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Disengaging from Battles
The Planetary Transharmonic Pillar
(Mother Arc’s 13th gate) which is the direct portal into the Universal
Heart and into the Cores of multiple Universes. This pillar moves into
the Universal core and connects through the Mother’s Quintessence, the
Cosmic Aether. The Quintessence of the Universal Mother God principle is
the Cosmic Aether element of which sparks and animates the terrestrial
matter of elemental life alchemically. The deep core of this Universal
heart space which holds the Holy Mother quintessence is the womb or
“Creatrix” field. The Mother’s heart “quintessence” becomes propelled
and infused within those beings that naturally recognize and accept to
merge with her during this time. The application of heart quintessence
to the DNA of physical matter is the potential sacred marriage and
alchemical rising of the inner Christos-Sophia. This infers that there
will be tangible externalizations as the result of this element being
introduced to the planetary energy body, which has not been introduced
before. This gradual merge with the Heart of God will bathe Mother’s
quintessence to flow into Pillars between the planetary body and the
personal body. Some of us will hold, transmit or be the transfer agent
of the Cosmic Aether to the planet, as not everyone is ready to embody
this frequency.
The Cosmic Aether is the legendary “philosopher stone” that has been referred to in ancient alchemy practices.
Many have tried to replicate it as an elixir of life in order to
achieve immortality. However, in truth the Quintessence of Mothers
Universal heart cannot be replicated. The ultimate in sacred alchemy and
personal enlightenment is the great potential of this upcoming
alignment. For those awakening it will be realized as the great
milestone at the end of an era, the end of time as we have known it.
BE-ing is the Doorway that opens Consciousness.
For these reasons, during this time cycle especially, it is important to stop “pushing” from your mental body and learn how to have no agenda, no needs and no fears, just allowing what IS in order to BE. Disengage from any inner and outer mental or emotional battles with any person, place or thing that may be sucking your life force dry.Be with these times, feel in the moment to moment, observe and resolve inner negative thoughts, be as present as possible to every activity or non-activity. This is the practice of total “mindfulness”, being aware of thoughts passing through in the now moment. Be willing to allow the shedding of the skin of painful behaviors fueled by negative thoughts and emotions. Pushing battles from the mind will be met with incredible resistance. Do your best to have an accepting attitude towards life changes as being appropriate consciousness evolution steps. Otherwise, they may cause pain and suffering from mental confusion or emotional attachments.
We are presently entering the end of an extremely dark and dualistic cycle of time on this planet. Currently,
the world of forces of which we are all exposed and the polarity
extremes of those forces may appear to be much more amplified in
physical matter. This amplification of forces creates an extreme
pressure on our minds and bodies when we have resonance to their
polarity pattern. This pushes personal alchemical and inner
transformation that when met with a positive and accepting attitude, can
shift the intense internal pressure. Internal pressure felt when
polarity forces meet in the body is a part of the alchemical shift that
can be utilized positively for consciousness growth. If one is willing
to accept personal responsibility and accountability to shift
destructive thoughts and their emotional states, internal pressure and
the discordant pattern is released. The bar has been raised again
significantly and it requires quick and spontaneous adjustments to match
rapidly changing, intense frequency patterns.
The Armageddon Effect
The challenges humanity has living upon
an Ascending planet is that we experience an extreme paradox of
amplified duality in our life experience, while we are actually
co-existing the closest to the non-duality essence of the source
presence. This is due to the phenomena of polarity amplification;
the forces of duality amplify considerably when exposed to variations of
higher frequencies. When a force intrinsically exists within
non-duality and it is presented or exposed to a dual presence,
explosions and implosions between these forces are inevitable. The
bifurcation of reality timelines is a consequence of this pulling apart
of forces during the current frequency split. Most of these eruptions
are the level of schism existing between the dual nature of the thinking
mind and the non-dual nature of intelligent consciousness.
When there is a schism, this
produces an internal and external Armageddon effect between the
intelligent spiritual-energetic consciousness and the lower mental
principle (ego) in the physical body.
This experience is at the personal level
and global level, where one may sense a “battle” between these
amplified extremes and their world of forces are raging, in the body, or
in the environment. Some people and groups on the earth are already
living in such a Armageddon scenario type of world. Such are these
chaotic times many of us are witnessing as we undergo the Ascension
cycle on this transforming planet.
those reasons, to maintain inner balance and sanity, we must disengage
from any “mental battle” on the inner or outer realms, and learn to
refocus ourselves to find the stillness within to contact higher
spiritual intelligence of our inner Christos.
This timeline is very important as the
choice to accept personal sovereignty is very real and available.
Personal harmony and greater balance is experienced as a tremendous
blessing in our lives, when we have made it past mental obsessions or
mind control. Conversely, if that choice is not made or upheld, the
energetic consequence returns to be enslaved to the forces of mind
control that inflicts suffering. This is the time to walk the talk and
step into personal responsibility for all emotions and thoughts that
have been controlling our actions or directing our lifestyle.
There will be those people on the
descending spiral of mental confusion and inner pain, attempting to
control others and the environment through manipulation schemes,
emotional entanglement and forms of mind control. This is the opposing
forces which are engaging and entangling themselves into mental and
emotional battles which will become like a quicksand pit that no one can
never get free of.
Therefore, the necessity to create
healthy boundaries is everyone’s right to maintain sanity and peace.
This is an important time to take care of oneself and to note that this
controlling and manipulating phenomena will increase in the environment
due to fear, insecurity and confusion in the masses. Many people are
having emotional traumas and tantrums as they revert into childlike
behavior, pulling them down further into the quicksand of dark forces. The
dark forces take advantage of that vulnerability in people whom have
not made an effort to understand and clear their negative ego. These
people are prime motivation for dark force manipulation.
Remember that all levels of spinning into confusion amplifies and feeds
the forces of chaos at every level. Finding inner clarity, stillness and
developing an accurate assessment of our world in a spiritual context,
will equal the amount of inner harmony and peace one experiences.