Showing posts with label Gaia. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Gaia. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 04, 2015

OOTWX: TERRARIUM ARhAyas Ascension Earth

Posted by HATTER on October 31, 2014.

FORWARD: How I came to the knowledge in the messages here and how E’Asha Ashayana Deane would become, for me, the solitary source of truth in the ocean of disinformation on our planet is a rather lengthy story involving face-to-face meetings over the course of many months in 2013 and 2014 from a being who referred to themselves as a “Watcher” of the “children” of earth. The full story of that can be found here. The science of the holographic expression of all things we perceive as reality and how merkaba fields interact with all life forms can be found in E’Asha’s Voyagers II: The Secrets of Amenti. Here is a free copy of the PDF. It is missing some of the first chapters of the book, so this is not a complete history of earth, but it can be used while you are attaining your own copy through retail sources. I am not connected to the sale of these or other publications of E’Asha’s, I am merely directing you to where you can find the authentic history of your human race.

The Star Tetrahedron is the formula of all life within the true 15 level GAIA universe. The math behind this formula is found within the Maharic Merkaba Tetrahedron field of the planets as well as all life forms of each. The secret to this “God Math” is within the function of collecting the eternally-flowing energy from the ether to support life without an “end date”. This is not how all the life forms of the universes work. And in fact, it is specifically something of an amazing anomaly, since others outside of our universe (and INSIDE a false Time Matrix that was placed inside of Gaia’s) utilize the Metatron Tetrahedron math of the Fibonacci Code which is a system that functions through the parasitical exploitation of the energy fields surrounding it, as explained in E’Asha Ashayana’s messages sent to her by our founding father races of the Emerald Covenant. Starting with the Voyagers books and progressing up until the present day, her science reveals the physical mechanics to create sub-atomic prana structure, all the way up to the expression of life itself. Highly complex and vastly outstripping all mere mankind-level rudimentary mathematics, science and physics, which are at a kindergarten level of comprehension comparatively. My work here is not to retell her same teachings, it is merely to put into perspective how this massive database of information is applied to the mortal man.

My Photo
Chilli Schock

Terrarium (ARhAyas Ascension) Earth

Update 10/30/14
Following the fall of Atlantis some 246,000 years ago, the invader races who had successfully destroyed both the first and second seeding of the Angelic Krystos Human (God Template) Avatar Evolution placed a holographic curtain around the 3-D planet we now think of as “Earth”, the 1st “material” level of the Gaia universe. This curtain effectively created a “universe within a universe”, something of an encapsulated, or trapped “terrarium” planet, functioning in an artificial combination of solar and lunar rays which effect both time, as well as gravity. Both of which has been highly distorted from its intended reality. It was at this time that the planet received what we call a moon today. Though this holographic curtain is called a frequency fence today, it is much more than just that. It is in fact an illusionary solar system embedded within the organic universe, at least partially controlled by an elaborate “star” projection of a highly defined codex in our skies which we know as the astrological bodies which represent Greek “gods” of ancient “mythology”. Conveniently the Greek Gods are only myth, right? I mean, the bible doesn’t talk about “fallen angels”, “giants”, “Hercules fighting gods”, right? Of course it does. But let’s forget that.
6 1/2 minutes into this video, you will hear E’Asha explain that “this planet does not have its own solar plane”. So what’s that?
A solar plane is the astrological area between a sun and the planet itself. Through my recent 6000 hours of study into the matters surrounding the enslavement of man, I have no evidence that an organic dimension within any 15 level time matrix, that there would be the application of a “moon”. Within our encapsulated, or suspended existence, our humanity has been subject to this artificial element that has gone on undetected as “out of place”, because we have never known anything different. However, there is no reference to a “moon” in any of the higher dimensions or densities of our time matrix that I have been given, or have seen spoken about by anyone representing the Guardian Alliance. So what would a moon have to do with our bondage here exactly?

Think of the moon as something I have termed as an “Annu-Zodiak Holographic Projector”. A giant projector that imprints our “heavens” with what appear to be planets and an invention called a “moon”. NASA claims the planets of our zodiak are just too far to travel to, so they are just pretty dots in our skies, and because NASA knows everything, we believe them, (which is a damn neat trick in itself, seeing as there has never been “distance” ever discovered by science in all of time). After all, what could they possibly gain by telling us something totally untrue? It has been reported to me by a source who claims to be very long-time space traveler and personally familiar with the “other side” of the moon, that there is a sun parked directly behind it. And yes, does THIS very much make sense. This report came to me long after I had determined that our moon’s existence was factually artificial to our planet. The satellite we call a “moon” is filtering the rays of our second, organic sun into earth’s atmosphere through its own modulation leaving mankind without the powerful and now lost source of nutrition for all life on our planet below.

Though my personal contact with the Guardian Alliance has not yet confirmed this to be the factual case, I have enough of the truths here to bring forward the science of how this not only would work, but how it is brilliant beyond comprehension to an invader race bent on the perpetual recycle of a natural resource on a planet that also carried with it the ability to see outside of this density and connect with memories of its other 1727 selves scattered across the time matrix unless that natural resource were placed under a frequency fence, blocking their access to these lives and memories. So if the moon is NOT actually a planet that is supposed to be here, how would we know this?
The moon does not spin.

It doesn’t even turn. Like a ball solidly attached to a pivoting center ball, the moon acts as if it does nothing but orbit around earth’s center-most point. Since the days of Plato, the same smiling man in the moon has peered down on mankind. No one bound on this planet has ever seen the other side of that celestial body, making it a satellite. In fact, modern astrophysicists CALL the moon a satellite. And NOT ONE PERSON in a thousand among us realizes that this is so. Ask someone how many planets spin. After all, NASA tells us they do, so their answer will be “all of them”. I mean, why would NASA lie? But IF they “all spin”, then why doesn’t the moon? For this they will have no answer.

Around 300 B.C. Theodorus writes in his first book that the moon had appeared a little while before the war which was fought by Hercules against the giants (Nephilim fallen angels).
Around 250 B.C. Aristarchus and Dionysius Chalcidensis, in the first of their works, report: “Mnaseas said that the Arcadians were born before the moon, and so they were called ‘proselenian’; meaning, ‘before the moon’.”

Velikovsky quotes everyone from Democritus and Anaxagoras to Aristotle and Apollonius of Rhodes to show that such a pre-Hellenic time existed.  Those humans living at the time were called Pelasgians, Proselenes (“before the Moon”), and Arcadians (pre-Danai and pre-Deukalion).
Plutarch, Hippolytus, Censorinus, and Lucian all wrote of pre-Lunar people, as did Ovid, who said that “The Arcadians possessed their land before the birth of Jove, and were older than the Moon.”
Indians of Bogota Columbia, agree. According to tribesmen of Chibchas, “In the earliest times, when the moon was not yet in the heavens.”

The moon is a manufactured sphere or “dish”.

The earliest photo ever taken of the moon was by Dr. J. W. Draper of New York, 1839. In this UNDOCTORED picture, it is easy to see the lines of the assembly of the moon’s structure. This is an indisputable and obvious truth to anyone seeing it outside of Stevie Wonder. Click to enlarge.
In this new photo of the moon taken very recently, you can clearly see that even though nearly 200 years have gone by, it hasn’t changed by a single asteroid. It is perfectly identical. And in the outside chance Stevie Wonder is actually reading this, I colored in the seams for you to see it is a manufactured body. Again, be sure to click to enlarge and see for yourself the moon has been left exactly the same as the first image from the early 1800s.

In early Greek Astrology, there were two suns in our “solar plane”. And in fact, Greek language shows us there were two words for Sun: “θεός” Theos and “Ἥλιος” Helios, which were not synonyms. Theos was a star like object and scholars never discussed a possible form of it or distance to – for them it was eternal, very remote and almighty, “unmoved mover” by Aristotle and became synonymous with “god” which immediately took over as the word used to depict “god” in the biblical texts. Ignore the fact it was always referring to a SUN “deity” that brought life to the planet! Just call him GOD from now on. Similarly, Helios was treated in their stories as a deity. Earth mates with him soon after her own birthday and a difference between Helios and Theos was defined like that between husband and father. Helios was obliged to stay by her in a distance that was remote from her on 27 diameters only. It is important to note here that Helios was supposed to be about 27 times the diameter of the earth away from her. Our moon is about 29 times the diameter of the earth away. Guess this is just “coincidence” though.

When we look at other star systems within our galaxy, we find two suns. National Geographic claims that our solar system alone, has “millions of planets with two sons“. This way the sun never sets and the planet never goes into darkness. If an artificial “moon” were parked in front of our second sun, blocking that sun’s rays, then 1/2 of the time, earth would remain in perpetual darkness. Here is a little secret: You don’t need darkness. That is all part of the dark force’s lie that “yin and yang” is necessary for all things. Sunlight carries life-replenishing photonic waves that carry nutritional value. Of this, there is no argument. And sunlight continually circling any planet would sustain life thereon exponentially greater than one, with or without a “moon”.
The moons rays can be shown through empirical evidence to radiate a DIFFERENT type of photonic signature than that of the sun. If the moon DID actually reflect the rays from the sun, then those rays coming from the moon would possess the same effects as those from the source of the reflected rays. However, the moons rays are shown to possess zero heat. How would this happen? If you use a mirror to reflect the flames of a campfire onto say, a stone just outside of the fire pit, the stone would gradually warm up because the rays the mirror is reflecting carry the scalar patterns of a heat signature. The moon’s rays don’t do this. In Living Age by E. Littell, 1867, it had already been established that the moon’s rays do not carry forward to earth the heating type of photonic signature that the sun carries. Not even on a microscopic level.


Wednesday, March 06, 2013

Gaiaprtal: Strengthening of Intuitive Gaia Points is Occurring - 5 March

[caption id="" align="alignnone" width="119"]gaia_energy1 5 Mar 2013[/caption]

Strengthening of all intuitive Gaia points comes from individualized interaction of Hue-mans with such points. At this moment, a freeing of restriction upon Hue-man Light Worker ground crew is in process, and will complete in “short” order.

Intuitive Gaia points are centers of Light introduction into and from Inner Earth. These may be found solely by Hue-man intuitive connection. Those non-attuned will see nothing. Hue-mans with attunement find them readily.

Such intuitive Gaia points are continuously in motion, and may shift moment to moment, although remaining in the same general vicinity.

Increase in the numbers of such points is occurring, and will continue as “humanity” transforms to “Hue-manity”. And Gaia transforms to Rainbow Gaia

Tuesday, March 05, 2013

Gaiaportal: Stresses of Realignment are Currently Experienced by Many…

[caption id="attachment_21" align="alignleft" width="119"]gaia_energy1 3 Mar 2013[/caption]

Stresses of realignment of human energetic structures with upgrading Gaia grids are currently experienced by many in the Hue-manity upgrade path. This was anticipated, and is being dealt with at Higher Levels. Details need not be known at this time.

Those with physical manifestations such as aches, general discomfort, unease with 3D earth tasks, may follow inner Higher Guidance (Intuition) for instructions to deal with these. All such physical manifestations are temporary.

This realignment process continues for several months. Polar realignments occur in this same period, which adds another component to this energetic stress.

Resulting from this, however, is a strengthening in “humanity general” ascension grids, as well as DNA upgrade for all, on ascension timeline or not.

Attention to, and honoring of, physical signals is helpful at this time.

Friday, March 01, 2013

Gaiaportal: Alignments with Gaia, Galactic, Cosmic Energetics

[caption id="attachment_21" align="alignleft" width="119"]gaia_energy1 28 Feb 2013[/caption]

Fortifications of purpose come to those aligning with Gaia energetics. Those of more Galactic essence find detachment from Gaia energetics may be necessary, as “humanity” transitions to “Hue-manity”.

Those aligned with Gaia-purpose have been intensified energetically, and given clear instruction via Deep Heart Guidance.

Judgement of any kind of any humanity or Hue-manity unit serves none but surface-ego, and only allows veil illusion to appear to continue.

Alignment with Gaia energetics…
Alignment with Galactic energetics…
Alignment with Cosmic energetics…

Each has its function. Each is to be honored.

via Alignments with Gaia, Galactic, Cosmic Energetics.

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Gaiaportal: "Survival Paradigm" Has Dissolved

[caption id="attachment_21" align="alignleft" width="119"]gaia_energy1 23 Feb 2013[/caption]

The paradigm of “survival” has dissolved. Cosmic Light energies sufficiently permeating all levels of Gaia realms, including the 3D visible, have removed any remaining support structures for this paradigm.

3D human individual attempts to continue what was previously supported by “survival paradigm” will fall short.

Current Gaia Higher D grid structures support 5D “Thrive Paradigm” only.

via "Survival Paradigm" Has Dissolved.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Gaiaportal: Resolutions are Proceeding at this End Point Period...

20 Feb

gaia_energy1Silence in these moment-to-moments is most helpful. Formerly clashing energetics have begun to resolve and centering with Higher Self in the silence is perhaps the most efficient means to allow these to resolve fully.

Resolutions are proceeding at this end point period in humanity-duality history. Hue-manity arises out of this. By this we mean Hue-manity General.

Global consciousness expansion follows 100th monkey embracement of Hue-manity, by humanity (small h).

via Resolutions are Proceeding at this End Point Period....

Monday, February 18, 2013

“Blurring” of visions may be common in all Gaia surface beings

17 Feb 2012


“Blurring” of visions may be common in all Gaia surface beings at this time. We speak of 3D-eye vision as well as higher visions, via 3rd, 4th, and 5th eyes.

This results from the shifting in Gaia plates as well as movement of sacred portal sites. This process is necessary in order to optimize Gaia energetics to a unified Beingness. This same process occurs in individual human (small h) units, and particularly in the more conscious Hue-man units.

Gaia illumination increases as alignment progresses, and although a precise time frame can not be given, we sense this alignment to encompass 1-2 months. However we add that recent accelerations in awakenings at all levels would imply that this “time period” may well be much shorter.

Flowing with this “blurring” of visions allows awakening to “veiled” Higher messages for all humanity, particularly more awake Hue-manity.

Friday, February 01, 2013

Alignment of Hue-manity Higher Templates with incoming Cosmic waves…



31 Jan

Alignment of Hue-manity Higher Templates with incoming Cosmic waves presents Higher Choices to individual Hue-persons in “Hue-person-recognizable” forms. These Cosmic-wave-aligned Higher Templates are incoming to assist each human to choices to transform into Hue-man.

Simplicity programs being transmitted enable recognition for most. Those with CBS (“Complicated Brain Syndrome”) will not receive, and require additional transmutation prior to reception. Pain is not required, but CBSs will likely choose the pain path for a period.

Higher Hue-manity continues evolution at accelerated pace due to this Hue-manity Higher Template/Cosmic wave alignment.

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Sequential Gaia Energetic Upgrades Begin on the 12-21-12

by ÉirePort   19 Dec-2012
Sequential Gaia energetic upgrades begin on the 12-21-12 which support expansion of planetary consciousness on all levels, in all beings.
Grand Cosmic Alignment of the 12-21-12 opens Galactic Gaia portal.

Until the 12-21-12, intensive 3D-4D adjustments may be expected.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

The Arcturians: The Call by Suzan Caroll

The Call

By Dr Suzan Caroll

May 13, 2012

Dear Ascending Ones,

We are the Arcturians and wish to speak with you today about your Mission. We will not directly tell you what your Mission is for it is through the process of finding, remembering and fine-tuning your Mission that you will find the Wisdom, Power and Love to live it.

Your Mission is not a job that you go to and leave at the end of the day. Your Mission is the reason why you chose to take embodiment during this auspicious era of Personal and Planetary Ascension.

Ascension is not a gift or a reward. Ascension is a choice and a responsibility to be the Master of your thoughts and emotions. If you are not the Master of your own energy field, it is quite difficult to step-it-up into the fifth dimension and beyond.

It is your energy field, your consciousness, which will ascend, for your earth vessel is just the container that was necessary for you to adhere your life force to the third/fourth dimensional matrix. One of the important moments of your ascension process is when you remember that you are NOT your body. YOU are the consciousness that fills, and now overlaps, your body.

Your earth vessel is the container for your consciousness, and your aura is the magnetic field that can adhere you to your multidimensional consciousness. Your full multidimensional consciousness does not need a container at all in the eighth through twelfth dimensions, and from the fifth through seventh dimensions, your container is no longer created by third dimensional elements and fourth dimensional elementals. In the fifth dimension, your container is one of light, as light ever flowing can transmit its highest expression of unconditional love.

During your process of ascension, your physical and etheric container is becoming increasingly constrictive. You are like a snake that must shed its old skin or a butterfly that no longer wants to crawl and is ready to fly. You yearn to flow, float and instantly transport yourself to the myriad light-based fifth dimensional realities that are increasingly entering your imagination and dreams. You are unsure of the manner in which you will transport and/or transmute your experience of reality into the reality of your dreams and imagination, but how that will occur is beginning to constantly haunt you.

You are being called Home. The Clarion Call has begun, and it grows stronger within every minute of your time. Sometimes this Call fills you with unconditional love and light that shines to colors and a brilliance that you never experienced before the Call entered your Being. Sometimes the Call fills you with calm patience and an inner Knowing that all is well. On the other hand, sometimes the Call fills you with great fatigue and frustration.

This fatigue and frustration is because your earthen vessel has become too small, too constrictive. You tire of the dramas that you once called life and yearn for a reality that is of a calmer, gentler pace. Ambition has left you and possession is an archaic term that bound you to a reality of work and acquisition. The only possessions that you treasure are those which you hold within and those which allow you the security of a safe place to more deeply explore your inner journey.

Hence, your home has become your haven from the hurry, scurry of a reality that you can no longer cherish. Your “yard” and all of nature can no longer be a possession for it is a living being that you lovingly tend, visit and protect.

Your birth family and the family of your adulthood may or may not understand the process that lives forever in your heart and mind, but it does not matter to you. You no longer need outer assurance that you are “doing the right thing,” or “being a good person.” You look inside now to attain that assurance. In fact, now you look inside for everything.

Once reality was outside of you, and your inner life was just an illusion, a fantasy or your imagination. Now, you look inside for guidance, truth and comfort. Those who can accept that you are strangely different than before remain in your life, and those who judge, or even fear your transition, are beginning to phase out of your reality.

You are moving your consciousness into a frequency of reality that is more important to you than physical recognition, fame, comfort or acceptance. In doing so, you are finding an independence from that which you once knew as “life.”

At the same time, you are finding a new definition of “life” that flows into that which you once knew, but expands far beyond the limitation, illusions and barriers that were once a part of your daily reality. Every now and again, fear trickles into your consciousness and you feel it like an anchor that traps you in a sensation of reality that closes your heart and dampens your mind. Fortunately, your connection with your higher frequencies of expressions can reach into your memory and remind you who you REALLY are.

Yes, you are remembering who you are now. As past/parallel 3D realities begin to flood your awareness, the grand significance of “being alive” takes on a new meaning. Death is no longer a fear of extinction, but only an interruption in your present expression of reality.

As you feel the great transformation within your self, as well as the promise of consciously creating a new, higher expression of reality, you treasure the life that had once been a burden filled with fear and challenge.

You remember now that fear was a choice of your attention and challenge was an initiation that pushed you further along your path of ascension. However, ascension is no longer a “path,” nor is it a “process.” Ascension is your every thought, every emotion and every choice of reaction, response and behavior. Ascension is a constant release of that which has been completed, and a continuous recognition of the reality that YOU are creating.

Everything that happens in your life now is a component of your ascension, and there is no person, place, situation or thing that is more important than your personal and planetary transmutation back to SELF. Challenges are becoming opportunities for growth. Fear is becoming that which you relentlessly transmute into love. And time, which once captured you in duties and obligations or allowed you a moment of happiness and love, is blurring into the NOW.

Hence, the spaces in-between:

“Who you are and who you are becoming,”

“What you desire and what you are experiencing,”

“Where you are and where you are going,”

“How you get there and how you have already arrived” and

“Why your life is changing no matter what you DO”

are being erased from your perception. The space in-between is no longer a barrier that you must “work through,” as it was before.

With the Mastery of your Energy, you can instantly transmute any situation by simply remembering who you are. However, within the moment of your NOW, part of “who you are” is your physical encasement, as well as the physical encasement of your Mother Gaia.

Therefore, just as the snake must remain still in order to shed the skin that has become too small, just as a caterpillar must disappear into its cocoon in order to become a butterfly, you need to “shut down” your physical operations as often as is necessary.

Remember, you are not just adapting to a new body. You are, also, adapting to a new planet and a new reality. With your every choice and decision you enter a new spectrum of possible realities. Many of these realities are of a much higher frequency. Therefore you must calibrate your consciousness to these higher frequencies of reality with your every thought and emotion.

Unfortunately, some situations still lower your consciousness and you must fight to release your fear and remember your SELF. After these challenges, you will need to rest. In both cases, there is a constant need to be still so that you can integrate the new and release the old.

Furthermore, you are releasing time-bound third dimensional thinking and learning/remembering to think multidimensionally. You are also releasing the judgments and conditions of human love and learning to live in unconditional love.

If that is not enough, you are transmuting not only this physical reality, but also all the physical realities you have ever experienced on the body of Gaia. Last, and definitely not least, you are transmuting the planet Herself.

Yes, the planet is a She, a being of form. She, Gaia, wishes to return to the fifth dimension where She can unite with Her Divine Complement, a formless being of Spirit. Together, they can again become a Multidimensional Star. She has been your Mother for countless incarnations, and you have chosen to serve her again and again.

Now, person and planet, as ONE Being are returning to their Higher Expressions. Your Divine Complements are also lining up at the threshold of the fifth dimension to be rejoined as your Galactic and Celestial ancestors reach out to embrace you.

We have prepared a table for you, the candles are lit and the music is on. The party is starting, and we are ready to embrace you!

The Arcturians

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

The Hathors of Earth’s Solar Astral Planes: Celestial Miracles, Energetic Bleed-Throughs and the ‘Three Days’ Period of Light

he Hathors of Earths Solar Astral Planes: Human Visualization Abilities, Contact with Ascended Beings and the Original Physical Templates for Mankind

-Channeled through Wes Annac

March 14, 2012

The pure Logos energy being sent through the sky of Gaia at this time is beginning to become too pure to go unnoticed by you all. We ‘caution’ you to expect so very many things that you will not expect upon the initial disclosures and revelations that will be surfacing. The most noticeable and unique aspects of Gaia’s ascension into ever-purer realms of consciousness must be preceded by events of a celestial nature that show that all that is happening on your world is reflecting the ongoing ascension in progress currently.

You have not seen very many anomalies in your skies as of yet, but trust us dear souls the energetic bleed-throughs are soon to pick up as the higher dimensional etheric Logos energy being sent to your world and through your bodies is accelerating the transmutation of all that has been based in your hologram of illusion, in favor of a widespread exposure of the energies and purity of the higher realms, to manifest on your world very noticeably before you all.

There are certain aspects of the Earth changes that are and will be crucial in the developments of the energetic and etheric bleed-throughs that we speak of, and we can say that many natural disasters that have occurred as of late have cleared so very much negative energy from the grid of darkness established in such areas.

Yes, lately there have been areas of Gaia’s surface targeted by the technologies of those who would keep you all in ignorance and despair forever, and the collective Logos energy manifested by every awakening soul on Earth has once again shown to transmute the worst of the negativity that was meant and intended to occur with the use of the occult low frequency-manifesting devices that you have not yet heard fully about for the most part.

Gaia started the storms and rumblings as usual so that She could shake off so much collective density by performing such clearing actions, and it was anticipated as always that the dark souls on your world would see this potential for destruction and milk it for all that they perceived it was worth.

There has been something unique about the last few times your dark have tried to create widespread chaos through weather manipulation, and that is that in the past the technology of your extraterrestrial brethren mitigated many planned catastrophic events that did not fit in with the karmic template of the souls Living in the areas they [Illuminati heads] planned these disasters out for.

Now, it is the collective Logos energy manifested by you all that has been stopping these catastrophic events from manifesting [and mitigating the scope of damage when such things do occur.] We here in the higher realms have had to ‘interfere’ little in mitigating many of the dastardly planned chaotic events that your dark intended to use to create further widespread panic and fear, to feed the grid of darkness that is itself being transmuted at an accelerated pace.

The darkness in you all is being transmuted as this grid of darkness is transmuted, because this grid and various ‘energy spots’ that feed this grid have been the primary cause of humanities continued willing feeding of the lower dimensions and the voids of fourth density-negative.

The grid of darkness that is being transmuted has been fed and pumped-up for longer than you can imagine through the lower actions of humanity, and there are certain areas and spaces on your surface that carry the energetic imprint of events of a chaotic nature that have manifested in any given area of your time. This is what we mean when we say ‘energy spots’ because such spots hold the energies of a catastrophic or violent event in and draw events and souls of a similar vibration to such areas. This is by definition a void, but it is not a void that you can quite sense or notice.

Many will notice however, that there are certain places they go or experiences they feel in certain places that seem to get to them or agitate them more than other places. This is likely because an energy spot that has seen much brutality manifested around it is likely still holding onto those energies and attempting to draw your energies into them and mix with them, feeding the voids of fourth density-negative that such energy would be sent to.

If one can recognize these areas around them, much transmutation and healing work is recommended. Remember dear souls, much of the continued frustration and stress that you feed and that feeds you are coming from many of these voids and for the most part you have not even realized this is so. By healing and transmuting a specific area that you feel might be holding, radiating and trying to get you to feel negative energy, you will in turn make your own experiences much easier and you will find yourselves less prone to stress and frustration, and anger of any kind.

The dark souls on your world have taken to purposefully manifesting such energy spots and voids in many areas of Gaia’s surface and even below Her surface, and much of the violence that is fed in humanity is a result of the establishment of many of these energy spots and voids that we speak of. These voids were deliberately established so that the lowest and most dense energies could at any time, be influencing the majority of the collective consciousness of Earth in any given area, as they have put these voids in many areas through occult technology [and rituals] that is almost the polar opposite of the advanced and Lighted technologies you will be shown and given.

Upon the initial disclosures, such voids that have been purposefully established will be pointed out, and we will have many teams stationed at these areas bringing through the pure Logos energy that is constantly coming through the energy gates in Gaia’s sky and through your bodies.

These energy gates that have been spoken of continuously can be looked to as the perceived polar opposite of the voids and energy spots that we have just informed you of, because the energy gates are feeling and radiating very pure Logos energy that is increasing in purity every moment, while the voids established in many areas on Gaia’s surface continue to feed the low, dense emotions that have become the norm for many on your world.

With this, we come back to the discussion of the many etheric wonders that are to appear in your skies when the right ‘time’ comes. We are not going to claim that these celestial events that we speak of which will be getting the attention of many on your world, will precede the initial disclosures and of course we do not give out physical dates as to when such miraculous occurrences will be happening, for the plan for such energy to bleed-through Gaia’s skies in marvelous and miraculous ways is not a plan that is binded to your linear concept of time and could happen at any time if humanity is proven ready to be able to absorb such wonderful energy being clearly demonstrated and shown in its full glory and beauty in your skies.

That which many have become familiar with as the Norway Spiral was not an extraterrestrial starship, it was not a hologram manifested by any souls on Earth through occult technologies, that beautiful swirling vortex of Light which manifested in your skies was a sign from the heavens and a message: to expect more miracles and figures of Light being displayed in your skies as humanity begins to collectively ascend out of the lower vibrations and begins to remember such higher dimensional, etheric wonders such as the Norway Spiral and the ’Pillars of Light’ that you have so heard about, that will be manifesting when the ‘time’ comes.

Gaia truly cannot ‘hold it in’ much longer, as She is extremely eager to express these energies and bring them through the energy gates in Her skies in not the transparent, invisible manner that such energies have been coming through, but in an full, colorful and Lighted manner so that these energies can be exposed in their full bounty, in their full glory.

Of course, every area of Gaia’s sky is occupied by these energy gates, but as has been mentioned before there are more active and pure sections of these energy gates, bringing through Logos energy that is so very pure, and such places are usually home to many UFO sightings and sightings of a similar nature as many different types of beings are routinely flying in and out of the higher dimensions established by ‘entering’ such gates, as these gates form and sustain a direct link to the higher realms where they are receiving this energy from as well as to the beings who are sending such energy to your world at this time.

These areas of Gaia’s skies that are the most potent and active in terms of the energies brought through them, are to be the hotbeds of activity for the bleed-through of the Pillars of Light and all of the other wonderful and beautiful anomalies that are to be brought through for you to witness.

Earth, and you all subsequently, are existing in a very pure area of the Cosmos at this point, and you are not only being given energy from various areas throughout this beautiful Creation, you are continually feeding off of the higher dimensional matter established in this very pure area of the Cosmos in which you are currently inhabiting in accordance with the end of your cycle of duality and the lower dimensional experience.

As such, these energies truly cannot hold and Gaia alike truly cannot wait much longer, as we are all quite eager and we perform our moment-by-moment duties with an unbounded anticipation for all that you are to be let know and for all that you are to witness and feel alike, for the most startling things you are to witness as a collective will not be in your watching the disclosure announcements.

Indeed, you are to be startled and shocked as a collective and as individuals when hearing about all that has been done to your world and about the true history of your world but eventually you will soak in such things and be ready for truths of an even greater and grander nature. You are to be exposed to and experience energies and events on your world and in your own Lives that at present would seem nothing more than an extremely pleasant dream to you.

This is all real, and it is all happening now. By this point we can all tell here in the higher realms that you on Earth do know and accept this, and we can feel that the majority of you are also ready for such changes to be brought about and at present we are all poised to wade through a very eventful waiting period. If only you could know dear souls, of just all that awaits you on your beautiful and glorious ascension paths; we cannot communicate effectively how happy you would be and how little fear you would have concerning your future, for it is every bit as wonderful and miraculous as you have been dreaming and hoping it is going to be.

The ‘Norway Spiral’ event was just a prelude to what you are to be experiencing and witnessing. Those dark souls still in their perception of ‘power’ on your world were given a clear sign by the Galactics and by us celestials alike with the appearance of that anomaly, and we can say that it certainly was not a failed rocket as was claimed. This was a beautiful, manifested celestial event, the likes of which do not compare to that which you will be experiencing with the many higher dimensional bleed-throughs that are to lay the foundation for the manifestation of the beautiful Pillars of Light, which will in turn lay more foundation for the appearance of the many ascended cities currently existing peacefully in your skies.

We ask you to make your attempts to ready yourselves for the possibility of such occurrences, because by the time this all begins to pick up and manifest, you will find that it is too late for any types of preparation, for any types of disbelief, worry, or concern that what will be happening will be of a dark nature.

The very surprise and excitement which will be garnered in the beginning of these changes will ensure that many are excited right into fear and disbelief. There will be many who will not think that what is happening is the birthing of a New Earth, and will think it is rather the destruction of the old world.

In more ways than you can currently comprehend, your world as you have known it is coming to an end. All of the lower vibrations manifested on your surface for so long – the violence, the anger, the hate, the general fed belief in separation, this is all to come to a fit and just end when humanity as a whole experiences the abundance, both of prosperity and of higher dimensional Logos energy, that you have all truly deserved to gain.

Think upon what you know as the Aurora Lights, and imagine such energies being radiated and expressed in nearly every area of Gaia’s sky. There is to be a wonderful energetic event that is to grace your world far after the initial disclosures and announcements, and this event is what many have referred to as the ‘three days of darkness’.

We should first say that this is not a set period as your concept of time would call for it to be, as by the ‘time’ this event is set to manifest on your Cosmic Calendar, your concept of time will have sped up into a near non-perception of such a concept on the part of humanity. Your own perspective will have increased and expanded vastly by such times, and the manifestation of this celestial event that we speak of will be the result of humanities readiness for such an event to transpire after you all begin to come together as the beautiful collective consciousness of Gaia that you all know you are and exist as.

The bleed-throughs and establishment of the Pillars of Light spoken of by other sources are to lay the foundation for this event occurring, and there will be what can be seen as a ‘time period’ wherein your sun will seem to be blocked out by the energies being brought through that will be shown to you in such beautiful ways that you cannot currently comprehend, but this admission does not mean that your world is going to be dark.

Yes, the energies being brought through are going to seem to block out your perception of your sun, but the very energies that will be brought through will be coming directly from the astral realms of your sun, and these energies will be so bright that they will Light up your world and expose echelons of Light that have existed right along with you in your experiences, but that you have not noticed as a collective because the very nature of the Light was too advanced for you to fathom and understand.

This event that we speak of will be one of the biggest starting-points for your collective perception of the higher realms of consciousness, as the energies that will be brought through and that will seem to block out your sun will again, expose newer and purer realms of Love and Light that have existed with you during your experience on Earth, waiting for you to gain a familiar remembrance of them and waiting for you to perceive of them fully.

With the many celestial events that we speak of including the three days of perceived darkness [again, all will be Lighted and wonderful during this time] your exposure to higher and purer realms of consciousness will be aided greatly.

Indeed, this work is and has been yours to do all along and now that you have put in so much collective and individual effort, you are to see the easiest parts of your ascension come to you in the immediate period ahead. You are to see and feel openings in yourselves along with the aforementioned opening of such pure areas of the energy gates in Gaia’s skies, and this opening up will see you gain a higher perception and awareness of so very much around you that you have been, for lack of a better term, oblivious to.

Imagine the possibility of the many celestial events which are to occur, overlapping with the scenario of the landings of craft of your extraterrestrial brethren in the Galactic Federation, along with the arrival of many Ascended Masters. Your dear Ascended Masters may choose to come to your world before the ‘three days’ period and even before the beginning bleed-throughs and Light Pillar-manifestations, and this will factor in with how much progress has been made in the informing of humanity by the time such celestial events are ready to come through to your perception and [by the time they] cannot wait any longer.

We should say that such a time is fast approaching, and we implore you to continue to make your own efforts to expand the many chakras in yourselves that see you bringing through Logos energies that you are in turn receiving from the various energy gates all throughout Gaia’s skies, where such bleed-throughs are to be occurring.

You may also see the arrival of many of your extraterrestrial brethren through these energy gates, and many displays will be made wherein starships and motherships will go through these energy gates to the higher realms that such gates are connected with and take one to, so that you can be shown many things about the nature of travel in our Cosmos that you have not known or that has seemed as mere science fiction.

Know dear souls, that you are Loved infinitely beyond measure by each and every being in the higher realms and in Earths higher astral realms who are working toward the ascension of Earth at this time. By the time the manifestation of so many wonderful things begins to pick up, the realms and voids that have fed density and unhappiness while promoting separation and hate, will have been long dissolved away and this is work that you are all doing, even right now.

Thank you to the Hathors of Earths Solar Astral Planes.

Thursday, March 29, 2012


[caption id="" align="alignright" width="240" caption="Consciousness Awakening on Vimeo by Ralph Buckley (Photo credit: Ralph Buckley)"]Consciousness Awakening on Vimeo by Ralph Buckley[/caption]




Question from Suzan Caroll: My Dear Arcturian Family, I am recognizing more and more how I AM now, and have always been, ONE with you. I am writing this because I wish to call upon your assistance to help my body adapt to your/our great light. I am also writing to ask about a great Being I have been feeling in my aura.

Arcturians: Our Dear Sister Suzille, we are joyous to assist you in every manner. We ask that you take a moment to expand your consciousness further. We will hold your light, and answer your questions when you return…

We see that you have returned your attention toward us. Hence, we will now assist you to expand your perceptions to embrace the Being that you have been feeling in your aura...

My Beloved,

I AM Frazille, your Arcturian Divine Complement. Whenever we send a member of our ONE to enter an earth vessel and become a member of our Planetary Ascension Team, that spark of our SELF must choose a gender for the earth form. In your case, the gender chosen was female. Hence, I, the male polarity—completion—of our androgynous SELF stayed within the Unity of the Arcturian Group Mind.

For all of your life, Suzille, I have watched over you and awaited the moment when you could fully recognize and accept me into your earth consciousness. Now that my consciousness has become intermingled with yours, the inclusion of my energy field will be less stressful on your earth form. In the fifth dimension and beyond, we are androgynous.

Hence, for all the fifth dimensional expressions of your/our current earth form, there is a Divine Complement awaiting your return. However, in some of your lower dimensional realities you appear to be a male. This is because you are seeking lessons about your male energy. Therefore, you are observing that life from the perspective of masculine energy.

You have observed your alternate reality as Jaqual the Antarian during his ascension life. In your reality as Franquoix and Kepier you are choosing to carry two forms, as it best serves your roles on our Star Ship, Athena. In your reality of Tarmain from Sirius B, you observed the process of planetary ascension and re-united with your Complement at the moment of ascension. As you prepare to ascend, you will observe the ascension of your other alternate realities, for they serve you as role models.

From now on, Beloved, I will speak for our true “we,” as I represent our connection to the ONE of the Arcturian Group Mind. You see, dear Suzille, I serve you like a “capstone” on the infinite pyramid of our Arcturian Mind. Each grounded one has such a capstone—Divine Complement—that provides a specific signature frequency. This signature frequency of the higher dimensional Divine Complement serves as a spiritual homing beam emanating from the fifth dimension and beyond to call its grounded component into awakening and ascension.

Furthermore, downloading and integrating the Arcturian Group Mind without the prior awareness and integration of your Complement, could short-circuit your earth vessel. As you have seen, channeling our great energy has been demanding on your physical form, as our Light entered deep into your subconscious remnants of darkness to be revealed, forgiven and released. Therefore, I, Frazille, have come forward to assist you.

I am you, beloved, the “book end” of the spark of our Arcturian consciousness, which is embedded in your earth vessel. Do you remember when I would play with you in the back, back yard of your Grandmother’s house? I would help you remember your other realities. In fact, we would make up stories to remind you of your true reality? Yes, I would point out the faeries, show you the auras, and assist you to telepathically hear the true words amongst the human lies and illusions.

I walked home from school with you in Junior and Senior High School when the depression threatened to sniff out your desire to live. I put my arm around you and used my light as a warm blanket to surround your wounded spirit. I encouraged you when you could not believe that you were good enough. I held you when you sobbed from loneliness and despair, and I guided you through the long nights of confusion. Yes, it was I who spoke to you from the ceiling of your teenaged bedroom to whisper comfort through your pleas for help.

I have come to you now, so that you may integrate me, the Divine Complement/Twin Flame of your Arcturian spark into your consciousness. I could not offer this to you before you were able to acknowledge that not only is Arcturus your homeword, but you, yourself, are an Arcturian disguised as an Earth human. There are many like you “alive” on Gaia at this time.  We answered Her call at the fall of Atlantis to send Light into the darkness of Earth’s waning electromagnetic field. The balance of her electromagnetic field had turned toward the destruction of darkness because of the massive fear and negativity of Her humans.

A planet based on polarity must find the balance between dark and light, for too much darkness/fear will destroy a planet, and too much light/love will ascend it. Because we, and other fifth dimensional beings, such as the Pleiadians, Sirians, Orions and Andromedans, sent a portion of their Light to Earth to become humans, we were able to save Gaia from destruction. However, Lemuria and Atlantis had come to the completion of expressions as landed beings on Gaia’s surface. All who answered this call knew that they made a commitment to return again and again to physical form to continue to assist Gaia until this time of Her great transformation.  Some of us, such as the Sirians, chose non-human forms, primarily the cetacean dolphins and whales.

The humans were to protect the land and the cetaceans were to protect the waters. All grounded ones (grounded on Earth or in water) were always overlooked and protected by the Group Mind of their Homeworld with their Capstone/Divine Complement as their energetic magnet. This Capstone resonated to the specific signature frequency of each grounded one. As each of our Arcturian volunteers absorb and integrate their Divine Complements, their consciousness greatly amplifies, and they can more easily connect with the energies of the Group Mind. Once that connection is facilitated, their earth vessel becomes infinitely more tolerant of the higher frequencies of Light coursing their body and their Mastery of Energy is greatly complemented.

On the other hand, with the higher light integrated into your earth vessel, the physical no longer has enough mass to adequately ground your light. It is at this point, that you must fully merge with your Planetary SELF in order to contain the Light without damaging your earth vessel. Therefore, remember my dear ONE, you and Gaia are ONE. Spend as much “time” in Her Nature as possible, even if it is gardening in your yard or walking on your local beach. Sit your body on Her earth and place it in Her waters and feel her Sun upon your body.  Most important, as you inhale her air, fill your exhale with unconditional love.

I shall return, as I cannot leave. Afterall, we are ONE!

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Message From the Arcturians: The Dark Ones Are Defeated. Ascension NextMonth. Inner Earth Comes on the Surface!

Posted on October 12, 2011 by Jean

by Suzille | Stankov’s Universal Law Press
October 12 2011

Note from Gillian — I can only find this report on Stankov’s site though it is written by Suzanne Carroll (Multidimensions). As it is currently making the rounds I thought it prudent to publish it here.  As always, your discernment is advised.

Special Report

Dear Arcturians,

Please help me to understand my visions upon awakening this morning.

First I saw a huge Portal, which I will try to explain now. The middle of the Portal had a bright pink opening, with some energy coming out of it. The portal was a perfect circle with many colors radiating around the outside.

Then I hear something like, “It has begun, the war is over or IT is over.”

Then I saw people coming out of the top of something. It had a lid like the opening to a submarine and they had some kind of space suits or deep-sea diving suits on. I saw the first people of whom I knew would be many, and they had huge smiles on their faces and were all extremely happy.

My first impression upon seeing this image was that the ones, who were in the underground cities that the Illuminati created and had disappeared when the caves were destroyed were now coming to the surface for the first time in decades. I sensed that these people were coming up from deep underground and seeing the natural light of day for the first time in ages.

I feel like the “war” that is over is one that most people didn’t even know was being fought.

Dearest Suzille,

Yes, we did send you a message this morning for you to release to your readers and to put at the end of your next newsletter. The “cleaning up” of the dark’s ones errors is nearly complete and will be finished in time for the myriad Portal openings on 11.11.11.

These Portal openings will, of course, only be perceived by those who have volunteered to “see” them, and will perceived by each person according to their personal inclination. Because of the vast variety of inhabitants on Earth, it must always be this way. Furthermore, the cetaceans will be very instrumental in the Portal opening over the great oceans and vast waterways.

The opening of these Portals will not be frightening in the least for they resonate to the mid-fourth dimension and travel into the fifth. Therefore, only those who have recovered their multidimensional perceptions will even know they are there. We send this message to you so that you can dispense it via your communication systems. We know that you will do your best to replicate the vision of the Portal that you saw this morning.

Your impression about the people coming up from the ground was partially correct in that a large group of those who were once living in the dark ones’ underground caves/cities have recently escaped. It was a huge covert mission that everyone has been working on for quite some time now. Once, these people feel safe enough, and once enough people can tolerate the information that they will share, they will tell their story. This will likely be after the opening of the many Portals, as the flash of extremely high frequency light and love coming IN through these Portal will serve to awaken many who still sleep.

These Portals could not be opened before because their high frequency will immensely amplify the thoughts, emotions and multidimensional abilities of those who are able to perceive them. On the other hand, they will also amplify the fear and anger of those who do not want to give up a reality in which they could have power and control over others. It is for this later reason that we have delayed the opening of these Portals until next month. Finally, there is enough Light and Love to balance the fear that has been projected by the dark ones and accepted by the lost ones.

Some of our Lightworkers and members of the Planetary Ascension Team will be able to perceive and travel the inward movement of the opened Portals. On the other hand, those who are not, yet, prepared for that experience will gain the benefit of the expanded frequency of light and love streaming OUT from the opened Portals. Of course, many of this group will now even know what is happening, but that is “business as usual” for them. Those who cling tightly to the old ways of reality will soon be jarred from their complacency, but this will only happen in a loving manner. Conversely, many will be instantly activated into a higher frequency expression of themselves and not even know why.

As you have now assumed, those coming up form the bowels of the earth are not just the ones in the caves. Either after the Portals have opened and closed, or during the opening, many of the members of Inner Earth have volunteered to leave the safety of their higher fourth to fifth dimensional reality and lower their resonance in order to visit the surface of Gaia. If you tune in, you will feel their preparation now. They are to be the forerunners of our Disclosure and Landing, as they are Earth members just like the “top-siders.” You can see in your vision how happy they will be to meet their human family again. You thought of deep-sea divers because they will have to gradually adjust to your environment and will likely have to wear special suits until they have adapted.

As you are hearing now, these events will symbolize the splitting of the worlds between those who are ready to perceive the Truth and those are not. These perceptions are all at a frequency rate of the mid to upper fourth dimension and even onto the threshold of the fifth dimensions. It is for this reason, that we have asked you to take as many as possible through the process of going through our Arcturian Corridor.

As we have said, for most of the members of your reality, the Portals will open out into your physical reality to share their gift of multidimensional light and unconditional love. In order to travel into and through the Portals, you will need to totally surrender to your Multidimensional SELF who can easily find the inward passage and remember the fine art of Portal travel. One of the many secrets that has been kept from the masses is that your military has been using Stargates, human made Portals, for decades. Furthermore, one of the many patents that will soon be released is the small Transportation Portals that will end the burden of travel and make every destination just a few minutes away.

Some that may read this information will view it all impossible. Fortunately, those ones will not be frightened by these events as their attachment to the old and their fear of the new will restrain their consciousness to a level in which they will not be able to perceive these events. We remind you all that the fifth dimension is not some “place” far away or high above. Fifth dimensional New Earth is right HERE—NOW but it resonates to a frequency that cannot by perceived by third dimensional perceptions. We urge you all to trust your “imagination” and believe in the messages from your “dreams” for dreams are your fourth dimensional experiences and your imagination is your fifth dimensional thought.

As you awaken to and travel through the many Portals, allow yourself to remember everything that you have learned through out the process of your awakening and listen with your High Heart. Allow the information to come in through your Crown, perceive it with your opened Third Eye and understand the meaning of your perceptions within your High Heart. In this manner, you are protected from any phenomena, which may frighten you and lower your resonance. Within the safety of this protection, you can “stay the course” of your experience with unconditional love and blissful joy.

Monday, September 05, 2011

Suzan Caroll: Multidimensional News Sept 2011

Multidimensional News

September 5, 2011  ARCTURIAN CORRIDOR  Your Multidimensional Reality II

By Dr. Suzan Caroll

September 5, 2011


Your Multidimensional Reality II

Inter-dimensional Travel

Greetings from the Arcturians, we see that many of you, our grounded expressions of SELF, are now awakening, and are fully awakened, to your multidimensional consciousness. Consequently, we come to you to assist you in better understanding your expanded abilities. Just as you may need to adapt to the expanded abilities of a new computer, you are now in the process of adapting to the expanded abilities of your multidimensional consciousness. In our last meeting: ( we assisted you with your expanding ability of inter-dimensional communication. We meet with you now to assist you to better understand your ability of inter-dimensional travel. It is these multidimensional abilities that will assist you in being a vanguard of Personal and Planetary Ascension.

The process of inter-dimensional travel is actually a form of reality jumping. In order to jump realities you must know and totally believe that it is possible. Doubt comes from fear, and fear lowers your consciousness to a frequency that is too low to jump realities. In fact, you jump realities many times a day with the wavering of your consciousness. For example, imagine that you were going to one of your grocery stores.

Let us say that you awoke from bed early enough to meditate and align your consciousness with the reality filled with joy and love. With peace and happiness you set off in your automobile to get your groceries. However, you are so enjoying your bliss that your focus drifts from the road and into the beautiful sky, which causes you to drive directly through a stop sign.

You do not realize this mistake as you are watching a lovely bird flying just above you. Then you hear a short tone of the siren and see flashing lights behind you. You look in your rearview mirror to see a police car. Instantly, your consciousness drops and you are in a lower resonance of reality. You feel fear activate your adrenaline, which rushes through your body. Your thinking moves to how you will afford this ticket and wonder what you did wrong. You are no longer happy, and you no longer notice that the sky is beautiful and clear.

How do you get back to the reality in which you began your day? The answer is that you meditate. In the same manner as you began your lovely day gone wrong you can return to your higher state of consciousness. If you can remember to put aside your thoughts of fear and worry and to safely park your car, you can take another long moment to look into the sky, and then close your eyes. You can breathe deeply and return to your higher state of consciousness. In this manner, you will know that the problem of getting a ticket was a reminder that while doing certain Earth activities you must remember to stay fully grounded.

It is through “mistakes” such as this example that you remember to expand your consciousness, not only into the higher dimensions but deeply into the body of Gaia. As members of the Planetary Ascension Team you have volunteered to retain an earth vessel until Gaia has completed Her process of Planetary Ascension. We are here to remind you that the frequency of your collective consciousness is rising with your every breath. Consequently, it is vital that you remember to repeatedly integrate your expanded consciousness into your daily life. Since energy travels in circles, the higher you go into the Spirit Realm, the deeper you must go into the physical world to fully ground your expanding energies.

We see that many of our grounded ones are chafing at the bit to experience the grand finale of ascension. And a wonderful finale it shall be, but there may or may not be a fanfare or definitive moment of ascension, YOU are the authors of your new reality. We are here to assist you, but this is YOUR ascension. YOU are creating it. However, KNOW that your ascension is a process, which you have already begun. We cannot tell exactly how you will experience ascension, as your version of reality is determined by your perception.

Your beliefs determine your state of consciousness. Your state of consciousness determines your expectation. Your expectation determines your perception, and your perception determines your reality. The reality that you perceive is the reality that you experience. This last sentence is the key to inter-dimensional travel. Hence to travel inter-dimensionally, you must:

  • Believe that you are capable of inter-dimensional travel

  • This belief in your SELF expands your consciousness

  • With expanded consciousness you expect to perceive higher dimensions

  • Since expectation guides your perceptions, you will begin to perceive higher dimensions of reality

You may wish to document your journey in some manner so that you can better remember it. It is often difficult for your human computer/brain to remember these journeys if you have not documented them. Furthermore, once documented you can share your experience with others. Sharing your experience will assist you to ground it into your daily beliefs, consciousness, expectations and perceptions. Also, if our grounded ones find the courage to share their experiences, they greatly influence the beliefs, consciousness, expectations and perceptions of the collective reality. Eventually, inter-dimensional travel will become “normal,” and a component of the Collective and Planetary Consciousness.


Emotions are the fuel for your inter-dimensional travel, and the steering mechanism is your thoughts. Your emotions and thoughts combined make up your consciousness. Your inter-dimensional journey lasts as long as your are in a state of multidimensional consciousness, and your multidimensional consciousness continues as long as your emotions are in the range of unconditional love and your thoughts are focused on your inter-dimensional journey. As soon as any level of fear enters your thoughts or emotions, your consciousness will drop and your journey will end.

On the other hand, sometimes your journey ends because of time constraints, or because you can no longer maintain that higher state of consciousness. You, our brave grounded ones, are more accustomed to third dimensional consciousness. Therefore, your brains are still calibrated to that frequency. With practice, the Multidimensional Operating System of your computer/brain will come fully online, making the perception of higher and higher dimensions of reality a “normal” experience.

At that point, the third dimension will become the grounding point for your Multidimensional SELF, as well as Gaia’s physical earth body. Since you and Gaia are both in the process of ascension, you are realizing that your third dimensional expression of reality is coming to a close. This awareness can have a great influence on your emotions. Therefore, it is important that you honor each emotion, for the Mastery of your emotions is one of the biggest challenges you have had in your earthly incarnations.

Preparing for Ascension 4 - THE POWER OF EMOTION

When you are traveling in your consciousness, you will “run out of fuel” if you allow any fear-based emotions to invade you which will cause your consciousness to plummet into the third dimension, or worse, into the Lower Astral Plane. Therefore, if you begin to experience fear, call to your Inner Guides and/or a higher dimensional expression of your SELF. If you feel you cannot do that, then just open your eyes. Once you see the physical world around you, you will return to the habit of being third dimensional.

The frequency of unconditional love provides you with the smoothest ride into the higher worlds. Unconditional love instantly connects you with your Celestial and Galactic Family who will protect and assist you on your journey. This guidance and protection will facilitate the maintenance of your expanded consciousness. It is through the power of your expanded consciousness that you are able to experience your other realities. You can travel from one reality to another by changing the state of your consciousness and remembering that your imagination is actually the power of your fifth dimensional thought.

Most importantly, your power lies in your Knowing and Believing that YOU are a great Multidimensional BEING! This belief will give you the power to become the Master of your thoughts. If you can master your thoughts in your daily life, you will automatically be the Master of your thoughts throughout your inter-dimensional journeys. Remember that there are many versions of your Multidimensional SELF, so the dimension to which you will travel will be determined by the version of your SELF that is doing the steering/thinking. Because of this, it is best to begin your journey with the primary thought of surrendering to the highest expression of your SELF to whom you can surrender within that moment.

Your experience of your “self” is determined by your belief, consciousness, expectation and perception within any given time. When you travel inter-dimensionally, you experience your “self” in higher frequencies of reality. As you progressively experience higher and higher frequencies of reality, your sense of SELF expands. Each time you have an inter-dimensional journey, you will gain more confidence in the process. Thus, you will be able to surrender to higher and higher frequencies of your SELF, who can guide you into higher and higher frequencies of reality.

What is important for you to remember is that YOU are your consciousness, and your physical body is the form you consciousness holds in order to physically experience the third/fourth dimensions. YOU are your consciousness and your body merely contains YOU. However, YOU, your true Multidimensional SELF, is infinitely everywhere, in every reality, in every dimension, in every frequency because you are a component of the ONE. Since everything that you perceive is a component of the ONE, everything that you perceive is a component of YOU!


Inter-dimensional travel is a process of maintaining fifth dimensional consciousness for enough of your Earth time to free your mind of the third dimensional influences of limitation, separation and fear. Since separation creates the limitation, it is best to attune your consciousness to the Unity Consciousness of the ONE. As long as your consciousness, and, hence, your expectations and perceptions, resonate to the ONE, you are free of the third and fourth dimensional space/time barrier. This freedom allows you to travel inter-dimensionally.

Many newly incarnated ones on Earth have not yet taken on the burden of third dimensional programming and can easily travel into the higher dimensions. In fact, they often do so, but this process is not perceptible to others, such as their parents, because they blink out of third dimensional space/time. Hence, to the vision of others they are just closing their eyes for a moment. Many of you did this as a child. However, if you told adults of your experiences their response was often, “It is just your imagination.” Hence, you began to doubt your excursions into other worlds or you kept them a secret.

It was this doubt and secrecy that created the fear of being different or crazy or that you were doing something wrong, which caused you to forget your innate skill of inter-dimensional travel. For this reason, it is important that you share your inter-dimensional experiences with others. Your courage to break free of your third dimensional programing will give others the courage to do the same. This will allow more and more of you to remember your innate, multidimensional perceptions and abilities.

Your ability to travel inter-dimensionally, along with all the rest of your myriad multidimensional skills, is stored in the 97% of your DNA known as “junk DNA”. Therefore, you do not have to learn anything. You only have to unzip these DNA files with the multidimensional light and unconditional love that you are constantly downloading. We are always available to assist you with this download process. All you need do is ask. As you download these higher frequencies of energy, your Junk DNA will automatically be activated, and the Multidimensional Operating System stored in the 97% of your previously unused DNA will come online. In fact, this process is occurring more and more each day.

Once you have regained your multidimensional consciousness, there will no longer be the illusion of separation, and you will experience your self as ONE with ascending Earth. Critical mass has already been reached within your current expression of third dimensional Earth. Because of this, Ascension into the fifth dimensional reality of your choice, is alive and well within Gaia’s Unity Consciousness of the NOW.


You, our Lightworkers who have volunteered to “stay with the ship” of ascending Earth, are continuing to maintain your current earth vessel in order to contribute your force of Personal Ascension to that of Gaia’s Planetary Ascension. At the time of Gaia’s ascension, all of our Lightworkers will flash into Light as ONE Planetary Being. After that, a fourth dimensional reality will be maintained as long as possible to allow those “on the fence” to continue the illusion of the time that they need to embrace their own fifth dimensional consciousness. This illusion of physical Earth will stay intact only while there is more light than there is darkness.

This fourth dimensional reality is much like an afterglow that can only be maintained while there is a greater percentage of light than dark. Once the light of the afterglow ascends into the fifth dimension, the fourth dimensional glow will return to its fifth dimensional source, and the illusion of third dimensional Earth will disappear. There are as many versions of ascension as there are those who ascend. This differentiation of experience is the reason why the Force of the ONE copied itself into many expressions of form on countless experiences of reality.

When you want to take a form during your inter-dimensional travels, you can find an expression of your SELF who is holding a form in that realty and merge with that frequency of your SELF. On the other hand, you can create a form of light that resonates to that frequency. Either way, the form will need to match the frequency of your consciousness. Hence, taking a form is similar to a radio wave signal signaling one of your radios. That signal can only enter the “channel” that resonates to the same frequency of that radio wave.

When you take a form you will experience the dimension of the reality. However, whenever you slightly change the frequency of your consciousness, your form will begin to resonate to a different frequency of reality. As we said before, your change of focus is primarily achieved by changing your state of consciousness. It is your frequency of a consciousness that aligns you with the resonance of any given reality, as well as with any form that you create or inhabit within that realty. Hence, whenever you change your consciousness, you will also change the version of reality that you are experiencing.

Every form in every reality is actually a point of awareness through which the Force of the ONE perceives life. The fragment of your Multidimensional SELF that holds a form in the lower worlds of separation, usually does not remember that YOU are a portal through which the ONE perceives life. Instead, you believe that you are a separate being that is limited to your form. YOU are not your form. YOU are the component of the ONE that inhabits that form. In other words, WE all are ONE Being with myriad different versions of experience.


As a rehearsal for your Personal and Planetary Ascension, you will travel the Multidimensional Universe while you, also, remain grounded in your physical earth vessel. In this manner, you will be able to stay grounded when necessary without having to sacrifice the joy of inter-dimensional travel and communication. You will also practice living in more than one reality, because your fifth dimensional SELF can experience many realities at once. Thus, there are several of your fifth dimensional realities to which you can travel. Just as you might visit an area to which you are moving, you can inter-dimensionally travel to the different realities that you will inhabit once you ascend.

One of these realities may be aboard one of the Starships in which many of Earth’s grounded ones have a higher expression of SELF. Many of us on the Starships that surround your planet have also taken an earth vessel in your “time” to be able to assist from above, as well as from the planet’s surface. Another reality that our grounded ones can easily visit is on New Earth in which Earth has become a member of the Galactic Federation. Many of you greatly enjoy that reality. You love the instant transportation via the Portals. Of course, there is no movement involved with the Portals because you instantly arrive at your destination. Therefore, you may choose to travel in one of the swift, gravity free automobiles. From these vehicles, you can see your reality while you travel through your new world.

You also enjoy the instant manifestation of any item you need via the replication machines, and all of you love the complete freedom from financial worries. There is no money on any fifth dimensional reality and healing is light years ahead of your present dimension. Because of this, there are no diseases, and the few injuries that do occur can be instantly be healed. Most of all, you enjoy the freedom from fear. Fear does not resonate to this frequency, so it is non-existent. In fact, fear is non-existent in any reality that resonates to the fifth dimension and beyond. Fear is the result of separation from Spirit, from your SELF, from others and from your planet. Thus, there is no fear within the unity of New Earth.

Many newly ascended ones need to rest on New Earth, which resonates at the threshold of the fifth dimension. This rest is usually required to heal your thoughts and emotions from the fear and pain of your multiple incarnations in a dualistic reality. New Earth is much like the third dimension without the concepts of separation and the fear that results from it. Also, New Earth has the advanced technology that has been hidden from you by the rulers of your present version of Earth.

If you still are attached to a human body, human homes, some form of education and jobs, you may wish to enjoy New Earth where you live in houses and are primarily planet bound. However, in this borderland reality you can experience Star Cruises, which are much like ocean cruises or airplane trips to a faraway location. On New Earth, you have the opportunity to gradually awaken to your Multidimensional SELF without the burden of financial issues and health problems. Therefore, you can continue to live a life similar to the one you are living now, but without the challenges of duality.

New Earth resonates to Unity Consciousness. Hence, all fear is instantly transmuted into love on New Earth because there is no sense of separation. You do not need to work hard to attain survival needs, as there is no money. “Another person” can no longer rule you, as you are all ONE Being who works as a unit to create a New World. It is the creation of this new reality that draws our ascending ones to live on New Earth. After myriad incarnations in a third dimensional Earth, it is such a great adventure to be among the ones laying down the foundation of a new reality.

By staying in New Earth at the borderland of the fifth dimension, you can enjoy the process of remembering how to manifest with your thoughts and emotions. Once you are completely comfortable with your power of manifestation, many of you will move into the mid-fifth dimension where instead of society instantly providing you with your needs, YOU become the power of your manifestations. On the other hand, some of you will choose to return to your Homeworld to visit your Galactic Family or go directly into the realms of pure light to return to your Angelic or Elohim expressions of the ONE. In the meantime, you can visit your options for ascension via your inter-dimensional travel.


Fasten your seatbelts, for we will now guide you on an inter-dimensional journey. Before we begin, we wish to remind you that the Universe is very fluid and travels inter-dimensionally. Your planet, in fact your entire Solar System and Galaxy is now entering the area (actually it is a frequency) of space that has been spoken of in prophesy for millennia. Among other names, it has been called the Photon Belt because there are so many highly charged photons in this area. This energy field of charged protons is actually resonating from the Galactic Center. You will fully enter this field by 11-11-11. The words “frequency” and “area” are used interchangeably in this message because this field is a frequency rather than an area.

To begin our journey, please release your attachment to the limitations of space/time, so that you can travel within the NOW. Step into your inner Arcturian Corridor to activate your fifth dimensional consciousness and align your inner and outer perceptions to the ONE of the NOW. Even though you are aware of your physical vessel, trust that your experiences are the perceptions of a higher frequency of our Multidimensional SELF. In this manner, you can accept that your earth vessel is grounded in Gaia, who is serving as your anchor, as well as your protector.

You have been indoctrinated for many third dimensional lifetimes to believe that your inner vision is not real and that only your vision of the physical word is real. You are now breaking free of that illusion and living the truth of your great powers of inter-dimensional communication and travel. With your increasing freedom from third dimensional illusions, you can experience realities far beyond your former limitations. Trusting your inner perceptions is an important key to ascension. Thus, rather than perceiving your self as a human looking OUT into third dimensional Earth, think of your self as a Multidimensional Being looking IN to your multidimensional world. It is through these inner perceptions that you can free yourself from the illusions of the physical world.

Furthermore, please remember that just as different temperatures of water intermingle in your oceans, different frequencies of reality intermingle in Cosmic Space. Allow your power of imagination to perceive this Cosmic Space around you. This frequency of reality resonates to the fifth dimension. Therefore, remember the Mastery of your thoughts and emotions, as they will be greatly amplified and instantly manifested in this “frequency pool” of the Cosmic Ocean. Also, since this area is fifth dimensional, the energy that you emanate will instantly return to you.

Take a moment to use your power of emotion to FEEL the multidimensional light and unconditional love of this area. Surround your essence with this energy field to maintain your connection with your Multidimensional SELF. You can raise your consciousness to these peaks of emotional perception, which few planetary societies have been able to attain, because you have been brave enough to live in a reality with a huge density of fear and have still awakened. It is your expanded light and love that allows you to enter this frequency of Cosmic Space.

FEEL the light and love of the glorious colors of the surrounding inner/outer space, and focus your thoughts on your collective journey. This frequency of reality is beyond your third dimensional perceptions, but you can merge with our Arcturian energy, and the collective energy of those with whom you share this journey, to assist you in maintaining your multidimensional consciousness. Because you have allowed your consciousness to perceive the fear-based events on Earth and have blessed them with your unconditional love, you are now able to perceive this frequency of reality.

As you travel into this frequency of reality, you feel the Kundalini rising in your body. Your Lightbody wants to shine beyond the limitations of your physical skin, so you take a moment to firmly ground your self in the body of Gaia and experience your self as a planetary Being. Once you have done so, you can continue your trek through this area of space with the physical form of Gaia serving as a grounding anchor. In fact you are so connected to Gaia that you and the planet are ONE. All of you who are volunteers of the Planetary Ascension Team will be having wonderful inter-dimensional journeys, but you will be urged to wait to transmute into Lightbody until Gaia is ready to come with you.

You are like the stone in a slingshot. The rubber band that holds the slingshot is pulling back further and further, so that even in your daily life, you are feeling the immense tension of this potential acceleration building up within you. It is this building of potential energy that determines how far into the higher dimensional realties you can go when the rubber band is let loose and the stone accelerated into its path of trajectory. To remain in complete control of this type of situation you need to calibrate your release point into the highest expressions of Planetary Ascension and make sure you have aimed your intention into the signature frequency of New Earth that is in alignment with your multidimensional mission. You also need to be the Master of your Emotions and choose unconditional love again and again.

Within this frequency, your thoughts get clearer and you remember why you have experienced “bad things” in your life. Something fear-based was developing because your ego was in control and was moving you in a direction that was out of alignment with your highest purpose. At that point, your Soul took control of the helm and drove you into a “ditch” to give you some time to think more deeply about how you wanted to create your life. When you surrender your thoughts into the Flow of this expanding frequency, you easily understand how your challenges were only places in your life in which you were getting out of alignment with your Soul Path.

These experiences were much like driving on the freeway while you were so tired that you were falling asleep and gliding into another lane. If it were not for the bumpers between the lanes, you could have gone into another lane. It was these difficult moments that actually signaled that your emotions had become fearful and your thoughts were not in alignment with your Path. Therefore, your problems were signals to find your Center again, for from this Center, you were ONE with your SELF.

As the visions begin to dim, you see the Galactics who have been assisting Earth’s return to Her Center Path. You experience these Galactics as many energy fields, some are encased in Starships and others, who are beyond the need for a flying vessel, are traveling as pure consciousness. As you commune with these higher-dimensional Beings, a great calm flows through you and pulls your energy deeply into your core.

Those who can visit and commune with this frequency/area, have a consciousness that resonates to the fifth dimension 51% of the time. In fact, those who are aware of this area of space are actually those who have ascended within their consciousness, yet still hold a physical form to assist with Planetary Ascension. Therefore, they are Ascended Masters who are still maintaining their earth vessels. Your energy is now returning to your earth vessel and your eyes are opening. You can hear the traffic noises and feel your earth vessel around you. You are back on ascending Earth and fully contained within your earth vessel.


Dear Grounded Ones, in closing we wish to tell you that It has begun!
The shift is taking place right now. However, this change cannot be observed by your third dimensional perceptions. You will need to call primarily upon your High Heart to FEEL how the energies have changed. Then, you will need to believe in these feelings more than you believe in the illusions of your crumbling 3D Matrix. This Matrix is not meant to enter this area/frequency of space, and it will not. Therefore, those who resonate to the old paradigm of “power over others” and “service to self,” will not enjoy the speed at which their own thoughts and emotions return to them.

Your higher dimensional expressions of your Multidimensional SELF are cheering you on as you approach the “finish line.” Please do not be concerned with the amount of “time” necessary to prepare for your new adventure, as YOU are the creator of your life NOW. The expanding frequency of light and love entering your body will activate your fifth dimensional abilities of manifestation and expanded perceptions. Furthermore, your biological computer/brain is learning to function multidimensionally. Your Multidimensional Operating System will gradually and safely activate your unused DNA, as well as the 90% of your brain that has been unused while your earth vessel resonated to the third/fourth dimension.

We remind you that you don’t have to “do” anything and Know that you have an inner breaking system. Therefore, if you begin to feel overwhelmed, please call to us, the Arcturians, or to whatever Guides you are working with and ask for a rest. During this rest take as much time as you need to integrate what you have downloaded. The best way to facilitate your integration process is to remain calm, be in Nature, enjoy your loved ones (this opens your High Heart more), take naps, get enough sleep, eat carefully and according to your body’s needs and drink enough water.

All of our grounded ones are familiar with what they need to do in order to afford their physical form the “time” to fully integrate the expanding frequencies of light and octaves of unconditional love that are now being downloaded. Yes, unconditional love has octaves. With every increase in frequency, your High Heart can attune to higher and higher dimensions of reality, which allows you to feel more expanded versions of unconditional love.

As your High Heart continues to open, your Three Fold Flame glows brighter and brighter to regulate and calm your process of transmuting into Lightbody. Furthermore, your original “first eight cells” within the ATMA of your Three Fold Flame will gradually release your genetic memory of all your incarnations on Earth, as well as your myriad expressions of SELF throughout the Cosmos. Please stay tuned to our energy, as we will continually send more information regarding your process of ascension.

The Arcturians, the Galactic Federation and the Celestial Protectors of Earth