h2 times warned that FormerNimwithat, march , month+ ago, and now 3
rd strike your out.
o while being at Revolution Radio a nick with halfops
caught my attention, TheWeatherman , Not Waterman. so i do a /whois nick
/all and clones scan.
& links containt all other backgorund correlation work etc
etc. (added them to here, but passed max images in post limit, for 2nd
post to post that @ToT. si i cant so i wont [ToT] addon. do check links
as that went along with the voice convo beside chat convo/skype. and
just shows it so obviously…… (ToT refrence see @end notes:))
c whois Whois ? TheWeatherman [ Flash IRC Client]
ti12c whois Address ? sfouwfpups@protectedhost-
ti12c whois Channels ? %#RevolutionRadio
ti12c whois Server ? [Windfyre]
ti12c whois Idle ? 1min 23secs
ti12c whois Sign-on ? Sat Aug 25 04:36:34 2012 [-1932secs]
ti12c whois
clones formerwhitehat, hm lulz
[00:54] ? Worfpoe [] has joined #RevolutionRadio
[02:18] ? Shmoopie_9060 [] has joined #RevolutionRadio
[16:55] ? worfpoe [] has joined #RevolutionRadio
[00:47] ? worfpoe [] has joined #RevolutionRadio
[00:53] ? worfpoe [] has joined #RevolutionRadio
[12:57] ? worfpoe [] has quit IRC
[17:39] ? worfpoe [] has joined #RevolutionRadio
[17:39] ? worfpoe [] has quit IRC
[17:40] ? worfpoe [] has joined #RevolutionRadio
[18:32] ? worfpoe [] has quit IRC
[23:40] ? worfpoe [sfouwfpups@protectedhost-] has joined #RevolutionRadio
[04:04] ? FormerWhiteHat [vpkxggjpob@protectedhost-] has joined #RevolutionRadio
(log search on ^^ logfile(havent checked even old log RR(Rev radio)
part log exceprts
said this about him in past
[07:40] +RAKMEiSTER ? Sir worfpoe Dramaqueencreatornr1
so onto business
[21:19] +RAKMEiSTER ? former niwithat
[21:24] +RAKMEiSTER ? so tell us T4 whom was your PC infiltrator that did the LOL trackingchip in boxershort
[21:25] +RAKMEiSTER ? T4 is supperWannabeEWgosoldier mindwhipped
(before i connected all inXXXs)
[04:06] ? Search for ** in #RevolutionRadio.Windfyre.log (3.76MB) produced 12 results. Search completed in 0.8s.
[04:06] +FormerWhiteHat ? i am in europe too, watching over kerry
[04:06] ? FormerWhiteHat [vpkxggjpob@protectedhost-] has quit IRC
[04:06] %TheWeatherman ? …
[04:06] +RAKMEiSTER ? oh worf, makes sense, sashqlulz x3
[04:07] %TheWeatherman ? huh
[04:07] ? TheWeatherman is now known as worfpoe
[04:07] +Lori ? very sad
[04:07] %worfpoe ? yikes
[04:07] +RAKMEiSTER ? rename nimwithat while ya at it lulz
[04:08] %worfpoe ? no
[04:35] +RAKMEiSTER ? oh looking glass, next he ganna tell its still operational
[04:35] +RAKMEiSTER ? every attempt costed them a base haha.
[04:35] +Zhap ? it is but cant be used
[04:35] +RAKMEiSTER ? dead broken it is been year+
[04:36] +RAKMEiSTER ? dont ya love sound
[04:36] +RAKMEiSTER ? hell jeah
[04:36] +RAKMEiSTER ? oh justintime you in my txt also
[04:36] +RAKMEiSTER ? your issue
[04:36] +RAKMEiSTER ? not mine your game
[04:36] %justintime ? not my issue
[04:37] +RAKMEiSTER ? nope but ones responibility in actions one is,
that will become an issues selfcreated. and sustained. free wil free
choice bases upoin that is/was
[04:32] +RAKMEiSTER ? fun typing bs exposed in a TXT and adding while
i go, seems FWH likes irc logs, so i checking mine, fun fun .txt for
pastebin it will be
worfpoe aka micheal hemmingson
along with justintimetravels aka justin aka justintime matt
last 2 names can be separate persons vs other 2 justins, but thats beyond the current point
ti12c info ? justintime is a registered nick
ti12c whois Channels ? %#RevolutionRadio
ti12c whois Server ? [Windfyre]
ti12c whois Idle ? 24secs
ti12c whois Sign-on ? Fri Aug 24 20:54:04 2012 [7hrs 29mins 57secs]
ti12c whois ?
The Project Camelot definition of a Whistleblower is “whistleblower
from the Matrix” that is, that in “a time of deceit it is a
revolutionary act to tell the truth”… so by that definition anyone who
tells the truth about what is really going on is a Camelot
turns out to be so true, revolutionary minus ry + radio.
beside worf’s sex issues. see his books. so there is another link vs all BS. kerry fanatic.
he might even have sexedhis
way into PC site adminbranches/or mod. donoo dont care tbh. he feeds t
to PC thats for sure. -< blogs
i stand by it
–update killer finisher. when im right im right 31-08-2012
[2:17:58] XXX: lol
[2:19:22] XXX: that’s you right
[2:21:18] Rakmeister राकईश: ofc
[2:21:26] XXX: lmao
[2:21:48] XXX: still no response from him huh
[2:22:55] Rakmeister राकईश: ive been busy other stuff, but he can deny
yes running the site, that wasnt what was asked, so he denies a not
asked Q. intent deception 101. he operates that acc/name, under that
site under other name. as one can ad MOD/ADMINS
[2:23:29] Rakmeister राकईश: beside that justin in past allready did his own work,
[2:23:29] Rakmeister राकईश:
[2:23:59] Rakmeister राकईश: but he keeps playing, so scew him. in all his filthyness
[2:24:45] Rakmeister राकईश: fact is you can have clones @IRC its same ISP/HOST , the end
(dublicate names on same IP -blablabla.isp.usa blablabla part is UNIQUE!!
[2:25:32] Rakmeister राकईश: and i kept info from randy, but seems back than allready mike could
not yet cause (was finishing up on my OP cleanhouse FWH) .doc/dox
[2:25:52] Rakmeister राकईश: beside the lulz of nitehawk and terral being named in past postings , and other obvious links
[2:26:27] Rakmeister राकईश: and he a kerry lover longtime, as 2011 he
was on her show with his sasquatch jabber only speaking halfthruths
[2:26:53] Rakmeister राकईश: master of depection in karmadramacreation, well he got a bunchload coming
[2:27:35] Rakmeister राकईश: and ill add this to the pdf addon, as i havent bothered to clean up txt
CALL IT A RAW VIEW/INTEL, ^^ re not cleaned up. Beside private stuff, unrelated to..
[2:27:37] Rakmeister राकईश: #care
[2:27:50] Rakmeister राकईश: minus ya name, hehe
[2:28:03] Rakmeister राकईश: and text
[2:28:30] XXX: you lost me
[2:28:33] XXX: let me scroll up
[2:28:38] XXX: i was checking out that page
[2:29:52] *** Gebeld door XXX, duur 1:30:20. ***
[2:33:28] Rakmeister राकईश:
[2:33:37] Rakmeister राकईश:
worfpoe Tijuana MEXICO
LoJacker San Diego USA
Drake Bailey San Diego USA
HeavyMasObject San Diego USA
(all same person)
[3:18:17] Rakmeister राकईश:
[3:19:30] XXX: History by Year
Left Job at San Diego Reader
Graduated from Indiana University
Graduated from SUNY Buffalo
Started Working at San Diego Reader
Left Job at Fritz Theater
Started Working at Fritz Theater
Graduated from Santa Monica College
[3:20:09] XXX: About Michael
Sometimes I think about my other lives in alternate universes, where
other choices were made, where I turned to the right instead of the
left, when I said yes instead of no, when I loved instead of hated, or
should have hated instead of loved.
Professional writer — novelist, journalist, screenwriter, playwright, essayist.
Qualitative researcher — cultural anthropology, sociologist,
auto/ethnography, lived experience, symbolic and interpetative
My first feature film, The Watermelon, 90 min., from LightSong Films
and Jordan River Prod., shot summer 2007, premeired Sept, 2008 at the
San Diego Film Festival. Will be out July 4, 2009 on DVD and Blu-Ray
from Celebrity Video Distrib. Get it on Netflix, at Blockbuster,
Borders, etc. Look for limited theater runs here and there.
[3:20:23] XXX:
Future fiction titles –
THE AGENT (novel), no publisher;
THIS OTHER EDEN (novellas) from The Dybbuk Press, Fall 2009;
PICTURES OF HOUSES WITH WATER DAMAGE (stories) for Black Lawrence Press, 2010;
LUNCH ON THE GRASS or: VERN MYERS, AS I KNEW HIM (novel), no publisher;
HARDCORE ZOMBIE GIRLS FROM JUPITER ATTACK! (comic novel), no publisher yet
Recently optioned screenplays:
FIFTY BUCKS (Marks Partners)
Unsold screenplays (thuis far) –
Former literary mgr of The Fritz Theater, San Diego
Producing Dir. of The Alien Stage Project, San Diego
Producer, Hemelne Entertainment, Los Angeles and San Diego
Research Fellow, UCSD (2009-10)
Helm Research Fellow, Indiana University (2008)
[3:20:39] XXX: Birthday July 12
[3:20:50] XXX:
9700 Gilman Drive Box 241 UCSD
La Jolla, United States 92093
[3:21:41] XXX: San Diego Reader
San Diego Reader
writer reporter bluter blogger · Oct 2003 to Jan 2010 · San Diego, California
cover stories, music journalism, crme reporting, personal essays
[3:21:49] XXX: The Alien Stage Project
Producer, publisher, MC DJ · Los Angeles, California
Multi-media company: theater, books, film, music, digital properties.
[3:21:58] XXX: Fritz Theater
Literary Manager · Aug 1995 to Mar 1999 · San Diego, California
Theater production.
[3:22:09] XXX:
[3:22:21] Rakmeister राकईश: REMOVED UNRELATED
[3:22:44] Rakmeister राकईश: REMOVED UNRELATED
[3:24:16] XXX:
[3:24:26] XXX:
[3:25:06] XXX:…g-interne.html
[3:26:08] XXX:
[3:34:48] *** XXX verstuurde 01hqadkq.bmp ***
[3:38:02] *** XXX verstuurde IMG_30082012_213802.png ***
[3:39:46] XXX: artemesiaspeaks
March 10, 2012 at 2:19 am
Mr. White Hat,
How DARE you pull a petty character slander move on Duncan O’Finioan
and Sarah Stanga. Who the hell do you think you are? I don’t care if you
think you are a white hat, or work for the illuminati, or have a
million dark demons working through you when you think you are working
for the light. People have a right to speak their truth, share their
story. Their emotions are VALID. The survivors are starting to support
each other after years of beleiving the drivel of you white hat/ black
hat jerkoffs, and we aren’t buying it anymore. Not here on your crappy
blog of disinfo and worthless mind fart, and not on Project Avalon,
which is hosting your stupid ‘confessional’, only proving yet again that
they have nothing to do with helping humanity or overcoming the really
old and fetid energies your white hat friends have memed out through the
Earth for way too long. I’m calling you out on this electronic slander
and gang stalking. I don’t care if you erase this, you have been seen by
at least one person in this place for what you are, a simple human
being who SERIOUSLY needs to work on your real crap, like your ability
to have compassion, stop being deceived by your own egoic self
delusions, and whatever else you think you are but clearly ARE NOT. Get
over yourself and get on with the work. There’s a chance you may
actually find you have a shred of humanity left in your sorry self, you
may as well salvage what you can, because everything else is rotten to
the core.
[3:40:25] XXX: Alessandro
March 11, 2012 at 2:00 pm
Mr White Hat, can you tell something about how to decalcify and how to activate the pineal gland ?
[3:40:34] XXX: Former White Hat
March 11, 2012 at 2:14 pm
[3:45:37] XXX: Former White Hat
June 15, 2012 at 8:11 pm
They claim to remember one another in projects, such as Anya Briggs
recalling Aaron McCollum abducting her in a milab and he confirming
it…would this mean they are conspiring with lies? Do they get together,
like Dyncan and Corso have before, over beers and come up with
storylines to tell the public?
[4:00:12] *** Gesprek beëindigd ***
will add images also. pdf
KK4AEI Washington USA
Todd Washington USA
(chat he rejoined, Todd is not Micheal hemmingson, he is on a .edu Uni, ip hence same co-location
[4:18:15] XXX: Todd was on Hemmingson’s show once
[4:18:21] XXX: and Hi-Jacker called in
[4:18:30] XXX: and he was so incredibly rude to Hi-Jacker
[4:18:38] XXX: he was like, ask me a question or hang up
[4:21:02] Rakmeister राकईश: consider it case closed. Only “time” is that is between me and case closed…
[4:21:30] XXX: Todd is behind some website that he’s pushing doom and gloom about
[4:21:37] XXX: called October Surprise
[4:21:46] XXX: or November Surprise…view/1352/2837
[6:24:10] XXX: comes from here…cial-research/
for the nail in the coffin
all the names on the same page
game set and match
Tijuana begins possible revolution: A call to close both Border Crossings #MexicanosAlGritoDeGuerra

BREAKING: Civil unrest erupting in Mexico. #MexicanosAlGritoDeGuerra calling for general strike in reaction to election.
[17:40:41] Rakmeister राकईश: lol imagine M.H being stuck in Tijuana, when they close borders hahaha
this is hemmingson 2009
[17:41:23] Rakmeister राकईश:
ill add for my blog the other one, in his music band also,
consider it case closed. Only time is that is between me and case closed…

Signed Ra Ka Isha
the controversial one.
One, Of the 1st light manifestation of the blue flame – D12
The Eternal One.
Case closed
{next post will be the contect from links in this PFD/DOC
Formerwhitehat Exposed Ra Style-The End 2012
do spread teh word about this nasty peice a ****,
(cant add contect links, to many embedded images.)
Andrew Bartzis
Why do u keep getting kicked from websites?
Ra Ka Isha Rakmeister
‘s? if you mean #wsr mostlikely because FWH and alters been playing more.. in my absence chat. and more accusations emptyclaims directed to cam black and there to dave and more im sure nick immitations of hemmie… ( or as JP said in march i can be controversial.. well thruth can be. and a Buttshot-picuture of FWH/MH and not blacking out RR logo made NH go mad over that. for 20views than edited/pic blackediout–. but he thanked on air for the post @idlycrapgroup and its support RR post.. and using RR LOGO.. (see the game).. or just like bs Nighthawk on station spoke rightabout a week ago nighttime i tuned in, me being a from amsterdam(lol ip trace, can say at some sites amsterdam, or other site deventer otherside country or decent sites say ede middle nl.), interpol, socketpuppets and attacks without specifying what. than saying his network never got hacked/issues. , (*oh by any chance fam of david black*, guess so.. *one hemmingsons backers.. ) and i got a list of 10 more claims hemmingson made up that are either all bs/fictive or his own doings, exluded 1 instance. i waited out my 30day ban, but one a hemmies alternicknames guess didnt likes it and went to camblack quick, and or 3weeks+ inbetween the lies and blabla said to dave since + the befor stated. beside hemmie had issues since i exposed his bs 2-sept and Krhis picked up rest , he got kicked of angela;s shw, A-team disbanded, and @skypcall most of hosts that were on, half.. i was added to #RR nh +hosts. they were all like if its up to us he is out a here gone m.h but NH was one that kept him.. and said m.h to stop his bs. ofc that didnt go… he also stated it on air RE MH crap to stop. just like seemingly NH likes to be lied to on air in the face asking M.H re his FWH bs. and i got banned from #RR 30days chat. but MH went to cam black, crying and more blabla since he could not play his bs in #WSR as i was on there couple times that week, but seems that that ban also goes for wsr from Camblacks side.. tracey read it back than.. what i said re that on blog. , but 1st thought was that dave thought i was Hemmingson hence troll. as that was one f the ban reasons and more weeks ago when hemmingson was playing his Bs and 2more making 3. and even more claimfull is hate speech.. o rly .. and martijn was also wtf i get invited to listen to show here and this passes by, and than this. there is so much you are not aware of concerning rakmeister and it is my decision to permanently ban him // much oh do tell than. is what i would say. or call as some things easier said haha, or it tends to get real long haha, joel morgan kimbal also has that tendence with pm from him over last months. and ofc the old blamegame folks play is in effect.. and as pamela tartar was well aware also,, and many others also. didnt you see on formercraphat and idlybla im also on their top Most wanted list and have 5+ crapingsonposts dedicated to me.
and i waited out by ban duration.. some dont like the truth so they play it this way. that would be a short summation for your Q. as the multitude in keep getting implies to them 2. as avalon im retired member stopped posttings and camelot zoe had her issues. others like jmj12 and others supported me. and thats it as for website’s
Andrew Bartzis
so much for dave… expected more of him. tbh