RA KESH @RAKMEiSTER 22:54 ~RAKMEiSTER [ Journey - Don't Stop Believin' (Wolf SPirit Radio) ] http://s1.voscast.com:8040/ [ 00:17 ][ 64THz|44KHz ] Andrew Bartzis
listening To Andrew Bartzis's show.he good.. he is. http://www.wolfspiritradio.com/main/listen/ #water yes even for me. Powered by self-regeneration bluelunarhand its.all.connected pic.twitter.com/ncHgjq1j
Rakmeister राकईश
Day of Synchronisity Yep - http://goo.gl/nt9M3 now I tea. Laugh=
good 2 past present future, reassess wave shock swarm EQ- Vision-quest Black Panther Grey owl Great White lion
hahah #Gif #THE HAMBURGLAR #Queue http://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lznwu3zeRx1r9652ro1_400.gif #hahaha rara
0808 and black panther wakes me up2. and forgot top press enter also haha. cheers martijn xd.
I AM the Truth that Spans the Sands of Time, I Am Prayer* http://www.azuritepress.com/music/VowtotheIAM.MP3 #RA #SDM #XD