This is very telling, as what has begun
is a phase of calling out to those off planet species and groups who
bargained with the Controllers for taking humans as slaves ( via
tracking tagging, abduction, mind control, etc.) , after the supposed
Armageddon effect which is actually a genocidal plot of the Reptilian
races and Illuminati families to kill off a large part of the earth
population. (i.e. Georgia Guidestones)
These recent evictions and actions at
the South Argentina, Antarctica and South Pole locations inform these
groups that what they thought was going to happen is not happening. This
seems to be the beginning cycle where these groups that have been in
ongoing denial about the earth Ascension Cycle and the results that are
manifesting for them in their artificial reality. I would say for some,
this is their time for "personal judgment" which is an fair accounting
for their recorded actions in the consciousness field. These groups
believed that many people were going to be killed on earth in WW3, or
that massive surface cataclysms were going to happen. These types of
events are not going to happen, and many do not understand why. What has
been promised to them in terms of demographic global control or certain
resources is being taken away from their access or control. They do not
know who it is that is doing that, in most cases, which is interesting
to observe.
As we move into the first cycle of Aries
constellation, it is ruled and directly related to the planet Mars.
Many of the evictions and circumstances surfacing now are related to the
Mars Colony and how these many secret consortiums had taken control
over earth territories in a variety of ways. I am not sure how this
impacts the financial markets, but it does, and so something strange may
be on the horizon about hostile takeovers related to financial markets.
This influence is sourcing from a variety of issues, however, there are
conflicts with these guys left holding the bag, as they try to find a
group to hold responsible to blame for war crimes and other abuses. It
does feel that this is primarily impacting USA financial markets as
epicenter, with ripple effects globally. I suppose we will see how these
energies play out, but some of the Controller groups are very stressed
out to say the least. There is nothing worse for a Controller mind than
losing control and thus, losing power.
The energetic terrain on the planet is
very chaotic for many, however, this recent event bodes extremely well
for many of us on the Ascension path. We are increasing the fairness of
the earth playing field, and when we can understand what is going on
here, those of us that are honest, and sincerely working towards
authenticity, transparency and humanitarian values (STO), will keep
having greater ease moving forward. Previously, Starseeds have existed
in a totally stacked deck against krystic values and ways of life
supporting the Law of One. (LOO) We have continuously dealt with
aggressive levels of psychic agression and psychotronic attacks.
Reptilian hybrids do not seem to feel the effect of holographic inserts
and mind control spray as many others with less of the reptilian genetic
pool. This is positive to observe and see that we are making progress
forward, and that many of us should be able to feel more supported
living the path of Ascension.
In dedication to our many hard working, brave and courageous whistleblowers in regards to Mars Colonies which is surfacing heavily now, here is a brief summation from the Ascension Glossary which the Guardians mentioned in 2008, that the Mars records would be opening to the public in gradual sequences. Our love, prayers and blessings are with Laura Eisenhower, Captain Randy Kramer, and Corey and their families for their bravery, courage and caring to tell the truth in the best way they can to inform the public of their experiences. Bless you all. GSF!
Mars Colony
The Guardians mentioned the Mars Colony Records would start to be leaked more and more in the Masses. We are witnessing another layer revealed, as well as remembering the galactic dimensional gates that connect to Giza open to the planetary body of Mars. This clearly has reference to Giza and Astral Plane openings recently, and as this is the hotseat of planetary holographic inserts and Mind Control technology, this is the causal event of the Grey and Reptilian agenda to infiltrate the planet by giving the US government ( and world governments) alien technology ( See Secret Space Programs) to experiment with on and off planet. Some of us have been seeing Holographic Inserts related to these Timelines recently. This energy feels toxic in the fields and certainly make some feel particular sluggish in its density.[1]Mars Records Open
In 2008 a Guardian planetary repair project was healing the distorted timelines and damage in the 4th dimensional planes and its related impact to the 4th strand of DNA within the divine human body template. (This was covered in many of the monthly articles about the Astral Reconfiguration throughout 2008.) The 4th layer of the human body Chakra system houses the first level of the divinity, the Soul matrix intelligence. The 4th layer of the human Lightbody is impacted by the 4th layer of the planetary lightbody also called the "Astral Plane." The 4th Dimensional Planetary Stargate leads us into the Astral plane layers and is locationally positioned at Giza in Egypt. The 4th Gate, the Astral Plane, has had an incredibly long history and conflict over its control between both human and non human interests. For the last 25,000 years this Stargate, which controls the trajectory of movement between our planet and our Sun, has been under the dominion of the controller forces. (Factions of Annunaki Nibiruans and Zeta primarily) This is exactly why the pole shift agenda had been a probable timeline "rumor", as long as they had control of this Stargate they used that as leverage. (Please note as stated previously: the timelines and related memory of "pole shift" and "invasion" as "rumored" - are no longer potential future realities.) An unnatural 4D Stargate, a reversal black hole system (the "Phantom Matrix") was connected to these portal systems that exist within the 4D astral planes and its stargate interface. Disconnecting this Phantom Matrix, healing soul fragments in 4D and its artificial ascension realities was a part of the Astral Reconfiguration Guardian Project.
Now, that the 4th Stargate has opened at its Galactic Interface levels recently (both in frequency and in timelines) these link into the future timelines of the planet Mars. (Understand that the Planetary Stargate System are the Earths connection points into the Galactic and Universal Stargate Systems. Once sealed off and closed, these Stargates progressively open during the Ascension Cycle.)
Because the Mars Galactic timeline is opening through the 4th Stargate in Giza it brings information to the surface about its history that will become increasingly hard to suppress. This brings us to the Montauk Project and a history of colonization on Mars between factions of Orion Humans and Zeta hybrids. (The Grey's). These were dimensional blending projects with Alien technologies that allowed time travel to the future. Most of the collaborations between humans and aliens were of a negative nature, genetic experiments, developing Mind Control programs and perfecting psychotronic warfare. I am counseled that the exacting details are irrelevant at this point to discuss as there is a lot of information available about the Philadelphia Experiment (1943), The Montauk Project (1983). What they are emphasizing to point out is that the hidden information over ET's involvement with humans will happen through the 4D timelines and it is life on Mars that will be the first sequence level of information released about human and ET cooperation through Secret Space Programs. They say this is just the beginning.[2]
Nasa released an announcement on January 15, 2009 that the planet Mars Reveals that there is Life.[3][4]
Laura Eisenhower Mars Recruitment
Laura Magdalene Eisenhower, Ike's great-grand daughter in a public statement, Laura Magdalene Eisenhower, great-granddaughter of former President Dwight David Eisenhower (1890-1969), has exposed her attempted recruitment from April 2006 through January 2007 by a secret Mars colony project. Ms. Eisenhower's account of her targeting by time travel surveillance and attempted manipulation by trained intelligence agents attached to a Mars colony project was revealed in an interview, and in an extensive written statement at Ms. Eisenhower's website.
The alleged purpose of the secret Mars colony was to provide a survival civilization for the Earthling human race in the event of planned (such as HAARP or bio-weapon induced) or natural cataclysm (such as by solar flares) which would depopulate the Earth. Laura Eisenhower identify Dr. Harold E. (Hal) Puthoff, a former researcher at Stanford Research Institute, as a behind the scenes coordinator of the secret Mars colony project. In revealing these secret Mars colony plans, Ms. Eisenhower emerged to join a growing cadre of independent whistleblowers disclosing secret technologies and extraterrestrial-related covert operations of U.S. military-intelligence agencies and corporate entities.
The revelations of Ms. Eisenhower corroborate independent whistle blower revelations made by lawyer Andrew D. Basiago of covert U.S. government surveillance of political persons of interest using secret time travel technology. Their allegations are also consistent with disclosures made by Mr. Basiago that twice in 1981 he teleported from a CIA facility in El Segundo, CA to a secret U.S. base on Mars, first by himself, and then a second time in the company of CIA agent Courtney M. Hunt.[5]
Mars Colony Corporation (MCC)
"Mars Defense Force is a private military contractor that is contracted by Mars Colony Corporation. Mars Colony Corporation is the financial organizational arm and the Mars Defense Force is not directly owned or commanded by the MCC. They are contracted made up of several military contractors and agencies, such as Naval Space Programs, so it is managed as a private military contractor which means it is infused with a lot corporate management structure and hierarchies of soldiers and officers, that are sourced out of many military programs in order to run that private military organization. " -Captain Randy Kramer, U.S. Marine Special Access (USAP), Secret Space Program on Mars [6][7]
(Source: Ascension Glossary - Mars Colony and Es Updates April 17, 2015)