Showing posts with label The Planetary Grid Transmissions. Show all posts
Showing posts with label The Planetary Grid Transmissions. Show all posts

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

ÉirePort: Deletion of Anti lines comes quickly and with great force

Deletion of Anti lines comes quickly and with great force

12 Mar
Deletion of Anti lines comes quickly and with great force.

Surging of all elementals proceeds swiftly as a result and continues at full pace.

Formidification of structural components of all elementals is in process.

Sensitives are to be avoided, and those in need of assistance are asked to ask.

Tuesday, December 31, 2013

GaiaPortal: Exit strategies have been completed for all Hue-Beings currently operating in multiple dimensions that include 3D and 4D by ÉirePort


Exit strategies have been completed for all Hue-Beings currently operating in multiple dimensions that include 3D and 4D.

"Higher Dimensionals only" operators are not affected.
"Exit strategies" are individual and may take various forms suited to each Hue-Being involved.
Significant energies are required at the current moment to maintain any 3D-4D involvement, and "Higher Level" decision has occurred for all such Hue-Beings to remove from 3D-4D.
Involvement will increasingly be upgraded to 5D and higher, as that is necessary for establishing Light Grids for Nova Gaia.

ÉirePort | December 31, 2013 at 09:11 | URL:

Tuesday, November 05, 2013

Gaiaportal: Flame grids have alerted hu-manity to its impending dissolution

Flame grids have alerted hu-manity to its impending dissolution

gaia_energy1Flame grids have alerted hu-manity to its impending dissolution, and hu-manity has in large part responded.
Grids for birthing, en masse, of the Gaia Hue-manity proforma community, are fully in place, and will remain.
hu-manity paradigm can not continue, as it lacks energetic support, on all dimensions.
Participation of Hue-manity with dissolved paradigms is not supported.
Energetics of Gaia current remain stable.

Formation dynamics of New Gaia grids continues transformation process for "hu-manity to Hue-manity".
Flashpoint is soon to be attained among Gaia inhabitant energetic mixture, leading to final transmutation/purification of the planet.
Monitoring by Higher Sources continues on all levels.
Energetics of Gaia are prepared for the next phase.

Monday, August 19, 2013

Gaiaportal: Golden Sparkles Pervade all Gaia Beings at all Levels

18 Aug
 Golden sparkles pervade all Gaia beings at all levels as full Higher Energetic activation has completed. This in readiness for completion of selected local protocols, individual, collective, and Higher Dimensional.

Simultaneous freeing of all Hue-Being restrictions completes initial ascension phase.

“Standard” protocols have been overridden and transcended.

Exponential increase in Higher Dimensional visibles now proceeds.

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Gaiaportal: Essential Grids Now in Place and Energized for Rectification of All Requisite Hue-Manity Up-Steps

Posted     : August 17, 2013 at 02:11
Author     : ÉirePort

 Essential grids are now in place and energized for rectification of all requisite Hue-manity up-steps. Cosmic stream assistance comes forthwith, at appropriate moment.

Spiraling energies from Gaia Portals which are required for these up-steps will be embraced by sufficient numbers of Hue-Beings to allow Cosmic Upshift in frequencies.

Manifestations likely will include instantaneous multi-body (physical, mental, and emotional) healings as well as resolutions of prior-viewed-as "impossible" situations.

Major Gaia transformations commence with upcoming Cosmic stream influx.
URL        : 

Thursday, August 01, 2013

GaiaPortal: Softening of Outer Earth and “Surface-Only” Oriented Beings Occurs at This Time - 31 July 2013

GaiaPortal by ÉirePort: Softening of Outer Earth and “Surface-Only” Oriented Beings Occurs at This Time, July 31, 2013 –
Softening of outer Earth and “surface-only” oriented beings occurs at this time.

This may be reflected and/or caused by various weather and surface-crustal shiftings, as well as personal/individual shifts of the so-called “unexpected” nature.

Higher Guidance and Higher Level Beings assist with this softening, as individual soul contracts must be honored.Paradigms formerly “unyielding” to all human efforts to remedy, will find softening, resolution, and revolution.

Sunday, July 28, 2013

GaiaPortal: Collapsing Shadow Forms Seek Retrieval of Energies via Reverse Vortex Rotation +2

Collapsing shadow forms (“dark” entities) seek retrieval of energies via reverse vortex rotation at local and individual levels.

Disruptions in “standard” 3D-4D surface Earth operations and services may result, depending largely upon status of individual and group consciousness levels at those locations.

Resistance of such reverse vortices only strengthens the intensity of such, whereas rising above such vortices dis-empowers them.

Such situations are temporary only and persist only as long as the individual or group continues to hold on to them, or resist them.

Be with the Higher Light. Be in the Higher Light.

Alignment and Attunement with Gaia Central is Called for at this Now Moment

Alignment and attunement with Gaia Central is called for at this now moment. Inner Enlightened Earth calls for alignment and attunement, in particular, with dissolution of non-Gaia-serving “protocols” and “paradigms”, and formation of Higher Gaia protocols and paradigms.
Alignment and attunement with Essence is essential.

Saturday, July 20, 2013

GaiaPortal: Synchronizing of All Participants on All Dimensional Levels Occurs

Synchronizing of all  participants on all dimensional levels occurs, as participant group consciousness has risen sufficiently to support such synchronization.

Transformational energetics are fully activated for those requiring such in the next few days of the time domain.

All Hue Beings are currently aligned with Gaia ascension transformation pathways.
Ready to proceed…

Friday, July 19, 2013

GaiaPortal: Finalization of Gaia Portal Connections into Fully Operational 5-7D Planetary Grid is in Process at this Now Moment

18 Jul 2013

Energetic couplings and finalization of Gaia portal connections into fully operational 5-7D planetary grid are in process at this now moment.

Such connections and couplings have been designed for New Paradigm multi-dimensional manifestations and will be experienced by multiple Light-aware and non-Light-aware beings, across planetary surface, as well as throughout Inner Gaia realms.

What some might term “mass awakenings” will occur in due time, yet for each individual human unit will manifest appropriately for their individual consciousness level.

The “Might of the Light” will be seen at individual and “mass” levels, and will not be deniable.
Individual and “mass” Higher D strengthening is experienced at this time, whether fully aware or not.
“Explosions of Light” are here… Now.

Saturday, July 06, 2013

Gaiaportal: New Portals for Assistance in the “humanity to Hue-manity” Conversion Process have Opened

  ÉirePort - 6 Jul gaia_energy1
New portals for assistance in the “humanity to Hue-manity” conversion process have opened during the 7-3 to 7-5 period. Such are aligned with new Higher Light influxes currently ongoing.

Current portals also enable more facile communication with Inner Earth beings. No longer are such exchange portals limited to a few limited locations, eg., Shasta. Communication exchanges with Inner Earth beings will now occur readily, and often.

Fabricated “Light Work” is being exposed for what it is, and that “purity of intent” is lacking in such. Following Higher Light Guidance in Self is the norm at this time point.

Wednesday, July 03, 2013

GaiaPortal: Elevated hydrogen combinations with Higher Elements creates fusion energies…

Elevated hydrogen combinations with Higher Elements creates fusion energies…

by ÉirePort
Elevated hydrogen combinations with Higher Elements creates fusion energies sufficient to displace and transform dark intended thoughts. New Paradigm Hydrogen Energetics are designed to connect with New Paradigm Elementals. 

Fusion fires may appear suddenly, then disappear as old paradigm elements transmute.
Simplicity of execution aligns with New Paradigm.

Monday, June 10, 2013

GaiaPortal" “Consolidation of Energetic Grid Patterns has led to Openings of Formerly Restricted Portals...”

10 Jun 

Consolidation of numerous Energetic Grid Patterns has led to openings of formerly restricted Portals of Apocalypse (Portals of Unveiling). Light from the New Grids is now available to, and being sensed, at some level, by all upon Gaia.

Crossings of barriers is no longer required for Ascension pathways to be reached. Energetics now favor mass ascension of the inner Spirit.

Dark intentions are no longer veil-able, as the grid pattern consolidation enables complete Higher Light transmission throughout, and within, the planet.

All paradigms of domination and non-Higher-Self-reliance are dissolved.

Illumination of Higher Self now occurs within all, for all.

Monday, June 03, 2013

GaiaPortal: 2 June - Movement of Gaia Surface Energies has Smoothed Disturbances…

2 Jun

Movement of Gaia surface energies has smoothed disturbances arising from Gaia energetic restructuring. Mass movements of humanity-general, as well as Hue-manity particular, has shifted into what may be called an “Eternally Upward” direction.

Awakenings of humanity-general proceed at quickened rate, as the smoothed Gaia surface energies allow undisturbed free thought. Such smoothed energies encourages open mindedness in individuals.
Gaia now speeds what could be called, “heart openings”, although perhaps better described as “Soul Being Contract openings”, to occur in all individuals.

Sunday, May 05, 2013

GaiaPortal: Gaia Movements and Cosmic Energetic Upgrades

Gaia movements, initiated by Gaia, have aligned portals required for Cosmic energetic upgrades. These movements are beyond physical and will not be sensed as such.

Inner Gaia movements are purely energetic, and also occur in conjunction with the intended Cosmic energetic upgrades.

Unfinished “karmic” emotional business will resolve as these energetic upgrades occur.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

GaiaPortal: Healing Energy Streams Flow from Portal to Portal… - 23/24 Apr


Healing energy streams flow from portal to portal as Gaia balances with Hue-manity and humanity (smaller h) energies.

Light Workers called to portal adjustments are encouraged to follow healing energy flow within, as this aligns with the Gaia Healing energy streams, and will lead each to their Gaia healing portal center.

As Hue-manity aligns, and more and more of humanity (smaller h) begins to align, with these healing energy streams, and accepts those processes within themselves, Gaia rests in the resulting peace, and needs not the “catastrophic” adjustments previously thought necessary.

Those promoting the “doom and/or gloom catastrophe” scenarios will find difficulty in expressing those ideas, as their time is over. The current energetic state of Gaia does not support, in any way, that type of energy intent.


Energetic Clarity is Drawn Forth…

23 Apr 
gaia_energy1  Energetic clarity is drawn forth from individuals at this moment. Purification of individual vibrations ensures that full harmonization of humanity with Gaia is accomplished.

Central to Gaia ascending frequency process is coordination of Hue-manity Beings at multiple planet 3D locations, for worldwide Higher D frequency attunement. Essential is utilization of Higher Aural capabilities present in all Hue-Beings.

Friday, April 19, 2013

GaiaPortal: Energetics of Gaia are Staged for Stepping to Next Level


Monitors of Gaia report that energetics of the Gaia planetary body are staged for stepping to the next level… Energetically, on Individual and Collective basis, as well as “Galactic-ally”.
Hue-manity has embraced that which resonates with this process. “humanity” (small h) has consented to the possibility of a “next level”, and thus procedures for “up steps” of “humanity” (small h) have been analyzed, approved, and set in motion.
As these are Higher-than-3-4D, many have sensed the results of the up steps already, and have secured the “humanity to Hue-manity” transformation in the current time line.
Those walking “alternative to the “up step” time lines will find themselves directed back onto the “up step” time line. All currently residing upon (and within) Gaia have agreed to this re-direction, challenging as it may be for some of the “humanity” (small h) group.

Friday, April 12, 2013

GaiaPortal: Displacement of Light Intender Beings from Negative Timelines is Occurring

11 Apr
Multiple timelines are being exhibited among Gaia inhabitants at this moment. Displacement of Light Intender Beings from negative timelines is occurring via rapid unveiling of potential results of negative timelines.

Such was not deemed necessary a few years in Gaia’s past; however, sufficient number of Light Intender Beings became mired in such negative timelines.

Full ascension of Gaia requires full release of all negative timelines.

Tuesday, April 09, 2013

GaiaPortal: Current “Difficulties” and the “No Escape” Paradigm…

9 Apr
“Difficulties”, as some term “events not in alignment with individual-desire-perceived pathways”, are being exposed via the enlarged Gaia Portal Light Grid complex. This Grid “complex” is a combination of several multi-dimensional Grids, emplaced* so as to allow the “no escape” paradigm to be maintained at the forefront of individual awareness.

All humans, as well as Hue-persons, are living within this “no escape” paradigm, at this now moment in time.

Those with awareness of the current “no escape” paradigm will understand the purpose of “difficulties” now presenting within energy spaces.

Embracing the “difficulties”, releasing the “desire bases”**, and allowing solutions to enter via Higher Mind, will allow smoother passage through these now moments.

[* ÉirePort note: click for definition of emplaced]
[** ÉirePort note: "bases" = plural of "basis"]

Saturday, April 06, 2013

GaiaPortal: “Purity of Essence” is Key to Understanding

by ÉirePort : 4 Apr 2013

"Purity of Essence" is key to understanding the nature of Gaia intention. Planetary Essence revelation requires clearing of all not in alignment. This includes all of Hue-manity.

As individuals release the "outer dependence illusion", and align with Inner Guidance, Purity of Planetary Essence is realized. This occurs at many levels, via multiple manifestations.

Stated simply, Gaia Intention is Purity of Essence.

Tuesday, April 02, 2013

GaiaPortal: Clearing Process Facilitated by Portal Stillness

gaia_energy1[Éireport note: this communication references the previous post of 3-31-13]
As energetic cloud layers are cleared, many sense stillness, even what could be expressed as “stagnancy”.
Whereas Gaia transformation portals have previously been highly active, the clearing process is facilitated by portal stillness.
Caution in regard to decision-making and Higher Discernment in all affairs, particularly involving movements, whether 3D or energetic, is advised at this now moment.

my note: yep re moving ill keep that in mind...