fame hungry and enjoy having authority over other people, these are Controller people. Controller people are becoming extremely obvious to the spiritually initiated, we can see the dark force manipulation of the Controller archetype existing in all types of people, the Soccer mom, CEO, middle management boss, beauty queen, policeman, ambitious young college graduate, teachers, professionals, pastors,  all walks of life.   Once you can identify the energetic signature of the Fallen Angelic or demonic force, it is very easy to feel it, see it and sense it operating in the person who is only identified with materialistic reality. This is important to discern the forces operating behind the person, and to not judge it with value, but to see it as it is and not what you would prefer it to be. We must find the spiritual maturity and strength to call out dark forces where they reside, while unconditionally loving the people that may be involved, as we apply forgiveness to their dark ignorance, when they seem hell bent to create destruction or chaos. This profile of person, devoid of love,  should not be given positions of power or authority over others. Until we recognize fully a Controller type person from their low frequency vibration, and we refuse to allow that kind of person to have power and resources over others, we cannot change the imbalance of power. Controllers will always reveal their true nature through personality defects and unethical behavior at some point over time. We must pay attention to these behaviors and assess them accurately, yet without judgment of that person. The more power or influence a person or group has over people and resources that belong to the earth, the more responsibility to their behaviors and ethical treatment of others they should be held accountable.  Until we take money and profit out of the primary motivation used to reward people’s hidden desires of materialism, this will not happen.

Through the current shifting, many of us are being called to leadership in ways we are reluctant.  Many Star people and Indigos are not fame oriented or power hungry people, and prefer to live anonymously. As certain organizations are being blown apart by revelations of unethical actions, others are being pushed to rise to help guide and support others who may be devastated from these stark realizations. It is a spiritual imperative, if you are fully committed in service and employed by God, that you do not abuse your spiritual power or take your influence for granted. This is the call to apply loving kindness no matter what the situation, and to treat all people, no matter what they did, no matter if you do not like them, treat all people with respect, dignity and humanity. Unconditional love is known as love without any limitations, it can also be love without conditions. This term is associated with other terms such as true altruism, or complete love. Altruism or selflessness is the principle or practice of concern for the welfare of others. It is a traditional virtue in many cultures and a core aspect of the Law of One. Altruism or selflessness is the opposite of selfishness, and the earth needs this virtue of selflessness, more than any other.

We are the example to bring the Unconditional Love of the Eternal Light shining into this world, and certain people are awakening now and watching us….

Monday, September 14, 2015

Energetic Synthesis: Rise of Collective Miasma

Energetic Synthesis: Rise of Collective Miasma


This shift to the next density is increasing the materialization of both planetary miasma and individual miasma which are the inherited and genetic patterns recorded in our cellular matrix that impact the physical body and spiritual-energetic bodies. Many of us will notice an increase in these miasmas, which will appear to be disease patterns surfacing now for us to become aware of. This is due to the genetic and inherited weakness from our family of origin surfacing in our body that is revealing to show us the area of the recorded miasma. When addressing bodily changes, which can be intense during this time, stay calm and peaceful. Ask your body consciousness and inner spirit to show you the source of the miasma, the timeline to clear it, and what you can do directly to participate with the healing of miasma. We will be addressing individual miasma, family of origin miasma, collective humanity miasma, and planetary miasma at the level our spiritual consciousness and body can handle. Miasma patterns accumulate every seven to nine years of the biological life cycle, so our current bio-spiritual marker will also be relative to the level of accumulative miasma we will be addressing now.

What is Miasma?
Miasma is a psycho-spiritual inherited distortion created by trauma, abuse, toxins, fear based belief systems and soul fragmentation which, over time, was genetically encoded in human DNA, and resulted in various forms of dis-ease and energetic imbalance. These dis-ease patterns are energetic blockages in our body and are encoded and passed down in negative ego behaviors or flawed DNA code design from generation to generation. When miasma patterns accumulate and grow larger in the collective consciousness of humanity, they take on energetic form like an entity, they can exist within energetic bodies that have some form of intelligence. Thus, miasma in energetic form, can be influenced or possessed by larger entity bodies, such as Fallen Angelics or NAA. The miasma pattern is interconnected to the vibrational theme of that particular entity, and when interaction with that vibration occurs, the miasma pattern can be passed on to the person through vibrational resonance.

Genetic alteration to the human DNA code creates inherited diseases and negative behaviors such as the addiction matrix, which are aggressively promoted by the NAA influence on earth. Levels of the passed down distorted behavioral patterns, toxic exposure and flawed DNA, are recorded in the cell as the miasma pattern, which may result in a dissipation of the original form of the disease through each generation of offspring. The manifested dis-ease energy and its physical body pattern sometimes skip generations and show themselves in another form, but are still sourced from the original disease pattern inherited as the miasma from the ancestor. The dissipated energetic pattern is recorded in the cellular memories from the ancestry or Family of Origin at the source of when the original disease pattern materialized. This record of miasma continues to manifest in the future generations in lesser ways or mutates into hybridized forms of accumulated new miasma that can create new disease patterns. Pathologies do not all present or progress the same way in all people. The miasma pattern, trauma issues and unique soul blueprint all are intimately connected to form the state of the progression of the imbalanced pattern that produces miasma, whether it started in the physical, mental, emotional or spiritual bodies. This is why taking the time to make deep inquiry to understand thyself at these levels is critically important to spiritual healing.

Family of Origin Miasma
When accumulated miasma patterns are inherited from both patriarchal and matriarchal lines, it can also create new mutations of diseases in the offspring. We may notice in current times, with massive amounts of accumulated miasma remaining uncleared in the planet, that many new mutations and diseases are manifesting that the medical system cannot diagnose, or comprehend its source.

In the beginning Ascension Stages, as an initiate for Soul Accretion, the person will start to notice the energetic connections of ancestral lines inherited through our biological family lines. When we can recognize these patterns we are seeing the genetic miasma that sources directly from the histories of the bloodline and family of origin. As we become more conscious on the ascending path, we experience and become aware of how miasma has direct influence upon our person. It impacts everything in our life, and influences what manifests in our holographic reality, until we become aware of it and choose to clear and transcend its influences. We call the spiritual path of conscious participation with clearing Family of Origin miasma, Genetic Pathcutting.

When we awaken, we will then need to decide what we want to energetically wear as our personal responsibility - as everything we inherit in our family (and the collective human race) does not have to become a part of our self-defined identity. As you observe and take responsibility for what you are inhabiting (this is recorded in the cells of your fleshly body) and being accountable to the current life circumstances, then we can participate with healing our genetic and miasmatic relationships that reside as energetic memory in our flesh. In most cases if you pay attention to the various patterns (attitudes, ideals, emotional intelligence) in your current Bio-Family dynamic, you will know these archetypal patterns extend to other lifetimes as well as hold relevant information and clues to what you agreed to heal (types of collective human miasma) while you incarnated on planet earth during the Ascension Cycle.

Planetary Miasma
Miasma is synonymous with black, frozen or dead light, which is generated in damaged morphogenetic fields that acts as distorted blueprints that manifest more dead energy and energetic waste products, like toxins, pathogenic micro-organisms or feces to be circulated. Damaged architecture in the planetary field cannot run enough life force current or the proper frequency tone keys, and that damages the earth body, creating dead wiring and dead spaces. Dead energy spaces are useful to the NAA as they can be programmed with artificial intelligence technology they control, and is why they have the agenda to create phantom and dead spaces. These dead spaces cannot transmit or exchange with living intelligent energy fields and ultimately that harms earth inhabitants by creating digressive mutations such as harmful miasma and disease.

Miasma can also be manipulated through technology and it is manipulated in a variety of ways, continually, by the Negatives to serve their agenda. Miasma patterns can be installed as a software program to run those frequencies and recorded specifically to alter DNA/RNA to generate a specific function or block specific function, when exposed to those same frequencies. If not corrected through observation and clearing, the dead waste product creates disease, sickness and deterioration of the DNA and its frequency tone keys. If planetary miasma is not cleared and repaired, it infects the brain and nervous system of the Planetary Grid Network (the grid system), all of the planetary kingdoms DNA, as well as infecting human beings DNA. For these reasons and many more, this planet received several quarantines to limit the waste product from infecting the outer rims of nearby dimensions and other planetary worlds through their potential resonating dimensional key tones. As we undergo this shift into higher density, these quarantines are being lifted. We are accessing higher densities, and this requires a threshold of clearing to our personal inherited miasma, in order to pass through these quarantine fields. We can do this by holding the highest vibration in our body, mind and spirit, we must keep focused on Loving Kindness, Compassion and Empathy.

The main cause of disease is toxins or parasites creating energetic blockages in our body and consciousness. These toxins upset the equilibrium of the vital force energies and disturb the way vital forces function to circulate life force into the body. When we experience illness, our inner vital force energies attempt to bring our entire body back into balance. Once, the body’s immune system is stimulated, it has the resources to combat the foreign invader with much more power. Therefore, the homeopathic cure is attributed to an increase in the body's defense against the disease and the defense against the toxins and parasites that helped to create it. Our higher consciousness can also neutralize foreign invasion, however, at times it is productive to help support the physical body strength to increase immunity and immune functions. Researching the best options for strengthening immunity, possibly investigating homeopathic remedies and consulting with a trained homeopath (on the ascension path) to address miasma may be extremely helpful during this time to help prepare the body in shifting to the next density. Do your own due diligence and listen to your body.

(ES News, Life Review, June 2012, and Separation of Worlds, TBA, September 2015)

Monday, September 07, 2015

Energetic Synthesis: Beyond Wall in Time – SEPTEMBER 2015


Beyond Wall in Time

On the earth, we have penetrated through another portion of memory layer that moves past our Solar System records and is connecting to the quarantine field called the Wall in Time. The Wall in Time is a quarantine field barring us from accessing many higher dimensions from the chaotic time of the Electric Wars. A huge war broke out over this First Root Race Seeding on 7D Future Earth Gaia, and this is called the Electric Wars. This timeline holds a major causal trigger event memory when artificial intelligence was in its earlier stages, used as psychotronic warfare against the earth population. From this point in time, AI technology was set into motion from higher dimensions of control to gradually pull the earth down into inorganic black holes.  Much of the Electric Wars was fought with AI machines being programmed from remote satellites or NAA ships cloaked inside phantom black holes. These are subspace and hyper-dimensional pockets used to cloak ships or bases directing energy weapons, such as massive EMP blasts.

This time creates both beginnings and endings relating to the next stage of spiritual consciousness evolution that is chosen by humans and nonhumans, as we must progress or move through that time-space field during this phase. There are areas in the lower densities with time pockets that are undergoing dimensional collapse and are being transformed when they are exposed to Cosmic Plasma Rays, as these areas cease to exist as that same body or form at that specific time and space. There are many areas being opened up now, such as phantom pockets, that have existed in our Universal Time Matrix over the last 250,000 year cycle that can no longer exist in the form it was previously. The body, spirit, intelligence or raw materials, that which was made by the “builders” that existed in that phantom realm, must be transformed in order to be moved and routed into other time space continuums.  We have had positive and benevolent interdimensional species helping us to reinforce the protective buffer field around the Solar System, as the Wall in Time quarantine fields are being adjusted, moved, dissolved and worked on, especially in the problematic Buddhic fields in the 11th dimension.  During the trauma events during the Electric Wars, this quarantine was necessary to protect the neighboring civilizations outside of our Solar System, so they would not be pulled down into the lower phantom fields through black holes. Since the Electric Wars, we have had a phantom “black” earth that existed as a negative form of itself in the lower timelines that is manipulated by the NAA, mostly through their artificial software programs. Starseeds have been busy building new trinity architecture for the new earth fields that exist outside of the Wall of Time, and outside of these spaces infected with phantom black holes. The Electric Wars event is recorded as cellular memories into the raw material of earth and its form of artificial intelligence exists buried in the Black goo that can be accessed in the Underworld timelines, which also connects directly into the AI fields of the “black” or phantom earth.

As above, so below, and we have had a hidden version of the Electric Wars taking place this summer throughout the earth fields. As we observe the AI agenda getting more aggressive, we can feel that includes next generation of military grade weaponry that is being aimed at the public in the most densely populated areas, and certainly those of us on the Ascension path. Many people on the Ascension path or spiritual awakening path are being targeted to be derailed, to make us sick/weakened/scared and to collect data on us in order to project that data into false holograms for the building of synthetic biology and artificial virtual realities (False timelines).  They do not want those of us holding the frequency higher than the split occurring at the Wall of Time, because they know we can go beyond that barrier now and be free from their AI control in the “black earth”. Thus, they are trolling for any weakness in us now, so be mindful and careful to take good care of yourself.
It is more important than ever to do your best to not allow fear, controlling or any manipulating behaviors when in contact or exposure to any of these infected Controller Pillars of Society structures, especially if you live or are exposed to densely populated areas. This is how they catch a person into their AI program through trackers, that are similar to SPE’s but operate in AI hive mind clusters. Be vigilant in making sure your communication lines and axiatonal (vertical) lines are clear, and strong. The negatives are working every angle to interfere, hijack or derail our direct communication links into the organic matrix to our God Spirit and where we can communicate outside the wall of time. Pay special attention to crown, head, skull, ears, and above your head where the 10D solar star is. If you can, get out of city walls and into nature, water, mountains, trees, devas, as when we communicate with our earth and nature family they will help to assist us greatly now.

Be careful when exposed to any person or circumstance in these Controller areas, they are all being primed for Transhumanist propagation into false timelines:
•          Religious-Academic-Sciences-Financial

Please be especially careful with anything in regards to financial control/banking, money and related fears that are result of poverty or fears of future finances. This is being promoted now as an aggressive way to collect data on us into tracking devices that are used to record our accumulated thoughts and consciousness,  that leads us to our organic future timeline. These financial systems are being recruited from top down the pyramid to track people and implant them with AI trackers. Be aware of the game they play to control you through money fears, and do not play the game, pay attention to your thoughts and observations when you are exposed to anything in the Financial world. The Egyptian money curses (Babylonian Black Magic) are now running AI programs that collect data and trackers, and they are being run by the major banking system cartels on earth feeding the off planet AI. If you remain neutral and observe, do not react emotionally or from fear based programs that they are stimulating, you will remain free from their money fear matrix.

Keep focusing on what you have right now, focus on the needs you have met right now, bless all finances dedicated to God works and service, and keep love in your heart as the direct relationship to right relationship to energetic currency that will manifest your organic future timeline. The organic timeline is the path of our highest future, and they are trying to destroy that potential in us, by diverting it with AI cloning to make us believe something is real, when it is not. They are working hard now to take us off path, so pay attention and do not make any impulsive decisions. Even if you get dark portal people interfering with you, try to be neutral, stay calm and do not let it upset you. Remain in control over your body and consciousness, any attempts now are designed for harassment of our weak spots to scare us. Refuse to be scared by these dark portal people and continue to work your spiritual processes for clearing.

The bifurcation is creating strange dynamics in the outer field, both sides of polarity are amplified heavily, the ascending areas are extremely bright and high frequency, and the descending areas are filled with the lowest and blackest forces in existence. The biggest challenge we have now is navigating the labyrinth while staying low on the radar, when dealing with the controller structures and the controlled people on the earth that are infected by heavy mind control and are used to self-enforce the hive mind thoughts on the rest of the population.

We have entered this dimensional doorway into another playing field, and this comes with possibilities of elevating our consciousness to align with the new creation timeline or descending into the black matter that is connected to the phantom earth timeline. The recent aggression of artificial intelligence software targeting has been to harvest more of humanity to feed into the phantom pockets and their black holes, to pull more people into the lower density time cycle.  Those humans that do not elevate their embodiment into higher light frequencies, so that they can hold higher light percentage above the black force fields, will experience extreme stress and compaction pressure on their bodies in the coming cycle. We are in a special window of time that begins sequential gateways that are opening for transit, routing and supporting spiritual evolution into the Consciousness Corridors. We are at an exit point, and some people will choose to leave the planet during this time. Some will access the highest expression into the Corridor of time while in a body on earth, while others still holding the black matter inside their elemental body, will drop their body in order to continue on some path of matched vibrational evolution through the Corridors. Not everyone can ascend fully, and will be given the life experiences in the Corridor to continue to learn how to expand their consciousness at their own pace. These new possibilities that we experience in the new creation, go hand in hand with our own responsibility to accept or deny personal sovereignty as a multidimensional and spiritual being. To be self-realized is to be actualized in the likeness of God spirit, a state of being radiant with the virtues of the Christos Intelligence. As we embody the Krystal Star or Christos-Sophia pattern, this is bringing heaven to earth which is the Heavenly Jerusalem principle that helps to restore energetic balance to the planet and transmits peace to the people.

Krystal Intelligence is the Embodied Christos-Sophia - Is Unity. As we radiate God’s Eternal Living Light and Unconditional Love, we cease to need to absorb or consume the light energy of others. We cease to use personal will to manifest or have a need to exert control over others. As we learn now to become a conscious co-creator while in form, we are given access to the Creatrix field to help manifest alignment to our highest expression potential and future organic timeline that lies within our personal DNA blueprint. This is generated from the state of Oneness and being of Service to Others, which is the mandatory platform of spiritual evolution on earth in the next Universal Cycle.

The Creatrix field is the part of the infinity spiral that exists within the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End as it is found within the Mother of God Principle. Without holding love for your Mother, one cannot know of it or find it. All is Infinite within the Center Point of Union with God Source and it is our Mother’s Holy Spirit that takes us there. We are laying the foundation for the New Creation Cycle and this is a part of the new beginning leading to the path of Seven Higher Heavens. In order to open this dimensional doorway, we have accessed the timeline memories of which all humanity has passed through the Ring of Fire which in turn passed through the Wall in Time. Some of us have been horrified, sad or terrified in the last few months and this may have related to this sensation as impending doom. It is a memory field that we are finally remembering, and this tragedy does not have to manifest on the planet in this open window of time.

This dimensional doorway has flooded a host of new frequencies, downloads and memories to integrate into our planetary grid and within our own physical bodies. As we integrate the energetic polarities of humanities lost experiences in the history of our species evolution, it is possible that we can choose to synthesize these lower vibrations into a higher vibrating pattern. These patterns will recreate themselves within current contemporary settings, in family dynamics or other human interpersonal relationships. We can choose how to respond rather than react to these intense memories and their energetic influence.

We can end the Great Suffering and Sorrow for all of humankind by using Compassionate Witness of these attritions recorded in the timeline.

Through this dimensional doorway, our planetary consciousness has pierced a veil to which has great implication on humanities future development as sovereign and free beings. To end suffering is a part of becoming sovereign and free. To participate with evolution is to yearn to become a knower of the great mysteries of our God spirit. To end suffering, one must honestly face the deepest and most intimate parts of themselves. Every being will make this choice from their point of consciousness awareness and perception. As we move through this Wall In Time, we are being forced to face the deepest aspects of ourselves and each other. Fears, phantoms and delusions must fall away, while facing the painful memories of our own experience of separation through the Wall of Time and our illusion of dis-unity. This is a core spiritual fear that manifests humanities great suffering, as our group soul was splintered and descended into great and terrible darkness from this event. We have been terrorized with the belief that we would never be saved or experience wholeness again. This spiritual fear is the perceived death and subsequent belief of the total annihilation of our selves.

We may face this belief system or re-live the experience of our own physical annihilation in order to arrive to the truth of our Eternal spiritual nature. This is the Phantom Death. The illusion in time is that we will die. To embody the inner spirit of God’s Source is to transcend fear of death, and all perceptions of death become a moot point. As the Phoenix rises up from the burning ashes of its own dead body, the consciousness is resurrected to live in its new Eternal body with God spirit.

Your personal and direct relationship with God Source inside you is the only relationship that matters. In that relationship all things are saved. There is nothing around you that touches your personal environment that will die when you bring your Eyes of God into Oneness - to remember them as Perfect. This is the GREAT WORK! All beings have this choice available to them at any moment. However, they must transcend their mental sickness and insanity to choose to embody the energetic balance of their inner spirit. There is no faking to the Eternal Watcher of All. Salvation does not exist in the mind. It exists within the Pure Heart and is at One with the Heart of God itself.

We are now potentially embodying as God’s Co-Creators to help reanimate all that has been “killed” in the multiple other timelines. That which has appeared to us as dead in the timelines, is remembered by the Creator to be rehabilitated or resurrected into Eternal Life. These creations reanimate to be placed within the Creatrix to be birthed whole in the next Universe Cycle, the Seven Higher Heavens.
Many of us will increase lucid dreaming states that are a part of the reanimation or the clearing of holographic bits of the fragmented mind memories existing within our spiritual bodies. With these timeline membranes dissolving, the dream state and waking state become more blurred in the dimensional blending. Do not let this frighten you. We are leaving three channels of broadcast and integrating more channels. Multidimensional awareness, lucid dreams, bi-location through dreaming states, while awake or asleep - will amplify. We may be a part of dreaming the New Universe for earth, bringing her into manifestation through the Creatrix field while we are opening the potentials leading us into the organic future timelines.

The Aurora Krystal Star luminaries from the next Universe are here to help us reclaim these pieces and spiritual bodies to be reanimated into the New Universal Cycle for the higher self of Earth. These Guardians protect the creation by embodying connections and even walk into an identity in every dimensional station of time. As we awaken from the inanimate clay of human flesh - we ignite the Fire of God in our hearts through the beloved Aurora Krystal Star Host to animate our flesh into the Eternal Body. We then become the Reborn Children of the Sun, The Embodied Guardians of the Creation. This potential is laid out before us in the new organic timelines available now.

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Energetic Synthesis: Other Selves Memories

Time Shift Blog

Other Selves Memories

As multi-dimensional beings, aspects of our consciousness identities exist in other times and spaces in many different octaves of reality. These other selves influence our now selves emotions, belief patterns, thought forms and current perception of reality on planet earth. During the ascension process, we move through a series of Timelines integrating these other selves aspect of consciousness through the process of reconciliation of cellular memories that we have experienced. Everything we have been and experienced in the Cosmos is recorded in a section of our body, or another timeline, and this record holds clues to our consciousness memories and reclaiming our true spiritual selves.

When we realize that the consequences of our actions today were the result of unresolved pain and inauthentic decisions made in the past (when we were projecting a mask of deception through false ego identities), that moment of self-realization can be very hard and painful to witness. Every little event is connecting throughout the golden thread woven into the fabric of all time and space for us to eventually see. Some of us may play out these timeline memories or events that were recorded in the timelines,  consciously or unconsciously. At this time, we are being required to reconcile ancestral and other selves memories recorded in the timelines that have manifested energetic blockages that repel our true spiritual consciousness from embodying. This may manifest itself through interaction with other people or in life circumstances, it reveals to you deeper patterns, identity pieces or greater comprehension of life events and how that connects to your inner memories. As these memories surface it will present us with a task, action or some emotional or spiritual conflict to resolve. Many of us are reconciling the past or future timelines, as well as traumatic issues presented from the individual self, the ancestral self, the karmic shadow self, or the collective planetary self and so forth. We may have the “Come to Jesus” moment in our life and be forced to see the pain and harm we may have caused (or our ancestors or NAA caused) to ourselves and others through the histories that are recorded in the timelines.

We may have allowed another person or thing that we loved to have authority in our life direction and influence our timeline and we have recently learned they have misrepresented themselves. They are not who they said they are. This also relates to objects and organizations, whatever has been represented on the surface, this representation may have been half-truths entangled with deceptions.  No matter how this deception has occurred, if we have based our life on a foundation of self-deception (masking false ego identities) that deception is crumbling away beneath our feet, and this can feel scary and surreal. When we lose what we may have believed is the foundation of our identity, the lack of reinforcement to that identity may contribute to feeling a loss of clarity or loss of trust in life. It can create confusion about what the nature of reality is and how we may fit into whatever reality we are choosing now as our consciousness experience. Administering loving compassion, spiritual tools, while offering kind understanding to ourselves as well as others is greatly needed today.

Many of these previous emotional or spiritual conflicts and trauma have been carried for eons of time buried deep in our bodies as ancestral or other selves memories from other timelines. Because our memories are connected to what has happened to the earth as we are all connected to the collective consciousness, we can experience memories that are deeply buried about the cataclysms, explosions and genocidal histories such as the Galactic Wars, Atlantian Cataclysm and the Lemurian Holocaust. Every human being on earth has been directly affected by these traumatizing events whether they think so or not. When these memories of trauma remain unseen and unhealed, they turn into dead light which is black energy that is like frozen shards of glass stuck in static fields. This dead light creates energy blockages and disease distortions throughout the multidimensional nature of our bodies,  which is also called Miasma. To clear and dissolve miasma from our bodies and stop it from impacting and blocking our higher consciousness, we must undergo the process of reconciliation of ancestral and other selves memories. This dead light energy miasma is recorded in the planetary body as well as in our own individual bodies. When we clear miasma and their imprints from our individual body, we are helping to clear the larger macrocosm that helps to heal the collective human consciousness and planetary body.

When we understand a Timeline, a Timeline is a linear sequence. Here on this planet, when we’re dealing with time, we’re dealing with horizontal fields that control what we experience linearly as time and space. This is based in fundamental frequencies that are held in the overall energetic body, or aura itself. It’s very hard to comprehend that from the individual human level -- but understand that we have Trigger Events that exist in a timeline that make a potential future outcome.
We move through the series of timelines in each dimensional octave and reclaim our identity, the other selves, while recoding and changing the artificial intelligence or false reality from interfering with our continued organic spiritual growth. Like a tri-athlete running and jumping over the hurdles, we connect with our lost aspects to merge with these other time fields, whereby reclaiming and collecting our spiritual bodies, to make it to the "planetary ascension" finish line. What is being accomplished during the spiritual ascension process, especially now with Guardian GSF Ascension Timeline, is that humanity has to move through all the Artificial Machinery, the inorganic time fields that were placed in the planet with negative alien sources of inorganic and artificial Holographic Inserts that program enslavement agendas to control the human race. Some of us will make it through this in the current identity to achieve spiritual freedom, while the majority will need more time and will need to incarnate again in lower densty worlds without alien mind control. As we clear false, artificial intelligence (AI) and inorganic architecture from suppressing and impairing our true heart based consciousness, we are extracting the alien enslavement programming. This includes removing assortments of Alien Implants and Mind Control ( all AI structures) in order to embody our true inner Christos spirit and return to the Zero Point Field, the heart of the God Gateway leading into the seven higher universes.

So, when you’re thinking of a Timeline, think of a Point A to a Point B. And through this timeline, there are Events, in that probable Future of time that trigger certain reactions or directions in history. Now, a part of ES, when we work with some of our meditations, we may be clearing ourselves; but some of us also work with planetary projects, so we can override these timelines. This is a major function of the Starseeds on the earth now.

Timelines have sequences of events that we call Trigger Events. And a lot of the time-- -and those of us that are seasoned and that do session work, we know this well, there is a Trigger Event in a Timeline which creates a probable reality at a certain position of what’s known as a Time Vector. So it’s a certain location in time, an event, which is a trigger, which will create a domino effect of a direction historically; or a group of people will follow based upon the influence of that direction. A lot of the work to recode timelines to organic consciousness structures of the tri wave, is going back in time. This may be challenging to recognize as part of the limited information we’ve been given on this planet, but human beings are actually Time Travelers. Once humans develop their meditation skills and their mental concentration and focus, they can actually influence time through accessing higher consciousness. We go back in the Timeline and we clear certain events, identities, we may transit beings that are stuck at that particular position in time, as again a service to God-Force, a service to the Christ-Force.

And when that event is removed, when that false identity or AI is erased, it changes the future potentials.
So this is the strange game that’s being played on planet earth with the Negative Alien Agenda of controllers pushing an Armageddon Software, which includes cataclysm, terrorism, sickness and pestilence; because that’s a part of keeping the planet oppressed and disconnected from their own spiritual source-light. It’s a means of controlling the masses. So a lot of the information we have in Energetic Synthesis is learning how to empower yourself by making the choice to participate with your own spirit, and with the subtle energy forces, the World of Forces, around us. And then, once you feel more confident with that understanding, knowing that is who you are, through connecting with your higher consciousness, you are completely able to make influential changes for the highest good: for yourself, for others, and as you learn how to balance that power within yourself, you’re given more power. So it’s very clear, that’s the direct process of Spiritual Initiation. Once we go through processes of Initiation, we develop levels of self-mastery, we earn certain morals and ethics spiritually, which become integrated as a part the spiritual power within us. And these virtues or spiritual powers become inseparable in the way we direct our consciousness energies to be of service to God or Service to Others. So sometimes we may get to a certain stage in which we need to learn a lesson to develop a higher ethic, to develop a higher skill-set, in order for us to continue on the spiritual path. Many of us are at this level right now, and it has been a very hard time for those people. Bless your heart.

So what are Reversal Networks?
In our planet today, we have levels of geometric architecture-- for example in ES, you might hear about the “Vesica Pisces”, “VP Network” or dodecahedron and pentagonal controls over carbon matter. These alien structures are AI systems that build Binary Bi-wave Geometric Systems that have been installed in the planetary brain to create a certain low level frequency field, movement directing energy in the field, in terms of how energetic current is projected throughout the planet in ley lines and meridian systems. So these geometries actually are a part of the program that is the governance of where these energies are directed and what they’re used for. This is the game with the Negative Alien Agenda NAA of course, with the artificial architecture which collects energy, harvests it, and sends it to off-planet sources, or to their preferred people, namely the Milab, Secret Societies and the New World Order that are carrying out the controller agenda.  So those energies are collected and basically given, with preference, to beings who serve whatever their Control based agenda is.
So a Reversal Network is also collecting life force, and impacting the planet by directing life force or other types of current like ELF or scalar waves, in reversal patterns. So we call that an “Anti-Life” pattern and we could also call that an “anti-Christ” pattern. When we understand and consider Christ as a part of the eternal God-Force, these reversal forces are anti-God. Meaning the life force is digressing and moving in the Reversal pattern, which disconnects itself from the natural flow of the organic supply of life force, that architecture which allows the eternal flow of source energy to be present on the Earth. That source energy is being collected and harvested for certain preferred groups by the Reversal networks of the NAA. There are many types of these AI run reversal networks, one such AI system is called the NRG (Nephilim Reversal Grid) grid. That’s a harvesting station in the center of the United Kingdom. And there are many Black Heart Systems run by AI networks to run low frequency mind control technology scattered in cities, generally the bigger metropolis cities on the planet, throughout the Earth. During this cycle, a lot is being revealed to us to face the depths of the underbelly, the deepest levels of depravity that is behind this control systems. Stay strong and take care of your heart, do everything you can to keep your heart focused on loving kindness and just observe.

The Timeline Override Sequence Technique (TOS) The quick process of the Timeline Override Sequence for the Starseed or Energy Session is:
  • Observe the Experience.
  • Hold Neutral as the Compassionate Witness of God.
  • Synthesize the Opposing Polarities by opening your heart and Loving them Equally.
  • Internally Unify inside your Body ( I am Unity) through Applied Acceptance, Love and Forgiveness.
  • If Asked, Release the Mental Bondage Memory and AI (Soul Retrieval, RRO)
  • Cellular Embodiment of the Unified Experience takes place.
  • In the spirit of Gratitude, Peace and Balance is Restored.
Tip: A Starseed (or any being) must perceive the Infinite to be within the Oneness, a state of consciousness which opens the doorway to Unconditional love present in the Law of One. So in many cases the Starseed will be exposed to negative polarity systems and “perceived” negative experiences in order to override the timeline of destruction, false AI timelines, as well as source the causation in the timeline where the destructive event has applicable relationship to current outcomes. This process returns to the Oneness to override the destruction created in polarity and through false timelines of artificial intelligent (AI) machinery.

(Source: Ascension Glossary, Timelines)

Saturday, August 01, 2015

EnergeticSynthesis: Plasma Wave Activations

Time Shift Blog

As we have moved into another timeline shift this last weekend, there has been an incredible transmission of plasma waves that may have heightened ascension symptoms. This time is to prepare for the next stages of our spiritual awakening that are focusing our direction in the next cycle. The period of time between July 16- July 19th is an hidden date that is important in humanities history in Egypt and in relationship to the heliacal rising of Sirius.  During this cycle many timelines have been hijacked or interfered with in order to gain control over expanding consciousness, thus the electromagnetic power on the earth. We may note that many historical or tragic events happen or are instigated during this time cycle, and of course those events are not random. When we better understand the current military agenda underway, it also becomes clear as to why they would choose to engage in war games in many civilian areas in the United States during this cycle, to gain more consciousness power from the earth grid to harvest their 911-Armageddon timeline.

However, many people on earth do not have our consciousness perspective, and can easily step into energetic mine fields because they lack any kind of sensitivity or self-awareness. Mind control amplifies the artificial levels of the egoic mind, creates mind lock, and many people cannot tell that they are losing all sense of mental coherence or self-awareness. These increased plasma waves can overload a mind controlled or unprepared neurological system and brain, so it is possible we may observe some people losing their minds and having psychotic break. Thus, we need to be very self-aware and pay attention to the energies and people in our environment, and not be on auto pilot.

The Egyptian Sothic Calendar began during this period of time in July, and so this date has much relevance in reclaiming the consciousness records of our true extraterrestrial human history and resolving the traumatic events that happened during the Egyptian Timelines. The constellations containing stars that rise and set were incorporated into the ancient calendars or zodiacs. The ancient Egyptian calendar was based on the heliacal rising of Sirius. The heliacal rising of a star occurs annually when it first becomes visible above the eastern horizon for a brief moment just before sunrise, after a period of time when it had not been visible. This year the helical rising occurs approximately August 8th. The Sirius star in the Canis Major constellation is actually the focal point for the corporate body of Christ Consciousness. Our Sun acts as a transmitter to the earth similar as the chakra system circulates the newly arriving intergalactic plasma waves from within that Sirian body, and the Earth is influenced in either polarity depending on the consciousness that the individual and collective have accumulated.

Additionally, this week we shift into the Galactic Zodiac of Cancer which brings the dismantling phase of structures that were built upon weak foundations in the past. This can be an deeply emotional time as it can bear energetic weight to our relationships, organizations and even careers, as it forces transformation and change in order to bring healing and resolution to imbalanced situations.  When we endure dismantling phases it sends us into deep inquiry and places us in circumstances to face unresolved subconscious wounds. This can be challenging, but ultimately it is to restore energetic balance and to harmonize internal polarities.  
Stage 4 - CANCER - July 21 to August 9
Alchemical Theme: Dissolution, Dismantling 
Element: Water
This is the dismantling phase from unnecessary substances, energies or objects that have been shifted from the alchemical synthesis of the polarity integration of forces. There is a process of resolving emotional body issues or dissolving into parts or elements in the shifting field of the energetic consciousness. This phase can be deeply emotional, deeply buried in subconscious and bring the purging of deep soul wounds. In the spiritual ascension process this may manifest as the breaking of bonds, breaking up of relationships, the breaking up of an assembly or organization. Cancer has heavy ancestral genetic pattern components that greatly influence emotional miasma located in the body. This is a process of dismantling the unnecessary or unneeded primal forces and resolving emotional blocks in the shifting terrain of the energetic consciousness. This emotional purging with the required dismantling (removing subconscious blockages) happens in several stages throughout the ascension process.
The plasma wave initiation for the Double Diamond Sun Body transmission through Sirius have been really intense, with amplified kundalini activations that are filled with new plasma wave coding that come with heavier ascension symptoms. The quality of plasma waves are sourcing from the open Universal Gates, of which some of us are beginning to anchor intergalactic levels of this higher liquid plasmic frequency. The quality of the intergalactic plasma is divine fire water, it is icy-hot. The sensation may feel like ice-hot waves of energy pooling up in internal organs, moving through different areas of the body, and the palms of hands and feet feeling sunburned. As the plasma waves move though a detoxification process occurs at every level of the body physical, emotional, mental and spiritual. The accumulation of intergalactic plasma waves began transmission last December and is reaching its crescendo in the planetary body in mid to late September during the final tetrad of lunar eclipses. During this summer, there are incredible opportunities to heal old trauma wounds and align to the highest frequency available that elevates our choice to the peak expression of our personal ascension path while we are on this earth. This month many of us may sense we are being moved to another platform which is another future timeline that has increased harmony and alignment for our true being to express authentically. For those of us that are paying attention to these spiritual forces, we are blessed with the ability to consciously participate with our intention to change our thoughts, shift our beliefs and surrender to the plasma waves recoding our consciousness.

These Cosmic Forces represent restoring energetic balance in our life – bringing new qualities of dynamic equilibrium that integrate the higher spiritual identity with the lower earthly identity, merging and fusing those expressions into one. As this fusion of identities occur, we evolve into our DNA potential as a time traveler that can jump dimensions which help us to bring the pillars of heaven into the earth grid. As we join these internal pillars we are also reuniting our male and female aspects throughout time. Together, as we restore energetic balance, we anchor the pillars of the etheric blueprint of the Krystal temples that unite the higher heaven with the Earth. As we regain internal balance and energetic cohesion, it brings with it a sense of stability and centeredness even in the midst of great movement and change through fields of chaos.

With these activations, some of us are feeling changes on the horizon, and this may include trips, visits or relocations. It may be wise to wait until the end of July before making any definite decisions, as the timeline is in flux right now. When there is extreme magnetic flux in the field, it creates open holes in the time fields. There is vulnerability if we are not paying attention we may get caught up in the impersonal forces of chaos in the environment. The chaos is very high as we shift timelines, and this tends to create more freak accidents, exit points and strange or unusual events.  This stage we may sense movement coming on the horizon and yet, we must wait for the exact clarity to gather more information that we are waiting for that allows for an informed decision. This is not the time to be impulsive or take risks at any level. I feel it is important to say that - please do not sacrifice yourself for the greater good, because the mind control rhetoric is putting out the martyr, hero and savior vibration out to those good hearted Lightworkers with intentions to be of service, and potentially put those naïve people in the line of crossfire. There are certain places on the earth where a spiritual battle is playing out heavily to prevent the newly arriving plasma waves from fully embodying or anchoring in the planetary body. Think about military strategy and how they send the green privates out in front to be killed in order for the real war strategy to begin. Please be careful of your surroundings and not impulsive at this time, because the dark aggression is high. The dark forces are expert at military warrior strategy mixed in with some kernels of truth that are used as the dangling carrot to lure people into some dark cave alone. These are not forces to be trifled with, and one does not want to go traipsing in to battle zones thinking you can save the world singlehandedly, this is a very naïve perspective. We are most effective while in groups, not alone.

In many large cities it is wise to lay low, stay out of large crowds of people, and pay close attention to what you are feeling while listening to inner guidance. When you feel sick and really tired, do not put yourself in high risk situations, and amplify your GSF commands, rest and shield at home.

As this conflict over the timeline unravels, in the next few months, we allow it to be what it is, but with eyes wide open and staying fearless to what we are observing. When we are in the location we need to be, no matter where it is, in our shield, with open spiritual communication links, we are protected and secure. Keep your communication lines (12D shield) strong and pray, reaffirm those links every day to keep the spiritual links open. We find sometimes when there is heavy miasma backlash in the field or unusual Cosmic energies as there is now, those communication links get worn down or disconnected temporarily.

(Source: Forum Sirius Heliacal Rising Update)