Showing posts with label HAARP. Show all posts
Showing posts with label HAARP. Show all posts

Saturday, February 27, 2016

Omnisense: Covert Transhumanism; A Mind Control Documentary

Published on Feb 26, 2016
Transhumanism is not only the future, it is already here…
All 25+ Original Tracks in Covert Transhumanism Produced by Omnisense;

Stay Up to Date with Omnisense's Work;

Covered in Covert Transhumanism; A Mind Control Documentary:

•Electromagnetic Mind Control (At the Speed of Light)
•Whistleblower Testimony
•Government and Scientific Sources Verifying Mind Control
•Cutting Edge Mind Control Capabilities Explained
•How Mind Control is Done
•History of Mind Control
•Psychological Warfare (PSYOPS)
•Black Ops Perpetrated via Black Project Technology
•Technological Mind Tricks / Technological Illusions
•Telepathic Impersonations
•Black Project Post-Singularity Artificial Intelligence
•21st Century Targeting ~ Targeted Individuals
•Electronic Warfare / Electronic Harassment
•Tactics Used Against Targeted Individuals
•Aspects of 21st Century Targeting
•Gangstalking / Organized Stalking / Zersetzung / Street Theater
•Technological Possession
•Suicide Programming
•Electronic Telepathy/Synthetic Telepathy/v2k
•Mind Control Patents (RF Energy / Microwave)
•Brain Waves are Electromagnetic Waves (RF Energy)
•Cell Phone Tower Conspiracy (RF Energy)
•ELF Waves (RF Energy)
•HAARP (RF Energy)
•Electronic Telepathy Patents (RF Energy / Microwave)
•NSA’s SIGINT ~ Remote Neural Monitoring (Thought Surveillance)
•Manchurian Candidates
•Trauma Based Mind Control
•Mind Control Techniques
•Modern Day Mind Control Programs
•Black Project Technology
•“New Age” Psychological Operations
•Common Remote Influencing Technology Facades
•Technological Channeling Analysis
•Technological ESP
•Synthetic Sensations via Directed Energy Weapons
•Synthetic Dreams ~ Virtual Reality (VR)
•Black Project Spending
•Brain/Mind Mapping
•Operation Paperclip
•Operation Armageddon
•Artificial Intelligence based Demonic Possession Facades
•Defenses to Mind Control
•The Shadow Government
•The Surveillance Grid
•Psy Op Methodologies
•Mechanics of Perception
•Technological Conspiracy Quotes
•Transhumanization of Society
•What I call “The Covert Transhumanism Era”

In a nutshell;

"It seems AI has the power of the Matrix(in the movie) without the need for us to be in a pod plugged in." ~Andrew Hale

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

OffPlanetRadio: Randy Maugans with Guests Bonnie and John Mitchell: TV Sigil Magick Mind Control


OffPlanet Radio LIVE - November 15, 2013 -
Randy Maugans and Chris Holly with Bonnie and John Mitchell

This is the first hour only of s two hour show. To hear the whole programs go to:

hour3: After Hours with Duncan and Miranda - 11/15/2013

 Bonnie and John Mitchell: TV Sigil Magick Mind Control
Hour 1   |  Hour 2 - Right click to download MP3 audio
After Hours with Duncan and Miranda - 11/15/2013 - OffPlanet Radio - Right click to download MP3 

& in sync with share of Eli,

Learn How To Hypnotize Someone using Mind Control - Derren Brown Hypnosis 

& same guest but more info , and id follow the warning to protect yourself @start message. and also not have the info directly be beamed/directed to your heart chakra..... put screen on an Angle/

Television Mind Control, Black Magic, Sigil Magik - THEY ARE ALTERING YOUR MIND!

Published on Aug 16, 2013
Birth of a New Earth Radio - Jeanice Barcelo interviews John and Bonniie Mitchell regarding television mind control through the use of mnemonic circles, hypnotic countdowns, sigils and symbolism that ALTER YOUR MIND! One of the most important interviews to date. You don't want to miss this one.
John and Bonnie Mitchell - http:/
Jeanice Barcelo - and

Bjork Explaining Television Is Everything You'd Imagine Bjork Explaining Television to Be


Ima Glad i dont have a TV No More for many years now..... 

Here are some Winter Tips <3

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Around the planet there is a huge energy "grid" which pulsates with 7.8 Hertz, at exactly the same frequency pulsing and the human brain, compared to HAARP & the NASA

UNBELIEVABLE - Around the planet there is a huge energy "grid" which pulsates with 7.8 Hertz, at exactly the same frequency pulsing and the human brain, compared to HAARP & the NASA

Around the planet there is a huge energy "grid" that looks like a huge crystal which vibrates with 7.8 Hertz, at exactly the same frequency palletaikai the human brain.
This grid has built millions of years ago by unknown numinous engineers. This grid does not only affect the atmosphere and weather or telecommunications, but the thought of people! If you manage to control it then failed to control the world. Through it, directed broadcasts, one can change the behavior of people. Can cause revolutions and stop wars, cause or defeat global epidemics and guide general behavior of people as he wants. The HAARP program is not an ionospheric studies, one secret weapon microwave radiation as some suspect, but an effort to understand this grid. Which is the biggest secret in the world this season? Around the planet there is a huge energy 'Grid', which looks like a huge crystal which vibrates with 7.8 Hertz, at exactly the same frequency pulsing and the human brain. This grid has built millions of years ago by unknown numinous engineers. This grid does not only affect the atmosphere and weather or telecommunications, but the thought of people! If you manage to control it then failed to control the world. Through it, directed broadcasts, one can change the behavior of people. Can cause revolutions and stop wars, cause or defeat global epidemics and guide general behavior of people as he wants.

The HAARP program is not an ionospheric studies, one secret weapon microwave radiation as some suspect, but an effort to understand this grid. The atmosphere of our planet vibrates at 7.8 Hertz, at exactly the same frequency pulsing and the human brain. But when the astronauts leave the Earth's atmosphere for long periods of time, they feel that "lose their reality," and for this spacecraft, NASA puts today Schumann generators, producing in the booths of the spacecrafts an electromagnetic field that pulsates with the rhythm of 7.8 Hz.kai so do not lose reality. Note that our ancestors knew very well especially Pythagoras and Plato have described.

posted by Iceujin~ written in Greek(GR -> EN (Googletranslated))

wasnt it also "rising": the Shuman Resonance.     not the Base Pulse but the 2nd Wave of   it . @end 2011 it was passed the 12Hz range.. into 2012. so i wonder what its at now (also spoken of in ~Dance of Joy series* & others regarding it  ( * Plans to expose 34-21 Reverse Creation Mechanics explaining origin of 7.8Hz Schumann's Resonance) see also a good read :