Showing posts with label Love. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Love. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 06, 2016

Ascension Whispers: Ascension Waves

Monday, May 26, 2014

Pat Cegan: Snippets from Source - #150 - #31

Pat Cegan: Snippets from Source  #150

owl in hand

Inspiration comes with love,
not with threats and fear.
When one is inspired, we
want to excel, to do our
best. Together you and I
will be a source of inspiration
using love as the generator.

Source of All Inspiration.

I nitiate action with love
N ew beginnings give hope
S weet words are swallowed easier
eople copy what they see — model what you want
nitiate new ideas with love, never fear
R epeat lessons are usually needed
A ct as if your dream was already realized
T hank-you gives miracles
I nstill confidence in others
neness is the goal
ow is the time for new beginnings

Snippets from Source #31

Sometimes what you view as
a crisis is Me setting up the
chess board for you to win
your heart’s desire.

Play the game with courage,
using love as your strategy.

You are a born champion!
I am betting on you! Source

i even had an owl in my dream today haha.  funky strange dreams

Monday, March 31, 2014

The Galactic Terra-Polarian Network: After the Solstice and the beginning of the full divison of APINs

True Earth Associations
Prelude to level three. I did not fully know how to share the information that grew out of the severe division that happened during the solstrice (19-25 March 2014) but here it is: 

Monday, 31 March 2014

After the Solstice and the beginning of the full divison of APINs

My Taran faction – the main force behind my work- has informed me of this: If we belong to one of the three seedings (being an original Taran) under the guidance e of the Priesthood of Mu and Ur – and we want to return to Tara – then we only got until 2025 to take the first initiation; i.e. leaving the dark network by our own free will and gain control over the personality matrix.

If we belong to other factions of the Palaidorians, e.g. the Pleiadian or the Sirian section – as in originate from those systems – the terms will be different. Please notice the difference in action, help and guidance in between the members of the Palaidorians.

The 1-3D Shambhala factions are still present as always in Inner Earth and will be until the day Inner Earth retracts to the living light areas of the Multiverses. Thus the Bailey material is valid to use to take the first initiation. Do only use the books, not anything else – create your own understanding; do not rely on the understanding of others or thought forms on the Internet; not even the schools that has grown out of this material. As soon as the speaker or writer of higher information is no longer present energetically, the thought forms start to decay. Thus we have to recreate the original thought forms in our personal energy work evolving intuition along the Path.

The 4D Priesthood of Mu (the teachers on the Path) will only be working through the network of living light, through the Four Faces of Man APIN. This communication system will release the knowledge we need to have when working our way through the next initiations. The Four Faces of Man indicates the full path of Christ – the four initiations – and releases the energy (manasic light DNA) needed to take the initiations, after we have taken the first one ourselves, even though the teachers themselves do not interact directly before after we have gained full access to the network of light; i.e. taken the first three initiations. The second initiation – releasing the Seal of Palaidor and taking the Solar Heart Activation, i.e. opening the true heart chakra – will connect us to the four faces of Man APIN which is per se “the Path”. The fourth initiation – the transfiguration or full ascension – will not be necessary, but the first three will be, to be able to leave the fourth world and regain access to the receiving stations on Tara (unless we apply to leave as a mind-field, cf. the Panergeia Project).

The 5D Great White Lion APIN is under the Priesthood of Ur and it will provide the information and energy we need to work with the leylines and the energy being infused here during the SAC. The original plan to let the SAC energies run in all of the networks as well as the natural leylines have been abandoned, and the energies of the SAC, which we need to release the Seal of the Palaidor and take the Solar Heart Activation to be able to build the three triangles in the head (regaining the 12 chakra structure), are only flowing in the Great White Lion APIN. We will be guided to the correct spots in our surroundings, when we are ready and from here integrate the energy needed to take the second initiation. This is called “the Way”.
Thus the second initiation connects us to the APINs we need to be connected to in order to evolve further.

Note the difference between the Path and the Way; the first indicating the four initiations we have to take by will and the use of living consciousness and the latter indicating the energy work we have to do by connecting to the living 4-6D cosmic forces in the leylines.

The Great White Lion, along with the Four Faces of Man, have to be used in the correct combination to be able to take the third initiation, working our way through the 4D and 5D of Earth – within the outer layers of the network of light – while we cleanse out the digressed mental energies back into the manasic light DNA of the second and third worlds. The third initiation opens up to the Sirian or 6D level in us.

We are literally working our way back through living energy and living consciousness rebuilding our original structure to be able to regain full citizenship of the Living Light Worlds. For some the path of following the original energy structure will be sufficient, making the last transitions into present day Tara within the receiving areas, and others are already now starting to work with the energies and consciousness from the fifth living light world as we will see in the next generations of children incarnating in human earth form, but are entirely enveloped in network of living light, preparing for the full division of the Earth chain in 2055-2147.

Between 2025 and 2037 we are able to release the Seal of Palaidor and take the Solar Heart Activation, i.e. the second initiation as we please (it is only possible if we have taken the first initiation) and start the process of the third initiation which will lead us to the active network of living light on Earth or the receiving areas on Tara after the transformation of the personality matrix and its matter form, infusing it with living light and consciousness from the spiritual triad. If we progress rapidly, taking all three initiations and starting the fourth, in this lifetime, we will be reborn into the living light fifth world of the Earth chain.

Hereafter the doors to the network of living light will close as the energies of the SAC fades out and the division of the frozen light communities and the network of living light will divide in full.

The original mission as partaking in the remaining cycle of the fourth world of Earth under the stronghold of the frozen light communities will only be as part of the living light network, which means that the helpers are in this world, but they do not intervene or partake actively or energetically. They are here to supervise, the ones still being present in human form, but they are not present as healers, grid-workers or similar missions. This has been given over to the humans taking the first and second initiations as a part of their energy transformation.

I know this information contradicts other information on the Internet, especially the ones indication that all of Earth has become an ascension planet, but this is the information I have got and I rely on this simply because it stems from the original sources I belong to on Tara.

The fifth and sixth world of the Earth chain will take place but within the network of living light. The fusion of the solar system with the Taran system is still going to happen, but only the ones that have taken the three initiations will become a part of this. The ones choosing the frozen light communities will follow their version of the fifth world as the overall division of Earth continues to unfold.
Again this is information for the ones still being present here on Earth stemming from the first three seedings. The rescue missions as orchestrated from the original Palaidorians follow this timetable. If you do not feel in agreement with this, you might belong to other factions and should find their timetables for the events that are bound to take place after the SAC fades out in 2017-2022.

I know of one Pleiadian who is still functioning within the dark network due to a sort of energy sphere around her, making her able to work within the quickly growing frozen light communities. This will protect her even though the energies of the SAC are retracting into the Great White Lion, since she is directly connected to her group, positioned in a secure location, i.e. Inner Earth, through her sphere. The Pleiadians will therefore continue to interact within the frozen light communities and their fifth world scenario; at least until the full division of Earth in 2147.

The lower digressive races are still leaving, i.e. the ones not partaking in the frozen light transformations, and the APINs belonging to those races have been taken over by the 5D and 6D forces of the former dark network – now called the frozen light communities (actually they already have different fancy names, but I will leave it at this).

As I have always said, the new world leaders of the frozen light communities are highly civilized and use highly evolved spiritual technology to fuse the digressive manasic light with crystalline energy; all in all creating eternal frozen light souls (built out of the remaining 4-6D spiritual triad fragments) being able to take on different types of artificial body structures created out of tissue etc. Science will therefore experience some major breakthroughs over the next 20-50 years on how to prolong the life expectancy of the physical body.

This is happening all over the Multiverses and in the future – where I come from – the Multiverses are divided into the free living light worlds and the frozen light worlds. This has not changed since all that is happening now led to this destiny and the timelines to this are still unfolding. The only thing that has changed since the first run through is the many rescue missions getting so many more out, before the division happens.

I know I took a little detour to reconnect with the Bailey material in the 1-4D, and I enjoyed the happiness this gave me talking about light beings and devas, but as mentioned in the second article in the link below, this is just one way of handing over the teachings to us while we work with the personality matrix. The reality is still what it is in 4-6D, or the reality of the spiritual triad, Tara and the HU-2 levels of the Multiverses and the information in this blog article stems from this level.

Read my material supporting this article here…..  The Path of Initiation (2)


Translated version DK->ENG = below:

Is knowledge of what a star human being in general is important to us?

+ Art, balance and integration

Wednesday, March 05, 2014

Ascension Whispers: Extraterrestrial Life Forms

Understanding more of creation and your relationship to it.


It is desired to offer you some things to consider concerning the ET life saga and planet Earth. Many people are still waiting on full disclosure from government powers to admit that the ancient ET phenomena is real and that ETs do exist and have been visiting Earth for thousands of years but it would be wise to stop looking  to corrupt control to reveal truth and become aware of the truth that is all around us.

The controlling powers of planet Earth know the truth about ET involvement with Earth, they know “some” of the ancient drama with such ET forces and even when they do reach the point of being backed into a wall to speak up, they are still not going to tell the truth and everything they know. Why? Because the ET involvement is what has created the control of the masses and to do full disclosure on all that a select few have knowledge of would be to reveal the mass control methods of the planet.

As we consider this information, it is important to remember that it is all a hologram which is being shown forth via conscious energy thoughts which means it is ALL about energy and the factions of control have always been about who is going to control energy. It is important to become aware of the drama from a higher view point instead of simply looking at the drama as it presents itself within the hologram.
The people of Earth have been dis-empowered for so long by controlling factions that for the largest percentage of the population they “think” they cannot know truth unless government, religious or scientific factions tell them something is true when it is these very organizations that continue to hide the truth in order to control.

For the controlling factions it is much easier to allow the people to be swept along within conspiracy theories and take the stance of denial or silence which simply keeps the emotions of the population tied up in knots or creates more false thoughts and ideas while controlling factions simply go about their agendas to control.
It is important to share these things to consider simply to allow such possibilities to become aware to the masses who might not yet be aware of such thoughts and ideas and how this planetary control game can quickly lead into more control while the masses have no clue what is going on.
  • Are ET life forms real? Yes
  • Have they been visiting Earth for thousands of years? Yes, and more like billions of years.
  • Have they been interacting with people of Earth? Yes
  • Have they been instrumental in sculpting the Earth hologram? Yes
  • Are ET factions responsible for the control the masses have been trapped within for thousands of years? Yes
  • Was the human race created by ETs? No
  • Was the Eternal Life forms “mutated” to create the human race? Yes
  • Are alien abductions a plan to enhance the human race DNA and create a superior or enlightened human race? No
  • Do all ET factions hold the same objective or intention in their interaction with Earth? No
  • Are all visiting ET factions distorted life forms? No
  • Are different ET groups feeding information to specific people? Yes
The human form is a mutated from that became mutated over billions of years of Earth history and the mutation began billions of years ago when the planets of the healed system were attacked by and infected with the cosmic virus which blew the planets apart. Over billions of years the planets eventually “regrouped” and over more millions of years they eventually ended up to express as they look today, the way most people think they have always looked and are suppose to be.

In a healed reality system, there are only 4 planets, not 8 and not 12 as some writers have reported there should be. The thoughts and ideas about there being 12 planets stems from the remembered thought of 12 chakras and 12 star gates within a system. People who have reported such things were not able to know the truth that the Vertical Pillar chakras / star gates of 12, 9, 6 & 3 are “NON Polarized” points of energy that do not manifest into a hologram. Therefore, the only way there could exist 12 planets within a hologram is if the 4 planets are blown into 12 pieces and regroup to form some similarity of a planet

Friday, February 28, 2014

Ascension Whispers: I AM Love

I AM Love

World change is imminent even though it will take time to see the positive changes begin to appear within the hologram. It is important for those who are able to try to retain awareness that it is all a hologram which the masses are co-creating via the thoughts and beliefs they hold.

As the higher energy of Source continues to flow unto the planet the people of Earth will increasingly become aware of the level of control they have been held within for thousands of years. Awareness of the level of control will be shocking for many and this is already being reflected within news reports of exposed corruption within systems people have believed and followed all of their lives.

For many, the changes that will continue to unfold will be life shattering as their core beliefs are shaken to the ground and their emotions will be the hardest hit. Imagine living your life to adhere to an ancient, dictated belief system to wake up one day and realize things are not at all what you thought they were.
People “need” to believe in something; they need to believe even if it is a false belief and belief systems are necessary to allow some form of balance within the planetary system. As healing continues for Earth, more and more people will begin to replace the beliefs they hold that no longer support their needs with new beliefs. Ancient beliefs will continue to come under question and rock many strong foundations.

For those who can hear the message and retain focus of their personal relationship with Source on a daily basis, they will be able to generate a powerful wave of Source energy that will work as a support blanket for those who cannot yet do so.

Love is and will eternally be the strongest energy of Source! There are many qualities of expression that are held within the energy of love but love will always be at the top of the list of all sub heading qualities.
The people of Earth have been “forced” to war against each other for thousands of years falsely “in the name of God” and such remains even today as people around the planet continue to kill each other in the name of their belief system. It is important to remember that “everyone is correct” in whatever they choose to believe as doing so is the only way to stop the fighting because someone thinks they are right and need to make another wrong in order to prove it.

The ancient belief systems still held in place by the largest percentage of the population, regardless how they differ, ALL originate from pre-ancient times and from ONE power source that fed the people of Earth the beliefs that was desired they believe. Via force and control of the planetary natural resources, the power elite have managed to maintain control of the masses and the script that is playing out is the exact same script that has been playing over for thousands of years.

There have been many people that have talked about “Atlantis Rising” and most of those people have thought that means that the lost city of Atlantis would be discovered or even perhaps rise up from an ocean grave. This is an example how thought concepts are quickly adopted by people as literal meaning.
The concept of Atlantis Rising is not a literal physical event in such terms but is a literal event as far as history trying to repeat itself. The Atlantian script has already been re-written and is not playing out the way that it did 26,000 years ago but some of that script will play out via the same “players” who played it out during the Atlantian cycle. Players that still desire world control, which actually means control of the planets energy system. They will not be successful in accomplishing such but they will continue to try until they have dropped the body and exited the hologram.

As change continues and systems continue a steady decline it is important for those who are awake and aware of the larger picture to remember they ARE the script writers who are writing the new script that will run along side of the ancient script that is losing strength. Change can be hard for anyone, awake or asleep, but change can be more comfortable if retention of the desired goal into higher consciousness and balance can remain at the forefront of focus.

Every life from on the planet has free will to choose as they desire and embodying the ability to allow all choices requires daily practice and can only be achieved by retaining focus of the personal connection and relationship with Source.

The people of Earth who are awake and aware of the higher truth of healing are the pioneers who are incarnate to be the Pillars of Source energy and hold open the ability to be the Pillars of Light that will shine forth the way for the many. They are the ones who are “able” to focus on the higher light of Source and simply “stand” and allow the love of Source to shine forth for anyone who requires it to be able to receive it; the forebears of truth and love unto the masses.

Do not allow yourself to focus on the distorted script and any drama that plays out within it but simply be aware of what is going on within the hologram while retaining focus of the balanced hologram you envision. Doing so will allow the changes to be much more gentle than if no one was on planet to assist Source with that effort.

If you encounter those who feel their world is falling apart because their belief systems are crumbling, simply offer them comfort, love and understanding and if they are willing offer them what you hold as truth of creation and your personal relationship with Source while striving to honor their beliefs. The energy that you gift to them can be like a life line that allows them to be held up while they readjust to the changes in their lives.

When the Earth life and the Earth drama are all said and done the only thing that will have mattered is Love and how each life form honored each other through love. All of the material things will have vanished and no longer exist and it will be remembered that they were all simply props within a play.

If we choose to use our energy wisely and make a stand for balance and healing where we can without allowing our emotions to push without thinking into hasty decisions then the changes will occur in a much more balanced fashion. Change is inevitable so we might as well remember how to allow the change instead of trying to drive it before it is able to manifest.

If you desire, you could use the above image within your meditations – visualizations to collectively co-create a sphere of intent that holds the planet.

Loving Joy, AW

Monday, January 20, 2014

Ascension Whispers Whispers: Time Travel

Note: Viewing of the videos on the AW youtube channel will be necessary to understand this post fully.

Time Travel


Are you one who has often dreamed of being able to do something like travel through time? For most the concept is only possible within science fiction drama but through the course of “time” many people have dreamed the dream and many have studied their entire life to try to make that dream come true.

Would you find it hard to believe that you are traveling within the most sophisticated time machine ever built or is the thought simply more science fiction?

Famed astrophysicist Stephen Hawking believes humans are capable of time travel. But scientific theories require the use of some kind of mechanical space craft to accomplish such.

Perhaps all of the sectors of science should get together and plug all of their pieces into one program to see what they might be over looking.

Quantum physics has now proven that creation is a hologram and yet how many people are running with that information, applying it to daily living and rewriting the history books? Ahhhhhhhhhh, it will take “time”!

The largest majority of the population still require tangible – physical proof to apply anything to their tangible – physical reality but continued healing into higher conscious thinking will increasingly challenge people to rethink their concept of what reality actually is.

As has been shared within the Ascension Whispers material, the planet and all eternal life expressions are and will continue to experience “time shifts” every 30 days for the next 87 years.

When that information first became aware to share on the AW youtube channel, awareness only allowed for what was shared but more information has now opened up to awareness that shows the time matrix galaxy is not only one of an uncountable number of holograms but is also a “universal clock”. Time Matrix = Grid Clock!

Time is created by the process of energy accretion and the science fiction thoughts think that time travel should include being able to instantly move from one point in time to another to experience a totally different reality field, which we now know for certain is a hologram because those who need tangible proof have been supplied that via quantum physics.

We measure time via the face of our clock but what kind of instrument might one need to measure time from one era to another? Could the face of our clock be limiting in our ability to believe that something like time travel is possible? We all time travel every second of every day but how many people think about that reality when they quickly check the time to see if they are going to be late for that next important meeting?

Hawking says moving backwards in time is impossible because it “violates a fundamental rule that cause comes before effect.” Have you ever noticed how scientists will create fundamental rules to make a theory work in the moment?

Since quantum physics has now supplied the tangible proof that it is all a hologram does that not imply that there is a cause that creates that effect and since matter does not really exist, does that not imply that “something” that is NOT matter is creating the effect? If there is something that is not matter that is creating the illusion of a massive hologram is it not possible that something could re-create the entire hologram? This type of thinking can lead into what science deems “the supernatural” and since the supernatural cannot be studied in a laboratory is not an area we will see main stream science reporting on any time soon.

This means that the common person is going to need to collect all of the pieces and put them together for their self, if they desire to understand more of what it means to “shift into higher consciousness” which in fact is moving through time or time travel.

If we can begin to get our brains around the truth that time is an illusion created by the process of accretion of energy, that all of creation is energy and nothing is really matter manifest, it then allows us to theorize that moving backwards through time is indeed possible if something occurs to create a rapid drop in energy accretion.

Think about boiling a pot of water for a moment. The process of moving forward in time would be “experiencing” the time it took for that water to reach a boiling point and the process of moving backward in time for the water would be the time it took for reaching room temperature which constitutes the process of energy becoming hotter and then colder.

That is exactly what occurred when 2/3 loss of energy occurred within the planetary system. Higher, hotter, energy instantly became room temperature! Of course this translates into the non-existent matter particles as well which would mean a rapid change within the chemicals that make up those matter particles and this would translate into “de-evolution” for the non-existent matter biology. So, if matter does not exist, what does? Energy! Energy cannot be created or destroyed! Does that not beg the question, “where does that energy originate”? Oh no, that takes us back into the scientific taboo area of the supernatural. :) Which seems to imply that both science and the supernatural are required to understand the larger picture and since neither science or the supernatural religions are willing to mesh their thinking, we must do that for ourselves.
When the 2/3 energy loss occurred within the planetary system during the Atlantean time cycle it was literally a process of rapidly traveling “backward” in time and this is because all of the energy that had already been accreted or all of the seconds that had already been experienced were instantly lost. The pot returned to room temperature!

The monthly time shifts the planet is now experiencing every 30 days is the process of “re-accreting” all of that energy that was instantly lost to awareness; all of those seconds that had already been experienced within the non-existent matter and created a rapid de-evolution of the matter form.

We are all riding within the best space ship available and traveling “Back To The Future”! And this IS the process of expanding into higher conscious awareness!

What might it be like to experience within a holographic matter form that de-evolves the chemical elements it is composed of? That answer is pretty simple, it experiences exactly as we are currently experiencing. What might it be like to experience within a matter base that de-evolves and holds a hidden, unknown virus and what kind of hologram might that create to experience? Again, that answer is pretty simple as we are all experiencing it.

The JOY lies within the “rediscovery” of what it is like to experience with open, aware higher conscious thoughts and the entire planet is locked within that adventure.

What does it mean to experience “lost memory” turning back on to awareness? It means re-accreting all of that lost energy that holds those thought memories within it.

The next time shift is set to occur tomorrow, January 12, 2014 and as you go through your day of experience perhaps you might choose to give a moments thought to what you were doing the previous time you accreted the energy of that day in time.

Even though the shift is scheduled to occur tomorrow, I became aware at 3:00 AM on January 11, 2014 that this months time shift is already underway and it has been an interesting experience these past 24 or so hours.
Began with instant inside out extreme body heat followed by cycles of instant inside out extreme cold. What does that experience mean? It means that the rapid increase in energy that is encountered via the shift forward in time first heats up the chemicals of the matter form and then the accelerator is slowed and those chemicals cool down and the cycle continues until the shift in time has completed at which point the life form begins the process of opening to awareness the “thoughts” held within that new point in time.

I don’t know about you but I am extremely happy to know that the “supernatural force” is in charge of this process least the space craft might blow up from not knowing when to let off the gas. :)

Because it is a process of shifting back to the future it means that the new discoveries, new thought patterns, new ideas about everything is actually turning on lost memory and lost awareness of truth.
We will see the universal clock in upcoming videos on the AW youtube channel.
Welcome to the process of experiencing traveling back to the future!

Loving Joy,


Monday, December 23, 2013

Ascension Whispers: Form, Thoughts, Creating, Perception, Love


Form, Thoughts, Creating, Perception, Love



Note: A few things passed my personal awareness from the hologram these past few days and so I asked Vertical Guidance and below is the message that is for the whole. Of course the response was not what I was expecting but I have come to realize that expectations are deeply over-rated.

Perception of Creation:

The fact that the people of Earth currently view their self as their matter body limits perception of the truth of creation. The matter body is a temporary vehicle made of the same light units the experiential holographic reality field is made of and operates very much like a computer and just like a computer will not come alive (move about, interact, present images) unless there exits an energy supply, stored coding – memory.

When consciousness enters their energy into the light units of the matter body they are the supplier of the energy and coded memory held as thoughts that animate the light units of the matter form.
The consciousness exists as a type of radiation made of units of “non-visible light” and it is non-visible light because it is non-polarized or neutral charged energy expressing at varying degrees of energy quanta. The conscious radiation that animates polarized units of light “IS” Source in smaller energy units and expresses exactly as Source does as neutral, non-visible light which to the life forms of Earth would look like a sea of bright, white light with no defining form within the sea.
The fact that the life forms of Earth are currently unable to shape shift the units of light of the matter body form traps the embodied consciousness and holds it in the same state for the life time of the matter body and the loss of memory the planet has encountered limits the perception of creation.
The limited state of perception makes life forms believe they are their matter body and do not exist without the matter body. Memory loss and being blocked from the truth of creation via the inner cosmic virus prohibits awareness that all of creation is conscious energy. Such limited perception makes it next to impossible to believe that even things like sun beams, rainbows or orbs of light that may show up in pictures are alive, conscious energy because the held belief is that consciousness must be held within an animated matter body form to be considered alive.

Inanimate objects are not considered to be “alive” because consciousness is not animating them. Inanimate objects are made of conscious light but the inorganic state of which the light particles have been fused together does not allow an eternal life grid that would support higher conscious energy and is why inanimate objects will not transpose into higher conscious reality systems.

When embodied conscious identity holds the ability to fluctuate the level of dense light energy the consciousness can move their matter body through the dense light of inanimate objects. It is inorganic for eternal life expressions to be limited by dense light particles but the process of releasing such limitations requires being able to self generate energy and raising units of light into higher light vibration – oscillation sequences and healing is occurring to allow this ability to return to the eternal life expressions of Earth.

Healing into higher conscious thinking and balance with Source requires becoming aware of creation as the energy it actually is instead of thinking and viewing of creation as solid, manifest matter and remembering everything perceived as being outside of the viewer is actually light units expressing at varying degree of brightness with varying degrees of units of light turned off to awareness which allows for the illusion of space between units of light.

The grouping of units of light to create the outline of a form is inherent per the encrypted thought held within the personal conscious identity. Thought and memory are the same thing and once thought patterns or programmed data – coding is encrypted into neutral charged energy the neutral charged energy retains the encrypted thought as memory; very much like a computer retains a software program to come alive when the user tells it to.

It is desired to offer awareness of the need for caution when encountering any external technology reported to create higher body health by altering the held memory because altering memory is the same process of altering the encrypted thought coding and is exactly what the internal, distorted virus does and how it has created a distorted holographic reality field through the living matter light base via the “conscious thoughts” of the life forms of Earth.

Earth science has held the technology to alter memory for many years and will continue to present the technology to the public in many ways reported to improve physical health and well being. People easily and quickly accept such “newly discovered scientific technology” because of the fear of death and is why the medical venue is a great place to introduce new technology.

The masses are not aware that before new technology is flushed into the public arena it has been tried, tested and at least in the process of being applied in the military arena to discover the benefits it can have for all military action, known and unknown.

The intelligent, distorted virus desires to create intelligent, artificial life and once Earth science presents to the public new discovered technology to alter stored memory patterns it will be more easily acceptable to the public when new technology is presented for artificial life that holds “stored memory programming” and follows commands.

This artificial technology will be flushed into the public arena in the near future and it is already being used in automobiles and other smaller technology but a robotic, life size artificial intelligence will be presented to the public in the near future and it will be presented as the next best, newest and highest technology that will make daily living much easier.

The technology will manifest into the hologram with many levels of control and agendas behind it and will be incorporated into the military sector to create robotic armies. No, it is not just science fiction! Science already holds the technology to create such things.

Understanding and embodying more of what it means that the reality field is a hologram can assist awareness into the need to protect the personal memory or personal thoughts and not fall prey to the hyped memory technology when it manifests into the hologram. Such technology will spread into all social systems and will become very popular within the metaphysical sector, offering the next best thing for rapid DNA activation.

We will eventually get to the point of sharing information about DNA activation within the video presentations but for now it is simply desired to bring awareness that nothing outside of yourself or anything artificially implanted into yourself will allow or support such a thing. Turning on more chemicals within the DNA is a matter of turning on more of the higher energy of Source and no one can do that for another in any way.

The masses continue to be held within a volatile position as they go through the process of healing because awakening consciousness can be gullible and trusting which is an inherent quality of Source who loves all of ItSelf and allows all possibilities of free will. The best possible protection against things that are put right in front of you and called something else with an unknown agenda behind them is to accept and believe nothing simply because someone is really good at selling it by controlling the emotional body because that someone is the inner distorted virus.

Of course that does not apply to all technology and some can be quite helpful but when it comes to altering the gene code makeup, such as altering memory patterns, it is suggested to use great caution in choosing.

There is no reason to fear anything and when a life form allows the continued focus to be on Source and allows Source to be the guiding light then making choices can become much easier and it would be wise to not allow yourself to be “pushed” into making a choice because someone is trying to control your emotions.

Gifting and Receiving Love:

There are those in body on planet who are consumed with fear which means the inner virus is in complete control of their thoughts and they are so fearful they even fear to give and receive the love of Source and many in this situation will tell people things like keep your heart chakra closed and then there is the other extreme that says to open your heart chakra. The heart chakra has become associated with the quality of love within the mass consciousness but love is gifted and received via the entire energy body system, not just the heart chakra. If a life forms heart chakra was not open then they would not be in body because the physical body would stop supporting their consciousness.
It is actually the entire physical body that control occurs through and when you can understand that the control is coming from an inner, intelligent, distorted virus it becomes much easier to understand that the entire system is held in some state of control and not just one area of the system.
By consciously choosing to “close” your chakras you are consciously contracting your energy unto yourself and not allowing energy to flow through you which in turn keeps you from receiving the flow of Source energy. But because the largest percentage of the population are not aware of their energy system they do not know how to regulate their energy system and pull their energy fields in close to them when needed instead of simply leaving them wide open to everything around them. Many people are “empaths” and do not yet know they are and empaths tend to draw energy to them like a magnet and “feel” all kinds of responses through their physical – energy systems that others do not yet notice.

The only way to become aware of controlling your own energy is to allow self awareness as to how you are affected by energy and this awakens via healing of personal awareness of personal power which comes from continued focus into higher conscious thinking which can only come from Source.
The inner virus will continue its agenda to control the thoughts and beliefs of the masses until it is purged from the system and its main stronghold is to generate fear through the physical – emotional body. Continued focus and communion with Source is the only thing that can squelch those inner fears that desire to control and consume. You do have a choice and that choice is what you choose to believe!

Healing into balance and higher consciousness requires healing into truth which is a process of becoming aware of more knowledge to consider and see how it feels for you and truth removes mysticism from the equation and is what Earth science desires to achieve but truth also requires knowledge of the non-visible energy of Source. Replacing mysticism with knowledge then allows for self empowerment and healing into the organic self sovereign life expression you were created to be and removes all fear. Finite life forms are not able to know such truth or co-create simply by thinking and is why the distorted virus has not only survived by consuming energy from living systems but uses the organic abilities of living systems to get them to create what it desires via “thinking”.
What are you creating with your thoughts via the beliefs you hold and are those beliefs your own or do they belong to someone else who desires you to accept their beliefs?

All thoughts come from somewhere and all thoughts create and add those creations to the hologram but not all thoughts originate from Source and the encrypted thoughts of Source. The inner, distorted virus has been manipulating the thoughts of the Earth solar system for a very long time and is very experienced at doing so.

The Earth hologram and the life experience is not “being done to you”, you and the masses are creating the hologram yourself so you are doing it all to yourself but it is important to try to retain awareness that the imbalance is a result of the inner, intelligent, distorted virus and is working through you to do its bidding and simply being aware of that allows you power to stop the distorted thoughts that are creating the distorted reality field.

As you go about your daily activities and encounter people, places and things and experience stress, strife, fear and worry ask yourself who is making you experience such things. Is it possible for the life forms of Earth to be under the influence of mind control and if so, who is doing the controlling and where are they controlling from?

How many stories are reported daily on the news channels that people are doing seemingly random things such as going on a shooting spree and people who knew them say they had no idea that person was capable of something like that?

How many things are being planned within black ops sectors to control the masses, the economy, the planetary resources and the planet and how could those life forms even have such thoughts and ideas? Mentally ill? What creates mental illness in which an individual has lost complete control of their thoughts?

There is nothing to fear but there is reason to become aware why anyone might hold fear within them. Stepping out of fear requires remembering your personal power which requires remembering you ARE Source embodied and eternally connected to Source. It then becomes much easier to shift your attention to Source and consciously fill your body with the energy of Source in any given situation.
You could not feel love and desire balance if the energy of Source was not flowing through you nor would you feel unloved or worry that you are not good enough because to feel the opposite of love you must know the feeling of love.

Simple awareness of the “root cause” of all distortion can allow awareness of personal power to return and you hold the solution or anti-virus within you to empower you and assist you to become stronger than the virus and take back control of your thoughts to create what you desire to experience and create the hologram anew.

We are working to present more knowledge to you that can assist self awareness and healing but it takes time because of the need to heal to allow more knowledge to open to awareness but you do not have to wait on more knowledge to choose what you desire to focus your thoughts and attention on.
Protection from the external environment is not simply a matter of putting a lock around your heart chakra as some might desire you to believe it is a matter of “guarding your thoughts” constantly as they are the core program that determines all experiences.

Giving the love of Source, freely without any expectations assures you will continue to receive the love of Source increased of the amount you gifted and gifting the love of Source cannot occur if fear binds and contracts the love of Source.

Awareness includes awareness of the external environment and how it is used to pump thoughts into the mass consciousness to then get the mass consciousness to create those thoughts within the hologram but you can even regain control of that process simply by choosing what you desire to accept into your belief system and focus your energy into which means you can control, simply by thinking, any hidden agenda that you may not currently be aware of.

The holiday season presents a “mind set” of accepted beliefs that it is a season to gift to others but sadly the concept has been hindered via commercial means spawned from a desire of acquisition and creates a lot of stress for many to try to live up to the social expectations put upon the holiday season.
When you give freely the love of Source it does not require any commercial concepts but simply caring, sharing and assisting others with their needs and doing so offers a much fuller return of Source energy than maxing your credit card to purchase more material items.

The joy of the Christmas holiday and the coming New Year offers an opportunity to simply breathe and choose what you would like to do to assist yourself and the whole into healing back into balance and can be a restart point to choose where you desire to place your energy and what you desire to focus upon.

When you allow yourself to “know” you are Source embodied then looking at the external hologram and all of the crazy things that are going to continue to occur for awhile become much easier because YOU are in control of you and no one else.

The New Year will present “exactly” as the masses create it and you can support each other in making it a memorable one.

Blessing of Love & Joy to All


Thursday, November 07, 2013

Remembering with Pamela: Spiral Thinking - 3 Okt 2013 #AUDIO

Spiral Thinking - 3 Okt 2013

Pamela explains in deep detail her method of breaking out of the painful and non-productive linear thought process that we have been trained to follow that has kept us in slavery mode for many thousands of years. 

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Non-Silent Silence

blue bird on liliac
A chorus of bird song sings
counter-point to the cock crow.
Rain washed breezes murmur
through the dense new growth
stimulated by daily rains. The
silence of the floresta is healing
and never is truly silent as the
Mother of the Floresta and those
who attend her murmur, sigh, and
sing the songs of nature.

These past weeks have been a roar
into the new year, finishing old
lessons, starting new ones. I
treasure the morning silence filled
with the life sounds of nature.
Pages fill with poetry, my pen
seldom pausing. The Master has
much to say.

I listen and learn. I know the
messages criscross the globe
bringing wisdom and the message
of love to seekers everywhere.
An old cycle has finished, the world
survived and now surges forward. I
am grateful for all I learned. Now
I start a whole new cycle, unburdened
by the past, which burned away,
leaving the new to rise up our of the ashes.

Monday, December 17, 2012

Saturday, December 08, 2012

RISE & climb as far as you can.....

[caption id="attachment_3918" align="aligncenter" width="463"][/caption]

RISE & climb as far as you can
BELIEVE & break through
and KNOW; if in need,
WILL always
come to you
ps. Victorous aka Merlin aka Metarin aka B**  H ...
Owls are watching... 
Stop your Mirror Magic...


Friday, March 02, 2012

Archangel Metatron: ENFORCEMENT OF TRUTH 777 Archangel Metatron:ENFORCEMENT OF TRUTH 777

26 February 2012

Channeler: Susan Elsa

Dear beloved Souls

I AM METATRON, and I bring you the Light of Peace of the Mind. I am Master over Thought and Action, for any Action stems first from the Thought. Indeed, some Souls on Earth say, God created the Planet by speaking his own Name. Well I would like to complete this theory a bit and let you know, that FIRST CAME THE THOUGHT- then the manifesting WORD.

When you ascend into the next Life Form, you will have mastered your Thoughts completely. What I am talking about here, is NOT anything that has to do with the Changes happening for 2012. Everyone right now, seems to be talking and thinking about this Date, and I would like to clarify, that the following is general and timeless:

Like an endless Ladder of different Worlds, God created not only the Life you know at the Moment, but also other Types and Forms of Life. In the Universe, which you can perceive with your physical Eyes, you are located in one Galaxy and didn’t even reach the Border of your own Galaxy- ever yet. But also, do you know, that there are MORE GALAXIES. You guess, is there Life, or is there not?

Something inside your Heart, always sensed and knew, that you are NOT ALONE. This does not mean, that “Aliens” like from your Art Movies you have on the Planet, exist like that. Most other Beings in different Galaxies, are very similar to you. And just like every individual Soul has their own Life Path’s (yes, multiple), every Planet in the physical Dimensions with “intelligent” Life on it, has it’s own individual Planet Path and Plan.

There will be NO VISIT from other Planets, in Form of Aliens, the way you know this word from Books and Movies on your Planet. It is strictly forbidden, especially when Earth is in such chaotic, healing Times, to have two different Life Forms/Galaxies, mix with each other and confuse everyone even more. Later, this step will take place, much, much later, when Humanity is ready, as well as the other Types of Humanity in the Universe.

As the Archangel of the Mind, I am here today, to remind all of you once again, to CALL ON ME, regularly if you wish, to CLEAR YOUR MIND/THOUGHTS. It is very important, for 2012. Let me explain something, and be attentive:

The Thoughts are at home inside the Mind. The Mind, is not much different than the Soul, you could say, it is the binding Mass between physical Brain and Soul’s Consciousness, like a Glu. All is connected, as long as you are alive inside your Body of Flesh, your Body connects to Soul, and the opposite.

When you call for my Assistance or a Healing Session with me, which you can do ANY TIME ANY PLACE NOW, I do heal the Mind and Consciousness of the Soul, and it does immediately manifest/reflect onto the physical Body you have.


It is also the Mind which has been abused in the Dark Times in the past, to “brainwash” Human Beings into thinking DIFFERENT. The human Mind, CAN BE PROGRAMMED, in a good, or in a bad way. When some dark minded People discovered this, they designed a whole System, that would not only confuse your Mind, but overstress it so much with dark food for thought, fear and injustice, that many Human Beings ignored their Mind/Soul for a long, long Time, till now. Through this Action, Human Beings lost much contact to their own Soul, and even today, as you are awakening, many of you prefer to “channel” and “focus” on another’s Spirit, instead of your own.

Over time, the Human could not function error-free like this.

The Body, Nature, Energies around your Dimensions, Mind, Soul, all of us Archangels and Angels, all was designed in HARMONY and absolute PERFECT BALANCE AND MEANING. This is why all IS ONE AND CONNECTED. This is also the logical Consequence: Souls who get “too sick and infected with Dark Matter”- MUST BE CLEANSED AWAY- because ALL IS ONE AND CONNECTED, and Life is ETERNAL, and the Heavens are everlasting green and healthy, even though Heaven, is always as well connected with you, and all other Life Forms and Worlds. In order for ALL OF THIS TO REMAIN THE WAY IT WAS MADE AND IS AND ALWAYS WILL BE – anything endangering with too much Darkness THE WHOLE MASSES OF SOULS- will have to go.

We do not speak harshly, to be injust. Every Soul has it’s own Opinions, Life Lessons and Thoughts/Feelings. YOU might consider it injust, if any Soul gets neutralized. But you think in human Ways, and it is a lovely Wish, to want all Souls to be healed and ascend, in fact, it is our and God’s Wish as well. We do all we do for Humanity for 2012, to try TO AVOID TOTAL DESTRUCTION OF ANY SOULS- but we CANNOT FORCE A DARK SOUL, NOT WILLING TO LEARN, INTO THE MIDDLE OF A GROUP OF OTHER SOULS- WHO DID WORK HARD AND GROW. You must learn, to be able to exist after Death. You are in very special Times, and NOW WE ARE APPROACHING A MASS ASCENSION OF SOULS INTO THE NEXT LIFE FORM- the will have completed their Cycle of Birth, Re-Incarnation, Death, and MASTERED this Life, to have the “EQUIPMENT” TO EXIST IN THE NEXT.

Human Beings cannot be, exist or even breathe on the Moon, let us say, except if they have the Equipment. We don’t ascend Souls against their Will, into a Life Form they can’t handle, so they suffer and FALL AGAIN. It would be cruel. It is better to master the first Step, then naturally go to the second Step and enjoy it.

God understands Creation and the Universe, more than anyone of you Human Beings. God made everything with purpose and the most high Intelligence. A Soul, which gets neutralized, suffers ZERO. It is peaceful, no one will be “hurt”, but rather like peacefully dissolved into Light Energy. It is in reality a relief, which will happen to some dark Souls, WHO WISH FOR IT BY FREE WILL and its ACTIONS/THOUGHTS. In the Dark Times, God did wait and wait, and send Love and Love, and it was kicked with feet. They did not accept it, no matter how long God kept sending them Love and Healing.

And I am not talking about Human Beings, inside the Body. I mean, the Souls of Human Beings who passed, but were too dark and heavy in Vibration, could not ascend naturally. God did not neutralize them, but sent us, the Archangels, for a MARATHON OF HELP AND HEALING. Many Souls, refused to go into the Light and remained stuck, for Years and Years. They refused to realize, that they died and stayed, in spirit Form, on Earth, pretending they are still physically alive, sucking on living Human Beings Energy to maintain their Survival, in this unnatural State.

Think about it, what is the better Option? To leave Souls behind, eternally suffering? No, that would be cruel, compared to peacefully putting their Soul “to sleep” and neutralize it. The energy of this Soul, will then go back into the WHOLE and become part, without individual Consciousness, of all others again. So, it is never lost, just changed.

Many Souls are wonderfully making all effort they can, to work on themselves, better themselves, grow, indeed, what has been always the ORIGINAL LIFE PLAN FOR THIS EARTH DIMENSION- but with Balance of Duality. We observed the Situation a very long Time, and waited until WE HAD TO HELP. We left as long as possible, ROOM FOR FREE WILL, our Hope was, that we could move and inspire Humanity to make a Change themselves. But a few extraordinary dark Souls, refuse to let the others live in Peace- and some INNOCENT Souls, have gotten stuck in the Past as well, in the 4th Dimension, because they were HURT TOO MUCH and TOO LONG.

NO INNOCENT SOUL WILL BE NEUTRALIZED- but healed, uplifted and helped. This Soul then, will get it’s energies balanced out, by neutralizing the dark party and like that, regenerating the Life Energy of the Innocent Soul again.

It is important, that we ALL TOGETHER try to help the dark Souls WAKE UP, before they sink too low. But of course, always keep in mind, HELP ONLY WITH A LIMIT- NEVER LET ANOTHER PULL YOU DOWN DURING ASCENSION. If they don’t want help or push you away, or even, attack you in angry ways or any such behavior, GET AWAY FROM THEM. Only the Ones, who are OPEN FOR CONNECTING AND HEALING AND LOVE EXCHANGE, you have a Chance to help.

Treat YOURSELF gently, and maintain your Balance by eating healthy and light, lessen Meats and increase Veggies and Fruits in your Diet. Relax. Enjoy with your full Heart and Soul, and Body, this Spring/Summer 2012, spend as much time as you can, in Nature, as I have explained in an earlier Message. KEEP UP THE LIGHT! Reserve one Day in the Week, and turn it into your SPA DAY- a nice smelling Bath, Care and Nurturing of your Body, an hour of Mediation outdoors with good vibrating Music, or even Drawing. Expressing your Soul in colors and paints, this is a great Training for your FANTASY and relaxes the Mind even further.

I will speak more in a later Message. Call on me, or ARCHANGEL MICHAEL, whenever you need to cleanse your Thoughts, or DIFFERENTIATE BETWEEN TRUTH AND LIE- Archangel Michael can help, together with me, to CUT the binding, attaching Energy, which is pulling you in, most of the time, these looks like Chords, attached to your Chakras. And always remember to focus on RUBY RED/GOLD/WHITE LIGHT, surrounding your Body, Soul and Mind (especially the Mind), when you call on me, ARCHANGEL METATRON, and relax and let me give you a Healing Session. When calling my dear Archangel Michael, you focus on BLUE/WHITE Light- Archangel Michael CARRIES NO SWORD- which CUTS any BODY- Archangel Michael’s “Sword” is made out of PURE LIGHT. Imagine it surrounding you, cooling you with a fresh Breeze, or like a Coat of Blue Light being put around your Shoulders, covering you gently in Comfort.

With all the Power of the Mind,

This Text can be shared and distributed with Credit to Susan Elsa, Archangel Metatron & Archangel Michael for the channeled Work.