Showing posts with label Implantation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Implantation. Show all posts

Monday, November 27, 2017

EnergeticSynthesis: Implanted Thoughts - November 2017 - Newsletter

November 2017

Implanted Thoughts

Lisa Renee

Dear Ascending Family,

When we have a better comprehension of how Implanted Thoughts and mind control implants are used, we can better discern the agenda and refuse to participate with it.  If someone set out to design a society that drives people to worship self-destruction, self-absorption, and materialism while driving them to escape the inner emptiness through self-medicating and addiction, you’d have the general blueprint of mind control that is used in our society. Essentially, this is about blocking perception of reality by jamming neurological receivers and hijacking the brain so that the masses cannot decode or perceive what is really going on. Many of us can feel the pressure to create soul disconnection and AI assimilation in the masses, has been turned up. The antidote to mind control broadcasts and clearing implants is deeply connected with developing our spirit and refusing to become a slave to automated impulses.  For this reason we will look at the most common forms of Implanted Thoughts and implants and how to identify them.

Since the Majestic 12 and Zeta Grey Alien Trade Agreements were made about 85 years ago, earth inhabitants have been aggressively experimented upon with hidden technologies used to Implant Thoughts as one of the many prongs of social engineering programs.  During World War II, there was a major revolution in the militarization and approach to warfare as a result of the major world government's making contact with negative aliens, who introduced them to an array of advanced technologies in exchange for access to human genetics, breeding programs and earth resources. During this phase of setting up covert military programs to experiment with these alien based advanced technologies, it became common knowledge in the secret intelligence factions that human brain waves and behavior could be influenced or controlled through exposures to light and sound or electromagnetic frequencies. These exposures were covertly tested out on human beings for many purposes, through the development of various electromagnetic frequency Implants.

Certain electromagnetic exposures are invisible and can change the way the brain processes information while influencing specific conditions in the mind and body, many times without the person’s awareness. The methods used to approach warfare against enemies changed rapidly, toward total control over humanities biological processes through combinations of exposures to a spectrum of electromagnetic fields. Through targeting the human brain and bio-neurology, the mind, body and soul can be manipulated to control thoughts and emotions, transmit suggestions, interfere with long and short term memory, insert images, run audio and sensory experiences, and take control over autonomic and voluntary functions of the body. The goal is to confuse or destroy the organic signals that normally keep the mind and body in a state of homeostatic balance and equilibrium, while shutting down the genetic switches that are responsible for DNA signaling in the human body.

This month we are exploring more deeply the impact and effect of Implanted Thoughts and Implants that generate the pathological mind of the negative ego in the human population. In order to identify and locate the source of Implanted Thoughts, and refuse to become a slave to automated impulses, we must know that this technology exists.  The mind control agenda is very complex, but it is important to realize that the use of artificial intelligence technologies designed to implant thoughts in the collective are what keep the AI timeline loops operating in the lower dimensional fields. When we clear Implanted Thoughts and Implants from out of our consciousness body, when we refuse to automatically play out mind control patterns of fear, violence and division, we are helping to collapse the collective AI grid. When we refuse to feed into the holographic insert or implant by holding neutrality and witnessing our pain body, making the effort to emotionally heal, the implant dissolves in the light you created in its place. When we choose love over fear, when we shift perception into higher virtues, when we 12D shield with our Avatar Christ, we can dissolve frequency implants and clear the painful triggers enmeshed within them. As you consider this information, hold awareness of these technologies so that if you need to locate them for dismantling, you are empowered to consciously participate with the process in partnership with your God self.

Whoever controls an individual’s mind through Implanted Thoughts also gains control over their identity, and the direction of the soul and the consciousness energy of that person. Thus, whoever controls the collective mind of the masses through the premeditated use of covert mind control tactics, such as aiming concealed electromagnetic frequency technologies to transmit Implants into the unaware public, will also gain influence over those individual groups unconscious and conscious thoughts, as well as their motivations, perceptions, and beliefs about the reality.

Essentially, this means that if we are exposed to concealed mind control tactics or allow something external to gain control over the thought impulses in our mind, then our beliefs, attitudes, instinctual drives and brain activity are not really our own. In people with weaker character development or unhealed traumatic injury, sometimes this also means that a person’s outward actions are not fully their own, because they are being physically controlled by Implanted Thoughts that are being externally projected into their unconscious mind. When people cannot control destructive impulses that generate outward destructive actions, they become an unconscious agent for spreading dark forces and dangerous chaos. Pushing people to the razors edge of insanity so they act out destructively is exactly what the NAA desires, as this is a potent divide and conquer tactic and it generates a lot of emotional pain and suffering, that can be harvested and used to further manipulate perception.

If our thoughts are not being carefully generated from our own self-determination and informed consent to make wiser personal choices, and we instead allow others to think for us, or we act from unconscious impulses stimulated by Implants, we lose control over our personal intent, consent and authority. If we cannot gain control and discipline over the content of our own mind, then we are forever consciousness slaves. Slavery and subjugation is the core purpose behind any agenda of implementing secret strategies for Implanted Thoughts and Implants within any population.

If people are left unaware that they are secretly being exposed to such mind control tactics, they become a slave to the most dominating force, which is exerting a non-visible control mechanism in their bio-neurology. This bio-neurological Implant mechanism is designed to manipulate their thoughts, motivations and desires, which further act to take over that person’s perception of reality. Once the perception of reality is controlled, formatted into the majority consensus or the approved version of history that was devised by the NAA, then the common people self-enforce the same fabricated narrative, without knowing they are being used as pawns in the controller game that covers up the archon-alien deception. Through the control and manipulation of the perception of reality, many earth humans self-enforce their own enslavement through the perpetual warring and exploitation of their own planetary resources.

Diminished Reality

As a result of exerting electronic control over a person’s brain activity and thoughtforms, our emotions, memories and the accumulated knowledge over lifetimes that form our mental map can also be manipulated and edited, in order to get us to believe in something that is not factual or true. This is similar to the effects of using artificial intelligence computer mediated reality to edit out, subtract, and remove information, or manipulate ones perception of reality through technology that acts as a visual filter between the real world and what the user perceives. When a computer technology or implant is being used by someone to edit out or diminish the reality perception of others, like consciousness wiping of previous memories, this has negative effects and consequences upon the individual’s internal functioning and their ability to maintain psychological and emotional coherence.

Technology that is used to diminish the perception of reality actually fractures the multidimensional consciousness body, where portions are connected into the augmented virtual reality, while other sections exist within the layers of organic consciousness timelines.

This is also referred to as soul fragmentation. Implants are specifically used to diminish perceived reality through the manipulation of the bio-neurological function of the person’s brain, to not actually perceive or see the unapproved topic, object or thing that the Controllers do not want them to see.

Essentially this is about blocking perception of reality by jamming neurological receivers and hijacking the brain so that the masses cannot decode the data stream or specific frequency of that content or thing, which was selected to be intentionally erased from memory.

If the accumulated information that we have available that educates and informs us about life is based upon a foundation of intentional lies and deceptions, filtered through Implants that diminish reality, we are at a severe disadvantage in making clear, intelligent and informed decisions that impact our future wellbeing. One example is the false information given to humanity by the NAA during World War II that established the convention for public curriculum within the academic institutions. The falsified version of scientific and historical data that was written into the educational textbooks to establish the fabricated curriculum of approved topics, are still currently endorsed by the primary academic institutions. By managing intelligence and controlling access to information that diminishes the perception of reality, as well as supplying the perceived human enemies with disinformation, this keeps people ignorant in order to trick them into making the wrong decisions based upon lies.

The manipulation of a person’s perception of reality by getting them to believe in deceptions and illusions that are created through a lengthy series of false impressions over time, is a method used to diminish perception and control access to accurate information and higher knowledge. Everyone on the earth is subjected to the continual stream of disinformation and implanted thoughts, the attempts to manipulate our perception while being blocked from accessing truthful and accurate information. Now is the time to reclaim our truth and to courageously face what has really happened to the earth and to all of humanity, while we were asleep and being implanted with thoughts that were not our own.

Controlling Perception is Subjugation

If we start to think more deeply on the reasons why the Controllers and the NAA work so hard to diminish our perception of reality in the external world by controlling the thoughtforms and beliefs we hold in our minds, then by what other methods can you imagine they would implement as mind control weapons?  Here we are exploring more of what they commonly use in the forms of hidden technology that project Implanted Thoughts and Implants, in order to gain control and access into the individual mind, collective mind, and planetary mind. Those that have access to the most knowledge, intelligence and conscious awareness of what is really happening in the world have the most strategic advantage on the planet.

Hence, the Controllers use this knowledge to their gross advantage to abuse power. In the current consciousness warfare climate, diminishing easy access to open source knowledge, manipulating mainstream media while blocking the sharing of truthful information within the global community, is an important concept to understand. This is an example of how divide and conquer tactics are used to manage intelligence, control perception, and direct collective consciousness levels into ignorance and subjugation.

When the human body and brain are being blocked with some mind control implant or a form of bio-neurological electronic harassment, it redirects the nervous system and brain to be more accessible to receiving thought transmissions generated from the many external sources that we are being exposed to. When focusing the person’s attention on a series of light and sound images, such as movies and music, these images transmit holographic information and sometimes this data transmits frequency Implants into the central nervous system, brain and unconscious mind. Noting the high saturation of images of death, violence and inhumane behaviors that are constantly aimed at the public from the media, reveals one layer of implanting harmful thoughts as a strategy.

Artificial networks continually send out electromagnetic pulses of information through technological devices both seen and unseen, to keep people fixated on meaningless dramas, 3D deceptive narratives and extremely negative emotions to produce pathological minds. If the majority of humanity is unaware that we are primarily using a pathological mind to co-create our reality, then we can easily observe what kind of world is being unconsciously created. We have to open our eyes and look around to be honest about what we see as the global reflection. Thus, we have to understand the nature of the pathological mind and its thoughtforms in order to commit to stop using it, realizing that it is a pathological mind that co-creates a pathological society.

Pathological Mind, Pathological Society

At some point every person will come to face the internal questions on the reasons why there is so much war mongering, senseless killing, poverty, child abuse, human trafficking, sexual misery and the intended destruction of natural resources that produce horrible human suffering across the globe. Unless a person has degraded into a predatorial minded psychopath who shuns all personal responsibility in the face of selfish agendas, it is completely obvious to many people that there is an all-out war being waged against the whole of humanity, beauty and creation. We are repeatedly told that the war against ourselves is from our own warring human nature. However, the Black Sun forces behind the mainstreaming of this agenda absolutely despise anything that represents the source light inside of a human being that is the essence of truth, purity, creativity, unconditional love and compassion. Why are these qualities not developed and supported as the primary ethical values that are sustained within our society?  Instead these virtues are generally thought of as personality weaknesses, and preyed upon as victims. Consequently, those that exhibit these higher moral character qualities can experience that they are harshly punished by society, as the pathological society greatly rewards its predators.

Saturday, November 12, 2016

Energetic Synthesis: Spiritual Warfare #TimeShiftBlog

There is a battle between the forces of darkness and light for control of this planet and the human consciousness, as well as control over the use of the human body and DNA. Recently, spiritual warfare has escalated  in the worldscape, and those awakened people that are connected to the planetary consciousness body, are able to feel the intense pressure we are enduring as this battle rages on in the interdimensional planes, and at the moment, hidden from mainstream media and in most people’s awareness to realize that the events transpiring in the world involve a massive war over controlling the consciousness on this planet. The players are human and non-human, and involve the hierarchy of control that extends way beyond the planetary control mechanism of the Power Elite. As we are provided dispensations that allow us to embody divine energy in physical form, and  move the planetary awareness toward the higher light and higher consciousness in the next harmonic universe, the survival and force of the darkness and its artificial intelligence control networks on this planet is threatened. Most of these artificial intelligence software systems installed in the planetary consciousness body, explicitly rely on the matter fields vibrating at certain parameters of low frequency, in order to maintain their invisibility within the human visible light spectrum. As these lower dimensions roll up into the next harmonic scale, these dark forces, their agendas, such as the mainstreaming of Satanism, become much more visible and clear to the people of this earth, who are starting to see the clear evidence of the crimes made against humanity, and humanities children. Those in positions of power have been put there explicitly because of their consent and willingness to carry out the crimes against humanity on behalf of the Negative Alien Agenda, in exchange for money, resources, power, temporary life extension (immortality) and control over the rest of the people. Some have been told they will be escorted to safety onto other planets, when and if disclosure events happen on a mass scale.
During this time of shift into the higher consciousness realms of the next harmonic universe, and the resultant need to create new paradigms that support the recognition of value for all human beings and for life itself, there are new multi-dimensional challenges for those humans that are taking a conscious, pro-active and leading role in their own evolution and the evolution of the planet.  These challenges come in many forms including psychic attack, artificial intelligence trackers, negative implants, tags and dark entities that direct interference in order to diminish the quality of our energetic resources, physical vitality and optimum functioning by harvesting and utilizing our precious resources. Hence, suppressing our ability to perceive greater realities of truth and live our maximum soul’s potential of experiencing spiritual fulfillment, sovereignty and freedom on the Earth Plane. During the evolutionary process of one’s awakening and remembrance of the soul’s blueprint and contracts, the more conscious and ascended beings take back their sovereignty and live in accordance with the laws of the Creator, rather than man-made laws, thereby transcending the dark tyranny and existing in alignment to the high frequency of living light.   As a result of living in the light, these humans, through their actions, influence and guide others to the light and truth, thereby exponentially increasing the power of the light and truth in this world, and diminishing the power of tyrannical control that the darkness uses to keep people in bondage and servitude.
Those awakening to remember themselves as multidimensional light-beings and becoming a part of the collective Starseed grid network on this Planet tend to be the targets for these dark forces and their technologies, such as methods used for electronic harassment.  The energy of a highly conscious human being creates a frequency signal that activates the radar screen of awareness at the center of control for dark consciousness.  Once on the radar screen of darkness, darkness places a tag, artifact, attachment or cord on the enlightened being to track them and determine if they are a threat to the survival of the ego predator mind, and the type of self-awareness that the darkness represents as a consciousness.  The forces of darkness include many broad streams of sentient beings that are trapped in the planetary consciousness body, and they exist as spiritual forces that are locked into time and matter, unable to evolve, until humanity stops feeding them. It is important to understand that the forces of Satanism are not intellectual forces as claimed by the atheists behind the Church of Satan, but encompass a massive hierarchy of darkly primitive conscious beings, many of these forces can be described by an energetic signature that directly connects them with Fallen Angelics, Watchers, such as the Baphomet or Leviathan fields. These collective satanic forces make up collective consciousness streams that then can be connected to demonic bodies or generated to create more groupings of satanic hierarchy in the earth. These forces can hop into a human vessel that is unaware, weakened, and mind controlled by the consent of the satanic vibration. These satanic beings exist at different levels of darkness and depravity, however, they operate together as a collective consciousness force that is directed by off planet entities that are higher and more powerful in the Satanic chain of command. Satanic forces are not sovereign entities, they are parasitic and need human energy to exist, they can appear human or not human as Negative Alien bodies, and they are trapped in the matter fields or low densities, unable to evolve beyond the bondage and servitude to the earth plane, and are slaves to those dark forces that are higher on the food chain.

War Over Consciousness
Those of us committed to the Law of One, to promote sovereignty and freedom for this planet and humanity, have more grid and energetic support than we have ever had. If we have had Possession, implant and entity harassment, the Spiritual Deliverance techniques should offer relief with some level of commitment to the process. We must remember we have returned to this earth to master ourselves and master these Fallen Angelic entities and the negative energies here. This requires we learn exactly how these entities think, what their strategies are, where they came from and how they infiltrated this planet. We are in a War Over Consciousness that requires we master the Psycho-Spiritual Warfare being directed toward humanity. In many cases, this will require we directly experience Alien Implants, entities, psychic attack and forms of alien aggression. We cannot heal the Consciousness of our planet until we understand exactly how it became corrupted with the reptilian virus and synthetic Alien Machinery. Please have patience with the process and command your space as a God-Sovereign-Free GSF being.

Portal Opening and Black Holes
Since major portals opening, we have undergone sequential events that have radically shifted the Universal Geomantic Structure. This is the architecture linking celestial bodies, constellations, and stars with our planet. Transmissions are activated the planetary body to communicate with the intelligent living matrix of the Canis Major constellation and the Sirius Star System. This activated previously dormant or corrupted communication links and Ley Lines networks into the planetary body. These new links cannot be circumvented by alien machinery or their synthetic timelines. These triad communication networks are analogous to dropping a new intergalactic wireless internet hook up from Sirius B and the massive Sirius Sun, into the planetary body.
The main axis of this network was placed in the 33rd North Parallel line and is intended as a support for the Starseeds that work the grids in service to the Cosmic Sovereign Law. Additionally, this new network supports progress with the alien invasion problem located in the Equator line of the planet, with an infestation of nests and phantom wormholes and underground bases.
This is significant because this is a demarcation point in the War Over Consciousness memories that relate to the future timelines of evolution of the human race on this planet. This planet has been in a war over consciousness memories where the truth of human evolution histories has been erased. This has been done by multiple competing species, with attempts to completely destroy historical records in the timelines, by the NAA groups. This phase will reveal more in depth extraterrestrial involvement with our planet and with humanity. This means that all issues relating to alien Mind Control, hybridization, abduction, military programs (such as MILABS and Secret Space programs abusing technology), galactic history, underground bases and the many species interacting with us, will be ramped up to the next level of disclosure.
We are entering potentially explosive timelines with extraterrestrial disclosure, which open into this year and ongoing into 2017. As we learn more about multiple species agendas, we must improve energetic discernment of the variety of forces that we interact with. These are both seen and unseen forces that take advantage of our lack of awareness. Because we are awakening from the Dark Aeon of alien hybridization, which is the primary reason for the imprisonment of our consciousness, we must shake off these parasites and reclaim our sovereign right to Single Soul Occupancy. We are providing a basic primer to address the most common issues of parasitism that are the result of alien hybridization, implantation and genetic manipulation of the consciousness of the human being. Once informed, any person may be empowered to identify and terminate the source of spiritual oppression. Through the Law of Consent, we can remove its access and influence upon our spiritual bodies.
In order to be spiritually freed from mind control and energetic possession, we must comprehend the necessity of commanding our right to sovereign Single Soul Occupancy within our body and energetic aura. The original blueprint for all who incarnate into human bodies on this planet, is Single Soul Occupancy.
Alien Implantation is Reptilian Ownership