Showing posts with label EGO. Show all posts
Showing posts with label EGO. Show all posts

Friday, September 09, 2016

Energetic Synthesis: Signal to Noise Ratio (Time Shift Blog)

As we develop Self Awareness , which is the knowledge of the inner Self, we are developing the right relationship to the Self, and thus, we can better develop our direct relationship with the God Source. We cannot know the highest expression of our true nature, until we know the deepest inner workings and contents of our own essential being and heart. Self study is the process of self mastery and is the pathway to expanding Consciousness and naturally expanding all functions of our Higher Sensory Perception (HSP).The most accurate HSP is activated when a person has disciplined their Negative Ego, cleared alien Mind Control and has been able to give an honest assessment of personal pain and then applies effort to clear those painful emotions, through consistent and dedicated practices of self love, forgiveness and Compassion.When we clear these accumulated patterns of fear based thinking or forgive traumatic experiences, we increase our ability to achieve and sustain inner stillness, thus, we increase our emotional and spiritual clarity. When we access our still point, and we are quiet and listening, this receptive state of being greatly reduces the static noise that results from chaotic thought forms, and transforms our brain waves to patterns of greater harmony, which is the state we can receive the higher frequency signals that are being transmitted from our higher self, and that information that is generated from higher frequency communication. Our planet is currently being inundated with a massive spectrum of higher plasmic frequencies, in which we will need to achieve inner stillness and peaceful states, in order to catch the transmission of plasma waves that are rising in the fields of the higher consciousness intelligence.

During this time, we will naturally want to stop the inner and outer noise from clouding our perception. We want to increase our receptivity to better understand the important signals that are coming from our spiritual source and listen to the cosmic signals. We are being reconfigured and undergoing transformation that is leading us into new ways of perceiving our reality, changing our direction. As the planet is shifitng from the Cosmic Ray transmissions, the ways we receive information signals and process data is also changing rapidly. We are entering into a completley different and new territory.  What can we do now to remove the background noise, to better listen to our spiritual source transmission, and improve our signal to noise ratio reception?

Signal-to-noise ratio (abbreviated SNR) is a measure used in science and engineering that compares the level of a desired signal to the level of background noise. It is defined as the ratio of signal power to the noise power. This is very helpful to apply in the comprehension of developing levels to increase Higher Sensory Perception, Remote Viewing and Expanding Consciousness. We have to eliminate the noise to increase and improve the resonant signal to our Energy Receivers.

Signal-to-noise ratio is sometimes used informally to refer to the ratio of useful information to false or irrelevant data in a conversation or exchange. For example, in online discussion forums and other online communities, off-topic posts and spam are regarded as "noise" that interferes with the "signal" of appropriate discussion.

This is a clear example of why the Negative Ego, Ego Defense Mechanism and fear based thinking must be cleared from the mind or it will impact the "noise" ratio of the clear signal input as well as the translation and deciphering of the signal input in our Energy Receivers. It clouds our perception and dulls our consciousness, which interferes with the development of higher consciousness functions and our ability to communicate with our higher self.

Higher Sensory Perception
In studies of how Higher Sensory Perception works, it has long been held that mental images are formed first, and only then do estimations of their meaning take place. If the mental chatter or noise ratio is higher than the received signal input, the person is unable to generate levels of Higher Sensory Perception. Clearing the mind, and calming the emotional body is critical for expanding consciousness and other sensory development skills like Remote Viewing.

Briefly, in signal-to-noise theory when applied to the human nervous systems:
  • Signals first come in,
  • The signals are then, in pre-conscious processing, translated into information-meaning categories, usually by some kind of comparing with meanings already stored in the person's memory banks,
  • If memory-meanings comparable to the signals are found, then mental images can be manufactured and rise into consciousness.
  • However, if no comparable or comparative memory-meanings are available, then the pre-conscious systems segue over to the next best memory-meanings – and mental perceptions and images are then constructed in the light of those available meanings or perceptions.
Signals Input First
Rather, signals come first, then meanings of them, and then mental images based upon the meanings. Within the scope of the human nervous systems, signals in-put via any of the sensory detectors are electronic in nature. The electronic signals are then decoded, via pre-conscious processes, into meaning categories and specifics, and it is the results of this decoding that, in turn, trigger on mental perception of them. Signals are translated (transduced) into pre-conscious meaning, running signals into the unconscious or instinctual layers of the mind, and then into conscious mental awareness and perception of meaning into consciousness.

For clarity, three steps are involved here:
  • Signal in-put
  • Meaning comparison within the contexts of meanings, already stored in memory
  • Mental perceptions (feelings, images, sensations) built upon the meanings
Within the contexts of Remote Viewing research, it turned out that meaning (of things and situations) was the fulcrum of functioning BETWEEN signal in-put and mental images of them. This is to say that remote viewing does not begin with mental perceptions, it stimulates recognition, whether in the form of sensory feelings or images, that are then propelled into the current state of conscious awareness of them.

Assigned Meanings
As to types of meaning that are assigned, these meanings may be numerous and unique to the individual. But there certainly are at least two general types of meanings that can be deduced about things and situations in general, and meanings that in particular arise from the meaning-memory storage that exists at the individual level.

In explanation of this, it is generally thought, in philosophy anyway, that all things are suggestive with intrinsic possible meanings that are assigned from the imemories accumulated at the individual level. But at the individual level, any deducing of meanings is principally confined to the contexts of meaning that have accumulated and achieved storage in the translation of the individual’s memory banks. Therefore, meanings outside the range of the individual’s meaning-memory banks might have little chance of being recognized or identified at all, or might be interpreted only within the contexts of analogous meanings that HAVE achieved some memory storage. Each individual, possesses innate and very basic hard drive functions via which “the worlds inside our heads” are built and to which defines how their belief system realities are structured, and that content is then characterized by whatever achieves some kind of imprint in the wetware of that person's memory storage.
At some point, usually early in life, the imprinted contents in the wetware of the brain begin altogether to function as a memory machine – and can actually do so even if dimensions of the contents are, quite sparse, narrow, or thin. Strong reality boxes are formatted within the resulting memory machines patterned from the brain activity, and these reality boxes are specific to whatever meaning-information has achieved memory storage in that individual.

Remote Viewing
Now, with regard to the processes of remote viewing, some issues are needed to be clarified. First, viewers do not view a remote “target” via their five physical senses. Remote viewing provides information about things and situations distant in space and time from local surroundings, and if such information proves to have some degree of correctness, it is clearly legitimate to wonder what senses and sensing systems have made the distant information accessible. This sensory ability is a natural developed function of human consciousness.

Prior to the onset (in the latter three decades of the twentieth century) of discoveries of thousands of cellular information receptors existing throughout the biological networks of human nervous systems, there was hardly anything mainstream that shed any light on how interactions with distant information could be possible. Human cell receptors exist because they are a full part of the human genome – and thus download into all individuals of the human species.

Once the combined dimensions of human information receptors are appropriately grasped and understood, it can be seen that the human receptor range is quite astonishing. An example is sensing receptors in the pineal gland, if it is good health, these receptors are continuously busy sensing the sun light and its changing conditions. This particular sensing ability is usually taking place beneath conscious awareness of the person. The sun is at some great distance from Earth, and so it can be thought that pineal gland receptors are remote viewing the sun and solar activity. In addition to pineal gland receptors (which also function at the X-ray level), many other receptors of a similar nature have been identified in the human cell receptors with respect to distant sensing and remote perceptions. Some of these receptors are in the nadis body, which is the intelligence of the Chakra System that is located in layers of the Lightbody.

And so not only are various kinds of “remote viewing” possible in human consciousness development, but these sensory abilities are already taking place throughout the human nervous systems, albeit at levels usually beneath conscious awareness of them. Another issue has to do with what content can be perceived in the conscious awareness and what content does not get perceived into conscious awareness of each person. This, in turn, has to do turn with how parameters of conscious awareness are conditioned to function through a variety of environmental exposures and genetic causes. It makes sense that mind control can be used to desensitize awareness to the natural human consciousness functions, in order to render these sensory abilities dormant or unable to assign meanings to actual events taking place in consciousness. As we are aware, these higher sensory functions are not developed in the human race, and are intentionally damaged through the exposure to many levels of environmental noise and toxins.

When this happens, the resulting mental-image impressions can be at some distance from the real import of the original electromagnetic signals, but can carry bits of information contained in the original signals, whereby some of that data may be deciphered or translated by that person. 

Assigning New Meaning to Memory
The brain is always physically changing at its cellular levels with respect to what is newly experienced or perceived and it is constantly adjusting to the new meanings that are assigned to recent events or that were recognized as such. The physical changes involve the sprouting of new connections being made among and between the brain's neurons and synapses, and elsewhere in the nervous system, that end up as a new circuit that will produce a jolt of meaning recognition if and when, the experience or meanings are encountered again in the future.

From all of this, and specifically from the remote-viewing point of view, it was slowly understood that meaning-memory already incorporated into individual reality boxes, although this is important enough on average, this fact was not as important as was absent meaning-memory. Absent meaning connected to memories, can also be related to mind wiping or blank slating technology, the deliberate removal of meaning to memory associations that occurred in other timelines, and re-setting their neuronal links to register as absentia.

This gives rise to the situation that has long been understood in educational systems everywhere. That absent meaning-memory can be filled in by exposing individuals to assign new meaning-information packages that were absent before. And if the exposure to the new information is sufficient enough and seen as meaningful enough by that person,  then the synapses and neurons of the brain and nervous systems will do the rest - and the resulting new brain circuits will be incorporated into the new meaning-detecting systems that are already innately existing in everyone, although existing beneath conscious awareness of how they function.

(Source: Ascension Glossary)

Saturday, July 12, 2014

Energetic Synthesis: Mother's Island Hubs

  Mother's Island Hubs

Our heartfelt prayers of peace to the people and families of EARTH and IRAQ. Please wear your 12D Shield.

As the etheric filaments of the collective planetary field membranes (which make up the Ley Lines of the earth), are filling with the corrected patterns of subtle vibrational energies, it creates chalice configurations for the Mother principle to run its life force through the tributaries of the earth. These corrected patterns are intersections of the flowing life force current that circulate throughout the planetary heart system, as they are pumped through the Aurora Portal Networks and Mother Arc Hubs. These Krystal Star networks are built into the planetary body to run Aurora Christos and Aurora Mother tri-wave current to heal the planetary heart of massive amounts of collective consciousness trauma. 

Many of us have been feeling the elemental changes and deep shifts in our cells. The animation of matter from the magnetic shift is penetrating the second layers of our emotional-elemental body, which have deep impacts to memories or negative emotions buried in the Instinctual Body which is also known as the Pain body located in our 2nd Chakra.

The shift in the elemental body requires transmutation which may have a sensation that is similar to observing the decomposition of matter in the cycles of life. Microorganisms, some parasites and insects act as the earthly matter alchemists and enzymatically shift the elemental composition or digest the waste product of decomposing matter. As such, many of us may sense our body detoxifying or eliminating waste product and feel our body attempting to find homeostatic balance with its internal microorganisms and parasites. The strange sensations come with enzymatic change of the chemical composition inside our elemental body. This may exhibit a different external sensation of skin itchiness, skin crawling feeling, rashes, boils, acne, signs of minor infection, etc.

A tremendous amount of change to the elemental and emotional bodies is underway now.
This has also been evidenced lately as the planetary body is shaking and quaking lately to reposition itself for an entirely new Magnetic Field Grid Network System to power up new levels of the Mother Arc. The Guardians are calling this aspect of Mother Aquamarine Ray energy, a Magnetic force powering up in our Earth Core, The Mother Arc. The awareness and systematic dismantling of several obsolete controlled architectures in the planetary field have allowed this new architecture to come on line. It is similar to understand we have poked a hole in the mind controlled frequency fence and reconnected our handshake hub to reconnect with the Mother Arc in the earth core and connect with the Universal core. It is through the Mother's Perfect Proton Seed (or Cosmic Egg) that Creation can Heal Itself to its Original Divine Blueprint of the Diamond Sun body of Christos. 

This previous weekend’s sequence of events began another cycle of the Mother Arc emerging from the earth core into volcanic arc chains and their islands on our planet. This is a process of reanimation of the Mother’s magnetic principle from the earth core and into the earth crust, of which the volcanic islands and mountain volcanoes act as transmission antennae into our lower atmosphere and beyond. 

The epicenter of the surging up from the earth core thrusting upwards from the crust are hitting into two of the deepest oceanic trenches in the planet in the Indian Ocean, the Diamantina Deep Trench and the Java (Sunda) trench by Sumatra, outer borders of Western Indonesia on the Indian Ocean. The areas surrounding the Indo-Australian tectonic plates and the Antarctic plates are very active now. The Indian ocean floor is spreading at the pressure of these deep trenches, and its applying pressure in the boundaries of which moves the oceanic plates. Some research links below are provided to consider on the oceanic plates and the trenches impacted at the epicenter. 

The islands in these borders are active with magnetic flux and tectonic plate shifts. It has been mentioned that these are the "Volcanic Arc" chains in the Indian Ocean most active now. It is interesting this activity is only in the Southern Hemisphere at this time. For all of our Western Australian’s and those that live in the Southern hemisphere near volcanic geography and near coastlines, pay special attention to listen to the volcanoes, water and nature in what they are communicating. 

As well this new cycle will pressure each of us to pay attention to our Instinctual body, our emotional-elemental body and what it is undergoing. 

What is the Emotional-Elemental Body? 

In order to understand the Internal Structures of Ego which we also refer to as “Houses of Ego”, it requires the awareness that there are three main layers that function together, the 1st Chakra, the 2nd Chakra and the 3rd Chakra. The three layers of mind work together to serve the functions of the ego in all human beings. Each energetic layer has separate functions yet all three layers are interconnected and directly impact each other. As we learn about the layers in the internal structure of the ego, this clarifies the purpose of identifying what the ego is and how it operates within us. When we understand how ego operates inside our mind we are better equipped to heal the energetic imbalances of Negative Ego and the pain body. 

The second layer is the 2nd dimension, 2nd Chakra that is the pain and instinctual memory storage for the Instinctual Mind and Emotional-Elemental body. The NAA hidden agenda to Mind Control the human race and enslavement of the planetary system through Mind Control has left seven main areas of trauma and damage in the Instinctual Mind in the collective consciousness of the human race. 

The Guardians have identified the seven most painful implants of separation that impact the majority of human beings on this earth now at the 2nd Chakra layer of the Pain Body. These one or more combinations may surface for your witness and healing of buried memories.

1. Unworthiness
2. Shame / Guilt  
3. Lack of Trust / Self Doubt       
4. Betrayal / Abandonment
5. Anger / Rage
6. Fear
7. Entrapment / Enslavement 

This is the instinctual layer of ego which for many people remains a part of the Unconscious Mind as many do not pay attention to the cause of their instinctual drives or Addictions. Many people exist cut off from their feelings and have difficulty identifying their feelings in the moment to moment. This is a side effect of a closed Heart chakra, Soul Fragmentation or blackened heart. The first part of healing is to be willing to pay attention to impulses and drives though dedicated self-awareness. The second layer is directly impacted by the first layer to the degree the painful memory is experienced in the person’s hard drive. 

This second layer is also called the pain body. 

It is the location where unresolved painful memories will manifest as instinctual drives within the person’s ego. If the 1D storage memories are not identified or cleared, the pain of these memories creates “walls of separation” in the 2D layer as a pain body. The pain body further creates “walls of separation” which manifest in the ego as seven primary mental and emotional states identified above. These walls of separation isolate the ego self in the person and as the person identifies with that ego state, they become disconnected from their inner spirit. 

Because the Instinctual Mind is the pain body of the Three Layers of Ego it collects many different levels of emotional trauma and pain and buries it in this area of the body and its "mind" centers. This accumulative pain is collected from previous, current and future lifetimes of Soul Fragmentation as a result of pain, abuse or trauma. When this pain is unhealed it results in split personality, disassociative personalities or in SRA this is called "altars". These fragments are attachments which collect, congeal and attract spirit attachments from the Astral Plane at both the 2nd Chakra and 4th Chakra layers. This over time builds up more painful Miasma, Dead Energy to block the 2nd Chakra and the Soul Matrix from embodying. Further it creates the 2D Walls of Separation within the Three Layers of Ego and embeds inside the Instinctual Mind. 

From the accumulative lifetime(s) of pain builds more walls of separation which are purposely held in place through the Victim-Victimizer software, a self-enforced human enslavement program from the NAA. Through the deep unworthiness and lack of self-love resulting from repeated traumatic abuse, the rejection of God and the crucifixion of the inner spirit is maintained easily. This leads to Negative Ego behaviors to cope with the disconnection from God, which we can observe in the '''Seven Houses of Ego'''. As we build these Houses of Ego from ignorance, we allow their equivalent demonic spirits to dwell inside our mind and body. These demonic spirits increase the power of the Houses of Ego in human behavior which invite the predator forces to use or possess the mind and body at will. This is the definition of mental and spiritual bondage to the predator (dark) forces of the Imposter Spirit. 

Starseeds have an earth mission to heal these memories (and timelines) in a multitude of ways. 

The goal for spiritual protection and to find peace, is to dismantle the houses of ego, evict the demonic and predator forces, and replace them with the Houses of Christ. State your authority and intention to be of service to God and to build a strong relationship with one’s Inner Spiritual Light and Christos. As you devote your attention and focus on the quality of the Spirits of Christ, the Houses for Christ grow stronger.

(Source: Mother Arc Newsletter, Internal Structures of Ego Newsletter, Graphics lovingly donated by P. Goldenlotus))

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Monday, September 02, 2013

Lisa Renee: Internal Structures of Ego #Energetic-Synthesis

House of EgoAugust 2013
Lisa Renee

Dear Ascending Family,

During the Double Grand Trine astrological event at the end of July, we entered another period in the Ascension timeline which created a frequency split and a timeline split. This splitting in the timeline is that which narrows down the direction of the energetic pathway we are travelling. So during this time it is another shift forward that holds both endings and beginnings, many of us now being propelled into a new territory, direction, career, or residence. As each of us on the planet is pushed to makes choices from either the higher self or ego self, these mental attitudes define the parameter of energies that we exist within as the “multidimensional being”. This means our mental state greatly impacts the internal energies within our aura, and we can be sandblasted quickly by the boomerang of ego thoughts. It is clear that the quality of our mental state and thoughts are relevant to the quality of energies that we may experience in our daily life. As one can imagine asking the question, “how many thoughts are you having per day?” 50,000? 100,000? The amplified power behind the quality of vibrational energies that drives internal thoughts has greatly accelerated. One reason is that the membranes that separated collective mind fields on the planet are in the process of dissolving. The dissolution of planetary mind membranes creates an expanding energy field of which contains more extremes of the collective mental energies which then coalesce together. As extreme energies coalesce (also known as polarity integration) this brings an increase of electrical charge and chaos to the environment. Further, the combination of these extreme collective mental energies can blend into our personal aura much more quickly. If one is not able to discern the quality of energy behind thoughts, it can embed in our aura and install layers of confusion which obfuscate the true circumstances.

Before, we would manifest outward behaviors relative to an internalized ego thought and there would be a consequence to that action that we could see playing out on the external. Now there is no external action required for the immediate consequence of the quality of internal thoughts. We are in a field which only the consistent state of internal thoughts is that which manifest instantaneously upon the internal and external simultaneously. Thus, our internal mental state and quality of thoughts have a great impact upon us before we even have the chance to act upon that thought. This is the difference we encounter now with the state of internal thoughts. The state of the Internal Structures of Ego has a great consequence to the quality of energy we experience throughout our daily life.

At this time we have an incredible number of timeline potentials which allow for alternate directions in our spiritual ascension. This phase places a forced transformation upon our entire being which changes the direction of where we have been recently focusing our energy and attention. The process of being aligned to the Ascension timeline has those of us embodied to serve that purpose being squeezed through the myriad of different potentials, possibilities and probabilities. Our spiritual-self commitment level, energetic signature and design of our consciousness stream is put into play now, more than we have experienced on the planet before. This gives this phase a “push comes to shove” sensation, which brings with it a sense of urgency and possibly some confusion with that feeling. This in effect is compared to a massive routing and transit which is taking place in the internal world of souls, the external world of people. Many of us are in a state of transformation and change which leads to a new transit in the timeline. Those connected to their spiritual source, or in communication with spirit, are being transited (moved) by their spiritual intelligence. Those disconnected from their spirit are propelled through ego identity forces and are being transited by their ego intelligence. This transit is relational to the degree of ego structures in full control over the body, which greatly impact the vibrational quality of the overall auric field.  For obvious reasons the latter (movement governed by ego) is not preferred as it has misery and separation (isolation) attached to the experience. As many of us know by now, the ego is perpetually miserable and unhappy, with few glimpses of relief stemming from material instant gratification. We are in a heavy learning curve where the opportunity to clear the Internal Structures of Ego has a very strong repercussion in the quality of our life.

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Lisa Renee: Spiritual Maturity - July 2013 - #Energetic Synthesis

Audio Web-Player:

July 2013
Lisa Renee

Dear Ascending Family,

As we travel the spiritual ascension pathway and undergo the sequences of initiation into higher frequencies, the focus of our consciousness energy changes therefore changing the focus of our mind, thoughts and emotions. Our world perception and sense of identity dramatically shifts leaving us feeling isolated or sequestered. We begin to search for the meaning or purpose behind that which is aligning us to a change into new value systems. Many of us will run the entire gamut of thoughts and emotions; from questioning our sanity to feeling lost or depressed, to moments of ecstatic feelings and deep spiritual connection. During the spiritual expansion and the integration phases of higher consciousness this state of mental and emotional fluctuation is frequently common. This process helps us to identify unhealthy or destructive patterns (because we do not want to suffer anymore) and transform them into more healthy patterns. Ultimately the path of consciousness growth (spiritual ascension) leads the person to experience more peace, love and heart based fulfillment with life. Conversely, when consciousness is stunted or suppressed, the person will experience deep pain and suffering. The more traumatized the soul body (the heart and real emotional body) the more pain a person will feel, many times from being unable to understand why they feel this way. The more disconnected from spiritual consciousness (heart energy) the more pain, disease or disassociation will be experienced by that person.
As we expand our consciousness awareness through self-inquiry we discover what the priorities are in our life. What is running us? Where do we have pain? Thus we are open to explore and are exposed to greater levels of life experiences of which create resistance in order to gain knowledge. Sometimes to find out where the destructive pattern is hiding inside the human being, the soul guides a wide array of intensely painful and polarizing life experiences. We are not able to heal inside us what we do not recognize or identify first as a painful destructive pattern. The more destructive we are, the more spiritually weakened, and this invites satanic (anti-life) forces for manipulation or possession. As we identify the destructive elements inside us, we can invite healing and loving spiritual forces to help us evolve through our heart. We are unable to evolve when the heart is shut down. 
However, this process of identifying the destructive pattern and being willing to change or heal that pattern requires Spiritual Maturity. This is very common on earth now during the end of the ascension cycle, as the soul-heart is here to evolve beyond deception and learn self-knowledge within an array of opposing world forces. This is the final stages of resolution and completion of the last dark consciousness learning cycle. This defines the evolutionary model of which consciousness (energy) is based, and is a governing energetic law that all human beings are subjected to while on the earth. All things such as a species, entities or beings energetically evolve, transform or digress to die off. There is no stopping the natural laws of evolution, (referred to here as the Natural Laws of God, not Darwinism) only temporary manipulation of those energetic laws in order to achieve instant gratification which ultimately does not last. When we repeatedly go against the Natural Laws and do not make correction (anti-life reversals), the result is genetic deterioration, mental sickness and possible extinction in the longer term.