Sentience among all Gaia components is increasing. Such components include, as 3D representations, earth, air, water, plant, animal, human. Communication with Higher D Aspects of each of these is now enabled so that all of humanity (small h) can discover their Hue-manity (aka, “Rainbow Body”).
Discomfort may be experienced by some as alterations and adjustments to perceptions are carried out. These are necessary (required) for the “humanity” to “Hue-manity” group transition to occur.
Occasional periods of intense tiredness may also be experienced. These are caused by DNA transformations and adjustments to incoming Higher Energies. We suggest pauses in daily routines as these arise. Resting, napping, and/or meditation are helpful.
--Upsurges Are Noted…
8 Feb

We have observed an upsurge in 4D-5D activity over the past 3 hours, beginning at 1900 UTC. At this moment, the upsurge appears to continue.
Energetics of Gaia are re-forming around this upsurge, and will plateau at a much Higher and more refined energy level.
Those who have adapted to multi-dimensional understandings will align rapidly with this Higher level. While retaining integrity (unity) with all so-called “lower” levels.
Upsurge appears visually to the ÉirePort team as a spiral projecting upward, counterclockwise rotation when viewed from “above” (although this is strictly energetic, without 3D counterpart).
This report is offered as information only, and does not include predictives.