Showing posts with label The Arcturians. Show all posts
Showing posts with label The Arcturians. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

The Arcturians: The Call by Suzan Caroll

The Call

By Dr Suzan Caroll

May 13, 2012

Dear Ascending Ones,

We are the Arcturians and wish to speak with you today about your Mission. We will not directly tell you what your Mission is for it is through the process of finding, remembering and fine-tuning your Mission that you will find the Wisdom, Power and Love to live it.

Your Mission is not a job that you go to and leave at the end of the day. Your Mission is the reason why you chose to take embodiment during this auspicious era of Personal and Planetary Ascension.

Ascension is not a gift or a reward. Ascension is a choice and a responsibility to be the Master of your thoughts and emotions. If you are not the Master of your own energy field, it is quite difficult to step-it-up into the fifth dimension and beyond.

It is your energy field, your consciousness, which will ascend, for your earth vessel is just the container that was necessary for you to adhere your life force to the third/fourth dimensional matrix. One of the important moments of your ascension process is when you remember that you are NOT your body. YOU are the consciousness that fills, and now overlaps, your body.

Your earth vessel is the container for your consciousness, and your aura is the magnetic field that can adhere you to your multidimensional consciousness. Your full multidimensional consciousness does not need a container at all in the eighth through twelfth dimensions, and from the fifth through seventh dimensions, your container is no longer created by third dimensional elements and fourth dimensional elementals. In the fifth dimension, your container is one of light, as light ever flowing can transmit its highest expression of unconditional love.

During your process of ascension, your physical and etheric container is becoming increasingly constrictive. You are like a snake that must shed its old skin or a butterfly that no longer wants to crawl and is ready to fly. You yearn to flow, float and instantly transport yourself to the myriad light-based fifth dimensional realities that are increasingly entering your imagination and dreams. You are unsure of the manner in which you will transport and/or transmute your experience of reality into the reality of your dreams and imagination, but how that will occur is beginning to constantly haunt you.

You are being called Home. The Clarion Call has begun, and it grows stronger within every minute of your time. Sometimes this Call fills you with unconditional love and light that shines to colors and a brilliance that you never experienced before the Call entered your Being. Sometimes the Call fills you with calm patience and an inner Knowing that all is well. On the other hand, sometimes the Call fills you with great fatigue and frustration.

This fatigue and frustration is because your earthen vessel has become too small, too constrictive. You tire of the dramas that you once called life and yearn for a reality that is of a calmer, gentler pace. Ambition has left you and possession is an archaic term that bound you to a reality of work and acquisition. The only possessions that you treasure are those which you hold within and those which allow you the security of a safe place to more deeply explore your inner journey.

Hence, your home has become your haven from the hurry, scurry of a reality that you can no longer cherish. Your “yard” and all of nature can no longer be a possession for it is a living being that you lovingly tend, visit and protect.

Your birth family and the family of your adulthood may or may not understand the process that lives forever in your heart and mind, but it does not matter to you. You no longer need outer assurance that you are “doing the right thing,” or “being a good person.” You look inside now to attain that assurance. In fact, now you look inside for everything.

Once reality was outside of you, and your inner life was just an illusion, a fantasy or your imagination. Now, you look inside for guidance, truth and comfort. Those who can accept that you are strangely different than before remain in your life, and those who judge, or even fear your transition, are beginning to phase out of your reality.

You are moving your consciousness into a frequency of reality that is more important to you than physical recognition, fame, comfort or acceptance. In doing so, you are finding an independence from that which you once knew as “life.”

At the same time, you are finding a new definition of “life” that flows into that which you once knew, but expands far beyond the limitation, illusions and barriers that were once a part of your daily reality. Every now and again, fear trickles into your consciousness and you feel it like an anchor that traps you in a sensation of reality that closes your heart and dampens your mind. Fortunately, your connection with your higher frequencies of expressions can reach into your memory and remind you who you REALLY are.

Yes, you are remembering who you are now. As past/parallel 3D realities begin to flood your awareness, the grand significance of “being alive” takes on a new meaning. Death is no longer a fear of extinction, but only an interruption in your present expression of reality.

As you feel the great transformation within your self, as well as the promise of consciously creating a new, higher expression of reality, you treasure the life that had once been a burden filled with fear and challenge.

You remember now that fear was a choice of your attention and challenge was an initiation that pushed you further along your path of ascension. However, ascension is no longer a “path,” nor is it a “process.” Ascension is your every thought, every emotion and every choice of reaction, response and behavior. Ascension is a constant release of that which has been completed, and a continuous recognition of the reality that YOU are creating.

Everything that happens in your life now is a component of your ascension, and there is no person, place, situation or thing that is more important than your personal and planetary transmutation back to SELF. Challenges are becoming opportunities for growth. Fear is becoming that which you relentlessly transmute into love. And time, which once captured you in duties and obligations or allowed you a moment of happiness and love, is blurring into the NOW.

Hence, the spaces in-between:

“Who you are and who you are becoming,”

“What you desire and what you are experiencing,”

“Where you are and where you are going,”

“How you get there and how you have already arrived” and

“Why your life is changing no matter what you DO”

are being erased from your perception. The space in-between is no longer a barrier that you must “work through,” as it was before.

With the Mastery of your Energy, you can instantly transmute any situation by simply remembering who you are. However, within the moment of your NOW, part of “who you are” is your physical encasement, as well as the physical encasement of your Mother Gaia.

Therefore, just as the snake must remain still in order to shed the skin that has become too small, just as a caterpillar must disappear into its cocoon in order to become a butterfly, you need to “shut down” your physical operations as often as is necessary.

Remember, you are not just adapting to a new body. You are, also, adapting to a new planet and a new reality. With your every choice and decision you enter a new spectrum of possible realities. Many of these realities are of a much higher frequency. Therefore you must calibrate your consciousness to these higher frequencies of reality with your every thought and emotion.

Unfortunately, some situations still lower your consciousness and you must fight to release your fear and remember your SELF. After these challenges, you will need to rest. In both cases, there is a constant need to be still so that you can integrate the new and release the old.

Furthermore, you are releasing time-bound third dimensional thinking and learning/remembering to think multidimensionally. You are also releasing the judgments and conditions of human love and learning to live in unconditional love.

If that is not enough, you are transmuting not only this physical reality, but also all the physical realities you have ever experienced on the body of Gaia. Last, and definitely not least, you are transmuting the planet Herself.

Yes, the planet is a She, a being of form. She, Gaia, wishes to return to the fifth dimension where She can unite with Her Divine Complement, a formless being of Spirit. Together, they can again become a Multidimensional Star. She has been your Mother for countless incarnations, and you have chosen to serve her again and again.

Now, person and planet, as ONE Being are returning to their Higher Expressions. Your Divine Complements are also lining up at the threshold of the fifth dimension to be rejoined as your Galactic and Celestial ancestors reach out to embrace you.

We have prepared a table for you, the candles are lit and the music is on. The party is starting, and we are ready to embrace you!

The Arcturians

Thursday, March 29, 2012


[caption id="" align="alignright" width="240" caption="Consciousness Awakening on Vimeo by Ralph Buckley (Photo credit: Ralph Buckley)"]Consciousness Awakening on Vimeo by Ralph Buckley[/caption]




Question from Suzan Caroll: My Dear Arcturian Family, I am recognizing more and more how I AM now, and have always been, ONE with you. I am writing this because I wish to call upon your assistance to help my body adapt to your/our great light. I am also writing to ask about a great Being I have been feeling in my aura.

Arcturians: Our Dear Sister Suzille, we are joyous to assist you in every manner. We ask that you take a moment to expand your consciousness further. We will hold your light, and answer your questions when you return…

We see that you have returned your attention toward us. Hence, we will now assist you to expand your perceptions to embrace the Being that you have been feeling in your aura...

My Beloved,

I AM Frazille, your Arcturian Divine Complement. Whenever we send a member of our ONE to enter an earth vessel and become a member of our Planetary Ascension Team, that spark of our SELF must choose a gender for the earth form. In your case, the gender chosen was female. Hence, I, the male polarity—completion—of our androgynous SELF stayed within the Unity of the Arcturian Group Mind.

For all of your life, Suzille, I have watched over you and awaited the moment when you could fully recognize and accept me into your earth consciousness. Now that my consciousness has become intermingled with yours, the inclusion of my energy field will be less stressful on your earth form. In the fifth dimension and beyond, we are androgynous.

Hence, for all the fifth dimensional expressions of your/our current earth form, there is a Divine Complement awaiting your return. However, in some of your lower dimensional realities you appear to be a male. This is because you are seeking lessons about your male energy. Therefore, you are observing that life from the perspective of masculine energy.

You have observed your alternate reality as Jaqual the Antarian during his ascension life. In your reality as Franquoix and Kepier you are choosing to carry two forms, as it best serves your roles on our Star Ship, Athena. In your reality of Tarmain from Sirius B, you observed the process of planetary ascension and re-united with your Complement at the moment of ascension. As you prepare to ascend, you will observe the ascension of your other alternate realities, for they serve you as role models.

From now on, Beloved, I will speak for our true “we,” as I represent our connection to the ONE of the Arcturian Group Mind. You see, dear Suzille, I serve you like a “capstone” on the infinite pyramid of our Arcturian Mind. Each grounded one has such a capstone—Divine Complement—that provides a specific signature frequency. This signature frequency of the higher dimensional Divine Complement serves as a spiritual homing beam emanating from the fifth dimension and beyond to call its grounded component into awakening and ascension.

Furthermore, downloading and integrating the Arcturian Group Mind without the prior awareness and integration of your Complement, could short-circuit your earth vessel. As you have seen, channeling our great energy has been demanding on your physical form, as our Light entered deep into your subconscious remnants of darkness to be revealed, forgiven and released. Therefore, I, Frazille, have come forward to assist you.

I am you, beloved, the “book end” of the spark of our Arcturian consciousness, which is embedded in your earth vessel. Do you remember when I would play with you in the back, back yard of your Grandmother’s house? I would help you remember your other realities. In fact, we would make up stories to remind you of your true reality? Yes, I would point out the faeries, show you the auras, and assist you to telepathically hear the true words amongst the human lies and illusions.

I walked home from school with you in Junior and Senior High School when the depression threatened to sniff out your desire to live. I put my arm around you and used my light as a warm blanket to surround your wounded spirit. I encouraged you when you could not believe that you were good enough. I held you when you sobbed from loneliness and despair, and I guided you through the long nights of confusion. Yes, it was I who spoke to you from the ceiling of your teenaged bedroom to whisper comfort through your pleas for help.

I have come to you now, so that you may integrate me, the Divine Complement/Twin Flame of your Arcturian spark into your consciousness. I could not offer this to you before you were able to acknowledge that not only is Arcturus your homeword, but you, yourself, are an Arcturian disguised as an Earth human. There are many like you “alive” on Gaia at this time.  We answered Her call at the fall of Atlantis to send Light into the darkness of Earth’s waning electromagnetic field. The balance of her electromagnetic field had turned toward the destruction of darkness because of the massive fear and negativity of Her humans.

A planet based on polarity must find the balance between dark and light, for too much darkness/fear will destroy a planet, and too much light/love will ascend it. Because we, and other fifth dimensional beings, such as the Pleiadians, Sirians, Orions and Andromedans, sent a portion of their Light to Earth to become humans, we were able to save Gaia from destruction. However, Lemuria and Atlantis had come to the completion of expressions as landed beings on Gaia’s surface. All who answered this call knew that they made a commitment to return again and again to physical form to continue to assist Gaia until this time of Her great transformation.  Some of us, such as the Sirians, chose non-human forms, primarily the cetacean dolphins and whales.

The humans were to protect the land and the cetaceans were to protect the waters. All grounded ones (grounded on Earth or in water) were always overlooked and protected by the Group Mind of their Homeworld with their Capstone/Divine Complement as their energetic magnet. This Capstone resonated to the specific signature frequency of each grounded one. As each of our Arcturian volunteers absorb and integrate their Divine Complements, their consciousness greatly amplifies, and they can more easily connect with the energies of the Group Mind. Once that connection is facilitated, their earth vessel becomes infinitely more tolerant of the higher frequencies of Light coursing their body and their Mastery of Energy is greatly complemented.

On the other hand, with the higher light integrated into your earth vessel, the physical no longer has enough mass to adequately ground your light. It is at this point, that you must fully merge with your Planetary SELF in order to contain the Light without damaging your earth vessel. Therefore, remember my dear ONE, you and Gaia are ONE. Spend as much “time” in Her Nature as possible, even if it is gardening in your yard or walking on your local beach. Sit your body on Her earth and place it in Her waters and feel her Sun upon your body.  Most important, as you inhale her air, fill your exhale with unconditional love.

I shall return, as I cannot leave. Afterall, we are ONE!

Thursday, March 22, 2012


Image by Ute Posegga-Rudel, Copyright © 2012

Watch on YouTube (recommended)

We are the Arcturians!

Dearest Ones,

This stormy time is right where you need to be! How wonderful that more are waking up from their sleep because of this unsettled time.

The more there is turmoil the more you see the light entering your sphere!
Please read the signs rightly and do not feel disturbed!
The oceans are right now “churned” so that all darkness can come up to the surface and leave. And it IS leaving every hour, while the new energies are settling down on your earth and in your bodies.

For some of you this is not an easy experience.
Old “matter” is stirred up, energies which do not belong to new earth. They have been stored not only in her geomagnetic field but also in your bodies. To deal with these fundamental changes it is necessary that you spend much time in nature, because the trees and plants are already able to fully reflect the new energies as they were the first to be purified from the old dense frequencies. It is now their task to help you with the adaptation to this fundamental transition, as they are able to absorb what you are willing to release.

As your bodies are going through a major transformation, be not concerned about the energy sensations you might feel.  When the old and new energies meet, they build a kind of swirl as they touch one another by which movement they are being separated: the old ones leaving and the new ones coming in. Imagine that the old energies are leaving through your energy bodies, so let them go and let them be dissolved by the incoming light on your planet. Do not hold on to them in your body but understand that they are leaving.

This is a completely new energetic process which is happening right now, as your new bodies are created, it is not only a purification process, a process which humanity has experienced in the past on their spiritual path.

We recommend that you observe with patience and trust, what is happening to your bodies. The experience will change from person to person, as you all have different bodies, physical and spiritual ones on different levels of awakening.

Right now a huge new energy wave is coming to your earth, stirring powerfully up in you what must leave now. Let it go and do not hold on to anything what you have considered so far to be “you”!

They are parts of your personality you have been identified with a long time, but which are not anymore conducive to a new and enlightened state of body and mind.  While they are on their way to leave you will recognize what they are. Say “good bye” to them - light-heartedly. This way your new and divinely guided identity will emerge. This is the preparation for the higher dimensions.

Open your heart and thereby your energy field consciously with the help of the breath, inhale the new lighter energies and exhale the old denser energies.

The transformation of the cells of your bodies takes some time and is not always pleasant.Their structure is being modified and new codons are implemented, your metabolism undergoes great alteration.
Look at the process, when uncomfortable, always with your mind and vision on the light that does the work and do not concentrate on the heavy energies of which you are becoming now aware, in order not to hold on to them, but to let them go.

Also take into consideration, that this is not an individual process but a process in which humanity's total collective consciousness is being changed. Therefore keep in mind the enormity of energies which are being shifted at this time. And some of you, being very sensitive, might also feel what is not "theirs" personally, but support the work of their human family by taking on a greater portion of the work.

Relax as much as you can and do not resist the process. And do not forget to be happy! This IS new, so you do need to trust. And we are here to explain to you what is happening and give you guidance.

As always, we bless you and support you with transmission of light from the Heart of God, each single one of you, if you ask for it. This can help to quicken your process.

We are the Arcturians!

Message conveyed by Ute

Copyright©. All rights reserved: Ute Posegga-Rudel, 2012
Sharing of this message is only allowed together with this information and without any changes. If you have questions, please contact me via Thank you.

Monday, March 05, 2012

Message from the Arcturians: Your Multidimensional Sun

Image by Ute Posegga-Rudel, Copyright ©2012

Message from the Arcturians: Your Multidimensional Sun

Blessed Ones, that you are! We are the Arcturians!

Message conveyed by Ute

March 4, 2012

It is probably not known to you, or at least only very few know, what these geomagnetic storms in reality are. You have all kinds of explanations for them, and they are mostly correct from your point of view. But they describe only an aspect of what is happening.

There are still a lot of mysteries which you and your mainstream scientists have not yet understood.

These magnetic storms are of course triggered by your sun’s activities, but there are still major gaps in your knowledge, regarding the sun’s functions and the reality of its consciousness, which is also the reason that there is so far not a valid name for it available to you.

As long as this mystery is not solved, you cannot know what electromagnetic storms really are, not just as described by your physicians, as you imagine them and the sun from a dualistic point of view, limited by a 3D leveled knowledge.

The true essence of the sun and of the solar winds and electromagnetic storms can only be rightly understood with a multidimensional consciousness, and this is also the reason, why you do not know the sun’s own inherent name, so that it seems to have, from your point of view, no distinct personality.

With a multidimensional consciousness the nature of personality is understood completely different. We encourage our channel to translate the information which we are now providing into your 3dimensional language.

The sun is a star, who is operative on many levels, and not only on yours. With levels we mean dimensions and parallel worlds. In other parallel worlds and dimensions your sun has satellites too, but they are inherently different planets, who orbit it. And planets who partially vibrate much higher than the ones in your solar system, and those who vibrate lower.

Because of its multidimensional nature the sun has many names in each of the dimensions, in which it functions. But they are always only limited to the specific point of view of each one of these dimensions.

If you look at your own multidimensional existence,  you will have a better understanding. Also you are vibrating differently in each dimension, and your relationships differ and so your names. But what is your own inherent name?

As above so below. Why should your sun function differently than you do.

As it is the sun’s task, for which it prepared for Millions of years, to catapult you and your familiar solar system into a higher dimension, and as  its present state, in which it appears to you, is only transitory, it has no permanent name therefore in your limited awareness. This is because you cannot yet understand your sun’s  true nature. Its face is, so to speak, constantly changing and is taking on the shape, according to who and in which parallel world and dimension somebody is observing it.

There are not many stars with this unique quality, but exactly these stars do not have a name in the conventional sense. This is so, so that your mind is not imploded on itself and  can “carry a hole” so that it can go through it  beyond the limitation of what is known to it.

And only planets like yours who play a special Divine Role in the universe are being associated with such a star. The unique role of your earth is to be an experiment for Divine Evolution. As such she goes through many phases and experimental challenges.

These stars are so called substations as required and they are always used where change is needed. Millions of years are in this context only a moment, while they are for you an unimaginable long period of time. You can only understand this if you allow several dimensions and realms simultaneously to exist, to be melted into a new Reality.

We ask you to use your intuition and to distance yourself from your linear mind and to allow paradoxes.

Now we continue with the solar winds and the geomagnetic disturbances on your earth.

What you consider as disturbance, is the inflow of the frequencies of other dimensions and parallel worlds through your sun, which evoke these fluctuations in your geomagnetic field. Because your bodies are calibrated to a specific geomagnetic field, they are not easy to bear. However the influx of these energies from other realms of the universe have been allowed, to break the cocoon of your long lasting onerous sleep open.

As you make assumptions solely based on a reality that appears to you in dual pairs, while you fence off other realities, not considering them in the united field of consciousness as being part of yours, but as “alien” influences, which is a sign of a missing unity consciousness, it makes it even more difficult for you to tolerate these influences, coming from “somewhere else”.

Consider the power of the mind, which creates the worlds. In your case it is deeply  imprinted in your mind and therefore also in your sensory apparatus that “different” and “unknown” is “disturbing” and “incompatible”.  With this you create per se already resistance and thereby a problem.

In addition there is the inflexibility of your body. The more it has shed limited and on separation based thought patterns and has assimilated light, the better it can tolerate different vibrations and states of being. Especially those coming from Divine realms and are not states of consciousness which have separated themselves from the Divine Unity Consciousness.

In this regard your thinking is usually mostly linear and conventional. But your familiar logic will not help you much to understand this subject. Therefore we recommend to strengthen your intuition and to utilize the deeper knowledge of your heart. This of course requires for many of you a certain practice.

With this information we wish to help you, to expand your consciousness regarding the disturbances you are experiencing at present on your earth, and to perceive things in a new and greater coherence. This is also goal and practice when you ascend to higher dimensions: to let go your previous field of imagination and to step up to a new platform of understanding, on which in the first place EVERYTHING is possible.

Creation is infinitely variable, and what appears to you as law, including your laws of physics, they appear to you as such as your mind works accordingly. When you expand your mind you will discover that your previous laws are not valid anymore and must be replaced by new ones, those who comply with your changed state of mind.

Of course, your confinement over Millenniums, accompanied by the manipulation of your DNA, has caused such limitation on your outlook. But as the walls of your prison are falling, also your horizon widens. We have given you this information in this context, so that with your expanded mind you can transcend what you have considered so far to be disturbing or felt even to be pathogenic for your body.

Alone your readiness to open your mind allows the newly incoming frequencies of light, which carry the codes of  your DNA awakening, to expand your consciousness substantially, and your capacity to recognize your Divine Purpose in the universe and to live it. Your readiness alone allows the new energies to immediately begin with their work.

Feel the fresh current of revival and awakening and allow the process to evolve from now on exponentially. Your ascension in  consciousness can thereby be accelerated in breathtaking speed.

You can recognize this possibility merely by the fact how much you have changed and evolved already in the last year.

We ask you to consider this information in the deep of your heart.

We are with you, we love you and support you, as always!

We are the Arcturians!

Copyright©. All rights reserved: Ute Posegga-Rudel, 2012
Sharing of this message is only allowed together with this information and without any changes. If you have questions, please contact me via Thank you.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Message From the Arcturians: The Dark Ones Are Defeated. Ascension NextMonth. Inner Earth Comes on the Surface!

Posted on October 12, 2011 by Jean

by Suzille | Stankov’s Universal Law Press
October 12 2011

Note from Gillian — I can only find this report on Stankov’s site though it is written by Suzanne Carroll (Multidimensions). As it is currently making the rounds I thought it prudent to publish it here.  As always, your discernment is advised.

Special Report

Dear Arcturians,

Please help me to understand my visions upon awakening this morning.

First I saw a huge Portal, which I will try to explain now. The middle of the Portal had a bright pink opening, with some energy coming out of it. The portal was a perfect circle with many colors radiating around the outside.

Then I hear something like, “It has begun, the war is over or IT is over.”

Then I saw people coming out of the top of something. It had a lid like the opening to a submarine and they had some kind of space suits or deep-sea diving suits on. I saw the first people of whom I knew would be many, and they had huge smiles on their faces and were all extremely happy.

My first impression upon seeing this image was that the ones, who were in the underground cities that the Illuminati created and had disappeared when the caves were destroyed were now coming to the surface for the first time in decades. I sensed that these people were coming up from deep underground and seeing the natural light of day for the first time in ages.

I feel like the “war” that is over is one that most people didn’t even know was being fought.

Dearest Suzille,

Yes, we did send you a message this morning for you to release to your readers and to put at the end of your next newsletter. The “cleaning up” of the dark’s ones errors is nearly complete and will be finished in time for the myriad Portal openings on 11.11.11.

These Portal openings will, of course, only be perceived by those who have volunteered to “see” them, and will perceived by each person according to their personal inclination. Because of the vast variety of inhabitants on Earth, it must always be this way. Furthermore, the cetaceans will be very instrumental in the Portal opening over the great oceans and vast waterways.

The opening of these Portals will not be frightening in the least for they resonate to the mid-fourth dimension and travel into the fifth. Therefore, only those who have recovered their multidimensional perceptions will even know they are there. We send this message to you so that you can dispense it via your communication systems. We know that you will do your best to replicate the vision of the Portal that you saw this morning.

Your impression about the people coming up from the ground was partially correct in that a large group of those who were once living in the dark ones’ underground caves/cities have recently escaped. It was a huge covert mission that everyone has been working on for quite some time now. Once, these people feel safe enough, and once enough people can tolerate the information that they will share, they will tell their story. This will likely be after the opening of the many Portals, as the flash of extremely high frequency light and love coming IN through these Portal will serve to awaken many who still sleep.

These Portals could not be opened before because their high frequency will immensely amplify the thoughts, emotions and multidimensional abilities of those who are able to perceive them. On the other hand, they will also amplify the fear and anger of those who do not want to give up a reality in which they could have power and control over others. It is for this later reason that we have delayed the opening of these Portals until next month. Finally, there is enough Light and Love to balance the fear that has been projected by the dark ones and accepted by the lost ones.

Some of our Lightworkers and members of the Planetary Ascension Team will be able to perceive and travel the inward movement of the opened Portals. On the other hand, those who are not, yet, prepared for that experience will gain the benefit of the expanded frequency of light and love streaming OUT from the opened Portals. Of course, many of this group will now even know what is happening, but that is “business as usual” for them. Those who cling tightly to the old ways of reality will soon be jarred from their complacency, but this will only happen in a loving manner. Conversely, many will be instantly activated into a higher frequency expression of themselves and not even know why.

As you have now assumed, those coming up form the bowels of the earth are not just the ones in the caves. Either after the Portals have opened and closed, or during the opening, many of the members of Inner Earth have volunteered to leave the safety of their higher fourth to fifth dimensional reality and lower their resonance in order to visit the surface of Gaia. If you tune in, you will feel their preparation now. They are to be the forerunners of our Disclosure and Landing, as they are Earth members just like the “top-siders.” You can see in your vision how happy they will be to meet their human family again. You thought of deep-sea divers because they will have to gradually adjust to your environment and will likely have to wear special suits until they have adapted.

As you are hearing now, these events will symbolize the splitting of the worlds between those who are ready to perceive the Truth and those are not. These perceptions are all at a frequency rate of the mid to upper fourth dimension and even onto the threshold of the fifth dimensions. It is for this reason, that we have asked you to take as many as possible through the process of going through our Arcturian Corridor.

As we have said, for most of the members of your reality, the Portals will open out into your physical reality to share their gift of multidimensional light and unconditional love. In order to travel into and through the Portals, you will need to totally surrender to your Multidimensional SELF who can easily find the inward passage and remember the fine art of Portal travel. One of the many secrets that has been kept from the masses is that your military has been using Stargates, human made Portals, for decades. Furthermore, one of the many patents that will soon be released is the small Transportation Portals that will end the burden of travel and make every destination just a few minutes away.

Some that may read this information will view it all impossible. Fortunately, those ones will not be frightened by these events as their attachment to the old and their fear of the new will restrain their consciousness to a level in which they will not be able to perceive these events. We remind you all that the fifth dimension is not some “place” far away or high above. Fifth dimensional New Earth is right HERE—NOW but it resonates to a frequency that cannot by perceived by third dimensional perceptions. We urge you all to trust your “imagination” and believe in the messages from your “dreams” for dreams are your fourth dimensional experiences and your imagination is your fifth dimensional thought.

As you awaken to and travel through the many Portals, allow yourself to remember everything that you have learned through out the process of your awakening and listen with your High Heart. Allow the information to come in through your Crown, perceive it with your opened Third Eye and understand the meaning of your perceptions within your High Heart. In this manner, you are protected from any phenomena, which may frighten you and lower your resonance. Within the safety of this protection, you can “stay the course” of your experience with unconditional love and blissful joy.

Saturday, September 03, 2011

The Lord of Arcturus Golden Skin Technology By Dr Joshua David Stone

The Lord of Arcturus Golden Skin Technology By Dr Joshua David Stone

Posted by indianinthemachine on August 31, 2011 @

The Lord of Arcturus Golden Skin Technology

By Dr Joshua David Stone

The Lord of Arcturus and the Arcturians have the ability to use their Advanced Light Computers to place a golden layer of light skin around your entire body! It is better than the best facial or treatment on earth you can do for your skin! The golden Christ Energy melds into our third dimensional skin and pours giving it a radiance and health unsurpassed in this world! It is all there for asking! However, the law of free choice states that Spiritual being and Christed extraterrestrial terrestrials cannot give forth their gifts unless they are requested! So I say again, ask and pray for their help in this specific capacity and you will see you will love it! So let it be written! So let it be done! Amen!

Subject: Using The Technology Of Arcturus On Your Skin Meditation!
The Lord of Arcturus Golden Skin Technology!
By Dr Joshua David Stone

The Lord of Arcturus and the Arcturians have the ability to use their
Advanced Light Computers to place a golden layer of light skin around
your entire body! It is better than the best facial or treatment on
earth you can do for your skin! The golden Christ Energy melds into our
third dimensional skin and pours giving it a radiance and health
unsurpassed in this world! It is all there for asking! However, the law
of free choice states that Spiritual being and Christed extraterrestrial
terrestrials cannot give forth their gifts unless they are requested! So
I say again, ask and pray for their help in this specific capacity and
you will see you will love it! So let it be written! So let it be done!

In my discussions with the Lord of Arcturus he told me about a
particularly rather interesting Light Technology which is done through
their Light Computers! It is called the Arcturian Light Infusion
Technology! The way it works is if you have any place in your physical
body that needs healing, you can call to the Lord of Arcturus and
request this specific "Light Infusion Technology" for that place in your
physical body or for your entire physical body if you prefer, and
Arcturian advanced light computers will very precisely infuse that
particular and specific area of the physical body you request with
light! It really works and is an invaluable tool in your healing tool
kit! Try it, you will like it! So let it be written! So let it be done!
Amen! Copyright © 2004 Dr Joshua David Stone. All Rights Reserved.


Tuesday, August 23, 2011

ARCTURIAN CORRIDOR - Your Multidimensional Reality - Inter-dimensionalCommunication

ARCTURIAN CORRIDOR - Your Multidimensional Reality - Inter-dimensional Communication

Channeler: Suzan Caroll Ph.D

August, 2011
Arcturian CORRIDOR
Your Multidimensional Reality

Inter-dimensional Communication

Blessings to our grounded ones,

We meet once again inside our Arcturian Corridor. As a result of our many inter-dimensional meetings, you have learned to incorporate our Corridor into your consciousness. Consequently, you no longer imagine our Corridor as being far away or high above. Instead, you KNOW that it is a component of your ever-expanding multidimensional consciousness. Because of this, we wish to instruct you regarding the many qualities of your Multidimensional Consciousness. First, we will tell you about your innate ability to communicate inter-dimensionally.

In preparation for this instruction, we are providing you with a map of the many dimensions of reality. Remember that you are ALL Multidimensional Beings who simultaneously exist on many frequencies of experience. Furthermore, all your many expressions of your SELF exist within the NOW of the ONE. It is only in the third and fourth dimensions and threshold to the fifth dimensions, that you perceive yourself as holding a form that appears to be separate from others. From the mid-fifth dimensions and up, you remember that all of life is connected, like individual drops in a Cosmic Sea, and you can easily observe the molecules of life that connect you.


As you begin to consciously communicate with and travel to the higher dimensional realities, it important to have an overview of the many frequencies of reality:


The twelfth and eleventh dimensions are the Stellar, Galactic and Universal Elohim.
The tenth and ninth dimensions are the Solar Elohim.
The eighth dimension is the Planetary Logos.
The seventh dimension is the Oversoul.
The sixth dimension is the Divine Matrix for the lower worlds.
The fifth dimension represents the return to Multidimensional Consciousness.
The fourth dimension represents physical Earth’s Aura/Dream-world.
The first through third dimensions represent the Physical World.


Since your consciousness has been within our Arcturian Corridor, you can more easily understand the presence of realities vastly different from your physical world. The concept of individuality, strongest on the third dimension, diminishes somewhat in the fourth dimension, and is a choice in the lower fifth dimension. By the mid-octaves of the fifth dimension, individuality exists within the unity Multidimensional Consciousness, and separate individuality is known only as the lives you live in the lower worlds. The sixth dimension is the matrix for all possible realities, whereas the seventh dimensional Oversoul oversees the many Souls and Soul Groups that have chosen to take myriad forms in the realities of the third through fifth dimensions. By the eighth through tenth dimensions, forms are expressed as planets, solar systems and galaxies.


You on Earth first began as twelfth dimensional Stellar Elohim who were, and still are, ONE with the Source. Elohim are the holders of form in the Multiverse, and the Stellar Elohim is likened to a Great, Great, Great Grandparent. This Elohim “Grandfather” wished to expand its family, so it sent many portions of itself out into the multiverse to experience life in the myriad lower worlds and dimensions. This process of fragmentation is much like a Star spinning out planets to encircle it. Since there is no separation, from the perception of the twelfth dimension every experience that each fragment of SELF has is a portion of the Elohim’s experience.


Gaia, a Being who has evolved to such an expanded consciousness that only a planet could contain it, shares ALL its experience with Sol, the Sun.
The Sun, a being with such an expanded consciousness that only a star could hold it, shares all its experience with the Great Central Sun.
The Great Central Sun, a being with such an expanded consciousness that only a galaxy can hold it, shares all its experience with the Stellar Elohim who is the “grandfather” of that Galaxy.
The Stellar Elohim, however, is actually more than a star. It is the generator of stars, galaxies and universes. Therefore, instead of spinning out planets, it spins out stars, galaxies and universes.
The Stellar Elohim, who is the Grandparent of our Galaxy, shares all its experience with the Stellar Elohim of the Local Universe.
The Stellar Elohim of the Local Universe shares all its experience with Source.
All of these Elohim represent the merging of Spirit into matter to create the illusion of physical form. Elohim, as “holders of form,” are the matrix through which the “un-manifest” can become “manifest.” Your Bible says, “In the beginning was the Word”; the Elohim are “the Word,” or the matrix of sound that traps cosmic light into manifestation.
The Stellar Elohim spins out Star systems and the core of each star system is the Solar Elohim.
The Solar Elohim vibrates to the ninth dimension and spins out planets to be overseen by the eighth dimensional Planetary Logos.
The Planetary Logos works directly with the seventh dimensional Oversouls to oversee the beings who will eventually take on form within the Planets.
The Oversoul is the Soul’s Soul, and it is responsible for all its Souls that inhabit all of the lower dimensional worlds, realities and planets. Once the Oversoul spins off Souls, it acts as a guide to these Souls.
The Souls, in turn, act as guides to their incarnated ones. Just as every Stellar Elohim has many galaxies, and the Solar Elohim has many solar systems, the Oversoul has many Souls and the Souls have many realities incarnated in the fifth through third dimension.
The fifth dimension functions in terms of incarnated beings.
The sixth dimension functions in terms of possible realities.
The seventh dimensional Oversoul functions in terms of Souls.
The eighth through tenth dimensions function in terms of solar systems.
And the eleventh and twelfth, also combined, function in terms of galaxies.


Just as the Oversoul assists in raising the awareness of its many Souls, it also raises its own awareness by downloading portions of its SELF from dimensions above the seventh. When an Oversoul decides that it is ready to expand its consciousness, it calls its Multidimensional SELF and asks for an emissary from the planes higher than the seventh to assist it in its ascension process. Thus, Solar and Stellar Elohim respond to the calls of their Oversouls on the seventh dimension. The Oversoul for the beings of Earth has made that call because, along with its Souls in the lower worlds, it is ascending to a higher frequency.
The Arcturian Stellar and Solar Elohim are very receptive to this call, as it is their Mission to maintain the Arcturian Inter-dimensional Corridor into and out of the third/fourth dimension. Stellar and Solar Elohim from Sirius and the Pleiades also respond to calls from Gaia and Her Oversoul, as they were especially active in the original “star seeding” of Earth. These Elohim spun portions of their being into their Oversouls. From the seventh dimension, the Oversouls then sent portions of their Being into the fifth dimension where they were prepared to be lowered into the fourth dimension, to await entrance onto third dimensional Earth.
Remember that separation from the ONE is an illusion. This illusion only exists in the lower worlds of the third and fourth dimension. It is the belief in this separation that holds the matrix of the physical hologram in place. When the belief in separation is released, you fully remember your true, Multidimensional SELF who is infinitely connected with the ONE. It is through this connection that you can regain your innate ability of inter-dimensional travel and communication.


We of the Galactic Federation are the higher dimensional expressions of your Multidimensional SELF. Hence, we are your Galactic SELF and your Galactic Family. Long before your written history we lived and/or visited on planet Earth. Hence, in many ways we are your ancestors. There are some on Earth now who are not in our evolution, but they, too, shall return to their source Homeworld at the time of Planetary Ascension. Those who still serve the old ways of Service-to-Self will be returned to the timelines on their Homeworld where the frequency of Service-to-Self still exists. However, this old pattern of selfish separatism will not be able to join the increasingly higher frequency expression of the Milky Way Galaxy. All of us, our entire Galaxy, are moving into a higher octave of expression.

In other words, the third and fourth dimensions are becoming the fifth dimension. The fifth dimensional worlds are becoming sixth dimensional, and the sixth dimensional worlds are returning to their Oversouls in the seventh dimension. The seventh dimensional Oversouls are releasing their need for form and moving into the next octave of the eighth through tenth dimensions. Furthermore those of the eighth through tenth dimensions are returning to the Source of the eleventh and twelfth dimensions. In the dimensions beyond the seventh, form is unnecessary and the dimensions intermingle like the molecules of your air.

We see that many of you have ventured your consciousness into the sixth dimension to assist Gaia and her inhabitants by healing weakened areas of the sixth dimensional Divine Matrix. We also see how you have integrated your service to Planetary Ascension into your daily life. Do you see what spectacular Beings of multidimensional light and unconditional love you are? We wish to applaud you all for your contributions to the process of personal and planetary ascension. As Gaia ascends, those who can match Her resonance will ascend along with Her to experience the rare phenomena of unified, personal and planetary, ascension.

In preparation for your great moment of ascension, which approaches quickly with the glory of hope, the bliss of love and the power of light, we would like to talk more merging with the higher dimensional expressions of your great, Multidimensional SELF. Via this merging, you will be able to meet your primary Galactic expressions of SELF with whom you will share your process of ascension. We say “primary expression,” for you have many higher dimensional expressions of your SELF on myriad planets, galaxies and dimensions. Many of us in the Federation have sent a spark of our Light into a physical form to assist with the planetary ascension. As we can connect with our grounded expressions, we can assist that version of our SELF, as well as have a personal experience of the momentous event of Planetary Ascension.

Preparing for Ascension 3
Merging With Your SELF


Greetings, we, the Arcturians, wish to assist you to return to the seventh dimension. Once you resonate to that frequency, you can connect and merge with your Galactic SELF who has volunteered to be your primary guide during the process of Planetary Ascension. To begin, we ask you to visualize the Arcturian Corridor around and within you.
Feel how the Corridor vibrates to the fifth dimension as you merge with the consciousness of all those who share the Unity of our Corridor.

As you allow the unconditional love of our Corridor, you gradually merge your consciousness with the sixth dimensional Divine Matrix of Earth. Take a moment to share your unconditional love and multidimensional light with this Matrix.
The power of unconditional love initiates your entrance into your seventh dimensional Oversoul.
Feel how the frequency of the Corridor has expanded. Gradually, your perceptions adapt to this vibration enough for you to meet with the member of the Galactic Federation with whom you shall merge your consciousness.
Take a moment to listen with your clairaudience, see with your clairvoyance and sense with your clairsentience to better commune with your Galactic Star Family.

Allow the specific Galactic Being who has volunteered to be your personal ascension guide to merge with your consciousness.
This Being is a higher expression of your Multidimensional SELF.
Relax into the calm of unconditional love as this Galactic Being opens and enters your High Heart, infusing your consciousness with unconditional light.

Accept the radiance of this Being’s multidimensional light as it enters your opened Crown and Third Eye.
Messages from the higher dimensions enter your Opened Third Eye (your Crown and Brow Chakras working as ONE), but the meaning of that message is perceived through your High Heart. It is through your High Heart that you and your higher expressions of SELF can bond into ONE. As a result of your bonding, you can receive messages of light and love.
The reason why your High Heart is the translator for your inter-dimensional messages is because it holds your ATMA, your Threefold Flame of Wisdom, Power and Love.

The inner Flame of Wisdom assists you in recognizing the expressions of your Multidimensional SELF.
The inner Flame of Power allows you in accepting the extremely high-frequency transmission.
And your inner Flame of Love allows you to merge with and accept your own Wisdom and Power.
The unconditional love of the higher worlds is the bonding force of the universe, which creates a deeper and deeper bond between you and your higher-frequency expressions of SELF. This inter-dimensional bond allows your higher expressions of SELF to view your inner vocabulary. In this manner, your Higher SELF can choose words that will assist you in better understanding their inter-dimensional communications. This understanding is still a challenge, as higher dimensional communication from beyond time and space come in all at once in a single moment. It then becomes your challenge to connect with the Light Language of these messages and then to translate them into your third dimensional language.


Before we continue, we wish to take a moment to tell you more abut Light Language. Light Language is the product of light and sound resonating to a correlate frequency spectrum. We say “spectrum” because light and sound are measured differently on your world. However, in our world there is no sound as you know it. We are all telepathic and empathic, so words are not important. However, we deeply enjoy art forms created by the interplay of light and sound. In fact, wonderful art forms are fashioned by the inter-play of light and sound. Basically, light does not have a form. “In the beginning was the Word,” means that sound is the key to create a form to enclose and surround light. One of these forms is Light Language. The air that you exhale also has no form. However, as you exhale and change the articulators of your mouth (tongue, palate, mouth, etc.), a sound is created. When you were a baby, these sounds had no form, as you could not yet control your articulators. Then, as you were maturing you observed your parents to learn how to create words with the “raw material” of sound and the way you moved your articulators. We will return at a later date to tell you more about the creation of form via sound. For now, we wish to stay focused on our brief discussion of Light Language. If you were to place sand on a copper plate and put a tuning fork underneath and touching that plate, the sand would form an image that looks much like a Sanskrit image. This image is the result of the combination of the creative powers of sound creating form. Light Language looks much like the forms that are created in the sand by the tone of the tuning fork. This light then drifts into your High Heart, which carries the memories of all the Wisdom, Power and Love of your Multidimensional SELF. Your Multidimensional SELF can easily communicate via telepathy and empathy and receives the message as an “inner knowing.” If you are to translate this message into your spoken/written language, you will need to send the inner knowing back into the language area of your brain, but it must be the language areas of both the right and left hemispheres. The message is understood in your High Heart as an emotion, which is your right hemisphere. Therefore, in order to put this emotion into words, you will need to share these emotions with the language area of your left hemisphere. Through this whole brain thinking you can express the feeling you have received in the correlate words. On the other hand, it takes great practice to translate complicated light messages into words. In fact, many of you will not. Instead, you will translate our messages into beautiful pictures, music, dance, actions and many forms of creative projects. It is only those who are to be the teachers that need to complete many years of study to be able to translate our messages into words. Fortunately, the energies of Earth are much higher now and this type of training is no longer necessary. You are now all regaining your multidimensional skills of telepathy, empathy, clairvoyance, clairaudience, and other expanded perceptions. Thus, when you commune with us, the members of the higher dimensions, you do not need to understand us via your outdated earth language, as you can use your expanded perceptions. We wish to say that we, the members of the Galactic Federation, are ready to communicate directly with our grounded ones. Therefore, we visit you now to assist you to consciously communicate with us. We say “consciously” because we have many conversations with your dream body that you forget once you wake up. It is the remembering of your innate ability to commune with the higher frequency expressions of your Multidimensional SELF that signals your readiness for ascension. Therefore, we ask you, our grounded ones, to believe that you have the ability to receive and translate the messages that we are sending you via the multidimensional light and unconditional love that is constantly entering your reality. Let us now review and expand upon what we have said by giving you this exercise:

Using your imagination, which is your fifth dimensional thought, see our symbols of Light Language as they enter your Crown and opened Third Eye.

Observe these symbols as they float into your High Heart.
Feel the sudden burst of unconditional love as you do so.
Surrender to that feeling in order to create our empathic link.
Feel our unconditional love, so that you can open your mind and heart to our messages.
Relax now and trust. Trust yourself. Trust the experience. Trust the process.
This trust may be more difficult than you think. We have found that many of our grounded ones with whom we try to communicate cannot trust our process of communication or their ability to hear us. Often they have thoughts such as, “This is crazy.” “I am just imagining this.” “I cannot imagine why any ascended being would ever want to talk to me,” These fear-based thoughts represent the remnants of myriad lifetimes of third dimensional indoctrination finally being released into your conscious mind. Furthermore, for millennia Earth has resonated to a very low frequency, which allowed the implementation of many rules of domination. It was common practice to judge a channel of our Galactic Voice as being crazy, being a fake, or in some way demeaning the channel so that he or she would not be believed. The leaders of Earth did not want to be challenged by a higher power and stopped anyone who dared to speak a truth outside of their limited doctrines and perspectives. Therefore, those who heard our voice learned to be very selective with whomever they shared our message.


Regaining your own power of multidimensional communication breaks through this mental domination. However, first, your emotional discomfort must be released, as it is a great distraction and lowers your consciousness. Brainwashing and all forms of mental domination can only work if there is fear. Love creates a sense of equality and self-worth that disallows the fear and doubt that is vital for mental domination to be effective. Furthermore, love activates your multidimensional consciousness, which can instantly connect you to your higher expressions of SELF. From that higher perspective, you have far more wisdom, power and love than anyone who would have the low-frequency desire to dominate another being in any way. Now, with our preamble completed, we ask you again to see the Light Language entering your opened third Eye. Feel the light and illumination of this message, as well as the love, as this message drifts down into your High Heart. It is now vital that you trust your Multidimensional SELF and trust that this experience is real. In fact, this experience of communing with the higher dimensions is more real than any and all components of your third dimensional reality. You have always had the ability to communicate with us, but your many incarnations of third dimensional brainwashing have made you forget that fact. Fortunately as the resonance of Earth is rising, more and more humans are remembering this latent ability. As people engage in inter-dimensional communication and share their experiences with others, it will become normal. Of course, the term normal is changing every day because all that was once normal is becoming obsolete, and all that was labeled as crazy is becoming normal. We will now repeat this process step by step without explanation so that you can receive an exercise to assist you in your personal practice.

Remember, inorder to receive a message from a higher dimensional expression of your SELF, you need to take a moment of meditation and expand your consciousness to embrace the fifth dimension and beyond.
As you enter this higher consciousness, allow your self to experience the light and love of the expressions of your Multidimensional SELF that greets you. Feel the power of unconditional love creating a bonding between you and your higher expression of SELF.
Take a moment and allow yourself to remember other times in your life in which you have experienced this deep inner love. As you review these moments, remember to validate these experiences and know that they were real.
When you feel comfortable enough to commune with the higher dimensions, relax and allow your mind to go blank. Discipline your mind to be free of thoughts of your physical world, so that you can better embrace the experience of being in a higher dimensional reality with a member of your Multidimensional SELF.

As you surrender to this experience, you may feel heat, a sense of love, and a glow as the multidimensional energy transfers from your Higher SELF into your earth vessel.
You may even then perceive illumined forms of Light Language as they float into your awareness. Allow this flow of information to travel into your Crown and opened Third Eye and float down into your High Heart, which is between your Heart Chakra and your Throat Chakra.

Take a long moment to feel the bonding of your third dimensional self with your higher Galactic or Celestial SELF. Initially, you may wish to keep your eyes closed and type on a computer or write with your eyes half-opened. Allow yourself to trust whatever message comes into your mind. If your thoughts are different from what your hands are writing, follow the information coming from your hands. Your mind is used to lying, but your hands express the energy coming from your heart.
When you receive the information, do not be concerned about spelling, grammar, or format. Initially, allow yourself to just receive the information. It is best that you follow the flow of the information and go back later to edit it.
We have given this information to you, our grounded ones, so that you can better communicate with your higher dimensional expressions of SELF. These higher expressions of your third dimensional self are members of your Galactic and Celestial family. We have always been able to communicate with the grounded expressions of our multidimensional being. However, upon entering the 3D Game, most of our grounded expressions forget their natural abilities. You likely remembered some of your ability when you were a child, but “adults” told you that your experiences were not real and you should grow up and be “normal.” We want you to realize that your ability to communicate with all the expressions of your Multidimensional SELF is completely normal. In fact, it is a sign that you have “grown up” enough to remember your SELF. In closing, we wish to tell you that you are entering into a momentous time of transformation in which all of your multidimensional reality will be easily available for you to experience. Just as you may call a friend who lives in an area that you would like to visit, you can call us, your Galactic Family, before you take an inter-dimensional vacation. We will tell you all the best places to visit and the most wonderful things to do. We keep a line open for you always. We are never “too busy” to respond. We are multidimensional and are available for infinite experiences within the NOW of the ONE. Your Galactic Family

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Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Message from the Arcturians

Message from the Arcturians

by Angel and Faery Guidance by Jojo on Monday, July 18, 2011 at 7:13pm

We come to you today dear brothers and sisters of the stars to guide and support in relation to UNITY and heart centred life experience. We are the Arcturians and once more we give love and blessings to this channel for stepping aside so that this message may be brought to all across the planet earth. For many channels a new energy that comes in can be confusing and many channels are not following their heart and putting trust and faith in the messages they are bringing through. Dear ones we guide that if you “usually” channel a certain energy and another steps forward then please check with your heart as to what is happening. We guide strongly that over the coming weeks more energies will step forward through different channels. WE do this to show the UNITY that human consciousness is moving towards and to bring further evidence if you will that WE ARE ONE.

It is important that many begin to live through their hearts and detach from mind centred life experience. As the energies begin to increase once more across the planet then illusion will seek to teach the lessons of lack, of fear and of the end. Dear ones we guide most strongly to detach from the mind life experience, the mind cannot process emotion and it is through the emotion that you will discern TRUTH. Many have been using the phraseology of the new age and we guide that for many this is also the path they walk but for many others it is not. We guide you to look at why you would speak the words but not FEEL them. It is vital that grounding and that FEELing take priority in the human life experience, as the energies shift and multi dimensionality becomes more and more anchored in your energy system it will become more and more vital that you live through your heart. If this is not done then many of you will descend into chaos. Chaos is where illusion sits dear ones, for not being in your heart centre means that you cannot FEEL. Illusion can also talk the words of the new age, many walk in illusion at the moment. We guide you to move from the mind back into the heart.

There is not quick fix dear ones, there is no way to bypass the work that needs to be done at this time within the human heart. There is no way to anchor the new energies and create the life that is in UNITY with the rest of consciousness if you do not do the work of clearing. For many across the planet it is this clearing that is causing much distress. We guide strongly that to fall into illusion and to try to hang on to that which no longer serves is the distress, moving into the heart, allowing the LOVE that IS to flow will take you out of distress. We fully acknowledge the depth of illusion and strength of teaching around this and we note that many will not be able to move through this at any speed at all.

We guide now on the ascension process and what it means and what it does not mean. We do this to further guide and support ALL across the planet earth. Many are still engaged in competition and we guide strongly for ALL to detach from these teachings. These are illusion at its strongest, to find yourself in competition with another human or find yourself in a situation where you battle against anothers will is to fall into illusion. We guide you to take the word UNITY into the silence and allow your heart to show you the truth. Many are still misled by illusion and believe that when they move to 5D living that it will all be over, there will be no further work to do and that the world will turn into heaven. We guide against attaching to this teaching dear ones for it has the edge of illusion to it. It brings you out of the NOW and moves your focus, that is a teaching of illuson dear ones. Remember the illusion can voice the words of the new age, however illusion cannot show the FEELing of the new age, that is the reason we guide on heart centred living. Whilst it is easy to use smoke and mirrors and talk the talk it is not so easy to pretend the emotion. For many use smoke and mirrors with other humans trying to hide the fact that they still live from the seeds of fear. We guide you dear ones that if you are triggered by our words then you have seeds of fear within you.

Across the planet the truth will be revealed to each human in turn. Moving into your heart will reveal the illusion and its teaching at greater and greater depths. Those who have made the decision for whatever reason not to embrace full heart centred living will be shown as who they are. It can be no other way dear ones, UNITY is the focus of heart centred living, one cannot live in UNITY and hold fear. It is not possible the vibrations of the two are so different they cannot co exist.

We guide those who are triggered on reading our words to look within, what is it that stops you from truly BEing? What is it that promotes the fear within your BEing? What stops you from moving into the heart? Illusion will teach the heart is full of pain and we guide you strongly to detach from this teaching. The heart will take you out of pain dear ones , for the heart is your compass of truth. Only your heart has connection to source and to all other realms, for you connect via your heart to ALL.

ALL are awaiting the connection, for this connection to be strong and to be pure the heart has to be open. Many humans across the planet are not living with open hearts and we guide that this is due to seeds of fear that are sometimes found but not weeded out. Once more we guide that when you feel yourself triggered it is not enough to simply acknowlege there is fear within your BEing, you must go within and take out those seeds of fear or they will begin to germinate. This is an ongoing process dear ones and there is no end to this. It is a constant weeding out of fear for many humans as the layers are deep. It is not written how long this process must continue for it is individual, if timescales are mentioned dear ones then please process with your heart. It is not possible to put general timescales on something that is individual.


We guide strongly that for many lightworkers there may be confusion as the life path they have created has now changed dramatically. Many have fallen deep into illusion as the fear of what will happen to them has triggered those seeds. We guide you to go within dear ones and sit with the silence. The path your create is from your heart, nothing is written in stone, this is not about following dear ones it is about creating. The responsibility for YOUr life rests with YOU. This is not about waiting for the universe to show you the next step for only YOU can show YOU the next step. That is done through connection to the heart. Only when you are in heart centred living will you be able to see the path illuminate for you.


The universe will support and guide you dear ones but the decisions of who YOU are and WHAT you are is individual. Once more we guide around labels and containment. Many who are working in the field of healing are continuing to define themselves and we guide you to detach from this teaching. To define is to contain, the ascension process is all about growth and expansion not containment and labels. ENERGY just IS dear ones, please accept this truth, process through your heart and live that truth. Illusion will seek to teach it must be labelled and have rules and regulations and be defined and we guide you to look closely at this teaching. WHY? Why would it be defined ? who does this serve? Does working with energy with no rules or regulations bring fear up for you? If so why? Why would there be fear in working with LOVE?

These questions may be taken into the silence dear ones, for another human cannot answer on this. For the answer is YOUr truth, only YOU know what fear you hold deep within YOUr BEing as only YOU have experience YOUr life journey. Do you understand our words and our meaning?


For too long illusion has taught separation and abdication of responsibility and now we guide the time has come to detach from this. If you allow another human BEing to trigger fear within YOU then it is not the fault of the human who triggered it, for the responsibility of that FEELing rest with YOU. Do you see our meaning ?


We are the ARCTURIANS and we will guide more in due course through various channels. If you are reading our words and you channel then please process our words through your hearts. If a new energy steps forward for you to channel then process this and ask the questions you need to ask. We are in UNITY dear ones, separation teachings must be detached from. Human consciousness will continue to heighten but we guide that UNITY must be understood from the heart. Move into your heart will enable you to understand our words at a much deeper level for the human mind cannot fully understand emotion, that was not the purpose of its creation.

We once more send love and blessings to this channel for her trust and faith in our words. We are the ARCTURIANS, we are your brothers and sisters from the stars. ALL ARE ONE.



Channeler: Karen Doonan

Source: Angel and Faery Guidance by Jojo