A few words on the current Ascension Mechanics
MUSIC: Nightmares on Wax - 'You Wish'
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Revelations Of The 'DhaLA-LUma' |
Transfiguration of the Kryst & the 'KaLE-Hara' Celebration. Filmed live in Phoenix - August 2007.
The 1st Creation Structure, Cosmic Order and the Meaning of Ascension. The Light Body, Rasha Body, Dark Matter & 1st Creation. Domains, Cycles, Evolution & Ascension - the Eckashi & Adashi Cycles. The Rasha Body, Prana Exchange & the NaVAHo Cycles. Hidden Realities & the EcoushaTA - The Amenti Mission, Krystal River Host, AnshaTAsa Passage and the 'Vertical Maps', the Aquafereion Host Shield, Spanner Gates, the Astura & HaVAHo Passages & Krystal Heart Gate Networks, 12 Tribes, Slide-Zone & Ascension Earth - Gliding, Sliding & Spanning, the Adashi Temples, Aquafereion Races & Rasha Body Activation, the Ecousha - TA Matrix, "Eye of God" & the Spirit Body:Pre-Tauren Creation Sequence. Journey to the Eye of God - Shield Projection Journey Spirit, Ascension, the KaLE-Hara & the KaLA Eyugha "End Cycle" - Anatomy of the Spirit, the SEda Cycles, ReushaTA, REisha-TA & Reisha Spirit Body, the Eyugha's, Ascension & the KaLE-Hara Transition Cycle: KaLE-Krysta, KaLE-RAma & KaLE-DEma, Secrets of the DhaLA: DhaLA-LUma, DhaLE-Lhama, Ascension, Re-birth & Reincarnation, Return to Reisha: the KalEe-Krysta, DhaLA-KaLAea & the Krystar Activation. The Solar KaLE-Hara, Sala-KaLE Chamber & Reisha Body Dynamics - Solar Bhardoah, Recent Events, the Caduceus Network & the Sala-KaLE Chamber, Spirit, Manifestation, Materialisation, the "Zero-G" Point, the KaLE-Krysta, DhaLA-LUma & the Re-spiritualisation of Matter, Merkaba, Chakras, Axitonals & the DhaLA-LUma Activation, "Light Eaters": the DhaLa-LUma, KaLE-Krysta, Cellular Regenesis Support & the "Breatharian" Connection, the DhaLA-LUma Activation & KaLE- Krysta Wave Briefing. Rejoing the Cosmic Community - Ascension Earth, Solar Bhardoah, & the Universal KaLE-Hara - a glimpse of the future, the "Heavenly Host" in the Age of Aquarius: KaLE-Krysta, KaLA-Krystar, Bhar-DhAe, KaLE-RAma, & KaLE-DEma Nova Cycles, Coming Krystal Heart Solar Healing Programmes & Ascension Training. The KaLE-Hara Celebration - Anchoring the Sala-KaLE-Keysta Wave, the DhaLA-LUma Activation & Opening the Chambers of KaLE. Journey to 'LA-HE de Sala-Sira" - Edonic "Healing Temple of the Central Sun" (Edon Sirius B, Den-2).This Workshop is about the Cosmic Evolutionary Cycles we are entering into, and what it means to enter the KaLE-Hara Transition Cycle, after a KaLA Eyugha End Cycle. When a system enters the KaLE-Hara Cycle, which we have done as of August 12, 2007, 3 distinct paths become available. The first path the KaLE-Krysta Cycle is the name of the Ascension Path, and ascension means taking the body with you. The Ascension Path starts with the turnaround out of the 4th Eckashi Expansion Cycle, and into the transition KaLE-Hara Cycle, which is before the Adashi Return Cycle. Also included with the KaLE-Krysta Ascension Path is what is called the Hosted Ascension, where we have a period of time of Host on this planet left (223 years), where we can incarnate into an Aquafereion Regenesis Body, if our present bodies cannot make the shifts. The second path is the KaLE-RAma step back, rebirth cycle, where one does the Middle Edon, then the Outer Domain Cycles over again, and it is neither a fall nor an ascension path. The third path is the KaLE-DEma, which is the path of fall. The life forms on this planet will be taking one of these three paths. The Ascension Path ties into the Vertical Maps, the Journeys, the Aurora Slide Zones, and New Ascension Earth, which the Easter & Peru Workshop also covered.Introduction to the Teachings of the KaLA-Um-Sha-TaRA. These teachings are the first part of a set of 3 encyclopedia sets, which are collectively considered the Books of Adashi. The Books of Adashi correspond with the 3 Ascension Adashi Return Cycles, and shortened are called the Book of KaLA, (first set that corresponds to Adashi Cycle One, and “graduation” from the KaLA Eyugha 4th and last Eyugha of the Eckashi Cycle), the Book of ShaLA, (ShaLA corresponds to “graduation” from the Adashi-1 Edonic ShaLA Eyada Cycle, into Adashi-2 AahLA Eyada) and the Book of AahLA. (AahLA corresponds to “graduation” from the Adashi-2 Adonic AahLA Eyada, into the Luma EturNa Cosmic Krist Body, and return to God-Source). These teachings are a part of the extended teachings of the Maharata Texts, but the Maharata Texts were for the Outer Domain Cycles. The Books of Adashi are for ascension through the Core Domains and are huge, and these teachings have not been translated on this planet before.Because there was something very large taking place in the 24 hour period of August 12th which has never occurred before on earth or in our Solar System, the Beloveds came in live on Friday night to tell us about the three techniques that corresponded with the KaLE-Hara Turnaround and Celebration. This has three parts to it, and the first part is anchoring the Sala KaLE-Hara Krysta Wave, through the Sala KaLE Chambers. These are a set of Solar Passages that go from our Universal SG 4 Sala, which our sun is hosted within, to the Spanners of Urtha to Earth. In Mondays Journey we also made a connection to the Sala Sira Chambers that are a set of chambers that connect to the Density 2 Middle Domain Sala Sira Edonic Temple of the Central Sun of Sirius B. This allows us to move into the KaLE-Hara Turnaround Transition Cycle. This turnaround point is a very special cycle, and there are two shifts to this cycle. The first shift is called the KaLE-Krysta Cycle, (90 degree shift), and when that is fulfilled we move into the second shift, which is called the KaLA-Krystar Cycle (180 degree shift). This is a celebration as the KaLE-Hara Cycle moves us into the 2 shift cycles of the Krystar Activation and turnaround that we need to do before we can enter the Adashi Return Cycles back toward the Consciousness Field of Source.
(My Note "New Plan" completed - has given planet 900Years of Hosting. vs ^^the above
(review notes. contains also a good allin1 introduction the fast way to catchup.
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Kali Rema cycle ( path of rebirth / Stepback , not able to take body, but didnt fall..~
Kali Dema cycle ( path of fall (( these 2 go with:
Kali Krista cycle -> path of ascension.
need to get out in the now 900 years host. (vs 230 years old data/status) else Kali Rema path must be taken after that time.
kali Krista Activation.
Dali Luma -> spirit body anotomy that connect to lightbody/(key to understanding some..
Light body - Ra Sha body(Dark matter) , Spirit Body
(Kali, Shali, Dali -3 books
Sala <- Sol/Sun (USG4 Sala / USG3 Urtha <- Earth
(Sala Density2...
projection -> glide (consciousness into a rasha body state.
(original technique. from the date of energy/wave recorded yourney..
otherwise need to fill in the subharmonics, in later time
2024 strongest period , gamma waves , radiation. indigoshields/folks can transmute it, and reach angelichuman shields and animal kingdom. good
freq radiation burst also activates again dormant thousands a years biological specimens
teach to heal themselfs. and than they are responsible for their own.. while able.. knowing..
slide is shift(angular rotation, and can goto aurora slide zones. (vs 1 next = urtha_
Jha-Da body(vibrational body also called water body. (slide, biolocate , to bardoah
you cannot transmit that you dont have activated..
field attachments.. peoples will have harder time to relate... or want to get.. cause of that in their fields..
Sirius-B (Maji) central-sun = "Host" Star-system. (outerbody not fallen.. same andromefa USG9 , the 3d.. body has fallen. )
Dali Luma -> doorway into spirit-body (need that to get from (Kali Hara cycle) into Dali Krista cycle.. just the lightbody wont do it/get you there (bigger cycle.... (anatomy
Rasha body.. prana exchange..
purge mutations to be able to restore lightbody flow. Rasha-Body and spiritbody&+
by doing even partial your also a walking bufferfield thus protecting other lifeforms also from that radiation/energy.
Field attachments will work.. against you/any such self-progress... not so free will.. when its taken.. from you.
Doorways Through Time & the Drums of Aquafereion "Circle of Life" Drum Circle Celebration Recorded Live - April 10-12, 2009 Sarasota, FL "The Circle of Life & the Gift of Co-Creation-Loving Earth, Embracing Our Mother".
* The Perfection of Creation: The Law of Reciprocity/Attraction, the Mass Hologram &
Probable Realities *Beyond Mass Illusions: Mass Beliefs, Bio-filters & Probability Alignment * Preserving the Probability of Ascension: The Mass Drama, MCEO paradigm, Time-Leaps, Probability "Hopping-Blending & Bleed-through", & "The 6th Probability".
*Doorways Through Time & the Aurora Continuum: Solomon's Shield, GrUal Door, Middle Earth & Gates of Edon. * The Circle of Life & the Drums of Aquafereion: Rhythm, Dance, the Ah-LEi-yas of Momentum & the Edonic Code "The Circle of Life Aquafereion Drum Circle Celebration & World Peace Meditation" Healing Earth's "Holy Grail", Celebrating the Net-Earth GrUal Door and the Middle-Earth Gates of Edon plus Aurora Continuum Time-Travel Technique-1"Entering the Aurora Continuum". Aurora Continuum Group Shadra-Shield Projection- "The Probable Universe & the Mass Hologram".
* The Structure of Probabilities; Probable Selves & Probable Universes* "Parallels", "Probables",
Planes & the Structure of Time; Accretion Cycles, Sextant Time-Loop & Time Doorways. "Probable Selves,
Probable Earths, Potential Futures & 2012". * 2012 & the 12th Probability; The "12 Earths", Current Drama, Probability Hopping & the Aquareion Kryst Mission * 2012, Mayan Mishaps and the "End-Time That Isn't"; Solar System 2012 Alignment with Galactic Black Hole Core, Earth Stewardship, Solomon's Shield, Omega Code. Dragon Wars & the Mayan End-Times Prophecies" "Dream-Weaving; Living in a PERFECT WORLD, NOW- Personal Evolution, Co-Creation, Empowerment & MaterializationPower-Tools Topics Include: * Evolution of STATE- From Children to Co-Creators * The Perfect, the Ideal & the IS- Making Peace with Opposite Expression * The ECK-ON-omy of Abundance- Encryption, "Vibration" & the "Law of Reciprocity" * Owning your "Vibration"- Personal Ideas, Beliefs & Responsibilities in Krystic Co-Creation * Creating your Desired "Vibration"- Personal Empowerment within the Mass Illusion. DIRECT-MATERIALIZATION POWER-TOOLS: Sa-A'-Dhas and the IAMIT-Formula Krystal River Aqua-Tone Hydro-Acoustic Systems Sa-A'-Dha/ IAMIT Power-Tools Practicum *Engaging Guardianship; Intro to "Time-Travelers Guide to Symbols & Their Uses"- The "Staah-LEi'-yas of Translocation and the Seat of Edon"("Cockpit of Co-Creation").
Aurora Continuum Time-Travel Technique-2:
Journey to the Seat of Edon (Co-Creation Cockpit) Using Staah-LEi-yas-1 and the Aurora Continuum to access the "Recliner Room" of the Middle-Earth-Watchtower "Seat of Edon". Home-Play Assignment: The 33-Day Staah-LEi'yas Bio-filter Shift & Edonic Awakening.
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+ i'am not GoaT999 neitherSO