Showing posts with label Planet. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Planet. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 05, 2013

Ascension Whispers: Costumes - Masks - The Play of Life: 3-2-13

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Costumes - Masks - The Play of Life:

Most likely you have heard the phrase, "The World is a stage and each must play a part". Indeed, that is exactly what the game of life entails.

As you go about your busy life, do you allow awareness of the many different characters you are portraying within the play of life on Earth? Most do not. Very few hold any awareness that they are playing character roles in a play.

The distortions that have existed for so long within the Earth reality field, the program of control and the amnesia the entire population have experienced has allowed life on Earth to become a serious faced drama. A drama that holds thought patterns similar to, "it's a dog eat dog world out there". This distorted drama quickly forces the entire population into "survival mode".

What can you possibly do to begin healing such a massive size drama? Another planetary held phrase, "Become part of the solution instead of part of the problem". It really is as simple as that but the characters you are currently snared into playing may it find quite challenging to discover new script lines. From the view point of being snared within the drama, the distortion can seem to be so overwhelming that a starting point cannot be seen.

Many feel the desire and need for positive changes to occur within the Earth drama but may feel they do not have a voice or the power to bring about positive changes. These type of feelings emerge as a result of the disempowerment that has occurred on Earth. Unlike the ant who carries no thought limitations, the human population feels limitation no matter where they look.

Beyond the fact of the truth that the required amount of Source energy must be available to allow anything to heal, a major step into healing begins through education. The old saying which speaks about feeding the masses by teaching them to how to feed themselves still very much applies today.

The individual system structures that allow the "Play of Life" to be a play are all systems based on the fallen race reality model. Thought patterns that have been seeded within the Earth reality field to puppet people to "think" they have great thoughts and ideas of how a planetary system should work. People play their role within the "systems" to keep things moving along but most of them think they are working toward higher goals and expressions. They have no clue what is really going on or why they make the decisions and have the thoughts they do. There are some in positions of power who do know the truth but greed and the desire for power are very strong motivational tools for those who are easily controlled.

It feels like it is a dog eat dog world because the fallen system model is designed to steal energy which literally means sucking the life force from life forms that carry it. Such systems are not put in place over night but have been carefully seeded to grow and expand within the Earth reality field through many generations via people who are coded to such programs that allow them to be easily controlled.

When an entire planet forgets they are Source embodied, they instantly become powerless and prime targets of control. What changes do you think might occur within the Earth reality field if more people than not could remember they are Source embodied? If that occurred, what would happen to things like organized religion, governments, academic programs, health care, economics, substance abuse, the legal systems and world management teams? They would all begin to deteriorate very quickly. How many people on planet today realize that the entire system is still based on the what was in place during the Roman Empire? Technology may seem to have changed the world but very little positive change has occurred.

There have been and continue to be many up risings, many battles fought on planet Earth for hundreds of thousands of years as a result of those who desire to free themselves from the control they are snared within. Many life forms have continued to incarnate on planet Earth over and over carrying the same desire within them for healing, freedom and balance and as soon as they embody the distortion they once again become disempowered. Battles, fighting, wars and continued killing will not heal the issues of the Earth reality field. This should be obvious to the people of planet Earth after so very long a time of continued destruction. Wars and killing have occurred for so long on planet Earth that no one holds memory of who, where, what or why the original problems are. That does not stop people from quickly finding their believed enemy though. They have no clue the portrayed enemy they seek lives within them and continue to use their energy to feed the enemy and allow it to grow stronger and continue to populate the planet.

Planet Earth is the one who suffers the most through the raging battles that continue to be played out within her. Yes, within her! It may currently be perceived as external from planet Earth, you may currently perceive yourself as external from planet Earth and sitting on top of her but the reality is that the entire Earth reality field and everything that appears to be external from the planet is occurring "within" the planets energetic anatomy. You perceive it as external because that is what is shinning forth on the movie screen of the play to view. Regardless, Earth continues to play her role of creating the stage for the life forms it hosts to have an arena to play their drama within.

It is not possible for you to "over throw" the powers that be that keep the distorted reality field shinning forth. It is quite true that "two wrongs never make a right". Negative energy added to negative energy will always create stronger negative energy. Both negative and positive energy are required to allow manifestation to occur. The secret within polarities of energy is "balance". The balance point is where the smooth sailing experiences reside. Something that is not working cannot be replaced until something else is created to take its place. If a system structure should simply disappear and nothing was there to take its place, then the entire structure would start to crumble. If you desire to experience a system structure that is more in balance with Source, then you must first co-create it. One person cannot do such things alone but you are not one person, you are part of a whole and together you can co-create things you have yet to imagine.

Education into truth is the only way to begin healing systems such as yours that are expressing a critical mass of imbalance and is why so much effort continues to be applied by Krystic races in a desire to assist as much as possible without interfering with free will choice. Such assistance has never been and never will be with the intention of creating more division, separation or fighting. This is important to remain aware of as you encounter those on your planet who call themselves spiritual leaders. Spiritual growth can be assisted by messengers, it does not require leaders. The masses are the ones who "appoint" their leaders as a result of disempowerment.

The masses have been brain washed into believing they are helpless, sinful, lowly life forms not worthy of anything let alone the love of Source. This is a major reason why the life experiences require you to adorn so many different masks and costumes in a desire to fit in, find love on the outside and not be considered an outcast by other people. When you choose to allow what others think determine who you are, then you are allowing others to create your personal experiences for you. Sometimes being yourself means standing as one with yourself and no one else but you are never alone as Source is always standing with you.

What masks and costumes do you step into every day of your life? Business/Professional, Best Friend, Parent, Rock Star / Movie Star / Pro Athlete, Political Figure, Law Enforcer, Teacher, Healer. Why do you choose to wear the masks you do and play the roles you do? Only you would know the answer to such a question but perhaps such a question would allow you to stop and think about the why and if your character roles are supporting your desires for healing. Think about the many costumes you put on every day of your life and step into your role of the play and recite your lines perfectly.

Yes, life on Earth is indeed a play and one that has continued to be reran for hundreds of thousands of years. You are the only one who can write a new script with new lines and choose new character parts and costumes. You will not be told what you should do, think and Be as you have free will to decide for yourself. If you desire to experience change that will support the whole into healing, return balance and freedom, then it can only start with you.

You have been gifted with a brand new screen book to support anything you would like to write. What will you choose? What will the story line be? Could it include the Loving Joy of Source? Could it include remembering how to Allow, Express as much as Source as possible every given moment, offering your neighbor a helping hand, teaching your children truth and how to co-exist in a reality where untruth exists. Perhaps boycotting things that you know are making your environment ill? How can you reach out in your community and share the love of Source? Can you allow yourself to do such while honoring others current belief systems? Perhaps you are currently stuck for ideas on where to begin. Perhaps grabbing a paper and pen and simply begin outlining your vision of a balanced reality would assist you. The answers to all of these questions are YES! You are Source embodied and you can accomplish anything you desire. Each person carries their piece to apply to the new script. Will you turn someone away because they might not fall in line with your current thoughts and beliefs? If so, then you would be missing a very important piece.

Do you know what brings about the highest possible response in any given situation? Love! Regardless what the situation involves, regardless if your boss is screaming at you and telling you how worthless you are, regardless if you are standing before a firing squad, looking death in the face. The highest energy that can shift anything in a blink of an eye is love. Your boss may terminate you and force you to seek other employment or maybe will see the situation could be handled from a much higher expression. The firing squad may fire and you leave the body instantly and if so, you were finished with the life experience and chose that as your exit point from the hologram or they may be shifted into love and refuse to fire. Either way, you benefit yourself by simply remaining in a space of the love of Source.

You carry the love of Source with you at all times, therefore you are more than educated and qualified to write your new script. Simply believing that is true, will allow it to be true!

Today you may not be able to pay your bills. Today your relationship may be falling apart. Today you will be subjected to toxins designed to make your physical body ill. Today you may choose to remove yourself from the hologram. BUT, tomorrow will always comes so what will you choose today to make each new tomorrow an even better experience? The world is your playground and you have freewill to choose whatever you like.


Wednesday, February 20, 2013

The Oracle Report – Daily Energetic Analysis During the Time of Awakening, February 20, 2013

First Quarter Moon Phase - Moon in Cancer

Today is a day for spiritual warriors on a mission!  We can break barriers and get things that aren’t flowing to move well.  We can make real progress to clear up congestion or confusion or take down anything that is not in alignment with what is good, honest, and based on love and light.  It is going to be hard to tolerate anyone or anything that is putting up an obstacle or barrier, anything that thrives in darkness, or anything that has had us on a roller coaster ride.  The tide changes today in favor of what is good.  So use the opportunity to strike out and rectify something.  What needs to be fixed?  Our emotions will tell us today.

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The Oracle Report

Saturday, February 16, 2013

The Oracle Report - Moon in Taurus - 15/16 February 2013

Saturday, February 15, 2013 - Sunday February 16

Crescent Moon Phase - Moon in Taurus

Everyone needs to be fully locked in to your center and grounded to the planet. Picture yourself as a gold or white cylinder of light that can sway and swing, but is completely tethered. Know that you are fully protected and shielded. You may have a shock, surprise, or insight that will take time to understand.  You may need to use the skills of an archer to maneuver the energy.

Please join me in visualizing a flock of thousands of owls flying through the sunset sky. It would be even better if you go outside at sunset wherever you are on the planet and picture it.

Please understand the power of this day.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

~AN UPDATE FROM The Arcturians: The Process of Ascension 7~9~11


~GALACTIC LOVE REPORTER Suzan Caroll  WITH AN UPDATE FROM The Arcturians: The Process of Ascension 7~9~11


We are the Arcturians.

We enter the consciousness of our awakened grounded ones now because we wish to prepare you for what is soon to come about in your reality. We would like to communicate with every one of our grounded ones, but, unfortunately, there are still many who cannot—yet—embrace the unknown in the fashion. Nonetheless, we wish to tell all who can receive this message that the time is NOW. You may say, “The time for what?” Our answer is, “It is the time for which you have awaited.” Your process of ascension is moving into a new frequency because your Solar System has moved into a new area of space.

Within this region of “outer space,” which is simultaneously “inner space,” you must keep careful watch upon ALL your thoughts and emotions because your powers of instant manifestation are quickly returning.

First, we say inner space because you can only experience the power of this area if you go within your SELF and calibrate your consciousness to the resonance of the fifth dimension and beyond. We will guide you into this calibration.

Second, we wish to remind you that your clay, earth vessels will be undergoing great transitions once you align your consciousness with the resonance of this area of space.

Third, it is vital that you maintain a consciousness of unconditional love, as much as possible, so that you can drop the ego protection of your self that has allowed you to come this far in your process.

Your polarized reality has taught you to protect your self from others. Even worse, this reality has taught you to protection your self even more from those you love. Why? Because it is those you love who can hurt you the most.

Therefore, we ask you these questions:

Is it more important to protect your self
or is it more important to protect those whom you love?

Can you really know who you are before
you have seen your self through the eyes of those whom you love?

Is it not from this perspective that you can know how your love feels to others?

Is it really important to protect your self from those you love?
And if so, do you really love them?


Love heals because it breaks the illusion of separation and replaces it with Unity. The release of your belief in separation is what allows you to experience a reality in which you live in Unity with all life. We ask you to take a moment to imagine yourself as being in Unity with ALL life.

See the molecules of Spirit that connect everything—every person, every place, every thought and every emotion—into the ONE moment of the NOW. Within this moment you can experience NO separation from your SELF, from others, from the planet, or from this area of space. It is within this Unity that you KNOW that you are all a personal expression of your ONE Planetary SELF. If you can imagine this experience inside your self, you can calibrate your consciousness to experience the energy field that your Planetary Body has just entered.

Since you are in Unity with all life, you affect all life and all of life affects you. This is the threshold of the fifth dimension, which you are now entering. As you enter into this threshold, you begin to feel a strange tingling all over your body. This tingling sensation will only be conscious if you WILL it to be so. You are the master of your reality!

If you choose to get lost in the mundane aspects of your physical reality, you will “fall asleep” during the climax of the movie that you have been watching for myriad incarnations. We cannot tell you how you will interpret your experience, for it is your gift to the ONE to contribute your myriad personal experiences of ascension to the multidimensional, collective consciousness.

You, our brave grounded ones, volunteered to enter your present bodies to “stay awake” during this momentous experience of transmutation into your higher expression of personal and planetary SELF. We know how easy it is to become lost in the turmoil and challenges of your physical world. Therefore, we understand what a difficult task we are asking of you.

We also wish to remind you that time is an illusion of the third dimension. Hence, if you do not receive our message on your Earth time of June 15, 2011, it is of no consequence to your process of ascension. Third dimensional time is a product of your belief in separation. As long as you maintain your belief in separation, your consciousness will be time-bound, which will limit it to the third/fourth dimensions.

As you begin the process of releasing your belief in separation, your consciousness will expand to become increasingly fifth dimensional, which will allow you to consciously perceive the molecules of Spirit that connect all life. It is then that you will begin to experience true Unity with all life, and you will be able to directly and consciously experience the “time” of which we are now speaking.

We are saying that “time” is a consequence of your state of consciousness. Furthermore, your state of consciousness is a consequence of your ability to maintain the presence of unconditional love within your High Heart. Unconditional love is the bonding force of the Universe and will assist you in your process of releasing your belief in separation.

We say process because you are still bound to time, which makes everything a process. Once you are freed of the illusion of time (which is synonymous with the illusion of separation), there is only NOW. Within that NOW there is only HERE, and the HERE to which you will resonate will be fifth dimensional. In closing, we wish to remind you that:

You are ALL great Multidimensional Beings.
Therefore, ALL of you are HERE NOW as your fifth dimensional expression of SELF.

You are not “coming Home.” You are “returning Home” to a joyous reunion with those whom you have infinitely loved and who have loved you beyond all illusions of time or space.

We are your Galactic Family!


Our dear grounded ones, we wish to personally meet with you and tell you of our Final Initiations into Planetary Ascension. We will begin our communication by taking you on a journey to your seventh dimensional Oversoul. Once there you will meet with your Galactic Family who will share with you their experiences of ascension. We present these experiences to you in the hope that you will begin to remember your higher dimensional expressions of SELF on other worlds that have experienced their return to the fifth dimension. Through creating a deep alliance with these members of your greater SELF, you will better release your attachment to third dimensional illusions and more easily become your Multidimensional SELF.

Before we begin, we wish to say that we are joyous that you are allowing the changes in your consciousness to integrate into your physical form. Your Lightbody stirs within the encasement of its physical shell. The resistance of your physical form’s transformation causes some discomfort, but do not be concerned. Resistance is part of the process, which is taking place as scheduled. We will begin our communications with you with a short contemplation to better unite all your consciousness into ONE.

Please, close your eyes and take a long, slow, deep breath. Release all thoughts of your mundane life, and set the intention of your consciousness on your inner world. Allow your inner pictures to come into focus. See and feel your SELF in the heart of the sixth dimensional Divine Matrix. It may be challenging for your grounded self to imagine what will come next, so release your ego and send your consciousness into the matrix.

The heart of the matrix is beginning to spin as it, too, becomes a vortex. This vortex is huge. Release all resistance and fall into the vortex as the vortex falls into you. You are in the long wormhole with worlds, planets, stars and galaxies surrounding you as you travel through Infinity. You are about to join your Oversoul in the seventh dimension. Words are not enough to describe this experience, so we must speak in images.

A river of light beckons you to plunge into its flow. As you answer its call, you lose all sense of form. YOU ARE the river, YOU ARE the light within the river, and YOU ARE observing both your SELF and your grounded self. Within a single moment you travel beyond all the visions of worlds, planets, stars and galaxies.

The river now joins many other rivers as they travel upstream on a path of reunion towards the dark void. You find that your consciousness is able to jump from river to river and feel each river’s story. Every river is a different offshoot, a different reality, which flows from your seventh dimensional Oversoul. Each river represents a part of your evolution on a different world, planet, solar system, galaxy, or dimension. You can feel how each reality holds a fragment of the Essence of your SELF. Earth seems far away and significant only in its pending ascension. An inner voice tells you that you will now visit other worlds in which you have participated in ascension. Sirius B comes to your mind.


I am from Sirius B. I tell this story in hopes that you, our grounded ones of Earth, can learn from our ascension and integrate these lessons into your reality. Sirius and Earth, Terra, as we have called it, have always been closely linked. Our world was also a water world; yet it was not the same as earth water. My form on Sirius B was similar to that of your cetaceans, but at this point, I seldom limit myself to any form and prefer my emanation of light. I am all I wish to be, and I have completed all of my experiences, including the ascension of my planet and star system. You may call me Tarmaine.

Dear Earth Ones, please know that I use your language, as our language was completely telepathic. Therefore, it would be a language that you could not understand. Because our translator has downloaded me into her consciousness, I am able to access your language and communicate with you in a manner that you can understand. I speak in terms of I/me/my for the sake of your earth language. However, no such pronouns exist at my vibration. We are all in oneness and commune constantly in the divine unity of the One. We can track our consciousness back into individuality if we wish, but most of us keep that experience only as a memory. We return our consciousness to the third dimension solely to guide the grounded ones, as I am doing now.

I have come to you in your “time” to tell you our story of Planetary Ascension. Perhaps my story will ignite your memory, for many of us have incarnated on your world, which is also a water world. Furthermore, we have learned to incarnate in human forms to act as guides to those of humanity who could open their hearts and minds to us. In fact, there are many of us who volunteered to take form, both human and whale, on Earth during your “time” to assist with your Planetary Ascension.


Sirius, located in the Canes Major constellation, can be considered directly ‘upstream’ from our solar system in a cosmic sense in that refers to its relative position in the Milky Way galaxy. Sirius B is part of a Triune Star System of Sirius A, Sirius B and Sirius C. ( ) The planet of my origin, which is called by a telepathic name that is not translatable to your language, was pivotal in the ascension of our solar system. Like Earth, our planet was the last planet that was ready for the shift into the fifth dimension. Hence, we, like Earth, were the trigger for the ascension of our Solar System, Sirius B. I speak in past tense because our planet resonates in the fifth dimension and beyond. We are now an ascended planet of Light. However, just like our friends the Arcturians, we still hold a presence in the Galactic Sky. All of Sirius B is beyond polarity, separation, and limitation, but I speak to you from my masculine expression of Tarmaine to better tell my story of unification with my Divine Complement, Shaleem.

The “liquid” we lived in was more viscous than your water. The bottom, ground, or base of our atmosphere was much like the bottom of your ocean. Visualize a reality where the atmosphere, air in your world, was a viscous, watery substance. What would be your rivers and oceans would be our valleys and caves. These valleys and caves were filled with the same viscous, watery substance as the atmosphere, except that the atmosphere was the denser. As we moved farther away from the ocean floor, our atmosphere became less and less dense. Because of the density close to the planetary floor there was little or no light, and the ones who lived there became luminescent to create their own light.

Those of us who lived at the bottom of our atmosphere worshiped the darkness that was around us, whereas those of us who lived at the top of our atmosphere worshiped the light that we had sought through many generations of evolution. We believed at that time that the more evolved citizens of our society, such as our Council of Light, lived in the upper atmosphere. These High Councilors, myself included, were the leaders of the Council of Light, as well as the leaders of the upper atmosphere. From the perspective of our Council of Light, the less evolved lived in the lower atmosphere. We believed that this separation was a sign of our superiority and the inferiority of those who worshiped the darkness.

On the other hand, the Council of Darkness believed that we, the Council of Light, were heretics and had denied our heritage when we abandoned our Source by moving away from the surface of the planet. Before our ascension, we did not realize that our society was based on a hierarchical system, filled with separation and limitation. We just both thought that we were “right.” The Councilors of Darkness lived near the valleys and caves in the Grounded Temples, and the Councilors of the Light resided in Temples that “floated” near the surface of our liquid atmosphere. These Temples floated because they were near the threshold between the third/fourth dimension and the fifth dimension.

Just as dimensions one through three intermingles in your world, dimensions one through four were intermingled in our world. Therefore, magic, imagination and all forms of psychic powers were always a main element of our society. For example, all of our communications were telepathic. We had no need for arms, as we moved things telekinetically, nor legs, as we “swam” and/or teleported ourselves.

On my world, males and females were always equal. In fact, we could change from male to female, or vice versa, within a single incarnation. We were almost androgynous, yet we still had Divine Complements with whom we eventually merged in preparation for our entry into the fifth dimension. Because our society had dimensions one through four intermingled, it made our ascension process into the fifth dimension much easier. However, we were not without the prelude of extreme polarities that your planet is now experiencing.

We had to amplify our polarities, just as your planet is doing now, in order to stretch the “rubber band” of light versus darkness to the greatest extreme. In this manner, we prepared for our ultimate ascension past all polarities, into the fifth dimension and beyond. As our time of ascension drew closer we, too, found that the first leaders to amass a great following were the leaders of Darkness, representing the old guard of separation and limitation. These leaders, who were firmly based in the familiar, used fear to control their legions. The leaders of light used love to guide their legions and, therefore, took much longer to amass a following. Fear is a choice of perception that is difficult to ignore. Unfortunately, love is a choice of perception that is often difficult to choose.


All of our inhabitants sprang from the depths of our caverns. Therefore, it took eons and eons for enough inhabitants to go through the long process of self-awareness in order to resonate to, and live in, the lighter, less dense vibrations of our atmosphere. Fortunately, when we died and reincarnated we had the choice to return to the frequency of form we had attained in our previous incarnation. After more generations than we could count, the population divided into those who would not change, and therefore, remained in the darkness, and those who had moved into the light and were ready to change even further to move into the next dimension.

The forces of the Light Council lived in unity. Therefore, each leader had to learn to rule their “self” with “SELF.” On the other hand, the Council of Darkness remained set in the pattern of an elite few ruling the many. This was largely why the Forces of Darkness were more powerful near the end. They had fewer changes to make and did not have to face, or transmute, their vast power of habit. The Forces of Light, on the other hand, had to learn an entirely new manner of guiding themselves before they could guide others.

Those who dwelled in the Darkness were not all “dark.” In fact, those who had stayed in the shadows and created their own illumination secretly gathered with their extreme opposites, the Threshold Dwellers. The Threshold Dwellers were never members of the elite Council of Light. They were, instead, members of our society who could no longer hate the Council of Darkness, as did the Council of Light. The Council of Light and the Council of Darkness were staunch enemies for as long as we could remember, and they refused to relinquish their traditions, or their belief that “their way was better.”

The followers of Light had risen to the lightest area of our planet by finding their SELF within. However, over time, the Councilors of Light became corrupted by their power. Once they had risen to the highest atmosphere and become High Councilors they stopped looking within because they no longer wanted to change. Instead, they wanted only to rule.

Another group, those who were not among the ruling class and later known as the Threshold Dwellers, quietly went about their SELF-realization without the temptation of being rulers. Hence, they could continue to see their own darkness and their own “inner enemies.” Through this process of SELF-realization, they had evolved beyond the need for enemies. They had faced their enemies within and no longer needed to project their fear out onto others, creating “outer enemies.”

The Ancients, the name given to those who had first learned to create their own illumination, were also not destined to be rulers. Instead, their sole concern was for the safe-keeping of our planet. Because of this dedication they developed a Planetary Consciousness. Within their Planetary Consciousness, they could experience the entire planet. The Ancients were descendants from our first civilizations. They had stayed in their caves, and away from the rest of society, so that they could protect the memory of the Divine Plan of Ascension that was prophesied when our civilization was young.

Using the opposite method, one of seeking great change and the reality beyond the planet, many Threshold Dwellers also gained Planetary Consciousness. These two groups were in communication with each other, with the entire planet and with the higher dimensions. The Threshold Dwellers gained galactic information and the Ancients grounded that information into the planet. Then, through the Ancient’s Planetary Consciousness, they grounded the galactic information into the unconscious mind of the planet’s dwellers.

While the Councils of Light and Darkness were holding onto the past tradition of power over others, the Threshold Dwellers and the Ancients were “waking up” to a new future. Neither the Council of Light nor the Council of Darkness could affect these two groups. Because they had found their “power within,” they were not influenced by external power. They had found their Truth, and were not in need of validation or control from any outside forces. The Threshold Dwellers and the Ancients knew that they were part of something more important than the old systems of the past. They had seen “the reason for their incarnation” and they knew their Multidimensional SELF. Therefore, they were without fear.

Eventually, the Threshold Dwellers and the Ancients discovered that they were BOTH the Darkness and the Light. Through this discovery they could release the illusion of being “only” light or “only” darkness and find the Center Point in-between the polarities. They no longer needed to judge either group as being different, for they were ONE with both. With the release of judgment, they gained Compassion for all life.

Since the Threshold Dwellers had unified with their fifth dimensional SELF, their bodies resonated slightly above and “out of phase” with the Council of Light. At the other extreme, the Ancients had unified with planetary body and resonated to complete Unity with our planet and our Star System. Therefore, they were also of a higher consciousness and “out of phase” with the Forces of Darkness. Because these two groups were “out of phase” with the third dimensional environment, the bodies of the Threshold Dwellers and Ancients appeared as steam to those around them. Consequently, it was difficult for the Councils of Light and Darkness to perceive their presence, much less interfere with or influence them.

The Threshold Dwellers and the Ancients knew that “time” was on their side. I, Tarmaine, was one of the first of the High Councilors of Light to realize that our path of ritual, dogma and discipline was extinct. When I left the Council and joined the Threshold Dwellers, I was greatly maligned by the Light Councilors who had been my friends for many years. On the other hand, the Threshold Dwellers completely embraced me and, in fact, facilitated my rejoining with my Divine Complement, Shaleem.


Shaleem was one of the first to leave the High Councilors of Darkness and join the Ancients. I first met Shaleem at our biannual Planetary Council Meeting. Instantly, I had had a special aversion to her, or was it an attraction? Little did I know that we were to be the first of the Councilors of Light and Councilors of Darkness to join as Divine Complements.

We discovered later that other Divine Complements who had lived in the polarities, one in Light and one in Darkness, began to find each other and merge into their true androgynous SELF, as well. It was eventually revealed that it had long been a cosmic plan for Divine Complements to incarnate in the different polarities of “light” and “dark” and to then rejoin into one Being. As the two became ONE again, their resonance raised, which contributed to raising the resonance of the entire planet. Our planet was gradually becoming more and more fifth dimensional.

Meanwhile, the Council of Light and the Council of Darkness became so disturbed by the lack of control over their Councilors that they actually began to communicate with each other. When we had our biannual Planetary Council Meeting, each side had always been strictly divided. However, the meetings were now changing. Instead of focusing on how the two groups were different, the focus was now on the problem that both groups shared. Little did these two separate groups, enemies since the dawn of our world, realize that this communication would begin a process of understanding and compassion for their enemy, the “other” Council.

There were many other members of our world besides the cetacean beings. Some of our beings looked like water snakes, eels, or even large amphibians with arms and legs. These amphibians were our less evolved race and had not developed their telekinesis. Therefore, they were still in need of limbs. Because they had not evolved as far as the snake, dolphin, and whale beings, the amphibians would be what you would consider “animals” in your society. The beings without limbs would be what you consider in your society as “human.” All of us “human-like” beings knew of the polarities of our third/fourth dimensional life, and the 3D Matrix that held it in place. We also knew that this Matrix was degrading, and our world was transforming.

Our social system was much like that of dolphins and whales. Hence, many of us have taken incarnation on your world in that form. Our society was set up in family groups called “pods.” We did not need to struggle for survival, as you often must in your world. Because of this, we lived much longer, usually several hundred of your years. Also, after several rounds of incarnation, we began to remember our other incarnations and our life “in between.” All of these factors allowed us to ascend more quickly than your world. Due to the struggle for survival on your world, there is much more fear. Fear stops people from changing, as the greatest fear is “fear of the unknown.”

We were basically a peaceful people, but the Forces of Darkness allowed us to experience the feeling of conquest and domination if we desired it (as do many on your world). However, unlike humans, we never dominated our own kind. Long before our ascension, we could travel the astral planes, morph into whatever shape we desired and conquer and/or dominate other worlds. We did so for quite some “time.” The Forces of Darkness were ever eager to “conquer,” and the Forces of Light were ever eager to “save.” Auspiciously, due to the growing number of Threshold Dwellers and Ancients, other citizens of our world had a new choice between “conquering” and “saving.” This choice was ascension. The Councils of Light and darkness could choose to stop playing the game of polarity (light/dark and saving/conquering) and join the Threshold Dwellers, the Ancients, and the others in the fifth dimension.


At first, few believed that ascension could be possible, but gradually the Collective Consciousness of our planet began to have experiences of unity-with-all-life. Collective Consciousness is different from Planetary Consciousness in that it is only the consciousness of the “human-types.” On the other hand, Planetary Consciousness is the consciousness of the planet itself and all that live on, within, or over it. Once the Collective and Planetary Consciousness began to move towards the awareness of ascension, many of our citizens lost their desire to dominate or to save. Instead, they could allow others to choose their reality just as they were choosing their ascension.

Since everyone in our society was connected to our Collective Consciousness, the “warriors” who were conquering, and the “saviors” who were saving, began to return home to see why the Collective Consciousness felt so different. When they returned, they found that the polarities of helping-or-harming were being replaced with the Unity of Unconditional Love. When the “saviors” unconditionally loved the ones they had believed they were saving, they loved the problems as well as the person. They then realized that by “healing” the problem, they had actually been amplifying it with their attention.

Consequently, their “healing and saving” transformed into “compassion and acceptance.” They could then accept that each person was choosing their problem and would have to connect with their own Higher SELF in order to correct it. The saviors then simply communed with the Higher Selves of the ones whom they were assisting, so that they could amplify the solution rather than the problem. However, then they were not the healers. They were the observers and communicators. The “conquerors” were also exposed to Unconditional Love when they returned home. With the “feel” of this love in their consciousness, they experienced such unity-with-all-life that they realized that anything they did to anyone else, they did to themselves, as well. The thrill of harming another lost its edge when they were also harmed. Thus, they lost their desire to conquer others.

Gradually, the magnetism of the third/fourth dimension was being released and the entire push/pull game of the lower dimensions began to lose all attraction. More and more of our inhabitants were becoming involved, instead, with the many wonders of the higher dimensions. As our citizens’ belief in separation began to vanish, they realized that they had no friends and no enemies. They were all ONE. As they lost their belief in limitation, all struggle, competition and judgment became unnecessary. Whatever they desired simply was, as everything was available to everyone—instantly. With no competition or possession, no one was better, and no one was worse. In fact, no one was different. They were all ONE.


Unity Consciousness, beyond light or darkness, embraces polarities as the extremes of the same spectrum. As more and more inhabitants of our planet were choosing Unity Consciousness, the Councils of Light and the Councils of Darkness could see that their power was dwindling. For the first time, these opposing Councils had much in common. They both wanted the 3D Matrix format of polarity, limitation and separation to remain. They enjoyed their power over others and would not allow this third force of unity to destroy their reality.

Meanwhile, the “Others,” the label given by the Councils for those who joined the Threshold Dwellers and the Ancients, were merging with their Divine Complements. They were having numerous fifth dimensional experiences, as well as remembering their parallel realities on other planets, galaxies and dimensions. They knew that they had chosen to incarnate in that space/time in order to assist in the ascension of their planet and of their solar system. They remembered their Mission and knew exactly what they needed to do. Since they remembered that death was an illusion they lost their fear and interacted with loving detached Compassion.

With no fear, the Councils had no means of controlling them. Even more upsetting to the Council Members, more and more of the Others began “phasing out” into the fifth dimension. Therefore, the Councils could not even see them. On the other hand, the Others could perceive the Councils, as the higher dimensions can perceive the lower, but not vice versa. The Councils became increasingly frustrated and amplified their indoctrination of the remaining third/fourth dimensional masses. Normally, our world never warred against each other, but the Councils of Light and Darkness became so desperate for control of their world that they decided to have a war against each other in order to create fear and increase polarity as the “good guys” fought the “bad guys.” They created this war in the hope that it would stop the accursed ascension process.

Of course, the Councils had known of the ensuing ascension for generations and had been doing their best to prevent it. They enjoyed their feeling of power-over and preferred that to the feeling of power-within themselves. As the war stirred up, the members of our world had to take sides. “This group is right. No, this group is right.” Meanwhile, those who had chosen the path to ascension stayed dedicated to maintaining their commitment to Detached Compassion. They could see what was really happening was that the Councilors did not want the third/fourth dimensional game to end and would do anything to keep it going.

The Threshold Dwellers and the Ancients were wise enough to realize “taking sides” would feed the 3D Matrix and lower their vibration, as well as the vibration of the planet. They were all greatly enjoying their fifth dimensional Unity Consciousness and would not risk losing it. Because of their higher consciousness, they were like “parents” standing around a sandbox while their children fought over the toys. They refused to join in the fight, or even judge the “children” who were fighting. “Children will be children,” they said. In fact, they were even able to love these fighting, struggling children.


Their love was so strong that it became a “force” that washed over the fighters. One by one, these fighters began to wonder what they were fighting for, and over. The feeling of complete love and compassion that came from an unknown source was far more attractive than the feeling of fear and righteousness that came from being the “good guys” or the “bad guys.” One by one, these fighters got tired of fighting. They wanted to know the source of this wonderful feeling of compassion. Fortunately, the members of our world had always been able to tune into the Collective Consciousness. Therefore, when they merged with the Collective to ask for the source of this feeling, their answer was, “Go inside and listen.”

And so they did. They began to close their eyes and ears to the struggle and fighting of the Councils’ war to go inside their own hearts and minds. They found that the source of this “feeling” was their own higher SELF. More and more citizens realized that merging with their SELF could make them feel better than “being right.” Furthermore, as they went inside they connected with the growing Planetary Consciousness. One of the main precepts of our Planetary Consciousness, which had been forgotten by the Councilors but protected by the Ancients, was that we would not perceive our family as our enemy. As they began remembering this precept, they dropped their weapons and left the “Councils’ war.” Soon after that, they joined the Threshold Dwellers or the Ancients to phase out beyond the domination and control of the Councilors.

Then, third/fourth dimensional symbols of power began to degrade. The symbols of the High Councilors and Lower Councilors began to look just like the clothing of the simplest citizen. The Councilors of both the Light and the Darkness used all their magic in vain to repair the “damage” to their symbols of rank, but their magic would not hold. Their world was changing and they could not stop it. Those who wanted the third/fourth dimensional reality to continue banded together. They realized that by uniting with each other they could hold onto the 3D Matrix longer. However, this unity eventually raised their consciousness in Collective and Planetary Consciousness. Then, one by one, their members “defected” to the fifth dimension.

Even the ruling ranks of the remaining Councilors began to become disillusioned with the old ways and began to wonder about “the feeling” of which the Others spoke. Then they began to go inside and listen as well. By now the Planetary Consciousness was so strong that even the Councilors began to realize the great limitations that their separation into the “right path” had caused them. They, too, merged with their Divine Complements and began to remember their other realities, other worlds, and other dimensional selves. They let go of the empty symbols of power-over-others for the true power of knowing SELF and phased out into the fifth dimension.


Eventually, the collective consciousness of the fifth dimensional awareness reached 51%. It was then that the 3D Matrix began to disintegrate. The caves of the Council of Darkness began to fill with light and the darkness invaded the chambers of the Council of Light. The walls that separated the light from the darkness, and the lower chambers from the higher chambers simply disappeared. The ceiling that had separated the beings of the fifth dimension from the beings of the third/fourth dimension vanished. The water-like substance that filled our atmosphere became infused with photons. It became less viscous and all the layers became the same. There was no separation now between the “caves of darkness” and the “threshold of light.” As everyplace and everyone became the threshold into the fifth dimension, the 3D Matrix began to disappear, blurring all polarities into the ONE.

The taste of Planetary Consciousness, Unconditional Love, and Detached Compassion was too pure, too sweet, to give up for the empty power of the third/fourth dimension. However, the remaining members of the Council of Light and the Council of Darkness, who were now banded together in a tightly knit group, would NOT change. They did not want to finish the 3D Game. They knew that their only hope was to leave the planet. Perhaps on some other world they could again experience the emotional rush of domination and power over others. They entered their astral ships in the hope of finding the glory of conquest and domination on other worlds; and they did. But of course, that is another story.

On our planet, the final toehold of the third/fourth dimension was lost when the last astral ships left the atmosphere of our planet. Then, our planet and the entire solar system of Sirius B that had been awaiting our readiness, flashed into the fifth dimension. All that was left to the perception of the lower worlds was a small dot in the night sky that sometimes warbled the movements of Sirius A.

In this manner, your planet and solar system are also ascending. Our process seemed slow to our third/fourth dimensional perceptions, but as we are now beyond time, it appears to have happened in a moment. I shall return later to tell you of the story of how Shaleem, my Divine Complement, and I merged. Little did we know that we would set an example that would gradually be followed by most of the members of our world. I will soon return to complete my story.

In Unconditional Love and Detached Compassion,


Saturday, July 02, 2011

Elenin Comet : A Camelot Roundtable Video Conference. 2011-6-24

Elenin Comet : A Camelot Roundtable Video Conference. 2011-6-24

Name:    Elenin Comet : A Camelot Roundtable Video Conference. 2011-6-24


This conference lasted nearly 5 hours and is ground breaking in the exchange of high level information and the sharing and interchange among the speakers in such a virtual roundtable as has not been done before on the web in a public forum.The time has come to gain a better understanding of what is really happening with Comet Elenin, which is a smokescreen cover for an approaching brown dwarf that has a larger mass than Jupiter with multiple orbiting moons.
March 4th, 2011 marks the day that the brown dwarf breaks through the ecliptic plane into the northern hemisphere to begin influencing the Earth.

March 15, 2011 is the first of three conjunctions where the earth is caught in the gravitational gradient lines-or the trough-that binds the sun and brown dwarf together. The sun will be pulling one way and the brown dwarf the other way and the predicted pole shift event will take place. The interesting thing about this particular day is that Saturn, the brown dwarf, the Earth and the Sun and Mars and Jupiter and Uranus are all in alignment. This gravity trough is going to be the mother of all where the planets are lined up for a game of Tug of War. This is the reason why so many people are giving out warnings concerning the conjunction and pole shift on March 15, 2011 (?). The brown dwarf crosses the Mars orbit on June 30, 2011. Keep your eye on the earth and sun distances as we continue.August 3, 2011 marks the time that the earth passes through the brown dwarf perigee position, while the brown dwarf is crossing the earth orbit location. About two weeks pass and on August 18 the brown dwarf crosses the Venus orbit some 67 million miles form the sun. Then 24 days pass to the magical moment when the brown dwarf reaches the nearest point to the sun at 44.73 million miles. This right here is the reason that the Rothschild/Rockefeller Banksters and the Globalist New World Order Elites used Bush and company to plan and carry out the 9/11 inside job attacks on 9/11/2001 exactly ten years to the day. The banksters and their bought-and-paid-for corrupt politicians and lying media moguls are planning to hide themselves in underground bunkers all around the world and let the peasants fend for themselves.

September 25, 2011 marks the time that the earth passes through the second conjunction with the sun, brown dwarf, Mercury, Saturn, the Sun and Uranus in line for another Tug of War. The sun, brown dwarf, Mercury and Saturn are pulling the earth towards the sun in an event that will bring the earth nearer to the sun than at any time in the last 3600 years. There are 14 days between the brown dwarf reaching perigee position and this conjunction with the earth and sun being equidistant to the dwarf on the 7th day. Look down in the lower left hand corner of the Sept. 25 diagram to see the brown dwarf is now nearer the earth than the sun at only 38 million miles.October 2 is the day that the brown dwarf crosses Venus' orbit again to begin treking in the direction of earth. Our planet is still being pulled towards the sun, but by this time we are also being pulled forward into the massive gravity well. Two weeks go by and the brown dwarf crossed the earth orbit line to pass directly in front of our planet at just 22.3 million miles away, which is the nearest point in our encounter. The brown dwarf crosses the Mars orbit line on November 14, 2011 on way to the third conjunction on November 22 where the earth passes directly between the two once again like on March 15.
The NOAA National Geophysical Data Center maintains a data set of annual magnetic north pole coordinates going back to the year 1590, derived from early measurements from ships logs to modern day techniques.

Noting that there has been lots of reporting of pole shift lately, to the point where the phenomenon is actually causing real-world issues such as temporary from the NOAA Geo Data Center, configuring it to fit in an Excel spreadsheet, adding a complicated formula to determine exact distance between 2 sets of latitude-longitude coordinates, applying the formula to each data point in the series, and then finally plotting it all in a visual graph, it is alarming to discover the amount of magnetic pole shift – just over the past 10 to 20 years.

Category:    Video > Lecture
Language:    English
Duration:       4hours 39minutes

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Confrence info & footnotes taken:  universallyaware