Showing posts with label History. Show all posts
Showing posts with label History. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

AD: Forbidden Earth's History

Forbidden Earth's History Part1

Forbidden Earth's History Part2

by Ashayana Deane

Monday, November 25, 2013

Krystalai: The Entire Human Angelic History

- Entire Human Angelic History

Dear members,
This article contains a basic outline of the entire history of our Christic or Angelic Race line of Gaia, Tara and Earth.



Humans were a race of Angels that were put here on this planet to guard this planet and to protect the Earth's shields and to help restore them and heal them because they have been damaged by a group of fallen angelic races.

The fallen angels were originally a part of the normal creation, but they made decisions and choices that created a fate for themselves that was very unfortunate.

They created a situation by rebelling against Source. They genetically altered themselves in a way that they could no longer hold the higher frequencies of consciousness that connect us all to Source.
So, they decided to become masters of the Universe themselves. They tried to take over other universes and to feed off of them. For many eons this planet has been under siege and there has been a time that was waited for. It was a time when the planetary star gates - the portions of the planetary templar stargate that opens between this space time place and other space time places in the higher heavens. This is that time.

A stellar activation cycle is 26,556 years. Ever since Atlantis, it was known that this is when the next one was going to occur. There were plans made in Atlantis- on both sides- fallen and unfallen sides.
Now, all of those forces are back on this planet - the Christic and the anti-Christic. Both sides are here. Most people are asleep. They don't remember the Atlantian times. They don't remember the agreements they chose to be a part of.

They don't know what forces are moving them or moving with them or moving through them. This makes the people and the planet very vulnerable because there are things here we don't see unless we use our inner eyes. There are things going on that we need to know if we are going to maintain the integrity of our own Divine Blue Print and help the planet do that as well.
Those who do light work correctly because they have the genetic codings of the Angelic Human and the Indigo Races are assisting in running the Christic frequencies back into the planet in order to open the Star Gates. Angelic Humans are the keepers of the Star Gates. We are the only ones with the genetic codings that can open the star gates. That is why we were placed in a state of amnesia by the Annunaki races.

The original teachings of the Founders Races used the 15 dimensional structures to align our consciousness to the best understanding needed at this time. This represents the structure of the way creation is in this Universe. The D12 is the twelfth dimension where the Christos frequencies of pre-matter of the Divine Blue Print exist.

There is a Christos life line that links us all in the higher god worlds and to Source. That is why translations come down through the Bible that Christ is your savior and your link to God. It was referring to the fact that the Inner Christos frequencies align us through the pre matter template. We all have the ability to carry those frequencies in our bodies. It is our Divine Blue Print that links us to Source. The planet has a Christos frequency potential and so does the Solar and galactic.
But, things have happened to the scalar templates on this planet  over the 25,500 years so that the planet could not run 12 D frequencies, which made it very vulnerable to infiltration from lower angelic kingdoms. We are here to restore those Christos frequencies that were removed from our planet. Our bodies are the conduits that allow these frequencies to be restored.

The type of energy we carry will depend on how much we know about our anatomy. If we don't know that we have chakras that have a scalar template, and we don't know about auric levels and how to keep them clear we are not going to know what to do with ourselves. We will become easy pray for those living in the D4 astral plane. They might be using your fields for something that you don't ever know they are using you for. We use frequency shields created from Cosmic and Source fields to protect us.
The Eiyani Races are the founders races who are in Inner earth at this time. When we use the codes and frequencies given to us by our Founder races, we are reactivating the mathematical programs that are a part of the planetary divine Blue Print within ourselves.

When we use sound and light technology combining the frequency signature and code or symbol of the idea to be manifest, we collect frequencies by oscillating consciousness into the domains or the dimensions of Christic and Cosmic and Source and then bringing those tones of transformation into our templates - our physical spiritual bodies.

The more we use the light and sound to activate our bodies, the sooner we awaken to our 12D templates and our fifth dimensional selves that allow our multidimensionality of all times in no time.
There are things happening in this 15th dimensional system that have been things done by our guardian races to keep these chaotic things from happening. The fallen angels have never fully agreed to work with the guardians for our recovery of our Christic Template.

There have been many fallen angelics that have come back on board and then retaliated again and again to the dark side. The light and sound technologies are the beginning of remembering how our body and souls work and how to begin to  recreate the Christos civilization on this planet.
The Christos frequencies have not been on this planet for 208,000 years except for the reactivation brought by Jeshua 12 two thousand years ago. There was a stellar activation 25,000 years ago when the frequencies almost reactivated shortly.

Our entire history has been about wars and wars over land. The land that was fought over contained star gates on this planet and portals that go with them. The fallen angelics have taken these star gates and blocked them with metatronic radiation that would reverse them and spin away from source fields.

The blockage of those star gates has been blocking our bodies and our brains from the Christic Templates that were once placed within the Earth. Stargates were always on this planet. Fallen angelics have been fighting with each other for eons. They pick on races that they can make into their foot soldiers.

The Leviathin race is a group of fallen angelics who have been bred here on this planet. They were the result of an experiment that went wrong. The experiment was the Guardian races had allowed in the fallen angelic collectives and what is called bio-regenisis which is regeneration of their DNA template so they could evolve to get their Christos potential back. They entered a Christos Covenant which was a Christos co-evolution agreement. Certain groups of the fallen races agreed to be a part of the emerald covenant. They waited to evolve back into the 12 D Christos pattern. They wanted to get their DNA back to hold the Christic frequency. There were a small group of them who were permitted to get back into human form.

There was a very specific way that the DNA template had to be blended in order to create this evolutionary option of what was called a hybrid race. Unfortunately, the hybrid race worked well and it blended well with the angelic human template, but, certain groups of them motivated by their fallen angelic kin from other places decided to take over our planet.

They had an In to Earth once they got into human light bodies, and progressively they raided the human races and mutated our DNA to the point where we have nothing left of our memory of who we really are. We have had our light switch turned off.

We are dealing with a huge history of problems and a huge solution. There is the history of the Levithian Races , the history of the fall of Atlantis.

What is happening now is a part of what is called the Luciferian Covenant that was an agreement of the anti-Christic races and their Leviathin hi brids here to take over this planet when the next stellar activation cycle occurred.

We are now in that stellar activation cycle that is happening from 2000-2017. This cycle is happening now.

If we participate in this activation cycle consciously by knowing it is happening, we can become the new Christic race, reborn on Earth once more.

This time matrix began 950 billion years ago. The matrix was caused by metatronic science that allowed the gods to create and mis create realities that were not in tune with the Source Frequencies.
There is a huge connection between metatronic science and what became the Greek Olympian Gods and Roman gods. Both mythologies were based on truths that were taking place in Atlantis.
Mythology is a way of taking history and consolidating it in fairy tales with a mean sense of humor. Turn a collective of people into one person and then having this person marry that person--when in fact, they were actually talking about Race Lines of people.

Roman mythology contains known history of Atlantis that has to do with Metatron, Lumarian planets in Wesedrek Matrix.

Scalar Grid mechanics is the substance god creates with. This was knowledge that belonged to the guardians of the planet. The human angelics are these guardians. We were denied this info since Atlantis when a few people came in and took what didn't belong to them. The whole planet lost its memory. The science of the shields- the planet has a scalar template and every being on the planet has a scalar template that is connected to the planets templates. These templates circulate primal life force currents. They circulate the energy of god through the templates. The templates on the Earth are dependent on the Earth's template. The damage to the Earth's template erased our memory.
There were things done here to block the planetary scalar shields. They were twisted in ways that are abnormal. That shut off certain frequencies that carried cognition. they carried higher frequency information. They carried our identities.

If our DNA was working the right way, we would know our selves as Christic beings- as Avatars. Our bodies wouldn't die. We would not get sick. We could manifest instantly.
There were things done to the electromagnetic field of the planet to block our DNA. Working with the Light and Sound technolpgy is to help bring back the D12 frequencies. The Divine Blueprint has the ability to reset all of those misalignments of frequencies in the planetary grid.
Part 2

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Full Range Applications of Binary Weapons Methodology

Sunday, 20 November 2011

Full Range Applications of Binary Weapons Methodology

Over my 16 years of experience on the internet, on forums, chat rooms, and the like, I have noticed few people follow threads well, few read closely... much less attempt to appreciate the thoughts of others in full range or ramification. “The best example is how we now, as a rule, have 45 minutes of actual programming on network television and fifteen minutes of intrusive commercials per hour. It is so bad that commercial sponsors have begun “follow-up” commercials right after their initial ones or run-on themed commercials where the message is followed up after the insertion of another by a different sponsor. The aspects of meaning you may be missing in any intense programmed presentation or documentary is broken up; concentration and the possibility of anyone actually getting into the information and/or depiction of events is lessened. We don't know how much. That's an area that has not been explored for the benefit of telling us. But you can bet it has been explored by someone.

This is the milieu in which we now are exposed to much more threatening programs whose harmful intentions can only be described as weapons, even, to some extent, a weaponization of media itself.

Recently I came across a quote attributed to one, Dr. Beau Lotto, “There is no inherent meaning in information... it's what we do with it that matters.” Extremely true in relevance today. I like to say, making the knowledge our own. It would seem to me that this may be integral to, instead of just being an information dilettante, actually incorporating it into associating it with any broader reference. In developing this, we become more likely to expand upon the threatening applications (and potential permutations) of binary weapons and their systems for which they may be part. We begin to realize, for instance, what might be in chemtrails today, just might not be in them tomorrow.

But then, what other examples of binary weapons might we be exposed to other than chemtrails? Let's start where this technology began, the dispensing media of information that we have been entrained from childhood to use, broadcast media. Something for which the illusion-making mechanism of the mind becomes greatly tampered with. You acquire the notion that a story is served simply because it has been treated on the five o'clock news... to never be mentioned again. The first stage of this information binary weapon is that you have been prepared or implanted to only actually place significance on stories that are reaffirmed by repetition (being so used to the pattern of commercials and the way they make and break concentration, not to mention subliminals.) How long now has this been going on? Long enough to have moved you into a controllable reality where your range of confidence in what is credible and what is not is controlled by someone else. The weapons aspect of this program is especially successful as long as you don't realize the intentions behind it and still suppose your forthcoming opinions are actually your own.

So now, whether you like it or not, you're set up for what comes next... the second stage of an information binary weapon. What is it? Pathological incredulity. And it makes you impotent to challenge, effectively challenge anything. Now some of you have broken this chain somewhere along its winding snake apparatus. But some of you, even reading this now, actually haven't.

For those of the latter sort, I'll give the more overt examples of binary weapons systems: in the arsenal of non-lethal weaponry are many binary weapons that don't kill and are more easily sold to the public because of that but are simply prolonging the fatality process, only throwing more pain and agony into the process. Of course, famine and disease, when man-made are examples. But the refinements today are even more illustrative. Chemtrails, for example, destroy your immunity to what's coming next. And that can be non-specific enough that many won't catch on until it is too late. But in the end, it all comes out as genocide. Whether it's such things as fall-out from Fukushima, malnutrition and contaminated food products and drugs, even how the many intrusions into your local environment play into what is put in your water.

Let's look at how genocide has been practiced on African regions now for fifty years in order for international corporations to have better means of moving tribal populations off land rich in natural resources. It's not just done by promoting civil war. Medical care givers, mostly all sincere and compassionate, are not given the medicines they need to treat these people adequately so the ill are left to fend for themselves on the black market. There they find these medicines, mostly antibiotics, with original pharmaceutical packaging, right down to lot numbers, and they take them home. Only these supposed “pirated” drugs (and I doubt they are, but “special batches” big pharma makes up for just this monstrous design,) have just enough of the active ingredients to help the pathnogen or viral agent to build immunity... thus almost always lethal. Millions have died from this operational method and use of a binary weapons system. Tens of millions... maybe even hundreds of millions if allowed to continue.

And the rest of us pay since all this, in today's global shuffle, find new and deadlier strains of microbes popping up in our own vicinity, like flesh-eating bacteria. Strains of social diseases for which there is no known cure. This practice in Africa is a cauldron for disease and death elsewhere.

In the area of the unknown lie many dark potentials coming out from experimentation alone, not necessarily intended but that might be even more devastating than if they were. It is science and industry out of control here in order to serve the military contracts that are designed around weaponizing any and everything these critters can imagine. I add this element in here simply because the principle of binary systems is represented even if unintended as a consequence. Mostly because the effects offer even more devastating potential and the whole process of weaponizing is responsible. Shut that down and the threat goes away. After all every treaty in modern times, every agreement of limiting war between nations has meant to stop these excesses. And have not.

James Horak, November 19, 2011

Posted by OmetaOne at 4:05:00 PM

Monday, October 10, 2011

Miranda's Testimony with Duncan O'Finioan and Miranda Kelly-Part 1

Miranda's Testimony with Duncan O'Finioan and Miranda Kelly-Part 1

OffPlanet Radio Show Podcast-October 9, 2011-Randy Maugans with Duncan O'Finioan and Miranda Kelly

A Three-part audio interview

Following the Project Camelot "Awake and Aware" Conference, where Miranda Kelly stepped forward to give her testimony about her experiences in government black ops projects, we present the the first full-length interview since the event,with more new information from both Miranda and Duncan.

This interview ran over three hours, and includes candid questions and revealing answers, new details about the war that is being waged for the human soul...and a story of the triumph of human spirit and love over the mind control of grim secret government projects. Presented in three parts...listen to this...share it...the word needs to get out...Odin returns...THIS is the uprising!

For current news and information from Duncan and Miranda:

Part 1: Testimony- Miranda tells the story of her own discovery of a hidden past, and the person who triggers her memeories of a life she lived as another personality under a secret military program.

Download Part 1

Part 2: Reconnection-The story unfolds, as Duncan and Miranda meet---and so do the alternates. Memories resurface, and two souls begin the healing...and the battle of the ages begins.

Download Part 2

Part 3: Here and Now...Us and Them...You are Us-The summary of the interview, updated information on the battle of light and darkness...insights into the elites, Odin and the extra-dimensionals, witchcraft and technology, the end of the age, and the call to action.

Download Part 3