This interview is a classic from November 2009.______________________________________________________________________________
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Tesla Wave Physics for a Free Energy Universe. Recorded at the 1990 International Tesla Symposium.
PAUL A. LaVIOLETTE, PH.D, is author of Secrets of Antigravity Propulsion, Subquantum Kinetics, Earth Under Fire, Genesis of the Cosmos, Decoding the Message of the Pulsars, Galactic Superwaves and their Impact on the Earth, and is editor of A Systems View of Man. He has also published many original papers in physics, astronomy, climatology, systems theory, and psychology. He received his BA in physics from Johns Hopkins, his MBA from the University of Chicago, and PhD from Portland State University and is currently president of the Starburst Foundation.Dr. Paul LaViolette will discuss aerospace propulsion technologies that have been under secret military development for over 60 years. Although he previously had long been interested in UFO's and advanced science his scientific work on gravity control theory actually began in 1985 when he encountered the work of American researcher T. Townsend Brown.
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Dr. Paul LaViolette Presents Secrets of Antigravity Propulsion
Dr. Paul LaViolette -Tesla Wave Physics for a Free Energy Universe
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Dr. Paul LaViolette - Secrets of Antigravity Propulsion Ebook
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Compiled by Anthony J. Craddock with assistance from Dr. Paul LaViolette and other researchers
Since the time of the great Nikola Tesla (and before), a small sector of the scientific community has known that so-called "free energy" can be extracted from our surroundings, and that many other exotic forces and effects, such as "anti-gravity", are also waiting to be liberated at our beck and call.
In his 1899 Colorado Springs experiments, Tesla discovered the electro-gravitational (or scalar) wave, which oscillate the energy density of the vacuum and hence oscillate the curvature of space-time. So, over a century ago, it appears that Tesla had already produced a unified field theory of gravitation and electromagnetics. His discoveries were so fundamental, and his intent to provide free energy for all humankind was so clear, that it was probably responsible for the withdrawal of his financial backing, his deliberate isolation, and the gradual removal of his name from the history books.
The zero-point energy of a vacuum is the lowest energy vacuum state, with fluctuations taken into account. Even at low energies, quantum fluctuations continually arise, and result in an incessant, extremely rapid and violent "jittering" of the energy momentarily present. The minimum energy due to these quantum fluctuations is called the zero-point energy. The amount of this energy is HUGE. Some scientists have hypothesized that one cubic centimeter of pure vacuum contains enough energy to condense into 1080 û 10120 grams of matter! Quantum mechanically, no system of interest (including even space-time itself) can have zero energy. The so-called "free energy" is actually obtained by tapping into the above-described zero-point energy.
The bedrock of much of modern science is Classical Electromagnetic Theory (CEM). James Clark Maxwell developed this 136 years ago in an exotic algebra known as quaternions. In order to render it more assimilable for use by working electrodynamicists, it was deliberately re-written in much simpler language by Oliver Heaviside (and Gibbs) in 1903. This simplification (and truncation) eliminated a whole subset of the equations including the scalar electromagnetics and the gravitational aspects that were contained in the original theory. At last count, there are at least thirty-four known flaws in Clark MaxwellÆs hoary old theory, which is what is still taught in todayÆs classrooms. Some of the worldÆs leading scientists, such as Wheeler, Feynman, Bunge, Margenau, Barrett, Cornille, Evans, Vigier, and Lehnert have all written about CEMÆs deficiencies.
When this missing "Heaviside subset" of Classical Electromagnetic Theory is restored, and the brilliant 1903 and 1904 work of a Cambridge University mathematician, E.T. Whittaker, factored in, all of a sudden one has the supposedly elusive Holy Grail of Science û a true Unified Field Theory that unites General Relativity, Quantum Mechanics, Mind and Subtle Energy Phenomena and Classical EM Theory.
But in fact, for the advancement of humanity, the real Holy Grail could be argued to actually be contained in this missing subset, not in the more grandiose sounding Unified Field Theory.
For it is this "scalar potential" that stresses local space-time, i.e. the 3 spatial dimensions AND time, which allows the "bleed-through" of additional electromagnetic energy to create overunity electromagnetic systems. Indeed, the restoration of this missing subset also shows that EinsteinÆs Theory of General Relativity was also only a subset of the real theory that he was trying to write. Even though Einstein has been lionized for his theory of General Relativity (Time Magazine "Man of the Century"), he himself is on record as saying that the so-called foundations of physics need constant review, and that his Relativity Theory was not necessarily cast in concrete.
A further impediment to the theoretical extraction of "free" energy was also imposed on what was left of MaxwellÆs already diluted EM Theory by H.A. Lorentz around 1902. He simply arbitrarily threw away the monstrous amount of current outside the circuit that was not intercepted by the circuit, and that he could not theoretically account for. This he termed "of no physical significance!" û even though it is approximately 1013 times greater than the intercepted current in our everyday electrical circuits! He thus perpetually locked EM systems in a theoretical and figurative iron box that would never allow them to go overunity and bleed in and capture additional energy.
Energy cannot be created or destroyed, and examples abound of where systems (such as heat-pumps or windmills) put out more energy than they take in, simply by transducing other energy sources. This is called overunity, when the outputted energy added to additional transduced energy from another source puts out more energy than is provided by the original primary source. Conventional science "allows" this in every aspect of "conventional science" WITH THE SOLE (ARBITRARY) EXCEPTION OF ELECTROMAGNETISM.
But, by not "allowing" the curvature of space-time locally, which is a way to open the gate to the "free" vacuum energy, one can well see why some entrenched economic interests have discouraged investigation of this physicist into this awesome source of energy. Indeed, we have been told that the US Patent Office has strict instructions not to allow any Patent for a meaningful overunity electromagnetic system or one that would appear to threaten the status quo of our present power suppliers.
Occasionally, however, the veil does inadvertently get lifted on some of the wondrous suppressed overunity systems, only to quickly be dropped again.
Here are a few examples:
TeslaÆs Self-Powered Automobile